The Boston Cooking-School Cook Book
Fannie Merritt Farmer
1550 chapters
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1550 chapters
Cookery means the knowledge of Medea and of Circe and of Helen and of the Queen of Sheba. It means the knowledge of all herbs and fruits and balms and spices, and all that is healing and sweet in the fields and groves and savory in meats. It means carefulness and inventiveness and willingness and readiness of appliances. It means the economy of your grandmothers and the science of the modern chemist; it means much testing and no wasting; it means English thoroughness and French art and Arabian h
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“But for life the universe were nothing; and all that has life requires nourishment.” With the progress of knowledge the needs of the human body have not been forgotten. During the last decade much time has been given by scientists to the study of foods and their dietetic value, and it is a subject which rightfully should demand much consideration from all. I certainly feel that the time is not far distant when a knowledge of the principles of diet will be an essential part of one’s education. T
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Age, sex, occupation, climate, and season must determine the diet of a person in normal condition. Liquid food (milk or milk in preparation with the various prepared foods on the market) should constitute the diet of a child for the first eighteen months. After the teeth appear, by which time ferments have been developed for the digestion of starchy foods, entire wheat bread, baked potatoes, cereals, meat broths, and occasionally boiled eggs may be given. If mothers would use Dr. Johnson’s Educa
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Water is a transparent, odorless, tasteless liquid. It is derived from five sources,—rains, rivers, surface-water or shallow wells, deep wells, and springs. Water is never found pure in nature; it is nearly pure when gathered in an open field, after a heavy rainfall, or from springs. For town and city supply, surface-water is furnished by some adjacent pond or lake. Samples of such water are carefully and frequently analyzed, to make sure that it is not polluted with disease germs. The hardness
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Of all salts found in the body, the most abundant and valuable is sodium chloride (NaCl), common salt; it exists in all tissues, secretions, and fluids of the body, with the exception of enamel of the teeth. The amount found in food is not always sufficient; therefore salt is used as a condiment. It assists digestion, inasmuch as it furnishes chlorine for hydrochloric acid found in gastric juice. Common salt is obtained from evaporation of spring and sea-water, also from mines. Our supply of sal
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Starch is a white, glistening powder; it is largely distributed throughout the vegetable kingdom, being found most abundantly in cereals and potatoes. Being a force-producer and heat-giver it forms one of the most important foods. Alone it cannot sustain life, but must be taken in combination with foods which build and repair tissues. Test for Starch. A weak solution of iodine added to cold cooked starch gives an intense blue color. Starch is insoluble in cold water, and soluble to but a small e
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SUGAR (C12H22O11)
SUGAR (C12H22O11)
Sugar is a crystalline substance, differing from starch by its sweet taste and solubility in cold water. As food, its uses are the same as starch; all starch must be converted into sugar before it can be assimilated. The principal kinds of sugar are: cane sugar or sucrose , grape sugar or glucose (C 6 H 12 O 6 ), milk sugar or lactose (C 12 H 22 O 11 ), and fruit sugar or levulose (C 6 H 12 O 6 ). Cane sugar is obtained from sugar cane, beets, and the palm and sugar-maple trees. Sugar cane is a
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These compounds found in food are closely allied to the carbohydrates, but are neither starchy, saccharine, nor oily. Gum exists in the juices of almost all plants, coming from the stems, branches, and fruits. Examples: gum arabic, gum tragacanth, and mucilage. Pectose exists in the fleshy pulp of unripe fruit; during the process of ripening it changes to pectin; by cooking, pectin is changed to pectosic acid, and by longer cooking to pectic acid. Pectosic acid is jelly-like when cold; pectic ac
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Fats and oils are found in both the animal and vegetable kingdom. Fats are solid; oils are liquid; they may be converted into a liquid state by application of heat; they contain three substances,— stearin (solid), olein (liquid), palmitin (semi-solid). Suet is an example where stearin is found in excess; lard, where olein is in excess; and butter, where palmitin is in excess. Margarin is a mixture of stearin and palmitin. The fatty acids are formed of stearin, olein, and palmitin, with glycerine
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The value of milk as a food is obvious from the fact that it constitutes the natural food of all young mammalia during the period of their most rapid growth. There is some danger, however, of overestimating its value in the dietary of adults, as solid food is essential, and liquid taken should act as a stimulant and a solvent rather than as a nutrient. One obtains the greatest benefit from milk when taken alone at regular intervals between meals, or before retiring, and sipped, rather than drunk
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Butter of commerce is made from cream of cow’s milk. The quality depends upon the breed of cow, manner of, and care in, feeding. Milk from Jersey and Guernsey cows yields the largest amount of butter. Butter should be kept in a cool place and well covered, otherwise it is liable to become rancid; this is due to the albuminous constituents of the milk, acting as a ferment, setting free the fatty acids. First-quality butter should be used; this does not include pat butter or fancy grades. Poor but
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Cheese is the solid part of sweet milk obtained by heating milk and coagulating it by means of rennet or an acid. Rennet is an infusion made from prepared inner membrane of the fourth stomach of the calf. The curd is salted and subjected to pressure. Cheese is made from skim milk, milk plus cream, or cream. Cheese is kept for a longer or shorter time, according to the kind, that fermentation or decomposition may take place. This is called ripening. Some cream cheeses are not allowed to ripen. Mi
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The varieties of fruits consumed are numerous, and their uses important. They are chiefly valuable for their sugar, acids, and salts, and are cooling, refreshing, and stimulating. They act as a tonic, and assist in purifying the blood. Many contain a jelly-like substance, called pectin, and several contain starch, which during the ripening process is converted into glucose. Bananas, dates, figs, prunes, and grapes, owing to their large amount of sugar, are the most nutritious. Melons, oranges, l
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The principal vegetable acids are: I. Acetic (HC 2 H 3 O 2 ), found in wine and vinegar. II. Tartaric (H 2 C 4 H 4 O 6 ), found in grapes, pineapples, and tamarinds. III. Malic, much like tartaric, found in apples, pears, peaches, apricots, gooseberries, and currants. IV. Citric (H 3 C 6 H 5 O 7 ), found in lemons, oranges, limes, and citron. V. Oxalic (H 2 C 2 O 4 ), found in rhubarb and sorrel. To these may be added tannic acid, obtained from gall nuts. Some fruits contain two or more acids. M
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Condiments are not classed among foods, but are known as food adjuncts. They are used to stimulate the appetite by adding flavor to food. Among the most important are salt, spices, and various flavorings. Salt, according to some authorities, is called a food, being necessary to life. Black pepper is ground peppercorns. Peppercorns are the dried berries of Piper nigrum , grown in the West Indies, Sumatra, and other eastern countries. White pepper is made from the same berry, the outer husk being
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Many flavoring extracts are on the market. Examples: almond, vanilla, lemon, orange, peach, and rose. These are made from the flower, fruit, or seed from which they are named. Strawberry, pineapple, and banana extracts are manufactured from chemicals. A group of kitchen utensils. — Page 14 . Measuring cups and teaspoons and tablespoons illustrating the measuring of dry ingredients, butter, and liquids. — Page 25 . The Whipping of heavy and thin Cream. — Page 425 . Cookery is the art of preparing
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Fire for cookery is confined in a stove or range, so that heat may be utilized and regulated. Flame-heat is obtained from kerosene, gas, or alcohol, as used in oil-stoves, gas-stoves or gas-ranges, and chafing-dishes. A cooking-stove is a large iron box set on legs. It has a fire-box in the front, the sides of which are lined with fireproof material similar to that of which bricks are made. The bottom is furnished with a movable iron grate. Underneath the fire-box is a space which extends from t
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Before starting to build a fire, free the grate from ashes. To do this, put on covers, close front and back dampers, and open oven-damper; turn grate, and ashes will fall into the ash receiver. If these rules are not followed, ashes will fly over the room. Turn grate back into place, remove the covers over fire-box, and cover grate with pieces of paper (twisted in centre and left loose at the ends). Cover paper with small sticks, or pieces of pine wood, being sure that the wood reaches the ends
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The principal ways of cooking are boiling, broiling, stewing, roasting, baking, frying, sautéing, braising, and fricasseeing. Boiling is cooking in boiling water. Solid food so cooked is called boiled food, though literally this expression is incorrect. Examples: boiled eggs, potatoes, mutton, etc. Water boils at 212° F. (sea level), and simmers at 185° F. Slowly boiling water has the same temperature as rapidly boiling water, consequently is able to do the same work,—a fact often forgotten by t
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Egging and Crumbing. Use for crumbing dried bread crumbs which have been rolled and sifted, or soft stale bread broken in pieces and forced through a colander. An ingenious machine on the market, “The Bread Crumber,” does this work. Egg used for crumbing should be broken into a shallow plate and beaten with a silver fork to blend yolk and white; dilute each egg with two tablespoons water. The crumbs should be taken on a board; food to be fried should be first rolled in crumbs (care being taken t
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Note. —Length of time for cooking fish and meat does not depend so much on the number of pounds to be cooked as the extent of surface exposed to the heat. A beverage is any drink. Water is the beverage provided for man by Nature. Water is an essential to life. All beverages contain a large percentage of water, therefore their uses should be considered:— Freshly boiled water should be used for making hot beverages; freshly drawn water for making cold beverages....
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Tea is used by more than one-half the human race; and, although the United States is not a tea-drinking country, one and one-half pounds are consumed per capita per annum. All tea is grown from one species of shrub, Thea , the leaves of which constitute the tea of commerce. Climate, elevation, soil, cultivation, and care in picking and curing all go to make up the differences. First-quality tea is made from young, whole leaves. Two kinds of tea are considered:— Black tea , made from leaves which
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The coffee-tree is native to Abyssinia, but is now grown in all tropical countries. It belongs to the genus Coffea , of which there are about twenty-two species. The seeds of berries of coffee-trees constitute the coffee of commerce. Each berry contains two seeds, with exception of maleberry, which is a single round seed. In their natural state they are almost tasteless; therefore color, shape, and size determine value. Formerly, coffee was cured by exposure to the sun; but on account of warm cl
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The preparations on the market made from the kola-nut have much the same effect upon the system as coffee and chocolate, inasmuch as they contain caffeine and theobromine; they are also valuable for their diastase and a milk-digesting ferment....
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The cacao-tree ( Theobroma cacao ) is native to Mexico. Although successfully cultivated between the twentieth parallels of latitude, its industry is chiefly confined to Mexico, South America, and the West Indies. Cocoa and chocolate are both prepared from seeds of the cocoa bean. The bean pod is from seven to ten inches long, and three to four and one-half inches in diameter. Each pod contains from twenty to forty seeds, imbedded in mucilaginous material. Cocoa beans are dried previous to impor
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Make syrup by boiling sugar and water twelve minutes; add fruit juice, cool, and dilute with ice-water to suit individual tastes. Lemon syrup may be bottled and kept on hand to use as needed. Make syrup by boiling water and sugar ten minutes; add pineapple and lemon juice, cool, strain, and add ice-water. Make syrup as for Lemonade. Sweeten orange juice with syrup, and dilute by pouring over crushed ice. Make syrup by boiling quart of water and sugar twenty minutes. Separate mint in pieces, add
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Yeast is a microscopic plant of fungous growth, and is the lowest form of vegetable life. It consists of spores, or germs, found floating in air, and belongs to a family of which there are many species. These spores grow by budding and division, and multiply very rapidly under favorable conditions, and produce fermentation. Fermentation is the process by which, under influence of air, warmth, moisture, and some ferment, sugar (or dextrose, starch converted into sugar) is changed into alcohol (C
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Bread Making
Bread Making
Fermented bread is made by mixing to a dough, flour, with a definite quantity of water, milk, or water and milk, salt, and a ferment. Sugar is usually added to hasten fermentation. Dough is then kneaded that the ingredients may be thoroughly incorporated, covered, and allowed to rise in a temperature of 68° F., until dough has doubled its bulk. This change has been caused by action of the ferment, which attacks some of the starch in flour, and changes it to sugar, and sugar in turn to alcohol an
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Baking of Bread
Baking of Bread
Bread is baked: (1) To kill ferment, (2) to make soluble the starch, (3) to drive off alcohol and carbon dioxide, and (4) to form brown crust of pleasant flavor. Bread should be baked in a hot oven. If the oven be too hot the crust will brown quickly before the heat has reached the centre, and prevent further rising; loaf should continue rising for first fifteen minutes of baking, when it should begin to brown, and continue browning for the next twenty minutes. The last fifteen minutes it should
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Care of Bread after Baking
Care of Bread after Baking
Remove loaves at once from pans, and place side down on a wire bread or cake cooler. If a crisp crust is desired, allow bread to cool without covering; if soft crust, cover with a towel during cooling. When cool, put in tin box or stone jar, and cover closely. Never keep bread wrapped in cloth, as the cloth will absorb moisture and transmit an unpleasant taste to bread. Bread tins or jars should be washed and scalded twice a week in winter, and every other day in summer; otherwise bread is apt t
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Water Bread
Water Bread
Put butter, lard, sugar, and salt in bread raiser, or large bowl without a lip; pour on boiling water; when lukewarm, add dissolved yeast cake and five cups of flour; then stir until thoroughly mixed, using a knife or mixing-spoon. Add remaining flour, mix, and turn on a floured board, leaving a clean bowl; knead until mixture is smooth, elastic to touch, and bubbles may be seen under the surface. Some practice is required to knead quickly, but the motion once acquired will never be forgotten. R
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Milk and Water Bread
Milk and Water Bread
Prepare and bake as Water Bread. When entire wheat flour is used add three tablespoons molasses. Bread may be mixed, raised, and baked in five hours, by using one yeast cake. Bread made in this way has proved most satisfactory. It is usually mixed in the morning, and the cook is able to watch the dough while rising and keep it at uniform temperature. It is often desirable to place bowl containing dough in pan of water, keeping water at uniform temperature of from 95° to 100° F. Cooks who have no
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Entire Wheat Bread
Entire Wheat Bread
Add sweetening and salt to milk; cool, and when lukewarm add dissolved yeast cake and flour; beat well, cover, and let rise to double its bulk. Again beat, and turn into greased bread pans, having pans one-half full; let rise, and bake. Entire Wheat Bread should not quite double its bulk during last rising. This mixture may be baked in gem pans....
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German Caraway Bread
German Caraway Bread
Follow recipe for Milk and Water Bread (see p. 54 ), using rye flour in place of entire wheat flour, and one tablespoon sugar for sweetening. After first rising while kneading add one-third tablespoon caraway seed. Shape, let rise again, and bake in a loaf....
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Entire Wheat and White Flour Bread
Entire Wheat and White Flour Bread
Use same ingredients as for Entire Wheat Bread, with exception of flour. For flour use three and one-fourth cups entire wheat and two and three-fourths cups white flour. The dough should be slightly kneaded, and if handled quickly will not stick to board. Loaves and biscuits should be shaped with hands instead of pouring into pans, as in Entire Wheat Bread....
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Graham Bread
Graham Bread
Prepare and bake as Entire Wheat Bread. The bran remaining in sieve after sifting Graham flour should be discarded....
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Third Bread
Third Bread
Dissolve yeast cake in water, add remaining ingredients, and mix thoroughly. Let rise, shape, let rise again, and bake as Entire Wheat Bread....
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Rolled Oats Bread
Rolled Oats Bread
Add boiling water to oats and let stand one hour; add molasses, salt, butter, dissolved yeast cake, and flour; let rise, beat thoroughly, turn into buttered bread pans, let rise again, and bake. By using one-half cup less flour, the dough is better suited for biscuits, but, being soft, is difficult to handle. To make shaping of biscuits easy, take up mixture by spoonfuls, drop into plate of flour, and have palms of hands well covered with flour before attempting to shape....
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Rye Biscuit
Rye Biscuit
Make same as Rolled Oats Bread....
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Rye Bread
Rye Bread
To milk and water add lard, butter, sugar, and salt; when lukewarm, add dissolved yeast cake and flour, beat thoroughly, cover, and let rise until light. Add rye meal until dough is stiff enough to knead; knead thoroughly, let rise, shape in loaves, let rise again, and bake....
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Date Bread
Date Bread
Use recipe for Health Food Muffins (see p. 67 ). After the first rising, while kneading, add two-thirds cup each of English walnut meats cut in small pieces, and dates stoned and cut in pieces. Shape in a loaf, let rise in pan, and bake fifty minutes in a moderate oven. This bread is well adapted for sandwiches....
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Boston Brown Bread
Boston Brown Bread
Mix and sift dry ingredients, add molasses and milk, stir until well mixed, turn into a well-buttered mould, and steam three and one-half hours. The cover should be buttered before being placed on mould, and then tied down with string; otherwise the bread in rising might force off cover. Mould should never be filled more than two-thirds full. A melon mould or one-pound baking-powder boxes make the most attractive-shaped loaves, but a five-pound lard pail answers the purpose. For steaming, place
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New England Brown Bread
New England Brown Bread
Soak bread in two cups of the water over night. In the morning rub through colander, add molasses, dry ingredients mixed and sifted, and remaining water. Stir until well mixed, fill buttered one-pound baking-powder boxes two-thirds full, cover, and steam two hours....
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Indian Bread
Indian Bread
Mix and steam same as Boston Brown Bread....
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Steamed Graham Bread
Steamed Graham Bread
Mix same as Boston Brown Bread and steam four hours. This bread may often be eaten when bread containing corn meal could not be digested....
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Parker House Rolls
Parker House Rolls
Add butter, sugar, and salt to milk; when lukewarm, add dissolved yeast cake and three cups of flour. Beat thoroughly, cover, and let rise until light; cut down, and add enough flour to knead (it will take about two and one-half cups). Let rise again, toss on slightly floured board, knead, pat, and roll out to one-third inch thickness. Shape with biscuit-cutter, first dipped in flour. Dip the handle of a case knife in flour, and with it make a crease through the middle of each piece; brush over
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Salad or Dinner Rolls
Salad or Dinner Rolls
Use same ingredients as for Parker House Rolls, allowing one-fourth cup butter. Shape in small biscuits, place in rows on a floured board, cover with cloth and pan, and let rise until light and well puffed. Flour handle of wooden spoon and make a deep crease in middle of each biscuit, take up, and press edges together. Place closely in buttered pan, cover, let rise, and bake twelve to fifteen minutes in hot oven. From this same mixture crescents, braids, twists, bow-knots, clover leaves, and oth
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Add butter, sugar, and salt to milk; when lukewarm, add dissolved yeast cake, white of egg well beaten, and flour. Knead, let rise, shape, let rise again, and start baking in a hot oven, reducing heat, that sticks may be crisp and dry. To shape sticks, first shape as small biscuits, roll on board (where there is no flour) with hands until eight inches in length, keeping of uniform size and rounded ends, which may be done by bringing fingers close to, but not over, ends of sticks....
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Salad Sticks
Salad Sticks
Follow recipe for Sticks. Let rise, and add salt to dough, allowing two teaspoons to each cup of dough. Shape in small sticks, let rise again, sprinkle with salt, and bake in a slow oven. If preferred glazed, brush over with egg yolk slightly beaten and diluted with one-half tablespoon cold water....
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Swedish Rolls
Swedish Rolls
Use recipe for Salad Rolls. Roll to one-fourth inch thickness, spread with butter, and sprinkle with two tablespoons sugar mixed with one-third teaspoon cinnamon, one-third cup stoned raisins finely chopped, and two tablespoons chopped citron; roll up like jelly roll, and cut in three-fourths inch pieces. Place pieces in pan close together, flat side down. Again let rise, and bake in a hot oven. When rolls are taken from oven, brush over with white of egg slightly beaten, diluted with one-half t
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Sweet French Rolls
Sweet French Rolls
Scald milk; when lukewarm, add dissolved yeast cake and one and one-half cups flour; beat well, cover, and let rise until light. Add sugar, salt, eggs well beaten, mace, and butter, and enough more flour to knead; knead, let rise again, shape, and bake same as Salad Rolls, or roll in a long strip to one-fourth inch in thickness, spread with butter, roll up like jelly roll, and cut in one-inch pieces. Place pieces in pan close together, flat side down. A few gratings from the rind of a lemon or o
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Luncheon Rolls
Luncheon Rolls
Add sugar and salt to milk; when lukewarm, add dissolved yeast cake and three-fourths cup flour. Cover and let rise; then add butter, egg well beaten, grated rind of lemon, and enough flour to knead. Let rise again, roll to one-half inch thickness, shape with small biscuit-cutter, place in buttered pan close together, let rise again, and bake....
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French Rusks
French Rusks
Add butter, sugar, and salt to scalded milk; when lukewarm add dissolved yeast cake and three cups flour. Cover and let rise; add egg and egg yolks well beaten, and enough flour to knead. Let rise again, and shape as Parker House Rolls. Before baking, make three parallel creases on top of each roll. When nearly done, brush over with whites of eggs beaten slightly, diluted with one tablespoon cold water and vanilla. Sprinkle with sugar....
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Rusks (Zweiback)
Rusks (Zweiback)
Dissolve yeast cakes in milk; when lukewarm, add salt and one cup flour; cover, and let rise until very light; then add sugar, butter, eggs unbeaten, and flour enough to handle. Shape as finger rolls, and place close together on a buttered sheet in parallel rows, two inches apart; let rise again and bake twenty minutes. When cold, cut diagonally in one-half inch slices, and brown evenly in oven....
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German Coffee Bread
German Coffee Bread
Add butter, sugar, and salt to milk; when lukewarm, add dissolved yeast cake, egg well beaten, flour to make stiff batter, and raisins; cover, and let rise over night; in morning spread in buttered dripping-pan one-half inch thick. Cover and let rise again. Before baking, brush over with beaten egg, and cover with following mixture: Melt three tablespoons butter, add one-third cup sugar and one teaspoon cinnamon. When sugar is partially melted, add three tablespoons flour....
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Coffee Cakes (Brioche)
Coffee Cakes (Brioche)
Cool milk; when lukewarm, add yeast cakes, and when they are dissolved add remaining ingredients, and beat thoroughly with hand ten minutes; let rise six hours. Keep in ice-box over night; in morning turn on floured board, roll in long rectangular piece one-fourth inch thick; spread with softened butter, fold from sides toward centre to make three layers. Cut off pieces three-fourths inch wide; cover and let rise. Take each piece separately in hands and twist from ends in opposite directions, co
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Coffee Rolls
Coffee Rolls
Scald milk, when lukewarm add yeast cakes, and as soon as dissolved add three and one-half cups flour. Beat thoroughly, cover, and let rise; then add butter, lard, sugar, egg unbeaten, cinnamon, salt, and flour enough to knead. Knead until well mixed, cover, and let rise. Turn mixture on a floured cloth. Roll into a long, rectangular piece one-fourth inch thick. Brush over with melted butter, fold from ends toward centre to make three layers and cut off pieces three-fourths inch wide. Cover and
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Swedish Bread
Swedish Bread
Add yeast cake to one-half cup milk which has been allowed to cool until lukewarm; as soon as dissolved add one-half cup flour, beat thoroughly, cover, and let rise. When light, add remaining milk and four and one-half cups flour. Stir until thoroughly mixed, cover, and again let rise; then add remaining ingredients and one and one-half cups flour. Toss on a floured cloth and knead, using one-half cup flour, cover, and again let rise. Shape as Swedish Tea Braid or Tea Ring I or II, and bake. Swe
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Dutch Apple Cake
Dutch Apple Cake
Mix first four ingredients. When lukewarm add yeast cake, eggs unbeaten, and flour to make a soft dough. Cover, let rise, beat thoroughly, and again let rise. Spread in a buttered dripping-pan as thinly as possible and brush over with melted butter. Pare, cut in eighths, and remove cores from apples. Press sharp edges of apples into the dough in parallel rows lengthwise of pan. Sprinkle with sugar mixed with cinnamon and sprinkle with currants. Cover, let rise, and bake in a moderate oven thirty
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Add one-half sugar and salt to milk; when lukewarm, add dissolved yeast cake and one and one-half cups flour; cover, and let rise until light; add butter, remaining sugar, raisins, lemon, and flour to make a dough; let rise, shape like biscuits, let rise again, and bake. If wanted glazed, brush over with beaten egg before baking....
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Hot Cross Buns
Hot Cross Buns
Add butter, sugar, and salt to milk; when lukewarm, add dissolved yeast cake, cinnamon, flour, and egg well beaten; when thoroughly mixed, add raisins, cover, and let rise over night. In morning, shape in forms of large biscuits, place in pan one inch apart, let rise, brush over with beaten egg, and bake twenty minutes; cool, and with ornamental frosting make a cross on top of each bun....
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Raised Muffins
Raised Muffins
Add butter, sugar, and salt to milk and water; when lukewarm, add yeast cake, and when dissolved, egg well beaten, and flour; beat thoroughly, cover, and let rise over night. In morning, fill buttered muffin rings two-thirds full; let rise until rings are full, and bake thirty minutes in hot oven....
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Grilled Muffins
Grilled Muffins
Put buttered muffin rings on a hot greased griddle. Fill one-half full with raised muffin mixture, and cook slowly until well risen and browned underneath; turn muffins and rings and brown the other side. This is a convenient way of cooking muffins when oven is not in condition for baking....
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Raised Hominy Muffins
Raised Hominy Muffins
Mix first five ingredients; when lukewarm add yeast cake, dissolved in lukewarm water and flour. Cover, and let rise over night. In the morning cut down, fill hot buttered gem pans two-thirds full, let rise one hour, and bake in a moderate oven. Unless cooked hominy is rather stiff more flour will be needed....
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Raised Rice Muffins
Raised Rice Muffins
Make same as Raised Hominy Muffins, substituting one cup hot boiled rice in place of hominy, and adding the whites of two eggs beaten until stiff....
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Raised Oatmeal Muffins
Raised Oatmeal Muffins
Add sugar and salt to scalded milk; when lukewarm, add dissolved yeast cake. Work oatmeal into flour with tips of fingers, and add to first mixture; beat thoroughly, cover, and let rise over night. In morning, fill buttered iron gem pans two-thirds full, let rise on back of range that pan may gradually heat and mixture rise to fill pan. Bake in moderate oven twenty-five to thirty minutes....
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Health Food Muffins
Health Food Muffins
Mix first four ingredients, add yeast cake dissolved in lukewarm water, and flour to knead. Cover, and let rise over night. In the morning cut down, fill hot buttered gem pans two-thirds full and bake in a moderate oven. This mixture, when baked in a loaf, makes a delicious bread....
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Squash Biscuits
Squash Biscuits
Add squash, sugar, salt, and butter to milk; when lukewarm, add dissolved yeast cake and flour; cover, and let rise over night. In morning shape into biscuits, let rise, and bake....
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Imperial Muffins
Imperial Muffins
Add sugar and salt to milk; when lukewarm add dissolved yeast cake, and one and one-fourth cups flour. Cover, and let rise until light, then add corn meal, remaining flour, and butter. Let rise over night; in the morning fill buttered muffin rings two-thirds full; let rise until rings are full and bake thirty minutes in hot oven....
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Dry Toast
Dry Toast
Cut stale bread in one-fourth inch slices. Crust may or may not be removed. Put slices on wire toaster, lock toaster and place over clear fire to dry, holding some distance from coals; turn and dry other side. Hold nearer to coals and color a golden brown on each side. Toast, if piled compactly and allowed to stand, will soon become moist. Toast may be buttered at table or before sending to table....
21 minute read
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Water Toast
Water Toast
Dip slices of dry toast quickly in boiling salted water, allowing one-half teaspoon salt to one cup boiling water. Spread slices with butter, and serve at once....
8 minute read
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Milk Toast I
Milk Toast I
Add cold water gradually to flour to make a smooth, thin paste. Add to milk, stirring constantly until thickened, cover, and cook twenty minutes; then add salt and butter in small pieces. Dip slices of toast separately in sauce; when soft, remove to serving dish. Pour remaining sauce over all....
23 minute read
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Milk Toast II
Milk Toast II
Use ingredients given in Milk Toast I, omitting cold water, and make as Thin White Sauce. Dip toast in sauce....
6 minute read
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Brown Bread Milk Toast
Brown Bread Milk Toast
Make same as Milk Toast, using slices of toasted brown bread in place of white bread. Brown bread is better toasted by first drying slices in oven....
8 minute read
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Cream Toast
Cream Toast
Substitute cream for milk, and omit butter in recipe for Milk Toast I or II....
4 minute read
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Tomato Cream Toast
Tomato Cream Toast
Put butter in saucepan; when melted and bubbling, add flour, mixed with salt, and stir in gradually tomato, to which soda has been added, then add cream. Dip slices of toast in sauce. Serve as soon as made....
22 minute read
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German Toast
German Toast
Beat eggs slightly, add salt, sugar, and milk; strain into a shallow dish. Soak bread in mixture until soft. Cook on a hot, well-greased griddle; brown on one side, turn and brown other side. Serve for breakfast or luncheon, or with a sauce for dessert....
20 minute read
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Break stale bits or slices of brown and white bread in small pieces, allowing one and one-half cups brown bread to one-half cup white bread. Butter a hot frying-pan, put in bread, and cover with equal parts milk and water. Cook until soft; add butter and salt to taste....
13 minute read
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Bread for Garnishing
Bread for Garnishing
Dry toast is often used for garnishing, cut in various shapes. Always shape before toasting. Cubes of bread, toast points, and small oblong pieces are most common. Cubes of stale bread, from which centres are removed, are fried in deep fat and called croûstades; half-inch cubes, browned in butter, or fried in deep fat, are called croûtons....
16 minute read
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Uses for Stale Bread
Uses for Stale Bread
All pieces of bread should be saved and utilized. Large pieces are best for toast. Soft stale bread, from which crust is removed, when crumbed, is called stale breadcrumbs, or raspings, and is used for puddings, griddle-cakes, omelets, scalloped dishes, and dipping food to be fried. Remnants of bread, from which crusts have not been removed, are dried in oven, rolled, and sifted. These are called dry bread crumbs, and are useful for crumbing croquettes, cutlets, fish, meat, etc....
26 minute read
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Batters, Sponges, and Doughs
Batters, Sponges, and Doughs
Batter is a mixture of flour and some liquid (usually combined with other ingredients, as sugar, salt, eggs, etc.), of consistency to pour easily, or to drop from a spoon. Batters are termed thin or thick, according to their consistency. Sponge is a batter to which yeast is added. Dough differs from batter inasmuch as it is stiff enough to be handled....
18 minute read
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Cream Scones
Cream Scones
Mix and sift together flour, baking powder, sugar, and salt. Rub in butter with tips of fingers; add eggs well beaten, and cream. Toss on a floured board, pat, and roll to three-fourths inch in thickness. Cut in squares, brush with white of egg, sprinkle with sugar, and bake in a hot oven fifteen minutes....
25 minute read
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Baking Powder Biscuit I
Baking Powder Biscuit I
Mix dry ingredients, and sift twice. Work in butter and lard with tips of fingers; add gradually the liquid, mixing with knife to a soft dough. It is impossible to determine the exact amount of liquid, owing to differences in flour. Toss on a floured board, pat and roll lightly to one-half inch in thickness. Shape with a biscuit-cutter. Place on buttered pan, and bake in hot oven twelve to fifteen minutes. If baked in too slow an oven, the gas will escape before it has done its work. Many obtain
38 minute read
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Baking Powder Biscuit II
Baking Powder Biscuit II
Mix and bake as Baking Powder Biscuit I....
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Emergency Biscuit
Emergency Biscuit
Use recipe for Baking Powder Biscuit I or II, with the addition of more milk, that mixture may be dropped from spoon without spreading. Drop by spoonfuls on a buttered pan, one-half inch apart. Brush over with milk, and bake in hot oven eight minutes....
12 minute read
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Fruit Rolls (Pin Wheel Biscuit)
Fruit Rolls (Pin Wheel Biscuit)
Mix as Baking Powder Biscuit II. Roll to one-fourth inch thickness, brush over with melted butter, and sprinkle with fruit, sugar, and cinnamon. Roll like a jelly roll; cut off pieces three-fourths inch in thickness. Place on buttered tin, and bake in hot oven fifteen minutes. Currants may be used in place of raisins and citron....
30 minute read
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Twin Mountain Muffins
Twin Mountain Muffins
Cream the butter; add sugar and egg well beaten; sift baking powder with flour, and add to the first mixture, alternating with milk. Bake in buttered tin gem pans twenty-five minutes....
18 minute read
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One Egg Muffins I
One Egg Muffins I
Mix and sift dry ingredients; add gradually milk, egg well beaten, and melted butter. Bake in buttered gem pans twenty-five minutes. If iron pans are used they must be previously heated. This recipe makes thirty muffins. Use half the proportions given and a small egg, if half the number is required....
25 minute read
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One Egg Muffins II
One Egg Muffins II
Mix and bake as One Egg Muffin I....
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Berry Muffins I (without eggs)
Berry Muffins I (without eggs)
Mix and sift dry ingredients; work in butter with tips of fingers; add milk and berries....
16 minute read
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Berry Muffins II
Berry Muffins II
Cream the butter; add gradually sugar and egg well beaten; mix and sift flour, baking powder, and salt, reserving one-fourth cup flour to be mixed with berries and added last; the remainder alternately with milk....
23 minute read
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Queen of Muffins
Queen of Muffins
Mix and bake same as Twin Mountain Muffins....
11 minute read
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Rice Muffins
Rice Muffins
Mix and sift flour, sugar, salt, and baking powder; add one-half milk, egg well beaten, the remainder of the milk mixed with rice, and beat thoroughly; then add butter. Bake in buttered muffin rings placed in buttered pan or buttered gem pans....
24 minute read
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Oatmeal Muffins
Oatmeal Muffins
Mix and bake as Rice Muffins....
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Graham Muffins I
Graham Muffins I
Mix and sift dry ingredients; add milk to molasses, and combine mixtures....
13 minute read
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Graham Muffins II
Graham Muffins II
Mix and sift dry ingredients; add milk gradually, egg well beaten, and melted butter; bake in hot oven in buttered gem pans twenty-five minutes....
21 minute read
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Rye Muffins I
Rye Muffins I
Make as Graham Muffins II, substituting rye meal for Graham flour....
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Rye Muffins II
Rye Muffins II
Mix and bake as Graham Muffins II, adding molasses with milk....
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Rye Gems
Rye Gems
Mix and sift dry ingredients, add molasses, milk, eggs well beaten, and butter. Bake in hot oven in buttered gem pans twenty-five minutes....
18 minute read
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Corn Meal Gems
Corn Meal Gems
Mix and bake as Graham Muffins II....
14 minute read
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Hominy Gems
Hominy Gems
Add hominy mixed with salt to boiling water and let stand until hominy absorbs water. Add scalded milk to corn meal, then add sugar and butter. Combine mixtures, cool slightly, add yolks of eggs beaten until thick, and whites of eggs beaten until stiff. Sift in baking powder and beat thoroughly. Bake in hot buttered gem pans....
30 minute read
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Berkshire Muffins
Berkshire Muffins
Turn scalded milk on meal, let stand five minutes; add rice, and flour mixed and sifted with remaining dry ingredients. Add yolk of egg well beaten, butter, and white of egg beaten stiff and dry....
23 minute read
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Golden Corn Cake
Golden Corn Cake
Mix and sift dry ingredients. Add milk, egg well beaten, and butter; bake in shallowed buttered pan in hot oven twenty minutes....
19 minute read
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Corn Cake (sweetened with Molasses)
Corn Cake (sweetened with Molasses)
Mix and bake as Golden Corn Cake, adding molasses to milk....
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White Corn Cake
White Corn Cake
Cream the butter; add sugar gradually; add milk, alternating with dry ingredients, mixed and sifted. Beat thoroughly; add whites of eggs beaten stiff. Bake in buttered cake pan thirty minutes....
23 minute read
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Rich Corn Cake
Rich Corn Cake
Mix and sift dry ingredients. Add milk, gradually, eggs well beaten, and butter. Bake in a buttered, shallow pan, in a hot oven....
18 minute read
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Susie’s Spider Corn Cake
Susie’s Spider Corn Cake
Mix soda, salt, and corn meal; gradually add eggs well beaten and milk. Heat frying-pan, grease sides and bottom of pan with butter, turn in the mixture, place on middle grate in hot oven, and cook twenty minutes....
20 minute read
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White Corn Meal Cake
White Corn Meal Cake
Add salt to corn meal, and pour on gradually milk. Turn into a buttered shallow pan to the depth of one-fourth inch. Bake in a moderate oven until crisp. Split and spread with butter....
16 minute read
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Mix salt and flour; add milk gradually, in order to obtain a smooth batter. Add egg, beaten until light, and butter; beat two minutes,—using Dover egg-beater,—turn into hissing hot buttered iron gem pans, and bake thirty to thirty-five minutes in a hot oven. They may be baked in buttered earthen cups, when the bottom will have a glazed appearance. Small round iron gem pans are best for Pop-overs....
27 minute read
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Graham Pop-overs
Graham Pop-overs
Prepare and bake as Pop-overs....
10 minute read
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Breakfast Puffs
Breakfast Puffs
Mix milk and water; add gradually to flour, and beat with Dover egg-beater until very light. Bake same as Pop-overs....
11 minute read
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Add water gradually to flour, and beat with Dover egg-beater until very light. Bake same as Pop-overs....
9 minute read
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Zante Muffins
Zante Muffins
Cream the butter; add sugar, gradually, eggs well beaten, and milk; then add dry ingredients mixed and sifted, and currants. Bake in buttered individual tins....
20 minute read
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Maryland Biscuit
Maryland Biscuit
Mix and sift flour and salt; work in lard with tips of fingers, and moisten to a stiff dough. Toss on slightly floured board, and beat with rolling-pin thirty minutes, continually folding over the dough. Roll one-third inch in thickness, shape with round cutter two inches in diameter, prick with fork, and place on a buttered tin. Bake twenty minutes in hot oven....
27 minute read
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Mix and sift flour, salt, and soda; add sour milk, and egg well beaten. Drop by spoonfuls on a greased hot griddle; cook on one side. When puffed, full of bubbles, and cooked on edges, turn, and cook other side. Serve with butter and maple syrup. Mix and sift dry ingredients; beat egg, add milk, and pour slowly on first mixture. Beat thoroughly, and add butter. Cook same as Sour Milk Griddle-cakes. Begin cooking cakes at once or more baking powder will be required. Prepare and cook same as Sweet
2 minute read
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Buckwheat Cakes
Buckwheat Cakes
Pour milk over crumbs, and soak thirty minutes; add salt, yeast cake dissolved in lukewarm water, and buckwheat to make a batter thin enough to pour. Let rise over night; in the morning, stir well, add molasses, one-fourth teaspoon soda dissolved in one-fourth cup lukewarm water, and cook same as griddle-cakes. Save enough batter to raise another mixing, instead of using yeast cake; it will require one-half cup....
31 minute read
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Mix and sift dry ingredients; add milk gradually, yolks of eggs well beaten, butter, and whites of eggs beaten stiff; cook on a greased hot waffle-iron. Serve with maple syrup. A waffle-iron should fit closely on range, be well heated on one side, turned, heated on other side, and thoroughly greased before iron is filled. In filling, put a tablespoonful of mixture in each compartment near centre of iron, cover, and mixture will spread to just fill iron. If sufficiently heated, it should be turne
40 minute read
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Waffles with Boiled Cider
Waffles with Boiled Cider
Follow directions for making Waffles. Serve with Boiled Cider . Allow twice as much cider as sugar, and let boil until of a syrup consistency....
8 minute read
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Rice Waffles
Rice Waffles
Mix and sift dry ingredients; work in rice with tips of fingers; add milk, yolk of egg well beaten, butter, and white of egg beaten stiff. Cook same as Waffles....
21 minute read
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Virginia Waffles
Virginia Waffles
Cook meal in boiling water twenty minutes; add milk, dry ingredients mixed and sifted, yolks of eggs well beaten, butter, and whites of eggs beaten stiff. Cook same as Waffles. Waffles. — Page 80 . Strawberry Shortcake. — Page 84 . Shirred Egg. — Page 97 . Eggs À la Commodore. — Page 97 ....
40 minute read
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Raised Waffles
Raised Waffles
Scald milk; add salt and butter, and when lukewarm, add yeast cake dissolved in water, and flour. Beat well; let rise over night; add yolks of eggs well beaten, and whites of eggs beaten stiff. Cook same as Waffles. By using a whole yeast cake, the mixture will rise in one and one-half hours....
26 minute read
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Fried Drop Cakes
Fried Drop Cakes
Beat egg until light; add milk, dry ingredients mixed and sifted, and melted butter. Drop by spoonfuls in hot, new, deep fat; fry until light brown and cooked through, which must at first be determined by piercing with a skewer, or breaking apart. Remove with a skimmer, and drain on brown paper....
25 minute read
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Rye Drop Cakes
Rye Drop Cakes
Mix and sift dry ingredients; add milk gradually, molasses, and egg well beaten. Cook same as Fried Drop Cakes....
16 minute read
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Raised Doughnuts
Raised Doughnuts
Scald and cool milk; when lukewarm, add yeast cake dissolved in water, salt, and flour enough to make a stiff batter; let rise over night. In morning add shortening melted, sugar, eggs well beaten, nutmeg, and enough flour to make a stiff dough; let rise again, and if too soft to handle, add more flour. Toss on floured board, pat, and roll to three-fourths inch thickness. Shape with cutter, and work between hands until round. Place on floured board, let rise one hour, turn, and let rise again; f
42 minute read
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Doughnuts I
Doughnuts I
Cream the butter, and add one-half sugar. Beat egg until light, add remaining sugar, and combine mixtures. Add three and one-half cups flour, mixed and sifted with baking powder, salt, and spices; then enough more flour to make dough stiff enough to roll. Toss one-third of mixture on floured board, knead slightly, pat, and roll out to one-fourth inch thickness. Shape with a doughnut cutter, fry in deep fat, take up on a skewer, and drain on brown paper. Add trimmings to one-half remaining mixtur
53 minute read
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Doughnuts II
Doughnuts II
Put flour in shallow pan; add salt, soda, cream of tartar, and spices. Work in butter with tips of fingers; add sugar, egg well beaten, and sour milk. Stir thoroughly, and toss on board thickly dredged with flour; knead slightly, using more flour if necessary. Pat and roll out to one-fourth inch thickness; shape, fry, and drain. Sour milk doughnuts may be turned as soon as they come to top of fat, and frequently afterwards....
35 minute read
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Doughnuts III
Doughnuts III
Mix ingredients in order given; shape, fry, and drain....
15 minute read
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Cream the butter, add sugar gradually, yolks of eggs well beaten, and whites of eggs beaten stiff. Mix flour, nutmeg, and baking powder; add alternately with milk to first mixture; toss on floured board, roll thin, and cut in pieces three inches long by two inches wide; make four one-inch parallel gashes crosswise at equal intervals. Take up by running finger in and out of gashes, and lower into deep fat. Fry same as Doughnuts I....
34 minute read
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Strawberry Short Cake I
Strawberry Short Cake I
Mix dry ingredients, sift twice, work in butter with tips of fingers, and add milk gradually. Toss on floured board, divide in two parts. Pat, roll out, and bake twelve minutes in a hot oven in buttered Washington pie or round layer cake tins. Split, and spread with butter. Sweeten strawberries to taste, place on back of range until warmed, crush slightly, and put between and on top of Short Cakes; cover top with Cream Sauce I....
33 minute read
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Strawberry Short Cake II
Strawberry Short Cake II
Mix same as Strawberry Short Cake I. Toss and roll on floured board. Put in round buttered tin, and shape with back of hand to fit pan....
16 minute read
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Rich Strawberry Short Cake
Rich Strawberry Short Cake
Mix dry ingredients and sift twice, work in shortening with tips of fingers, add egg well beaten, and milk. Bake same as Strawberry Short Cake II. Split cake and spread under layer with Cream Sauce II. Cover with strawberries which have been sprinkled with powdered sugar; again spread with sauce, and cover with upper layer....
28 minute read
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Fruit Short Cake
Fruit Short Cake
Cream the butter, add sugar gradually, and egg well beaten. Mix and sift flour, baking powder, and salt, adding alternately with milk to first mixture. Beat thoroughly, and bake in a buttered round tin. Cool, spread thickly with sweetened fruit, and cover with Cream Sauce I or II. Fresh strawberries, peaches, apricots, raspberries, or canned quince or pineapple may be used. When canned goods are used, drain fruit from syrup and cut in pieces. Dilute cream for Cream Sauce with fruit syrup in plac
1 minute read
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Macaroni , spaghetti , and vermicelli are made from wheaten flour, rich in gluten, moistened to a stiff dough with water, and forced through small apertures in an iron plate by means of a screw press. Various Italian pastes are made from the same mixture. Macaroni is manufactured to some extent in this country, but the best comes from Italy, Lagana and Pejero, being the favorite brand. When macaroni is colored, it is done by the use of saffron, not by eggs, as is generally supposed. The only egg
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Oatmeal Mush with Apples
Oatmeal Mush with Apples
Core apples, leaving large cavities; pare, and cook until soft in syrup made by boiling sugar and water together, allowing one cup sugar to one and one-half cups water. Fill cavities with oatmeal mush; serve with sugar and cream. The syrup should be saved and re-used. Berries, sliced bananas, or sliced peaches, are acceptably served with any breakfast cereal....
17 minute read
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Cereal with Fruit
Cereal with Fruit
Mix cereal, salt, and cold water; add to boiling water placed on front of range. Boil five minutes, steam in double boiler thirty minutes; stir in dates, and serve with cream. To serve for breakfast, or as a simple dessert....
21 minute read
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Fried Mushes
Fried Mushes
Mush left over from breakfast may be packed in greased, one pound baking-powder box, and covered, which will prevent crust from forming. The next morning remove from box, slice thinly, dip in flour, and sauté. Serve with maple syrup....
14 minute read
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Fried Corn Meal Mush, or Fried Hominy
Fried Corn Meal Mush, or Fried Hominy
Pack corn meal or hominy mush in greased, one pound baking-powder boxes, or small bread pan, cool, and cover. Cut in thin slices, and sauté; cook slowly, if preferred crisp and dry. Where mushes are cooked to fry, use less water in steaming....
11 minute read
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Boiled Rice
Boiled Rice
Pick over rice; add slowly to boiling, salted water, so as not to check boiling of water. Boil thirty minutes, or until soft, which may be determined by testing kernels. Old rice absorbs much more water than new rice, and takes longer for cooking. Drain in coarse strainer, and pour over one quart hot water; return to kettle in which it was cooked; cover, place on back of range, and let stand to dry off, when kernels are distinct. When stirring rice, always use a fork to avoid breaking kernels...
31 minute read
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Steamed Rice
Steamed Rice
Put salt and water in top of double boiler, place on range, and add gradually well-washed rice, stirring with a fork to prevent adhering to boiler. Boil five minutes, cover, place over under part double boiler, and steam forty-five minutes, or until kernels are soft; uncover, that steam may escape. When rice is steamed for a simple dessert, use one-half quantity of water given in recipe, and steam until rice has absorbed water; then add scalded milk for remaining liquid. To wash rice. Put rice i
42 minute read
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Rice with Cheese
Rice with Cheese
Steam one cup rice, allowing one tablespoon salt; cover bottom of buttered pudding-dish with rice, dot over with three-fourths tablespoon butter, sprinkle with thin shavings mild cheese and a few grains cayenne; repeat until rice and one-fourth pound cheese are used. Add milk to half the depth of contents of dish, cover with buttered cracker crumbs, and bake until cheese melts....
16 minute read
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Rice à la Riston
Rice à la Riston
Finely chop two thin slices bacon, add to one-half raw medium-sized cabbage, finely chopped; cover, and cook slowly thirty minutes. Add one-fourth cup rice, boiled, one-half teaspoon chopped parsley, and salt and pepper to taste. Moisten with one-half cup White Stock, and cook fifteen minutes....
13 minute read
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Turkish Pilaf I
Turkish Pilaf I
Wash and drain one-half cup rice, cook in one tablespoon butter until brown, add one cup boiling water, and steam until water is absorbed. Add one and three-fourths cups hot stewed tomatoes, cook until rice is soft, and season with salt and pepper....
12 minute read
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Turkish Pilaf II
Turkish Pilaf II
Add tomato to stock, and heat to boiling-point; add rice, and steam until rice is soft; stir in butter with a fork, and keep uncovered that steam may escape. Serve in place of a vegetable, or as border for curried or fricasseed meat....
21 minute read
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Turkish Pilaf III
Turkish Pilaf III
Cook rice in boiling salted water, drain, and pour over hot water to thoroughly rinse. Heat omelet pan, add butter, and as soon as butter is melted add rice. Cook three minutes; then add tomatoes, chicken, and enough stock to moisten. Cook five minutes, and season highly with salt and cayenne. If not rich enough, add more butter....
27 minute read
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Russian Pilaf
Russian Pilaf
Follow recipe for Turkish Pilaf III, substituting cold cooked lamb in place of chicken, and add a chicken’s liver sautéd in butter, then separated into small pieces....
8 minute read
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Rissoto Creole
Rissoto Creole
Melt butter in hot frying-pan, add rice, and stir constantly until rice is well browned. Add stock heated to boiling-point, and cook in double boiler until soft. Turn on a serving dish, garnish with pimentoes cut in fancy shapes, and cover with Creole Sauce. Cook two tablespoons chopped onion, two tablespoons chopped green pepper, one tablespoon chopped red pepper, or canned pimentoes, and four tablespoons chopped fresh mushrooms, with three tablespoons butter, five minutes. Add two tablespoons
33 minute read
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Boiled Macaroni
Boiled Macaroni
Cook macaroni in boiling salted water twenty minutes or until soft, drain in strainer, pour over it cold water to prevent pieces from adhering; add cream, reheat, and season with salt....
16 minute read
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Macaroni with White Sauce
Macaroni with White Sauce
Cook as for Boiled Macaroni, and reheat in White Sauce. White Sauce. Melt two tablespoons butter, add two tablespoons flour with one-half teaspoon salt, and pour on slowly one and one-half cups scalded milk....
19 minute read
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Baked Macaroni
Baked Macaroni
Put Macaroni with White Sauce in buttered baking dish, cover with buttered crumbs, and bake until crumbs are brown....
5 minute read
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Baked Macaroni with Cheese
Baked Macaroni with Cheese
Put a layer of boiled macaroni in buttered baking dish, sprinkle with grated cheese; repeat, pour over White Sauce, cover with buttered crumbs, and bake until crumbs are brown....
9 minute read
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Macaroni with Tomato Sauce
Macaroni with Tomato Sauce
Reheat Boiled Macaroni in one and one-half cups of Tomato Sauce I, sprinkle with grated cheese, and serve; or prepare as Baked Macaroni, using Tomato in place of White Sauce....
9 minute read
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Macaroni à l’Italienne
Macaroni à l’Italienne
Cook macaroni in boiling salted water, with butter and onion stuck with cloves; drain, remove onion, reheat in Tomato Sauce, add cheese and wine....
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Macaroni, Italian Style
Macaroni, Italian Style
Break macaroni in one-inch pieces and cook in boiling salted water, drain, and reheat in sauce made of butter, flour, and milk, to which is added cheese. As soon as cheese is melted, season with salt and paprika, and turn on to a serving dish. Sprinkle with ham, and garnish with parsley....
28 minute read
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Macaroni à la Milanaise
Macaroni à la Milanaise
Cook macaroni as for Macaroni à l’Italienne, reheat in Tomato Sauce II, add six sliced mushrooms, two slices cooked smoked beef tongue cut in strips, and one-half cup grated cheese....
8 minute read
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Spaghetti may be cooked in any way in which macaroni is cooked, but is usually served with Tomato Sauce. It is cooked in long strips rather than broken in pieces; to accomplish this, hold quantity to be cooked in the hand, and dip ends in boiling salted water; as spaghetti softens it will bend, and may be coiled under water....
17 minute read
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Beat two eggs slightly and add one-fourth cup milk. Add gradually to one cup flour mixed and sifted with one teaspoon salt. Place colander over a kettle of boiling water, turn in one-third mixture, and force through colander into water, using a potato masher. As soon as buttons come to top of water, remove with skimmer to hot vegetable dish, and sprinkle with salt and grated cheese; repeat until mixture is used. Let stand in oven five minutes, then serve....
22 minute read
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Sift flour on a board, make depression in centre, drop in one-half egg, and moisten with warm water to a stiff dough. Knead until smooth, cover, and let stand ten minutes; then roll as thin as a sheet of paper, using a rolling-pin. Cut in strips as long as paste, and two and three-fourth inches wide, using a pastry jagger. Mix cracker crumbs, spinach, and egg; moisten with stock and season with salt and pepper. Put mixture by three-fourths teaspoon on lower half of strips of paste, two inches ap
53 minute read
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Tomato Sauce
Tomato Sauce
Cook first four ingredients eight minutes. Add tomato, 1 pint of water, and beef cut in small pieces, and cook one and one-half hours. Remove meat before serving. Ravioli is a national Italian dish, and the cheese and condensed tomato may be best bought of an Italian grocer. Eggs, like milk, form a typical food, inasmuch as they contain all the elements, in the right proportion, necessary for the support of the body. Their highly concentrated, nutritive value renders it necessary to use them in
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Boiled Eggs
Boiled Eggs
Have ready a saucepan containing boiling water. Carefully put in with a spoon the number of eggs desired, covering them with water. Remove saucepan to back of range, where water will not boil. Cook from six to eight minutes if liked “soft-boiled,” forty to forty-five if liked “hard-boiled.” Eggs may be cooked by placing in cold water and allowing water to heat gradually until the boiling-point is reached, when they will be “soft-boiled.” In using hard-boiled eggs for making other dishes, when ta
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Dropped Eggs (Poached)
Dropped Eggs (Poached)
Have ready a shallow pan two-thirds full of boiling salted water, allowing one-half tablespoon salt to one quart of water. Put two or three buttered muffin rings in the water. Break each egg separately into a cup, and carefully slip into a muffin ring. The water should cover the eggs. When there is a film over the top, and the white is firm, carefully remove with a buttered skimmer to circular pieces of buttered toast, and let each person season his own egg with butter, salt, and pepper. If cook
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Eggs à la Finnoise
Eggs à la Finnoise
Dropped Eggs, served with Tomato Sauce I....
3 minute read
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Poached Eggs à la Reine
Poached Eggs à la Reine
Cover circular pieces of toasted bread with sliced fresh mushrooms sautéd in butter and moistened with cream. Poach eggs and arrange on mushrooms. Pour over all white sauce to which grated Parmesan cheese has been added. Sprinkle with grated cheese and put in oven to brown. Garnish with canned pimentoes cut in fancy shapes....
15 minute read
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Eggs à la Suisse
Eggs à la Suisse
Heat a small omelet pan, put in butter, and when melted, add cream. Slip in the eggs one at a time, sprinkle with salt, pepper, and a few grains of cayenne. When whites are nearly firm, sprinkle with cheese. Finish cooking, and serve on buttered toast. Strain cream over the toast....
23 minute read
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Eggs Susette
Eggs Susette
Wash and bake six large potatoes, cut slice from top of each, scoop out inside, and mash. To three cups mashed potato add six tablespoons finely chopped ham, two tablespoons finely chopped parsley, whites of two eggs well beaten, three tablespoons butter, four tablespoons cream, and salt and pepper. Line potato shells with mixture, place in each cavity a poached egg, cover with potato mixture, and bake until browned. Care must be taken to have eggs delicately parched....
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Baked or Shirred Eggs
Baked or Shirred Eggs
Butter an egg-shirrer. Cover bottom and sides with fine cracker crumbs. Break an egg into a cup, and carefully slip into shirrer. Cover with seasoned buttered crumbs, and bake in moderate oven until white is firm and crumbs brown. The shirrers should be placed on a tin plate, that they may be easily removed from the oven. Eggs may be baked in small tomatoes. Cut a slice from stem end of tomato, scoop out the pulp, slip in an egg, sprinkle with salt and pepper, cover with buttered crumbs, and bak
24 minute read
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Eggs à la Tripe
Eggs à la Tripe
Serve dropped eggs on Lobster Croquettes (see p. 558 ) shaped in flat round cakes one-half inch thick. Garnish with lobster claws and parsley....
8 minute read
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Eggs à la Benedict
Eggs à la Benedict
Split and toast English muffins. Sauté circular pieces of cold boiled ham, place these over the halves of muffins, arrange on each a dropped egg, and pour around Hollandaise Sauce II (see p. 274 ), diluted with cream to make of such consistency to pour easily....
14 minute read
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Eggs à la Lee
Eggs à la Lee
Cover circular pieces of toasted bread with thin slices cold boiled ham. Arrange on each a dropped egg, and pour around. Mushroom Purée. Clean one-fourth pound mushrooms, break caps in pieces, and sauté five minutes in one tablespoon butter. Add one cup chicken stock and simmer five minutes. Rub through a sieve and thicken with one tablespoon each butter and flour cooked together. Season with salt and pepper....
19 minute read
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Eggs à la Commodore
Eggs à la Commodore
Cut slices of bread in circular pieces and sauté in butter. Remove a portion of centre, leaving a rim one-fourth inch wide. Spread cavity thus made with pâté de foie gras purée, place a poached egg in each and pour over a rich brown or Béchamel sauce to which is added a few drops vinegar. Garnish with chopped truffles....
17 minute read
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Eggs, Waldorf Style
Eggs, Waldorf Style
Arrange poached eggs on circular pieces of buttered toast, surround with Brown Mushroom Sauce (see p. 268 ), and place a broiled mushroom cap on each egg....
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Poached Eggs with Sauce Bearnaise
Poached Eggs with Sauce Bearnaise
Poach six eggs, arrange in serving dish, cover eggs alternately with red and yellow sauce, and garnish with parsley. Sauce Bearnaise. Beat yolks three eggs slightly, add three tablespoons olive oil, two tablespoons hot water, three-fourths tablespoon tarragon vinegar, one-fourth teaspoon salt, and a few grains cayenne. Cook over boiling water until mixture thickens. Color one-half the sauce with tomato purée (tomatoes drained from their liquor, stewed, strained, and cooked until reduced to a thi
22 minute read
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Scrambled Eggs
Scrambled Eggs
Beat eggs slightly with silver fork; add salt, pepper, and milk. Heat omelet pan, put in butter, and when melted, turn in the mixture. Cook until of creamy consistency, stirring and scraping from bottom of the pan....
18 minute read
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Scrambled Eggs with Tomato Sauce
Scrambled Eggs with Tomato Sauce
Simmer tomatoes and sugar five minutes; fry butter and onion three minutes; remove onion, and add tomatoes, seasonings, and eggs slightly beaten. Cook same as Scrambled Eggs. Serve with entire wheat bread or brown bread toast....
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Scrambled Eggs with Anchovy Toast
Scrambled Eggs with Anchovy Toast
Spread thin slices of buttered toast with Anchovy Paste. Arrange on platter, and cover with scrambled eggs....
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Eggs à la Buckingham
Eggs à la Buckingham
Make five slices milk toast, and arrange on platter. Use recipe for Scrambled Eggs, having the eggs slightly underdone. Pour eggs over toast, sprinkle with four tablespoons grated mild cheese. Put in oven to melt cheese, and finish cooking eggs....
12 minute read
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Eggs à la Turk
Eggs à la Turk
Prepare Scrambled Eggs, and pour over six slices of toasted bread. Put one tablespoon tomato purée on each piece, and in the centre of purée one-half tablespoon chickens’ livers sautéd in bacon fat....
10 minute read
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Eggs à la Livingstone
Eggs à la Livingstone
Beat eggs slightly, and add tomatoes, salt, and paprika. Melt butter in an omelet pan, add seasoned eggs, and cook same as Scrambled Eggs. Spread slices of toasted bread with pâté de foie gras. Pour over the eggs, and sprinkle with truffles....
23 minute read
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Scrambled Eggs, Country Style
Scrambled Eggs, Country Style
Heat omelet pan, put in two tablespoons butter, and when melted turn in four unbeaten eggs. Cook until white is partially set, then stir until cooking is completed, when whites will be thoroughly set. Season with salt and pepper....
11 minute read
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Buttered Eggs
Buttered Eggs
Heat omelet pan. Put in one tablespoon butter; when melted, slip in an egg, and cook until the white is firm. Turn it over once while cooking. Add more butter as needed, using just enough to keep egg from sticking....
13 minute read
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Buttered Eggs with Tomatoes
Buttered Eggs with Tomatoes
Cut tomatoes in one-third inch slices. Sprinkle with salt and pepper, dredge with flour, and sauté in butter. Serve a buttered egg on each slice of tomato....
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Planked Eggs
Planked Eggs
Finely chop cold cooked corned beef or corned tongue; there should be two-thirds cup. Add an equal quantity of fine bread crumbs, moisten with cream and season with salt and pepper. Spread mixture on plank, and make nests and border of duchess potatoes, using rose tube. Put a buttered or poached egg in each nest and put in oven to brown potato. Garnish with tomatoes cut in halves and broiled, and parsley. Eggs may be sprinkled with buttered cracker crumbs, just before sending to oven, if preferr
24 minute read
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Fried Eggs
Fried Eggs
Fried eggs are cooked as Buttered Eggs, without being turned. In this case the fat is taken by spoonfuls and poured over the eggs. Lard, pork, ham, or bacon fat are usually employed,—a considerable amount being used....
10 minute read
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Eggs à la Goldenrod
Eggs à la Goldenrod
Make a thin white sauce with butter, flour, milk, and seasonings. Separate yolks from whites of eggs. Chop whites finely, and add them to the sauce. Cut four slices of toast in halves lengthwise. Arrange on platter, and pour over the sauce. Force the yolks through a potato ricer or strainer, sprinkling over the top. Garnish with parsley and remaining toast, cut in points....
29 minute read
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Eggs au Gratin
Eggs au Gratin
Arrange Dropped Eggs on a shallow buttered dish. Sprinkle with grated Parmesan cheese. Pour over eggs one pint Yellow Béchamel Sauce. Cover with stale bread crumbs, and sprinkle with grated cheese. Brown in oven. Tomato or White Sauce may be used....
12 minute read
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Eggs in Batter
Eggs in Batter
Mix cream, bread crumbs, and salt. Put one-half tablespoon of mixture in egg-shirrer. Slip in egg, and cover with remaining mixture. Bake six minutes in moderate oven....
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Curried Eggs I
Curried Eggs I
Melt butter, add flour and seasonings, and gradually hot milk. Cut eggs in eighths lengthwise, and reheat in sauce....
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Curried Eggs II
Curried Eggs II
Chop whites of eggs and add to sauce made of butter, flour, seasonings, and milk, then add rice; heat to boiling-point, fill puff paste cases and sprinkle with yolks of eggs rubbed through a sieve....
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Scalloped Eggs
Scalloped Eggs
Chop eggs finely. Sprinkle bottom of a buttered baking dish with crumbs, cover with one-half the eggs, eggs with sauce, and sauce with meat; repeat. Cover with remaining crumbs. Place in oven on centre grate, and bake until crumbs are brown. Ham is the best meat to use for this dish. Chicken, veal, or fish may be used....
26 minute read
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Stuffed Eggs
Stuffed Eggs
Cut four “hard-boiled” eggs in halves crosswise; remove yolks, mash, and add two tablespoons grated cheese, one teaspoon vinegar, one-fourth teaspoon mustard, and salt and cayenne to taste. Add enough melted butter to make mixture of the right consistency to shape. Make in balls size of original yolks, and refill whites. Arrange on a serving dish, pour around one cup White Sauce, cover, and reheat....
17 minute read
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Stuffed Eggs in a Nest
Stuffed Eggs in a Nest
Cut “hard-boiled” eggs in halves lengthwise. Remove yolks, and put whites aside in pairs. Mash yolks, and add half the amount of devilled ham and enough melted butter to make of consistency to shape. Make in balls size of original yolks, and refill whites. Form remainder of mixture into a nest. Arrange eggs in the nest, and pour over one cup White Sauce I. Sprinkle with buttered crumbs, and bake until crumbs are brown....
21 minute read
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Eggs à la Sidney
Eggs à la Sidney
Arrange “hard-boiled” eggs, cut in thirds lengthwise, on pieces of toasted bread. Pour over eggs Soubise Sauce....
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Eggs Huntington
Eggs Huntington
Make a sauce of the butter, flour, stock, and milk; add eggs finely chopped and salt and cayenne. Fill buttered ramequin dishes with mixture, sprinkle with grated cheese, cover with cracker crumbs, and bake in a moderate oven until crumbs are brown....
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Egg Farci I
Egg Farci I
Cut “hard-boiled” eggs in halves, crosswise. Remove yolks, and put whites aside in pairs. Mash yolks, and add equal amount of cold cooked chicken or veal, finely chopped. Moisten with melted butter or Mayonnaise. Season to taste with salt, pepper, lemon juice, mustard, and cayenne. Shape and refill whites....
14 minute read
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Egg Farci II
Egg Farci II
Clean and chop two chickens’ livers, sprinkle with onion juice, and sauté in butter. Add the yolks of four “hard-boiled” eggs rubbed through a sieve, one teaspoon chopped parsley, and salt, pepper, and Tabasco Sauce to taste. Refill whites of eggs with mixture, cover with grated cheese, and bake until cheese melts. Serve in toast rings and pour around Tomato Purée (see p. 98 )....
18 minute read
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Lucanian Eggs
Lucanian Eggs
Cut eggs in eighths lengthwise, add macaroni, white sauce, and seasonings. Arrange in buttered baking dish, cover with buttered crumbs, and bake until crumbs are brown....
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Egg Soufflé
Egg Soufflé
Cream the butter, add flour, and pour on gradually scalded milk and cream. Cook in double boiler five minutes, and add yolks of eggs, beaten until thick and lemon-colored. Remove from fire, add seasonings, and fold in whites of eggs beaten until stiff and dry. Turn into a buttered dish, or buttered individual moulds, set in pan of hot water, and bake in a slow oven until firm. Egg Soufflé may be served with White Sauce I, highly seasoned with celery salt, paprika, and onion juice....
35 minute read
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Egg Timbales
Egg Timbales
Make a sauce of the butter, flour, and milk; add yolks beaten until thick and lemon-colored, then add seasonings. Beat whites of eggs until stiff and dry, and cut and fold into first mixture. Turn into buttered moulds, set in pan of hot water, and bake in a slow oven until firm. Serve with Tomato Cream Sauce (see page 271 )....
29 minute read
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Egg Croquettes
Egg Croquettes
Poach eggs and dry on a towel. Cook butter with onion three minutes. Add flour and, gradually, stock. Season with salt and pepper; then add yolks of eggs slightly beaten. Cook one minute, and cool. Cover eggs with mixture, roll in bread crumbs and cheese, using equal parts, dip in egg, again roll in crumbs, fry in deep fat, and drain on brown paper. These may be served with a thin sauce, using equal parts of white stock and cream, and seasoning with grated cheese, salt, and paprika....
36 minute read
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Eggs à la Juliette
Eggs à la Juliette
Decorate egg-shaped individual moulds with truffles, and cold boiled tongue cut in fancy shapes, and pistachio nuts blanched and split. Line mould with aspic jelly, drop in a poached egg yolk, cover with aspic jelly, let stand until firm, and turn on a thin oval slice of cold boiled tongue....
14 minute read
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Eggs à la Parisienne
Eggs à la Parisienne
Butter small timbale moulds, sprinkle with finely chopped truffles, parsley, and cooked beets. Break eggs, and slip one into each mould, sprinkle with salt and pepper, set in pan of hot water, and cook until egg is firm. Remove from moulds on octagon slices of toast, and pour around Tomato Sauce II (see p. 270 ). Planked Eggs. — Page 100 . Plain Omelet. — Page 105 . Utensils and Materials for the starting of Brown Soup Stock. — Page 113 ....
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Eggs Mornay
Eggs Mornay
Break egg and slip into buttered egg-shirrers, allowing one or two eggs to each shirrer, according to size. Cover with White Sauce II (see p. 266 ), seasoned with one-third cup grated cheese, paprika, and yolks two eggs; cover with grated cheese and bake until firm....
12 minute read
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For omelets select large eggs, allowing one egg for each person, and one tablespoon liquid for each egg. Keep an omelet pan especially for omelets, and see that it is kept clean and smooth. A frying-pan may be used in place of omelet pan....
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Plain Omelet
Plain Omelet
Separate yolks from whites. Beat yolks until thick and lemon-colored; add salt, pepper, and hot water. Beat whites until stiff and dry, cutting and folding them into first mixture until they have taken up mixture. Heat omelet pan, and butter sides and bottom. Turn in mixture, spread evenly, place on range where it will cook slowly, occasionally turning the pan that omelet may brown evenly. When well “puffed” and delicately browned underneath, place pan on centre grate of oven to finish cooking t
57 minute read
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To Fold and Turn an Omelet
To Fold and Turn an Omelet
Hold an omelet pan by handle with the left hand. With a case knife make two one-half inch incisions opposite each other at right angles to handle. Place knife under the part of omelet nearest handle, tip pan to nearly a vertical position; by carefully coaxing the omelet with knife, it will fold and turn without breaking....
15 minute read
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Omelet with Meat or Vegetables
Omelet with Meat or Vegetables
Mix and cook Plain Omelet. Fold in remnants of finely chopped cooked chicken, veal, or ham. Remnants of fish may be flaked and added to White Sauce; or cooked peas, asparagus, or cauliflower may be added....
11 minute read
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Oyster Omelet
Oyster Omelet
Mix and cook Plain Omelet. Fold in one pint oysters, parboiled, drained from their liquor, and cut in halves. Turn on platter, and pour around Thin White Sauce....
8 minute read
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Orange Omelet
Orange Omelet
Follow directions for Plain Omelet. Remove skin from oranges and cut in slices, lengthwise. Fold in one-third of the slices of orange, well sprinkled with powdered sugar; put remaining slices around omelet, and sprinkle with sugar....
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Jelly Omelet
Jelly Omelet
Mix and cook Plain Omelet, omitting pepper and one-half the salt, and adding one tablespoon sugar. Spread before folding with jam, jelly, or marmalade. Fold, turn, and sprinkle with sugar....
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Bread Omelet
Bread Omelet
Soak bread crumbs fifteen minutes in milk, add beaten yolks and seasonings, fold in whites. Cook and serve as Plain Omelet....
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French Omelet
French Omelet
Beat eggs slightly, just enough to blend yolks and whites, add the milk and seasonings. Put butter in hot omelet pan; when melted, turn in the mixture; as it cooks, prick and pick up with a fork until the whole is of creamy consistency. Place on hotter part of range that it may brown quickly underneath. Fold, and turn on hot platter....
24 minute read
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Omelet with Croûtons
Omelet with Croûtons
Fry cubes of bread in butter until well browned and crisp. Beat eggs slightly, add cream, salt, pepper, and croûtons. Put two tablespoons butter in hot omelet pan, and as soon as melted and slightly browned turn in mixture and cook same as French Omelet....
22 minute read
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Eggs with Spinach à la Martin
Eggs with Spinach à la Martin
Cover the centre of a platter with finely chopped and seasoned cooked spinach. Beat three eggs slightly, add three tablespoons hot water, one-third teaspoon salt, one tablespoon, each, red and green pepper cut in strips, and one tablespoon cooked ham cut in very small pieces. Heat omelet pan, put in one and one-half tablespoons olive oil, and as soon as heated pour in mixture. Cook same as French Omelet and turn on to spinach. Garnish with parsley....
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Spanish Omelet
Spanish Omelet
Mix and cook a French Omelet. Serve with Tomato Sauce in the centre and around omelet. Tomato Sauce. Cook two tablespoons of butter with one tablespoon of finely chopped onion, until yellow. Add one and three-fourths cups tomatoes, and cook until moisture has nearly evaporated. Add one tablespoon sliced mushrooms, one tablespoon capers, one-fourth teaspoon salt, and a few grains cayenne. This is improved by a small piece of red or green pepper, finely chopped, cooked with butter and onion....
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Rich Omelet
Rich Omelet
Mix salt and flour, and add gradually milk. Beat eggs until thick and lemon-colored, then add to first mixture. Heat iron frying-pan and put in two-thirds of the butter; when butter is melted, pour in mixture. As it cooks, lift with a griddle-cake turner so that uncooked part may run underneath; add remaining butter as needed, and continue lifting the cooked part until it is firm throughout. Place on hotter part of range to brown; roll, and turn on hot platter....
32 minute read
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Omelette Robespierre
Omelette Robespierre
Beat eggs slightly, and add remaining ingredients. Put one and one-half tablespoons butter in a hot omelet pan, turn in mixture and cook same as French Omelet. Fold, turn on a hot platter, sprinkle with powdered sugar, and score with a hot poker....
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Almond Omelet, Caramel Sauce
Almond Omelet, Caramel Sauce
Beat yolks of eggs until thick and lemon-colored, add caramel, salt, and vanilla, and cut and fold in whites of eggs beaten until stiff and dry. Put three-fourths tablespoon butter in a hot omelet pan, cover bottom of pan with shredded almonds, turn in mixture, and cook and fold same as Plain Omelet. Pour around Caramel Sauce. Pour one cup sugar in omelet pan, and stir constantly, over hot part of range, until melted to a light brown syrup. Add three-fourths cup hot water, and let simmer ten min
2 minute read
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The art of soup making is more easily mastered than at first appears. The young housekeeper is startled at the amazingly large number of ingredients the recipe calls for, and often is discouraged. One may, with but little expense, keep at hand what is essential for the making of a good soup. Winter vegetables—turnips, carrots, celery, and onions—may be bought in large or small quantities. The outer stalks of celery, often not suitable for serving, should be saved for soups. At seasons when celer
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Wipe beef, and cut the lean meat in inch cubes. Brown one-third of meat in hot frying-pan in marrow from a marrow-bone. Put remaining two-thirds with bone and fat in soup kettle, add water, and let stand for thirty minutes. Place on back of range, add browned meat, and heat gradually to boiling-point. As scum rises it should be removed. Cover, and cook slowly six hours, keeping below boiling-point during cooking. Add vegetables and seasonings, cook one and one-half hours, strain, and cool as qui
21 minute read
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Wash and scrub with a brush one-half peck clams, changing the water several times. Put in kettle with three cups cold water, cover tightly, and steam until shells are well opened. Strain liquor, cool, and clear. Clean oysters by placing in a colander and pouring over them three-fourths cup cold water. Carefully pick over oysters, reserve liquor, and heat it to boiling-point; strain through double cheese-cloth, add oysters, and cook until oysters are plump and edges begin to curl. Remove oysters
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Black Bean Soup
Black Bean Soup
Soak beans over night; in the morning drain and add cold water. Slice onion, and cook five minutes with half the butter, adding to beans, with celery stalks broken in pieces. Simmer three or four hours, or until beans are soft; add more water as water boils away. Rub through a sieve, reheat to the boiling-point, and add salt, pepper, mustard, and cayenne well mixed. Bind with remaining butter and flour cooked together. Cut eggs in thin slices, and lemon in thin slices, removing seeds. Put in tur
46 minute read
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Baked Bean Soup
Baked Bean Soup
Put beans, water, onion, and celery in saucepan; bring to boiling-point and simmer thirty minutes. Rub through a sieve, add tomato, and Chili sauce, season to taste with salt and pepper, and bind with the butter and flour cooked together. Serve with Crisp Crackers....
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Cream of Lima Bean Soup
Cream of Lima Bean Soup
Soak beans over night; in the morning drain and add cold water; cook until soft, and rub through a sieve. Cut vegetables in small cubes, and cook five minutes in half the butter; remove vegetables, add flour, salt, and pepper, and stir into boiling soup. Add cream, reheat, strain, and add remaining butter in small pieces....
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Cream of Artichoke Soup
Cream of Artichoke Soup
Cook artichokes in boiling water until soft, and rub through a sieve. Melt butter, add flour and seasonings, pour on hot liquor, and cook one minute. Add cream, wine, and egg slightly beaten. Pare cucumbers, cut in one-third inch cubes, sauté in butter, and add to soup. Jerusalem artichokes are used for the making of this soup....
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Celery Soup I
Celery Soup I
Wash and scrape celery before cutting in pieces, cook in boiling water until soft, and rub through a sieve. Scald milk with the onion, remove onion, and add milk to celery. Bind with butter and flour cooked together. Season with salt and pepper. Outer and old stalks of celery may be utilized for soups. Serve with croûtons, crisp crackers, or pulled bread....
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Celery Soup II
Celery Soup II
Break celery in one-inch pieces, and pound in a mortar. Cook in double boiler with onion and milk twenty minutes. Thicken with butter and flour cooked together. Season with salt and pepper, add cream, strain into tureen, and serve at once....
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Corn Soup
Corn Soup
Chop the corn, add water, and simmer twenty minutes; rub through a sieve. Scald milk with onion, remove onion, and add milk to corn. Bind with butter and flour cooked together. Add salt and pepper....
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Halibut Soup
Halibut Soup
Rub fish through a sieve. Scald milk with onion and mace. Remove seasonings, and add fish. Bind with half the butter and flour cooked together. Add salt, pepper, and the remaining butter in small pieces....
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Pea Soup
Pea Soup
Drain peas from their liquor, add sugar and cold water, and simmer twenty minutes. Rub through a sieve, reheat, and thicken with butter and flour cooked together. Scald milk with onion, remove onion, and add milk to pea mixture, season with salt and pepper. Peas too old to serve as a vegetable may be utilized for soups....
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Split Pea Soup
Split Pea Soup
Pick over peas and soak several hours, drain, add cold water, pork, and onion. Simmer three or four hours, or until soft; rub through a sieve. Add butter and flour cooked together, salt, and pepper. Dilute with milk, adding more if necessary. The water in which a ham has been cooked may be used; in such case omit salt....
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Kornlet Soup
Kornlet Soup
Cook kornlet in cold water twenty minutes; rub through a sieve, and add milk. Fry butter and onion three minutes; remove onion, add flour, salt, and pepper, and stir into boiling soup....
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Potato Soup
Potato Soup
Cook potatoes in boiling salted water; when soft, rub through a strainer. Scald milk with onion, remove onion, and add milk slowly to potatoes. Melt half the butter, add dry ingredients, stir until well mixed, then stir into boiling soup; cook one minute, strain, add remaining butter, and sprinkle with parsley....
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Appledore Soup
Appledore Soup
Make same as Potato Soup, and add, just before serving, three tablespoons tomato catsup....
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Swiss Potato Soup
Swiss Potato Soup
Wash, pare, and cut potatoes in halves. Wash, pare, and cut turnips in one-quarter inch slices. Parboil together ten minutes, drain, add onion cut in slices, and three cups boiling water. Cook until vegetables are soft; drain, reserving the water to add to vegetables after rubbing them through a sieve. Add milk, reheat, and bind with butter and flour cooked together. Season with salt and pepper....
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Leek and Potato Soup
Leek and Potato Soup
Cut leeks and celery in very thin slices crosswise and cook in two and one-half tablespoons butter, stirring constantly, ten minutes. Add milk, and cook in double boiler forty minutes. Cut potatoes in slices and cut slices in small pieces; then cook in boiling salted water ten minutes. Melt two tablespoons butter, add flour, milk with vegetables and potatoes. Cook until potatoes are soft, and season with salt, pepper, and cayenne....
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Vegetable Soup
Vegetable Soup
Wash and scrape a small carrot; cut in quarters lengthwise; cut quarters in thirds lengthwise; cut strips thus made in thin slices crosswise. Wash and pare half a turnip, and cut and slice same as carrot. Wash, pare, and cut potatoes in small pieces. Wash and scrape celery and cut in quarter-inch pieces. Prepare vegetables before measuring. Cut onion in thin slices. Mix vegetables (except potatoes), and cook ten minutes, in four tablespoons butter, stirring constantly. Add potatoes, cover, and c
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Salmon Soup
Salmon Soup
Drain oil from salmon, remove skin and bones, rub through a sieve. Add gradually the milk, season, and bind....
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Squash Soup
Squash Soup
Rub squash through a sieve before measuring. Scald milk with onion, remove onion, and add milk to squash; season, and bind....
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Tomato Soup
Tomato Soup
Cook tomatoes, water, peppercorns, bay leaf, cloves, and sugar twenty minutes; strain, and add salt and soda; bind, and strain into tureen....
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Cream of Tomato Soup
Cream of Tomato Soup
Scald milk with onion, remove onion, and thicken milk with flour diluted with cold water until thin enough to pour, being careful that the mixture is free from lumps; cook twenty minutes, stirring constantly at first. Cook tomatoes with sugar fifteen minutes, add soda, and rub through a sieve; combine mixtures, and strain into tureen over butter, salt, and pepper....
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Mock Bisque Soup
Mock Bisque Soup
Scald milk with bread crumbs, onion, parsley, and bay leaf. Remove seasonings and rub through a sieve. Cook tomatoes with sugar fifteen minutes; add soda and rub through a sieve. Reheat bread and milk to boiling-point, add tomatoes, and pour at once into tureen over butter, salt, and pepper. Serve with croûtons, crisp crackers, or Souffléd crackers....
33 minute read
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Tapioca Wine Soup
Tapioca Wine Soup
Soak tapioca in cold water two hours. Drain, add to boiling water with salt and cinnamon; let boil three minutes, then cook in double boiler until tapioca is transparent. Cool, add wine and sugar. Serve very cold....
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Cut pork in small pieces and try out; add onion and cook five minutes, stirring often that onion may not burn; strain fat into a stewpan. Parboil potatoes five minutes in boiling water to cover; drain, and add potatoes to fat; then add two cups boiling water; cook until potatoes are soft, add corn and milk, then heat to boiling-point. Season with salt and pepper; add butter, and crackers split and soaked in enough cold milk to moisten. Remove crackers, turn chowder into a tureen, and put cracker
5 minute read
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Crisp Crackers
Crisp Crackers
Split common crackers and spread thinly with butter, allowing one-fourth teaspoon butter to each half cracker; put in pan and bake until delicately browned....
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Souffléd Crackers
Souffléd Crackers
Split common crackers, and soak in ice water, to cover, eight minutes. Dot over with butter, and bake in a hot oven until puffed and browned....
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Crackers with Cheese
Crackers with Cheese
Arrange zephyrettes or saltines in pan. Sprinkle with grated cheese and bake until cheese is melted....
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Croûtons (Duchess Crusts)
Croûtons (Duchess Crusts)
Cut stale bread in one-third inch slices and remove crusts. Spread thinly with butter. Cut slices in one-third inch cubes, put in pan and bake until delicately brown, or fry in deep fat....
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Cheese Sticks
Cheese Sticks
Cut bread sticks in halves lengthwise, spread thinly with butter, sprinkle with grated cheese seasoned with salt and cayenne, and bake until delicately browned....
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Imperial Sticks in Rings
Imperial Sticks in Rings
Cut stale bread in one-third inch slices, remove crusts, spread thinly with butter, and cut slices in one-third inch strips and rings; put in pan and bake until delicately browned. Arrange three sticks in each ring....
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Mock Almonds
Mock Almonds
Cut stale bread in one-eighth inch slices, shape with a round cutter one and one-half inches in diameter, then shape in almond-shaped pieces. Brush over with melted butter, put in a pan, and bake until delicately browned....
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Pulled Bread
Pulled Bread
Remove crusts from a long loaf of freshly baked water bread. Pull the bread apart until the pieces are the desired size and length, which is best accomplished by using two three-tined forks. Cook in a slow oven until delicately browned and thoroughly dried. A baker’s French loaf may be used for pulled bread if home-made is not at hand....
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Egg Balls I
Egg Balls I
Rub yolks through sieve, add seasonings, and moisten with raw egg yolk to make of consistency to handle. Shape in small balls, roll in flour, and sauté in butter. Serve in Brown Soup Stock, Consommé, or Mock Turtle Soup....
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Egg Balls II
Egg Balls II
Rub yolk through a sieve, add white finely chopped, and remaining ingredients. Add raw egg yolk to make mixture of right consistency to handle. Shape in small balls, and poach in boiling water or stock....
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Egg Custard
Egg Custard
Beat eggs slightly, add milk and salt. Pour into small buttered cup, place in pan of hot water, and bake until firm; cool, remove from cup, and cut in fancy shapes with French vegetable cutters....
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Harlequin Slices
Harlequin Slices
Beat yolks of eggs slightly, add milk and salt. Pour into small buttered cup, place in pan of hot water and bake until firm. Beat whites of eggs slightly, add salt, and cook same as yolks. Cool, remove from cups, cut in slices, pack in a mould in alternate layers, and press with a weight. A few truffles may be sprinkled between slices if desired. Remove from mould and cut in slices. Serve in Consommé....
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Royal Custard
Royal Custard
Beat eggs slightly, add Consommé and seasonings. Pour into a small buttered tin mould, place in pan of hot water, and bake until firm; cool, remove from mould, and cut in fancy shapes....
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Chicken Custard
Chicken Custard
Chop cooked breast meat of fowl and rub through sieve; there should be one-fourth cup. Add one-fourth cup White Stock and one egg slightly beaten. Season with salt, pepper, celery salt, paprika, slight grating nutmeg, and few drops essence anchovy. Turn mixture into buttered mould, bake in a pan of hot water until firm; cool, remove from mould, and cut in small cubes....
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Beat egg slightly, add salt, and flour enough to make very stiff dough; knead, toss on slightly floured board, and roll thinly as possible, which may be as thin as paper. Cover with towel, and set aside for twenty minutes; then cut in fancy shapes, using sharp knife or French vegetable cutter; or the thin sheet may be rolled like jelly roll, cut in slices as thinly as possible, and pieces unrolled. Dry, and when needed cook twenty minutes in boiling salted water; drain, and add to soup. Noodles
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Fritter Beans
Fritter Beans
Beat egg until light, add milk, salt, and flour. Put through colander or pastry tube into deep fat, and fry until brown; drain on brown paper....
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Pâte à Choux
Pâte à Choux
Heat butter, lard, and milk to boiling-point, add flour and salt, and stir vigorously. Remove from fire, add egg unbeaten, and stir until well mixed. Cool, and drop small pieces from tip of teaspoon into deep fat. Fry until brown and crisp, and drain on brown paper....
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Parmesan Pâte à Choux
Parmesan Pâte à Choux
To Pâte à Choux mixture add two tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese....
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White Bait Garnish
White Bait Garnish
Roll trimmings of puff paste, and cut in pieces three-fourths inch long and one-eighth inch wide; fry in deep fat until well browned, and drain on brown paper. Serve on folded napkin, and pass with soup....
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Fish Force-meat I
Fish Force-meat I
Cook bread and milk to a paste, add egg well beaten, and fish pounded and forced through a purée strainer. Season with salt. A meat chopper is of great assistance in making force-meats, as raw fish or meat may be easily forced through it. Bass, halibut, or pickerel are the best fish to use for force-meat. Force-meat is often shaped into small balls....
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Fish Force-meat II
Fish Force-meat II
Chop fish finely, or force through a meat chopper. Pound in mortar, adding gradually white of egg, and working until smooth. Add seasonings, rub through a sieve, and then add cream....
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Salmon Force-meat
Salmon Force-meat
Cook milk and bread crumbs ten minutes, add salmon chopped and rubbed through a sieve; then add cream, egg slightly beaten, melted butter, salt, and pepper....
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Oyster Force-meat
Oyster Force-meat
To Fish Force-meat add one-fourth small onion, finely chopped, and fried five minutes in one-half tablespoon butter; then add one-third cup soft part of oysters, parboiled and finely chopped, one-third cup mushrooms finely chopped, and one-third cup Thick White Sauce. Season with salt, cayenne, and one teaspoon finely chopped parsley....
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Clam Force-meat
Clam Force-meat
Follow recipe for Oyster Force-meat, using soft part of clams in place of oysters....
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Chicken Force-meat I
Chicken Force-meat I
Cook bread and milk to a paste, add butter, white of egg beaten stiff, and seasonings; then add chicken pounded and forced through purée strainer....
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Chicken Force-meat II
Chicken Force-meat II
Chop chicken finely, or force through a meat chopper. Pound in mortar, add gradually white of egg, and work until smooth; then add heavy cream slowly until of right consistency, which can only be determined by cooking a small ball in boiling salted water. Add seasonings, and rub through sieve....
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Quenelles are made from any kind of force-meat, shaped in small balls or between tablespoons, making an oval, or by forcing mixture through pastry bag on buttered paper. They are cooked in boiling salted water or stock, and are served as garnish to soups or other dishes; when served with sauce, they are an entrée. The meat of fish is the animal food next in importance to that of birds and mammals. Fish meat, with but few exceptions, is less stimulating and nourishing than meat of other animals,
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White and Oily Fish
White and Oily Fish
White fish have fat secreted in the liver. Examples: cod, haddock, trout, flounder, smelt, perch, etc. Oily fish have fat distributed throughout the flesh. Examples: salmon, eels, mackerel, bluefish, swordfish, shad, herring, etc. Cod belongs to one of the most prolific fish families (Gadidoe), and is widely distributed throughout the northern and temperate seas of both hemispheres. On account of its abundance, cheapness, and easy procurability, it forms, from an economical standpoint, one of th
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Haddock is more closely allied to cod than any other fish.
Haddock is more closely allied to cod than any other fish.
It is smaller (its average weight being about four pounds), and differently mottled. The distinguishing mark of the haddock is a black line running the entire length of fish on either side. Haddock is found in the same water and in company with cod, but not so abundantly. Like cod, haddock is cheap, and in season throughout the year. Haddock, when dried, smoked, and salted, is known as Finnan Haddie . Halibut is the largest of the flatfish family (Pleuronectidæ), specimens having been caught wei
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Oysters are mollusks, having two shells. The shells are on the right and left side of the oyster, and are called right and left valves. The one upon which the oyster rests grows faster, becomes deeper, and is known as the left valve. The valves are fastened by a ligament, which, on account of its elasticity, admits of opening and closing of the shells. The oyster contains a tough muscle, by which it is attached to the shell; the body is made up largely of the liver (which contains glycogen , ani
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To Clean a Fish. Fish are cleaned and dressed at market as ordered, but need additional cleaning before cooking. Remove scales which have not been taken off. This is done by drawing a knife over fish, beginning at tail and working towards head, occasionally wiping knife and scales from fish. Incline knife slightly towards you to prevent scales from flying. The largest number of scales will be found on the flank. Wipe thoroughly inside and out with cloth wrung out of cold water, removing any clot
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To Cook Fish in Boiling Water. Small cod, haddock, or cusk are cooked whole in enough boiling water to cover, to which is added salt and lemon juice or vinegar. Salt gives flavor; lemon juice or vinegar keeps the flesh white. A long fish-kettle containing a rack on which to place fish is useful but rather expensive. In place of fish-kettle, if the fish is not too large to be coiled in it, a frying-basket may be used placed in any kettle. Large fish are cut in thick pieces for boiling, containing
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Boiled Haddock
Boiled Haddock
Clean and boil as directed in Ways of Cooking Fish. Remove to a hot platter, garnish with slices of “hard-boiled” eggs and parsley, and serve with Egg Sauce. A thick piece of halibut may be boiled and served in the same way....
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Boiled Salmon
Boiled Salmon
Clean and boil as directed in Ways of Cooking Fish. Place on a hot platter, remove skin, and garnish with slices of lemon and parsley. Serve with Egg Sauce I or II, or Hollandaise Sauce....
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Steamed Halibut, Silesian Sauce
Steamed Halibut, Silesian Sauce
Steam by cooking over boiling water a piece of halibut weighing two pounds, and serve with Silesian Sauce. Cook first six ingredients until reduced one-half; strain, add yolks of eggs well beaten, one-half, each, brown stock and butter, and cook over hot water, stirring constantly until thickened. Then add, gradually, remaining butter mixed with flour and stock. As soon as mixture thickens, add capers, parsley finely chopped, and salt and cayenne....
40 minute read
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Broiled Scrod
Broiled Scrod
A young cod, split down the back, and backbone removed, except a small portion near the tail, is called a scrod. Scrod are always broiled, spread with butter, and sprinkled with salt and pepper. Haddock is also so dressed....
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Broiled Chicken Halibut
Broiled Chicken Halibut
Clean and broil as directed in Ways of Cooking Fish. Spread with butter, sprinkle with salt and pepper, and garnish with slices of lemon cut in fancy shapes and sprinkled with paprika and parsley....
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Broiled Swordfish
Broiled Swordfish
Clean and broil fish, spread with butter, sprinkle with salt and pepper, and serve with Cucumber Sauce I, or Horseradish Sauce I....
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Broiled Shad Roe
Broiled Shad Roe
Wipe, sprinkle with salt and pepper, put on greased wire broiler, and broil five minutes on each side. Serve with Maître d’Hôtel Butter. Mackerel roe are delicious cooked in this way....
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Broiled Pompano with Fricassee of Clams
Broiled Pompano with Fricassee of Clams
Clean and broil fish as directed in Ways of Cooking Fish (see p. 160 ). When nearly cooked, slip from broiler onto a hot platter and brush over with melted butter. Surround with two borders of mashed potatoes, one-inch apart, forced through a pastry bag and tube. Arrange ten halves of clam-shells between potato borders, at equal distances; fill spaces between shells with potato roses. Place in oven to finish cooking fish and to brown potatoes. Just before serving, fill clam-shells with Fricassee
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Baked Haddock with Stuffing
Baked Haddock with Stuffing
Clean a four-pound haddock, sprinkle with salt inside and out, stuff, and sew. Cut five diagonal gashes on each side of backbone and insert narrow strips of fat salt pork, having gashes on one side come between gashes on other side. Shape with skewers in form of letter S, and fasten skewers with small twine. Place on greased fish-sheet in a dripping-pan, sprinkle with salt and pepper, brush over with melted butter, dredge with flour, and place around fish small pieces of fat salt pork. Bake one
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Fish Stuffing I
Fish Stuffing I
Mix ingredients in order given....
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Fish Stuffing II
Fish Stuffing II
Mix ingredients in order given. This makes a dry, crumbly stuffing....
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Baked Bluefish
Baked Bluefish
Clean a four-pound bluefish, stuff, sew, and bake as Baked Halibut with Stuffing, omitting to cut gashes on sides, as the fish is rich enough without addition of pork. Baste often with one-third cup butter melted in two-thirds cup boiling water. Serve with Shrimp Sauce....
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Breslin Baked Bluefish
Breslin Baked Bluefish
Split and bone a bluefish, place on a well-buttered sheet, and cook twenty minutes in a hot oven. Cream one-fourth cup butter, add yolks two eggs, and when well mixed add two tablespoons, each, onion, capers, pickles, and parsley, finely chopped; two tablespoons lemon juice, one tablespoon vinegar, one-half teaspoon salt, and one-third teaspoon paprika. Sprinkle fish with salt, spread with mixture, and continue the baking until fish is done. Remove to serving dish and garnish with potato balls,
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Bluefish à l’Italienne
Bluefish à l’Italienne
Clean a four-pound bluefish, sprinkle with salt and pepper, and put on buttered fish-sheet in a dripping-pan. Add three tablespoons white wine, three tablespoons mushroom liquor, one-half onion finely chopped, eight mushrooms finely chopped, and enough water to allow sufficient liquor in pan for basting. Bake forty-five minutes in hot oven, basting five times. Serve with Sauce à l’Italienne....
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Baked Cod with Oyster Stuffing
Baked Cod with Oyster Stuffing
Clean a four-pound cod, sprinkle with salt and pepper, brush over with lemon juice, stuff, and sew. Gash, skewer, and bake as Baked Halibut with Stuffing. Serve with Oyster Sauce....
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Oyster Stuffing
Oyster Stuffing
Add seasonings and butter to cracker crumbs. Clean oysters, and remove tough muscles; add soft parts to mixture, with two tablespoons oyster liquor to moisten....
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Baked Haddock with Oyster Stuffing
Baked Haddock with Oyster Stuffing
Remove skin, head, and tail from a four-pound haddock. Bone, leaving in large bones near head, to keep fillets in shape of the original fish. Sprinkle with salt, and brush over with lemon juice. Lay one fillet on greased fish-sheet in a dripping-pan, cover thickly with oysters, cleaned and dipped in buttered cracker crumbs seasoned with salt and pepper. Cover oysters with other fillet, brush with egg slightly beaten, cover with buttered crumbs, and bake fifty minutes in a moderate oven. Serve wi
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Baked Halibut with Tomato Sauce
Baked Halibut with Tomato Sauce
Cook twenty minutes tomatoes, water, onion, cloves, and sugar. Melt butter, add flour, and stir into hot mixture. Add salt and pepper, cook ten minutes, and strain. Clean fish, put in baking-pan, pour around half the sauce, and bake thirty-five minutes, basting often. Remove to hot platter, pour around remaining sauce, and garnish with parsley....
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Baked Halibut with Lobster Sauce
Baked Halibut with Lobster Sauce
Clean a piece of halibut weighing three pounds. Cut gashes in top, and insert a narrow strip of fat salt pork in each gash. Place in dripping pan on fish-sheet, sprinkle with salt and pepper, and dredge with flour. Cover bottom of pan with water, add sprig of parsley, slice of onion, two slices carrot cut in pieces, and bit of bay leaf. Bake one hour, basting with one-fourth cup butter and the liquor in pan. Serve with Lobster Sauce....
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Hollenden Halibut
Hollenden Halibut
Arrange six thin slices fat salt pork two and one-half inches square in a dripping-pan. Cover with one small onion, thinly sliced, and add a bit of bay leaf. Wipe a two-pound piece of chicken halibut and place over pork and onion. Mask with three tablespoons butter creamed and mixed with three tablespoons flour. Cover with three-fourths cup buttered cracker crumbs and arrange thin strips of fat salt pork over crumbs. Cover with buttered paper and bake fifty minutes in a moderate oven, removing p
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Baked Mackerel
Baked Mackerel
Split fish, clean, and remove head and tail. Put in buttered dripping-pan, sprinkle with salt and pepper, and dot over with butter (allowing one tablespoon to a medium-sized fish), and pour over two-thirds cup milk. Bake twenty-five minutes in hot oven....
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Planked Shad or Whitefish
Planked Shad or Whitefish
Clean and split a three-pound shad. Put skin side down on an oak plank one inch thick, and a little longer and wider than the fish, sprinkle with salt and pepper, and brush over with melted butter. Bake twenty-five minutes in hot oven. Remove from oven, spread with butter, and garnish with parsley and lemon. The fish should be sent to the table on plank. Planked Shad is well cooked in a gas range having the flame over the fish. The Planked Whitefish of the Great Lakes has gained much favor....
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Planked Shad with Creamed Roe
Planked Shad with Creamed Roe
Select a roe shad and prepare same as Planked Shad. Parboil roe in salted, acidulated water twenty minutes. Remove outside membrane, and mash. Melt three tablespoons butter, add one teaspoon finely chopped shallot, and cook five minutes; add roe, sprinkle with one and one-half tablespoons flour, and pour on gradually one-third cup cream. Cook slowly five minutes, add two egg yolks and season highly with salt, pepper, and lemon juice. Remove shad from oven, spread thin part with roe mixture, cove
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Planked Haddock
Planked Haddock
Skin and bone a haddock, leaving meat in two fillets. Sauté fillets separately, using a generous quantity of butter and cooking until well browned on one side. Remove to planks, sprinkle with salt and pepper. Garnish with mashed potatoes, outlining the original shape of the fish, making as prominent as possible head, tail, and fins. Bake until potatoes are well browned, when fish should be thoroughly cooked. Finish garnishing with parsley and slices of lemon sprinkled with finely chopped parsley
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Baked Stuffed Smelts
Baked Stuffed Smelts
Clean and wipe as dry as possible twelve selected smelts. Stuff, sprinkle with salt and pepper, and brush over with lemon juice. Place in buttered shallow plate, cover with buttered paper, and bake five minutes in hot oven. Remove from oven, sprinkle with buttered crumbs, and bake until crumbs are brown. Serve with Sauce Bearnaise. Stuffing. Cook one tablespoon finely chopped onion with one tablespoon butter three minutes. Add one-fourth cup finely chopped mushrooms, one-fourth cup soft part of
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Smelts à la Langtry
Smelts à la Langtry
Split and bone eight selected smelts. Cut off tails, and from tail ends of fish turn meat over one inch onto flesh side. Sprinkle with salt and pepper, and brush over with lemon juice. Garnish with Fish Force-meat forced through a pastry bag and tube, and fasten heads with skewers to keep in an upright position. Arrange in a buttered pan, and pour around white wine. Cover with buttered paper, and bake from fifteen to twenty minutes. Just before taking from oven, sprinkle with lobster coral force
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Baked Shad Roe with Tomato Sauce
Baked Shad Roe with Tomato Sauce
Cook shad roe fifteen minutes in boiling salted water to cover, with one-half tablespoon vinegar; drain, cover with cold water, and let stand five minutes. Remove from cold water, and place on buttered pan with three-fourths cup Tomato Sauce I or II. Bake twenty minutes in hot oven, basting every five minutes. Remove to a platter, and pour around three-fourths cup Tomato Sauce....
18 minute read
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Baked Fillets of Bass or Halibut
Baked Fillets of Bass or Halibut
Cut bass or halibut into small fillets, sprinkle with salt and pepper, put into a shallow pan, cover with buttered paper, and bake twelve minutes in hot oven. Arrange on a rice border, garnish with parsley, and serve with Hollandaise Sauce II....
13 minute read
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Fillets of Halibut with Brown Sauce
Fillets of Halibut with Brown Sauce
Cut a slice of halibut weighing one and one-half pounds in eight short fillets, sprinkle with salt and pepper, put in greased pan, and bake five minutes; drain, pour over one and one-half cups Brown Sauce I, cover with one-half cup buttered cracker crumbs, and bake....
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Fillets of Haddock, White Wine Sauce
Fillets of Haddock, White Wine Sauce
Skin a three and one-half pound haddock, and cut in fillets. Arrange in buttered baking-pan, pour around fish three tablespoons melted butter, three-fourths cup white wine to which has been added one-half tablespoon lemon juice, and two slices onion. Cover and bake. Melt two tablespoons butter, add two tablespoons flour, and pour on liquor drained from fish; then add one-half cup Fish Stock (made from head, tail, and bones of fish), two tablespoons heavy cream, yolks two eggs, salt, and pepper.
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Halibut à la Poulette
Halibut à la Poulette
Clean fish and cut in eight fillets. Add seasonings to melted butter, and put dish containing butter in saucepan of hot water to keep butter melted. Take up each fillet separately with a fork, dip in butter-roll and fasten with a small wooden skewer. Put in a shallow pan, dredge with flour, and bake twelve minutes in hot oven. Remove skewers, arrange on platter for serving, pour around one and one-half cups Béchamel Sauce, and garnish with yolks of two hard-boiled eggs rubbed through a strainer,
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Moulded Fish, Normandy Sauce
Moulded Fish, Normandy Sauce
Remove skin and bones from a thick piece of halibut, finely chop fish, and force through a sieve (there should be one and one-third cups). Pound in mortar, adding gradually whites two eggs. Add one and one-fourth cups heavy cream, and salt, pepper, and cayenne to taste. Turn into a buttered fish-mould, cover with buttered paper, set in pan of hot water, and bake until fish is firm. Turn on serving dish and surround with Planked Haddock. — Page 168 . Fillets of Fish à la Bement. — Page 171 . Oyst
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Halibut à la Martin
Halibut à la Martin
Clean two slices chicken halibut and cut into eight fillets. Season with salt and brush over with lemon juice. Arrange on a tin plate covered with cheese-cloth, fold cheese-cloth over fillets, and cook in steamer fifteen minutes. Remove to serving dish, garnish with small shrimps, and pour around sauce, following directions for Normandy Sauce, omitting Sauterne, and seasoning to taste with grated cheese and Madeira....
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Fillets of Fish à la Bement
Fillets of Fish à la Bement
Prepare and cook fish same as for Halibut à la Martin. Insert tip of small lobster claw in each fillet, and garnish with a thin slice of canned mushroom sprinkled with parsley and a thin circular slice of truffle. Serve with Lobster Sauce III. Remove meat from a one and one-half pound lobster and cut claw meat in cubes. Cover remaining meat and body bones with cold water. Add one-half small onion, sprig of parsley, bit of bay leaf, and one-fourth teaspoon peppercorns, and cook until stock is red
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Halibut à la Rarebit
Halibut à la Rarebit
Sprinkle two small slices halibut with salt, pepper, and lemon juice; then brush over with melted butter, place in dripping-pan on greased fish-sheet, and bake twelve minutes. Remove to hot platter for serving, and pour over it a Welsh Rarebit....
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Sandwiches of Chicken Halibut
Sandwiches of Chicken Halibut
Cut chicken halibut in thin fillets. Put together in pairs, with Fish or Chicken Force-meat between, first dipping fillets in melted butter seasoned with salt and pepper and brushing over with lemon juice. Place in shallow pan with one-fourth cup white wine. Bake twenty minutes in hot oven. Arrange on hot platter for serving, sprinkle with finely chopped parsley, garnish with Tomato Jelly, and serve with Hollandaise Sauce....
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Sole à la Bercy
Sole à la Bercy
Skin and bone two large flounders, and cut into eight fillets. Put into a buttered pan, sprinkle with salt, pepper, and lemon juice, and add one-fourth cup white wine. Cover and cook fifteen minutes. Remove to serving dish, pour over Bercy Sauce, and sprinkle with finely chopped parsley. Bercy Sauce. Fry one tablespoon finely chopped shallot in one tablespoon butter five minutes; add two tablespoons flour, and pour on gradually the liquor left in pan with enough White Stock to make one cup. Add
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Halibut au Lit
Halibut au Lit
Wipe two slices chicken halibut, each weighing three-fourths pound. Cut one piece in eight fillets, sprinkle with salt and lemon juice, roll and fasten with small wooden skewers. Cook over boiling water. Cut remaining slice in pieces about the size and shape of scallops. Dip in crumbs, egg, and crumbs, and fry in deep fat. Arrange a steamed fillet in centre of each fish-plate, place on top of each a cooked mushroom cap, and put fried fish at both right and left of fillet. Serve with Mushroom Sau
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Fried Cod Steaks
Fried Cod Steaks
Clean steaks, sprinkle with salt and pepper, and dip in granulated corn meal. Try out slices of fat salt pork in frying-pan, remove scraps, and sauté steaks in fat....
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Fried Smelts
Fried Smelts
Clean smelts, leaving on heads and tails. Sprinkle with salt and pepper, dip in flour, egg, and crumbs, and fry three to four minutes in deep fat. As soon as smelts are put into fat, remove fat to back of range so that they may not become too brown before cooked through. Arrange on hot platter, garnish with parsley, lemon, and fried gelatine. Serve with Sauce Tartare. Smelts are fried without being skewered, but often are skewered in variety of shapes. To fry gelatine. Take up a handful and drop
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Smelts à la Menière
Smelts à la Menière
Clean six selected smelts, and cut five diagonal gashes on each side. Season with salt, pepper, and lemon juice, cover, and let stand ten minutes. Roll in cream, dip in flour, and sauté in butter. Add to butter in pan two tablespoons flour, one cup White Stock, one and one-third teaspoons Anchovy Essence, and a few drops lemon juice. Just before sauce is poured around smelts, add one and one-half tablespoons butter and one teaspoon finely chopped parsley....
22 minute read
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Fried Fillets of Halibut or Flounder
Fried Fillets of Halibut or Flounder
Clean fish and cut in long or short fillets. If cut in long fillets, roll, and fasten with small wooden skewers. Sprinkle fillets with salt and pepper, dip in crumbs, egg, and crumbs, fry in deep fat, and drain on brown paper. Serve with Sauce Tartare....
17 minute read
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Fried Fish, Russian Style, Mushroom Sauce
Fried Fish, Russian Style, Mushroom Sauce
Cut two slices chicken halibut in fillets, sprinkle fillets with salt and pepper, pour over one-third cup white wine, cover, and let stand thirty minutes. Drain, dip each piece separately in heavy cream, then in flour, and fry in deep fat. Cook skin and bones removed from fish with five slices carrot, two slices onion, sprig parsley, bit of bay leaf, one-fourth teaspoon peppercorns, and two cups cold water until reduced to one cup liquid. Make sauce of two tablespoons butter, three tablespoons f
33 minute read
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Fried Eels
Fried Eels
Clean eels, cut in two-inch pieces, and parboil eight minutes. Sprinkle with salt and pepper, dip in corn meal, and sauté in pork fat....
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Fried Stuffed Smelts
Fried Stuffed Smelts
Smelts are stuffed as for Baked Stuffed Smelts, dipped in crumbs, egg, and crumbs, fried in deep fat, and served with Sauce Tartare....
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Fried Shad Roe
Fried Shad Roe
Parboil and cook shad roe as for Baked Shad Roe. Cut in pieces, sprinkle with salt and pepper, and brush over with lemon juice. Dip in crumbs, egg, and crumbs, fry in deep fat, and drain....
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Soft-shell Crabs
Soft-shell Crabs
Clean crabs, sprinkle with salt and pepper, dip in crumbs, egg, and crumbs, fry in deep fat, and drain. Being light, they will rise to top of fat, and should be turned while frying. Soft-shell crabs are usually fried. Serve with Sauce Tartare. To Clean a Crab. Lift and fold back the tapering points which are found on each side of the back shell, and remove spongy substance that lies under them. Turn crab on its back, and with a pointed knife remove the small piece at lower part of shell, which t
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Frogs’ Hind Legs
Frogs’ Hind Legs
Trim and clean. Sprinkle with salt and pepper, dip in crumbs, egg, and crumbs again, then fry three minutes in deep fat, and drain....
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To prepare terrapin for cooking, plunge into boiling water and boil five minutes. Lift out of water with skimmer, and remove skin from feet and tail by rubbing with a towel. Draw out head with a skewer, and rub off skin. To Cook Terrapin. Put in a kettle, cover with boiling salted water, add two slices each of carrot and onion, and a stalk of celery. Cook until meat is tender, which may be determined by pressing feet-meat between thumb and finger. The time required will be from thirty-five to fo
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Terrapin à la Baltimore
Terrapin à la Baltimore
To stock and wine add terrapin meat, with bones cut in pieces and entrails cut in smaller pieces; then cook slowly until liquor is reduced one-half. Add liver separated in pieces, eggs, butter, salt, pepper, and cayenne....
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Terrapin à la Maryland
Terrapin à la Maryland
Add to Terrapin à la Baltimore one tablespoon each butter and flour creamed together, one-half cup cream, yolks two eggs slightly beaten, and one teaspoon lemon juice; then add, just before serving, one tablespoon Sherry wine. Pour in a deep dish and garnish with toast or puff paste points....
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Washington Terrapin
Washington Terrapin
Melt the butter, add flour, and pour on slowly the cream. Add terrapin meat with bones cut in pieces, entrails cut smaller, liver separated in pieces, eggs of terrapin, and mushrooms. Season with salt and cayenne. Just before serving, add eggs slightly beaten and two tablespoons Sherry wine....
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Scald milk, for the making of White Sauce, with bay leaf, parsley, and onion. Cover the bottom of small buttered platter with one-half of the fish, sprinkle with salt and pepper, and pour over one-half the sauce; repeat. Cover with crumbs, and bake in hot oven until crumbs are brown. Fish à la crême, baked in scallop shells, makes an attractive luncheon dish, or may be served for a fish course at dinner. Scald milk with onion, mace, and parsley; remove seasonings. Melt butter, add flour, salt, p
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Pick salt codfish in pieces (there should be three-fourths cup), and soak in lukewarm water, the time depending upon hardness and saltness of the fish. Drain, and add one cup White Sauce I. Add one beaten egg just before sending to table. Garnish with slices of hard-boiled eggs. Creamed Codfish is better made with cream slightly thickened in place of White Sauce. Wash fish in cold water, and pick in very small pieces, or cut, using scissors. Wash, pare, and soak potatoes, cutting in pieces of un
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Serve oysters on deep halves of the shells, allowing six to each person. Arrange on plates of crushed ice, with one-fourth of a lemon in the centre of each plate. Raw oysters are served on oyster plates, or in a block of ice. Place block of ice on a folded napkin on platter, and garnish the base with parsley and quarters of lemon, or ferns and lemon. To Block Ice for Oysters. Use a rectangular piece of clear ice, and with hot flatirons melt a cavity large enough to hold the oysters. Pour water f
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Plain Lobster
Plain Lobster
Remove lobster meat from shell, arrange on platter, and garnish with small claws. If two lobsters are opened, stand tail shells (put together) in centre of platter, and arrange meat around them....
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Lobster Cocktail
Lobster Cocktail
Allow one-fourth cup lobster meat, cut in pieces, for each cocktail, and season with two tablespoons, each, tomato catsup and Sherry wine, one tablespoon lemon juice, six drops Tabasco Sauce, one-eighth teaspoon finely chopped chives, and salt to taste. Chill thoroughly, and serve in cocktail glasses....
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Fried Lobster
Fried Lobster
Remove lobster meat from shell. Use tail meat, divided in fourths, and large pieces of claw meat. Sprinkle with salt, pepper, and lemon juice; dip in crumbs, egg, and again in crumbs; fry in deep fat, drain, and serve with Sauce Tartare. Clams Union League. — Page 185 . Oysters à la Ballard. — Page 181 . Lobster Cocktail. — Page 186 . Fruit Cocktail. — Page 569 ....
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Buttered Lobster
Buttered Lobster
Remove lobster meat from shell and chop slightly. Melt butter, add lobster, and when heated, season and serve garnished with lobster claws....
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Scalloped Lobster
Scalloped Lobster
Remove lobster meat from shell and cut in cubes. Heat in White Sauce and add seasonings. Refill lobster shells, cover with buttered crumbs, and bake until crumbs are brown. To prevent lobster shells from curling over lobster while baking, insert small wooden skewers of sufficient length to keep shell in its original shape. To assist in preserving color of shell, brush over with olive oil before putting into oven. Scalloped lobster may be baked in buttered scallop shells, or in a buttered baking-
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Devilled Lobster
Devilled Lobster
Scalloped lobster highly seasoned is served as Devilled Lobster. Use larger proportions of same seasonings, with the addition of mustard....
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Curried Lobster
Curried Lobster
Prepare as Scalloped Lobster, adding to flour one-half teaspoon curry powder when making White Sauce....
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Lobster Farci
Lobster Farci
To lobster meat add yolks of eggs rubbed to a paste, parsley, sauce, and seasonings to taste. Fill lobster shells, cover with buttered crumbs, and bake until crumbs are brown....
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Lobster and Oyster Filling
Lobster and Oyster Filling
Clean and parboil oysters; drain, and add to liquor body bones and tough claw meat from lobster, water, celery, and onion. Cook slowly until stock is reduced to one cup, and strain. Make sauce of butter, flour, strained stock, and cream. Add oysters and lobster meat cut in strips; then add seasonings. One-half teaspoon beef extract is an improvement to this dish....
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Fricassee of Lobster and Mushrooms
Fricassee of Lobster and Mushrooms
Remove lobster meat from shell and cut in strips. Cook butter with mushrooms broken in pieces and onion juice three minutes; add flour, and pour on gradually milk. Add lobster meat, season with salt and paprika, and, as soon as lobster is heated, add wine. Remove to serving dish, and garnish with puff paste or toast points and parsley....
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Lobster and Oyster Ragout
Lobster and Oyster Ragout
Make a sauce of first eight ingredients. Add oysters, lobster dice, wine, and parsley....
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Stuffed Lobster à la Béchamel
Stuffed Lobster à la Béchamel
Remove lobster meat from shell and cut in dice. Scald milk with bay leaf, remove bay leaf and make a white sauce of butter, flour, and milk; add salt, cayenne, nutmeg, parsley, yolks of eggs slightly beaten, and lemon juice. Add lobster dice, refill shells, cover with buttered crumbs, and bake until crumbs are brown. One-half chicken stock and one-half cream may be used for sauce if a richer dish is desired....
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Broiled Live Lobster
Broiled Live Lobster
Live lobsters may be dressed for broiling at market, or may be done at home. Clean lobster and place in a buttered wire broiler. Broil eight minutes on flesh side, turn and broil six minutes on shell side. Serve with melted butter. Lobsters taste nearly the same when placed in dripping-pan and baked fifteen minutes in hot oven, and are much easier cooked. To Split a Live Lobster. Cross large claws and hold firmly with left hand. With sharp-pointed knife, held in right hand, begin at the mouth an
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Baked Live Lobster. Devilled Sauce.
Baked Live Lobster. Devilled Sauce.
Prepare lobster same as for Broiled Live Lobster and place in a dripping-pan. Cook liver of lobster with one tablespoon butter three minutes. Season highly with salt, cayenne, and Worcestershire Sauce. Spread over lobster, and bake in a hot oven fifteen minutes. Remove to platter and serve at once, allowing over one and one-half pound lobster to each person....
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Live Lobster en Brochette
Live Lobster en Brochette
Split a live lobster, remove meat from tail and large claws, cut in pieces, and arrange on skewers, alternating pieces with small slices of bacon. Fry in deep fat and drain. Cook liver of lobster with one tablespoon butter three minutes, season highly with mustard and cayenne, and serve with lobster....
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Lobster à l’Américaine
Lobster à l’Américaine
Split a live lobster and put in a large omelet pan, sprinkle with one-fourth onion finely chopped and a few grains of cayenne and cook five minutes. Add one-half cup Tomato Sauce II and cook three minutes; then add two tablespoons Sherry wine, cover, and cook in oven seven minutes. To the liver add one tablespoon wine, two tablespoons Tomato Sauce, and one-half tablespoon melted butter; heat in pan after lobster has been removed. As soon as sauce is heated, strain, and pour over lobster....
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Lobster à la Muisset
Lobster à la Muisset
Cut two one and one-half pound live lobsters in pieces for serving and crack large claws. Cook one tablespoon finely chopped shallot and three tablespoons chopped carrot in two tablespoons butter ten minutes, stirring constantly that carrots may not burn. Add two sprigs thyme, one-half bay leaf, two red peppers from pepper sauce, one teaspoon salt, one and one-third cups Brown Stock, two-thirds cup stewed and strained tomatoes, and three tablespoons Sherry wine. Add lobster and cook fifteen minu
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The Effect of Different Temperatures on the Cooking of Meat
The Effect of Different Temperatures on the Cooking of Meat
By putting meat in cold water and allowing water to heat gradually, a large amount of juice is extracted and meat is tasteless; and by long cooking the connective tissues are softened and dissolved, which gives to the stock when cold a jelly-like consistency. This principle applies to soup making. By putting meat in boiling water, allowing the water to boil for a few minutes, then lowering the temperature, juices in the outer surface are quickly coagulated, and the inner juices are prevented fro
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Broiled Beefsteak
Broiled Beefsteak
The best cuts of beef for broiling are porterhouse, sirloin, cross-cut of rump steaks, and second and third cuts from top of round. Porterhouse and sirloin cuts are the most expensive, on account of the great loss in bone and fat, although price per pound is about the same as for cross-cut of rump. Round steak is very juicy, but, having coarser fibre, is not as tender. Steaks should be cut at least an inch thick, and from that to two and one-half inches. The flank end of sirloin steak should be
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Beefsteak with Maître d’Hôtel Butter
Beefsteak with Maître d’Hôtel Butter
Serve Broiled Steak with Maître d’Hôtel Butter....
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Porterhouse Steak with Mushroom Sauce
Porterhouse Steak with Mushroom Sauce
Serve broiled Porterhouse Steak with Mushroom Sauce....
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Porterhouse Steak with Tomato and Mushroom Sauce
Porterhouse Steak with Tomato and Mushroom Sauce
Serve broiled Porterhouse Steak with Tomato and Mushroom Sauce....
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Porterhouse Steak, Bordelaise Sauce
Porterhouse Steak, Bordelaise Sauce
Serve broiled porterhouse steak with Bordelaise Sauce. Cook one shallot, finely chopped, with one-fourth cup claret until claret is reduced to two tablespoons, and strain. Melt two tablespoons butter, add one slice onion, two slices carrot, sprig of parsley, bit of bay leaf, eight peppercorns, and one clove, and cook until brown. Add three and one-half tablespoons flour, and when well browned add gradually one cup Brown Stock. Strain, let simmer eight minutes, add claret and one tablespoon butte
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Beefsteak à la Henriette
Beefsteak à la Henriette
Wash butter, and divide in three pieces. Put one piece in saucepan with yolks of eggs slightly beaten and mixed with water and lemon juice. Proceed same as in making Hollandaise Sauce I (see p. 274 ); then add tomato, parsley, and seasonings. Pour one-half sauce on a serving dish, lay a broiled porterhouse steak on sauce, and cover steak with remaining sauce. Garnish with parsley....
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Beefsteak à la Victor Hugo
Beefsteak à la Victor Hugo
Wipe a porterhouse steak, broil, and serve with Victor Hugo Sauce. Cook one-half teaspoon finely chopped shallot in one tablespoon tarragon vinegar five minutes. Wash one-third cup butter, and divide in thirds. Add one piece butter to mixture, with yolks two eggs, one teaspoon lemon juice, and one teaspoon meat extract. Cook over hot water, stirring constantly; as soon as butter is melted, add second piece, and then third piece. When mixture thickens, add one-half tablespoon grated horseradish..
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Steak à la Chiron
Steak à la Chiron
Spread broiled rump steak with Hollandaise Sauce I (see p. 274 ) to which is added a few drops onion juice and one-half tablespoon finely chopped parsley....
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Beefsteak à la Mirabeau
Beefsteak à la Mirabeau
Garnish a broiled porterhouse or cross-cut of rump steak with anchovies, and stoned olives stuffed with green butter and chopped parsley. Arrange around steak stuffed tomatoes, and fried potato balls served in shells made from noodle mixture. Pour around the following sauce: Melt two tablespoons butter, add two and one-half tablespoons browned flour, then add one cup Chicken Stock. Season with one tablespoon tomato catsup and salt and pepper. Noodle Shells. Make noodle mixture (see p. 147 ), rol
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Beefsteak with Oyster Blanket
Beefsteak with Oyster Blanket
Wipe a sirloin steak, cut one and one-half inches thick, broil five minutes, and remove to platter. Spread with butter and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Clean one pint oysters, cover steak with same, sprinkle oysters with salt and pepper and dot over with butter. Place on grate in hot oven, and cook until oysters are plump....
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Planked Beefsteak
Planked Beefsteak
Wipe, remove superfluous fat, and pan broil seven minutes a porterhouse or cross-cut of the rump steak cut one and three-fourths inches thick. Butter a plank and arrange a border of Duchess Potatoes close to edge, using a pastry bag and rose tube. Remove steak to plank, put in a hot oven, and bake until steak is cooked and potatoes are browned. Spread steak with butter, sprinkle with salt, pepper, and finely chopped parsley. Garnish top of steak with sautéd mushroom caps, and put around steak at
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Broiled Fillets of Beef
Broiled Fillets of Beef
Slices cut from the tenderloin are called sliced fillets of beef. Wipe sliced fillets, place in greased broiler, and broil four or five minutes over a clear fire. These may be served with Maître d’Hôtel Butter or Mushroom Sauce....
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Cutlets of Tenderloin with Chestnut Purée
Cutlets of Tenderloin with Chestnut Purée
Shape slices of tenderloin, one inch thick, in circular pieces. Broil five minutes. Spread with butter, sprinkle with salt and pepper. Arrange on platter around a mound of Chestnut Purée....
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Sautéd Mignon Fillets of Beef with Sauce Figaro
Sautéd Mignon Fillets of Beef with Sauce Figaro
Wipe and sauté small fillets in hot omelet pan. Arrange in a circle on platter with cock’s-comb shaped croûtons between, and pour sauce in the centre. Serve as a luncheon dish with Brussels Sprouts or String Beans....
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Sautéd Mignon Fillets of Beef with Sauce Trianon
Sautéd Mignon Fillets of Beef with Sauce Trianon
Wipe and sauté small fillets in hot omelet pan. Arrange in a circle around a mound of fried potato balls sprinkled with parsley. Put Sauce Trianon on each fillet....
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Sautéd Fillets of Beef à la Moelle
Sautéd Fillets of Beef à la Moelle
Cut beef tenderloin in slices one inch thick, and trim into circular shapes. Season with salt and pepper, and broil six minutes in hot buttered frying-pan. Remove marrow from a marrow-bone, cut in one-third inch slices, poach in boiling water, and drain. Put a slice of marrow on each fillet. To liquor in pan add one tablespoon butter, two tablespoons flour, and one cup Brown Stock. Season with salt, pepper, and Madeira wine. Pour sauce around meat....
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Sautéd Fillets of Beef, Cherry Sauce
Sautéd Fillets of Beef, Cherry Sauce
Prepare and cook six fillets same as Sautéd Fillets of Beef à la Moelle. Arrange on serving dish, sprinkle with salt and pepper, spread with butter, and pour over. Cherry Sauce. Soak one-fourth cup glacéd cherries fifteen minutes in boiling water. Drain, cut in halves, cover with Sherry wine, and let stand three hours....
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Sautéd Fillets of Beef with Stuffed Mushroom Caps
Sautéd Fillets of Beef with Stuffed Mushroom Caps
Prepare and cook six fillets same as Sautéd Fillets of Beef à la Moelle. Put a sautéd stuffed mushroom cap on each, sprinkle with buttered crumbs, and bake until crumbs are browned. Remove to serving dish, pour around Espagnole Sauce, and garnish caps with strips of red and green pepper cut in fancy shapes. Stuffing for Mushroom Caps. Clean and finely chop six mushroom caps; add one tablespoon each of parsley and onion finely chopped, and one tablespoon butter. Moisten with Espagnole Sauce (See
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Châteaubriand of Beef
Châteaubriand of Beef
Trim off fat and skin from three pounds of beef cut from centre of fillet and flatten with a broad-bladed cleaver. Sprinkle with salt, brush over with olive oil, and broil over a clear fire twenty minutes. Remove to serving dish, garnish with red pepper cut in fancy shapes and parsley. Serve with Espagnole Sauce. To one and one-half cups rich brown sauce add two-thirds teaspoon meat extract, one tablespoon lemon juice, and one and one-half tablespoons finely chopped parsley. Just before serving
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Broiled Meat Cakes
Broiled Meat Cakes
Chop finely lean raw beef, season with salt and pepper, shape in small flat cakes, and broil in a greased broiler or frying-pan. Spread with butter, or serve with Maître d’Hôtel Butter. In forming the cakes, handle as little as possible; for if pressed too compactly, cakes will be found solid....
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Hamburg Steaks
Hamburg Steaks
Chop finely one pound lean raw beef; season highly with salt, pepper, and a few drops onion juice or one-half shallot finely chopped. Shape, cook, and serve as Meat Cakes. A few gratings of nutmeg and one egg slightly beaten may be added. Planks for Planked Dishes. — Page 198 . Beefsteak à la Mirabeau. — Page 197 . Side of Veal with Sweetbread attached. Side of Lamb showing division into fore and hind quarter. Page 195 ....
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Cannelon of Beef
Cannelon of Beef
Chop meat finely, and add remaining ingredients in order given. Shape in a roll six inches long, wrap in buttered paper, place on rack in dripping-pan, and bake thirty minutes. Baste every five minutes with one-fourth cup butter melted in one cup boiling water. Serve with Brown Mushroom Sauce I....
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Roast Beef
Roast Beef
The best cuts of beef for roasting are: tip or middle of sirloin, back of rump, or first three ribs. Tip of sirloin roast is desirable for a small family. Back of rump makes a superior roast for a large family, and is more economical than sirloin. It is especially desirable where a large quantity of dish gravy is liked, for in carving the meat juices follow the knife. Rib roasts contain more fat than either of the others, and are somewhat cheaper. To Roast Beef. Wipe, put on a rack in dripping-p
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Yorkshire Pudding
Yorkshire Pudding
Mix salt and flour, and add milk gradually to form a smooth paste; then add eggs beaten until very light. Cover bottom of hot pan with some of beef fat tried out from roast, pour mixture in pan one-half inch deep. Bake twenty minutes in hot oven, basting after well risen, with some of the fat from pan in which meat is roasting. Cut in squares for serving. Bake, if preferred, in greased, hissing hot iron gem pans....
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Larded Fillet of Beef
Larded Fillet of Beef
The tenderloin of beef which lies under the loin and rump is called fillet of beef. The fillet under the loin is known as the long fillet, and when removed no porterhouse steaks can be cut; therefore it commands a higher price than the short fillet lying under rump. Two short fillets are often skewered together, and served in place of a long fillet. Wipe, remove fat, veins, and any tendinous portions; skewer in shape, and lard upper side with grain of meat, following directions for larding on pa
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Fillet of Beef with Vegetables
Fillet of Beef with Vegetables
Wipe a three-pound fillet, trim, and remove fat. Put one-half pound butter in hot frying-pan and when melted add fillet, and turn frequently until the entire surface is seared and well browned; then turn occasionally until done, the time required being about thirty minutes. Remove to serving dish and garnish with one cup each cooked peas and carrots cut in fancy shapes, both well seasoned, one-half cup raisins seeded and cooked in boiling water until soft, and the caps from one-half pound fresh
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Braised Beef
Braised Beef
Fry out pork and remove scraps. Wipe meat, sprinkle with salt and pepper, dredge with flour, and brown entire surface in pork fat. When turning meat, avoid piercing with fork or skewer, which allows the inner juices to escape. Place on trivet in deep granite pan or in earthen pudding-dish, and surround with vegetables, peppercorns, and three cups boiling water; cover closely, and bake four hours in very slow oven, basting every half-hour, and turning after second hour. Throughout the cooking, th
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Beef à la Mode
Beef à la Mode
Insert twelve large lardoons in a four-pound piece of beef cut from the round. Make incisions for lardoons by running through the meat a large skewer. Season with salt and pepper, dredge with flour, and brown the entire surface in pork fat. Put on a trivet in kettle, surround with one-third cup each carrot, turnip, celery, and onion cut in dice, sprig of parsley, bit of bay leaf, and water to half cover meat. Cover closely, and cook slowly four hours, keeping liquor below the boiling-point. Remo
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Pressed Beef Flank
Pressed Beef Flank
Wipe, remove superfluous fat, and roll a flank of beef. Put in a kettle, cover with boiling water, and add one tablespoon salt, one-half teaspoon peppercorns, a bit of bay leaf, and a bone or two which may be at hand. Cook slowly until meat is in shreds; there should be but little liquor in kettle when meat is done. Arrange meat in a deep pan, pour over liquor, cover, and press with a heavy weight. Serve cold, thinly sliced....
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Beef Stew with Dumplings
Beef Stew with Dumplings
Wipe meat, remove from bone, cut in one and one-half inch cubes, sprinkle with salt and pepper, and dredge with flour. Cut some of the fat in small pieces and try out in frying-pan. Add meat and stir constantly, that the surface may be quickly seared; when well browned, put in kettle, and rinse frying-pan with boiling water, that none of the goodness may be lost. Add to meat remaining fat, and bone sawed in pieces; cover with boiling water and boil five minutes, then cook at a lower temperature
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Mix and sift dry ingredients. Work in butter with tips of fingers, and add milk gradually, using a knife for mixing. Toss on a floured board, pat, and roll out to one-half inch in thickness. Shape with biscuit-cutter, first dipped in flour. Place closely together in a buttered steamer, put over kettle of boiling water, cover closely, and steam twelve minutes. A perforated tin pie plate may be used in place of steamer. A little more milk may be used in the mixture, when it may be taken up by spoo
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Corned Beef
Corned Beef
Corned beef has but little nutritive value. It is used to give variety to our diet in summer, when fresh meats prove too stimulating. It is eaten by the workingman to give bulk to his food. The best pieces of corned beef are the rattle rand and fancy brisket. The fancy brisket commands a higher price and may be easily told from the rattle rand by the selvage on lower side and the absence of bones. The upper end of brisket (butt end) is thick and composed mostly of lean meat, the middle cut has m
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Boiled Dinner
Boiled Dinner
A boiled dinner consists of warm impressed corned beef, served with cabbage, beets, turnips, carrots, and potatoes. After removing meat from water, skim off fat and cook vegetables (with exception of beets, which require a long time for cooking) in this water. Carrots require a longer time for cooking than cabbage or turnips. Carrots and turnips, if small, may be cooked whole; if large, cut in pieces. Cabbage and beets are served in separate dishes, other vegetables on same dish with meat....
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Boiled Tongue
Boiled Tongue
A boiled corned tongue is cooked the same as Boiled Corned Beef. If very salt, it should be soaked in cold water several hours, or over night, before cooking. Take from water when slightly cooled and remove skin....
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Braised Tongue
Braised Tongue
A fresh tongue is necessary for braising. Put tongue in kettle, cover with boiling water, and cook slowly two hours. Take tongue from water and remove skin and roots. Place in deep pan and surround with one-third cup each carrot, onion, and celery, cut in dice, and one sprig parsley; then pour over four cups sauce. Cover closely, and bake two hours, turning after the first hour. Serve on platter and strain around the sauce. Sauce for Tongue. Brown one-fourth cup butter, add one-fourth cup flour
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Broiled Liver
Broiled Liver
Cover with boiling water slices of liver cut one-half inch thick, let stand five minutes to draw out the blood; drain, wipe, and remove the thin outside skin and veins. Sprinkle with salt and pepper, place in a greased wire broiler and broil five minutes, turning often. Remove to a hot platter, spread with butter, and sprinkle with salt and pepper....
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Liver and Bacon
Liver and Bacon
Prepare as for Broiled Liver, cut in pieces for serving, sprinkle with salt and pepper, dredge with flour, and fry in bacon fat. Serve with bacon....
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Bacon I
Bacon I
Place strips of thinly cut bacon on board, and with a broad-bladed knife make strips as thin as possible. Put in hot frying-pan and cook until bacon is crisp and brown, occasionally pouring off fat from pan, turning frequently. Drain on brown paper....
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Bacon II
Bacon II
Place thin slices of bacon (from which the rind has been removed) closely together in a fine wire broiler; place broiler over dripping-pan and bake in a hot oven until bacon is crisp and brown, turning once. Drain on brown paper. Fat which has dripped into the pan should be poured out and used for frying liver, eggs, potatoes, etc....
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Braised Liver
Braised Liver
Skewer, tie in shape, and lard upper side of calf’s liver. Place in deep pan, with trimmings from lardoons; surround with one-fourth cup each, carrot, onion, and celery, cut in dice; one-fourth teaspoon peppercorns, two cloves, bit of bay leaf, and two cups Brown Stock or water. Cover closely and bake slowly two hours, uncovering the last twenty minutes. Remove from pan, strain liquor, and use liquor for the making of a brown sauce with one and one-half tablespoons butter and two tablespoons flo
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Calf’s Liver, Stuffed and Larded
Calf’s Liver, Stuffed and Larded
Make a deep cut nearly the entire length of liver, beginning at thick end, thus making a pouch for stuffing. Fill pouch. Skewer liver and lard upper side. Put liver in baking-pan, pour around two cups Brown Sauce, made of one tablespoon each butter and flour, and two cups Brown Stock, salt, and pepper. Bake one and one-fourth hours, basting every twelve minutes with sauce in pan. Remove to serving dish, strain sauce around liver, and garnish with Glazed or French Fried Onions (see p. 296 ). Stuf
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Broiled Tripe
Broiled Tripe
Fresh honeycomb tripe is best for broiling. Wipe tripe as dry as possible, dip in fine cracker dust and olive oil or melted butter, draining off all fat that is possible, and again dip in cracker dust. Place in a greased broiler and broil five minutes, cooking smooth side of tripe the first three minutes. Place on a hot platter, honeycomb side up, spread with butter, and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Broiled tripe is at its best when cooked over a charcoal fire....
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Tripe in Batter
Tripe in Batter
Wipe tripe and cut in pieces for serving. Sprinkle with salt and pepper, dip in batter, fry in a small quantity of hot fat, and drain. Tripe Batter. Mix one cup flour with one-fourth teaspoon salt; add gradually one-half cup cold water, and when perfectly smooth add one egg well beaten, one-half tablespoon vinegar, and one teaspoon olive oil or melted butter....
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Tripe Fried in Batter
Tripe Fried in Batter
Cut pickled honeycomb tripe in pieces for serving; wash, cover with boiling water, and simmer gently twenty minutes. Drain, and again cover, using equal parts cold water and milk. Heat to boiling-point, again drain, wipe as dry as possible, sprinkle with salt and pepper, brush over with melted butter, dip in batter, fry in deep fat, and drain on brown paper. Serve with slices of lemon and Chili Sauce. Batter. Mix and sift one cup flour, one and one-half teaspoons baking powder, one-fourth teaspo
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Lyonnaise Tripe
Lyonnaise Tripe
Cut honeycomb tripe in pieces two inches long by one-half inch wide, having three cupfuls. Put in a pan and place in oven that water may be drawn out. Cook one tablespoon finely chopped onion in two tablespoons butter until slightly browned, add tripe drained from water, and cook five minutes. Sprinkle with salt and pepper and finely chopped parsley....
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Tripe à la Creole
Tripe à la Creole
Cut, bake, and drain tripe as for Lyonnaise Tripe. Cook same quantity of butter and onion, add one-eighth green pepper finely chopped, one tablespoon flour, one-half cup stock, one-fourth cup drained tomatoes, and one fresh mushroom cut in slices; then add tripe and cook five minutes. Season with salt and pepper....
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Tripe à la Provençale
Tripe à la Provençale
Add to Lyonnaise Tripe one tablespoon white wine. Cook until quite dry, add one-third cup Tomato Sauce, cook two minutes, season with salt and pepper, and serve....
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Calf’s Head à la Terrapin
Calf’s Head à la Terrapin
Wash and clean a calf’s head, and cook until tender in boiling water to cover. Cool, and cut meat from cheek in small cubes. To two cups meat dice add one cup sauce made of two tablespoons butter, two tablespoons flour, and one cup White Stock, seasoned with one-half teaspoon salt, one-eighth teaspoon pepper, and a few grains cayenne. Add one-half cup cream and yolks of two eggs slightly beaten; cook two minutes and add two tablespoons Madeira wine....
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Calves’ Tongues
Calves’ Tongues
Cook tongues until tender in boiling water to cover, with six slices carrot, two stalks celery, one onion stuck with six cloves, one-half teaspoon peppercorns and one-half tablespoon salt; take from water and remove skin and roots. Split and pour over equal parts brown stock and tomatoes boiled until thick....
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Calves’ Tongues, Sauce Piquante
Calves’ Tongues, Sauce Piquante
Cook four tongues, until tender, in boiling water, to cover, with six slices carrot, two stalks celery, one onion stuck with eight cloves, one teaspoon peppercorns, and one-half tablespoon salt. Take tongues from water, and remove skin and roots. Cut in halves lengthwise and reheat in Sauce Piquante. Brown one-fourth cup butter, add six tablespoons flour, and stir until well browned; then add two cups Brown Stock and cook three minutes. Season with two-thirds teaspoon salt, one-half teaspoon pap
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Calf’s Heart
Calf’s Heart
Wash a calf’s heart, remove veins, arteries, and clotted blood. Stuff (using half quantity of Fish Stuffing I on page 164 , seasoned highly with sage) and sew. Sprinkle with salt and pepper, roll in flour, and brown in hot fat. Place in small, deep baking-pan, half cover it with boiling water, cover closely, and bake slowly two hours, basting every fifteen minutes. It may be necessary to add more water. Remove heart from pan, and thicken the liquor with flour diluted with a small quantity of col
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Stuffed Hearts with Vegetables
Stuffed Hearts with Vegetables
Clean and wash calves’ hearts, stuff, skewer into shape, lard, season with salt and pepper, dredge with flour, and sauté in pork fat, adding to fat one stalk celery, one tablespoon chopped onion, two sprigs parsley, four slices carrot cut in pieces, half the quantity of turnip, a bit of bay leaf, two cloves, and one-fourth teaspoon peppercorns. Turn hearts occasionally until well browned, then add one and one-half cups Brown Stock, cover, and cook slowly one and one-half hours. Serve with cooked
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Braised Ox Joints
Braised Ox Joints
Cut ox-tail at joints, parboil five minutes, wash thoroughly, dredge with flour, and sauté in butter (to which has been added a sliced onion) until well browned. Add one-fourth cup flour, two cups each brown stock, water, and canned tomatoes, one teaspoon salt, and one-fourth teaspoon pepper. Turn into an earthen pudding-dish, cover, and cook slowly three and one-half hours. Remove ox-tail, strain sauce, and return ox-tail and sauce to oven to finish cooking. Add two-thirds cup each carrot and t
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Cut cold roast beef in thin slices, place on a warm platter, and pour over some of the gravy reheated to the boiling-point. If meat is allowed to stand in gravy on the range, it becomes hard and tough. Reheat cold roast beef cut in thin slices, in Mexican Sauce. Cook one onion, finely chopped, in two tablespoons butter five minutes. Add one red pepper, one green pepper, and one clove of garlic, each finely chopped, and two tomatoes peeled and cut in pieces. Cook fifteen minutes, add one teaspoon
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Broiled Lamb or Mutton Chops
Broiled Lamb or Mutton Chops
Wipe chops, remove superfluous fat, and place in a broiler greased with some of mutton fat. In loin chops, flank may be rolled and fastened with a small wooden skewer. Follow directions for Broiling Beefsteak on page 196 ....
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Pan-broiled Chops
Pan-broiled Chops
Chops for pan broiling should have flank and most of fat removed. Wipe chops and put in hissing hot frying-pan. Turn as soon as under surface is seared, and sear other side. Turn often, using knife and fork that the surface may not be pierced, as would be liable if fork alone were used. Cook six minutes if liked rare, eight to ten minutes if liked well done. Let stand around edge of frying-pan to brown the outside fat. When half cooked, sprinkle with salt. Drain on brown paper, put on hot platte
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Breaded Mutton Chops
Breaded Mutton Chops
Wipe and trim chops, sprinkle with salt and pepper, dip in crumbs, egg, and crumbs, fry in deep fat from five to eight minutes, and drain. Serve with Tomato Sauce, or stack around a mound of mashed potatoes, fried potato balls, or green peas. Never fry but four at a time, and allow fat to reheat between fryings. After testing fat for temperature, put in chops and place kettle on back of range, that surface of chops may not be too brown while the inside is still underdone....
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Chops à la Signora
Chops à la Signora
Gash French Chops on outer edge, extending cut half-way through lean meat. Insert in each gash a slice of truffle, sprinkle with salt and pepper, wrap in calf’s caul. Roll in flour, dip in egg, then in stale bread crumbs, and sauté in butter eight minutes, turning often. Place in oven four minutes to finish cooking. Arrange on hot platter for serving, and place on top of each a fresh broiled mushroom or mushroom baked in cream. To fat in pan add a small quantity of boiling water and pour around
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Lamb Chops à la Marseilles
Lamb Chops à la Marseilles
Pan broil, on one side, six French chops, cover cooked side with Mushroom Sauce, place in a buttered baking-dish, and bake in a hot oven eight minutes. Remove to serving dish, place a paper frill on each chop, and garnish with parsley. Mushroom Sauce. Brown one and one-half tablespoons butter, add three tablespoons flour, and stir until well browned; then add one-half cup highly seasoned Brown Stock. Add one-fourth cup chopped canned mushrooms, and season with salt and pepper....
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Chops à la Castillane
Chops à la Castillane
Broil six lamb chops, arrange on slices of fried eggplant, and pour around the following sauce: Brown three tablespoons butter, add three and one-half tablespoons flour, and stir until well browned; then add, gradually, one cup rich Brown Stock. Cook three tablespoons lean raw ham cut in small cubes in one-half tablespoon butter two minutes. Moisten with two tablespoons Sherry wine, and add to sauce with two tablespoons finely shredded green pepper. Season with salt and pepper....
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Chops en Papillote
Chops en Papillote
Finely chop the whites of three “hard-boiled” eggs and force yolks through potato ricer, mix, and add to three common crackers, rolled and sifted; then add three tablespoons melted butter, salt, pepper, and onion juice, to taste. Add enough cream to make of right consistency to spread. Cover chops thinly with mixture and wrap in buttered paper cases. Bake twenty-five minutes in hot oven. Remove from cases, place on hot platter, and garnish with parsley....
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Mutton Cutlets à la Maintenon
Mutton Cutlets à la Maintenon
Wipe six French Chops, cut one and one-half inches thick. Split meat in halves, cutting to bone. Cook two and one-half tablespoons butter and one tablespoon onion five minutes; remove onion, add one-half cup chopped mushrooms, and cook five minutes; then add two tablespoons flour, three tablespoons stock, one teaspoon finely chopped parsley, one-fourth teaspoon salt, and a few grains cayenne. Spread mixture between layers of chops, press together lightly, wrap in buttered paper cases, and broil
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Boiled Leg of Mutton
Boiled Leg of Mutton
Wipe meat, place in a kettle, and cover with boiling water. Bring quickly to boiling-point, boil five minutes, and skim. Set on back of range and simmer until meat is tender. When half done, add one tablespoon salt. Serve with Caper Sauce, or add to two cups White Sauce (made of one-half milk and one-half Mutton Stock), two “hard-boiled” eggs cut in slices....
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Braised Leg of Mutton
Braised Leg of Mutton
Order a leg of mutton boned. Wipe, stuff, sew, and place in deep pan. Cook five minutes in one-fourth cup butter, a slice each of onion, carrot, and turnip cut in dice, one-half bay leaf, and a sprig each of thyme and parsley. Add three cups hot water, one and one-half teaspoons salt, and twelve peppercorns; pour over mutton. Cover closely, and cook slowly three hours, uncovering for the last half-hour. Remove from pan to hot platter. Brown three tablespoons butter, add four tablespoons flour, a
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Roast Lamb
Roast Lamb
A leg of lamb is usually sent from market wrapped in caul; remove caul, wipe meat, sprinkle with salt and pepper, place on rack in dripping-pan, and dredge meat and bottom of pan with flour. Place in hot oven, and baste as soon as flour in pan is brown, and every fifteen minutes afterwards until meat is done, which will take about one and three-fourths hours. It may be necessary to put a small quantity of water in pan while meat is cooking. Leg of lamb may be boned and stuffed for roasting. See
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Lamb Bretonne
Lamb Bretonne
Serve hot thinly sliced roast lamb with Beans Bretonne. Soak one and one-half cups pea beans over night in cold water to cover, drain, and parboil until soft; again drain, put in earthen-ware dish or bean-pot, add tomato sauce, cover, and cook until beans have nearly absorbed sauce. Kidney Lamb Chop; Rib Chop; French Chop. — Page 214 . Crown of Lamb, prepared for Roasting. — Page 219 . Saddle of Mutton as purchased. — Page 191 . Roast Saddle of Mutton garnished with circular pieces of toast, sma
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Saddle of Mutton
Saddle of Mutton
Mutton for a saddle should always be dressed at market. Wipe meat, sprinkle with salt and pepper, place on rack in dripping-pan, and dredge meat and bottom of pan with flour. Bake in hot oven one and one-fourth hours, basting every fifteen minutes. Serve with Currant Jelly Sauce. To Carve a Saddle of Mutton , cut thin slices parallel with backbone, then slip the knife under and separate slices from ribs....
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Saddle of Mutton, Currant Mint Sauce
Saddle of Mutton, Currant Mint Sauce
Follow directions for Saddle of Mutton, and serve with Currant Mint Sauce. Separate two-thirds tumbler of currant jelly in pieces, but do not beat it. Add one and one-half tablespoons finely chopped mint leaves and shavings from the rind of one-fourth orange....
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Saddle of Lamb à l’Estragnon
Saddle of Lamb à l’Estragnon
Wipe meat, sprinkle with salt and pepper, place on rack in dripping-pan, and dredge meat and bottom of pan with flour. Bake in hot oven one and one-fourth hours, basting every fifteen minutes. Remove to hot serving dish and pour around Estragnon Sauce. Brown four tablespoons butter, add four tablespoons flour (which has been previously browned), and pour on gradually, while stirring constantly, two cups bouillon, and one-half cup stock which has infused with one tablespoon tarragon one hour....
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Crown of Lamb
Crown of Lamb
Select parts from two loins containing ribs, scrape flesh from bone between ribs, as far as lean meat, and trim off backbone. Shape each piece in a semicircle, having ribs outside, and sew pieces together to form a crown. Trim ends of bones evenly, care being taken that they are not left too long, and wrap each bone in a thin strip of fat salt pork or insert in cubes of fat salt pork to prevent bone from burning; then cover with buttered paper. Roast one and one-fourth hours. Remove pork from bo
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Lamb en Casserole
Lamb en Casserole
Wipe two slices of lamb cut one and one-fourth inches thick from centre of leg. Put in hot frying-pan, and turn frequently until seared and browned on both sides. Brush over with melted butter, season with salt and pepper, and bake in casserole dish twenty minutes or until tender. Parboil three-fourths cup carrot, cut in strips, fifteen minutes; drain, and sauté in one tablespoon bacon fat to which has been added one tablespoon finely chopped onion. Add to lamb, with one cup potato balls, two cu
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Mutton Curry
Mutton Curry
Wipe and cut meat from fore-quarter of mutton in one-inch pieces; there should be three cupfuls. Put in kettle, cover with cold water, and bring quickly to boiling-point; drain in colander and pour over one quart cold water. Return meat to kettle, cover with one quart boiling water, add three onions cut in slices, one-half teaspoon peppercorns, and a sprig each of thyme and parsley. Simmer until meat is tender, remove meat, strain liquor, and thicken with one-fourth cup each of butter and flour
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Fricassee of Lamb with Brown Gravy
Fricassee of Lamb with Brown Gravy
Order three pounds lamb from the fore-quarter, cut in pieces for serving. Wipe meat, put in kettle, cover with boiling water, and cook slowly until meat is tender. Remove from water, cool, sprinkle with salt and pepper, dredge with flour, and sauté in butter or mutton fat. Arrange on platter, and pour around one and one-half cups Brown Sauce made from liquor in which meat was cooked after removing all fat. It is better to cook meat the day before serving, as then fat may be more easily removed..
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Mutton Broth
Mutton Broth
Wipe meat, remove skin and fat, and cut in small pieces. Put into kettle with bones, and cover with cold water. Heat gradually to boiling-point, skim, then season with salt and pepper. Cook slowly until meat is tender, strain, and remove fat. Reheat to boiling-point, add rice or barley, and cook until rice or barley is tender. If barley is used, soak over night in cold water. Some of the meat may be served with the broth....
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Irish Stew with Dumplings
Irish Stew with Dumplings
Wipe and cut in pieces three pounds lamb from the fore-quarter. Put in kettle, cover with boiling water, and cook slowly two hours or until tender. After cooking one hour add one-half cup each carrot and turnip cut in one-half inch cubes, and one onion cut in slices. Fifteen minutes before serving add four cups potatoes cut in one-fourth inch slices, previously parboiled five minutes in boiling water. Thicken with one-fourth cup flour, diluted with enough cold water to form a thin smooth paste.
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Scotch Broth
Scotch Broth
Wipe three pounds mutton cut from fore-quarter. Cut lean meat in one-inch cubes, put in kettle, cover with three pints cold water, bring quickly to boiling-point, skim, and add one-half cup barley which has been soaked in cold water over night; simmer one and one-half hours, or until meat is tender. Put bones in a second kettle, cover with cold water, heat slowly to boiling-point, skim, and boil one and one-half hours. Strain water from bones and add to meat. Fry five minutes in two tablespoons
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Lambs’ Kidneys I
Lambs’ Kidneys I
Soak, pare, and cut in slices six kidneys, and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Melt two tablespoons butter in hot frying-pan, put in kidneys, and cook five minutes; dredge thoroughly with flour, and add two-thirds cup boiling water or hot Brown Stock. Cook five minutes, add more salt and pepper if needed. Lemon juice, onion juice, or Madeira wine may be used for additional flavor. Kidneys must be cooked a short time, or for several hours; they are tender after a few minutes’ cooking, but soon tou
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Lambs’ Kidneys II
Lambs’ Kidneys II
Soak, pare, trim, and slice six kidneys. Sprinkle with salt and pepper, sauté in butter, and remove to a hot dish. Cook one-half tablespoon finely chopped onion in two tablespoons butter until brown; add three tablespoons flour, and pour on slowly one and one-half cups hot stock. Season with salt and pepper, strain, add kidneys, and one tablespoon Madeira wine....
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Ragout of Kidneys
Ragout of Kidneys
Soak lambs’ kidneys one hour in lukewarm water. Drain, clean, cut in slices, season with salt and pepper, dredge with flour, and sauté in butter. Fry one sliced onion and one-half shallot, finely chopped, in three tablespoons butter until yellow; add three tablespoons flour and one and one-fourth cups Brown Stock. Cook five minutes, strain, and add one-half cup mushroom caps peeled and cut in quarters; season with salt and pepper, add kidneys, and serve as soon as heated. White wine may be added
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Kidney Rolls
Kidney Rolls
Mix one-half cup stale bread crumbs, one-half small onion, finely chopped, and one-half tablespoon finely chopped parsley. Season with salt and pepper and moisten with beaten egg. Spread mixture on thin slices of bacon, fasten around pieces of lambs’ kidney, using skewers. Bake in a hot oven twenty minutes....
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Remove dry pieces of skin and gristle from remnants of cold roast lamb, then chop meat. Heat in well-buttered frying-pan, season with salt, pepper, and celery salt, and moisten with a little hot water or stock; or, after seasoning, dredge well with flour, stir, and add enough stock to make thin gravy. Pour over small slices of buttered toast. Remove skin and fat from thin slices of cold roast lamb, and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Cover bottom of a buttered baking-dish with buttered cracker cr
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Veal Cutlets
Veal Cutlets
Use slices of veal from leg cut one-half inch thick. Wipe, remove bone and skin, then cut in pieces for serving. The long, irregular-shaped pieces may be rolled, and fastened with small wooden skewers. Sprinkle with salt and pepper; dip in flour, egg, and crumbs; fry slowly, until well browned, in salt pork fat or butter; then remove cutlets to stewpan and pour over one and one-half cups Brown Sauce. Place on back of range and cook slowly forty minutes, or until cutlets are tender. Veal may be c
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Veal Chops Bavarian
Veal Chops Bavarian
Wipe six loin chops and put in a stewpan with one-half onion, eight slices carrot, two stalks celery, one-half teaspoon peppercorns, four cloves, and two tablespoons butter. Cover with boiling water and cook until tender. Drain, season with salt and pepper, dip in flour, egg, and crumbs, fry in deep fat, and drain on brown paper. Arrange chops on hot serving dish and surround with boiled flat macaroni to which Soubise Sauce (see p. 267 ) is added....
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Fricassee of Veal
Fricassee of Veal
Wipe two pounds sliced veal, cut from loin, and cover with boiling water; add one small onion, two stalks celery, and six slices carrot. Cook slowly until meat is tender. Remove meat, sprinkle with salt and pepper, dredge with flour, and sauté in pork fat. Strain liquor (there should be two cups). Melt four tablespoons butter, add four tablespoons flour and strained liquor. Bring to boiling-point, season with salt and pepper, and pour around meat. Garnish with parsley....
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Minuten Fleisch
Minuten Fleisch
Pound veal until one-fourth inch thick and cut in pieces for serving. Sprinkle with salt and pepper, put in baking-pan, pour over wine, and let stand thirty minutes. Drain, dip in flour, arrange in two buttered pans, and pour over remaining ingredients and wine which was drained from meat. Cover, and cook slowly until meat is tender. Remove to serving dish and pour over sauce remaining in pan....
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Loin of Veal à la Jardinière
Loin of Veal à la Jardinière
Wipe four pounds loin of veal, sprinkle with salt and pepper, and dredge with flour. Put one-fourth cup butter in deep stewpan; when melted, add veal and brown entire surface of meat, watching carefully and turning often, that it may not burn. Add one cup hot water, cover closely, and cook slowly two hours, or until meat is tender, adding more water as needed, using in all about three cups. Remove meat, thicken stock remaining in pan with flour diluted with enough cold water to pour easily. Surr
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Braised Shoulder of Veal
Braised Shoulder of Veal
Bone, stuff, and sew in shape five pounds shoulder of veal; then cook same as Braised Beef, adding with vegetables two sprigs thyme and one of marjoram....
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English Meat Pie
English Meat Pie
Remove meat from bones. Cover bones with cold water, add vegetables and seasonings, and heat slowly to boiling-point. Add meat, boil five minutes, and let simmer until meat is tender; remove meat and reduce stock to two cups. Put ham in frying-pan, cover with lukewarm water, and let stand on back of range one hour. Brown butter, add flour, and when well browned add stock; then add veal and ham each cut into cubes. Let simmer twenty minutes and add oysters. Put in serving dish and cover with top
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Roast Veal
Roast Veal
The leg, cushion (thickest part of leg), and loin, are suitable pieces for roasting. When leg is to be used, it should be boned at market. Wipe meat, sprinkle with salt and pepper, stuff, and sew in shape. Place on rack in dripping-pan, dredge meat and bottom of pan with flour, and place around meat strips of fat salt pork. Bake three or four hours in moderate oven, basting every fifteen minutes with one-third cup butter melted in one-half cup boiling water, until used, then baste with fat in pa
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Fricandeau of Veal
Fricandeau of Veal
Lard a cushion of veal and roast or braise....
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India Curry
India Curry
Wipe a slice of veal one-half inch thick, weighing one and one-half pounds, and cook in frying-pan without butter, quickly searing one side, then the other. Place on a board and cut in one and one-half inch pieces. Fry two sliced onions in one-half cup butter until brown, remove onions, and add to the butter, meat, and one-half tablespoon curry powder, then cover with boiling water. Cook slowly until meat is tender. Thicken with flour diluted with enough cold water to pour easily; then add one t
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Veal Birds
Veal Birds
Wipe slices of veal from leg, cut as thinly as possible, then remove bone, skin, and fat. Pound until one-fourth inch thick and cut in pieces two and one-half inches long by one and one-half inches wide, each piece making a bird. Chop trimmings of meat, adding for every three birds a piece of fat salt pork cut one inch square and one-fourth inch thick; pork also to be chopped. Add to trimmings and pork one-half their measure of fine cracker crumbs, and season highly with salt, pepper, cayenne, p
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Veal Loaf I
Veal Loaf I
Separate a knuckle of veal in pieces by sawing through bone. Wipe, put in kettle with one pound lean veal and one onion; cover with boiling water, and cook slowly until veal is tender. Drain, chop meat finely, and season highly with salt and pepper. Garnish bottom of a mould with slices of “hard-boiled” eggs and parsley. Put in layer of meat, layer of thinly sliced “hard-boiled” eggs, sprinkle with finely chopped parsley, and cover with remaining meat. Pour over liquor, which should be reduced t
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Veal Loaf II
Veal Loaf II
Wipe three pounds lean veal, and remove skin and membrane. Chop finely or force through meat chopper, then add one-half pound fat salt pork (also finely chopped), six common crackers (rolled), four tablespoons cream, two tablespoons lemon juice, one tablespoon salt, one-half tablespoon pepper, and a few drops onion juice. Pack in a small bread pan, smooth evenly on top, brush with white of egg, and bake slowly three hours, basting with one-fourth cup pork fat. Prick frequently while baking, that
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Broiled Veal Kidneys
Broiled Veal Kidneys
Order veal kidneys with the suet left on. Trim, split, and broil ten minutes. Arrange on pieces of toast and pour over melted butter seasoned with salt, cayenne, and lemon juice....
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Veal Kidneys à la Canfield
Veal Kidneys à la Canfield
Trim kidneys, cook in Brown Stock ten minutes, drain, and cut in slices. Arrange alternate slices of kidney and thinly sliced bacon on skewers with a fresh mushroom cap at either end of each skewer. Broil until bacon is crisp and arrange on pieces of toast. Pour over sauce made from stock in which kidneys were cooked, seasoned with salt, cayenne, and Madeira wine....
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Prepare as Minced Lamb on Toast, using veal in place of lamb. Reheat two cups cold roast veal, cut in small strips, in one and one-half cups White Sauce I. Serve in a potato border and sprinkle over all finely chopped parsley. Reheat two cups cold roast veal, cut in cubes, in one and one-half cups Brown Sauce seasoned with one teaspoon Worcestershire Sauce, few drops of onion juice, and a few grains of cayenne. A sweetbread is the thymus gland of lamb or calf, but in cookery, veal sweetbreads on
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Broiled Sweetbread
Broiled Sweetbread
Parboil a sweetbread, split crosswise, sprinkle with salt and pepper, and broil five minutes. Serve with Lemon Butter....
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Creamed Sweetbread
Creamed Sweetbread
Parboil a sweetbread, and cut in one-half inch cubes, or separate in small pieces. Reheat in one cup White Sauce II. Creamed Sweetbread may be served on toast, or used as filling for patty cases or Swedish Timbales....
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Creamed Sweetbread and Chicken
Creamed Sweetbread and Chicken
Reheat equal parts of cold cooked chicken, and sweetbread cut in dice, in White Sauce II....
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Sweetbread à la Poulette
Sweetbread à la Poulette
Reheat sweetbread, cut in cubes, in one cup Béchamel Sauce....
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Sweetbreads, Country Style
Sweetbreads, Country Style
Parboil sweetbreads, sprinkle with salt and pepper, and dredge with flour. Arrange in baking-dish, brush over with melted butter, allowing two tablespoons to each pair of sweetbreads, and cover with thin slices fat salt pork. Bake in a hot oven over twenty-five minutes, basting twice during the cooking, and remove pork during the last five minutes of the cooking....
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Larded Sweetbread
Larded Sweetbread
Parboil a sweetbread, lard the upper side, and bake until well browned, basting with Meat Glaze....
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Sweetbreads à la Napoli
Sweetbreads à la Napoli
Parboil a large sweetbread and cut in eight pieces. Cook in hot frying-pan with a small quantity of butter, adding enough beef extract to give sweetbread a glazed appearance. Cut bread in slices, shape with a circular cutter three and one-half inches in diameter, and toast. Spread each piece with two tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese seasoned with salt and paprika and moistened with two tablespoons heavy cream. Arrange one piece of sweetbread on each piece of toast. Put in individual glass-cove
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Braised Sweetbreads Eugénie
Braised Sweetbreads Eugénie
Parboil a sweetbread in Sherry wine twelve minutes. Drain, cool, cut in four pieces, and lard. Cook in frying-pan same as Sweetbreads à la Napoli. Peel mushroom caps, cover with Sherry wine, let stand one hour, drain, and sauté in butter. Arrange on circular pieces of toast, over each of which has been poured one teaspoon wine drained from mushroom caps. Pile five or six mushroom caps on each piece of sweetbread, add two tablespoons heavy cream, and bake in a moderate oven, eight minutes. Cook i
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Sweetbread Cutlets with Asparagus Tips
Sweetbread Cutlets with Asparagus Tips
Parboil a sweetbread, split, and cut in pieces shaped like a small cutlet, or cut in circular pieces. Sprinkle with salt and pepper, dip in crumbs, egg, and crumbs, and sauté in butter. Arrange in a circle around Creamed Asparagus Tips....
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Sweetbread with Tomato Sauce
Sweetbread with Tomato Sauce
Prepare as Sweetbread Cutlets with Asparagus Tips, sauté in butter or fry in deep fat, and serve with Tomato Sauce....
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Sweetbread and Bacon
Sweetbread and Bacon
Parboil a sweetbread, cut in small pieces, dip in flour, egg, and crumbs, and arrange alternately with pieces of bacon on small skewers, having four pieces sweetbread and three of bacon on each skewer. Fry in deep fat, and drain. Arrange in a circle around mound of green peas. Sweetbread à la Napoli. — Page 233 . Braised Sweetbreads Eugénie. — Page 234 . Breslin Potted Chicken in Casserole Dish. — Page 252 . Broiled Chicken garnished with French Fried Potatoes, Slices Broiled Tomatoes, Parsley,
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Pork Chops
Pork Chops
Wipe chops, sprinkle with salt and pepper, place in a hot frying-pan, and cook slowly until tender, and well browned on each side....
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Pork Chops with Fried Apples
Pork Chops with Fried Apples
Arrange Pork Chops on a platter, and surround with slices of apples, cut one-half inch thick, fried in the fat remaining in pan....
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Roast Pork
Roast Pork
Wipe pork, sprinkle with salt and pepper, place on a rack in a dripping-pan, and dredge meat and bottom of pan with flour. Bake in a moderate oven three or four hours, basting every fifteen minutes with fat in pan. Make a gravy as for other roasts....
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Pork Tenderloins with Sweet Potatoes
Pork Tenderloins with Sweet Potatoes
Wipe tenderloins, put in a dripping-pan, and brown quickly in a hot oven; then sprinkle with salt and pepper, and bake forty-five minutes, basting every fifteen minutes. Sweet Potatoes. Pare six potatoes and parboil ten minutes, drain, put in pan with meat, and cook until soft, basting when basting meat....
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Breakfast Bacon
Breakfast Bacon
See Liver and Bacon, page 207 ....
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Fried Salt Pork with Codfish
Fried Salt Pork with Codfish
Cut fat salt pork in one-fourth inch slices, cut gashes one-third inch apart in slices, nearly to rind. Try out in a hot frying-pan until brown and crisp, occasionally turning off fat from pan. Serve around strips of codfish which have been soaked in pan of lukewarm water and allowed to stand on back of range until soft. Serve with Drawn Butter Sauce, boiled potatoes, and beets....
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Broiled Ham
Broiled Ham
Soak thin slices of ham one hour in lukewarm water. Drain, wipe, and broil three minutes....
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Fried Ham and Eggs
Fried Ham and Eggs
Wipe ham, remove one-half outside layer of fat, and place in frying-pan. Cover with tepid water and let stand on back of range thirty minutes; drain, and dry on a towel. Heat pan, put in ham, brown quickly on one side, turn and brown other side; or soak ham over night, dry, and cook in hot frying-pan. If cooked too long, ham will become hard and dry. Serve with fried eggs cooked in the dried-out ham fat....
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Barbecued Ham
Barbecued Ham
Soak thin slices of ham one hour in lukewarm water; drain, wipe, and cook in a hot frying-pan until slightly browned. Remove to serving dish and add to fat in pan three tablespoons vinegar mixed with one and one-half teaspoons mustard, one-half teaspoon sugar, and one-eighth teaspoon paprika. When thoroughly heated pour over ham and serve at once....
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Boiled Ham
Boiled Ham
Soak several hours or over night in cold water to cover. Wash thoroughly, trim off hard skin near end of bone, put in a kettle, cover with cold water, heat to boiling-point, and cook slowly until tender. See Time Table for Cooking, page 28 . Remove kettle from range and set aside, that ham may partially cool; then take from water, remove outside skin, sprinkle with sugar and fine cracker crumbs, and stick with cloves one-half inch apart. Bake one hour in a slow oven. Serve cold, thinly sliced...
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Roast Ham with Champagne Sauce
Roast Ham with Champagne Sauce
Place a whole baked ham in the oven fifteen minutes before serving time, that outside fat may be heated. Remove to a hot platter, garnish bone end with a paper ruffle, and serve with Champagne Sauce....
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Westphalian Ham
Westphalian Ham
These hams are imported from Germany, and need no additional cooking. Cut in very thin slices for serving....
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Broiled Pigs’ Feet
Broiled Pigs’ Feet
Wipe, sprinkle with salt and pepper, and broil six to eight minutes. Serve with Maître d’Hôtel Butter or Sauce Piquante....
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Fried Pigs’ Feet
Fried Pigs’ Feet
Wipe, sprinkle with salt and pepper, dip in crumbs, egg, and crumbs, fry in deep fat, and drain....
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Cut apart a string of sausages. Pierce each sausage several times with a carving fork. Put in frying-pan, cover with boiling water, and cook fifteen minutes; drain, return to frying-pan, and fry until well browned. Serve with fried apples. Sausages are often broiled same as bacon and apples baked in pan under them....
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Boston Baked Beans
Boston Baked Beans
Pick over one quart pea beans, cover with cold water, and soak over night. In morning, drain, cover with fresh water, heat slowly (keeping water below boiling-point), and cook until skins will burst,—which is best determined by taking a few beans on the tip of a spoon and blowing on them, when skins will burst if sufficiently cooked. Beans thus tested must, of course, be thrown away. Drain beans, throwing bean-water out of doors, not in sink. Scald rind of three-fourths pound fat salt pork, scra
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Broiled Chicken
Broiled Chicken
Dress for broiling, following directions on page 244 . Sprinkle with salt and pepper, and place in a well-greased broiler. Broil twenty minutes over a clear fire, watching carefully and turning broiler so that all parts may be equally browned. The flesh side must be exposed to the fire the greater part of time, as the skin side will brown quickly. Remove to a hot platter, spread with soft butter, and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Chickens are so apt to burn while broiling that many prefer to pa
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Boiled Fowl
Boiled Fowl
Dress, clean, and truss a four-pound fowl, tie in cheese-cloth, place on trivet in a kettle, half surround with boiling water, cover, and cook slowly until tender, turning occasionally. Add salt the last hour of cooking. Serve with Egg, Oyster, or Celery Sauce. It is not desirable to stuff a boiled fowl....
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Boiled Capon with Cauliflower Sauce
Boiled Capon with Cauliflower Sauce
Prepare and cook a capon same as Boiled Fowl, and serve surrounded with Cauliflower Sauce and garnished with parsley....
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Chicken à la Providence
Chicken à la Providence
Prepare and boil a chicken, following recipe for Boiled Fowl. The liquor should be reduced to two cups, and used for making sauce, with two tablespoons each butter and flour cooked together. Add to sauce one-half cup each of cooked carrot (cut in fancy shapes) and green peas, one teaspoon lemon juice, yolks two eggs, salt and pepper. Place chicken on hot platter, surround with sauce, and sprinkle chicken and sauce with one-half tablespoon finely chopped parsley....
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Stewed Chicken with Onions
Stewed Chicken with Onions
Dress, clean, and cut in pieces for serving, two chickens. Cook in a small quantity of water with eighteen tiny young onions. Remove chicken to serving dish as soon as tender, and when onions are soft drain from stock and reduce stock to one and one-half cups. Make sauce of three tablespoons butter, four tablespoons flour, stock, and one-half cup heavy cream; then add yolks three eggs, salt, pepper, and lemon juice to taste. Pour sauce over chicken and onions....
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Chicken à la Stanley
Chicken à la Stanley
Melt one-fourth cup butter, add one large onion thinly sliced, and two broilers cut in pieces for serving; cover, and cook slowly ten minutes; then add one cup Chicken Stock, and cook until meat is tender. Remove chickens, rub stock and onions through a sieve, and add one and one-half tablespoons each butter and flour cooked together. Add cream to make sauce of the right consistency. Season with salt and pepper. Arrange chicken on serving dish, pour around sauce, and garnish dish with bananas cu
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Chili Con Carni
Chili Con Carni
Clean, singe, and cut in pieces for serving, two young chickens. Season with salt and pepper, and sauté in butter. Remove seeds and veins from eight red peppers, cover with boiling water, and cook until soft; mash, and rub through a sieve. Add one teaspoon salt, one onion finely chopped, two cloves of garlic finely chopped, the chicken, and boiling water to cover. Cook until chicken is tender. Remove to serving dish, and thicken sauce with three tablespoons each butter and flour cooked together;
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Roast Chicken
Roast Chicken
Dress, clean, stuff, and truss a chicken. Place on its back on rack in a dripping-pan, rub entire surface with salt, and spread breast and legs with three tablespoons butter, rubbed until creamy and mixed with two tablespoons flour. Dredge bottom of pan with flour. Place in a hot oven, and when flour is well browned, reduce the heat, then baste. Continue basting every ten minutes until chicken is cooked. For basting, use one-fourth cup butter, melted in two-thirds cup boiling water, and after th
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Stuffing I
Stuffing I
Melt butter in water, and pour over crackers, to which seasonings have been added....
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Stuffing II
Stuffing II
Make same as Stuffing I....
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Pour off liquid in pan in which chicken has been roasted. From liquid skim off four tablespoons fat; return fat to pan, and brown with four tablespoons flour; add two cups stock in which giblets, neck, and tips of wings have been cooked. Cook five minutes, season with salt and pepper, then strain. The remaining fat may be used, in place of butter, for frying potatoes, or for basting when roasting another chicken. For Giblet Gravy , add to the above, giblets (heart, liver, and gizzard) finely cho
24 minute read
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Braised Chicken
Braised Chicken
Dress, clean, and truss a four-pound fowl. Try out two slices fat salt pork cut one-fourth inch thick; remove scraps, and add to fat five slices carrot cut in small cubes, one-half sliced onion, two sprigs thyme, one sprig parsley, and one bay leaf, then cook ten minutes; add two tablespoons butter, and fry fowl, turning often until surface is well browned. Place on trivet in a deep pan, pour over fat, and add two cups boiling water or Chicken Stock. Cover, and bake in slow oven until tender, ba
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Chicken Fricassee
Chicken Fricassee
Dress, clean, and cut up a fowl. Put in a kettle, cover with boiling water, and cook slowly until tender, adding salt to water when chicken is about half done. Remove from water, sprinkle with salt and pepper, dredge with flour, and sauté in butter or pork fat. Arrange chicken on pieces of dry toast placed on a hot platter, having wings and second joints opposite each other, breast in centre of platter, and drumsticks crossed just below second joints. Pour around White or Brown Sauce. Reduce sto
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Fried Chicken
Fried Chicken
Fried chicken is prepared and cooked same as Chicken Fricassee, with Brown Sauce, chicken always being used, never fowl....
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Fried Chicken (Southern Style)
Fried Chicken (Southern Style)
Clean, singe, and cut in pieces for serving, two young chickens. Plunge in cold water, drain but do not wipe. Sprinkle with salt and pepper, and coat thickly with flour, having as much flour adhere to chicken as possible. Try out one pound fat salt pork cut in pieces, and cook chicken slowly in fat until tender and well browned. Serve with White Sauce made of half milk and half cream....
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Maryland Chicken
Maryland Chicken
Dress, clean, and cut up two chickens. Sprinkle with salt and pepper, dip in flour, egg, and crumbs, place in a well-greased dripping-pan, and bake thirty minutes in a hot oven, basting after first five minutes of cooking with one-third cup melted butter. Arrange on platter and pour over two cups Cream Sauce....
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Blanketed Chicken
Blanketed Chicken
Split and clean two broilers. Place in dripping-pan and sprinkle with salt, pepper, two tablespoons green pepper finely chopped, and one tablespoon chives finely cut. Cover with strips of bacon thinly cut, and bake in a hot oven until chicken is tender. Remove to serving dish and pour around the following sauce: To three tablespoons fat, taken from dripping-pan, add four tablespoons flour and one and one-half cups thin cream, or half chicken stock and half cream may be used. Season with salt and
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Chicken à la Merango
Chicken à la Merango
Dress, clean, and cut up a chicken. Sprinkle with salt and pepper, dredge with flour, and sauté in salt pork fat. Put in a stewpan, cover with sauce, and cook slowly until chicken is tender. Add one-half can mushrooms cut in quarters, and cook five minutes. Arrange chicken on serving dish and pour around sauce; garnish with parsley....
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Cook butter five minutes with vegetables. Add flour, with salt, pepper, and cayenne, and cook until flour is well browned. Add gradually water and tomato; cook five minutes, then strain....
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Baked Chicken
Baked Chicken
Dress, clean, and cut up two chickens. Place in a dripping-pan, sprinkle with salt and pepper, dredge with flour, and dot over with one-fourth cup butter. Bake thirty minutes in a hot oven, basting every five minutes with one-fourth cup butter melted in one-fourth cup boiling water. Serve with gravy made by using fat in pan, one-fourth cup flour, one cup each Chicken Stock and cream, salt and pepper....
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Planked Chicken
Planked Chicken
Cream the butter, add pepper, parsley, onion, garlic, and lemon juice. Split a young chicken as for broiling, place in dripping-pan, sprinkle with salt and pepper, dot over with butter, and bake in a hot oven until nearly cooked. Butter plank, arrange a border of Duchess Potatoes (see p. 312 ) close to edge of plank, and remove chicken to plank. Clean, peel, and sauté mushroom caps, place on chicken, spread over prepared butter, and put in a very hot oven to brown potatoes and finish cooking chi
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Chicken Gumbo
Chicken Gumbo
Dress, clean, and cut up a chicken. Sprinkle with salt and pepper, dredge with flour, and sauté in pork fat. Fry one-half finely chopped onion in fat remaining in frying-pan. Add four cups sliced okra, sprig of parsley, and one-fourth red pepper finely chopped, and cook slowly fifteen minutes. Add to chicken, with one and one-half cups tomato, three cups boiling water, and one and one-half teaspoons salt. Cook slowly until chicken is tender, then add one cup boiled rice....
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Chicken Stew
Chicken Stew
Dress, clean, and cut up a fowl. Put in a stewpan, cover with boiling water, and cook slowly until tender, adding one-half tablespoon salt and one-eighth teaspoon pepper when fowl is about half cooked. Thicken stock with one-third cup flour diluted with enough cold water to pour easily. Serve with Dumplings. If desired richer, butter may be added....
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Chicken Pie
Chicken Pie
Dress, clean, and cut up two fowls or chickens. Put in a stewpan with one-half onion, sprig of parsley, and bit of bay leaf; cover with boiling water, and cook slowly until tender. When chicken is half cooked, add one-half tablespoon salt and one-eighth teaspoon pepper. Remove chicken, strain stock, skim off fat, and then cook until reduced to four cups. Thicken stock with one-third cup flour diluted with enough cold water to pour easily. Place a small cup in centre of baking-dish, arrange aroun
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Chicken Curry
Chicken Curry
Clean, dress, and cut chicken in pieces for serving. Put butter in a hot frying-pan, add chicken, and cook ten minutes; then add liver and gizzard and cook ten minutes longer. Cut onions in thin slices, and add to chicken with curry powder and salt. Add enough boiling water to cover, and simmer until chicken is tender. Remove chicken; strain, and thicken liquor with flour diluted with enough cold water to pour easily. Pour gravy over chicken, and serve with a border of rice or Turkish Pilaf....
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Chicken en Casserole
Chicken en Casserole
Cut two small, young chickens in pieces for serving. Season with salt and pepper, brush over with melted butter, and bake in a casserole dish twelve minutes. Parboil one-third cup carrots cut in strips five minutes, drain, and fry with one tablespoon finely chopped onion and four thin slices bacon cut in narrow strips. Add one and one-third cups Brown Sauce and two-thirds cup potato balls. Add to chicken, with three tablespoons Sherry wine, salt and pepper to taste. Cook in a moderate oven twent
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Breslin Potted Chicken
Breslin Potted Chicken
Dress, clean, and truss a broiler. Put in a casserole dish, brush over with two and one-half tablespoons melted butter, put on cover, and bake twenty minutes; then add one cup stock and cook until chicken is tender. Thicken stock with one tablespoon, each, butter and flour cooked together, and add one-half cup cooked potato balls, one-third cup canned string beans, cut in small pieces, one-third cup cooked carrot, cut in fancy shapes, and six sautéd mushroom caps....
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Jellied Chicken
Jellied Chicken
Dress, clean, and cut up a four-pound fowl. Put in a stewpan with two slices onion, cover with boiling water, and cook slowly until meat falls from bones. When half cooked, add one-half tablespoon salt. Remove chicken; reduce stock to three-fourths cup, strain, and skim off fat. Decorate bottom of a mould with parsley and slices of hard-boiled eggs. Pack in meat freed from skin and bone and sprinkled with salt and pepper. Pour on stock and place mould under heavy weight. Keep in a cold place unt
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Chickens’ Livers with Madeira Sauce
Chickens’ Livers with Madeira Sauce
Clean and separate livers, sprinkle with salt and pepper, dredge with flour, and sauté in butter. Brown two tablespoons butter, add two and one-half tablespoons flour, and when well browned add gradually one cup Brown Stock; then add two tablespoons Madeira wine, and reheat livers in sauce. Chickens’ Livers with Bacon Clean livers and cut each liver in six pieces. Wrap a thin slice of bacon around each piece and fasten with a small skewer. Put in a broiler, place over a dripping-pan, and bake in
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Sautéd Chickens’ Livers
Sautéd Chickens’ Livers
Cut one slice bacon in small pieces and cook five minutes with two tablespoons butter. Remove bacon, add one finely chopped shallot, and fry two minutes; then add six chickens’ livers cleaned and separated, and cook two minutes. Add two tablespoons flour, one cup Brown Stock, one teaspoon lemon juice, and one-fourth cup sliced mushrooms. Cook two minutes, turn into a serving dish, and sprinkle with finely chopped parsley....
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Chickens’ Livers with Curry
Chickens’ Livers with Curry
Clean and separate livers. Dip in seasoned crumbs, egg, and crumbs, and sauté in butter. Remove livers, and to fat in pan add two tablespoons butter, one-half tablespoon finely chopped onion, and cook five minutes. Add two tablespoons flour mixed with one-half teaspoon curry powder and one cup stock. Strain sauce over livers, and serve around livers Rice Timbales....
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Boiled Turkey
Boiled Turkey
Prepare and cook same as Boiled Fowl. Serve with Oyster or Celery Sauce....
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Roast Turkey
Roast Turkey
Dress, clean, stuff, and truss a ten-pound turkey (see pages 242 –244). Place on its side on rack in a dripping-pan, rub entire surface with salt, and spread breast, legs, and wings with one-third cup butter, rubbed until creamy and mixed with one-fourth cup flour. Dredge bottom of pan with flour. Place in a hot oven, and when flour on turkey begins to brown, reduce heat, baste with fat in pan, and add two cups boiling water. Continue basting every fifteen minutes until turkey is cooked, which w
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Chestnut Stuffing
Chestnut Stuffing
Shell and blanch chestnuts. Cook in boiling salted water until soft. Drain and mash, using a potato ricer. Add one-half the butter, salt, pepper, and cream. Melt remaining butter, mix with cracker crumbs, then combine mixtures....
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Oyster Stuffing
Oyster Stuffing
Mix ingredients in the order given, add oysters, cleaned and drained from their liquor....
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Turkey Stuffing (Swedish Style)
Turkey Stuffing (Swedish Style)
Mix ingredients in the order given....
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Pour off liquid in pan in which turkey has been roasted. From liquid skim off six tablespoons fat; return fat to pan and brown with six tablespoons flour; pour on gradually three cups stock in which giblets, neck, and tips of wings have been cooked, or use liquor left in pan. Cook five minutes, season with salt and pepper; strain. For Giblet Gravy add to the above, giblets (heart, liver, and gizzard) finely chopped....
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Chestnut Gravy
Chestnut Gravy
To two cups thin Turkey Gravy add three-fourths cup cooked and mashed chestnuts....
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To Carve Turkey
To Carve Turkey
Bird should be placed on back, with legs at right of platter for carving. Introduce carving fork across breastbone, hold firmly in left hand, and with carving knife in right hand cut through skin between leg and body, close to body. With knife pull back leg and disjoint from body. Then cut off wing. Remove leg and wing from other side. Separate second joints from drumsticks and divide wings at joints. Carve breast meat in thin crosswise slices. Under back on either side of backbone may be found
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Roast Goose with Potato Stuffing
Roast Goose with Potato Stuffing
Singe, remove pinfeathers, wash and scrub a goose in hot soapsuds; then draw (which is removing inside contents). Wash in cold water and wipe. Stuff, truss, sprinkle with salt and pepper, and lay six thin strips fat salt pork over breast. Place on rack in dripping-pan, put in hot oven, and bake two hours. Baste every fifteen minutes with fat in pan. Remove pork last half-hour of cooking. Place on platter, cut string, and remove string and skewers. Garnish with watercress and bright red cranberri
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Potato Stuffing
Potato Stuffing
Add to potato, bread crumbs, butter, egg, salt, and sage; then add pork and onion....
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Goose Stuffing (Chestnut)
Goose Stuffing (Chestnut)
Cook shallot with butter five minutes, add sausage meat, and cook two minutes, then add mushrooms, chestnut purée, parsley, and salt and pepper. Heat to boiling-point, add bread crumbs and whole chestnuts. Cool mixture before stuffing goose. Roast Turkey garnished for serving. — Page 254 . Duck stuffed and trussed for roasting. — Page 257 . Stuffed Egg Plant. — Page 293 . Purée of Spinach. — Page 300 ....
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To Truss a Goose
To Truss a Goose
A goose, having short legs, is trussed differently from chicken, fowl, and turkey. After inserting skewers, wind string twice around one leg bone, then around other leg bone, having one inch space of string between legs. Draw legs with both ends of string close to back, cross string under back, then fasten around skewers and tie in a knot....
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Roast Wild Duck
Roast Wild Duck
Dress and clean a wild duck and truss as goose. Place on rack in dripping-pan, sprinkle with salt and pepper, and cover breast with two very thin slices fat salt pork. Bake twenty to thirty minutes in a very hot oven, basting every five minutes with fat in pan; cut string and remove string and skewers. Serve with Orange or Olive Sauce. Currant jelly should accompany a duck course. Domestic ducks should always be well cooked, requiring little more than twice the time allowed for wild ducks. Ducks
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Duck Stuffing (Peanut)
Duck Stuffing (Peanut)
Mix ingredients in the order given....
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Braised Duck
Braised Duck
Tough ducks are sometimes steamed one hour, and then braised in same manner as chicken....
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Broiled Quail
Broiled Quail
Follow recipe for Broiling Chicken, allowing eight minutes for cooking. Serve on pieces of toast, and garnish with parsley and thin slices of lemon. Currant jelly or Rice Croquettes with Jelly should accompany this course....
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Roast Quail
Roast Quail
Dress, clean, lard, and truss a quail. Bake same as Larded Grouse, allowing fifteen to twenty minutes for cooking....
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Larded Grouse
Larded Grouse
Clean, remove pinions, and if it be tough the skin covering breast. Lard breast and insert two lardoons in each leg. Truss, and place on trivet in small shallow pan; rub with salt, brush over with melted butter, dredge with flour, and surround with trimmings of fat salt pork. Bake twenty to twenty-five minutes in a hot oven, basting three times. Arrange on platter, remove string and skewers, pour around Bread Sauce, and sprinkle bird and sauce with coarse brown bread crumbs. Garnish with parsley
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Breast of Grouse Sauté Chasseur
Breast of Grouse Sauté Chasseur
Remove breasts from pair of grouse, and sauté in butter. When partially cooked, season with salt and pepper. Break carcasses in pieces, cover with cold water, add carrot, celery, onion, parsley, and bay leaf, and cook until stock is reduced to three-fourths cup. Arrange grouse on a serving dish, and pour around a sauce made of three tablespoons butter, four and one-half tablespoons flour, stock made from grouse, and three-fourths cup stewed and strained tomatoes. Season with salt, cayenne, and l
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Broiled or Roasted Plover
Broiled or Roasted Plover
Plover is broiled or roasted same as quail....
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Potted Pigeons
Potted Pigeons
Clean, stuff, and truss six pigeons, place upright in a stewpan, and add one quart boiling water in which celery has been cooked. Cover, and cook slowly three hours or until tender; or cook in oven in a covered earthen dish. Remove from water, cool slightly, sprinkle with salt and pepper, dredge with flour, and brown entire surface in pork fat. Make a sauce with one-fourth cup, each, butter and flour cooked together and stock remaining in pan; there should be two cups. Place each bird on a slice
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Mix ingredients in order given....
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Broiled Venison Steak
Broiled Venison Steak
Follow recipe for Broiled Beefsteak. Serve with Maître d’Hôtel Butter. Venison should always be cooked rare....
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Venison Steaks, Sautéd, Cumberland Sauce
Venison Steaks, Sautéd, Cumberland Sauce
Cut venison steaks in circular pieces and use trimmings for the making of stock. Sauté steaks in hot buttered frying-pan and serve with Cumberland Sauce. Soak two tablespoons citron, cut in julienne-shaped pieces, two tablespoons glacéd cherries, and one tablespoon Sultana raisins, in Port wine for several hours. Drain and cook fruit five minutes in one-third cup Port wine. Add one-half tumbler currant jelly, and, as soon as jelly is dissolved, add one and one-third cups Brown Sauce, and two tab
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Venison Steak, Chestnut Sauce
Venison Steak, Chestnut Sauce
Wipe steak, sprinkle with salt and pepper, place on a greased broiler, and broil five minutes. Remove to hot platter and pour over Chestnut Sauce. Fry one-half onion and six slices carrot, cut in small pieces, in two tablespoons butter, five minutes, add three tablespoons flour, and stir until well browned; then add one and one-half cups Brown Stock, a sprig of parsley, a bit of bay leaf, eight peppercorns, and one teaspoon salt. Let simmer twenty minutes, strain, then add three tablespoons Made
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Venison Cutlets
Venison Cutlets
Clean and trim slices of venison cut from loin. Sprinkle with salt and pepper, brush over with melted butter or olive oil, and roll in soft stale bread crumbs. Place in a broiler and broil five minutes, or sauté in butter. Serve with Port Wine Sauce....
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Roast Leg of Venison
Roast Leg of Venison
Prepare and cook as Roast Lamb, allowing less time that it may be cooked rare....
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Saddle of Venison
Saddle of Venison
Clean and lard a saddle of venison. Cook same as Saddle of Mutton. Serve with Currant Jelly Sauce....
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Belgian Hare à la Maryland
Belgian Hare à la Maryland
Follow directions for Chicken à la Maryland (see p. 249 ). Bake forty minutes, basting with bacon fat in place of butter....
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Belgian Hare, Sour Cream Sauce
Belgian Hare, Sour Cream Sauce
Clean and split a hare. Lard back and hind legs, and season with salt and pepper. Cook eight slices carrot cut in small pieces and one-half small onion in two tablespoons bacon fat five minutes. Add one cup Brown Stock, and pour around hare in pan. Bake forty-five minutes, basting often. Add one cup heavy cream and the juice of one lemon. Cook fifteen minutes longer, and baste every five minutes. Remove to serving dish, strain sauce, thicken, season with salt and pepper, and pour around hare....
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1½ cups cold cooked chicken, cut in dice 1 cup White Sauce II ⅛ teaspoon celery salt Heat chicken dice in sauce, to which celery salt has been added. Add to Creamed Chicken one-fourth cup mushrooms cut in slices. Serve Creamed Chicken in Potato Border. To three cups hot mashed potatoes add three tablespoons butter, one teaspoon salt, yolks of three eggs slightly beaten, and enough milk to moisten. Shape in form of small baskets, using a pastry bag and tube. Brush over with white of egg slightly
5 minute read
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Thin White Sauce
Thin White Sauce
Put butter in saucepan, stir until melted and bubbling; add flour mixed with seasonings, and stir until thoroughly blended. Pour on gradually the milk, adding about one-third at a time, stirring until well mixed, then beating until smooth and glossy. If a wire whisk is used, all the milk may be added at once....
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Cream Sauce
Cream Sauce
Make same as Thin White Sauce, using cream instead of milk....
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White Sauce I
White Sauce I
Make same as Thin White Sauce....
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Thick White Sauce (for Cutlets and Croquets)
Thick White Sauce (for Cutlets and Croquets)
Make same as Thin White Sauce....
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Sauce Allemande
Sauce Allemande
To Velouté Sauce add one teaspoon lemon juice and yolk one egg....
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Soubise Sauce
Soubise Sauce
Cover onions with boiling water, cook five minutes, drain, again cover with boiling water, and cook until soft; drain, and rub through a sieve. Add to sauce with cream. Season with salt and pepper. Serve with mutton, pork chops, or “hard-boiled” eggs....
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Drawn Butter Sauce
Drawn Butter Sauce
Melt one-half the butter, add flour with seasonings, and pour on gradually hot water. Boil five minutes, and add remaining butter in small pieces. To be served with boiled or baked fish....
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Shrimp Sauce
Shrimp Sauce
To Drawn Butter Sauce add one egg yolk and one-half can shrimps cleaned and cut in pieces....
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Caper Sauce
Caper Sauce
To Drawn Butter Sauce add one-half cup capers drained from their liquor. Serve with boiled mutton....
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Egg Sauce I
Egg Sauce I
To Drawn Butter Sauce add two “hard-boiled” eggs cut in one-fourth inch slices....
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Egg Sauce II
Egg Sauce II
To Drawn Butter Sauce add beaten yolks of two eggs and one teaspoon lemon juice....
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Brown Sauce I
Brown Sauce I
Cook onion in butter until slightly browned; remove onion and stir butter constantly until well browned; add flour mixed with seasonings, and brown the butter and flour; then add stock gradually....
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Brown Sauce II (Espagnole)
Brown Sauce II (Espagnole)
Cook butter with carrot, onion, bay leaf, thyme, parsley, and peppercorns, until brown, stirring constantly, care being taken that butter is not allowed to burn; add flour, and when well browned, add stock gradually. Bring to boiling-point, strain, and season with salt and pepper....
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Brown Mushroom Sauce I
Brown Mushroom Sauce I
To one cup Brown Sauce add one-fourth can mushrooms, drained, rinsed, and cut in quarters or slices....
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Brown Mushroom Sauce II
Brown Mushroom Sauce II
Drain and rinse mushrooms and chop finely one-half of same. Cook five minutes with butter and lemon juice; drain; brown the butter, add flour, and when well browned, add gradually Consommé. Cook fifteen minutes, skim, add remaining mushrooms cut in quarters or slices, and cook two minutes. Season with salt and pepper. Use fresh mushrooms in place of canned ones when possible....
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Sauce Piquante
Sauce Piquante
To one cup Brown Sauce add one tablespoon vinegar, one-half small shallot finely chopped, one tablespoon each chopped capers and pickle, and a few grains of cayenne....
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Olive Sauce
Olive Sauce
Remove stones from ten olives, leaving meat in one piece. Cover with boiling water and cook five minutes. Drain olives, and add to two cups Brown Sauce I or II....
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Orange Sauce
Orange Sauce
Brown the butter, add flour, with salt and cayenne, and stir until well browned. Add stock gradually, and just before serving, orange juice, Sherry, and pieces of rind....
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Sauce à l’Italienne
Sauce à l’Italienne
Cook first six ingredients with butter five minutes, add flour, and stir until well browned; then add gradually stock and wine. Strain, reheat, and after pouring around fish sprinkle with parsley....
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Champagne Sauce
Champagne Sauce
Simmer two cups Espagnole Sauce until reduced to one and one-half cups. Add two tablespoons mushroom liquor, one-half cup champagne, and one tablespoon powdered sugar....
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Tomato Sauce I (without Stock)
Tomato Sauce I (without Stock)
Cook onion with tomatoes fifteen minutes, rub through a strainer, and add to butter and flour (to which seasonings have been added) cooked together. If tomatoes are very acid, add a few grains of soda. If tomatoes are to retain their red color it is necessary to brown butter and flour together before adding the tomatoes....
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Tomato Sauce II
Tomato Sauce II
Cook tomatoes twenty minutes with sugar, peppercorns, bay leaf, and salt; rub through a strainer, and add stock. Brown the butter, add flour, and when well browned, gradually add hot liquid....
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Tomato Sauce III
Tomato Sauce III
Brown the butter with carrot, onion, bay leaf, thyme, and parsley; remove seasonings, add flour, stir until well browned, then add tomatoes and stock. Bring to boiling-point, and strain....
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Tomato and Mushroom Sauce
Tomato and Mushroom Sauce
Cook bacon, onion, and carrot five minutes; add bay leaf, thyme, parsley, cloves, peppercorns, nutmeg, and tomatoes, and cook five minutes. Add flour diluted with enough cold water to pour; as it thickens, dilute with stock. Cover, and cook in oven one hour. Strain, add salt and pepper to taste, and one-half can mushrooms, drained from their liquor, rinsed, and cut in quarters; then cook two minutes. Use fresh mushrooms in place of canned ones when possible....
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Tomato Cream Sauce
Tomato Cream Sauce
Cook tomatoes twenty minutes with seasonings; rub through a strainer, add soda, then White Sauce. Serve with Baked Fish or Lobster Cutlets....
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Spanish Sauce
Spanish Sauce
Cook ham and vegetables with butter until butter is well browned; add flour, stock, and tomatoes; cook five minutes, then strain. Season with salt and pepper....
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Béchamel Sauce
Béchamel Sauce
Cook stock twenty minutes with onion, carrot, bay leaf, parsley, and peppercorns, then strain; there should be one cupful. Melt the butter, add flour, and gradually hot stock and milk. Season with salt and pepper....
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Yellow Béchamel Sauce
Yellow Béchamel Sauce
To two cups Béchamel Sauce add yolks of three eggs slightly beaten, first diluting eggs with small quantity of hot sauce, then adding gradually to remaining sauce. This prevents the sauce from having a curdled appearance....
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Olive and Almond Sauce
Olive and Almond Sauce
Melt butter, add flour, and pour on gradually White Stock. Just before serving add remaining ingredients. Serve with boiled or steamed fish....
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Oyster Sauce
Oyster Sauce
Wash oysters, reserve liquor, heat, strain, add oysters, and cook until plump. Remove oysters, and make a sauce of butter, flour, oyster liquor, and milk. Add oysters, and season with salt and pepper....
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Cucumber Sauce I
Cucumber Sauce I
Grate two cucumbers, drain, and season with salt, pepper, and vinegar. Serve with Broiled Fish....
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Cucumber Sauce II
Cucumber Sauce II
Beat one-half cup heavy cream until stiff, and add one-fourth teaspoon salt, few grains pepper, and gradually two tablespoons vinegar; then add one cucumber, pared, chopped, and drained....
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Celery Sauce
Celery Sauce
Wash and scrape celery before cutting into pieces. Cook in boiling salted water until soft, drain, rub through a sieve, and add to sauce. Celery sauce is often made from the stock in which fowl or turkey has been boiled, or with one-half stock and one-half milk....
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Suprême Sauce
Suprême Sauce
Make same as Thin White Sauce, and add seasonings....
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Maître d’Hôtel Butter
Maître d’Hôtel Butter
Put butter in a bowl, and with small wooden spoon work until creamy. Add salt, pepper, and parsley, then lemon juice very slowly....
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Tartar Sauce
Tartar Sauce
Mix vinegar, lemon juice, salt, and Worcestershire Sauce in a small bowl, and heat over hot water. Brown the butter in an omelet pan, and strain into first mixture....
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Lemon Butter
Lemon Butter
Cream the butter, and add slowly lemon juice....
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Anchovy Butter
Anchovy Butter
Cream the butter and add Anchovy essence to taste....
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Lobster Butter
Lobster Butter
Clean, wipe, and force coral through a fine sieve. Put in a mortar with butter, and pound until well blended. This butter is used in Lobster Soup and Sauces to give color and richness....
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Hollandaise Sauce I
Hollandaise Sauce I
Put butter in a bowl, cover with cold water, and wash, using a spoon. Divide in three pieces; put one piece in a saucepan with yolks of eggs and lemon juice, place saucepan in a larger one containing boiling water, and stir constantly with a wire whisk until butter is melted; then add second piece of butter, and, as it thickens, third piece. Add water, cook one minute, and season with salt and cayenne....
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Hollandaise Sauce II
Hollandaise Sauce II
Wash butter, divide in three pieces; put one piece in a saucepan with vinegar or lemon juice and egg yolks; place saucepan in a larger one containing boiling water, and stir constantly with a wire whisk. Add second piece of butter, and, as it thickens, third piece. Remove from fire, and add salt and cayenne. If left over fire a moment too long it will separate. If a richer sauce is desired, add one-half teaspoon hot water and one-half tablespoon heavy cream....
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Anchovy Sauce
Anchovy Sauce
Season Brown, Drawn Butter, or Hollandaise Sauce with Anchovy essence....
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Horseradish Hollandaise Sauce
Horseradish Hollandaise Sauce
To Hollandaise Sauce II add one-fourth cup grated horseradish root....
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Lobster Sauce I
Lobster Sauce I
To Hollandaise Sauce I add one-third cup lobster meat cut in small dice....
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Lobster Sauce II
Lobster Sauce II
Remove meat from lobster, and cut tender claw meat in one-half inch dice. Chop remaining meat, add to body bones, and cover with water; cook until stock is reduced to two cups, strain, and add gradually to butter and flour cooked together, then add salt, cayenne, lemon juice, and lobster dice. If the lobster contains coral, prepare Lobster Butter, add flour, and thicken sauce therewith....
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Sauce Béarnaise
Sauce Béarnaise
To Hollandaise Sauce II add one teaspoon each of finely chopped parsley and fresh tarragon. Served with mutton chops, steaks, broiled squabs, smelts, or boiled salmon....
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Sauce Trianon
Sauce Trianon
To Hollandaise Sauce II add gradually, while cooking, one and one-half tablespoons Sherry wine....
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Sauce Figaro
Sauce Figaro
To Hollandaise Sauce II add two tablespoons tomato purée (tomatoes stewed, strained, and cooked until reduced to a thick pulp), one teaspoon finely chopped parsley, and a few grains cayenne....
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Horseradish Sauce I
Horseradish Sauce I
Mix first four ingredients, and add cream beaten stiff....
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Horseradish Sauce II
Horseradish Sauce II
Cook first three ingredients twenty minutes in double boiler. Add butter, salt, and pepper....
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Bread Sauce
Bread Sauce
Cook milk thirty minutes in double boiler, with fine bread crumbs and onion stuck with cloves. Remove onion, add salt, cayenne, and two tablespoons butter. Usually served poured around roast partridge or grouse, and sprinkled with coarse crumbs browned in remaining butter....
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Rice Sauce
Rice Sauce
Wash rice, add to milk, and cook in double boiler until soft. Rub through a fine strainer, return to double boiler, add onion stuck with cloves, and cook fifteen minutes. Remove onion, add butter, salt, and pepper....
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Cauliflower Sauce
Cauliflower Sauce
Make same as Thin White Sauce and add flowerets....
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Mint Sauce
Mint Sauce
Add sugar to vinegar; when dissolved, pour over mint and let stand thirty minutes on back of range to infuse. If vinegar is very strong, dilute with water....
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Currant Jelly Sauce
Currant Jelly Sauce
To one cup Brown Sauce, from which onion has been omitted, add one-fourth tumbler currant jelly and one tablespoon Sherry wine; or, add currant jelly to one cup gravy made to serve with roast lamb. Currant Jelly Sauce is suitable to serve with lamb....
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Port Wine Sauce
Port Wine Sauce
To one cup Brown Sauce, from which onion has been omitted, add one-eighth tumbler currant jelly, two tablespoons Port wine, and a few grains cayenne....
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Vinaigrette Sauce
Vinaigrette Sauce
Mix ingredients in order given....
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Sauce Tartare
Sauce Tartare
Mix mustard, sugar, salt, and cayenne; add yolks of eggs, and stir until thoroughly mixed, setting bowl in pan of ice-water. Add oil, at first drop by drop, stirring with a wooden spoon or wire whisk. As mixture thickens, dilute with vinegar, when oil may be added more rapidly. Keep in cool place until ready to serve, then add remaining ingredients....
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Hot Sauce Tartare
Hot Sauce Tartare
To white sauce add remaining ingredients. Stir constantly until mixture is thoroughly heated, but do not let it come to the boiling-point. Served with boiled, steamed, or fried fish....
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Hot Mayonnaise
Hot Mayonnaise
Add oil slowly to egg yolks, then pour on gradually vinegar and water. Cook over boiling water until mixture thickens, then add seasonings and parsley....
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Sauce Tyrolienne
Sauce Tyrolienne
To three-fourths cup Mayonnaise add one-half tablespoon each finely chopped capers and parsley, one finely chopped gherkin, and one-half can tomatoes, stewed, strained, and cooked until reduced to two tablespoons. Serve with any kind of fried fish....
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Creole Sauce
Creole Sauce
Cook onion and pepper with butter five minutes; add tomatoes, mushrooms, and olives, and cook two minutes, then add Brown Sauce. Bring to boiling-point, and add wine to taste. Serve with broiled beefsteak or fillet of beef. Boiled rice should accompany the beef, and be served on same platter....
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Russian Sauce
Russian Sauce
Melt butter, add flour, and pour on gradually White Stock; then add salt, pepper, mustard, chives, and horseradish. Cook two minutes, strain, add cream and lemon juice. Reheat before serving. Serve with Beef Tenderloins or Hamburg Steaks....
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Sauce Finiste
Sauce Finiste
Cook butter until well browned, and add remaining ingredients. Vegetables include, commonly though not botanically speaking, all plants used for food except grains and fruits. With exception of beans, peas, and lentils, which contain a large amount of proteid, they are chiefly valuable for their potash salts, and should form a part of each day’s dietary. Many contain much cellulose, which gives needed bulk to the food. The legumes, peas, beans, and lentils may be used in place of flesh food. For
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Care of Vegetables
Care of Vegetables
Summer vegetables should be cooked as soon after gathering as possible; in case they must be kept, spread on bottom of cool, dry, well-ventilated cellar, or place in ice-box. Lettuce may be best kept by sprinkling with cold water and placing in a tin pail closely covered. Wilted vegetables may be freshened by allowing to stand in cold water. Vegetables which contain sugar lose some of their sweetness by standing; corn and peas are more quickly affected than others. Winter vegetables should be ke
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Cooking of Vegetables
Cooking of Vegetables
A small scrubbing-brush, which may be bought for five cents, and two small pointed knives for preparing vegetables should be found in every kitchen. Vegetables should be washed in cold water, and cooked until soft in boiling salted water; if cooked in an uncovered vessel, their color is better kept. For peas and beans add salt to water last half hour of cooking. Time for cooking the same vegetable varies according to freshness and age, therefore time tables for cooking serve only as guides....
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Mushrooms and Truffles
Mushrooms and Truffles
These are classed among vegetables. Mushrooms, which grow about us abundantly, may be easily gathered, and as they contain considerable nutriment, should often be found on the table. While there are hundreds of varieties, one by a little study may acquaint herself with a dozen or more of the most common ones which are valuable as food. Consult W. Hamilton Gibson, “Our Edible Toadstools and Mushrooms.” Many might cause illness, but only a few varieties of the Amanita family are deadly poison. Mus
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Truffles belong to the same family as mushrooms, and are grown underground. France is the most famous field for their production, from which country they are exported in tin cans, and are too expensive for ordinary use....
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French artichokes, imported throughout the year, are the ones principally used. They retail from thirty to forty cents each, and are cheapest and best in November, December, and January. Artichokes are appearing in market from California and are somewhat cheaper in price than the French Artichoke. Jerusalem artichokes are employed for pickling, and can be bought for fifteen cents per quart....
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Boiled Artichokes
Boiled Artichokes
Cut off stem close to leaves, remove outside bottom leaves, trim artichoke, cut off one inch from top of leaves, and with a sharp knife remove choke; then tie artichoke with a string to keep its shape. Soak one-half hour in cold water. Drain, and cook thirty to forty-five minutes in boiling, salted, acidulated water. Remove from water, place upside down to drain, then take off string. Serve with Béchamel or Hollandaise Sauce. Boiled Artichokes often constitute a course at dinner. Leaves are draw
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Fried Artichokes
Fried Artichokes
Sprinkle Boiled Artichokes cut in quarters with salt, pepper, and finely chopped parsley. Dip in Batter I, fry in deep fat, and drain. In preparing artichokes, trim off tops of leaves closer than when served as Boiled Artichokes....
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Artichoke Bottoms
Artichoke Bottoms
Remove all leaves and the choke. Trim bottoms in shape, and cook until soft in boiling, salted, acidulated water. Serve with Hollandaise or Béchamel Sauce....
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Stuffed Artichokes
Stuffed Artichokes
Prepare and cook as Boiled Artichokes, having them slightly underdone. Fill with Chicken Force-meat I or II, and bake thirty minutes in a moderate oven, basting twice with Thin White Sauce. Remove to serving dish and pour around Thin White Sauce....
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Hothouse asparagus is found in market during winter, but is not very satisfactory, and is sold for about one dollar per bunch. Oyster Bay (white asparagus) appears first of May, and commands a very high price. Large and small green stalk asparagus is in season from first of June to middle of July, and cheapest the middle of June....
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Boiled Asparagus
Boiled Asparagus
Cut off lower parts of stalks as far down as they will snap, untie bunches, wash, remove scales, and retie. Cook in boiling salted water fifteen minutes or until soft, leaving tips out of water first ten minutes. Drain, remove string, and spread with soft butter, allowing one and one-half tablespoons butter to each bunch asparagus. Asparagus is often broken or cut in inch pieces for boiling, cooking tips a shorter time than stalks....
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Asparagus on Toast
Asparagus on Toast
Serve Boiled Asparagus on Buttered or Milk Toast....
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Asparagus in White Sauce
Asparagus in White Sauce
Boil asparagus cut in one-inch pieces, drain, and add to White Sauce I, allowing one cup sauce to each bunch asparagus. Serve in Croustades of Bread for a vegetable course....
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Asparagus à la Hollandaise
Asparagus à la Hollandaise
Pour Hollandaise Sauce I over Boiled Asparagus....
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Asparagus in Crusts
Asparagus in Crusts
Remove centres from small rolls, fry shells in deep fat, drain, and fill with Asparagus in White Sauce....
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String Beans that are obtainable in winter come from California; natives appear in market the last of June and continue until the last of September. There are two varieties, green (pole cranberry being best flavored) and yellow (butter bean). Shell Beans , including horticultural and sieva, are sold in the pod or shelled, five quarts in pod making one quart shelled. They are found in market during July and August. Common lima and improved lima shell beans are in season in August and September. D
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String Beans
String Beans
Remove strings, and snap or cut in one-inch pieces; wash, and cook in boiling water from one to three hours, adding salt last half-hour of cooking. Drain, season with butter and salt....
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Shell Beans
Shell Beans
Wash, and cook in boiling water from one to one and a half hours, adding salt last half-hour of cooking. Cook in sufficiently small quantity of water, that there may be none left to drain off when beans are cooked. Season with butter and salt....
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Cream of Lima Beans
Cream of Lima Beans
Soak one cup dried beans over night, drain, and cook in boiling salted water until soft; drain, add three-fourths cup cream, and season with butter and salt. Reheat before serving....
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Boiled Beets
Boiled Beets
Wash, and cook whole in boiling water until soft; time required being from one to four hours. Old beets will never be tender, no matter how long they may be cooked. Drain, and put in cold water that skins may be easily removed. Serve cut in quarters or slices....
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Sugared Beets
Sugared Beets
Cut beets in one-fourth inch slices, add butter, sugar, and salt; reheat for serving....
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Pickled Beets
Pickled Beets
Slice cold boiled beets and cover with vinegar....
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Beets, Sour Sauce
Beets, Sour Sauce
Wash beets, and cook in boiling salted water until soft. Drain, and reserve one-half cup water in which beets were cooked. Plunge into cold water, rub off skins and cut into cubes. Reheat in Sour Sauce. Melt two tablespoons butter, add two tablespoons flour, and pour on the beet water. Add one-fourth cup, each, vinegar and cream, one teaspoon sugar, one-half teaspoon salt, and a few grains pepper....
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Harvard Beets
Harvard Beets
Wash twelve small beets, cook in boiling water until soft, remove skins, and cut beets in thin slices, small cubes, or fancy shapes, using French vegetable cutter. Mix one-half cup sugar and one-half tablespoon corn-starch. Add one-half cup vinegar and let boil five minutes. Pour over beets, and let stand on back of range one-half hour. Just before serving add two tablespoons butter....
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Brussels Sprouts
Brussels Sprouts
Brussels sprouts belong to the same family as cabbage, and the small heads grow from one to two inches apart, on the axis of the entire stem, one root yielding about two quarts. They are imported, and also grow in this country, being cheapest and best in December and January....
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Brussels Sprouts in White Sauce
Brussels Sprouts in White Sauce
Pick over, remove wilted leaves, and soak in cold water fifteen minutes. Cook in boiling salted water twenty minutes, or until easily pierced with a skewer. Drain, and to each pint add one cup White Sauce I....
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Scalloped Brussels Sprouts
Scalloped Brussels Sprouts
Pick over, remove wilted leaves, and soak in cold water one quart sprouts. Cook in boiling salted water until soft, then drain. Wash celery and cut in pieces; there should be one and one-half cups. Melt three tablespoons butter, add celery, cook two minutes, add three tablespoons flour, and pour on gradually one and one-half cups scalded milk; add sprouts and turn mixture into a baking-dish. Cover with buttered crumbs and bake in a hot oven until crumbs are brown....
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There are four kinds of cabbage in the market,—drum-head, sugar-loaf, Savoy, and purple; and some variety may be found throughout the year. The Savoy is best for boiling; drum-head and purple for Cole-Slaw. In buying, select heavy cabbages....
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Boiled Cabbage
Boiled Cabbage
Take off outside leaves, cut in quarters, and remove tough stalk. Soak in cold water and cook in an uncovered vessel in boiling salted water, to which is added one-fourth teaspoon soda; this prevents disagreeable odor during cooking. Cook from thirty minutes to one hour, drain, and serve; or chop, and season with butter, salt, and pepper....
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Escalloped Cabbage
Escalloped Cabbage
Cut one-half boiled cabbage in pieces; put in buttered baking-dish, sprinkle with salt and pepper, and add one cup White Sauce I. Lift cabbage with fork, that it may be well mixed with sauce, cover with buttered crumbs, and bake until crumbs are brown....
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German Cabbage
German Cabbage
Slice red cabbage and soak in cold water. Put one quart in stewpan with two tablespoons butter, one-half teaspoon salt, one tablespoon finely chopped onion, few gratings of nutmeg, and few grains cayenne; cover, and cook until cabbage is tender. Add two tablespoons vinegar and one-half tablespoon sugar, and cook five minutes....
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Select a small, heavy cabbage, take off outside leaves, and cut in quarters; with a sharp knife slice very thinly. Soak in cold water until crisp, drain, dry between towels, and mix with Cream Salad Dressing....
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Hot Slaw
Hot Slaw
Slice cabbage as for Cole-Slaw, using one-half cabbage. Heat in a dressing made of yolks of two eggs slightly beaten, one-fourth cup cold water, one tablespoon butter, one-fourth cup hot vinegar, and one-half teaspoon salt, stirred over hot water until thickened....
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Carrots may always be found in market. New carrots appear last of April, and are sold in bunches; these may be boiled and served, but carrots are chiefly used for flavoring soups, and for garnishing, on account of their bright color. To prepare carrots for cooking, wash and scrape, as best flavor and brightest color are near the skin....
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Carrots and Peas
Carrots and Peas
Wash, scrape, and cut young carrots in small cubes or fancy shapes; cook until soft in boiling salted water or stock. Drain, add an equal quantity of cooked green peas, and season with butter, salt, and pepper....
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Carrots, Poulette Sauce
Carrots, Poulette Sauce
Wash, scrape, and cut carrots in strips, cubes, or fancy shapes, cover with boiling water, let stand five minutes; drain, and cook in boiling salted water, to which is added one-half tablespoon butter, until soft. Add to recipe for sauce given under Macédoine of Vegetables à la Poulette (see p. 308 )....
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Cauliflowers comprise the stalks and flowerets of a plant which belongs to the same family as Brussels sprouts and cabbage; they may be obtained throughout the year, but are cheapest and best in September and October. In selecting cauliflowers, choose those with white heads and fresh green leaves; if dark spots are on the heads, they are not fresh....
16 minute read
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Creamed Cauliflower
Creamed Cauliflower
Remove leaves, cut off stalk, and soak thirty minutes (head down) in cold water to cover. Cook (head up) twenty minutes or until soft in boiling salted water; drain, separate flowerets, and reheat in one and one-half cups White Sauce I....
11 minute read
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Cauliflower à la Hollandaise
Cauliflower à la Hollandaise
Prepare as for Creamed Cauliflower, using Hollandaise Sauce I instead of White Sauce....
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Cauliflower au Gratin
Cauliflower au Gratin
Place a whole cooked cauliflower on a dish for serving, cover with buttered crumbs, and place on oven grate to brown crumbs; remove from oven and pour one cup Thin White Sauce around cauliflower....
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Cauliflower à la Parmesan
Cauliflower à la Parmesan
Prepare as Cauliflower au Gratin. Sprinkle with grated cheese before covering with crumbs....
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Cauliflower à la Huntington
Cauliflower à la Huntington
Prepare cauliflower as for boiled cauliflower, and steam until soft. Separate in pieces and pour over the following sauce: Mix one and one-half teaspoons mustard, one and one-fourth teaspoons salt, one teaspoon powdered sugar, and one-fourth teaspoon paprika. Add yolks three eggs slightly beaten, one-fourth cup olive oil, and one-half cup vinegar in which one-half teaspoon finely chopped shallot has infused five minutes. Cook over hot water until mixture thickens. Remove from range, and add one-
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Celery may be obtained from last of July until April. It is best and cheapest in December. Celery stalks are green while growing; but the white celery seen in market has been bleached, with the exception of Kalamazoo variety, which grows white. To prepare celery for table, cut off roots and leaves, separate stalks, wash, scrape, and chill in ice-water. By adding a slice of lemon to ice-water celery is kept white and made crisp. If tops of stalks are gashed several times before putting in water,
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Celery in White Sauce
Celery in White Sauce
Wash, scrape, and cut celery stalks in one-inch pieces; cook twenty minutes or until soft in boiling salted water; drain, and to two cups celery add one cup White Sauce I. This is a most satisfactory way of using the outer stalks of celery....
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Fried Celery, Tomato Sauce
Fried Celery, Tomato Sauce
Wash and scrape celery, cut in three-inch pieces, dip in batter, fry in deep fat, and drain on brown paper. Serve with Tomato Sauce. Batter. Mix one-half cup bread flour, one-fourth teaspoon salt, a few grains pepper, one-third cup milk, and one egg well beaten....
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Chiccory or Endive
Chiccory or Endive
Chiccory or endive may be obtained throughout the year, but during January, February, March, and April supply is imported. It is used only for salads....
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Corn may be found in market from first of June to first of October. Until native corn appears it is the most unsatisfactory vegetable. Native corn is obtainable the last of July, but is most abundant and cheapest in August. Among the best varieties are Crosby for early corn and Evergreen for late corn....
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Boiled Green Corn
Boiled Green Corn
Remove husks and silky threads. Cook ten to twenty minutes in boiling water. Place on platter covered with napkin; draw corners of napkin over corn; or cut from cob and season with butter and salt....
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Cut hot boiled corn from cob, add equal quantity of hot boiled shelled beans; season with butter and salt; reheat before serving....
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Corn Oysters
Corn Oysters
Grate raw corn from cobs. To one cup pulp add one well-beaten egg, one-fourth cup flour, and season highly with salt and pepper. Drop by spoonfuls and fry in deep fat, or cook on a hot, well-greased griddle. They should be made about the size of large oysters....
13 minute read
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Corn Fritters
Corn Fritters
Chop corn, and add dry ingredients mixed and sifted, then add yolks of eggs beaten until thick, and fold in whites of eggs beaten stiff. Cook in a frying-pan in fresh hot lard. Drain on paper....
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Corn à la Southern
Corn à la Southern
To one can chopped corn add two eggs slightly beaten, one teaspoon salt, one-eighth teaspoon pepper, one and one-half tablespoons melted butter, and one pint scalded milk; turn into a buttered pudding-dish and bake in slow oven until firm....
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French and Italian chestnuts are served in place of vegetables....
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Chestnut Purée
Chestnut Purée
Remove shells from chestnuts, cook until soft in boiling salted water; drain, mash, moisten with scalded milk, season with salt and pepper, and beat until light. Chestnuts are often boiled, riced, and piled lightly in centre of dish, then surrounded by meat....
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Baked Chestnuts
Baked Chestnuts
Remove shells from one pint chestnuts, put in a baking-dish, cover with Chicken Stock highly seasoned with salt and cayenne, and bake until soft, keeping covered until nearly done. There should be a small quantity of stock in pan to serve with chestnuts....
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Cucumbers may be obtained throughout the year, and are generally served raw. During the latter part of the summer they are gathered and pickled for subsequent use. Small pickled cucumbers are called gherkins....
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Sliced Cucumbers
Sliced Cucumbers
Remove thick slices from both ends and cut off a thick paring, as the cucumber contains a bitter principle, a large quantity of which lies near the skin and stem end. Cut in thin slices and keep in cold water until ready to serve. Drain, and cover with crushed ice for serving....
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Boiled Cucumbers
Boiled Cucumbers
Old cucumbers may be pared, cut in pieces, cooked until soft in boiling salted water, drained, mashed, and seasoned, with butter, salt, and pepper....
7 minute read
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Fried Cucumbers
Fried Cucumbers
Pare cucumbers and cut lengthwise in one-third inch slices. Dry between towels, sprinkle with salt and pepper, dip in crumbs, egg, and crumbs again, fry in deep fat, and drain....
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Stuffed Cucumbers
Stuffed Cucumbers
Pare three cucumbers, cut in halves crosswise, remove seeds, and let stand in cold water thirty minutes. Drain, wipe, and fill with force-meat, using recipe for Chicken Force-meat I or II, substituting veal for chicken. Place upright on a trivet in a saucepan. Half surround with White Stock, cover, and cook forty minutes. Place on thin slices of dry toast, cut in circular shapes, and pour around one and one-half cups Béchamel Sauce. Serve as a vegetable course or an entrée....
21 minute read
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Fried Eggplant I
Fried Eggplant I
Pare an eggplant and cut in very thin slices. Sprinkle slices with salt and pile on a plate. Cover with a weight to express the juice, and let stand one and one-half hours. Dredge with flour and sauté slowly in butter until crisp and brown. Eggplant is in season from September to February....
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Fried Eggplant II
Fried Eggplant II
Pare an eggplant, cut in one-fourth inch slices, and soak over night in cold salted water. Drain, let stand in cold water one-half hour, drain again, and dry between towels. Sprinkle with salt and pepper, dip in batter, or dip in flour, egg, and crumbs, and fry in deep fat....
14 minute read
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Stuffed Eggplant
Stuffed Eggplant
Cook eggplant fifteen minutes in boiling salted water to cover. Cut a slice from top, and with a spoon remove pulp, taking care not to work too closely to skin. Chop pulp, and add one cup soft stale bread crumbs. Melt two tablespoons butter, add one-half tablespoon finely chopped onion, and cook five minutes, or try out three slices of bacon, using bacon fat in place of butter. Add to chopped pulp and bread, season with salt and pepper, and if necessary moisten with a little stock or water; cook
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Scalloped Eggplant
Scalloped Eggplant
Pare an eggplant and cut in two-thirds inch cubes. Cook in a small quantity of boiling water until soft, then drain. Cook two tablespoons butter with one-half onion, finely chopped, until yellow, add three-fourths tablespoon finely chopped parsley and eggplant. Turn into a buttered baking-dish. Cover with buttered crumbs and bake until crumbs are brown....
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Hothouse beet greens and dandelions appear in market the first of March, when they command a high price. Those grown out of doors are in season from middle of May to first of July....
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Boiled Beet Greens
Boiled Beet Greens
Wash thoroughly and scrape roots, cutting off ends. Drain, and cook one hour or until tender in a small quantity boiling salted water. Season with butter, salt, and pepper. Serve with vinegar....
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Wash thoroughly, remove roots, drain, and cook one hour or until tender in boiling salted water. Allow two quarts water to one peck dandelions. Season with butter, salt, and pepper. Serve with vinegar....
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Lettuce is obtainable all the year, and is especially valuable during the winter and spring, when other green vegetables in market command a high price. Although containing but little nutriment, it is useful for the large quantity of water and potash salts that it contains, and assists in stimulating the appetite. Curly lettuce is of less value than Tennis Ball, but makes an effective garnish. Lettuce should be separated by removing leaves from stalk (discarding wilted outer leaves), washed, kep
39 minute read
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Leeks on Toast
Leeks on Toast
Wash and trim leeks, cook in boiling salted water until soft, and drain. Arrange on pieces of buttered toast and pour over melted butter, seasoned with salt and pepper....
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The onion belongs to the same family (Lily) as do shallot , garlic , leek , and chive . Onions are cooked and served as a vegetable. They are wholesome, and contain considerable nutriment, but are objectionable on account of the strong odor they impart to the breath, due to volatile substances absorbed by the blood, and by the blood carried to the lungs, where they are set free. The common garden onion is obtainable throughout the year, the new ones appearing in market about the first of June. I
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Boiled Onions
Boiled Onions
Put onions in cold water and remove skins while under water. Drain, put in a saucepan, and cover with boiling salted water; boil five minutes, drain, and again cover with boiling salted water. Cook one hour or until soft, but not broken. Drain, add a small quantity of milk, cook five minutes, and season with butter, salt, and pepper....
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Onions in Cream
Onions in Cream
Prepare and cook as Boiled Onions, changing the water twice during boiling; drain, and cover with Cream or Thin White Sauce....
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Scalloped Onions
Scalloped Onions
Cut Boiled Onions in quarters. Put in a buttered baking-dish, cover with White Sauce I, sprinkle with buttered cracker crumbs, and place on centre grate in oven to brown crumbs....
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Glazed Onions
Glazed Onions
Peel small silver skinned onions, and cook in boiling water fifteen minutes. Drain, dry on cheese-cloth, put in a buttered baking-dish, add highly seasoned brown stock to cover bottom of dish, sprinkle with sugar, and bake until soft, basting with stock in pan....
12 minute read
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Fried Onions
Fried Onions
Remove skins from four medium-sized onions. Cut in thin slices and put in a hot omelet pan with one and one-half tablespoons butter. Cook until brown, occasionally shaking pan that onions may not burn, or turn onions, using a fork. Sprinkle with salt one minute before taking from fire....
14 minute read
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French Fried Onions
French Fried Onions
Peel onions, cut in one-fourth inch slices, and separate into rings. Dip in milk, drain, and dip in flour. Fry in deep fat, drain on brown paper, and sprinkle with salt....
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Stuffed Onions
Stuffed Onions
Remove skins from onions, and parboil ten minutes in boiling salted water to cover. Turn upside down to cool, and remove part of centres. Fill cavities with equal parts of finely chopped cooked chicken, stale soft bread crumbs, and finely chopped onion which was removed, seasoned with salt and pepper, and moistened with cream or melted butter. Place in buttered shallow baking-pan, sprinkle with buttered crumbs, and bake in a moderate oven until onions are soft....
21 minute read
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Creamed Oyster Plant (Salsify)
Creamed Oyster Plant (Salsify)
Wash, scrape, and put at once into cold acidulated water to prevent discoloration. Cut in inch slices, cook in boiling salted water until soft, drain, and add to White Sauce I. Oyster plant is in season from October to March....
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Salsify Fritters
Salsify Fritters
Cook oyster plant as for Creamed Oyster Plant. Mash, season with butter, salt, and pepper. Shape in small flat cakes, roll in flour, and sauté in butter....
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Parsnips are not so commonly served as other vegetables; however, they often accompany a boiled dinner. They are raised mostly for feeding cattle. Unless young they contain a large amount of woody fibre, which extends through centre of roots and makes them undesirable as food....
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Parsnips with Drawn Butter Sauce
Parsnips with Drawn Butter Sauce
Wash and scrape parsnips, and cut in pieces two inches long and one-half inch wide and thick. Cook five minutes in boiling salted water, or until soft. Drain, and to two cups add one cup Drawn Butter Sauce....
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Parsnip Fritters
Parsnip Fritters
Wash parsnips and cook forty-five minutes in boiling salted water. Drain, plunge into cold water, when skins will be found to slip off easily. Mash, season with butter, salt, and pepper, shape in small flat round cakes, roll in flour, and sauté in butter....
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Peas contain, next to beans, the largest percentage of proteid of any of the vegetables, and when young are easy of digestion. They appear in market as early as April, coming from Florida and California, and although high in price are hardly worth buying, having been picked so long. Native peas may be obtained the middle of June, and last until the first of September. The early June are small peas, contained in a small pod. McLean, the best peas, are small peas in large flat pods. Champion peas
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Boiled Peas
Boiled Peas
Remove peas from pods, cover with cold water, and let stand one-half hour. Skim off undeveloped peas which rise to top of water, and drain remaining peas. Cook until soft in a small quantity of boiling water, adding salt the last fifteen minutes of cooking. (Consult Time Table for Cooking, p. 28 ). There should be but little, if any, water to drain from peas when they are cooked. Season with butter, salt, and pepper. If peas have lost much of their natural sweetness, they are improved by the add
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Creamed Peas
Creamed Peas
Drain Boiled Peas, and to two cups peas add three-fourths cup White Sauce II. Canned peas are often drained, rinsed, and reheated in this way....
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Pea Timbales
Pea Timbales
Drain and rinse one can peas, and rub through a sieve. To one cup pea pulp add two beaten eggs, two tablespoons melted butter, two-thirds teaspoon salt, one-eighth teaspoon pepper, few grains cayenne, and few drops onion juice. Turn into buttered moulds, set in pan of hot water, cover with buttered paper, and bake until firm. Serve with one cup white sauce to which is added one-third cup canned peas drained and rinsed....
20 minute read
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Stuffed Peppers I
Stuffed Peppers I
Cut a slice from stem end of each pepper, remove seeds, and parboil peppers, fifteen minutes. Cook onion in butter three minutes; add mushrooms and ham, and cook one minute, then add Brown Sauce and bread crumbs. Cool mixture, sprinkle peppers with salt, fill with cooked mixture, cover with buttered bread crumbs and bake ten minutes. Serve on toast with Brown Sauce....
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Stuffed Peppers II
Stuffed Peppers II
Prepare peppers as for Stuffed Peppers I. Fill with equal parts of finely chopped cold cooked chicken or veal, and softened bread crumbs, seasoned with onion juice, salt, and pepper....
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Pumpkins are boiled or steamed same as squash, but require longer cooking. They are principally used for making pies....
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Radishes may be obtained throughout the year. There are round and long varieties, the small round ones being considered best. They are bought in bunches, six or seven constituting a bunch. Radishes are used merely for a relish, and are served uncooked. To prepare radishes for table, remove leaves, stems, and tip end of root, scrape roots, and serve on crushed ice. Round radishes look very attractive cut to imitate tulips, when they should not be scraped; to accomplish this, begin at root end and
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Spinach is cheapest and best in early summer, but is obtainable throughout the year. It gives variety to winter diet, when most green vegetables are expensive and of inferior quality....
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Boiled Spinach
Boiled Spinach
Remove roots, carefully pick over (discarding wilted leaves), and wash in several waters to be sure that it is free from all sand. When young and tender put in a stewpan, allow to heat gradually, and boil twenty-five minutes, or until tender, in its own juices. Old spinach is better cooked in boiling salted water, allowing two quarts water to one peck spinach. Drain thoroughly, chop finely, reheat, and season with butter, salt, and pepper. Mound on a serving dish and garnish with slices of “hard
32 minute read
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Spinach à la Béchamel
Spinach à la Béchamel
Prepare one-half peck Boiled Spinach. Put three tablespoons butter in hot omelet pan; when melted, add chopped spinach, cook three minutes. Sprinkle with two tablespoons flour, stir thoroughly, and add gradually three-fourths cup milk; cook five minutes....
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Purée of Spinach
Purée of Spinach
Wash and pick over one-half peck spinach. Cook in an uncovered vessel with a large quantity of boiling salted water to which is added one-third teaspoon soda and one-half teaspoon sugar. Drain, chop finely, and rub through a sieve. Reheat, add three tablespoons butter, one tablespoon flour, and one-half cup cream. Arrange on serving dish and garnish with yolk and white of “hard-boiled” egg and fried bread cut in fancy shapes....
20 minute read
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Spinach (French Style)
Spinach (French Style)
Pick over and wash one peck spinach, and cook in boiling salted water twenty-five minutes. Drain, and finely chop. Reheat in hot pan with four tablespoons butter to which have been added three tablespoons flour and two-thirds cup Chicken Stock. Season with one teaspoon powdered sugar, salt, pepper, and a few gratings each of nutmeg and lemon rind....
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Summer squash, which are in market during the summer months, should be young, tender, and thin skinned. The common varieties are the white round and yellow crook-neck. Some of the winter varieties appear in market as early as the middle of August; among the most common are Marrow, Turban, and Hubbard. Turban and Hubbard are usually drier than Marrow. Marrow and Turban have a thin shell, which may be pared off before cooking. Hubbard Squash has a very hard shell, which must be split in order to s
32 minute read
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Boiled Summer Squash
Boiled Summer Squash
Wash squash and cut in thick slices or quarters. Cook twenty minutes in boiling salted water, or until soft. Turn in a cheese-cloth placed over a colander, drain, and wring in cheese-cloth. Mash, and season with butter, salt, and pepper....
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Fried Summer Squash I
Fried Summer Squash I
Wash, and cut in one-half inch slices. Sprinkle with salt and pepper, dip in crumbs, egg, and crumbs again, fry in hot fat, and drain....
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Fried Summer Squash II
Fried Summer Squash II
Follow recipe for Fried Eggplant I....
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Steamed Winter Squash
Steamed Winter Squash
Cut in pieces, remove seeds and stringy portion, and pare. Place in a strainer and cook thirty minutes, or until soft, over boiling water. Mash, and season with butter, salt, and pepper. If lacking in sweetness, add a small quantity of sugar....
12 minute read
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Boiled Winter Squash
Boiled Winter Squash
Prepare as for Steamed Winter Squash. Cook in boiling salted water, drain, mash, and season. Unless squash is very dry, it is much better steamed than boiled....
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Baked Winter Squash I
Baked Winter Squash I
Cut in pieces two inches square, remove seeds and stringy portion, place in a dripping-pan, sprinkle with salt and pepper, and allow for each square one-half teaspoon molasses and one-half teaspoon melted butter. Bake fifty minutes, or until soft, in a moderate oven, keeping covered the first half-hour of cooking. Serve in the shell....
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Baked Winter Squash II
Baked Winter Squash II
Cut squash in halves, remove seeds and stringy portion, place in a dripping-pan, cover, and bake two hours, or until soft, in a slow oven. Remove from shell, mash, and season with butter, salt, and pepper....
12 minute read
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Tomatoes are obtainable throughout the year, but are cheapest and best in September. Hothouse tomatoes are in market during the winter, and command a very high price, sometimes retailing for one and one-half dollars a pound. Southern tomatoes appear as early as May 1st, and although of good color, lack flavor. Of the many varieties of tomatoes, Acme is among the best....
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Sliced Tomatoes
Sliced Tomatoes
Wipe, and cover with boiling water; let stand one minute, when they may be easily skinned. Chill thoroughly, and cut in one-third inch slices....
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Stewed Tomatoes
Stewed Tomatoes
Wipe, pare, cut in pieces, put in stewpan, and cook slowly twenty minutes, stirring occasionally. Season with butter, salt, and pepper. Scalloped Tomatoes Remove contents from one can tomatoes and drain tomatoes from some of their liquor. Season with salt, pepper, a few drops of onion juice, and sugar if preferred sweet. Cover the bottom of a buttered baking-dish with buttered cracker crumbs, cover with tomatoes, and sprinkle top thickly with buttered crumbs. Bake in a hot oven until crumbs are
22 minute read
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Broiled Tomatoes
Broiled Tomatoes
Wipe and cut in halves crosswise, cut off a thin slice from rounding part of each half. Sprinkle with salt and pepper, dip in crumbs, egg, and crumbs again, place in a well-buttered broiler, and broil six to eight minutes....
11 minute read
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Tomatoes à la Crême
Tomatoes à la Crême
Wipe, peel, and slice three tomatoes. Sprinkle with salt and pepper, dredge with flour, and sauté in butter. Place on a hot platter and pour over them one cup White Sauce I....
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Devilled Tomatoes
Devilled Tomatoes
Wipe, peel, and cut tomatoes in slices. Sprinkle with salt and pepper, dredge with flour, and sauté in butter. Place on a hot platter and pour over the dressing made by creaming the butter, adding dry ingredients, yolk of egg rubbed to a paste, egg beaten slightly, and vinegar, then cooking over hot water, stirring constantly until it thickens....
33 minute read
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Baked Tomatoes I
Baked Tomatoes I
Wipe, and remove a thin slice from stem end of six smooth, medium-sized tomatoes. Take out seeds and pulp, and drain off most of the liquid. Add an equal quantity of cracker crumbs, season with salt, pepper, and a few drops onion juice, and refill tomatoes with mixture. Place in a buttered pan, sprinkle with buttered crumbs, and bake twenty minutes in a hot oven....
18 minute read
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Baked Tomatoes II
Baked Tomatoes II
Wipe six small, selected tomatoes and make two one-inch gashes on blossom end of each, having gashes cross each other at right angles. Place in granite-ware pan and bake until thoroughly heated. Serve with sauce for Devilled Tomatoes, adding, just before serving, one tablespoon heavy cream....
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Stuffed Tomatoes
Stuffed Tomatoes
Wipe, and remove thin slices from stem end of six medium-sized tomatoes. Take out seeds and pulp, sprinkle inside of tomatoes with salt, invert, and let stand one-half hour. Cook five minutes two tablespoons butter with one-half tablespoon finely chopped onion. Add one-half cup finely chopped cold cooked chicken or veal, one-half cup stale soft bread crumbs, tomato pulp, and salt and pepper to taste. Cook five minutes, then add one egg slightly beaten, cook one minute, and refill tomatoes with m
27 minute read
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Turnips are best during the fall and winter; towards spring they become corky, and are then suitable only for stews and flavoring. The Ruta-baga, a large yellow turnip, is one of the best varieties; the large white French turnip and the small flat Purple Top are also used....
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Mashed Turnip
Mashed Turnip
Wash and pare turnips, cut in slices or quarters, and cook in boiling salted water until soft. Drain, mash, and season with butter, salt, and pepper....
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Creamed Turnip
Creamed Turnip
Wash turnips, and cut in one-half inch cubes. Cook three cups cubes in boiling salted water twenty minutes, or until soft. Drain, and add one cup White Sauce I....
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Turnip Croquettes
Turnip Croquettes
Wash, pare, and cut in quarters new French turnips. Steam until tender, mash, pressing out all water that is possible. This is best accomplished by wringing in cheese-cloth. Season one and one-fourth cups with salt and pepper, then add yolks of two eggs slightly beaten. Cool, shape in small croquettes, dip in crumbs, egg, and crumbs again, fry in deep fat, and drain....
17 minute read
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Stewed Mushrooms
Stewed Mushrooms
Wash one-half pound mushrooms. Remove stems, scrape, and cut in pieces. Peel caps, and break in pieces. Melt three tablespoons of butter, add mushrooms, cook two minutes; sprinkle with salt and pepper, dredge with flour, and add one-half cup hot water or stock. Cook slowly five minutes....
13 minute read
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Stewed Mushrooms in Cream
Stewed Mushrooms in Cream
Prepare mushrooms as for Stewed Mushrooms. Cook with three-fourths cup cream instead of using water or stock. Add a slight grating of nutmeg, pour over small finger-shaped pieces of dry toast, and garnish with toast points and parsley....
11 minute read
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Broiled Mushrooms
Broiled Mushrooms
Wash mushrooms, remove stems, and place caps in a buttered broiler and broil five minutes, having cap side down first half of broiling. Serve on circular pieces of buttered dry toast. Put a small piece of butter in each cap, sprinkle with salt and pepper, and serve as soon as butter has melted. Care must be taken, in removing from broiler, to keep mushrooms cap side up, to prevent loss of juices....
20 minute read
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Baked Mushrooms in Cream
Baked Mushrooms in Cream
Wash twelve large mushrooms. Remove stems, and peel caps. Put in a shallow buttered pan, cap side up. Sprinkle with salt and pepper, and dot over with butter; add two-thirds cup cream. Bake ten minutes in a hot oven. Place on pieces of dry toast, and pour over them cream remaining in pan....
15 minute read
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Sautéd Mushrooms
Sautéd Mushrooms
Wash, remove stems, peel caps, and break in pieces; there should be one cup of mushrooms. Put two tablespoons butter in a hot omelet pan; when melted, add mushrooms which have been dredged with flour, few drops onion juice, one-fourth teaspoon salt, a few grains pepper, and cook five minutes. Add one teaspoon finely chopped parsley and one-fourth cup boiling water. Cook two minutes, and serve on dry toast....
19 minute read
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Mushrooms à la Sabine
Mushrooms à la Sabine
Wash one-half pound mushrooms, remove stems, and peel caps. Sprinkle with salt and pepper, dredge with flour, and cook three minutes in a hot frying-pan, with two tablespoons butter. Add one and one-third cups Brown Sauce, and cook slowly five minutes. Sprinkle with three tablespoons grated cheese. As soon as cheese is melted, arrange mushrooms on pieces of toast, and pour over sauce. Garnish with parsley....
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Mushrooms à l’Algonquin
Mushrooms à l’Algonquin
Wash large selected mushrooms. Remove stems, peel caps, and sauté caps in butter. Place in a small buttered shallow pan, cap side being up; place on each a large oyster, sprinkle with salt and pepper, and place on each a bit of butter. Cook in a hot oven until oysters are plump. Serve with Brown or Béchamel Sauce....
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Mushrooms Allamande
Mushrooms Allamande
Clean mushroom caps and sauté in butter. Put together in pairs, cover with Allamande Sauce, dip in crumbs, egg, and crumbs again, fry in deep fat, and drain on brown paper. Allamande Sauce. Melt three tablespoons butter, add one-third cup flour, and pour on gradually one cup White Stock; then add one egg yolk and season with salt, pepper, and lemon juice....
17 minute read
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Stuffed Mushrooms
Stuffed Mushrooms
Wash twelve large mushrooms. Remove stems, chop finely, and peel caps. Melt three tablespoons butter, add one-half tablespoon finely chopped shallot and chopped stems, then cook ten minutes. Add one and one-half tablespoons flour, chicken stock to moisten, a slight grating of nutmeg, one-half teaspoon finely chopped parsley, and salt and pepper to taste. Cool mixture and fill caps, well rounding over top. Cover with buttered cracker crumbs, and bake fifteen minutes in a hot oven....
21 minute read
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Mushrooms under Glass I
Mushrooms under Glass I
Cover the bottom of an individual baking-dish with circular pieces of toasted bread. Arrange mushroom caps on toast, sprinkle with salt and pepper, dot over with butter, and pour over a small quantity of hot cream. Cover, and bake twenty minutes. Individual dishes with bell-shaped glass covers may be bought at first-class kitchen furnishers. These dishes are sent to table with covers left on, that the fine flavor of the prepared viand may all be retained....
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Mushrooms under Glass II
Mushrooms under Glass II
Cream the butter, add lemon juice drop by drop, salt, pepper, and parsley. Cut bread in circular pieces three-eighths inch thick, then toast. Put one-half of the sauce on the under side of toast; put toast on a small baking-dish, pile mushroom caps cleaned and peeled in conical shape on toast, and pour over cream. Cover with glass and bake about twenty-five minutes, adding more cream if necessary. Just before serving add one teaspoon Sherry wine....
32 minute read
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Vegetable Soufflé
Vegetable Soufflé
Melt butter, add flour, and pour on gradually cream and water; add vegetable, yolks of eggs beaten until thick and lemon-colored, and fold in whites of eggs beaten until stiff; then add seasonings. Turn in a buttered baking-dish and bake in a slow oven....
27 minute read
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Curried Vegetables
Curried Vegetables
Cook one cup each potatoes and carrots, and one-half cup turnip, cut in fancy shapes, in boiling salted water until soft. Drain, add one-half cup canned peas, and pour over a sauce made by cooking two tablespoons butter with two slices onion five minutes, removing onion, adding two tablespoons flour, three-fourths teaspoon salt, one-half teaspoon curry powder, one-fourth teaspoon pepper, few grains celery salt, and pouring on gradually one cup scalded milk. Sprinkle with finely chopped parsley..
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Macedoine of Vegetables à la Poulette
Macedoine of Vegetables à la Poulette
Clean carrots and turnips and cut into strips or fancy shapes; there should be one and one-fourth cups carrots and one-half cup turnips. Cook separately in boiling salted water until soft. Drain, and add one and one-fourth cups cooked peas. Reheat in a sauce made of three tablespoons butter, three tablespoons flour, one cup chicken stock, and one-half cup cream. Season to taste with pepper and salt, and just before serving add yolks two eggs and one-half tablespoon lemon juice. Macedoine of Vege
36 minute read
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Potatoes stand pre-eminent among the vegetables used for food. They are tubers belonging to the Nightshade family; their hardy growth renders them easy of cultivation in almost any soil or climate, and, resisting early frosts, they may be raised in a higher latitude than the cereals. They give needed bulk to food rather than nutriment, and, lacking in proteid, should be used in combination with meat, fish, or eggs. Potatoes contain an acrid juice, the greater part of which lies near the skin; it
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Sweet Potatoes
Sweet Potatoes
Sweet potatoes, although analogous to white potatoes, are fleshy roots of the plant, belong to a different family (Convolvulus), and contain a much larger percentage of sugar. Our own country produces large quantities of sweet potatoes, which may be grown as far north as New Jersey and Southern Michigan. Kiln-dried sweet potatoes are the best, as they do not so quickly spoil....
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Baked Potatoes
Baked Potatoes
Select smooth, medium-sized potatoes. Wash, using a vegetable brush, and place in dripping-pan. Bake in hot oven forty minutes or until soft, remove from oven, and serve at once. If allowed to stand, unless the skin is ruptured for escape of steam, they become soggy. Properly baked potatoes are more easily digested than potatoes cooked in any other way, as some of the starch is changed to dextrin by the intense heat. They are better cooked in boiling water than baked in a slow oven....
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Boiled Potatoes
Boiled Potatoes
Select potatoes of uniform size. Wash, pare, and drop at once in cold water to prevent discoloration; soak one-half hour in the fall, and one to two hours in winter and spring. Cook in boiling salted water until soft, which is easily determined by piercing with a skewer. For seven potatoes allow one tablespoon salt, and boiling water to cover. Drain from water, and keep uncovered in warm place until serving time. Avoid sending to table in a covered vegetable dish. In boiling large potatoes, it o
32 minute read
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Riced Potatoes
Riced Potatoes
Force hot boiled potatoes through a potato ricer or coarse strainer. Serve lightly piled in a hot vegetable dish....
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Mashed Potatoes
Mashed Potatoes
To five riced potatoes add three tablespoons butter, one teaspoon salt, few grains pepper, and one-third cup hot milk; beat with fork until creamy, reheat, and pile lightly in hot dish....
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Potato Omelet
Potato Omelet
Prepare Mashed Potatoes, turn in hot omelet pan greased with one tablespoon butter, spread evenly, cook slowly until browned underneath, and fold as an omelet....
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Potato Border
Potato Border
Place a buttered mould on platter, build around it a wall of hot Mashed Potatoes, three and one-half inches high by one inch deep, smooth, and crease with case knife. Remove mould, fill with creamed meat or fish, and reheat in oven before serving....
12 minute read
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Escalloped Potatoes
Escalloped Potatoes
Mash, pare, soak, and cut four potatoes in one-fourth inch slices. Put a layer in buttered baking-dish, sprinkle with salt and pepper, dredge with flour, and dot over with one-half tablespoon butter; repeat. Add hot milk until it may be seen through top layer, bake one and one-fourth hours or until potato is soft....
15 minute read
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Potatoes à la Hollandaise
Potatoes à la Hollandaise
Mash, pare, soak, and cut potatoes in one-fourth inch slices, shape with French vegetable cutters; or cut in one-half inch cubes. Cover three cups potato with White Stock, cook until soft, and drain. Cream one-third cup butter, add one tablespoon lemon juice, one-half teaspoon salt, and few grains of cayenne. Add to potatoes, cook three minutes, and add one-half tablespoon finely chopped parsley....
18 minute read
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Chambery Potatoes
Chambery Potatoes
Wash, pare, and thinly slice potatoes, using vegetable slicer. Let stand one-half hour in cold water, then drain, and dry between towels. Arrange in layers in a well buttered iron frying-pan, having pan three-fourths full, seasoning each layer with salt and pepper, and brushing over with melted butter. Cook in a moderate oven until soft and well browned....
16 minute read
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Potatoes Baked in Half Shell
Potatoes Baked in Half Shell
Select six medium-sized potatoes and bake, following recipe for Baked Potatoes. Remove from oven, cut slice from top of each, and scoop out inside. Mash, add two tablespoons butter, salt, pepper, and three tablespoons hot milk; then add whites two eggs well beaten. Refill skins, and bake five to eight minutes in very hot oven. Potatoes may be sprinkled with grated cheese before putting in oven....
19 minute read
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Duchess Potatoes
Duchess Potatoes
To two cups hot riced potatoes add two tablespoons butter, one-half teaspoon salt, and yolks of three eggs slightly beaten. Shape, using pastry bag and tube, in form of baskets, pyramids, crowns, leaves, roses, etc. Brush over with beaten egg diluted with one teaspoon water, and brown in a hot oven....
14 minute read
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Maître d’Hôtel Potatoes
Maître d’Hôtel Potatoes
Wash, pare, and shape potatoes in balls, using a French vegetable cutter, or cut potatoes in one-half inch cubes. There should be two cups. Soak fifteen minutes in cold water, and cook in boiling salted water to cover until soft. Drain, and add Maître d’Hôtel Butter....
13 minute read
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Maître d’Hôtel Butter
Maître d’Hôtel Butter
Cream three tablespoons butter, add one teaspoon lemon juice, one-half teaspoon salt, one-eighth teaspoon pepper, and one-half tablespoon finely chopped parsley....
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Franconia Potatoes
Franconia Potatoes
Prepare as for Boiled Potatoes, and parboil ten minutes; drain, and place in pan in which meat is roasting; bake until soft, basting with fat in pan when basting meat. Time required for baking about forty minutes. Sweet potatoes may be prepared in the same way....
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Brabant Potatoes
Brabant Potatoes
Prepare same as for Boiled Potatoes, using small potatoes, and trim egg-shaped; parboil ten minutes, drain, and place in baking-pan and bake until soft, basting three times with melted butter....
8 minute read
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Anna Potatoes
Anna Potatoes
Wash and pare medium-sized potatoes. Cut lengthwise in one-fourth inch slices, and fasten in fan shapes, with small wooden skewers, allowing five slices of potato to each skewer. Parboil ten minutes, drain, then place in a dripping-pan, and bake in a hot oven until soft, basting every three minutes with butter or some other fat....
15 minute read
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Persillade Potatoes
Persillade Potatoes
Wash and pare small potatoes, and cut in shapes of large olives. Cook in boiling salted water until soft. Drain, and let stand to dry off. Turn into hot serving dish, pour over clarified butter, sprinkle generously with paprika, and send to table at once....
12 minute read
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Potato Balls
Potato Balls
Select large potatoes, wash, pare, and soak. Shape in balls with a French vegetable cutter. Cook in boiling salted water until soft; drain, and to one pint potatoes add one cup Thin White Sauce. Turn into hot dish, and sprinkle with finely chopped parsley....
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Hongroise Potatoes
Hongroise Potatoes
Wash, pare, and cut potatoes in one-third inch cubes,—there should be three cups; parboil three minutes, and drain. Add one-third cup butter, and cook on back of range until potatoes are soft and slightly browned. Melt two tablespoons butter, add a few drops onion juice, two tablespoons flour, and pour on gradually one cup hot milk. Season with salt and paprika, then add one egg yolk. Pour sauce over potatoes, and sprinkle with finely chopped parsley....
22 minute read
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Wash and pare potatoes. Slice thinly (using vegetable slicer) into a bowl of cold water. Let stand two hours, changing water twice. Drain, plunge in a kettle of boiling water, and boil one minute. Drain again, and cover with cold water. Take from water and dry between towels. Fry in deep fat until light brown, keeping in motion with a skimmer. Drain on brown paper and sprinkle with salt. Wash, pare, and cut potatoes in one-eighth inch slices. Cut slices in one-eighth inch strips. Soak one hour i
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Prepare and bake same as white potatoes. Bake six medium-sized sweet potatoes, remove from oven, cut in halves lengthwise, and scoop out inside. Mash, add two tablespoons butter, and cream to moisten. Season with salt and Sherry wine. Refill skins and bake five minutes in a hot oven. Select potatoes of uniform size. Wash, pare, and cook twenty minutes in boiling salted water to cover. Many boil sweet potatoes with the skins on. To two cups riced sweet potatoes add three tablespoons butter, one-h
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Shape cold mashed potato in small cakes, and roll in flour. Butter hot omelet pan, put in cakes, brown one side, turn and brown other side, adding butter as needed to prevent burning; or pack potato in small buttered pan as soon as it comes from table, and set aside until ready for use. Turn from pan, cut in pieces, roll in flour, and cook same as Potato Cakes. Reheat two cups cold boiled potatoes, cut in dice, in one and one-fourth cups White Sauce I. Put Creamed Potatoes in buttered baking-dis
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Mix ingredients and stir until well blended. Some prefer the addition of a few drops onion juice. French Dressing is more easily prepared and largely used than any other dressing. Mix ingredients in the order given. Let stand one hour, then stir vigorously for five minutes. This is especially fine with lettuce, romaine, chiccory, or endive. The red and green peppers are the small ones found in pepper sauce. Mix ingredients and stir until well blended. Mix ingredients in order given and stir unti
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Prepare lettuce as directed on page 294 . Serve with French Dressing. Place a chapon in bottom of salad bowl. Wash, drain, and dry one head lettuce, arrange in bowl, and place between leaves one cucumber cut in thin slices. Serve with French Dressing. Prepare and arrange as for Dressed Lettuce. Place between leaves six radishes which have been washed, scraped, and cut in thin slices. Garnish with round radishes cut to represent tulips. See page 299 . Serve with French Dressing. Peel and chill th
17 minute read
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Batters and Fritters Batter I
Batters and Fritters Batter I
Mix flour, salt, and pepper. Add milk gradually, and eggs well beaten....
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Batter II
Batter II
Mix flour, sugar, and salt. Add water gradually, then olive oil and white of egg beaten until stiff....
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Batter III
Batter III
Mix and sift dry ingredients, add milk gradually, and egg well beaten....
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Batter IV
Batter IV
Mix and sift dry ingredients, add milk gradually, and egg well beaten....
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Batter V
Batter V
Mix salt and flour, add milk gradually, yolks of eggs beaten until thick, butter, and whites of eggs beaten until stiff....
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Apple Fritters I
Apple Fritters I
Pare, core, and cut apples in eighths, then cut eighths in slices, and stir into batter. Drop by spoonfuls and fry in deep fat (see Rules for Testing Fat, page 21 ). Drain on brown paper, and sprinkle with powdered sugar. Serve hot on a folded napkin....
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Apple Fritters II
Apple Fritters II
Prepare and cook as Apple Fritters I....
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Apple Fritters III
Apple Fritters III
Core, pare, and cut apples in one-third inch slices. Sprinkle with powdered sugar and few drops lemon juice; cover, and let stand one-half hour. Drain, dip pieces in batter, fry in deep fat, and drain. Arrange on a folded napkin in form of a circle, and serve with Sabyon or Hard Sauce....
20 minute read
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Banana Fritters I
Banana Fritters I
Remove skins from bananas. Scrape bananas, cut in halves lengthwise, and cut halves in two pieces crosswise. Sprinkle with powdered sugar, lemon juice, and wine; cover, and let stand thirty minutes; drain, dip in batter, fry in deep fat, and drain on brown paper. Sprinkle with powdered sugar, and serve on a folded napkin....
23 minute read
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Banana Fritters II
Banana Fritters II
Mix and sift dry ingredients. Beat egg until light, add milk, and combine mixtures; then add lemon juice and banana fruit forced through a sieve. Drop by spoonfuls, fry in deep fat, and drain. Serve with Lemon Sauce....
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Orange Fritters
Orange Fritters
Peel two oranges and separate into sections. Make an opening in each section just large enough to admit of passage for seeds, which should be removed. Dip sections in Batter II, III, IV, or V, and fry and serve same as other fritters....
12 minute read
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Fruit Fritters
Fruit Fritters
Fresh peaches, apricots, or pears may be cut in pieces, dipped in batter, and fried same as other fritters. Canned fruits may be used, after draining from their syrup....
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Cauliflower Fritters
Cauliflower Fritters
Sprinkle pieces of cauliflower with salt and pepper and dip in Batter I or V. Fry in deep fat, and drain on brown paper....
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Fried Celery
Fried Celery
Parboil celery until soft, drain, sprinkle with salt and pepper, dip in batter, fry in deep fat, and drain on brown paper. Serve with Tomato Sauce....
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Sardines Fried in Batter
Sardines Fried in Batter
Drain fish and pour over boiling water to free from oil, then remove skins. Dip in Batter III, fry in deep fat, and drain on brown paper. Serve with Hot Tartare Sauce....
9 minute read
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Tomato Fritters
Tomato Fritters
Cook first four ingredients twenty minutes, rub all through a sieve except seeds, and season with salt and pepper. Melt butter, and when bubbling, add corn-starch and tomato gradually; cook two minutes, then add egg slightly beaten. Pour into a buttered shallow tin, and cool. Turn on a board, cut in squares, diamonds, or strips. Roll in crumbs, egg, and crumbs again, fry in deep fat, and drain....
30 minute read
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Cherry Fritters
Cherry Fritters
Mix corn-starch, flour, sugar, and salt. Dilute with cold milk and add beaten yolks; then add gradually to scalded milk and cook fifteen minutes in double boiler. Add cherries, pour into a buttered shallow tin, and cool. Turn on a board, cut in squares, dip in flour, egg, and crumbs, fry in deep fat, and drain. Serve with Maraschino Sauce....
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Maraschino Sauce
Maraschino Sauce
Mix sugar and corn-starch, add gradually to boiling water, stirring constantly. Boil five minutes, and add cherries, syrup, and butter....
18 minute read
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Farina Cakes with Jelly
Farina Cakes with Jelly
Mix farina, sugar, and salt, add to milk, and cook in double boiler twenty minutes, stirring constantly until mixture has thickened. Add egg slightly beaten, pour into a buttered shallow pan, and brush over with one egg slightly beaten and diluted with one tablespoon milk. Brown in a moderate oven. Cut in squares, and serve with a cube of jelly on each square....
24 minute read
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Gnocchi à la Romaine
Gnocchi à la Romaine
Melt butter, and when bubbling, add flour, corn-starch, salt, and milk, gradually. Cook three minutes, stirring constantly. Add yolks of eggs slightly beaten, and one-half cup cheese. Pour into a buttered shallow pan, and cool. Turn on a board, cut in squares, diamonds, or strips. Place on a platter, sprinkle with remaining cheese, and brown in oven....
27 minute read
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Queen Fritters
Queen Fritters
Put butter in small saucepan and pour on water. As soon as water again reaches boiling-point, add flour all at once and stir until mixture leaves sides of saucepan, cleaving to spoon. Remove from fire and add eggs unbeaten, one at a time, beating mixture thoroughly between addition of eggs. Drop by spoonfuls and fry in deep fat until well puffed and browned. Drain, make an opening, and fill with preserve or marmalade. Sprinkle with powdered sugar and serve on a folded napkin....
33 minute read
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Chocolate Fritters with Vanilla Sauce
Chocolate Fritters with Vanilla Sauce
Make Queen Fritters, fill with Chocolate Cream Filling, and serve with Vanilla Sauce; filling to be cold and sauce warm....
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Coffee Fritters, Coffee Cream Sauce
Coffee Fritters, Coffee Cream Sauce
Cut stale bread in one-half inch slices, remove crusts, and cut slices in one-half inch strips. Mix three-fourths cup coffee infusion, two tablespoons sugar, one-fourth teaspoon salt, one egg slightly beaten, and one-fourth cup cream. Dip bread in mixture, crumbs, egg, and crumbs again. Fry in deep fat and drain. Serve with Coffee Cream Sauce. Beat yolks three eggs slightly, add four tablespoons sugar and one-eighth teaspoon salt, then add gradually one cup coffee infusion. Cook in double boiler
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Sponge Fritters
Sponge Fritters
Make a sponge of one-half the flour, sugar, milk, and dissolved yeast cake; let rise to double its bulk. Add remaining ingredients and let rise again. Toss on a floured board, roll to one-fourth inch thickness, shape with a small biscuit-cutter (first dipped in flour), cover, and let rise on board. Take each piece and hollow in centre to form a nest. In one-half the pieces put one-half teaspoon of currant jelly and quince marmalade mixed in the proportion of one part jelly to two parts marmalade
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Calf’s Brains Fritters
Calf’s Brains Fritters
Clean brains, and cook twenty minutes in boiling water, to which is added one-half teaspoon salt, one tablespoon lemon juice, three cloves, two slices onion, and one-half bay leaf. Remove from range, and let stand in water until cold; drain, dry between towels, and separate into pieces. Make a batter of one-half cup flour, one teaspoon baking powder, one-fourth teaspoon salt, a few grains pepper, one egg well beaten, and one-fourth cup milk. Add brains, and drop mixture by spoonfuls into greased
33 minute read
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Clam Fritters
Clam Fritters
Clean clams, drain from their liquor, and chop. Beat eggs until light, add milk and flour mixed and sifted with baking powder, then add chopped clams, and season highly with salt and pepper. Drop by spoonfuls, and fry in deep fat. Drain on brown paper, and serve at once on a folded napkin....
23 minute read
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Before making Croquettes, consult Rules for Testing Fat for Frying, page 21 ; Egging and Crumbing, page 22 ; Uses for Stale Bread, page 69 ; and Potato Croquettes, page 316 ....
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Banana Croquettes
Banana Croquettes
Remove skins from bananas, scrape, using a silver knife to remove the astringent principle which lies close to skin, and cut in halves crosswise; then remove a slice from each end. Dip in crumbs, egg, and crumbs again, fry in deep fat, and drain on brown paper....
15 minute read
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Cheese Croquettes
Cheese Croquettes
Make a thick white sauce, using butter, flour, and milk, add yolks of eggs without first beating, and stir until well mixed; then add grated cheese. As soon as cheese melts, remove from fire, fold in cheese cubes, and season with salt, pepper, and cayenne. Spread in a shallow pan, and cool. Turn on a board, cut in small squares or strips, dip in crumbs, egg, and crumbs again, fry in deep fat, and drain on brown paper. Serve for a cheese course....
36 minute read
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Chestnut Croquettes
Chestnut Croquettes
Mix ingredients in order given. Shape in balls, dip in crumbs, egg, and crumbs again, fry in deep fat, and drain....
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Chestnut Roulettes
Chestnut Roulettes
Mix ingredients in order given, cook two minutes, and cool. Shape a little larger than French chestnuts, dip in crumbs, egg, and crumbs again. Fry in deep fat, and drain on brown paper....
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Lenten Croquettes
Lenten Croquettes
Soak one-half cup lentils and one-fourth cup dried lima beans over night, in cold water to cover; drain, add three pints water, one-half small onion, one stalk celery, three slices carrot, and a sprig of parsley. Cook until lentils are soft, remove seasonings, drain, and rub through a sieve. To pulp add one-half cup stale bread crumbs, one egg slightly beaten, and salt and pepper to taste. Melt one tablespoon butter, add one tablespoon flour, and pour on gradually one-third cup hot cream; combin
30 minute read
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Rice Croquettes with Jelly
Rice Croquettes with Jelly
Wash rice, add to water with salt, cover, and steam until rice has absorbed water. Then add milk, stir lightly with a fork, cover, and steam until rice is soft. Remove from fire, add egg yolks and butter; spread on a shallow plate to cool. Shape in balls, roll in crumbs, then shape in form of nests. Dip in egg, again in crumbs, fry in deep fat, and drain. Put a cube of jelly in each croquette. Arrange on a folded napkin, and garnish with parsley, or serve around game....
35 minute read
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Sweet Rice Croquettes
Sweet Rice Croquettes
To rice croquette mixture add two tablespoons powdered sugar and grated rind one-half lemon. Shape in cylinder forms, dip in crumbs, egg, and crumbs again, fry in deep fat, and drain....
9 minute read
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Rice and Tomato Croquettes
Rice and Tomato Croquettes
Wash rice, and steam in stock until rice has absorbed stock; then add tomatoes which have been cooked twenty minutes with onion, carrot, parsley, thyme, cloves, peppercorns, and sugar, and then rubbed through a strainer. Remove from fire, add egg slightly beaten, cheese, butter, salt, and cayenne. Spread on a plate to cool. Shape in form of cylinders, dip in crumbs, egg, and crumbs again, fry in deep fat, and drain....
44 minute read
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Oyster Crabs à la Newburg
Oyster Crabs à la Newburg
Peel mushroom caps and break in pieces. Add oyster crabs and wine, cover, and let stand one hour. Melt butter, add first mixture, and cook eight minutes. Add flour, and cook two minutes. Season with salt, cayenne, and nutmeg; then add heavy cream. Just before serving add egg yolks, slightly beaten, and brandy....
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Oyster and Macaroni Croquettes
Oyster and Macaroni Croquettes
Cook macaroni in boiling salted water until soft, drain in a colander, and pour over macaroni two cups cold water. Clean and parboil oysters, remove tough muscles, and cut soft parts in pieces. Reserve one-half cup oyster liquor and use in making Thick White Sauce in place of all milk. Mix macaroni and oysters, add Thick White Sauce and seasonings. Spread on a plate to cool. Shape, dip in crumbs, egg, and crumbs again, fry in deep fat, and drain....
35 minute read
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Oysters à la Somerset
Oysters à la Somerset
Parboil and drain oysters. Reserve liquor, strain, and set aside for sauce. Cook onion and mushroom in butter five minutes, add flour, and pour on gradually oyster liquor and chicken stock. Season with salt, pepper, and cayenne. Remove tough muscles from oysters, and discard. Shape oysters, cover with sauce, and cool on a plate covered with stale bread crumbs. Dip in egg and stale bread crumbs, fry in deep fat, and drain on brown paper....
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Salmon Croquettes
Salmon Croquettes
Add sauce to salmon, then add seasonings. Spread on a plate to cool. Shape, dip in crumbs, egg, and crumbs again, fry in deep fat, and drain....
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Salmon Cutlets
Salmon Cutlets
Mix equal parts of cold flaked salmon and hot mashed potatoes. Season with salt and pepper. Shape in form of cutlets, dip in crumbs, egg, and crumbs again, fry in deep fat, and drain. Arrange in a circle, having cutlets overlap one another, on a folded napkin. Garnish with parsley....
14 minute read
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Lobster Croquettes
Lobster Croquettes
Add seasonings to lobster, then add Thick White Sauce. Cool, shape, dip in crumbs, egg, and crumbs again, fry in deep fat, and drain. Serve with Tomato Cream Sauce....
18 minute read
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Lobster Cutlets
Lobster Cutlets
Mix ingredients in order given, and cool. Shape in form of cutlets, crumb, and fry same as croquettes. Make a cut at small end of each cutlet, and insert in each the tip end of a small claw. Stack around a mound of parsley. Serve with Sauce Tartare....
27 minute read
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Beef and Rice Croquettes
Beef and Rice Croquettes
Mix beef and rice, and add salt, pepper, and cayenne. Cook cabbage leaves two minutes in boiling water to cover. In each leaf put two tablespoons mixture, and fold leaf to enclose mixture. Cook one hour in Tomato Sauce. Tomato Sauce. Brown four tablespoons butter, add five tablespoons flour, and pour on gradually one and one-half cups each Brown Stock and stewed and strained tomatoes. Add one slice onion, one slice carrot, a bit of bay leaf, a sprig of parsley, four cloves, three-fourths teaspoo
39 minute read
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Lamb Croquettes
Lamb Croquettes
Fry onion in butter five minutes, then remove onion. To butter add flour and stock, and cook two minutes. Add meat, potato, salt, and pepper. Simmer until meat and potato have absorbed sauce. Add parsley, and spread on a shallow dish to cool. Shape, dip in crumbs, egg, and crumbs again, fry in deep fat, and drain. Serve with Tomato Sauce....
32 minute read
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Veal Croquettes
Veal Croquettes
Mix ingredients in order given. Cool, shape, crumb, and fry same as other croquettes....
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Chicken Croquettes I
Chicken Croquettes I
Mix ingredients in order given. Cool, shape, crumb, and fry same as other croquettes. White meat of fowl absorbs more sauce than dark meat. This must be remembered if dark meat alone is used. Croquette mixtures should always be as soft as can be conveniently handled, when croquettes will be soft and creamy inside....
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Chicken Croquettes II
Chicken Croquettes II
Clean and dress a four-pound fowl. Put into a kettle with six cups boiling water, seven slices carrot, two slices turnip, one small onion, one stalk celery, one bay leaf, and three sprigs thyme. Cook slowly until fowl is tender. Remove fowl; strain liquor, cool, and skim off fat. Make a thick sauce, using one-fourth cup butter, one-half cup flour, one cup chicken stock, and one-third cup cream. Remove meat from chicken, chop, and moisten with sauce. Season with salt, cayenne, and slight grating
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Chicken and Mushroom Croquettes
Chicken and Mushroom Croquettes
Make as Chicken Croquettes I, using one and one-third cups chicken meat and two-thirds cup chopped mushrooms....
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Maryland Croquettes
Maryland Croquettes
Season one cup chopped cold cooked fowl with salt, celery salt, cayenne, lemon juice, and onion juice; moisten with sauce, and cool. Parboil one pint selected oysters, drain, and cover each oyster with chicken mixture. Dip in crumbs, egg, and crumbs; fry in deep fat, and drain. Sauce. Melt one and one-half tablespoons butter, add three tablespoons flour, and gradually one-third cup oyster liquor and two tablespoons cream. Season with salt and cayenne....
21 minute read
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Lincoln Croquettes
Lincoln Croquettes
Mix one cup each bread crumbs, walnut meats cut in pieces, and cold cooked chicken cut in cubes. Moisten with a sauce made by melting one and one-half tablespoons butter, adding one and one-half tablespoons flour, and pouring on gradually, while stirring constantly, one-half cup chicken stock. Season with salt, celery salt, paprika, nutmeg, and Sherry wine. Shape in balls, dip in crumbs, egg, and crumbs, fry in deep fat, and drain on brown paper. Serve with a sauce made of one-half chicken stock
25 minute read
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Cutlets of Sweetbreads à la Victoria
Cutlets of Sweetbreads à la Victoria
Chop the sweetbreads, of which there should be two cups; if not enough, add chopped mushrooms to make two cups, then season. Add egg, slightly beaten, to sauce, and combine mixtures. Cool, shape, crumb, and fry. Make a cut in small end of each cutlet, and insert in each a piece of cold boiled macaroni one and one-half inches long. Serve with Allemande Sauce....
31 minute read
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Epigrams of Sweetbreads
Epigrams of Sweetbreads
Parboil a sweetbread, drain, place in a small mould, cover, and press with a weight. Cut in one-half inch slices, and spread with the following mixture: Fry one-third teaspoon finely chopped shallot in one and one-half tablespoons butter three minutes, add three tablespoons chopped mushrooms, and cook three minutes; then add two and one-half tablespoons flour, one-half cup stock, two tablespoons cream, one tablespoon Sherry wine, one egg yolk, and salt and pepper to taste. Cool, dip in crumbs, e
26 minute read
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Swedish Timbales
Swedish Timbales
Mix dry ingredients, add milk gradually, and beaten egg; then add olive oil. Shape, using a hot timbale iron, fry in deep fat until crisp and brown; take from iron and invert on brown paper to drain. To Heat Timbale Iron. Heat fat until nearly hot enough to fry uncooked mixtures. Put iron into hot fat, having fat deep enough to more than cover it, and let stand until heated. The only way of knowing when iron is of right temperature is to take it from fat, shake what fat may drip from it, lower i
1 minute read
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Use recipe for and fry same as Swedish Timbales, using a Bunuelos iron. Serve with cooked fruit and with or without whipped cream sweetened and flavored....
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Strawberry Baskets
Strawberry Baskets
Fry Swedish Timbales, making cases one inch deep. Fill with selected strawberries, sprinkled with powdered sugar. Serve as a first course at a ladies’ luncheon....
9 minute read
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Rice Timbales
Rice Timbales
Pack hot boiled rice in slightly buttered small tin moulds. Let stand in hot water ten minutes. Use as a garnish for curried meat, fricassee, or boiled fowl....
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Macaroni Timbales
Macaroni Timbales
Line slightly buttered Dario moulds with boiled macaroni. Cut strips the length of height of mould, and place closely together around inside of mould. Fill with Chicken, or Salmon Force meat. Put in a pan, half surround with hot water, cover with buttered paper, and bake thirty minutes in a moderate oven. Serve with Lobster, Béchamel, or Hollandaise Sauce I....
16 minute read
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Spaghetti Timbales
Spaghetti Timbales
Line bottom and sides of slightly buttered Dario moulds with long strips of boiled spaghetti coiled around the inside. Fill and bake same as Macaroni Timbales....
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Pimento Timbales
Pimento Timbales
Line small timbale moulds with canned pimentoes. Fill with Chicken Timbale II mixture (see p. 366 ), and bake until firm. Remove from moulds, insert a sprig of parsley in top of each, and serve with...
10 minute read
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Brown Mushroom Sauce
Brown Mushroom Sauce
Melt butter, add onion juice, and cook until slightly browned; then add flour and continue the browning. Pour on, gradually, while stirring constantly, the cream. Clean mushrooms, peal caps, cut in slices lengthwise, and sauté in butter five minutes. Break stems in pieces, cover with cold water, and cook slowly until liquor is reduced to one-third cup; then strain. Dissolve beef extract in mushroom liquor. Add to sauce, and season with salt and paprika. Just before serving, add sautéd caps....
34 minute read
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Halibut Timbales I
Halibut Timbales I
Cook halibut in boiling salted water, drain, and rub through a sieve. Season with salt, cayenne, and lemon juice; add cream beaten until stiff, then beaten whites of eggs. Turn into small, slightly buttered moulds, put in a pan, half surround with hot water, cover with buttered paper, and bake twenty minutes in a moderate oven. Remove from moulds, arrange on a serving dish, pour around Béchamel Sauce or Lobster Sauce II, and garnish with parsley....
29 minute read
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Halibut Timbales II
Halibut Timbales II
Force fish through a meat chopper, then rub through a sieve or finely chop. Add yolk of egg, seasonings, corn-starch, and cream beaten until stiff. Cook same as Halibut Timbales I and serve with Cream or Lobster Sauce....
22 minute read
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Lobster Timbales I
Lobster Timbales I
Sprinkle slightly buttered Dario or timbale moulds with lobster coral rubbed through a strainer. Line moulds with Fish Force-meat I, fill centres with Creamed Lobster, and cover with force-meat. Put in a pan, half surround with hot water, place over moulds buttered paper, and bake twenty minutes in a moderate oven. Serve with Lobster or Béchamel Sauce....
16 minute read
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Lobster Timbales II
Lobster Timbales II
Split lobster, remove intestinal vein, liver, and stomach. Crack claw shells with mallet, then remove all meat, scraping as close to shell as possible to obtain the color desired. Force meat through a sieve, add bread crumbs, cream, eggs slightly beaten, and salt, pepper, and Sherry wine to taste. Fill small timbale moulds two-thirds full, place in iron frying-pan, and pour in boiling water to two-thirds the depths of the moulds. Place over moulds buttered paper and cook on the range until firm,
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Lobster Cream I
Lobster Cream I
Remove lobster meat from shell and chop finely. Cook bread and milk ten minutes. Add cream, seasonings, and whites of eggs beaten until stiff. Turn into one slightly buttered timbale mould and two slightly buttered Dario moulds. Bake as Lobster Timbales. Remove to serving dish, having larger mould in centre, smaller moulds one at either end. Pour around Lobster Sauce I, sprinkle with coral rubbed through a sieve, and garnish with pieces of lobster shell from tail, and parsley....
34 minute read
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Lobster Cream II
Lobster Cream II
Cook lobster meat with butter five minutes. Add flour, seasonings, egg yolks, milk, cream beaten until stiff, and white of egg. Fill buttered timbale moulds three-fourths full, set in pan of hot water, cover with buttered paper, and bake until firm. Serve with Lobster Sauce....
28 minute read
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Chicken Timbales I
Chicken Timbales I
Garnish slightly buttered Dario moulds with chopped truffles or slices of truffles cut in fancy shapes. Line with Chicken Force-meat I, fill centres with Creamed Chicken and Mushrooms, to which has been added a few chopped truffles. Cover with Force-meat, and bake same as Lobster Timbales Serve with Béchamel or Yellow Béchamel Sauce....
15 minute read
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Chicken Timbales II
Chicken Timbales II
Melt butter, add bread crumbs and milk, and cook five minutes, stirring constantly. Add chicken, parsley, and eggs slightly beaten. Season with salt and pepper. Turn into buttered individual moulds, having moulds two-thirds full set in pan of hot water, cover with buttered paper, and bake twenty minutes. Serve with Béchamel Sauce....
26 minute read
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Chicken Timbales III
Chicken Timbales III
Soak one-half tablespoon granulated gelatine in one and one-half tablespoons cold water, and dissolve in three-fourths cup chicken stock. Add one cup chopped cooked chicken, and stir until the mixture begins to thicken, then add one cup cream beaten until thick. Add one tablespoon Sherry wine and a few grains cayenne. Mould, chill, and serve on lettuce leaves....
16 minute read
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Ham Timbales
Ham Timbales
Make and bake same as Chicken Timbales II, using chopped cooked ham in place of chicken. Serve with Béchamel Sauce....
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Sweetbread and Mushroom Timbales
Sweetbread and Mushroom Timbales
Cook two tablespoons butter with one sliced onion five minutes. Add one and one-half cups mushroom caps finely chopped, and one small parboiled sweetbread, finely chopped; then add one cup White Sauce II, one-fourth cup stale bread crumbs, one red pepper chopped, one-half teaspoon salt, yolks two eggs, well beaten, and whites two eggs, beaten until stiff. Fill buttered timbale moulds, set in pan of hot water, cover with buttered paper, and bake fifteen minutes. Remove to serving dish and pour ar
37 minute read
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Sweetbread Mousse
Sweetbread Mousse
Parboil a sweetbread ten minutes, chop, and rub through sieve; there should be one-half cup. Mix with one-third cup breast meat of a raw chicken, and rub through sieve. Pound in mortar, add gradually white of one egg, and work until smooth, then add three-fourths cup heavy cream. Line buttered timbale moulds with mixture, fill centres, cover with mixture, place in a pan of hot water, cover with buttered paper and bake until firm. Remove to serving dish, and pour around sauce. Filling. Melt one t
43 minute read
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Suprême of Chicken
Suprême of Chicken
Force chicken through a meat chopper, or chop very finely. Beat eggs separately, add one at a time, stirring until mixture is smooth. Add cream, and season with salt and pepper. Turn into slightly buttered Dario moulds, and bake same as Lobster Timbales, allowing thirty minutes for baking. Serve with Suprême or Béchamel Sauce....
25 minute read
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Devilled Oysters
Devilled Oysters
Clean, drain, and slightly chop oysters. Make a sauce of butter, flour, and milk; add egg yolk, seasonings, and oysters. Arrange buttered scallop shells in a dripping-pan, half fill with mixture, cover with buttered crumbs, and bake twelve to fifteen minutes in a hot oven. Deep oyster shells may be used in place of scallop shells....
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Crab meat, Indienne
Crab meat, Indienne
Cook butter with onion three minutes, add flour mixed with curry powder and chicken stock. When boiling-point is reached add crab meat and season with salt....
18 minute read
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Devilled Crabs
Devilled Crabs
Make a sauce of butter, flour, and stock; add yolks of eggs, seasonings (except parsley), crab meat, and mushrooms. Cook three minutes, add parsley, and cool mixture. Wash and trim crab shells, fill rounding with mixture, sprinkle with stale bread crumbs mixed with a small quantity of melted butter. Crease on top with a case knife, having three lines parallel with each other across shell and three short lines branching from outside parallel lines. Bake until crumbs are brown....
38 minute read
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Devilled Scallops
Devilled Scallops
Clean scallops, drain, and heat to the boiling-point; drain again, and reserve liquor. Cream the butter, add mustard, salt, cayenne, two-thirds cup reserved liquor, and scallops chopped. Let stand one-half hour. Put in a baking-dish, cover with crumbs, and bake twenty minutes....
21 minute read
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Fried Oyster Crabs
Fried Oyster Crabs
Wash and drain crabs. Roll in flour, and shake in a sieve to remove superfluous flour. Fry in a basket in deep fat, having fat same temperature as for cooked mixtures. Drain, and place on a napkin, and garnish with parsley and slices of lemon. Serve with Sauce Tyrolienne....
14 minute read
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Bouchées of Oyster Crabs
Bouchées of Oyster Crabs
Pick over oyster crabs, dip in flour, cold milk, and crumbs, fry in deep fat, and drain on brown paper. Fill bouchée cases with crabs....
8 minute read
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Halibut Marguerites
Halibut Marguerites
Line a buttered tablespoon with Fish Force-meat II. Fill with Creamed Lobster, cover with force-meat, and garnish with force-meat, forced through a pastry bag and tube, in the form of a marguerite, having the centre colored yellow. Slip from spoon into boiling water, and cook eight minutes. Serve with Béchamel or Lobster Sauce....
15 minute read
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Cromesquis à la Russe
Cromesquis à la Russe
Melt two tablespoons butter, add two tablespoons flour, and pour on gradually one-half cup milk; then add one-half cup finnan haddie which has been parboiled, drained, and separated into small pieces. Season with cayenne, and spread on a plate to cook. Cut French pancakes in pieces two by four inches. On lower halves of pieces put one tablespoon mixture. Brush edges with beaten egg, fold over upper halves, press edges firmly together, dip in crumbs, egg, and crumbs, fry in deep fat, and drain. S
37 minute read
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Shad Roe with Celery
Shad Roe with Celery
Clean a shad roe, cook in boiling, salted, acidulated water twenty minutes, and drain. Plunge into cold water, drain, remove membrane, and separate roe into pieces. Melt three tablespoons butter, add roe, and cook ten minutes; then add one tablespoon butter, one-half cup chopped celery, few drops each onion and lemon juice, and salt and pepper. Serve on pieces of toasted bread....
18 minute read
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Stuffed Clams
Stuffed Clams
Cover bottom of dripping-pan with rock salt. Arrange two quarts large-sized soft-shelled clams on salt, in such a manner that liquor will not run into pan as clam-shells open. As soon as shells begin to open, remove clams from shells, and chop. Reserve liquor, strain, and use in making a thick sauce (follow directions for thick White Sauce for Croquettes, p. 266 ), making one-half rule, and using one-fourth cup each clam liquor and cream. Season highly with lemon juice and cayenne. Moisten clams
30 minute read
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Crab Meat, Terrapin Style
Crab Meat, Terrapin Style
Cook butter and onion until yellow; remove onion, add crab meat and wine. Cook three minutes, add cream, yolks of eggs, salt, and cayenne....
20 minute read
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Mock Crabs
Mock Crabs
Melt butter, add flour mixed with dry seasonings, and pour on gradually the milk. Add Kornlet, egg slightly beaten, and Worcestershire Sauce. Pour into a buttered baking-dish, cover with crumbs, and bake until crumbs are brown....
24 minute read
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Martin’s Specialty
Martin’s Specialty
Cook onion in butter three minutes. Add meat and bread crumbs, moisten with stock, and add egg yolk and seasonings. Wrap in lettuce leaves, allowing two tablespoons mixture to each portion. Tie in cheese-cloth and steam. Remove to serving dish and pour around Tomato Sauce....
24 minute read
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Sweetbread Ramequins
Sweetbread Ramequins
Clean and parboil a sweetbread and cut in cubes. Melt two tablespoons butter, add three tablespoons flour, and pour on gradually one cup chicken stock. Reheat sweetbread in sauce and add one-fourth cup heavy cream and one and one-half teaspoons beef extract. Season with salt, paprika, and lemon juice. Fill ramequin dishes, cover with buttered crumbs, and bake until crumbs are brown....
17 minute read
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Sweetbread à la Mont Vert
Sweetbread à la Mont Vert
Parboil a pair of sweetbreads, and gash. Decorate in gashes with truffles cut in thin slices, and slice in fancy shapes. Melt three tablespoons butter, add two slices onion, six slices carrot, and sweetbreads; fry five minutes. Pour off butter, and add one-fourth cup brown stock and two tablespoons Sherry wine. Cook in oven twenty-five minutes, basting often until well glazed. Serve in nests of peas, and pour around Mushroom Sauce. Nests. Drain and rinse one can peas, and rub through a sieve. Ad
42 minute read
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Sweetbread in Peppers
Sweetbread in Peppers
Parboil sweetbread, cool, and cut in small pieces; there should be one cup. Melt two tablespoons butter, add two tablespoons flour, and pour on gradually one-half cup chicken stock; then add two tablespoons heavy cream, and one-third cup mushroom caps broken in small pieces. Season with salt, paprika, and Worcestershire Sauce. Cut a slice from stem end of six peppers, remove seeds, and parboil peppers fifteen minutes. Cool, fill, cover with buttered crumbs, and bake until crumbs are brown. Break
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Cutlets of Chicken
Cutlets of Chicken
Remove fillets from two chickens; for directions, see page 245 . Make six parallel slanting incisions in each mignon fillet and insert in each a slice of truffle, having the part of truffle exposed cut in points on edge. Arrange small fillets on large fillets. Garnish with truffles cut in small shapes, and Chicken Force-meat forced through a pastry bag and tube. Place in a greased pan, add one-third cup White Stock, cover with buttered paper, and bake fifteen minutes in a hot oven. Serve with Su
25 minute read
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Fillets of Game
Fillets of Game
Remove skin from breasts of three partridges. Cut off breasts, leaving wing joints attached. Separate large from mignon fillets. Make five parallel slanting incisions in each mignon fillet, and insert in each a slice of truffle, having part of truffle exposed cut in points on edge. Beginning at outer edge of large fillets make deep cuts, nearly separating fillets in two parts, and stuff with Chicken Force-meat I or II. Arrange small fillets on large fillets. Place in a greased baking-pan, brush
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Chicken Cutlets
Chicken Cutlets
Remove fillets from two chickens; for directions, see page 245 . Dip each in thick cream, roll in flour, and sauté in lard three minutes. Place in a pan, dot over with butter, and bake ten minutes. Serve with White Sauce I, to which is added one tablespoon meat extract....
14 minute read
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Russian Cutlets
Russian Cutlets
Cover bottom of cutlet moulds with Russian Pilaf and cover Pilaf with Chicken Force-meat II (see p. 150 ), doubling the recipe and omitting nutmeg. Set moulds in pan of hot water, cover with buttered paper, and bake in a moderate oven fifteen minutes. Remove from moulds to serving dish, surround with Brown Mushroom Sauce, and garnish with parsley. Russian Pilaf. Wash one-half cup rice. Mix one cup highly seasoned chicken stock with three-fourths cup stewed and strained tomato, and heat to boilin
32 minute read
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Brown Mushroom Sauce
Brown Mushroom Sauce
Cook butter with vegetables and ham until brown, add flour, and when well browned add stock, gradually, then strain. Clean mushroom stems, break in pieces, cover with water, and cook slowly until stock is reduced to one-third cup. Strain, and add to sauce with beef extract and seasonings. Just before serving add mushroom caps peeled, cut in slices lengthwise, and sautéd in butter five minutes....
33 minute read
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Chicken à la McDonald
Chicken à la McDonald
Make a sauce of butter, flour, and milk. Add chicken, potatoes, and truffle, and, as soon as heated, add seasoning....
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Chicken Mousse
Chicken Mousse
Make a chicken force-meat of one-half the breast of a raw chicken pounded and forced through a purée strainer, the white of one egg slightly beaten, one-half cup heavy cream, and salt, pepper, and cayenne to taste. Add three-fourths cup cooked white chicken meat rubbed through a sieve, the white of an egg slightly beaten, and one-half cup heavy cream beaten until stiff. Decorate a buttered mould with truffles, turn in mixture, set in pan of hot water, cover with buttered paper, and bake until fi
26 minute read
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Fillets of Chicken, Sauce Suprême
Fillets of Chicken, Sauce Suprême
Remove fillets from three chickens, leaving wing joint and a piece of bone attached to each fillet. Reserve mignon fillets for the making of force-meat. Make a pocket in each large fillet, and stuff with one-half tablespoon force-meat; close pockets, and fasten each with five pieces of truffle, shaped to represent nails and drawn through with a larding needle. Sprinkle with salt and pepper, put in small baking-pan, brush over with cold water, add one-half cup Madeira wine, cover with buttered pa
1 minute read
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Birds on Canapés
Birds on Canapés
Split five birds (quails or squabs), season with salt and pepper, and spread with four tablespoons butter, rubbed until creamy, and mixed with three tablespoons flour. Bake in a hot oven until well browned, basting every four minutes with two tablespoons butter, melted in one-fourth cup water. Chop six boiled chickens’ livers, season with salt, pepper, and onion juice, moisten with melted butter, and add one teaspoon finely chopped parsley. Spread mixture on five pieces toasted bread, arrange a
26 minute read
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Breast of Quail Lucullus
Breast of Quail Lucullus
Remove breasts from six quail, lard, and bake in a hot oven twenty minutes, basting every five minutes with a very rich brown stock, that breasts may have a glazed appearance. Mould corn meal or hominy mush in cone shape; when firm remove from mould and sprinkle with finely chopped parsley. Arrange breasts on cone around base, and make six nests of mashed seasoned sweet potato around base of cone at equal distances, using a pastry bag and rose tube. Fill nests with creamed mushrooms and sweetbre
41 minute read
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Pan Broiled Lamb Chops à la Lucullus
Pan Broiled Lamb Chops à la Lucullus
Pan broil lamb chops and garnish same as Breast of Quail Lucullus....
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Chickens’ Livers en Brochette
Chickens’ Livers en Brochette
Cut each liver in four pieces. Alternate pieces of liver and pieces of thinly sliced bacon on skewers, allowing one liver and five pieces of bacon for each skewer. Balance skewers in upright positions on rack in dripping-pan. Bake in a hot oven until bacon is crisp. Serve garnished with watercress....
15 minute read
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Chestnuts en Casserole
Chestnuts en Casserole
Remove shells from three cups chestnuts, put in a casserole dish, and pour over three cups highly seasoned chicken stock. Cover, and cook in a slow oven three hours; then thicken chicken stock with two tablespoons butter and one and one-half tablespoons flour cooked together. Send to table in casserole dish....
16 minute read
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Cheese Fondue
Cheese Fondue
Mix first five ingredients, add yolks of eggs beaten until lemon-colored. Cut and fold in whites of eggs beaten until stiff. Pour in a buttered baking-dish, and bake twenty minutes in a moderate oven....
21 minute read
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Cheese Soufflé
Cheese Soufflé
Melt butter, add flour, and when well mixed add gradually scalded milk. Then add salt, cayenne, and cheese. Remove from fire; add yolks of eggs beaten until lemon-colored. Cool mixture, and cut and fold in whites of eggs beaten until stiff and dry. Pour into a buttered baking-dish, and bake twenty minutes in a slow oven. Serve at once....
29 minute read
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Ramequins Soufflés
Ramequins Soufflés
Bake Cheese Soufflé mixture in ramequin dishes. Serve for a course in a dinner....
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Cheese Balls
Cheese Balls
Mix cheese with flour and seasonings. Beat whites of eggs until stiff, and add to first mixture. Shape in small balls, roll in cracker dust, fry in deep fat, and drain on brown paper. Serve with salad course....
20 minute read
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Compote of Rice with Peaches
Compote of Rice with Peaches
Wash two-thirds cup rice, add one cup boiling water, and steam until rice has absorbed water; then add one and one-third cups hot milk, one teaspoon salt, and one-fourth cup sugar. Cook until rice is soft. Turn into a slightly buttered round shallow mould. When shaped, remove from mould to serving dish, and arrange on top sections of cooked peaches drained from their syrup and dipped in macaroon dust. Garnish between sections with candied cherries and angelica cut in leaf-shapes. Angelica may be
28 minute read
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Compote of Rice and Pears
Compote of Rice and Pears
Cook and mould rice as for Compote of Rice with Peaches. Arrange on top quarters of cooked pears, and pour around pear syrup....
7 minute read
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Croustades of Bread
Croustades of Bread
Cut stale bread in diamonds, squares, or circles. Remove centres, leaving cases. Fry in deep fat or brush over with melted butter, and brown in oven. Fill with creamed vegetables, fish, or meat....
9 minute read
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Rice Croustades
Rice Croustades
Wash one cup rice, and steam in White Stock. Cool, and mix with three-fourths cup Thick White Sauce, to which has been added beaten yolk of one egg, slight grating of nutmeg, one-half teaspoon salt, and one-eighth teaspoon pepper. Spread mixture in buttered pan two inches thick, cover with buttered paper, and place weight on top. Let stand until cold. Turn from pan, cut in rounds, remove centres, leaving cases; dip in crumbs, egg, and crumbs, and fry in deep fat. Fill with creamed fish....
23 minute read
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Soufflé au Rhum
Soufflé au Rhum
Beat yolks of eggs until lemon-colored. Add sugar, salt, and rum. Cut and fold in whites of eggs beaten until stiff and dry. Butter a hot omelet pan, pour in one-half mixture, brown underneath, fold gradually, turn on a hot serving dish, and sprinkle with powdered sugar. Cook remaining mixture in same way. Soufflé au Rhum should be slightly underdone inside. At gentlemen’s dinners rum is sometimes poured around soufflé and lighted when sent to table....
29 minute read
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Omelet Soufflé
Omelet Soufflé
Prepare same as Soufflé au Rhum. Mound three-fourths of mixture on a slightly buttered platter. Decorate mound with remaining mixture forced through a pastry bag and tube. Sprinkle with powdered sugar, and bake ten minutes in a moderate oven....
18 minute read
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Patty shells are filled with Creamed Oysters, Oysters in Brown Sauce, Creamed Chicken, Creamed Chicken and Mushrooms, or Creamed Sweetbreads. They are arranged on a folded napkin, and are served for a course at dinner or luncheon....
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Small pastry shells filled with creamed meat are called bouchées....
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Vol-au-vents are filled same as patty shells....
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Roll puff paste to one-eighth inch thickness, and cut in rounds. Place one teaspoon finely chopped seasoned meat moistened with Thick White Sauce on each round. Brush each piece with cold water half-way round close to edge. Fold like a turnover, and press edges together. Dip in egg slightly beaten and diluted with one tablespoon water. Roll in gelatine, fry in deep fat, and drain. Granulated gelatine cannot be used. Filling for Rissoles. Mix one-half cup finely chopped cold cooked chicken with o
27 minute read
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Cigarettes à la Prince Henry
Cigarettes à la Prince Henry
Roll puff paste very thin, and spread with Chicken Force-meat. Roll like a jelly roll, and cut in pieces four inches long and a little larger round than a cigarette. Brush over with egg, roll in crumbs, fry in deep fat, and drain on brown paper. Arrange log-cabin fashion on a folded doily, and serve while hot....
17 minute read
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Zigaras à la Russe
Zigaras à la Russe
Make and fry same as Cigarettes à la Prince Henry, using cheese mixture in place of Chicken Force-meat. Melt two tablespoons butter, add four tablespoons flour, and pour on gradually one-half cup milk, then add one tablespoon heavy cream, one egg yolk, and one-third cup grated cheese. Season highly with salt and cayenne. Cool before spreading on paste....
16 minute read
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Dresden Patties
Dresden Patties
Cut stale bread in two-inch slices, shape with a round cutter three inches in diameter, and remove centres, making cases. Dip cases in egg, slightly beaten, diluted with milk and seasoned with salt, allowing two tablespoons milk to each egg. When bread is thoroughly soaked, drain, and fry in deep fat. Fill with any mixture suitable for patty cases....
16 minute read
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Russian Patties
Russian Patties
Parboil oysters, drain, and reserve liquor; there should be one-half cup. Make sauce of butter, flour, stock, oyster liquor, and cream; add yolks of eggs, seasonings, and salt and pepper to taste. Add oysters, and as soon as oysters are heated, fill patty shells....
31 minute read
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Cheese Soufflé with Pastry
Cheese Soufflé with Pastry
Add eggs to cream and beat slightly, then add cheese and seasonings. Line the sides of ramequin dishes with strips of puff paste. Fill dishes with mixture until two-thirds full. Bake fifteen minutes in a hot oven....
24 minute read
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Lamb Rissoles à l’Indienne
Lamb Rissoles à l’Indienne
Roll puff paste one-eighth inch thick and shape, using circular cutters of different sizes. On the centres of smaller pieces put one tablespoon prepared lamb mixture, wet edges, cover with large pieces, press edges firmly together, prick upper paste in several places, brush over with yolk of egg diluted with one teaspoon cold water, and bake in hot oven. Lamb Filling. Cook three tablespoons butter, with a few drops onion juice, until well browned, add one-fourth cup flour, and brown butter and f
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Quail Pies
Quail Pies
Remove breasts and legs from birds, season with salt and pepper, dredge with flour, and sauté in butter. To butter in pan add vegetables and peppercorns, and cook five minutes. Separate backs of birds in pieces, cover with cold water, add vegetables, and cook slowly one hour. Drain stock from vegetables, and thicken with flour diluted with enough cold water to pour easily. Season with salt, pepper, and wine. If not rich enough, add more butter. Allow one bird to each individual dish, sauce to ma
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Aspic Jelly
Aspic Jelly
Aspic jelly is always made with meat stock, and is principally used in elaborate entrées where fish, chicken, game, or vegetables are to be served moulded in jelly. In making Aspic Jelly, use as much liquid as the pan which is to contain moulded dish will hold. Put vegetables, seasonings, and wine (except two tablespoons) in a saucepan; cook eight minutes, and strain, reserving liquid. Add gelatine to stock, then add lemon juice. Heat to boiling-point and add strained liquid. Season with salt an
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Tomatoes in Aspic
Tomatoes in Aspic
Peel six small firm tomatoes, and remove pulp, having opening in tops as small as possible. Sprinkle insides with salt, invert, and let stand thirty minutes. Fill with vegetable or chicken salad. Cover tops with Mayonnaise to which has been added a small quantity of dissolved gelatine, and garnish with capers and sliced pickles. Place a pan in ice-water, cover bottom with aspic jelly mixture, and let stand until jelly is firm. Arrange tomatoes on jelly garnished side down. Add more aspic jelly m
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Stuffed Olives in Aspic
Stuffed Olives in Aspic
Stone olives, using an olive stoner, and fill cavities thus made with green butter. Place small Dario moulds in pan of ice-water, and pour in aspic jelly mixture (see p. 382 ) one-fourth inch deep. When firm put an olive in each mould (keeping olives in place by means of small wooden skewers) and add aspic by spoonfuls until moulds are filled. Chill thoroughly, remove to circular slices of liver sausage, garnish with green butter forced through a pastry bag and tube, yolks of “hard-boiled” eggs
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Tongue in Aspic
Tongue in Aspic
Cook a tongue according to directions on page 210 . After removing skin and roots, run a skewer through tip of tongue and fleshy part, thus keeping tongue in shape. When cool, remove skewer. Put a round pan in ice-water, cover bottom with brown aspic, and when firm decorate with cooked carrot, turnip, beet cut in fancy shapes, and parsley. Cover with aspic jelly mixture, adding it by spoonfuls so as not to disarrange vegetables. When this layer of mixture is firm, put in tongue, adding gradually
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Birds in Aspic
Birds in Aspic
Clean, bone, stuff, and truss a bird, then steam over body bones or roast. If roasted, do not dredge with flour. Put a pan in ice-water, cover bottom with aspic jelly mixture, and when firm garnish with truffles and egg custard thinly sliced and cut in fancy shapes. The smaller the shapes the more elaborate may be the designs. When garnishing with small shapes, pieces are so difficult to handle that they should be taken on the pointed end of a larding-needle, and placed as desired on jelly. Add
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Egg Custard for Decorating
Egg Custard for Decorating
Separate yolks from whites of two eggs. Beat yolks slightly, add two tablespoons milk and few grains salt. Strain into a buttered cup, put in a saucepan, surround with boiling water to one-half depth of cup, cover, put on back of range, and steam until custard is firm. Beat whites slightly, add few grains salt, and cook as yolks. Cool, turn from cups, cut in thin slices, then in desired shapes....
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Stuffing for Chicken in Aspic
Stuffing for Chicken in Aspic
Chop finely breast and meat from second joints of an uncooked chicken, or one pound of uncooked lean veal. Add one-half cup cracker crumbs, hot stock to moisten, salt, pepper, celery salt, cayenne, lemon juice, and one egg slightly beaten. In stuffing boned chicken, stuff body, legs, and wings, being careful that too much stuffing is not used, as an allowance must be made for the swelling of cracker crumbs....
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Spring Mousse
Spring Mousse
Chop three-fourths cup cold cooked chicken or veal, and pound in a mortar. Add gradually one-half cup heavy cream, and force mixture through purée strainer. Add one-half tablespoon granulated gelatine dissolved in three tablespoons White Stock. Add another one-half cup heavy cream and season with salt, cayenne, and horseradish powder. Pour jelly into small moulds one-third inch deep, using lemon Sauterne, or aspic. When firm, fill moulds with veal mixture and set aside to chill. Remove from moul
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Chaud-froid of Eggs
Chaud-froid of Eggs
Cut six “hard-boiled” eggs in halves lengthwise and remove yolks. Mix one-third cup cold cooked chicken finely chopped, two tablespoons cold cooked ham finely chopped, two tablespoons chopped raw mushroom caps, one-half tablespoon chopped truffles, and yolks of four of the eggs rubbed through a sieve. Moisten with Spanish Sauce and refill whites with mixture. Mask eggs with Spanish Sauce, garnish with truffles, cut in fancy shapes, and brush over with aspic. Arrange on serving dish and garnish w
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Jellied Vegetables
Jellied Vegetables
Soak one tablespoon granulated gelatine in one-fourth cup cold water, and dissolve in one cup boiling water; then add one-fourth cup, each, sugar and vinegar, two tablespoons lemon juice, and one teaspoon salt. Strain, cool, and when beginning to stiffen, add one cup celery cut in small pieces, one-half cup finely shredded cabbage, and one and one-half canned pimentoes cut in small pieces. Turn into a mould and chill. Remove from mould and arrange around jelly thin slices of cold cooked meat ove
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Mayonnaise of Mackerel
Mayonnaise of Mackerel
Clean two medium-sized mackerel, put in baking-dish with one-third cup each water, cider vinegar, and tarragon vinegar, twelve cloves, one teaspoon each peppercorns and salt, and a bit of bay leaf. Cover with buttered paper and cook in a moderate oven. Arrange on serving dish, remove skin, cool, and mask with Mayonnaise thickened with gelatine. Let stand until thoroughly chilled, and garnish with sliced cucumbers, lemon baskets filled with Mayonnaise sprinkled with finely chopped parsley, and sp
21 minute read
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Chaud-froid of Chicken
Chaud-froid of Chicken
Make a sauce of butter, flour, and stock; add egg yolk diluted with cream, lemon juice, salt and pepper; then add dissolved gelatine. Dip chicken in sauce which has been allowed to cool. When chicken has cooled, garnish upper side with truffles cut in shapes. Brush over with aspic jelly mixture, and chill. Arrange a bed of lettuce; in centre pile cold cooked asparagus tips or celery cut in small pieces, marinated with French Dressing, and place chicken at base of salad....
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Moulded Salmon, Cucumber Sauce
Moulded Salmon, Cucumber Sauce
Remove salmon from can, rinse thoroughly with hot water, and separate in flakes. Mix dry ingredients, add egg yolks, butter, milk, and vinegar. Cook over boiling water, stirring constantly until mixture thickens. Add gelatine soaked in cold water. Strain, and add to salmon. Fill individual mould, chill, and serve with Chaud-froid of Eggs. — Page 385 . Capon in Aspic garnished with cooked yolks and whites of eggs cut in fancy shapes, pistachio nuts, and truffles. — Page 384 . Harvard Pudding serv
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Moulded Chicken, Sauterne Jelly
Moulded Chicken, Sauterne Jelly
Cover a four-pound fowl with two quarts cold water, and add four slices carrot, one onion stuck with eight cloves, two stalks celery, bit of bay leaf, one-half teaspoon peppercorns, and one tablespoon salt. Bring quickly to boiling-point, and let simmer until meat is tender. Remove meat from bones, and finely chop. Reduce stock to three-fourths cup, cool, and remove fat. Soak one teaspoon granulated gelatine in one teaspoon cold water, and dissolve in stock which has been reheated. Add to meat,
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Lenox Chicken
Lenox Chicken
Dissolve one tablespoon gelatine in chicken stock and strain. When mixture begins to thicken beat until frothy, and add three-fourths cup heavy cream, beaten until stiff, and chicken dice. Season with salt and pepper, turn into individual moulds, and chill. Soak remaining gelatine in cold water, dissolve by standing over hot water, then strain. Beat yolks of eggs slightly and add salt, sugar, mustard, lemon juice, vinegar, and hot cream. Cook over hot water until mixture thickens, add butter and
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Rum Cakes
Rum Cakes
Shape Brioche dough in the form of large biscuits and put into buttered individual tin moulds, having moulds two-thirds full; cover, and let rise to fill moulds. Bake twenty-five minutes in a moderate oven. Remove from moulds and dip in Rum Sauce. Arrange on a dish and pour remaining sauce around cakes....
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Rum Sauce
Rum Sauce
Make a syrup by boiling sugar and water five minutes; then add rum or wine....
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Shape Brioche dough in sticks similar to Bread Sticks. Place on a buttered sheet, cover, and let rise fifteen minutes. Brush over with white of one egg slightly beaten and diluted with one-half tablespoon cold water. Sprinkle with powdered sugar and bake ten minutes. These are delicious served with coffee or chocolate....
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Baba Cakes
Baba Cakes
To one and one-half cups Brioche dough add one-third cup each raisins seeded and cut in pieces, currants, and citron thinly sliced, previously soaked in Maraschino for one hour. Shape, let rise, and bake same as Rum Cakes. Dip in sauce made same as Rum Sauce, substituting Maraschino in place of rum....
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Baba Cakes with Apricots
Baba Cakes with Apricots
Make sponge of one-half cup flour and dissolved yeast cake; cover and let rise. Mix remaining flour with butter, two eggs, sugar, and salt. Beat thoroughly, and add, while beating, remaining eggs, one at a time, then beat until mixture is perfectly smooth. As soon as sponge has doubled its bulk, combine mixtures, beat thoroughly, and half fill buttered individual tins. Let rise, and bake in a moderate oven. Remove from tins, cut a circular piece from top of each, and scoop out a small quantity o
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Rice Pudding
Rice Pudding
Wash rice, mix ingredients, and pour into buttered pudding-dish; bake three hours in very slow oven, stirring three times during first hour of baking to prevent rice from settling....
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Poor Man’s Pudding
Poor Man’s Pudding
Wash rice, mix and bake same as Rice Pudding. At last stirring, add butter....
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Indian Pudding
Indian Pudding
Pour milk slowly on meal, cook in double boiler twenty minutes, add molasses, salt, and ginger; pour into buttered pudding-dish and bake two hours in slow oven; serve with cream. If baked too rapidly it will not whey. Ginger may be omitted....
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Cerealine Pudding
Cerealine Pudding
Pour milk on cerealine, add remaining ingredients, pour into buttered pudding-dish, and bake one hour in slow oven. Serve with cream....
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Newton Tapioca
Newton Tapioca
Soak tapioca two hours in cold water to cover. Pour scalded milk over Indian meal, molasses, butter, and salt. Cook in double boiler until mixture thickens. Add tapioca drained from water, turn into buttered pudding-dish, and pour over remaining milk, but do not stir. Bake one and one-fourth hours in a slow oven....
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Apple Tapioca
Apple Tapioca
Soak tapioca one hour in cold water to cover, drain, add boiling water and salt; cook in double boiler until transparent. Core and pare apples, arrange in buttered pudding-dish, fill cavities with sugar, pour over tapioca, and bake in moderate oven until apples are soft. Serve with sugar and cream or Cream Sauce I. Minute Tapioca requires no soaking....
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Tapioca Custard Pudding
Tapioca Custard Pudding
Soak tapioca one hour in cold water to cover, drain, add to milk, and cook in double boiler thirty minutes; beat eggs slightly, add sugar and salt, pour on gradually hot mixture, turn into buttered pudding-dish, add butter, bake thirty minutes in slow oven....
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Peach Tapioca
Peach Tapioca
Drain peaches, sprinkle with powdered sugar, and let stand one hour; soak tapioca one hour in cold water to cover; to peach syrup add enough boiling water to make three cups; heat to boiling-point, add tapioca drained from cold water, sugar, and salt; then cook in a double boiler until transparent. Line a mould or pudding-dish with peaches cut in quarters, fill with tapioca, and bake in moderate oven thirty minutes; cool slightly, turn on a dish, and serve with Cream Sauce I....
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Corn Pudding
Corn Pudding
Scald milk, pour over corn, and let stand one hour. Add remaining ingredients, turn into a buttered dish, and bake in a slow oven until firm. Serve with cream, or maple syrup....
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Scalloped Apples
Scalloped Apples
Cut loaf in halves, remove soft part, and crumb by rubbing through a colander; melt butter and stir in lightly with fork; cover bottom of buttered pudding-dish with crumbs and spread over one-half the apples, sprinkle with one-half sugar, nutmeg, lemon juice, and rind mixed together; repeat cover with remaining crumbs, and bake forty minutes in moderate oven. Cover at first to prevent crumbs browning too rapidly. Serve with sugar and cream....
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Bread Pudding
Bread Pudding
Soak bread crumbs in milk, set aside until cool; add sugar, butter, eggs slightly beaten, salt, and flavoring; bake one hour in buttered pudding-dish in slow oven; serve with Vanilla Sauce. In preparing bread crumbs for puddings avoid using outside crusts. With a coarse grater there need be but little waste....
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Cracker Custard Pudding
Cracker Custard Pudding
Make same as Bread Pudding, using two-thirds cup cracker crumbs in place of bread crumbs; after baking, cover with meringue made of whites two eggs, one-fourth cup powdered sugar, and one tablespoon lemon juice; return to oven to cook meringue....
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Bread and Butter Pudding
Bread and Butter Pudding
Remove end crusts from bread, cut loaf in one-half inch slices, spread each slice generously with butter; arrange in buttered pudding-dish, buttered side down. Beat eggs slightly, add sugar, salt, and milk; strain, and pour over bread; let stand thirty minutes. Bake one hour in slow oven, covering the first half-hour of baking. The top of pudding should be well browned. Serve with Hard or Creamy Sauce. Three-fourths cup raisins, parboiled in boiling water to cover and seeded, may be sprinkled be
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Bread and Butter Apple Pudding
Bread and Butter Apple Pudding
Cover bottom of a shallow baking-dish with apple sauce. Cut stale bread in one-third inch slices, spread with softened butter, remove crusts, and cut in triangular-shaped pieces; then arrange closely together over apple. Sprinkle generously with sugar, to which is added a few drops vanilla. Bake in a moderate oven and serve with cream....
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Chocolate Bread Pudding
Chocolate Bread Pudding
Soak bread in milk thirty minutes; melt chocolate in saucepan placed over hot water, add one-half sugar and enough milk taken from bread and milk to make of consistency to pour; add to mixture with remaining sugar, salt, vanilla, and eggs slightly beaten; turn into buttered pudding-dish and bake one hour in a moderate oven. Serve with Hard or Cream Sauce I....
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Mock Indian Pudding
Mock Indian Pudding
Remove crusts from bread and cut into five slices of uniform thickness. Spread generously with butter, arrange in baking-dish, pour over three cups of milk and molasses. Bake from two to three hours in a very slow oven, stirring three times during the first hour of baking, then add remaining milk. Serve with cream or vanilla ice cream....
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Bangor Pudding
Bangor Pudding
Moisten cracker crumbs with boiling water, and let stand until cool. Add milk, molasses, egg slightly beaten, and raisins seeded and cut in pieces. Turn into a buttered pudding mould, and steam eight hours. Let stand in mould to cool. Serve cold with Cream Sauce II....
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Steamed Lemon Pudding
Steamed Lemon Pudding
Spread bread with lemon mixture, and arrange in buttered pudding mould. Beat eggs slightly, add sugar, salt, and milk; strain, add lemon rind, and pour mixture over bread. Cover, set in pan of hot water, and bake one hour. Lemon Mixture. Cook three tablespoons lemon juice, grated rind one lemon, and one-fourth cup butter two minutes. Add one cup sugar and three eggs slightly beaten; cook until mixture thickens, cool, and add one tablespoon brandy....
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Cottage Pudding
Cottage Pudding
Cream the butter, add sugar gradually, and egg well beaten; mix and sift flour, baking powder, and salt; add alternately with milk to first mixture; turn into buttered cake pan; bake thirty-five minutes. Serve with Vanilla or Hard Sauce....
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Strawberry Cottage Pudding
Strawberry Cottage Pudding
Mix same as Cottage Pudding, and bake twenty-five minutes in shallow pan; cut in squares and serve with strawberries (sprinkled with sugar and slightly mashed) and Cream Sauce I. Sliced peaches may be used in place of strawberries....
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Orange Puffs
Orange Puffs
Mix same as Cottage Pudding, and bake in buttered individual tins. Serve with Orange Sauce....
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Chocolate Pudding
Chocolate Pudding
Cream the butter, and add one-half the sugar gradually. Beat yolks of eggs until thick and lemon-colored, and add, gradually, remaining sugar. Combine mixtures, and add milk alternately with flour mixed and sifted with baking powder and salt; then add whites of eggs beaten until stiff, melted chocolate, and vanilla. Bake in an angel-cake pan, remove from pan, cool, fill the centre with whipped cream, sweetened and flavored, and pour around Chocolate Sauce . Boil one cup sugar, one-half cup water
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Custard Soufflé
Custard Soufflé
Melt butter, add flour, and gradually hot milk; when well thickened, pour on to yolks of eggs beaten until thick and lemon-colored, and mixed with sugar; cool, and cut and fold in whites of eggs beaten stiff and dry. Turn into buttered pudding-dish, and bake from thirty to thirty-five minutes in slow oven; take from oven and serve at once,—if not served immediately it is sure to fall; serve with Creamy or Foamy Sauce....
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Apricot Soufflé
Apricot Soufflé
Drain and reserve syrup from one can apricots and cut fruit into quarters, then put closely together on bottom of a buttered baking-dish. Pour over Custard Soufflé mixture. Bake from thirty-five to forty minutes in a slow oven. Serve with apricot syrup and whipped cream sweetened and flavored with vanilla or vanilla ice cream. Canned peaches may be used in place of apricots....
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Lemon Soufflé
Lemon Soufflé
Beat yolks until thick and lemon-colored, add sugar gradually and continue beating, then add lemon rind and juice. Cut and fold in whites of eggs beaten until dry; turn into buttered pudding-dish, set in pan of hot water, and bake thirty-five to forty minutes. Serve with or without sauce....
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Chocolate Soufflé
Chocolate Soufflé
Melt the butter, add flour, and pour on gradually, while stirring constantly, milk; cook until boiling-point is reached. Melt chocolate in a small saucepan placed over hot water, add sugar and water, and stir until smooth. Combine mixtures, and add yolks of eggs well beaten; cool. Fold in whites of eggs beaten stiff, and add vanilla. Turn into a buttered baking-dish, and bake in a moderate oven twenty-five minutes. Serve with Cream Sauce I....
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Mocha Soufflé
Mocha Soufflé
Make and bake same as Chocolate Soufflé. Serve with Mocha Sauce. Mix yolks two eggs, one-fourth cup sugar, and a few grains salt; then add gradually one-half cup Mocha coffee infusion. Cook in double boiler until mixture thickens, stirring constantly. Strain, cool, and fold in one cup whipped cream....
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Fruit Soufflé
Fruit Soufflé
Rub fruit through sieve; if canned fruit is used, first drain from syrup. Heat, and sweeten if needed; beat whites of eggs until stiff, add gradually hot fruit pulp, and salt, and continue beating; turn into buttered and sugared individual moulds, having them three-fourths full; set moulds in pan of hot water and bake in slow oven until firm, which may be determined by pressing with finger; serve with Sabyon Sauce....
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Spanish Soufflé
Spanish Soufflé
Melt butter, add crumbs, cook until slightly browned, stirring often; add milk and sugar, cook twenty minutes in double boiler; remove from fire, add unbeaten yolks of eggs, then cut and fold in whites of eggs beaten until stiff, and flavor. Bake same as Fruit Soufflé....
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Chestnut Soufflé
Chestnut Soufflé
Mix sugar and flour, add chestnuts and milk gradually; cook five minutes, stirring constantly; beat whites of eggs until stiff, and cut and fold into mixture. Bake same as Fruit Soufflé; serve with Cream Sauce....
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Chocolate Rice Meringue
Chocolate Rice Meringue
Scald milk, add rice and salt, and cook until rice is soft. Add butter, sugar, chocolate, vanilla, and raisins. Cut and fold in the whites of eggs, beaten until stiff, and cream, beaten until stiff. Pour into a buttered baking-dish, and bake fifteen minutes. Cover with a meringue made of the whites of three eggs, six tablespoons powdered sugar, and one-half teaspoon vanilla; then brown in a moderate oven....
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Steamed Apple Pudding
Steamed Apple Pudding
Mix and sift dry ingredients; work in butter with tips of fingers, add milk gradually, mixing with a knife; toss on floured board, pat and roll out, place apples on middle of dough, and sprinkle with one tablespoon sugar mixed with one-fourth teaspoon each of salt and nutmeg; bring dough around apples and carefully lift into buttered mould or five-pound lard pail; or apples may be sprinkled over dough, and dough rolled like a jelly roll; cover closely, and steam one hour and twenty minutes; serv
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Steamed Blueberry Pudding
Steamed Blueberry Pudding
Mix and sift dry ingredients and work in butter same as for Steamed Apple Pudding. Add one cup each of milk, and blueberries rolled in flour; turn into buttered mould and steam one and one-half hours. Serve with Creamy Sauce....
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Steamed Cranberry Pudding
Steamed Cranberry Pudding
Cream the butter, add sugar gradually, and eggs well beaten. Mix and sift flour and baking powder and add alternately with milk to first mixture, stir in berries, turn into buttered mould, cover, and steam three hours. Serve with thin cream, sweetened and flavored with nutmeg....
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Ginger Pudding
Ginger Pudding
Cream the butter, add sugar gradually, and egg well beaten; mix and sift dry ingredients; add alternately with milk to first mixture. Turn into buttered mould, cover, and steam two hours; serve with Vanilla Sauce....
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Harvard Pudding
Harvard Pudding
Mix and sift dry ingredients and work in butter with tips of fingers; beat egg, add milk, and combine mixtures; turn into buttered mould, cover, and steam two hours; serve with warm Apple Sauce and Hard Sauce. Apple Sauce. Pick over and wash dried apples, soak over night in cold water to cover; cook until soft; sweeten, and flavor with lemon juice....
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Steamed Chocolate Pudding
Steamed Chocolate Pudding
Cream the butter, add sugar gradually, and egg well beaten. Mix and sift flour with baking powder and salt, and add alternately with milk to first mixture, then add chocolate, melted. Turn into a buttered mould. Cover, and steam two hours. Serve with...
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Cream Sauce
Cream Sauce
Cream the butter, add sugar gradually, vanilla, and cream beaten until stiff....
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Swiss Pudding
Swiss Pudding
Cream the butter, add flour gradually; scald milk with lemon rind, add to first mixture, and cook five minutes in double boiler. Beat yolks of eggs until thick and lemon-colored, add sugar gradually, then add to cooked mixture; cool, and cut and fold in whites of eggs beaten stiff. Turn into buttered mould, cover, and steam one and one-fourth hours; while steaming, be sure water surrounds mould to half its depth, and never reaches a lower temperature than the boiling-point....
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Cream the butter, add sugar gradually, milk, and flour mixed and sifted with baking powder; then add the whites of eggs beaten stiff. Steam thirty-five minutes in buttered cups; serve with preserved fruit, quince marmalade, or strawberry sauce....
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Graham Pudding
Graham Pudding
Melt butter, add molasses, milk, egg well beaten, dry ingredients mixed and sifted, and raisins; turn into buttered mould, cover, and steam two and one-half hours. Serve with Wine Sauce. Dates or figs cut in small pieces may be used in place of raisins....
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St. James Pudding
St. James Pudding
Mix and steam same as Graham Pudding. Serve with Wine Sauce. A simple, delicious pudding without egg. Puddings may be steamed in buttered one-pound baking-powder boxes, providing they do not leak, and are attractive in shape and easy to serve....
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Suet Pudding
Suet Pudding
Mix and sift dry ingredients. Add molasses and milk to suet; combine mixtures. Turn into buttered mould, cover, and steam three hours; serve with Sterling Sauce. Raisins and currants may be added....
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Thanksgiving Pudding I
Thanksgiving Pudding I
Pour milk over crackers and let stand until cool; add sugar, eggs slightly beaten, nutmeg, salt, and butter; parboil raisins until soft, by cooking in boiling water to cover; seed, and add to mixture; turn into buttered pudding-dish and bake slowly two and one-half hours, stirring after first half-hour to prevent raisins from settling; serve with Brandy Sauce....
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Thanksgiving Pudding II
Thanksgiving Pudding II
Chop suet and work with the hand until creamy, then add figs. Soak bread crumbs in milk, add eggs well beaten, sugar, salt, and spices. Combine mixtures, add nut meats and raisins dredged with flour. Sprinkle over baking powder and beat thoroughly. Turn into a buttered mould, steam three hours, and serve with Yellow Sauce II (see p. 407 ), flavored with brandy....
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Hunters’ Pudding
Hunters’ Pudding
Mix same as Suet Pudding. Stone, cut, and flour raisins, and add to mixture. Then steam....
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French Fruit Pudding
French Fruit Pudding
Add molasses and sour milk to suet; add two cups flour mixed and sifted with soda, salt, and spices; add fruit mixed with remaining flour. Turn into buttered mould, cover, and steam four hours. Serve with Sterling Sauce....
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Fig Pudding I
Fig Pudding I
Chop suet, and work with the hands until creamy, then add figs. Soak bread crumbs in milk, add eggs well beaten, sugar, and salt. Combine mixtures, turn into a buttered mould, steam three hours. Serve with Yellow Sauce I or II....
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Fig Pudding II
Fig Pudding II
Cream the suet, and add figs, apple, and sugar. Pour milk over bread crumbs, and add yolks of eggs, well beaten; combine mixtures, add flour and whites of eggs beaten until stiff. Turn into buttered pudding mould, and steam four hours. Serve with Lemon Sauce III....
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English Plum Pudding I
English Plum Pudding I
Soak bread crumbs in milk, let stand until cool, add sugar, beaten yolks of eggs, raisins, currants, figs, and citron; chop suet, and cream by using the hand; combine mixtures, then add wine, brandy, nutmeg, cinnamon, clove, mace, and whites of eggs beaten stiff. Turn into buttered mould, cover, and steam six hours....
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English Plum Pudding II
English Plum Pudding II
Mix ingredients in order given, turn into a thickly floured square of unbleached cotton cloth. Tie securely, leaving some space to allow the pudding to swell, and plunge into a kettle of boiling water. Cook five hours, allowing pudding to be immersed in water during the entire cooking. Serve with Hard and Liquid Sauce. Hard Sauce. Cream one-third cup butter; add gradually one cup brown sugar and two tablespoons brandy, drop by drop. Force through a pastry bag with rose tube, and garnish with gre
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Lemon Sauce I
Lemon Sauce I
Make a syrup by boiling sugar and water eight minutes; remove from fire; add butter and lemon juice....
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Lemon Sauce II
Lemon Sauce II
Mix sugar and corn-starch, add water gradually, stirring constantly; boil five minutes, remove from fire, add butter, lemon juice, and nutmeg....
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Lemon Sauce III
Lemon Sauce III
Cream butter, add sugar gradually, and yolks of eggs, slightly beaten; then add water, and cook over boiling water until mixture thickens. Remove from range, add lemon juice and rind. Serve with Apple Pudding or Pop-overs....
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Vanilla Sauce
Vanilla Sauce
Make same as Lemon Sauce II, using one teaspoon vanilla in place of lemon juice and nutmeg....
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Molasses Sauce
Molasses Sauce
Boil molasses and butter five minutes; remove from fire and add lemon juice....
10 minute read
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Cream Sauce I
Cream Sauce I
Mix cream and milk, beat until stiff, using egg-beater; add sugar and vanilla....
11 minute read
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Cream Sauce II
Cream Sauce II
Beat white of egg until stiff; add yolk of egg well beaten, and sugar gradually; dilute cream with milk, beat until stiff, combine mixtures, and flavor....
15 minute read
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Yellow Sauce I
Yellow Sauce I
Beat eggs until very light, add sugar gradually and continue beating; then flavor....
12 minute read
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Yellow Sauce II
Yellow Sauce II
Beat yolks of eggs until thick, add one-half the sugar gradually; beat whites of eggs until stiff, add gradually remaining sugar; combine mixtures, and add wine....
13 minute read
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Orange Sauce
Orange Sauce
Beat whites until stiff, add sugar gradually, and continue beating; add rind and fruit juices....
13 minute read
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Strawberry Sauce
Strawberry Sauce
Cream the butter, add sugar gradually, egg beaten until stiff, and strawberries. Beat until fruit is mashed....
11 minute read
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Creamy Sauce I
Creamy Sauce I
Cream the butter, add sugar gradually, and milk and wine drop by drop. If liquids are added too fast the sauce will have a curdled appearance....
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Creamy Sauce II
Creamy Sauce II
Use same proportions as given in recipe I. If not careful in adding liquids, it will curdle; but this will make no difference, as the sauce is to be warmed over hot water. By careful watching and constant stirring, the ingredients will be perfectly blended; it should be creamy in consistency....
15 minute read
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Foamy Sauce I
Foamy Sauce I
Cream the butter, add gradually sugar, egg well beaten, and wine; beat while heating over hot water....
12 minute read
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Foamy Sauce II
Foamy Sauce II
Beat eggs until stiff, add sugar gradually, and continue beating; add milk and vanilla....
11 minute read
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Chocolate Sauce
Chocolate Sauce
Scald one and three-fourths cups milk, add corn-starch diluted with remaining milk, and cook eight minutes in double boiler; melt chocolate over hot water, add four tablespoons sugar and hot water, stir until smooth, then add to cooked mixture; beat whites of eggs until stiff, add gradually powdered sugar and continue beating, then add unbeaten yolks, and stir into cooked mixture; cook one minute, add vanilla, and cool before serving....
31 minute read
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Sabyon Sauce
Sabyon Sauce
Mix lemon, wine, sugar, and yolks of eggs; stir vigorously over fire until it thickens, using a wire whisk; pour on to whites of eggs beaten stiff....
16 minute read
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Hard Sauce
Hard Sauce
Cream the butter, add sugar gradually, and flavoring....
9 minute read
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Sterling Sauce
Sterling Sauce
Cream the butter, add sugar gradually, and milk and flavoring drop by drop to prevent separation....
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Wine Sauce
Wine Sauce
Cream the butter, add sugar gradually, and wine slowly; pile on glass dish, and sprinkle with grated nutmeg....
13 minute read
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Brandy Sauce
Brandy Sauce
Cream the butter, add sugar gradually, then brandy very slowly, well beaten yolks, and milk or cream. Cook over hot water until it thickens as a custard, pour on to beaten whites....
19 minute read
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Caramel Brandy Sauce
Caramel Brandy Sauce
Make same as Brandy Sauce, substituting brown sugar in place of powdered sugar....
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Apricot Sauce
Apricot Sauce
Drain canned apricots from their syrup, and rub through a sieve. Beat cream until stiff, add to apricot pulp, and sweeten to taste. Serve with German toast....
15 minute read
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Irish Moss Blanc-Mange
Irish Moss Blanc-Mange
Soak moss fifteen minutes in cold water to cover, drain, pick over, and add to milk; cook in double boiler thirty minutes; the milk will seem but little thicker than when put on to cook, but if cooked longer blanc-mange will be too stiff. Add salt, strain, flavor, re-strain, and fill individual moulds previously dipped in cold water; chill, turn on glass dish, surround with thin slices of banana, and place a slice on each mould. Serve with sugar and cream....
29 minute read
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Chocolate Blanc-Mange
Chocolate Blanc-Mange
Irish Moss Blanc-Mange flavored with chocolate. Melt one and one-half squares Baker’s chocolate, add one-fourth cup sugar and one-third cup boiling water, stir until perfectly smooth, adding to milk just before taking from fire. Serve with sugar and cream....
11 minute read
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Rebecca Pudding
Rebecca Pudding
Mix corn-starch, sugar, and salt, dilute with cold milk, add to scalded milk, stirring constantly until mixture thickens, afterwards occasionally; cook fifteen minutes. Add flavoring and whites of eggs beaten stiff, mix thoroughly, mould, chill, and serve with Yellow Sauce I or II....
24 minute read
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Moulded Snow
Moulded Snow
Make same as Rebecca Pudding, and serve with Chocolate Ice....
2 minute read
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Chocolate Cream
Chocolate Cream
Mix corn-starch, sugar, and salt, dilute with cold milk, add to scalded milk, and cook over hot water ten minutes, stirring constantly until thickened; melt chocolate, add hot water, stir until smooth, and add to cooked mixture; add whites of eggs beaten stiff, and vanilla. Mould, chill, and serve with cream....
27 minute read
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Pineapple Pudding
Pineapple Pudding
Follow directions for Rebecca Pudding, and add pineapple just before moulding. Fill individual moulds, previously dipped in cold water. Serve with cream....
17 minute read
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Caramel Junket
Caramel Junket
Heat milk until lukewarm. Caramelize sugar, add boiling water, and cook until syrup is reduced to one-third cup. Cool, and add milk slowly to syrup. Reduce junket tablet to powder, using a small mallet, add to mixture, with salt and vanilla. Turn into a glass dish, let stand in warm place until set, then chill. Cover with whipped cream and sprinkle with chopped nuts....
31 minute read
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Boiled Custard
Boiled Custard
Beat eggs slightly, add sugar and salt; stir constantly while adding gradually hot milk. Cook in double boiler, continue stirring until mixture thickens and a coating is formed on the spoon, strain immediately; chill and flavor. If cooked too long the custard will curdle; should this happen, by using a Dover egg-beater it may be restored to a smooth consistency, but custard will not be as thick. Eggs should be beaten slightly for custard, that it may be of smooth, thick consistency. To prevent s
36 minute read
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Tipsy Pudding
Tipsy Pudding
Flavor Boiled Custard with Sherry wine, and pour over slices of stale sponge cake; cover with Cream Sauce I or II....
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Peach Custard
Peach Custard
Arrange alternate layers of stale cake and sections of canned peaches in glass dish and pour over Boiled Custard. Bananas may be used instead of peaches; it is then called Banana Custard ....
9 minute read
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Orange Custard
Orange Custard
Arrange slices of sweet oranges in glass dish, pour over them Boiled Custard; chill, and cover with Meringue I....
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Apple Meringue
Apple Meringue
Use Meringue I and pile lightly on baked apples, brown in oven, cool, and serve with Boiled Custard. Canned peaches, drained from their liquor, may be prepared in the same way....
9 minute read
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Apple Snow
Apple Snow
Pare, quarter, and core four sour apples, steam until soft, and rub through sieve; there should be three-fourths cup apple pulp. Beat on a platter whites of eggs until stiff (using wire whisk), add gradually apple sweetened to taste, and continue beating. Pile lightly on glass dish, chill, and serve with Boiled Custard....
20 minute read
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Prune Whip
Prune Whip
Pick over and wash prunes, then soak several hours in cold water to cover; cook in same water until soft; remove stones and rub prunes through a strainer, add sugar, and cook five minutes; the mixture should be of the consistency of marmalade. Beat whites of eggs until stiff, add prune mixture gradually when cold, and lemon juice. Pile lightly on buttered pudding-dish, bake twenty minutes in slow oven. Serve cold with Boiled Custard....
27 minute read
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Raspberry Whip
Raspberry Whip
Put ingredients in bowl and beat with wire whisk until stiff enough to hold in shape; about thirty minutes will be required for beating. Pile lightly on dish, chill, surround with lady fingers, and serve with Boiled Custard. Strawberry Whip may be prepared in same way....
19 minute read
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Baked Custard
Baked Custard
Beat eggs slightly, add sugar and salt, pour on slowly scalded milk; strain in buttered mould, set in pan of hot water. Sprinkle with nutmeg, and bake in slow oven until firm, which may be readily determined by running a silver knife through custard; if knife comes out clean, custard is done. During baking, care must be taken that water surrounding mould does not reach boiling-point, or custard will whey. Always bear in mind that eggs and milk in combination must be cooked at a low temperature.
42 minute read
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Caramel Custard
Caramel Custard
Put sugar in omelet pan, stir constantly over hot part of range until melted to a syrup of light brown color. Add gradually to milk, being careful that milk does not bubble up and go over, as is liable on account of high temperature of sugar. As soon as sugar is melted in milk, add mixture gradually to eggs slightly beaten; add salt and flavoring, then strain in buttered mould. Bake as custard. Chill, and serve with Caramel Sauce....
29 minute read
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Caramel Sauce
Caramel Sauce
Melt sugar as for Caramel Custard, add water, simmer ten minutes; cool before serving....
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Coffee Custard
Coffee Custard
Scald milk with coffee, and strain. Beat eggs slightly; add sugar, salt, vanilla, and milk. Strain into buttered individual moulds, set in pan of hot water, and bake until firm....
17 minute read
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Tapioca Cream
Tapioca Cream
Pick over tapioca and soak one hour in cold water to cover, drain, add to milk, and cook in double boiler until tapioca is transparent. Add half the sugar to milk and remainder to egg yolks slightly beaten, and salt. Combine by pouring hot mixture slowly on egg mixture, return to double boiler, and cook until it thickens. Remove from range and add whites of eggs beaten stiff. Chill and flavor....
30 minute read
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Norwegian Prune Pudding
Norwegian Prune Pudding
Pick over and wash prunes, then soak one hour in cold water, and boil until soft; remove stones, obtain meat from stones and add to prunes; then add sugar, cinnamon, boiling water, and simmer ten minutes. Dilute corn-starch with enough cold water to pour easily, add to prune mixture, and cook five minutes. Remove cinnamon, mould, then chill, and serve with cream....
29 minute read
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Nut Prune Soufflé
Nut Prune Soufflé
Follow recipe for Norwegian Prune Pudding, then add whites two eggs beaten stiff and one-half cup walnut meats broken in pieces....
6 minute read
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Apples in Bloom
Apples in Bloom
Select eight red apples, cook in boiling water until soft, turning them often. Have water half surround apples. Remove skins carefully, that the red color may remain, and arrange on serving dish. To the water add one cup sugar, grated rind one-half lemon, and juice one orange; simmer until reduced to one cup. Cool, and pour over apples. Serve with Cream Sauce I or II....
18 minute read
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Neapolitan Baskets
Neapolitan Baskets
Bake sponge cake in gem pans, cool, and remove centres. Fill with Cream Sauce I, flavoring half the sauce with chocolate. Melt chocolate, dilute with hot water, cool, and add Cream Sauce slowly to chocolate. Garnish with candied cherries and angelica and insert strips of angelica to represent handles....
15 minute read
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Wine Cream
Wine Cream
Arrange lady fingers or slices of sponge cake in a dish, pour over cream made as follows: Mix one-third cup sugar, grated rind and juice one-half lemon, one-fourth cup Sherry wine, and yolks of two eggs; place over fire and stir vigorously with wire whisk until it thickens and is frothy, then pour over beaten whites of two eggs and continue beating....
17 minute read
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Orange Salad
Orange Salad
Arrange layers of sliced oranges, sprinkling each layer with powdered sugar and shredded cocoanut. Sliced oranges when served alone should not stand long after slicing, as they are apt to become bitter....
9 minute read
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Fruit Salad I
Fruit Salad I
Arrange alternate layers of shredded pineapple, sliced bananas, and sliced oranges, sprinkling each layer with powdered sugar. Chill before serving. To Shred Pineapple. Pare and cut out eyes, pick off small pieces with a silver fork, continuing until all soft part is removed. To Slice Oranges. Remove skin and white covering, slice lengthwise that the tough centre may not be served; seeds should be removed....
19 minute read
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Fruit Salad II
Fruit Salad II
Pare a pineapple and cut in one-quarter inch slices, remove hard centres, sprinkle with powdered sugar, set aside one hour in a cool place; drain, spread on serving dish, arrange a circle of thin slices of banana on each piece, nearly to the edge, pile strawberries in centre, pour over syrup drained from pineapple, sprinkle with powdered sugar, and serve with or without Cream Sauce....
18 minute read
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Fruit Salad with Wine Dressing
Fruit Salad with Wine Dressing
Arrange alternate layers of sliced fruit, using pineapples, bananas, oranges, and grapes; pour over all Wine Dressing, and let stand one hour in a cold place....
8 minute read
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Wine Dressing
Wine Dressing
Mix one-half cup sugar, one-third cup Sherry wine, and two tablespoons Madeira....
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Cream Whips
Cream Whips
Sweeten thin cream, flavor with vanilla, brandy, or wine, then whip; half fill frappé glasses with any preserve, pile on lightly the whip....
6 minute read
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Sautéd Pears with Chocolate Sauce
Sautéd Pears with Chocolate Sauce
Pare four Bartlett pears, cut in fourths lengthwise, and sauté in butter until browned. Canned pears drained from their syrup may be used in place of fresh fruit. Arrange in serving dish and pour over Chocolate Sauce. Cook two ounces sweet chocolate, one tablespoon sugar, and one and one-fourth cups milk in double boiler five minutes; then add one teaspoon arrowroot mixed with one-fourth cup cream and a few grains salt, and cook ten minutes. Melt one and one-half tablespoons butter, add one-four
30 minute read
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Lemon Jelly
Lemon Jelly
Soak gelatine twenty minutes in cold water, dissolve in boiling water, strain, and add to sugar and lemon juice. Turn into mould, and chill....
17 minute read
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Orange Jelly
Orange Jelly
Make same as Lemon Jelly. To Remove Juice from Oranges. Cut fruit in halves crosswise, remove with spoon pulp and juice from sections, and strain through double cheese-cloth; or use a glass lemon squeezer....
23 minute read
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Kumquat Jelly
Kumquat Jelly
Wipe three-fourths box kumquats, cut in slices, add cold water to cover, bring slowly to boiling-point, and cook slowly one-half hour; then strain; there should be one and one-half cups juice. Add sugar, wine, and curaçoa. Soak gelatine in cold water, and add to first mixture heated to boiling-point; then add salt. Strain, turn into individual mould, and chill. Remove to serving dish, and garnish with halves of kumquats, cooked in syrup until soft, drained, and rolled in sugar....
32 minute read
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Coffee Jelly
Coffee Jelly
Make same as Lemon Jelly. Serve with sugar and cream....
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Cider Jelly
Cider Jelly
Make same as Lemon Jelly....
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Wine Jelly I
Wine Jelly I
Soak gelatine twenty minutes in cold water, dissolve in boiling water; add sugar, wine, orange juice, and lemon juice; strain, mould, and chill. If a stronger jelly is desired, use additional wine in place of orange juice....
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Wine Jelly II
Wine Jelly II
Soak gelatine twenty minutes in cold water, dissolve in hot water, add sugar, fruit juices, Sherry, brandy, and enough Kirsch to make one cup of strong liquor, then color with fruit red. Strain, mould, and chill. Serve with or without Cream Sauce I....
28 minute read
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Russian Jelly
Russian Jelly
Make same as other jellies, cool slightly, and beat until frothy and firm enough to mould. Turn into mould and chill....
19 minute read
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Jelly in Glasses
Jelly in Glasses
Use recipe for Wine or Russian Jelly. Fill Apollinaris glasses three-fourths full, reserving one-fourth of the mixture, which, after cooling, is to be beaten until frothy (using a Dover egg-beater) and placed on top of jelly in glasses which represents freshly drawn lager beer. This is a most attractive way of serving jelly to one who is ill....
16 minute read
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Sauterne Jelly
Sauterne Jelly
Soak two tablespoons granulated gelatine in one-half cup cold water, and dissolve in one and one-half cups boiling water. Add one and one-half cups Sauterne, three tablespoons lemon juice, and one cup sugar. Color with leaf green, strain into a shallow pan, chill, and cut in inch cubes....
15 minute read
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Jellied Prunes
Jellied Prunes
Pick over, wash, and soak prunes for several hours in two cups cold water, and cook in same water until soft; remove prunes; stone, and cut in quarters. To prune water add enough boiling water to make two cups. Soak gelatine in half-cup cold water, dissolve in hot liquid, add sugar, lemon juice, then strain, add prunes, mould, and chill. Stir twice while cooling to prevent prunes from settling. Serve with sugar and cream....
32 minute read
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Jellied Walnuts
Jellied Walnuts
Make same as other jellies and cover bottom of shallow pan with one-half the mixture. When nearly firm, place over it, one inch apart, halves of English walnuts. Cover with remaining mixture. Chill, and cut in squares. Serve with whipped cream sweetened and flavored....
25 minute read
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Apricot and Wine Jelly
Apricot and Wine Jelly
Garnish individual moulds with halves of canned apricots, fill with mixture made same as for other jellies, and chill. Arrange on serving dish and garnish with whipped cream forced through a pastry bag and tube....
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Snow Pudding I
Snow Pudding I
Soak gelatine in cold water, dissolve in boiling water, add sugar and lemon juice, strain, and set aside in cool place; occasionally stir mixture, and when quite thick, beat with wire spoon or whisk until frothy; add whites of eggs beaten stiff, and continue beating until stiff enough to hold its shape. Mould, or pile by spoonfuls on glass dish; serve cold with Boiled Custard. A very attractive dish may be prepared by coloring half the mixture with fruit red....
33 minute read
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Snow Pudding II
Snow Pudding II
Beat whites of four eggs until stiff, add one-half tablespoon granulated gelatine dissolved in three tablespoons boiling water, beat until thoroughly mixed, add one-fourth cup powdered sugar, and flavor with one-half teaspoon lemon extract. Pile lightly on dish, serve with Boiled Custard....
12 minute read
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Amber Pudding
Amber Pudding
Make as Snow Pudding I, using cider instead of boiling water, and one-fourth cup boiling water to dissolve gelatine, omitting lemon juice, and sweeten to taste....
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Toasted Marshmallows
Toasted Marshmallows
Dissolve gelatine in boiling water, add sugar, and as soon as dissolved set bowl containing mixture in pan of ice-water; then add whites of eggs and vanilla and beat until mixture thickens. Turn into a shallow pan, first dipped in cold water, and let stand until thoroughly chilled. Remove from pan and cut in pieces the size and shape of marshmallows; then roll in macaroons which have been dried and rolled. Serve with sugar and cream. Toasted Marshmallows. — Page 422 . Royal Diplomatic Pudding. —
49 minute read
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Pudding à la Macédoine
Pudding à la Macédoine
Make fruit or wine jelly mixture. Place a mould in pan of ice-water, pour in mixture one-half inch deep; when firm, decorate with slices of banana from which radiate thin strips of figs (seed side down), cover fruit, adding mixture by spoonfuls lest the fruit be disarranged. When firm, add more fruit and mixture; repeat until all is used, each time allowing mixture to stiffen before fruit is added. In preparing this dish various fruits may be used: oranges, bananas, dates, figs, and English waln
24 minute read
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Fruit Chartreuse
Fruit Chartreuse
Make fruit or wine jelly mixture. Place a mould in pan of ice-water, pour in mixture one-half inch deep; when firm, decorate with candied cherries and angelica; add by spoonfuls more mixture to cover fruit; when this is firm, place a smaller mould in centre on jelly, and fill with ice-water. Pour gradually remaining jelly mixture between moulds; when firm, invert to empty smaller mould of ice-water; then pour in some tepid water; let stand a few seconds, when small mould may easily be removed. F
27 minute read
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Spanish Cream
Spanish Cream
Scald milk with gelatine, add sugar, pour slowly on yolks of eggs slightly beaten. Return to double boiler and cook until thickened, stirring constantly; remove from range, add salt, flavoring, and whites of eggs beaten stiff. Turn into individual moulds, first dipped in cold water, and chill; serve with cream. More gelatine will be required if large moulds are used....
31 minute read
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Coffee Soufflé
Coffee Soufflé
Mix coffee infusion, milk, one-half of the sugar and gelatine, and heat in double boiler. Add remaining sugar, salt, and yolks of eggs slightly beaten; cook until mixture thickens, remove from range, add whites of eggs beaten until stiff and vanilla. Mould, chill, and serve with cream....
23 minute read
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Columbian Pudding
Columbian Pudding
Cover the bottom of a fancy mould with Wine Jelly. Line the upper part of mould with figs, cut in halves crosswise, which have been soaked in jelly, having seed side next to mould. Fill centre with Spanish Cream; chill, and turn on a serving dish. Garnish with cubes of Wine Jelly....
15 minute read
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Macaroon Cream
Macaroon Cream
Soak gelatine in cold water. Make custard of milk, yolks of eggs, sugar, and salt; add gelatine, and strain into pan set in ice-water. Add macaroons and flavoring, stirring until it begins to thicken; then add whites of eggs beaten stiff, mould, chill, and serve garnished with macaroons....
28 minute read
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Cold Cabinet Pudding
Cold Cabinet Pudding
Soak gelatine in cold water and add to custard made of milk, eggs, sugar, salt; strain, cool slightly, and flavor. Place a mould in pan of ice-water, decorate with candied cherries and angelica, cover with mixture, added carefully by spoonfuls; when firm, add layer of lady fingers (first soaked in custard), then layer of macaroons (also soaked in custard); repeat, care being taken that each layer is firm before another is added. Garnish, and serve with Cream Sauce I and candied cherries....
39 minute read
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Mont Blanc
Mont Blanc
Remove shells from three cups French chestnuts, cook in small quantity of boiling water until soft, when there will be no water remaining. Mash, sweeten to taste with powdered sugar, and moisten with hot milk; cook two minutes. Rub through strainer, cool, flavor with vanilla, Kirsch or Maraschino. Pile in form of pyramid, cover with Cream Sauce I, garnish base with Cream Sauce I forced through pastry bag and tube....
20 minute read
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Crême aux Fruits
Crême aux Fruits
Soak gelatine in cold water, dissolve in scalded milk, and add sugar. Strain in pan set in ice-water, stir constantly, and when it begins to thicken add whites of eggs beaten stiff, cream (diluted with milk and beaten), prunes, and figs. Mould and chill....
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To Whip Cream
To Whip Cream
Thin and heavy cream are both used in making and garnishing desserts. Heavy cream is bought in half-pint, pint, and quart glass jars, and usually retails at sixty cents per quart; thin or strawberry cream comes in glass jars or may be bought in bulk, and usually retails for thirty cents per quart. Heavy cream is very rich; for which reason, when whipped without being diluted, it is employed as a garnish; even when so used, it is generally diluted with one-fourth to one-third its bulk in milk; wh
1 minute read
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Charlotte Russe
Charlotte Russe
Soak gelatine in cold water, dissolve in scalded cream, strain into a bowl, and add sugar and vanilla. Set bowl in pan of ice-water and stir constantly until it begins to thicken, then fold in whip from cream, adding one-third at a time. Should gelatine mixture become too thick, melt over hot water, and again cool before adding whip. Trim ends and sides of lady fingers, place around inside of a mould, crust side out, one-half inch apart. Turn in mixture, and chill. Serve garnished with cubes of
48 minute read
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Orange Trifle
Orange Trifle
Make same as Charlotte Russe, and mould; or make orange jelly, color with fruit red, and cover bottom of mould one-half inch deep; chill, and when firm fill with Orange Trifle mixture. Cool remaining jelly in shallow pan, cut in cubes, and garnish base of mould....
28 minute read
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Banana Cantaloupe
Banana Cantaloupe
Soak gelatine in cold water, beat whites of eggs slightly, add powdered sugar, and gradually hot cream, cook over hot water until it thickens; add soaked gelatine and remaining sugar, strain into a pan set in ice-water, add bananas and lemon juice, stir until it begins to thicken, then fold in whip from cream. Line a melon mould with lady fingers trimmed to just fit sections of mould, turn in the mixture, spread evenly, and chill....
39 minute read
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Chocolate Charlotte
Chocolate Charlotte
Melt chocolate by placing in a small saucepan set in a larger saucepan of boiling water, add half the sugar, dilute with boiling water, and add to gelatine mixture while hot. Proceed same as in recipe for Charlotte Russe....
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Caramel Charlotte Russe
Caramel Charlotte Russe
Make same as Charlotte Russe, adding caramelized sugar to scalded cream before putting into gelatine mixture....
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Burnt Almond Charlotte
Burnt Almond Charlotte
Make same as Caramel Charlotte Russe, adding nuts before folding in cream....
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Ginger Cream
Ginger Cream
Soak gelatine, and add to custard made of milk, eggs, sugar, and salt. Strain, chill in pan of ice-water, add flavorings, and when it begins to thicken fold in whip from cream....
31 minute read
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Orange Charlotte
Orange Charlotte
Soak gelatine in cold water, dissolve in boiling water, strain, and add sugar, lemon juice, orange juice, and pulp. Chill in pan of ice-water; when quite thick, beat with wire spoon or whisk until frothy, then add whites of eggs beaten stiff, and fold in cream. Line a mould with sections of oranges, turn in mixture, smooth evenly, and chill....
32 minute read
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Strawberry Sponge
Strawberry Sponge
Make same as Orange Charlotte....
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Orange Baskets
Orange Baskets
Cut two pieces from each orange, leaving what remains in shape of basket with handle, remove pulp from baskets and pieces, and keep baskets in ice-water until ready to fill. From orange juice make orange jelly with which to fill baskets. Serve garnished with Cream Sauce....
13 minute read
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Orange Jelly in Ambush
Orange Jelly in Ambush
Cut oranges in halves lengthwise, remove pulp and juice. With juice make Orange Jelly to fill half the pieces. Fill remaining pieces with Charlotte Russe mixture. When both are firm, put together in pairs and tie together with narrow white ribbon....
12 minute read
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Bavarian Cream (Quick)
Bavarian Cream (Quick)
Mix lemon, wine, sugar, and yolks of eggs; stir vigorously over fire until mixture thickens, add gelatine soaked in water, then pour over whites of eggs beaten stiff. Set in pan of ice-water and beat until thick enough to hold its shape. Turn into a mould lined with lady fingers, and chill. Orange juice may be used in place of wine, and the cream served in orange baskets....
29 minute read
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Strawberry Bavarian Cream
Strawberry Bavarian Cream
Line a mould with large, fresh strawberries cut in halves, fill with Charlotte Russe mixture....
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Pineapple Bavarian Cream
Pineapple Bavarian Cream
Soak gelatine in cold water. Heat pineapple, add sugar, lemon juice, and soaked gelatine; chill in pan of ice-water, stirring constantly; when it begins to thicken, fold in whip from cream, mould, and chill....
22 minute read
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Royal Diplomatic Pudding
Royal Diplomatic Pudding
Place mould in pan of ice-water and pour in Wine Jelly II one-half inch deep. When firm, decorate with candied cherries and angelica, proceed as for Fruit Chartreuse, filling the centre with Charlotte Russe mixture or Fruit Cream....
11 minute read
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Fruit Cream
Fruit Cream
Peel four bananas, mash, and rub through a sieve; add pulp and juice of two oranges, one tablespoon lemon juice, one tablespoon Sherry wine, two-thirds cup powdered sugar, and one and one-fourth tablespoons granulated gelatine dissolved in one-fourth cup boiling water. Cool in ice-water, stirring constantly, and fold in whip from two cups cream....
15 minute read
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Ivory Cream
Ivory Cream
Soak gelatine in cold water, dissolve in boiling water, and add sugar and wine. Strain into a bowl, set in pan of ice-water, and beat until mixture thickens slightly. Add to mixture whip from cream, and beat until mixture is thick enough to hold its shape. Mould and chill. Garnish with Sauterne Jelly....
25 minute read
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Pudding à l’Adrea
Pudding à l’Adrea
Make one-half recipe for Sauterne Jelly (see p. 420 ), allowing one and one-third tablespoons granulated gelatine. Color one-half green and one-half red. Fill sections of a fancy mould alternately with green and red jelly. In the green jelly mould pistachio nuts cut in quarters; in red jelly glacéd cherries cut in quarters. Scald cream, add gelatine soaked in cold water, then add whites of eggs beaten until stiff; add sugar. Remove from range, set in pan of ice-water, and stir occasionally until
41 minute read
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French Easter Cream
French Easter Cream
Seed raisins, add brandy, and cook in double boiler until raisins are soft. Make a custard of cream, sugar, egg yolks and salt. Remove from range, add gelatine soaked in cold water. Strain, cool slightly, add flavorings, stir until mixture thickens, then add raisins. Mould and chill. Remove from mould, and garnish with Sauterne Jelly (colored violet), cut in cubes, and fresh violets....
17 minute read
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Marshmallow Pudding à la Stanley
Marshmallow Pudding à la Stanley
Soak cherries in rum to cover one hour, then cut in pieces. Cut walnut meats and marshmallows in small pieces. Whip cream, add sugar and vanilla, fold in remaining ingredients. Mould and chill. Ices and other frozen dishes comprise the most popular desserts. Hygienically speaking, they cannot be recommended for the final course of a dinner, as cold mixtures reduce the temperature of the stomach, thus retarding digestion until the normal temperature is again reached. But how cooling, refreshing,
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How to Freeze Desserts
How to Freeze Desserts
The prejudice of thinking a frozen dessert difficult to prepare has long since been overcome. With ice cream freezer, burlap bag, wooden mallet or axe, small saucepan, sufficient ice and coarse rock salt, the process neither takes much time nor patience. Snow may be used instead of ice; if not readily acted on by salt, pour in one cup cold water. Crush ice finely by placing in bag and giving a few blows with mallet or broad side of axe; if there are any coarse pieces, remove them. Place can cont
1 minute read
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To Line a Mould
To Line a Mould
Allow mould to stand in salt and ice until well chilled. Remove cover, put in mixture by spoonfuls, and spread with back of spoon or a case knife evenly three-quarters inch thick....
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To Mould Frozen Mixtures
To Mould Frozen Mixtures
When frozen mixtures are to be bricked or moulded, avoid freezing too hard. Pack mixture solidly in moulds and cover with buttered paper, buttered side up. Have moulds so well filled that mixture is forced down sides of mould when cover is pressed down. Re-pack in salt and ice, using four parts ice to one part salt. If these directions are carefully followed, one may feel no fear that salt water will enter cream, even though moulds be immersed in salt water....
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Lemon Ice
Lemon Ice
Make a syrup by boiling water and sugar twenty minutes; add lemon juice; cool, strain, and freeze. See directions for freezing, page 434 ....
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Cup St. Jacques
Cup St. Jacques
Serve Lemon Ice in champagne glasses. Put three-fourths teaspoon Maraschino in each glass, and garnish with bananas cut in one-fourth inch slices, and slices cut in quarters, candied cherries cut in halves, Malaga grapes from which skins and seeds have been removed, and angelica cut in strips....
13 minute read
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Orange Ice
Orange Ice
Make syrup as for Lemon Ice; add fruit juice and grated rind; cool, strain, and freeze....
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Maraschino Ice
Maraschino Ice
Prepare Orange Ice mixture, freeze to a mush, flavor with Maraschino, and finish freezing. Serve in frappé glasses....
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Pomegranate Ice
Pomegranate Ice
Same as Orange Ice, made from blood oranges....
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Raspberry Ice I
Raspberry Ice I
Make a syrup as for Lemon Ice, cool, add raspberries mashed, and squeezed through double cheese-cloth, and lemon juice; strain and freeze....
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Raspberry Ice II
Raspberry Ice II
Sprinkle raspberries with sugar, cover, and let stand two hours. Mash, squeeze through cheese-cloth, add water and lemon juice to taste, then freeze. Raspberry ice prepared in this way retains the natural color of the fruit....
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Strawberry Ice I
Strawberry Ice I
Prepare and freeze same as Raspberry Ice I....
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Strawberry Ice II
Strawberry Ice II
Make same as Raspberry Ice II....
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Currant Ice
Currant Ice
Prepare and freeze same as Raspberry Ice I....
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Crême de Menthe Ice
Crême de Menthe Ice
Make a syrup as for Lemon Ice, add cordial and coloring; strain and freeze....
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Dissolve two cups sugar in three cups boiling water; cool, add three-fourths cup lemon juice, color with leaf green, and freeze. Serve in champagne glasses. Put one teaspoon Crême de Menthe in each glass, and sprinkle with finely chopped nut meats, using almonds, filberts, pecans, and walnuts in equal proportions. These may be used after the roast and before the game....
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Canton Sherbet
Canton Sherbet
Cut ginger in small pieces, add water and sugar, boil fifteen minutes; add fruit juice, cool, strain, and freeze. To be used in place of punch at a course dinner. This quantity is enough to serve twelve persons....
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Milk Sherbet
Milk Sherbet
Mix juice and sugar, stirring constantly while slowly adding milk; if added too rapidly mixture will have a curdled appearance, which is unsightly, but will not affect the quality of sherbet; freeze and serve....
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Frozen Chocolate with Whipped Cream
Frozen Chocolate with Whipped Cream
Scald milk. Melt chocolate in small saucepan placed over hot water, add one-half the sugar, salt, and gradually boiling water. Boil one minute, add to scalded milk with remaining sugar. Cool, freeze, and serve in glasses. Garnish with whipped cream sweetened and flavored with vanilla....
22 minute read
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Pineapple Frappé
Pineapple Frappé
Make a syrup by boiling water and sugar fifteen minutes; add pineapple and lemon juice; cool, strain, add ice-water, and freeze to a mush, using equal parts ice and salt. If fresh fruit is used, more sugar will be required....
21 minute read
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Pineapple Sorbet
Pineapple Sorbet
Prepare and freeze same as Pineapple Frappé....
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Sicilian Sorbet
Sicilian Sorbet
Press peaches through a sieve, add sugar and fruit juices. Freeze and serve....
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Italian Sorbet
Italian Sorbet
Prepare and freeze same as Pineapple Frappé....
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Apricot Sorbet
Apricot Sorbet
Drain apricots, and add to syrup the pulp rubbed through a sieve. Add sugar, wine, and lemon juice. Freeze to a mush, then fold in the whip obtained from cream. Let stand one and one-half hours, and serve in glasses....
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Café Frappé
Café Frappé
Beat white of egg slightly, add cold water, and mix with coffee; turn into scalded coffee-pot, add boiling water, and let boil one minute; place on back of range ten minutes; strain, add sugar, cool, and freeze same as Pineapple Frappé. Serve in frappé glasses, with whipped cream, sweetened and flavored....
22 minute read
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Cranberry Frappé
Cranberry Frappé
Cook cranberries and water eight minutes; then force through a sieve. Add sugar and lemon juice, and freeze to a mush, using equal parts of ice and salt....
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Grape Frappé
Grape Frappé
Prepare and freeze same as Pineapple Frappé....
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Pomona Frappé
Pomona Frappé
Make a syrup by boiling sugar and water twenty minutes. Add cider, orange juice, and lemon juice. Cool, strain, and freeze to a mush....
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Clam Frappé
Clam Frappé
Wash clams thoroughly, changing water several times; put in stewpan with cold water, cover closely, and steam until shells open. Strain the liquor, cool, and freeze to a mush....
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Frozen Cranberries
Frozen Cranberries
Pick over and wash cranberries, add water and sugar, and cook ten minutes, skimming during the cooking. Rub through a sieve, cool, and pour into one-pound baking-powder boxes. Pack in salt and ice, using equal parts, and let stand four hours. If there is not sufficient mixture to fill two boxes, add water to make up the desired quantity. Serve as a substitute for cranberry sauce or jelly....
24 minute read
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Frozen Apricots
Frozen Apricots
Drain apricots, and cut in small pieces. To the syrup add enough water to make four cups, and cook with sugar five minutes; strain, add apricots, cool, and freeze. Peaches may be used instead of apricots. To make a richer dessert, add the whip from two cups cream when frozen to a mush, and continue freezing....
20 minute read
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Pineapple Cream
Pineapple Cream
Make syrup by boiling sugar and water fifteen minutes; strain, cool, add pineapple, and freeze to a mush. Fold in whip from cream; let stand thirty minutes before serving. Serve in frappé glasses and garnish with candied pineapple....
17 minute read
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Cardinal Punch
Cardinal Punch
Make syrup as for Lemon Ice, add fruit juice and tea, freeze to a mush; add strong liquors and continue freezing. Serve in frappé glasses....
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Punch Hollandaise
Punch Hollandaise
Cook sugar, water, and lemon rind fifteen minutes, add lemon juice and pineapple, cool, strain, freeze to a mush, add strong liquors, and continue freezing. Serve in frappé glasses on a plate covered with a doily....
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Victoria Punch
Victoria Punch
Prepare same as Cardinal Punch; strain before freezing, to remove orange rind....
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Lenox Punch
Lenox Punch
Make a syrup by boiling sugar and water fifteen minutes. Add jelly, and, as soon as dissolved, add a piece of ice to cool mixture; then add fruit juices, ale, and brandy. Color red, freeze to a mush, serve in glasses, and insert in each glass a small sprig of holly with berries....
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German Punch
German Punch
Mix ingredients, except cordial, and cook thirty-five minutes. Rub through a sieve, add Maraschino, and freeze to a mush....
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London Sherbet
London Sherbet
Make syrup by boiling water and sugar ten minutes; pour over raisins, cool, and add fruit syrup and nutmeg; freeze to a mush, then add wine and whites of eggs beaten stiff, and continue freezing. Serve in glasses. Fruit syrup may be used which has been left from canned peaches, pears, or strawberries....
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Roman Punch
Roman Punch
Prepare and freeze same as Cardinal Punch....
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Coup Sicilienne
Coup Sicilienne
Mix ingredients, sweeten to taste, and chill. Serve in champagne glasses having glasses two-thirds full. Cover fruit to fill glasses with Strawberry Ice II and garnish with strawberries and angelica....
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Coup a l’Ananas
Coup a l’Ananas
Cut canned sliced pineapple in pieces, pour over pineapple syrup to which is added Orange Curaçoa, allowing one-half as much syrup as fruit, cover and let stand one hour. Fill champagne glasses one-third full, add vanilla ice cream to fill glasses, and garnish with candied cherries and candied pineapple cut in pieces....
15 minute read
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Vanilla Ice Cream I (Philadelphia)
Vanilla Ice Cream I (Philadelphia)
Mix ingredients, and freeze. Coup Sicilienne. Coup a l’Ananas. — Page 442 . Coffee Ice Cream served in half of Cantaloupe. — Page 445 . Vanilla Ice Cream served in half of Cantaloupe with Fruit Garnish. — Page 442 . Bombe Glacée. — Page 452 . Junket Ice Cream with Peaches. — Page 448 ....
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Vanilla Ice Cream II
Vanilla Ice Cream II
Mix flour, sugar, and salt, add egg slightly beaten, and milk gradually; cook over hot water twenty minutes, stirring constantly at first; should custard have curdled appearance, it will disappear in freezing. When cool, add cream and flavoring; strain and freeze....
21 minute read
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Chocolate Sauce I
Chocolate Sauce I
(To be served with Vanilla Ice Cream) Boil water and sugar five minutes. Mix chocolate with arrowroot to which water has been added. Combine mixtures, add salt, and boil three minutes. Flavor with vanilla, and serve hot....
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Chocolate Sauce II
Chocolate Sauce II
Melt chocolate; add butter, sugar, and water. Let boil fifteen minutes, cool slightly, and add vanilla....
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Coffee Sauce
Coffee Sauce
(To be served with Vanilla Ice Cream) Scald milk with coffee, and let stand twenty minutes. Mix remaining ingredients, and pour on gradually the hot infusion which has been strained. Cook five minutes, and serve hot....
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Vanilla Ice Cream Croquettes
Vanilla Ice Cream Croquettes
Shape Vanilla Ice Cream in individual moulds, roll in macaroon dust made by pounding and sifting dry macaroons....
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Chocolate Ice Cream I
Chocolate Ice Cream I
Melt chocolate, and dilute with hot water to pour easily, add to cream; then add sugar, salt, and flavoring, and freeze....
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Chocolate Ice Cream II
Chocolate Ice Cream II
Use recipe for Vanilla Ice Cream II. Melt two squares Baker’s chocolate, by placing in a small saucepan set in a larger saucepan of boiling water, and pour hot custard slowly on chocolate; then cool before adding cream....
11 minute read
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Strawberry Ice Cream I
Strawberry Ice Cream I
Wash and hull berries, sprinkle with sugar, cover, and let stand two hours. Mash, and squeeze through cheese-cloth; then add salt. Freeze cream to the consistency of a mush, add gradually fruit juice, and finish freezing. Rich Jersey milk may be substituted for cream....
19 minute read
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Strawberry Ice Cream II
Strawberry Ice Cream II
Wash and hull berries, sprinkle with sugar, let stand one hour, mash, and rub through strainer. Scald one and one-half cups milk; dilute arrowroot with remaining milk, add to hot milk, and cook ten minutes in double boiler; cool, add cream, freeze to a mush, add fruit, and finish freezing....
24 minute read
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Orange Ice Cream
Orange Ice Cream
Add cream slowly to orange juice, sweeten to taste, and freeze. Serve with canned strawberries or fresh fruit mashed and sweetened....
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Pineapple Ice Cream
Pineapple Ice Cream
Add pineapple to cream, let stand thirty minutes; strain, add sugar, and freeze....
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Coffee Ice Cream
Coffee Ice Cream
Scald milk with coffee, add one cup sugar; mix egg yolks slightly beaten with one-fourth cup sugar, and salt; combine mixtures, cook over hot water until thickened, add one cup cream, and let stand on back of range twenty-five minutes; cool, add remaining cream, and strain through double cheese-cloth; freeze. Coffee Ice Cream may be served with Maraschino cherries or in halves of cantaloupes....
27 minute read
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Caramel Ice Cream
Caramel Ice Cream
Prepare same as Vanilla Ice Cream II, using one-half sugar in custard; remaining half caramelize, and add slowly to hot custard. See Caramelization of Sugar, page 586 ....
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Burnt Almond Ice Cream
Burnt Almond Ice Cream
It is made same as Caramel Ice Cream, with the addition of one cup finely chopped blanched almonds....
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Brown Bread Ice Cream
Brown Bread Ice Cream
Soak crumbs in one quart cream, let stand fifteen minutes, rub through sieve, add sugar, salt, and remaining cream; then freeze....
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Bisque Ice Cream
Bisque Ice Cream
Make custard as for Vanilla Ice Cream II, add one quart cream, one tablespoon vanilla, and one cup hickory nut or English walnut meats finely chopped....
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Burnt Walnut Bisque
Burnt Walnut Bisque
Make custard of milk, eggs, one-third of the sugar, and salt. Caramelize remaining sugar, add nut meats, and turn into a slightly buttered pan. Cool, pound, and pass through a purée strainer. Add to custard, cool, then add one cup heavy cream, beaten until stiff, and vanilla. Freeze and mould....
25 minute read
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Praline Ice Cream
Praline Ice Cream
Blanch almonds cut in pieces crosswise, and bake in a shallow pan until well browned, shaking pan frequently; then finely chop. Caramelize one-half of the sugar, and add slowly to two cups of the cream scalded. As soon as sugar is melted, add nuts, remaining sugar, and salt. Cool, add remaining cream, and freeze. A few grains salt is always an improvement to any ice cream mixture....
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Macaroon Ice Cream
Macaroon Ice Cream
Dry, pound, and measure macaroons; add to cream, sugar, and vanilla, then freeze....
9 minute read
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Banana Ice Cream
Banana Ice Cream
Remove skins and scrape bananas, then force through a sieve; add remaining ingredients; then freeze....
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Ginger Ice Cream
Ginger Ice Cream
To recipe for Vanilla Ice Cream II, using one-half quantity vanilla, add one-half cup Canton ginger cut in small pieces, three tablespoons ginger syrup, and two tablespoons Sherry wine; then freeze....
9 minute read
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Pistachio Ice Cream
Pistachio Ice Cream
Prepare same as Vanilla Ice Cream II, using for flavoring one tablespoon vanilla and one teaspoon almond extract; color with Burnett’s Leaf Green....
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Pistachio Bisque
Pistachio Bisque
To Pistachio Ice Cream add one-half cup each of pounded macaroons, chopped almonds, and peanuts. Mould, and serve with or without Claret Sauce....
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Fig Ice Cream
Fig Ice Cream
Make custard of yolks of eggs, sugar, and milk; strain, add figs, cool, and flavor. Add whites of eggs beaten until stiff and heavy cream beaten until stiff; freeze and mould....
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Junket Ice Cream with Peaches
Junket Ice Cream with Peaches
Mix first four ingredients, and add junket tablets dissolved in cold water. Turn into a pudding-dish and let stand until set. Add flavoring and coloring. Freeze, mould, and serve garnished with halves of peaches, filling cavities with halves of blanched almonds. Turn peaches into a saucepan, add one-third cup sugar, and cook slowly until syrup is thick. Cool before garnishing ice cream....
30 minute read
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Violet Ice Cream
Violet Ice Cream
Mix first four ingredients. Remove stems from violets, and pound violets in a mortar until well macerated, then strain through cheese-cloth. Add extract to first mixture; color, freeze, and mould. Serve garnished with fresh or candied violets; the light purple cultivated violets should be used and the result will be most gratifying....
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Neapolitan or Harlequin Ice Cream
Neapolitan or Harlequin Ice Cream
Two kinds of ice cream and an ice moulded in a brick....
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Baked Alaska
Baked Alaska
Make meringue of eggs and sugar as in Meringue I, cover a board with white paper, lay on sponge cake, turn ice cream on cake (which should extend one-half inch beyond cream), cover with meringue, and spread smoothly. Place on oven grate and brown quickly in hot oven. The board, paper, cake, and meringue are poor conductors of heat, and prevent the cream from melting. Slip from paper on ice cream platter....
28 minute read
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Pudding Glacé
Pudding Glacé
Scald raisins in milk fifteen minutes, strain, make custard of milk, egg, sugar, flour, and salt; strain, cool, add pineapple, ginger cut in small pieces, nuts finely chopped, wine, and cream; then freeze. The raisins should be rinsed and saved for a pudding....
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Frozen Pudding I
Frozen Pudding I
Cut fruit in small pieces, and soak two or three hours in brandy to cover, which prevents fruit from freezing; make a custard of milk, sugar, salt, and eggs; strain, cool, add cream and rum, then freeze. Fill a brick mould with alternate layers of the cream and fruit; pack in salt and ice and let stand two hours....
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Frozen Pudding II
Frozen Pudding II
Cut fruit in pieces, and soak several hours in brandy to cover. Mix cream, sugar, and rum, then freeze. Line a two-quart melon mould with lady fingers, crust side down; fill with alternate layers of the cream and fruit, cover, pack in salt and ice, and let stand two hours. Brandied peaches cut in pieces, with some of their syrup added, greatly improve the pudding....
28 minute read
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Frozen Tom and Jerry
Frozen Tom and Jerry
Make a custard of first four ingredients; strain, cool, add cream, and freeze to a mush. Add rum and brandy, and finish the freezing....
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University Pudding
University Pudding
Prepare same as Frozen Tom and Jerry. Freeze to a mush, add one cup mixed fruit which has been soaked in brandy to cover for twelve hours, using glacé cherries, Sultana raisins, sliced citron, and candied pineapple; then finish freezing. Serve in small beer jugs, and garnish with cream, whipped, sweetened, and flavored....
15 minute read
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Covington Cream
Covington Cream
Mix ingredients, and freeze to a mush. Serve in frappé glasses....
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Delmonico Ice Cream with Angel Food
Delmonico Ice Cream with Angel Food
Make custard of milk, sugar, eggs, and salt; cool, strain, and flavor; whip cream, remove whip; there should be two quarts; add to custard, and freeze. Serve plain or with Angel Food....
20 minute read
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Angel Food
Angel Food
Beat eggs until stiff, fold in sugar, cream whip, and flavoring; line a mould with Delmonico Ice Cream, fill with the mixture, cover, pack in salt and ice, and let stand two hours....
18 minute read
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Manhattan Pudding
Manhattan Pudding
Mix fruit juices and sweeten to taste. Turn mixture in brick mould. Whip cream, and add sugar, vanilla, and nut meats; pour over the first mixture to overflow mould; cover with buttered paper, fit on cover, pack in salt and ice, and let stand three hours....
23 minute read
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Sultana Roll with Claret Sauce
Sultana Roll with Claret Sauce
Line one-pound baking-powder boxes with Pistachio Ice Cream; sprinkle with Sultana raisins which have been soaked one hour in brandy; fill centres with Vanilla Ice Cream or whipped cream, sweetened, and flavored with vanilla; cover with Pistachio Ice Cream; pack in salt and ice, and let stand one and one-half hours....
15 minute read
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Claret Sauce
Claret Sauce
Boil sugar and water eight minutes; cool slightly, and add claret....
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Angel Parfait
Angel Parfait
Boil sugar and water until syrup will thread when dropped from tip of spoon. Pour slowly on the beaten whites of eggs, and continue the beating until mixture is cool. Add cream beaten until stiff, and vanilla; then freeze....
19 minute read
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Café Parfait
Café Parfait
Scald milk with coffee, and add one-half the sugar; without straining, use this mixture for making custard, with eggs, salt, and remaining sugar; add one cup cream and let stand thirty minutes; cool, strain through double cheese-cloth, add remaining cream, and freeze. Line a mould, fill with Italian Meringue, cover, pack in salt and ice, using two parts crushed ice to one part rock salt, and let stand three hours....
29 minute read
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Italian Meringue
Italian Meringue
Make syrup by boiling sugar and water; pour slowly on beaten whites of eggs, and continue beating. Place in pan of ice-water, and beat until cold; dissolve gelatine in small quantity boiling water; strain into mixture; whip cream, fold in whip, and flavor....
23 minute read
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Bombe Glacée
Bombe Glacée
Line a mould with sherbet or water ice; fill with ice cream or thin Charlotte Russe mixture; cover, pack in salt and ice, and let stand two hours. The mould may be lined with ice cream. Pomegranate or Raspberry Ice and Vanilla or Macaroon Ice Cream make a good combination....
14 minute read
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Noisette Bomb
Noisette Bomb
Caramelize sugar, add nut meats, turn into a buttered pan, cool, then pound in mortar and put through a purée strainer. Beat egg yolks until thick, add gradually caramel syrup, and cook in double boiler until mixture thickens, then beat until cold. Fold in cream beaten until stiff. Then add prepared nut meats, vanilla, and salt. Line melon mould with ice, turn in mixture, pack in salt and ice, and let stand three hours....
34 minute read
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Nesselrode Pudding
Nesselrode Pudding
Make custard of first four ingredients, strain, cool, add cream, pineapple syrup, and chestnuts; then freeze. To prepare chestnuts, shell, cook in boiling water until soft, and force through a strainer. Line a two-quart melon mould with part of mixture; to remainder add one-half cup candied fruit cut in small pieces, one-quarter cup Sultana raisins, and eight chestnuts broken in pieces, first soaked several hours in Maraschino syrup. Fill mould, cover, pack in salt and ice, and let stand two hou
35 minute read
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Pistachio Fruit Ice Cream
Pistachio Fruit Ice Cream
Make a custard of first four ingredients, strain, cool; add cream, chestnut purée, flavoring, and glacé fruit cut in pieces and previously soaked in Maraschino three hours. Color with leaf green; freeze, mould, pack in salt and ice, and let stand two hours. Serve with Fruit Sauce. Drain syrup from a pint jar of canned strawberry, raspberry, or pineapple, heat to boiling-point, thicken slightly with arrowroot, and color with fruit red....
36 minute read
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Nougat Ice Cream
Nougat Ice Cream
Make a custard of first four ingredients, strain, and cool. Add heavy cream beaten until stiff, whites of eggs beaten until stiff, nut meats finely chopped, and flavoring; then freeze....
24 minute read
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Orange Pekoe Ice Cream
Orange Pekoe Ice Cream
Scald milk to which tea had been added, and let stand five minutes. Add sugar, and egg yolks slightly beaten, and cook until mixture thickens. Strain, add remaining ingredients, freeze, and mould. Serve garnished with Candied Orange Peel (p. 547 )....
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Orange Delicious
Orange Delicious
Boil sugar and water eight minutes, then add orange juice. Scald cream, add yolks of eggs, and cook over hot water until mixture thickens. Cool, add to first mixture with heavy cream beaten stiff. Freeze; when nearly frozen, add orange peel. Line a melon mould with Orange Ice, fill with Orange Delicious, pack in salt and ice, and let stand one and one-half hours....
29 minute read
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Strawberry Mousse
Strawberry Mousse
Wash and hull berries, sprinkle with sugar, and let stand one hour; mash, and rub through a fine sieve; add gelatine soaked in cold and dissolved in boiling water. Set in pan of ice-water and stir until it begins to thicken; then fold in whip from cream, put in mould, cover, pack in salt and ice, and let stand four hours. Raspberries may be used in place of strawberries....
31 minute read
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Coffee Mousse
Coffee Mousse
Make same as Strawberry Mousse, using one cup boiled coffee in place of fruit juice....
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Pineapple Mousse
Pineapple Mousse
Heat one can pineapple, and drain. To one cup of the syrup, add gelatine soaked in cold water, lemon juice, and sugar. Strain and cool. As mixture thickens, fold in the whip from cream. Mould, pack in salt and ice, and let stand four hours....
22 minute read
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Chocolate Mousse
Chocolate Mousse
Melt chocolate, add powdered sugar, and gradually one cup cream. Stir over fire until boiling-point is reached, then add gelatine dissolved in boiling water, sugar, and vanilla. Strain mixture into a bowl, set in a pan of ice-water, stir constantly until mixture thickens, then fold in the whip from remaining cream. Mould, pack in salt and ice, and let stand four hours....
29 minute read
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Maple Parfait
Maple Parfait
Beat eggs slightly, and pour on slowly maple syrup. Cook until mixture thickens, cool, and add cream beaten until stiff. Mould, pack in salt and ice, and let stand three hours....
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Mousse Marron
Mousse Marron
Cook sugar and water five minutes, pour on to beaten whites of eggs, dissolve gelatine in one and one-half tablespoons boiling water, and add to first mixture. Set in a pan of ice-water, and stir until cold; add chestnuts, and fold in whip from cream and vanilla. Line a mould with ice cream, and fill with mixture; cover, pack in salt and ice, and let stand three hours....
32 minute read
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Cardinal Mousse, with Iced Madeira Sauce
Cardinal Mousse, with Iced Madeira Sauce
Line a mould with Pomegranate Ice; fill with Italian Meringue made of three-fourths cup sugar, one-third cup hot water, whites two eggs, and one and one-half teaspoons granulated gelatine dissolved in two tablespoons boiling water. Beat until cold, and fold in whip from two cups cream; flavor with one teaspoon vanilla, cover, pack in salt and ice, and let stand three hours....
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Iced Madeira Sauce
Iced Madeira Sauce
Freeze fruit juice and wine; boil sugar and water, pour on slowly to beaten whites of eggs, set in pan of salted ice-water, and stir until cold. Add to frozen mixture....
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Cocoanut Naples, Sauterne Sauce
Cocoanut Naples, Sauterne Sauce
Shape vanilla ice cream in individual moulds, and roll in shredded cocoanut; serve with...
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Sauterne Sauce
Sauterne Sauce
Make same as Claret Sauce, and color with leaf green....
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Ice à la Margot
Ice à la Margot
Serve vanilla ice cream in champagne glasses. Cover ice cream with whipped cream, sweetened, flavored with pistachio, and tinted very light green. Garnish with pistachio nuts or Malaga grapes cut in halves....
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Coup aux Marrons
Coup aux Marrons
Break marron glacé in pieces, flavor with rum, cover, and let stand one hour. Put in champagne glasses, allowing one and one-half marrons to each glass, cover with vanilla ice cream, and garnish with whipped cream, sweetened and flavored with vanilla, and candied rose leaves....
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Plombière Glacé
Plombière Glacé
Cover the bottom of small paper cases with vanilla ice cream, sprinkle ice cream with marron glacé broken in pieces, arrange lady fingers at equal distances, and allow them to extend one inch above cases. Pile whipped cream, sweetened and flavored, in the centre and garnish with marron glacé and candied violets or glacé cherries....
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Demi-glacé aux Fraises
Demi-glacé aux Fraises
Line a brick mould with Vanilla Ice Cream, put in layer of lady fingers, and fill the centre with preserved strawberries or large fresh fruit cut in halves; cover with ice cream, pack in salt and ice, and let stand one hour. For ice cream, make custard of two and one-half cups milk, yolks four eggs, one cup sugar, and one-fourth teaspoon salt; strain, cool, add one cup heavy cream and one tablespoon vanilla; then freeze....
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Bake Brioche in a Charlotte Russe mould or individual tins, cool, cut a slice from top of cake or cakes, and remove centre or centres, leaving a wall or walls one-half inch thick. Fill with rich Vanilla Ice Cream, invert on serving dish, and pour over Apricot Marmalade. Drain one can apricots and force the fruit through a strainer. Cook syrup until sufficiently reduced to add to fruit, and make of consistency of marmalade. Add a few drops lemon juice and sugar if necessary. Decorate top with hal
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Flowering Ice Cream
Flowering Ice Cream
Line two and one-half inch flower-pots with paraffine paper. Fill with ice cream, cover cream with grated vanilla chocolate to represent earth, and insert a flower in each....
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Concord Cream
Concord Cream
Mix cream, grape juice, and sugar. Add lemon or lime juice to taste. Freeze, and serve in glasses. Garnish with heavy cream beaten until stiff, sweetened, and flavored. Sprinkle cream with nuts....
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German Ice Cream
German Ice Cream
Mix one and one-fourth cups sugar, one tablespoon flour, and one-fourth teaspoon salt. Add two eggs slightly beaten and two cups scalded milk. Cook over hot water until mixture thickens, then add two squares melted chocolate, and cool. Add three cups cream and one tablespoon vanilla. Strain and freeze. Just before serving add three cups zweiback dried and broken in small pieces....
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Frozen Orange Soufflé
Frozen Orange Soufflé
Mix fruit juice, sugar, and yolks of eggs. Cook over boiling water until mixture thickens, then add gelatine dissolved in boiling water. Cool, freeze to a mush, add whip from cream, and continue freezing. Mould, and serve garnished with candied orange peel and pistachio nuts....
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Biscuit Tortoni in Boxes
Biscuit Tortoni in Boxes
Soak macaroons in thin cream one hour, add sugar, wine, and freeze to a mush; then add heavy cream beaten stiff. Mould, pack in salt and ice, and let stand two hours. Trim lady fingers, arrange on plate in form of box. Keep in place with ribbon one-half inch wide, and fasten at one corner by tying ribbon in a bow. Garnish opposite corner with flowers of same color as ribbon. Remove ice cream from brick, cut a slice three-fourths inch thick, and place it in box....
34 minute read
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Frozen Soufflé Glacé
Frozen Soufflé Glacé
Beat yolks of eggs slightly; add lemon juice, grated rind, wine, sugar, and salt; cook until mixture thickens, stirring constantly. Add whites of eggs beaten stiff, and when well mixed, set in a pan of ice-water to cool, stirring occasionally. Beat cream until stiff, and add. Fill small paper cases with mixture, cover with macaroon dust, and set in a tin mould with tight-fitting cover. Pack mould in salt and ice, and let stand two hours....
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Frozen Plum Pudding
Frozen Plum Pudding
Make custard of milk, one-half the sugar, egg yolks, and salt. Caramelize the remaining sugar and add. Strain, cool, add remaining ingredients, freeze, and mould. If a baked ice cream is desired, use whites of eggs for meringue, Baked Alaska (see p. 448 )....
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Frozen Charlotte Glacé
Frozen Charlotte Glacé
Mould ice cream in brick form or one-half pound baking-powder boxes. Remove from mould or moulds, and surround with lady fingers, trimmed to come to top of cream. Cover top with whipped cream, sweetened and flavored, and pipe cream between lady fingers. Baking-powder boxes are used when individual service is desired, the cream being cut in halves crosswise. Pastry cannot be easily excluded from the menu of the New Englander. Who can dream of a Thanksgiving dinner without a pie! The last decade h
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Puff Paste
Puff Paste
Wash the butter, pat and fold until no water flies. Reserve two tablespoons of butter, and shape remainder into a circular piece one-half inch thick, and put on floured board. Work two tablespoons of butter into flour with the tips of fingers of the right hand. Moisten to a dough with cold water, turn on slightly floured board, and knead one minute. Cover with towel, and let stand five minutes. Pat and roll one-fourth inch thick, keeping paste a little wider than long, and corners square. If thi
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To Bake Puff Paste
To Bake Puff Paste
Baking of puff paste requires as much care and judgment as making. After shaping, chill thoroughly before baking. Puff paste requires hot oven, greatest heat coming from the bottom, that the paste may properly rise. While rising it is often necessary to decrease the heat by lifting covers or opening the check to stove. Turn frequently, that it may rise evenly. When it has risen its full height, slip a pan under the sheet on which paste is baking to prevent burning on the bottom. Puff paste shoul
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Patty Shells
Patty Shells
Roll puff paste one-quarter inch thick, shape with a patty cutter, first dipped in flour; remove centres from one-half the rounds with smaller cutter. Brush over with cold water the larger pieces near the edge, and fit on rings, pressing lightly. Place in towel between pans of crushed ice, and chill until paste is stiff; if cold weather, chill out of doors. Place on iron or tin sheet covered with brown paper, and bake twenty-five minutes in hot oven. The shells should rise their full height and
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Roll puff paste one-third inch thick, mark an oval on paste with cutter or mould, and cut out with sharp knife, first dipped in flour. Brush over near the edge with cold water, put on a rim three-fourths inch wide, press lightly, chill, and bake. Vol-au-vents require for baking forty-five minutes to one hour. During the first half-hour they should be covered, watched carefully, and frequently turned. The paste cut from centre of rim should be rolled one-quarter inch thick, shaped same size as be
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Quick Puff Paste
Quick Puff Paste
Work lard into flour, first using knife then tips of fingers. Moisten to a dough with cold water, pat, and roll out same as Puff Paste. Dot paste with small pieces of butter, using one-third the quantity. Dredge with flour, fold from ends toward centre, then double, making four layers. Pat, and roll out. Repeat until butter is used. Roll, shape, chill, and bake in a hot oven....
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Plain Paste
Plain Paste
Wash butter, pat, and form in circular piece. Add salt to flour, and work in lard with tips of fingers or case knife. Moisten to dough with cold water; ice-water is not an essential, but is desirable in summer. Toss on board dredged sparingly with flour, pat, and roll out; fold in butter as for puff paste, pat, and roll out. Fold so as to make three layers, turn half-way round, pat, and roll out; repeat. The pastry may be used at once; if not, fold in cheese-cloth, put in covered tin, and keep i
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Chopped Paste
Chopped Paste
Wash butter. Mix salt with flour, put in chopping tray, add lard and butter, and chop until well mixed. Moisten to a dough with cold water. Toss on floured cloth (Magic Cover), pat, and roll out. Fold so as to make three layers, turn half-way round, pat, and roll out; repeat. Should the butter be too hard, it will not mix readily with the flour, in which case the result will be a tough crust. Omit lard, and use all butter, if preferred....
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Quick Paste
Quick Paste
Mix salt with flour, cut in shortening with knife. Moisten to dough with cold water. Toss on floured board, pat, roll out, and roll up like a jelly roll. Use one-third cup of shortening if a richer paste is desired....
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Paste with Lard
Paste with Lard
Mix salt with flour. Reserve one and one-fourth tablespoons lard, work in remainder to flour, using tips of fingers or a case knife. Moisten to a dough with water. Toss on a floured board, pat, and roll out. Spread with one tablespoon reserved lard, dredge with flour, roll up like a jelly roll, pat, and roll out; again roll up. Cut from the end of roll a piece large enough to line a pie plate. Pat and roll out, keeping the paste as circular in form as possible. With care and experience there nee
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Entire Wheat Paste
Entire Wheat Paste
Make same as Plain Paste. Roll to one-fourth inch in thickness, cut in finger-shaped pieces, bake, cool, brush over with slightly beaten white one egg diluted with one teaspoon cold water, and sprinkle with chopped nut meat seasoned with salt. Return to oven to slightly brown nut meats. Serve with salad course. Paste for pies should be one-fourth inch thick and rolled a little larger than the plate to allow for shrinking. In dividing paste for pies, allow more for upper than under crusts. Always
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Apple Pie I
Apple Pie I
Line pie plate with paste. Pare, core, and cut the apples into eighths, put row around plate one-half inch from edge, and work towards centre until plate is covered; then pile on remainder. Mix sugar, nutmeg, salt, lemon juice, and grated rind, and sprinkle over apples. Dot over with butter. Wet edges of under crust, cover with upper crust, and press edges together. Bake forty to forty-five minutes in moderate oven. A very good pie may be made without butter, lemon juice, and grated rind. Cinnam
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Apple Pie II
Apple Pie II
Use same ingredients as for Apple Pie I. Place in small earthen baking-dish and add hot water to prevent apples from burning. Cover closely, and bake three hours in very slow oven, when apples will be a dark red color. Brown sugar may be used instead of white sugar, a little more being required. Cool, and bake between two crusts....
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Blackberry Pie
Blackberry Pie
Pick over and wash one and one-half cups berries. Stew until soft with enough water to prevent burning. Add sugar to taste, and one-eighth teaspoon salt. Line plate with paste, put on a rim, fill with berries (which have been cooled); arrange six strips pastry across the top, cut same width as rim; put on an upper rim. Bake thirty minutes in moderate oven....
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Blueberry Pie
Blueberry Pie
Line a deep plate with Plain Paste, fill with berries slightly dredged with flour; sprinkle with sugar and salt, cover, and bake forty-five to fifty minutes in a moderate oven. For sweetening, some prefer to use one-third molasses, the remaining two-thirds to be sugar. Six green grapes (from which seeds have been removed) cut in small pieces much improve the flavor, particularly where huckleberries are used in place of blueberries....
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Cranberry Pie
Cranberry Pie
Put ingredients in saucepan in order given, and cook ten minutes; cool, and bake in one crust, with a rim, and strips across the top....
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Currant Pie
Currant Pie
Mix flour and sugar, add yolks of eggs slightly beaten and diluted with water. Wash currants, drain, remove stems, then measure; add to first mixture and bake in one crust; cool, and cover with Meringue I. Cook in slow oven until delicately browned....
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Cream Pie
Cream Pie
Bake three crusts on separate pie plates. Put together with Cream Filling and dust over with powdered sugar. If allowed to stand after filling for any length of time, the pastry will soften....
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Custard Pie
Custard Pie
Beat eggs slightly, add sugar, salt, and milk. Line plate with paste, and build up a fluted rim. Strain in the mixture and sprinkle with few gratings nutmeg. Bake in quick oven at first to set rim, decrease the heat afterwards, as egg and milk in combination need to be cooked at low temperature....
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Date Pie
Date Pie
Cook dates with milk twenty minutes in top of double boiler. Strain, and rub through sieve, then add eggs and salt. Bake same as Custard Pie....
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Lemon Pie I
Lemon Pie I
Mix ingredients in order given and bake with two crusts....
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Lemon Pie II
Lemon Pie II
Mix corn-starch, flour, and sugar, add boiling water, stirring constantly. Cook two minutes, add butter, egg yolks, and rind and juice of lemon. Line plate with paste same as for Custard Pie. Turn in mixture which has been cooled, and bake until pastry is well browned. Cool slightly, and cover with Meringue I; then return to oven and bake meringue....
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Lemon Pie III
Lemon Pie III
Beat yolks of eggs slightly, add sugar, salt, grated rind of lemon, and milk. Line plate with paste as for Custard Pie. Pour in mixture. Bake in moderate oven until set. Remove from oven, cool slightly, and cover with Meringue III (see p. 480 ) made of whites of eggs, powdered sugar, and lemon juice....
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Lemon Pie IV
Lemon Pie IV
Beat eggs slightly, add sugar, lemon juice, grated rind, and water. Bake in one crust in a moderate oven. Cool slightly, cover with Meringue II, then return to oven and bake meringue....
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Lemon Pie V
Lemon Pie V
Mix sugar and flour, add lemon juice, egg yolks slightly beaten, milk, butter, whites of eggs beaten stiff, and salt. Bake in one crust, and cover with meringue or not, as desired....
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Mince Pies
Mince Pies
Mince pies should be always baked with two crusts. For Thanksgiving and Christmas pies, Puff Paste is often used for rims and upper crusts, but is never satisfactory when used for under crusts....
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Mince Pie Meat I
Mince Pie Meat I
Cover meat and suet with boiling water and cook until tender, cool in water in which they are cooked; the suet will rise to top, forming a cake of fat, which may be easily removed. Finely chop meat, and add it to twice the amount of finely chopped apples. The apples should be quartered, cored, and pared, previous to chopping, or skins may be left on, which is not an objection if apples are finely chopped. Add quinces finely chopped, sugar, molasses, cider, raisins, currants, and citron; also sue
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Mince Pie Meat II
Mince Pie Meat II
Mix ingredients in the order given, except brandy, and let simmer one and one-half hours; then add brandy and shavings from the rind of the lemons and oranges....
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English Mince Meat
English Mince Meat
Cook raisins, suet, apples, citron, currants, and sugar slowly for one and one-half hours; then add almonds, spices, and brandy....
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Mince Meat (without Alcoholic Liquor)
Mince Meat (without Alcoholic Liquor)
Mix together one cup chopped apple, one-half cup raisins seeded and chopped, one-half cup currants, one-fourth cup butter, one tablespoon molasses, one tablespoon boiled cider, one cup sugar, one teaspoon cinnamon, one-half teaspoon cloves, one-half nutmeg grated, one salt-spoon of mace, and one teaspoon salt. Add enough stock in which meat was cooked to moisten; heat gradually to boiling-point, and simmer one hour; then add one cup chopped meat and two tablespoons Barberry Jelly. Cook fifteen m
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Mock Mince Pie
Mock Mince Pie
Mix ingredients in order given, adding spices to taste. Bake between crusts. This quantity will make two pies....
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Mock Cherry Pie
Mock Cherry Pie
Mix one cup cranberries cut in halves, one-half cup raisins seeded and cut in pieces, three-fourths cup sugar, and one tablespoon flour. Dot over with one teaspoon butter. Bake between crusts....
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Peach Pie
Peach Pie
Remove skins from peaches. This may be done easily after allowing peaches to stand in boiling water one minute. Cut in eighths, cook until soft with enough water to prevent burning; sweeten to taste. Cool, and fill crust previously baked. Cover with whipped cream, sweetened and flavored. Fresh strawberries, cut in halves, slightly mashed and sweetened, are attractively served in a pastry case....
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Prune Pie
Prune Pie
Wash prunes and soak in enough cold water to cover. Cook in same water until soft. Remove stones, cut prunes in quarters, and mix with sugar and lemon juice. Reduce liquor to one and one-half tablespoons. Line plate with paste, cover with prunes, pour over liquor, dot over with butter, and dredge with flour. Put on an upper crust and bake in a moderate oven....
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Rhubarb Pie
Rhubarb Pie
Skin and cut stalks of rhubarb in half-inch pieces before measuring. Mix sugar, flour, and egg; add to rhubarb and bake between crusts. Many prefer to scald rhubarb before using; if so prepared, losing some of its acidity, less sugar is required....
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Squash Pie I
Squash Pie I
Mix sugar, salt, and spice or extract, add squash, egg slightly beaten, and milk gradually. Bake in one crust, following directions for Custard Pie. If a richer pie is desired, use one cup squash, one-half cup each of milk and cream, and an additional egg yolk....
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Squash Pie II
Squash Pie II
Line a deep pie plate with puff paste. Brush over paste with white of egg slightly beaten, and sprinkle with stale bread crumbs; fill, and bake in a moderate oven. Serve warm....
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Pumpkin Pie
Pumpkin Pie
Mix ingredients in order given and bake in one crust. Cheese Straws. — Page 475 . Cocoanut Tea Cakes. — Page 477 . Fruit Baskets. — Page 479 . Lemon Tartlets. — Page 479 ....
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Banbury Tarts
Banbury Tarts
Stone and chop raisins, add sugar, egg slightly beaten, cracker finely rolled, and lemon juice and rind. Roll pastry one-eighth inch thick, and cut pieces three and one-half inches long by three inches wide. Put two teaspoons of mixture on each piece. Moisten edge with cold water half-way round, fold over, press edges together with three-tined fork, first dipped in flour. Bake twenty minutes in slow oven....
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Cheese Cakes
Cheese Cakes
Scald sweet and sour milk, strain through cheese-cloth. To curd add sugar, yolks of eggs slightly beaten, lemon, and salt. Line patty pans with paste, fill with mixture, and sprinkle with chopped almonds. Bake until mixture is firm to the touch....
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Cheese Straws
Cheese Straws
Roll puff or plain paste one-fourth inch thick, sprinkle one-half with grated cheese to which has been added few grains of salt and cayenne. Fold, press edges firmly together, fold again, pat, and roll out one-fourth inch thick. Sprinkle with cheese and proceed as before; repeat twice. Cut in strips five inches long and one-fourth inch wide. Bake eight minutes in hot oven. Parmesan cheese, or equal parts of Parmesan and Edam cheese, may be used. Cheese straws are piled log cabin fashion and serv
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Beat whites of eggs until stiff, add sugar gradually, then almonds. Roll paste, and cut in strips three and one-half inches long by one and one-half inches wide. Spread with mixture; avoid having it come close to edge. Dust with powdered sugar and bake fifteen minutes in moderate oven....
20 minute read
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Roll puff or plain paste one-eighth inch thick. Shape with an oblong cutter three and one-half inches long by one and three-fourths inches wide. Brush over with white of egg and sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar. Bake in a hot oven. A lady-finger cutter may be used with satisfaction, but is more difficult to procure....
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Cream Horns
Cream Horns
Roll puff paste in a long rectangular piece, one-eighth inch thick. Cut in strips three-fourths inch wide. Roll paste over wooden forms bought for the purpose, having edges overlap. Bake in hot oven until well puffed and slightly browned. Brush over with white of egg slightly beaten, diluted with one teaspoon water, then sprinkle with sugar. Return to oven and finish cooking, and remove from forms. When cold, fill with Cream Filling or whipped cream sweetened and flavored....
21 minute read
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Florentine Meringue
Florentine Meringue
Roll puff or plain paste one-eighth inch thick; cut a piece ten inches long by seven inches wide; place on a sheet, wet edges, and put on a half-inch rim. Prick with fork six times, and bake in hot oven. Cool, and spread with jam, cover with Meringue II, and almonds blanched and shredded; sprinkle with powdered sugar and bake....
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Cocoanut Tea Cakes
Cocoanut Tea Cakes
Roll puff or plain paste to one-fourth inch in thickness. Shape with a lady-finger cutter and bake on a tin sheet in a hot oven. When nearly done remove from oven, cool slightly, brush over with beaten white of egg, sprinkle with shredded cocoanut, and return to oven to finish the cooking....
14 minute read
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Bake three sheets of pastry, pricking before baking. Put between the sheets Cream Filling; spread top with Confectioner’s Frosting, sprinkle with pistachio nuts blanched and chopped, crease in pieces about two and one-half by four inches, and cut with sharp knife....
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Orange Sticks
Orange Sticks
Cut puff or plain paste rolled one-eighth inch thick in strips five inches long by one inch wide, and bake in hot oven. Put together in pairs, with Orange Filling between....
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Lemon Sticks
Lemon Sticks
Lemon Sticks may be made in same manner as Orange Sticks, using Lemon Filling....
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Palm Leaves
Palm Leaves
Roll remnants of puff paste one-eighth inch thick; sprinkle one-half surface with powdered sugar, fold, press edges together, pat and roll out, using sugar for dredging board; repeat three times. After the last rolling fold four times. The pastry should be in long strip one and one-half inches wide. From the end, cut pieces one inch wide; place on baking-sheet, broad side down, one inch apart, and separate layers of pastry at one end to suggest a leaf. Bake eight minutes in hot oven; these will
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Raspberry Puffs
Raspberry Puffs
Roll plain paste one-eighth inch thick, and cut in pieces four by three and one-half inches. Put one-half tablespoon raspberry jam on centre of lower half of each piece, wet edges half-way around, fold, press edges firmly together, prick tops, place on sheet, and bake twenty minutes in hot oven....
14 minute read
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Roll puff paste one-eighth inch thick. Shape with a fluted round cutter, first dipped in flour; with a smaller cutter remove centres from half the pieces, leaving rings one-half inch wide. Brush with cold water the larger pieces near the edge; fit on rings, pressing lightly. Chill thoroughly, and bake fifteen minutes in hot oven. By brushing tops of rings with beaten yolk of egg diluted with one teaspoonful water, they will have a glazed appearance. Cool, and fill with jam or jelly....
22 minute read
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Polish Tartlets
Polish Tartlets
Roll puff or plain paste one-eighth inch thick, and cut in two and one-half inch squares; wet the corners, fold toward the centre, and press lightly; bake on a sheet; when cool, press down the centres and fill, using two-thirds quince marmalade and one-third currant jelly....
13 minute read
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Almond Tartlets
Almond Tartlets
Line patty pans with puff or plain paste, fill with the following mixture, and bake in a moderate oven until firm. Blanch and finely chop one-third pound Jordan almonds. Add two tablespoons cracker rolled and sifted, three eggs slightly beaten, one-third cup sugar, one-third teaspoon salt, two cups milk, and one-half teaspoon vanilla....
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Peach Crusts
Peach Crusts
Roll puff or plain paste one-eighth inch thick, cut in two and one-half inch squares, and bake in hot oven. Cool, press down the centres, and arrange on each one-half a canned peach drained from syrup and heated in oven. Sprinkle with powdered sugar and put brandy in each cavity. Light just before sending to table....
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Malaga Boats
Malaga Boats
Roll puff or plain paste one-eighth inch thick, line individual boat-shaped tins, prick, and half fill with rice or barley to keep pastry in desired shape. Bake in a hot oven. Remove from tins and cover bottom of boats with marmalade, and on marmalade arrange three or four malaga grapes cooked in syrup five minutes....
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Calvé Tarts
Calvé Tarts
Roll puff or plain paste one-eighth inch thick, and cut in rounds of correct size to cover inverted circular tins. Cover tins with paste, prick several times, and bake until delicately browned. Place one-half a canned peach in each case and fill each cavity with one-half a blanched Jordan almond....
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Fruit Baskets
Fruit Baskets
Bake plain paste over inverted patty pans. Roll paste one-eighth inch thick, and cut in strips one-fourth inch wide. Twist strips in pairs and bake over a one-fourth pound baking-powder box, thus making handles. Fill cases with sliced peaches sprinkled generously with sugar, insert handles, garnish with whipped cream and peach leaves. Strawberries, raspberries, or other fruit may be used in place of peaches....
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Lemon Tartlets
Lemon Tartlets
Bake paste as for Fruit Baskets without handles. Fill with Lemon Pie II mixture, cover with Meringue II, and bake until meringue is delicately browned....
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Eggs for meringues should be thoroughly chilled, and beaten with silver fork, wire spoon, or whisk. Where several eggs are needed, much time is saved by using a whisk. Meringues on pies, puddings, or desserts may be spread evenly, spread and piled in the centre, put on lightly by spoonfuls, or spread evenly with part of the mixture, the remainder being forced through a pastry bag and tube. Meringues I and III should be baked fifteen minutes in slow oven. Meringue II should be cooked eight minute
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Hot Water Gingerbread
Hot Water Gingerbread
Add water to molasses. Mix and sift dry ingredients, combine mixtures, add butter, and beat vigorously. Pour into a buttered shallow pan, and bake twenty-five minutes in a moderate oven. Chicken fat dried out and clarified furnishes an excellent shortening, and may be used in place of butter....
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Sour Milk Gingerbread
Sour Milk Gingerbread
Mix soda with sour milk and add to molasses. Sift together remaining dry ingredients, combine mixtures, add butter, and beat vigorously. Pour into a buttered shallow pan, and bake twenty-five minutes in a moderate oven....
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Soft Molasses Gingerbread
Soft Molasses Gingerbread
Put butter and molasses in saucepan and cook until boiling-point is reached. Remove from fire, add soda, and beat vigorously. Then add milk, egg well beaten, and remaining ingredients mixed and sifted. Bake fifteen minutes in buttered small tin pans, having pans two-thirds filled with mixture....
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Cambridge Gingerbread
Cambridge Gingerbread
Melt butter in water, add molasses, egg well beaten, and dry ingredients mixed and sifted. Bake in a buttered shallow pan....
19 minute read
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Soft Sugar Gingerbread
Soft Sugar Gingerbread
Beat eggs until light, and add sugar gradually. Mix and sift dry ingredients, and add alternately with cream to first mixture. Turn into a buttered cake pan, and bake thirty minutes in a moderate oven....
20 minute read
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Gossamer Gingerbread
Gossamer Gingerbread
Cream the butter, add sugar gradually, then egg well beaten. Add milk, and dry ingredients mixed and sifted. Spread in a buttered dripping-pan as thinly as possible, using the back of mixing-spoon. Bake fifteen minutes. Sprinkle with sugar, and cut in small squares or diamonds before removing from pan....
24 minute read
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Fairy Gingerbread
Fairy Gingerbread
Cream the butter, add sugar gradually, and milk very slowly. Mix and sift flour and ginger, and combine mixtures. Spread very thinly with a broad, long-bladed knife on a buttered, inverted dripping-pan. Bake in a moderate oven. Cut in squares before removing from pan. Watch carefully and turn pan frequently during baking, that all may be evenly cooked. If mixture around edge of pan is cooked before that in the centre, pan should be removed from oven, cooked part cut off, and remainder returned t
33 minute read
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Hard Sugar Gingerbread
Hard Sugar Gingerbread
Cream the butter, add sugar gradually, milk, and dry ingredients mixed and sifted. Put some of mixture on an inverted dripping-pan and roll as thinly as possible to cover pan. Mark dough with a coarse grater. Sprinkle with sugar and bake in a moderate oven. Before removing from pan, cut in strips four and one-half inches long by one and one-half inches wide....
28 minute read
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Christmas English Gingerbread
Christmas English Gingerbread
Mix flour, sugar, ginger, and salt. Work in butter, using tips of fingers, and add just enough molasses to hold ingredients together. Let stand over night to get thoroughly chilled. Roll very thin, shape, and bake in a moderate oven....
20 minute read
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Card Gingerbread
Card Gingerbread
Cream the butter, add sugar gradually, egg well beaten, molasses, and flour mixed and sifted with ginger, salt, soda, and cinnamon. Chill, roll in sheets to one-fourth inch in thickness, bake on a buttered sheet, and cut in squares....
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Walnut Molasses Bars
Walnut Molasses Bars
Pour water over butter and lard, then add sugar, molasses mixed with soda, flour, salt, and spices. Chill thoroughly, roll one-fourth inch thick, cut in strips three and one-half inches long by one and one-half inches wide. Sprinkle with nut meat and bake ten minutes....
31 minute read
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Ginger Snaps
Ginger Snaps
Heat molasses to boiling-point and pour over shortening. Add dry ingredients mixed and sifted. Chill thoroughly. Toss one-fourth of mixture on a floured board and roll as thinly as possible; shape with a small round cutter, first dipped in flour. Place near together on a buttered sheet and bake in a moderate oven. Gather up the trimmings and roll with another portion of dough. During rolling, the bowl containing mixture should be kept in a cool place, or it will be necessary to add more flour to
35 minute read
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Molasses Cookies
Molasses Cookies
Heat molasses to boiling-point, add shortening, ginger, soda dissolved in warm milk, salt, and flour. Proceed as for Ginger Snaps....
19 minute read
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Soft Molasses Cookies
Soft Molasses Cookies
Add soda to molasses and beat thoroughly; add milk, shortening, ginger, salt, and flour. Enough flour must be used to make mixture of right consistency to drop easily from spoon. Let stand several hours in a cold place to thoroughly chill. Toss one-half mixture at a time on slightly floured board and roll lightly to one-fourth inch thickness. Shape with a round cutter, first dipped in flour. Bake on a buttered sheet....
29 minute read
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Spice Cookies
Spice Cookies
Heat molasses to boiling-point. Add sugar, shortening, and milk. Mix and sift dry ingredients, and add to first mixture. Chill thoroughly, and proceed as with Ginger Snaps....
23 minute read
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Scotch Wafers
Scotch Wafers
Mix first six ingredients. Melt shortening in water and add to first mixture. Toss on a floured board, pat, and roll as thinly as possible. Shape with a cutter, or with a sharp knife cut in strips. Bake on a buttered sheet in a slow oven. These are well adapted for children’s luncheons, and are much enjoyed by the convalescent, taken with a glass of milk....
32 minute read
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Oatmeal Cookies
Oatmeal Cookies
Beat egg until light, add sugar, cream, and milk; then add oatmeal, flour, baking powder, and salt, mixed and sifted. Toss on a floured board, roll, cut in shape, and bake in a moderate oven....
21 minute read
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Scottish Fancies
Scottish Fancies
Beat egg until light, add gradually sugar, and then stir in remaining ingredients. Drop mixture by teaspoonfuls on a thoroughly greased inverted dripping-pan one inch apart. Spread into circular shape with a case knife first dipped in cold water. Bake in a moderate oven until delicately browned. To give variety use two-thirds cup rolled oats and fill cup with shredded cocoanut....
26 minute read
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Vanilla Wafers
Vanilla Wafers
Cream the butter, add sugar, egg well beaten, milk, and vanilla. Mix and sift dry ingredients and add to first mixture. Proceed as with Ginger Snaps....
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Cream Cookies
Cream Cookies
Mix and bake same as Vanilla Wafers....
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Imperial Cookies
Imperial Cookies
Mix and bake same as Vanilla Wafers....
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Cream the butter, add sugar gradually, then raisins, egg well beaten, and milk. Mix and sift dry ingredients and add to first mixture. Roll mixture a little thicker than for Vanilla Wafers....
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Rich Cookies
Rich Cookies
Cream the butter, add sugar gradually, egg, flour, and vanilla. Drop from tip of spoon in small portions on buttered sheet two inches apart. Spread thinly with a knife first dipped in cold water. Put four Sultana raisins on each cookie, almonds blanched and cut in strips, or citron cut in small pieces....
24 minute read
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Jelly Jumbles
Jelly Jumbles
Cream the butter, add sugar gradually, egg well beaten, soda mixed with milk, salt and flour to make a soft dough. Chill and shape, using a round cutter. On the centres of one-half the pieces put currant jelly. Make three small openings in remaining halves, using a thimble, and put pieces together. Press edges slightly, and bake in a rather hot oven, that jumbles may keep in good shape. Rich Cookies. — Page 488 . Royal Fans. — Page 489 . Chocolate Cakes ( Page 491 ) and Crescents ( Page 534 ). M
48 minute read
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Royal Fans
Royal Fans
Mix and sift two cups flour and one-half cup brown sugar. Wash three-fourths cup butter and work into first mixture, using tips of fingers. Roll to one-third inch in thickness, shape with a fluted round cutter five inches in diameter. Cut each piece in quarters and crease with the dull edge of a case knife to represent folds of a fan. Brush over with yolk of egg diluted with three-fourths teaspoon water. Bake in a slow oven....
21 minute read
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Boston Cookies
Boston Cookies
Cream the butter, add sugar gradually, and eggs well beaten. Add soda dissolved in hot water, and one-half the flour mixed and sifted with salt and cinnamon; then add nut meat, fruit, and remaining flour. Drop by spoonfuls one inch apart on a buttered sheet, and bake in a moderate oven....
33 minute read
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Cocoanut Cream Cookies
Cocoanut Cream Cookies
Beat eggs until light, add sugar gradually, cocoanut, cream, and flour mixed and sifted with baking powder and salt. Chill thoroughly, toss on a floured board, pat, and roll one-half inch thick. Sprinkle with cocoanut, roll one-fourth inch thick, and shape with a small round cutter, first dipped in flour. Bake on a buttered sheet in a moderate oven....
28 minute read
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Peanut Cookies
Peanut Cookies
Cream the butter, add sugar, and egg well beaten. Mix and sift baking powder, salt, and flour; add to first mixture; then add milk, peanuts, and lemon juice. Drop from a teaspoon on an unbuttered sheet one inch apart, and place one-half peanut on top of each. Bake twelve to fifteen minutes in a slow oven. This recipe will make twenty-four cookies. One pint peanuts when shelled should yield one-half cup....
32 minute read
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Almond Cookies
Almond Cookies
Cream the butter, add egg well beaten, almonds, sugar, brandy, and spices mixed and sifted with flour. Roll mixture to one-fourth inch in thickness, shape with a round cutter first dipped in flour, and bake in a slow oven....
11 minute read
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Nut Cookies
Nut Cookies
Beat yolks of eggs until thick and lemon-colored, add sugar gradually, nut meats, whites of egg beaten until stiff, and flour mixed with salt. Drop from tip of spoon on buttered sheet, spread, and bake in a moderate oven....
21 minute read
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Seed Cakes
Seed Cakes
Follow recipe for Cocoanut Cream Cookies (see p. 489 ), using one and one-half tablespoons caraway seeds in place of cocoanut....
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Chocolate Cookies
Chocolate Cookies
Cream the butter, add sugar gradually, egg well beaten, salt, and chocolate melted. Beat well, and add flour mixed and sifted with baking powder alternately with milk. Chill, roll very thin, then shape with a small cutter, first dipped in flour, and bake in a moderate oven....
24 minute read
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German Chocolate Cookies
German Chocolate Cookies
Beat eggs until light, add sugar, gradually, and continue the beating; then add chocolate, grated, and remaining ingredients. Drop from tip of spoon on a buttered sheet, and bake in a moderate oven....
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Chocolate Fruit Cookies
Chocolate Fruit Cookies
Cream the butter, and add sugar, gradually. Melt chocolate, add remaining sugar and water, and cook one minute. Combine mixtures, and add remaining ingredients. Chill, shape, and bake same as Chocolate Cookies....
25 minute read
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Chocolate Cakes
Chocolate Cakes
Beat eggs until light. Cream the butter, add sugar, combine mixtures, then add chocolate melted, bread crumbs, and flour. Spread mixture in a shallow buttered pan and bake in a slow oven. Shape with a tiny biscuit-cutter and put together in pairs with White Mountain Cream (see p. 528 ) between and on top....
25 minute read
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Beat the whites of the eggs until stiff, and add sugar gradually, continuing the beating. Then add yolks of eggs well beaten, flour mixed and sifted with salt and spices, orange peel, and lemon rind. Blanch almonds, cut in small pieces crosswise, and bake in a slow oven until well browned. Fold into the mixture, and drop by spoonfuls on a sheet dredged with corn-starch and powdered sugar in equal proportions. Bake in a moderate oven....
34 minute read
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Sand Tarts
Sand Tarts
Cream the butter, add sugar gradually, and egg well beaten; then add flour mixed and sifted with baking powder. Chill, toss one-half mixture on a floured board, and roll one-eighth inch thick. Shape with a doughnut cutter. Brush over with white of egg, and sprinkle with sugar mixed with cinnamon. Split almonds, and arrange three halves on each at equal distances. Place on a buttered sheet, and bake eight minutes in a slow oven....
32 minute read
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Swedish Wafers
Swedish Wafers
Cream the butter, add sugar gradually, eggs slightly beaten, flour, and flavoring. Drop by spoonfuls on an inverted buttered dripping-pan. Spread very thinly, using a knife, in circular shapes about three inches in diameter. Sprinkle with almonds, and bake in a slow oven. Remove from pan, and shape at once over the handle of a wooden spoon....
24 minute read
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Marguerites I
Marguerites I
Beat eggs slightly, and add remaining ingredients in the order given. Fill small buttered tins two-thirds full of mixture, and place pecan nut meat on each. Bake in a moderate oven fifteen minutes....
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Marguerites II
Marguerites II
Boil sugar and water until syrup will thread. Remove to back of range and add marshmallows cut in pieces. Pour onto the whites of eggs beaten until stiff; then add cocoanut, vanilla, and nut meats. Spread saltines with mixture and bake until delicately browned....
23 minute read
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Add butter to corn. Beat egg white until stiff, and add sugar gradually, continuing the beating. Combine mixtures; then add salt and vanilla. Drop mixture from tip of spoon on a well buttered sheet, one inch apart. Shape in circular form with case knife first dipped in cold water. Sprinkle with almonds and place a piece of candied cherry on the centre of each. Bake in a slow oven until delicately browned....
33 minute read
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Rolled Wafers
Rolled Wafers
Cream the butter, add sugar gradually, and milk drop by drop; then add flour and flavoring. Spread very thinly with a broad, long-bladed knife on a buttered inverted dripping-pan. Crease in three-inch squares, and bake in a slow oven until delicately browned. Place pan on back of range, cut squares apart with a sharp knife, and roll while warm in tubular or cornucopia shape. If squares become too brittle to roll, place in oven to soften. If rolled tubular shape, tie in bunches with narrow ribbon
55 minute read
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Almond Wafers
Almond Wafers
Before baking Rolled Wafers, sprinkle with almonds blanched and chopped. Other nut meats or shredded cocoanut may be used in place of almonds....
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English Rolled Wafers I
English Rolled Wafers I
Heat molasses to boiling-point, add butter, then slowly, stirring constantly, flour mixed and sifted with ginger and sugar. Drop small portions from tip of spoon on a buttered inverted dripping-pan two inches apart. Bake in a slow oven, cool slightly, remove from pan, and roll over handle of wooden spoon. English Rolled Wafers I-II. — Page 494 . Marguerites I. — Page 493 . Mocha Cakes. — Page 518 . Small Éclairs. — Page 519 . Ice Cream Cake ( Page 517 ) with Nut Caramel Frosting. — Page 530 ....
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English Rolled Wafers II
English Rolled Wafers II
To English Rolled Wafers I, add one and one-half cups rolled oats....
3 minute read
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Nut Bars
Nut Bars
Caramelize two tablespoons sugar, add butter and water, and boil two minutes. Remove from fire, add remaining sugar, flour mixed with salt, and walnut meat. Spread as Rolled Wafers, crease in two-inch squares, and decorate with nut meats. Bake in a slow oven, and remove from pan at once....
27 minute read
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Nut Macaroons
Nut Macaroons
Beat white of egg until light and add gradually, while beating constantly, sugar. Fold in nut meats, finely chopped and sprinkled with salt. Drop from tip of spoon, one inch apart, on an unbuttered sheet, and bake in a moderate oven until delicately browned....
19 minute read
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Mix ingredients in order given. Line a seven-inch square pan with paraffine paper. Spread mixture evenly in pan and bake in a slow oven. As soon as taken from oven turn from pan, remove paper, and cut cake in strips, using a sharp knife. If these directions are not followed paper will cling to cake, and it will be impossible to cut it in shapely pieces....
31 minute read
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Card Cakes
Card Cakes
Cream the butter, add sugar, eggs well beaten, flour, and salt. Spread mixture on bottom of a buttered inverted dripping-pan, decorate with almonds blanched and cut in strips, and bake in slow oven. Cut in desired shape, using heart, spade, and diamond-shaped cutters before removing from pan. To give variety, divide mixture in halves. To one-half add sugar, cocoa, cinnamon, and vanilla, then spread on pan and sprinkle with shredded cocoanut. The mixing and baking of cake requires more care and j
7 minute read
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Hot Water Sponge Cake
Hot Water Sponge Cake
Beat yolks of eggs until thick and lemon-colored, add one-half the sugar gradually, and continue beating; then add water, remaining sugar, lemon extract, whites of eggs beaten until stiff, and flour mixed and sifted with baking powder and salt. Bake twenty-five minutes in a moderate oven in a buttered and floured shallow pan....
27 minute read
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Cheap Sponge Cake
Cheap Sponge Cake
Beat yolks of eggs until thick and lemon-colored, add sugar gradually, and continue beating; then add water, flour mixed and sifted with baking powder and salt, whites of eggs beaten until stiff, and vinegar. Bake thirty-five minutes in a moderate oven, in a buttered and floured cake pan....
25 minute read
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Cream Sponge Cake
Cream Sponge Cake
Beat yolks of eggs until thick and lemon-colored, add sugar gradually, and beat two minutes; then add water. Put corn-starch in a cup and fill cup with flour. Mix and sift corn-starch and flour with baking powder and salt, and add to first mixture. When thoroughly mixed add whites of eggs beaten until stiff, and flavoring. Bake thirty minutes in a moderate oven. This is an excellent mixture to use for whipped cream pies....
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Petit Four
Petit Four
Follow recipe for Cream Sponge Cake. Bake in a shallow pan, cool, and shape, using a small round cutter. Split, and remove a small portion of cake from the centre of each piece. Fill cavities of one-half the pieces with whipped cream sweetened and flavored, cover with remaining pieces, and press firmly together. Nuts or glacé fruits cut in pieces may be added to cream. Melt fondant, color, and flavor to taste. Dip cakes in fondant, decorate tops with pistachio nuts, violets, or glacé cherries, a
24 minute read
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Sponge Cake
Sponge Cake
Beat yolks until thick and lemon-colored, add sugar gradually, and continue beating, using Dover egg-beater. Add lemon juice, rind, and whites of eggs beaten until stiff and dry. When whites are partially mixed with yolks, remove beater, and carefully cut and fold in flour mixed and sifted with salt. Bake one hour in a slow oven, in an angel cake pan or deep narrow pan. Genuine sponge cake contains no rising properties, but is made light by the quantity of air beaten into both yolks and whites o
52 minute read
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Sunshine Cake
Sunshine Cake
Beat whites of eggs until stiff and dry, add sugar gradually, and continue beating; then add yolks of eggs beaten until thick and lemon-colored, and extract. Cut and fold in flour mixed and sifted with cream of tartar. Bake fifty minutes in a moderate oven in an angel-cake pan....
24 minute read
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Mocha Cake
Mocha Cake
To one-half recipe for Sunshine Cake add one-half cup English walnut meats broken in pieces. Bake in a medium-sized angel-cake pan; cool, split, and fill with whipped cream sweetened and flavored with coffee essence. Cover top with Confectioners’ Frosting, flavored with coffee essence....
12 minute read
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Angel Cake
Angel Cake
Beat whites of eggs until frothy; add cream of tartar, and continue beating until eggs are stiff; then add sugar gradually. Fold in flour mixed with salt and sifted four times, and add vanilla. Bake forty-five to fifty minutes in an unbuttered angel-cake pan. After cake has risen and begins to brown, cover with a buttered paper....
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Moonshine Cake
Moonshine Cake
Add salt to whites of eggs and beat until light. Sift in cream of tartar and beat until stiff. Beat yolks of eggs until thick and lemon-colored and add two heaping tablespoons beaten whites. To remaining whites add gradually sugar measured after five siftings. Add almond extract and combine mixtures. Cut and fold in flour, measured after five siftings. Bake in angel-cake pan, first dipped in cold water, in a slow oven one hour. Have a pan of hot water in oven during the baking. Cover with Marasc
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Lady Fingers
Lady Fingers
Beat whites of eggs until stiff and dry, add sugar gradually, and continue beating. Then add yolks of eggs beaten until thick and lemon-colored, and flavoring. Cut and fold in flour mixed and sifted with salt. Shape four and one-half inches long and one inch wide on a tin sheet covered with unbuttered paper, using a pastry bag and tube. Sprinkle with powdered sugar, and bake eight minutes in a moderate oven. Remove from paper with a knife. Lady Fingers are much used for lining moulds that are to
42 minute read
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Sponge Drops
Sponge Drops
Drop Lady Finger mixture from tip of spoon on unbuttered paper. Sprinkle with powdered sugar, and bake eight minutes in a moderate oven....
6 minute read
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Almond Tart
Almond Tart
Beat yolks of eggs until thick and lemon-colored; add sugar gradually, then fold in white of eggs beaten until stiff and dry. Add chocolate, almonds, baking powder, and cracker dust. Bake in a round pan. Cool, split, and put whipped cream, sweetened and flavored, between and on top. Garnish with angelica and candied cherries. This makes a most attractive dessert when baked in individual tins. As soon as cool, remove centres, and fill with whipped cream, forced through a pastry bag....
35 minute read
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Jelly Roll
Jelly Roll
Beat egg until light, add sugar gradually, milk, flour mixed and sifted with baking powder and salt, then butter. Line the bottom of a dripping-pan with paper; butter paper and sides of pan. Cover bottom of pan with mixture, and spread evenly. Bake twelve minutes in a moderate oven. Take from oven and turn on a paper sprinkled with powdered sugar. Quickly remove paper, and cut off a thin strip from sides and ends of cake. Spread with jelly or jam which has been beaten to consistency to spread ea
42 minute read
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Election Cake
Election Cake
Work butter into dough, using the hand. Add egg well beaten, sugar, milk, fruit dredged with two tablespoons flour, and flour mixed and sifted with remaining ingredients. Put into a well-buttered bread pan, cover, and let rise one and one-fourth hours. Bake one hour in a slow oven. Cover with Boiled Milk Frosting....
39 minute read
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One Egg Cake
One Egg Cake
Cream the butter, add sugar gradually, and egg well beaten. Mix and sift flour and baking powder, add alternately with milk to first mixture. Bake thirty minutes in a shallow pan. Spread with Chocolate Frosting....
19 minute read
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Chocolate Cake I
Chocolate Cake I
Cream the butter, add sugar gradually, and yolks of eggs well beaten, then whites of eggs beaten until stiff. Add milk, flour mixed and sifted with baking powder, and beat thoroughly. Then add chocolate and vanilla. Bake forty minutes in a shallow cake pan....
24 minute read
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Chocolate Cake II
Chocolate Cake II
Cream the butter; add sugar gradually, milk, and flour mixed and sifted with soda and cream of tartar. Beat whites of eggs, and add to first mixture; then add chocolate, and beat thoroughly. Bake forty-five minutes in a moderate oven....
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Chocolate Marshmallow Cake
Chocolate Marshmallow Cake
Follow recipe for Chocolate Cake II. As soon as cake is removed from pan, cover bottom with marshmallows pulled apart with tips of fingers, but not quite separated into halves. The exposed soft surface will quickly adhere to hot cake. Pour over Chocolate Fudge Frosting....
13 minute read
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Chocolate Nougat Cake
Chocolate Nougat Cake
Cream the butter, add gradually one and one-half cups sugar, and egg unbeaten; when well mixed, add two-thirds milk, flour mixed and sifted with baking powder, and vanilla. To melted chocolate add one-third cup powdered sugar, place on range, add gradually remaining milk, and cook until smooth. Cool slightly, and add to cake mixture. Bake fifteen to twenty minutes in round layer cake pans. Put between layers and on top of cake White Mountain Cream sprinkled with almonds....
37 minute read
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Chocolate Dominoes
Chocolate Dominoes
Mix nut meats, figs, and dates, and force through a meat chopper, or chop finely. Add remaining ingredients, toss on a board sprinkled with powdered sugar, and roll to one-third inch in thickness. Cut in domino shapes, spread thinly with melted unsweetened chocolate, and decorate with small pieces blanched almonds to imitate dominoes....
27 minute read
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Cream Pie I
Cream Pie I
Mix as One Egg Cake. Bake in round layer cake pans. Put Cream Filling between layers and sprinkle top with powdered sugar....
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Cream Pie II
Cream Pie II
Make as Cream Pie I, using French Cream Filling in place of Cream Filling....
4 minute read
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Cocoanut Pie
Cocoanut Pie
Mix and bake same as Cream Pie. Put Cocoanut Filling between layers and on top....
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Washington Pie
Washington Pie
Mix and bake same as Cream Pie. Put raspberry jam or jelly between layers and sprinkle top with powdered sugar....
7 minute read
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Chocolate Pie
Chocolate Pie
Mix and bake same as Cream Pie. Split layers, and spread between and on top of each a thin layer of Chocolate Frosting....
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Orange Cake
Orange Cake
Cream the butter, add sugar gradually, eggs well beaten, and milk. Then add flour mixed and sifted with baking powder. Bake in a thin sheet in a dripping-pan. Cut in halves, spread one-half with Orange Filling. Put over other half, and cover with Orange Frosting....
21 minute read
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Quick Cake
Quick Cake
Put ingredients in a bowl and beat all together for three minutes, using a wooden cake spoon. Bake in a buttered and floured cake pan thirty-five to forty minutes. If directions are followed this makes a most satisfactory cake; but if ingredients are added separately it will not prove a success....
29 minute read
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Boston Favorite Cake
Boston Favorite Cake
Cream the butter, add sugar gradually, eggs beaten until light, then milk and flour mixed and sifted with baking powder. This recipe makes two loaves, or one-half the mixture may be baked in individual tins....
20 minute read
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Cream Cake
Cream Cake
Put unbeaten eggs in a bowl, add sugar and cream, and beat vigorously. Mix and sift remaining ingredients, then add to first mixture. Bake thirty minutes in a shallow cake pan....
21 minute read
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Currant Cake
Currant Cake
Cream the butter, add sugar gradually, and eggs and egg yolk well beaten. Then add milk, flour mixed and sifted with baking powder, and currants. Bake forty minutes in buttered and floured cake pan....
22 minute read
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Citron Cake
Citron Cake
Cream the butter, add sugar gradually, yolks of eggs well beaten, milk, and flour mixed and sifted with baking powder. Beat whites of eggs until stiff, and add to first mixture, then add brandy and citron. Bake in a moderate oven one hour....
25 minute read
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Velvet Cake
Velvet Cake
Cream the butter, add sugar gradually, yolks of eggs well beaten, and water. Mix and sift flour, corn-starch, and baking powder, and add to first mixture; then add whites of eggs beaten until stiff. After putting in pan, cover with almonds and sprinkle with powdered sugar. Bake forty minutes in a moderate oven....
29 minute read
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Walnut Cake
Walnut Cake
Mix ingredients in order given. Bake forty-five minutes in a moderate oven. Cover with White Mountain Cream, crease in squares, and put one-half walnut on each square....
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Spanish Cake
Spanish Cake
Mix ingredients in order given. Bake in shallow tins and spread between and on top Caramel Frosting....
16 minute read
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Cup Cakes
Cup Cakes
Put butter and sugar in a bowl, and stir until well mixed; add eggs well beaten, then milk, and flour mixed and sifted with baking powder and mace. Bake in individual tins. Cover with Chocolate Frosting....
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Cinnamon Cakes
Cinnamon Cakes
Mix ingredients in the order given, and bake in individual buttered cake tins....
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Almond Cakes
Almond Cakes
Mix ingredients in order given, and bake in individual cake pans....
14 minute read
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Mix ingredients in order given. Bake in small shallow fancy cake tins, garnishing top of each cake with one-half pecan....
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Chocolate Sponge
Chocolate Sponge
Cream the butter; add cocoa, yolks of eggs well beaten, sugar mixed with cinnamon and clove, and water. Beat the whites of eggs, and add to first mixture alternately with flour mixed and sifted with baking powder. Bake in small tins from fifteen to twenty minutes....
26 minute read
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Devil’s Food Cake I
Devil’s Food Cake I
Cream the butter, and add gradually one-half the sugar. Beat yolks of eggs until thick and lemon-colored, and add gradually remaining sugar. Combine mixtures, and add alternately milk and flour mixed and sifted with baking powder; then add whites of eggs beaten stiff, chocolate melted, and vanilla. Bake forty-five to fifty minutes in an angel cake pan. Cover with White Mountain Cream (see p. 528 )....
33 minute read
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Devil’s Food Cake II
Devil’s Food Cake II
Melt chocolate over hot water, add one-half cup sugar, and gradually sweet milk; then add yolk of egg, and cook until mixture thickens. Set aside to cool. Cream the butter, add gradually one-half cup sugar, egg well beaten, sour milk, and flour mixed and sifted with soda. Combine mixtures and add vanilla. Bake in shallow cake pans, and put between and on top boiled frosting. Add to filling one-fourth cup raisins seeded and cut in pieces, if desired....
37 minute read
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Chocolate Vienna Cake
Chocolate Vienna Cake
Mix ingredients in order given, and bake in small tins. Remove from tins, cool, take out a small portion of cake from the centre of each, and fill cavity with marmalade. Cover tops of cake with Marshmallow Frosting or Chocolate Frosting IV....
24 minute read
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Chocolate Fruit Cake
Chocolate Fruit Cake
Cover fruit with brandy and let stand several hours. Mix ingredients in order given, and bake in deep cake pan fifty minutes. Cover with White Mountain Cream, and as soon as frosting is set, spread as thinly as possible with melted chocolate....
43 minute read
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Ribbon Cake
Ribbon Cake
Mix first seven ingredients in order given. Bake two-thirds of the mixture in two layer cake pans. To the remainder add spices, fruit, and molasses, and bake in a layer cake pan. Put layers together with jelly (apple usually being preferred, as it has less flavor), having the dark layer in the centre....
39 minute read
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Golden Spice Cake
Golden Spice Cake
Cream the butter, add sugar gradually, egg and yolks of eggs well beaten, molasses, milk, flour, mixed and sifted with spices, cayenne, and lemon rind. Bake in a moderate oven one hour, and cover with White Mountain Cream (see p. 528 )....
33 minute read
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Walnut Mocha Cake
Walnut Mocha Cake
Follow directions for mixing butter cake mixtures. Cover with Confectioners’ Frosting, using cream, and flavoring with vanilla....
18 minute read
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Birthday Cake
Birthday Cake
Follow directions for making butter cake mixtures. Bake in a buttered and floured angel-cake pan in a slow oven one and one-quarter hours. Cover with Ornamental Frosting (see p. 532 )....
37 minute read
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Rich Coffee Cake
Rich Coffee Cake
Follow directions for making butter cake mixtures. Bake in deep cake pans....
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Nut Spice Cake
Nut Spice Cake
Mix ingredients in the order given. This recipe makes two loaves....
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Dark Fruit Cake
Dark Fruit Cake
Follow directions for mixing butter cake mixtures. Bake in deep cake pans one and one-quarter hours....
32 minute read
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Nut Cakes
Nut Cakes
Pound nut meat and mix with sugar and flour. Beat whites of eggs until stiff, add first mixture and vanilla. Drop from tip of tablespoon (allowing one spoonful for each cake) on a tin sheet covered with buttered paper. Bake twenty minutes in a moderate oven....
21 minute read
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Snow Cake
Snow Cake
Follow recipe for mixing butter cakes. Bake forty-five minutes in a deep narrow pan....
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Lily Cake
Lily Cake
Follow recipe for mixing butter cakes....
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Corn-starch Cake
Corn-starch Cake
Follow recipe for mixing butter cakes. This mixture makes two loaves....
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Prune Almond Cake
Prune Almond Cake
Bake one-half Corn-starch Cake mixture in a dripping-pan. Cut in two crosswise, spread between layers Prune Almond Filling, and cover top with White Mountain Cream. Prune Almond Filling. To one-half the recipe for White Mountain Cream add eight soft prunes stoned and cut in pieces, and one-fourth cup almonds blanched and cut in pieces....
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Marshmallow Cake
Marshmallow Cake
Follow recipe for mixing butter cakes. Bake in shallow pans, and put Marshmallow Cream between the layers and on the top....
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Fig Éclair
Fig Éclair
Follow recipe for mixing butter cakes. Bake in shallow pans, put between layers Fig Filling, and sprinkle top with powdered sugar....
16 minute read
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Banana Cake
Banana Cake
Mix and bake Fig Éclair mixture; put between layers White Mountain Cream covered with thin slices of banana, and frost the top. This should be eaten the day it is made....
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Bride’s Cake
Bride’s Cake
Follow recipe for mixing butter cakes. Bake forty-five to fifty minutes in deep, narrow pans. Cover with white frosting....
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Ice Cream Cake
Ice Cream Cake
Follow recipe for mixing butter cakes. Bake in layers, and put between layers and on top Ice Cream Frosting....
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Light Fruit Cake
Light Fruit Cake
To Fig Éclair mixture add one-half cup raisins seeded and cut in pieces, two ounces citron thinly sliced and cut in strips, and one-third cup walnut meat cut in pieces. In making mixture, reserve one tablespoon flour to use for dredging fruit....
12 minute read
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White Nut Cake
White Nut Cake
Follow recipe for mixing butter cakes. This mixture makes two loaves....
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Golden Cake
Golden Cake
Cream the butter, add sugar gradually, and yolks of eggs beaten until thick and lemon-colored, and extract. Mix and sift flour and baking powder, and add alternately with milk to first mixture. Omit orange extract, add one-half cup nut meat cut in small pieces, and bake in individual tins....
26 minute read
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Mocha Cakes
Mocha Cakes
Bake a sponge cake mixture in sheets. Shape in small rounds, and cut in three layers. Put layers together with a thin coating of frosting. Spread frosting around sides and roll in shredded cocoanut. Ornament top with frosting forced through a pastry bag and tube, using the rose tube. Begin at centre of top and coil frosting around until surface is covered. Garnish centre of top with a candied cherry. Frosting. Wash one-third cup butter, add one cup powdered sugar gradually, and beat until creamy
49 minute read
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Cream Cakes
Cream Cakes
Pour butter and water in saucepan and place on front of range. As soon as boiling-point is reached, add flour all at once, and stir vigorously. Remove from fire as soon as mixed, and add unbeaten eggs one at a time, beating, until thoroughly mixed, between the addition of eggs. Drop by spoonfuls on a buttered sheet, one and one-half inches apart, shaping with handle of spoon as nearly circular as possible, having mixture slightly piled in centre. Bake thirty minutes in a moderate oven. With a sh
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French Cream Cakes
French Cream Cakes
Fill Cream Cakes with Cream Sauce I....
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French Strawberry Cream Cakes
French Strawberry Cream Cakes
Shape cream cake mixture oblong, making twelves cakes. Split, and fill with Strawberry Cream Filling....
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Shape cream cake mixture four and one-half inches long by one inch wide, by forcing through a pastry bag and tube. Bake twenty-five minutes in a moderate oven. Split, and fill with vanilla, coffee, or chocolate cream filling. Frost with Confectioners’ Frosting to which is added one-third cup melted Fondant, dipping top of éclairs in frosting while it is hot....
16 minute read
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Lemon Queens
Lemon Queens
Cream the butter, add sugar gradually, and continue beating. Then add grated rind, lemon juice, and yolks of eggs beaten until thick and lemon-colored. Mix and sift soda, salt, and flour; add to first mixture and beat thoroughly. Add whites of eggs beaten stiff. Bake from twenty to twenty-five minutes in small tins....
28 minute read
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Queen Cake
Queen Cake
Cream the butter, add flour gradually, mixed and sifted with soda, then add lemon juice. Beat whites of eggs until stiff; add sugar gradually, and combine the mixtures. Bake fifty minutes in a long shallow pan. Cover with Opera Caramel Frosting....
22 minute read
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Pound Cake
Pound Cake
Cream the butter, add sugar gradually, and continue beating; then add yolks of eggs beaten until thick and lemon-colored, whites of eggs beaten until stiff and dry, flour, mace, and brandy. Beat vigorously five minutes. Bake in a deep pan one and one-fourth hours in a slow oven; or if to be used for fancy ornamented cakes, bake thirty to thirty-five minutes in a dripping-pan....
27 minute read
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New York Gingerbread
New York Gingerbread
Cream the butter, and add flour gradually, mixed and sifted with ginger. Beat the yolks of the eggs until thick and lemon-colored, and add sugar gradually. Combine mixtures, add whites of eggs, beaten until stiff, and sift over baking powder. Beat thoroughly, turn into a buttered deep cake pan, and bake one hour in a moderate oven....
26 minute read
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Newport Pound Cake
Newport Pound Cake
Make same as New York Gingerbread, omitting ginger, and substituting one teaspoon vanilla extract....
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Christmas Cakes
Christmas Cakes
Bake Newport Pound Cake in golden-rod pans, cut in fourths crosswise, spread with Ice Cream Frosting, and garnish with green leaves, made from ornamental frosting, and round red candies to imitate berries....
9 minute read
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Ginger Pound Cakes
Ginger Pound Cakes
Cream one half pound butter and add gradually one-half pound sugar, continuing the beating. Add three-fourths pound flour, mixed and sifted with two teaspoons baking powder alternately with four eggs beaten until thick and lemon-colored; then add one-half pound Canton ginger cut in small pieces. Bake in small buttered and floured individual cake pans in a slow oven. Cover with White Mountain Cream (see p. 528 )....
19 minute read
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Molasses Pound Cake
Molasses Pound Cake
Cream the butter, add sugar gradually, eggs well beaten, and milk and molasses. Mix and sift flour with soda and spices, and add to first mixture, then add fruit. Bake in small buttered tins from twenty-five to thirty minutes in a moderate oven. This recipe makes twenty-four little cakes....
40 minute read
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English Fruit Cake
English Fruit Cake
Cream the butter, add sugar gradually, and beat thoroughly. Separate yolks from whites of eggs; beat yolks until thick and lemon-colored, whites until stiff and dry, and add to first mixture. Then add milk, fruit, nuts, and flour mixed and sifted with mace, cinnamon, and soda. Put in buttered deep pans, cover with buttered paper, steam three hours, and bake one and one half hours in a slow oven, or bake four hours in a very slow oven. Rich fruit cake is always more satisfactory when done if the
52 minute read
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Wedding Cake I
Wedding Cake I
Cream the butter, add sugar gradually, and beat thoroughly. Separate yolks from whites of eggs, beat yolks until thick and lemon-colored, whites until stiff and dry, and add to first mixture. Add flour (excepting one-third cup, which should be reserved to dredge fruit) mixed and sifted with spices, brandy, and lemon juice. Then add fruit, except citron, dredged with reserved flour. Dredge citron with flour and put in layers between cake mixture when putting in the pan. Bake same as English Fruit
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Wedding Cake II
Wedding Cake II
Cream the butter, add sugar gradually, and beat thoroughly. Separate yolks from whites of eggs, and beat yolks until thick and lemon-colored. Add to first mixture, then add flour (excepting one-third cup, which should be reserved to dredge fruit), mixed and sifted with spices, fruit dredged with flour, lemon rind and orange rind finely chopped, brandy, chocolate, and whites of eggs beaten until stiff and dry. Just before putting into pans, add soda dissolved in hot water. Cover pans with buttere
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Imperial Cake
Imperial Cake
Mix same as Pound Cake, adding raisins dredged with flour, and nuts at the last....
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Cream Filling
Cream Filling
Mix dry ingredients, add eggs slightly beaten, and pour on gradually scalded milk. Cook fifteen minutes in double boiler, stirring constantly until thickened, afterwards occasionally. Cool and flavor....
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Chocolate Cream Filling
Chocolate Cream Filling
Put one and one-fourth squares Baker’s chocolate in a saucepan and melt over hot water. Add to Cream Filling, using in making one cup sugar in place of seven-eighths cup....
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Coffee Cream Filling
Coffee Cream Filling
Flavor Cream Filling with one and one-half tablespoons coffee extract....
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French Cream Filling
French Cream Filling
Dilute cream with milk and beat until stiff, using Dover egg-beater. Add sugar, white of egg beaten until stiff, and vanilla....
14 minute read
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Strawberry Filling
Strawberry Filling
Beat cream until stiff, using Dover egg-beater, add sugar, white of egg beaten until stiff, strawberries mashed, and vanilla....
15 minute read
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Lemon Filling
Lemon Filling
Mix sugar and flour, add grated rind, lemon juice, and egg slightly beaten. Put butter in saucepan; when melted, add mixture, and stir constantly until boiling-point is reached. Care must be taken that mixture does not adhere to bottom of saucepan. Cool before spreading....
21 minute read
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Orange Filling
Orange Filling
Mix ingredients in order given. Cook ten minutes in double boiler, stirring constantly. Cool before spreading....
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Chocolate Filling
Chocolate Filling
Melt chocolate over hot water, add one-half the sugar, and milk; add remaining sugar, and yolk of egg; then cook in double boiler until it thickens, stirring constantly at first, that mixture may be perfectly smooth. Cool slightly, flavor, and spread....
19 minute read
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Nut or Fruit Filling
Nut or Fruit Filling
To White Mountain Cream add chopped walnuts, almonds, figs, dates, or raisins, separately or in combination....
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Cocoanut Filling
Cocoanut Filling
Beat whites of eggs on a platter with a fork until stiff. Add enough powdered sugar to spread. Spread over cake, sprinkle thickly with cocoanut. Use for layer cake, having filling between and on top....
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Lemon Cocoanut Cream
Lemon Cocoanut Cream
Mix lemon juice and rind with sugar and yolks of eggs slightly beaten; cook ten minutes in double boiler, stirring constantly; then add cocoanut. Cool, and use as a filling for Corn-starch Cake, or any cake made from the whites of eggs....
19 minute read
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Fig Filling
Fig Filling
Mix ingredients in the order given and cook in double boiler until thick enough to spread. Spread while hot. Figs may be chopped quickly by forcing through a meat chopper, stirring occasionally....
16 minute read
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Marshmallow Paste
Marshmallow Paste
Put sugar and milk in a saucepan, heat slowly to boiling-point without stirring, and boil six minutes. Break marshmallows in pieces and melt in double boiler, add hot water, and cook until mixture is smooth, then add hot syrup gradually, stirring constantly. Beat until cool enough to spread, then add vanilla. This may be used for both filling and frosting....
24 minute read
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Pistachio Paste
Pistachio Paste
To Marshmallow Paste add a few drops extract of almond, one-third cup pistachio nuts blanched and chopped, and leaf green to color. Use same as Marshmallow Paste....
8 minute read
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Prune Almond Filling
Prune Almond Filling
To White Mountain Cream (see p. 528 ) add one-half cup selected prunes, stoned and cut in pieces, and one-third cup almonds blanched and chopped....
9 minute read
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Confectioners’ Frosting
Confectioners’ Frosting
To liquid add enough sifted sugar to make of right consistency to spread; then add flavoring. Fresh fruit juice may be used in place of boiling water. This is a most satisfactory frosting, and is both easily and quickly made....
16 minute read
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Orange Frosting
Orange Frosting
Add rind to brandy and fruit juices; let stand fifteen minutes. Strain, and add gradually to yolk of egg slightly beaten. Stir in confectioners’ sugar until of right consistency to spread....
18 minute read
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Gelatine Frosting
Gelatine Frosting
Dissolve gelatine in boiling water. Add sugar and flavoring and beat until of right consistency to spread. Crease in squares when slightly hardened....
14 minute read
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Plain Frosting
Plain Frosting
Beat white of egg until stiff; add water and sugar. Beat thoroughly, then add flavoring. Use more sugar if needed. Spread with a broad-bladed knife....
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Chocolate Frosting I
Chocolate Frosting I
Melt chocolate over hot water, add cream gradually, salt, yolk of egg, and butter. Stir in confectioners’ sugar until of right consistency to spread; then add flavoring....
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Chocolate Frosting II
Chocolate Frosting II
Boil sugar and water, without stirring, until syrup will thread when dropped from tip of spoon. Pour syrup gradually on melted chocolate, and continue beating until of right consistency to spread; then add flavoring....
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Chocolate Frosting III
Chocolate Frosting III
Melt chocolate over boiling water, add butter and hot water. Cool, and add sugar to make of right consistency to spread. Flavor with vanilla....
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White Mountain Cream
White Mountain Cream
Put sugar and water in saucepan, and stir to prevent sugar from adhering to saucepan; heat gradually to boiling-point, and boil without stirring until syrup will thread when dropped from tip of spoon or tines of silver fork. Pour syrup gradually on beaten white of egg, beating mixture constantly, and continue beating until of right consistency to spread; then add flavoring and pour over cake, spreading evenly with back of spoon. Crease as soon as firm. If not beaten long enough, frosting will ru
47 minute read
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Ice Cream Frosting
Ice Cream Frosting
Follow directions for White Mountain Cream....
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Boiled Frosting
Boiled Frosting
Make same as White Mountain Cream. This frosting, on account of the larger quantity of egg, does not stiffen so quickly as White Mountain Cream, therefore is more successfully made by the inexperienced....
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Boiled Chocolate Frosting
Boiled Chocolate Frosting
To White Mountain Cream or Boiled Frosting add one and one half squares melted chocolate as soon as syrup is added to whites of eggs....
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Brown Frosting
Brown Frosting
Make same as Boiled Frosting, using brown sugar in place of white sugar....
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Maple Sugar Frosting
Maple Sugar Frosting
Break sugar in small pieces, put in saucepan with boiling water, and stir occasionally until sugar is dissolved. Boil without stirring until syrup will thread when dropped from tip of spoon. Pour syrup gradually on beaten whites, beating mixture constantly, and continue beating until of right consistency to spread....
20 minute read
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Cream Maple Sugar Frosting
Cream Maple Sugar Frosting
Break sugar in small pieces, put in saucepan with cream, and stir occasionally until sugar is dissolved. Boil without stirring until a ball can be formed when mixture is tried in cold water. Beat until of right consistency to spread....
16 minute read
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Milk Frosting
Milk Frosting
Put butter in saucepan; when melted, add sugar and milk. Stir, to be sure that sugar does not adhere to saucepan, heat to boiling-point, and boil without stirring thirteen minutes. Remove from fire, and beat until of right consistency to spread; then add flavoring and pour over cake, spreading evenly with back of spoon. Crease as soon as firm....
23 minute read
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Caramel Frosting I
Caramel Frosting I
Make same as Milk Frosting, adding one and one-half squares melted chocolate as soon as boiling-point is reached, and flavoring with one-eighth teaspoon cinnamon....
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Caramel Frosting II
Caramel Frosting II
Mix ingredients and boil thirteen minutes. Beat until of right consistency to spread....
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Nut Caramel Frosting
Nut Caramel Frosting
Boil sugar and water as for White Mountain Cream. Pour gradually, while beating constantly, on beaten whites of eggs, and continue the beating until mixture is nearly cool. Set pan containing mixture in pan of boiling water, and cook over range, stirring constantly, until mixture becomes granular around edge of pan. Remove from pan of hot water and beat, using a spoon, until mixture will hold its shape. Add nuts and vanilla, pour on cake, and spread with back of spoon, leaving a rough surface...
34 minute read
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Opera Caramel Frosting
Opera Caramel Frosting
Boil ingredients together in a smooth granite saucepan until a ball can be formed when mixture is tried in cold water. It takes about forty minutes for boiling. Beat until of right consistency to spread....
18 minute read
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Chocolate Fudge Frosting
Chocolate Fudge Frosting
Melt butter, add cocoa, sugar, salt, and milk. Heat to boiling-point, and boil about eight minutes. Remove from fire and beat until creamy. Add vanilla and pour over cake....
17 minute read
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Mocha Frosting
Mocha Frosting
Cream butter, and add sugar gradually, continuing the beating; then add cocoa and coffee infusion, drop by drop, until of right consistency to spread or force through a pastry bag and tube....
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Fondant Icing
Fondant Icing
The mixture in which small cakes are dipped for icing is fondant, the recipe for which may be found in chapter on Confections. Cakes for dipping must first be glazed. To Glaze Cakes. Beat white of one egg slightly, and add one tablespoon powdered sugar. Apply with a brush to top and sides of cakes. After glazing, cakes should stand over night before dipping. To Dip Cakes. Melt fondant over hot water, and color and flavor as desired. Stir, to prevent crust from forming on top. Take cake to be dip
44 minute read
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Marshmallow Frosting
Marshmallow Frosting
Melt one cup white fondant; add the white of one egg beaten until stiff, and stir over the fire two minutes. Remove from range, and beat until of right consistency to spread. Flavor with one-fourth teaspoon water white vanilla. This is a most delicious frosting for chocolate cake, but will never spread perfectly smooth....
15 minute read
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Ornamental Frosting I
Ornamental Frosting I
Boil sugar and water until syrup when dropped from tip of spoon forms a long thread. Pour syrup gradually on beaten whites of eggs, beating constantly; then add acid and continue beating. When stiff enough to spread, put a thin coating over cake. Beat remaining frosting until cold and stiff enough to keep in shape after being forced through a pastry tube. After first coating on cake has hardened, cover with a thicker layer, and crease for cutting. If frosting is too stiff to spread smoothly, thi
36 minute read
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Ornamental Frosting II
Ornamental Frosting II
Put eggs in a large bowl, add two tablespoons sugar, and beat three minutes, using a perforated wooden spoon. Repeat until one and one-half cups sugar are used. Add lemon juice gradually, as mixture thickens. Continue adding sugar by spoonfuls, and beating until frosting is stiff enough to spread. This may be determined by taking up some of mixture on back of spoon, and with a case knife making a cut through mixture; if knife makes a clean cut and frosting remains parted, it is of right consiste
1 minute read
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Work together almond paste and sugar on a smooth board or marble slab. Then add whites of eggs gradually, and work until mixture is perfectly smooth. Confectioners at first use the hand, afterwards a palette knife, which is not only of use for mixing but for keeping board clean. Shape, using a pastry bag and tube, on a tin sheet covered with buttered paper, one-half inch apart; or drop mixture from tip of spoon in small piles. Macaroon mixture is stiff enough to hold its shape, but in baking spr
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Almond Macaroons
Almond Macaroons
Sprinkle Macaroons, before baking, with almonds blanched and shredded, or chopped....
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Mix same as Macaroons. Shape mixture, which is quite soft, in a long roll. Cut pieces from roll three-fourths inch long. Roll each separately in chopped nuts, at the same time shaping to form a crescent. Bake twenty minutes on a buttered tin sheet in a slow oven. Cool, and frost with Confectioners’ Frosting, made thin enough to apply with a brush, and flavored with lemon juice until quite acid. Other nuts may be used in place of almonds....
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Cinnamon Bars
Cinnamon Bars
Mix same as Macaroons. Dredge a board with sugar, knead mixture slightly, and shape in a long roll. Pat, and roll one-fourth inch thick, using a rolling-pin. After rolling the piece should be four inches wide. Spread with frosting made of white of one egg and two-thirds cup confectioners’ sugar beaten together until stiff enough to spread. Cut in strips four inches long by three-fourths inch wide. This must be quickly done, as a crust soon forms over frosting. To accomplish this, use two knives,
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Use Cinnamon Bar mixture. Cover with frosting colored with fruit red. Cut in strips six inches long by one-half inch wide. As soon as cut, shape quickly, at the same time carefully, in form of horseshoes. Bake same as Cinnamon Bars. When cool, make eight dots with chocolate frosting to represent nails....
16 minute read
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Cocoanut Cakes I
Cocoanut Cakes I
Cook cocoanut, sugar, and glucose in double boiler until mixture clings to spoon, add whites of eggs, stir vigorously, and cook until mixture feels sticky when tried between the fingers. Spread in a wet pan, cover with wet paper, and chill on ice. Shape in small balls, first dipping hands in cold water. Bake twenty minutes in a slow oven on a tin sheet greased with white wax....
27 minute read
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Cocoanut Cakes II
Cocoanut Cakes II
Cook, shape, and bake same as Cocoanut Cakes I....
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Stuffed Dates I
Stuffed Dates I
Make a cut the entire length of dates and remove stones. Fill cavities with castanea nuts, English walnuts, or blanched almonds, and shape in original form. Roll in granulated sugar. Pile in rows on a small plate covered with a doily. If castanea nuts are used, with a sharp knife cut off the brown skin which lies next to shell....
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Stuffed Dates II
Stuffed Dates II
Remove stones from dates and fill cavities with Neufchâtel cheese....
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Salted Almonds I
Salted Almonds I
Blanch one-fourth pound Jordan almonds and dry on a towel. Put one-third cup olive oil in a very small saucepan. When hot, put in one-fourth of the almonds and fry until delicately browned, stirring to keep almonds constantly in motion. Remove with a spoon or small skimmer, taking up as little oil as possible. Drain on brown paper and sprinkle with salt; repeat until all are fried. It may be necessary to remove some of the salt by wiping nuts with a napkin....
23 minute read
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Salted Almonds II
Salted Almonds II
Prepare almonds as for Salted Almonds I. Fry in one-third cup fat, using half lard and half clarified butter or all cocoanut butter. Drain, and sprinkle with salt....
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Salted Peanuts
Salted Peanuts
In buying peanuts for salting, get those which have not been roasted. Remove skins and fry same as Salted Almonds I or II....
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Salted Pecans
Salted Pecans
Shelled pecans may be bought by the pound, which is much the best way when used for salting, as it is difficult to remove the nut meat without breaking. Fry same as salted Almonds I or II. Care must be taken that they do not remain in fat too long; having a dark skin, color does not determine when they are sufficiently cooked....
18 minute read
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Parisian Sweets
Parisian Sweets
Pick over and remove stems from figs and stones from dates. Mix fruit with walnut meat, and force through a meat chopper. Work, using the hands, on a board dredged with confectioners’ sugar, until well blended. Roll to one-fourth inch thickness, using confectioners’ sugar for dredging board and pin. Shape with a small round cutter, first dipped in sugar, or cut with a sharp knife in three-fourth inch squares. Roll each piece in confectioners’ sugar, and shake to remove superfluous sugar. Pack in
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Sugared Popped Corn
Sugared Popped Corn
Put butter in saucepan, and when melted add sugar and water. Bring to boiling-point, and let boil sixteen minutes. Pour over corn, and stir until every kernel is well coated with sugar....
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Molasses Candy
Molasses Candy
An iron kettle with a rounding bottom (Scotch kettle) or copper kettle is best for candy making. If one has no copper kettle, a granite kettle is best for sugar candies. Put butter in kettle, place over fire, and when melted, add molasses and sugar. Stir until sugar is dissolved. During the first of the boiling stirring is unnecessary, but when nearly cooked, it should be constantly stirred. Boil until, when tried in cold water, mixture will become brittle. Add vinegar just before taking from fi
46 minute read
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Velvet Molasses Candy
Velvet Molasses Candy
Put first four ingredients in kettle placed over front of range. As soon as boiling-point is reached, add cream of tartar. Boil until, when tried in cold water, mixture will become brittle. Stir constantly during last part of cooking. When nearly done, add butter and soda. Pour into a buttered pan and pull same as Molasses Candy. While pulling, add one teaspoon vanilla, one-half teaspoon lemon extract, few drops oil of peppermint, or few drops oil of wintergreen....
34 minute read
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Boil ingredients (except fondant) until, when tried in cold water, a firm ball may be formed in the fingers, not stirring until the last few minutes of cooking. Pour on a buttered platter, and when cool enough to handle, pull until light-colored. Shape on a floured board, having strip wide enough to enclose a roll of fondant one inch in diameter. Place fondant on candy, bring edges of candy together, and press firmly over fondant. With both hands pull candy into a long strip. Cut in small pieces
41 minute read
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Vinegar Candy
Vinegar Candy
Put butter into kettle; when melted, add sugar and vinegar. Stir until sugar is dissolved, afterwards occasionally. Boil until, when tried in cold water, mixture will become brittle. Turn on a buttered platter to cool. Pull, and cut same as Molasses Candy....
17 minute read
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Ice Cream Candy
Ice Cream Candy
Boil ingredients together without stirring, until, when tried in cold water, mixture will become brittle. Turn on a well buttered platter to cool. As edges cool, fold towards centre. As soon as it can be handled, pull until white and glossy. While pulling, flavor as desired, using vanilla, orange extract, coffee extract, oil of sassafras, or melted chocolate. Cut in sticks or small pieces....
27 minute read
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Butter Scotch
Butter Scotch
Boil ingredients together until, when tried in cold water, mixture will become brittle. Turn into a well buttered pan; when slightly cool, mark with a sharp-pointed knife in squares. This candy is much improved by cooking a small piece of vanilla bean with other ingredients....
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Butter Taffy
Butter Taffy
Boil first five ingredients until, when tried in cold water mixture will become brittle. When nearly done, add butter, and just before turning into pan, vanilla. Cool, and mark in squares....
19 minute read
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Horehound Candy
Horehound Candy
Pour boiling water over horehound which has been separated in pieces; let stand one minute, then strain through double cheese-cloth. Put into a granite kettle with remaining ingredients, and boil until, when tried in cold water, mixture will become brittle. Turn into a buttered pan, cool slightly, then mark in small squares. Small square packages of horehound may be bought for five cents....
25 minute read
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Chocolate Caramels
Chocolate Caramels
Put butter into kettle; when melted, add molasses, sugar, and milk. Stir until sugar is dissolved, and when boiling-point is reached, add chocolate, stirring constantly until chocolate is melted. Boil until, when tried in cold water, a firm ball may be formed in the fingers. Add vanilla just after taking from fire. Turn into a buttered pan, cool, and mark in small squares....
27 minute read
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Nut Chocolate Caramels
Nut Chocolate Caramels
To Chocolate Caramels add the meat from one pound English walnuts broken in pieces, or one-half pound almonds blanched and chopped....
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Rich Chocolate Caramels
Rich Chocolate Caramels
Put butter in saucepan and when melted add milk, sugar and molasses. When boiling-point is reached add chocolate, and cook until brittle when tried in cold water, stirring occasionally to prevent mixture from adhering to pan. Remove from fire, beat three minutes, add nut meats and vanilla, and turn into a buttered pan. When cold cut in squares and wrap in paraffine paper....
29 minute read
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Peanut Nougat
Peanut Nougat
Shell, remove skins, and finely chop peanuts. Sprinkle with one-fourth teaspoon salt. Put sugar in a perfectly smooth granite saucepan, place on range, and stir constantly until melted to a syrup, taking care to keep sugar from sides of pan. Add nut meat, pour at once into a warm buttered tin, and mark in small squares. If sugar is not removed from range as soon as melted, it will quickly caramelize....
23 minute read
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Nut Bar
Nut Bar
Cover the bottom of a buttered shallow pan with one and one-third cups nut meat (castaneas, English walnuts, or almonds) cut in quarters. Pour over one pound sugar, melted as for Peanut Nougat. Mark in bars....
10 minute read
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French Nougat
French Nougat
Put sugar in a saucepan, place on range, and stir constantly until melted; add almonds, and pour on an oiled marble. Fold mixture as it spreads with a broad-bladed knife, keeping it constantly in motion. Divide in four parts, and as soon as cool enough to handle shape in long rolls about one-third inch in diameter, keeping rolls in motion until almost cold. When cold, snap in pieces one and one-half inches long. This is done by holding roll at point to be snapped over the sharp edge of a broad-b
49 minute read
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Nougatine Drops
Nougatine Drops
Drop French Nougat mixture from the tip of a spoon on an oiled marble very soon after taking from fire. These drops have a rough surface. When cold, dip in melted confectioners’ chocolate....
9 minute read
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Wintergreen Wafers
Wintergreen Wafers
Soak gum tragacanth in water twenty-four hours and rub through a fine wire sieve; add enough confectioners’ sugar to knead. Flavor with a few drops of oil of wintergreen. If liked pink, color with fruit red. Roll until very thin on a board or marble dredged with sugar. Shape with a small round cutter or cut in three-fourths inch squares. Spread wafers, cover, and let stand until dry and brittle. This mixture may be flavored with oil of lemon, clove, sassafras, etc., and colored as desired....
30 minute read
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Cocoanut Cream Candy
Cocoanut Cream Candy
Put butter into granite saucepan; when melted, add sugar and milk, and stir until sugar is dissolved. Heat to boiling-point, and boil twelve minutes; remove from fire, add cocoanut and vanilla, and beat until creamy and mixture begins to sugar slightly around edge of saucepan. Pour at once into a buttered pan, cool slightly, and mark in squares. One-half cup nut meat, broken in pieces, may be used in place of cocoanut....
28 minute read
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Chocolate Cream Candy
Chocolate Cream Candy
Put butter into granite saucepan; when melted, add sugar and milk. Heat to boiling-point; then add chocolate, and stir constantly until chocolate is melted. Boil thirteen minutes, remove from fire, add vanilla, and beat until creamy and mixture begins to sugar slightly around edge of saucepan. Pour at once into a buttered pan, cool slightly, and mark in squares. Omit vanilla, if desired, and add, while cooking, one-fourth teaspoon cinnamon....
27 minute read
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Maple Sugar Candy
Maple Sugar Candy
Break sugar in pieces; put into a saucepan with cream and water. Bring to boiling-point, and boil until a soft ball is formed when tried in cold water. Remove from fire, beat until creamy, add nut meat, and pour into a buttered tin. Cool slightly, and mark in squares....
24 minute read
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Sultana Caramels
Sultana Caramels
Put butter into a saucepan; when melted, add sugar, milk, and molasses. Heat to boiling-point, and boil seven minutes. Add chocolate, and stir until chocolate is melted; then boil seven minutes longer. Remove from fire, beat until creamy, add nuts, raisins, and vanilla, and pour at once into a buttered tin. Cool slightly, and mark in squares. The nut meats and raisins may be omitted....
32 minute read
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Boil first three ingredients until, when tried in cold water, a soft ball may be formed. Remove from fire, and beat until of a creamy consistency; add nuts, and drop from tip of spoon in small piles on buttered paper, or mixture may be poured into a buttered tin and cut in squares, using a sharp knife....
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Creamed Walnuts
Creamed Walnuts
Put egg, water, and vanilla in a bowl, and beat until well blended. Add sugar gradually until stiff enough to knead. Shape in balls, flatten, and place halves of walnuts opposite each other on each piece. Sometimes all the sugar will not be required....
21 minute read
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Put sugar and water into a granite saucepan and stir until sugar is dissolved. Boil ten minutes; remove from fire, add peppermint, and beat until of right consistency. Drop from tip of spoon on slightly buttered paper....
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Eleven tests are considered for boiling sugar:— Fondant, the basis of all French candy, is made of sugar and water boiled together (with a small quantity of cream of tartar to prevent sugar from granulating) to soft ball, 238° F. The professional confectioner is able to decide when syrup has boiled to the right temperature by sound while boiling, and by testing in cold water; these tests at first seem somewhat difficult to the amateur, but only a little experience is necessary to make fondant su
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Rolled Bread
Rolled Bread
Cut fresh bread, while still warm, in as thin slices as possible, using a very sharp knife. Spread evenly with butter which has been creamed. Roll slices separately, and tie each with baby ribbon....
9 minute read
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Bread and Butter Folds
Bread and Butter Folds
Remove end slice from bread. Spread end of loaf sparingly and evenly with butter which has been creamed. Cut off as thin a slice as possible. Repeat until the number of slices required are prepared. Remove crusts, put together in pairs, and cut in squares, oblongs, or triangles. Use white, entire wheat, Graham, or brown bread. Three layer sandwiches are attractive when made of entire wheat bread between white slices....
21 minute read
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Lettuce Sandwiches
Lettuce Sandwiches
Put fresh, crisp lettuce leaves, washed and thoroughly dried, between thin slices of buttered bread prepared as for Bread and Butter Folds, having a teaspoon of Mayonnaise on each leaf....
8 minute read
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Egg Sandwiches
Egg Sandwiches
Chop finely the whites of “hard-boiled” eggs; force the yolks through a strainer or potato ricer. Mix yolks and whites, season with salt and pepper, and moisten with Mayonnaise or Cream Salad Dressing. Spread mixture between thin slices of buttered bread prepared as for Bread and Butter Folds....
13 minute read
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Sardine Sandwiches
Sardine Sandwiches
Remove skin and bones from sardines, and mash to a paste. Add to an equal quantity of yolks of “hard-boiled” eggs rubbed through a sieve. Season with salt, cayenne, and a few drops of lemon juice; moisten with olive oil or melted butter. Spread mixture between thin slices of buttered bread prepared as for Bread and Butter Folds....
16 minute read
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Sliced Ham Sandwiches
Sliced Ham Sandwiches
Slice cold boiled ham as thinly as possible. Put between thin slices of buttered bread prepared as for Bread and Butter Folds....
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Chopped Ham Sandwiches
Chopped Ham Sandwiches
Finely chop cold boiled ham, and moisten with Sauce Tartare. Spread between thin slices of buttered bread prepared as for Bread and Butter Folds....
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Anchovy Sandwiches
Anchovy Sandwiches
Rub the yolks of “hard-boiled eggs” to a paste. Moisten with soft butter and season with Anchovy essence. Spread mixture between thin slices of buttered bread prepared as for Bread and Butter Folds....
9 minute read
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Chicken Sandwiches
Chicken Sandwiches
Chop cold boiled chicken, and moisten with Mayonnaise or Cream Salad Dressing; or season with salt and pepper, and moisten with rich chicken stock. Prepare as other sandwiches....
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Lobster Sandwiches
Lobster Sandwiches
Remove lobster meat from shell, and chop. Season with salt, cayenne, made mustard, and lemon juice; or moisten with any salad dressing. Spread mixture on a crisp lettuce leaf, and prepare as other sandwiches....
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Lobster Sandwiches à la Boulevard
Lobster Sandwiches à la Boulevard
Mix an equal quantity of finely chopped lobster meat and the yolks of “hard-boiled” eggs forced through a sieve. Moisten with melted butter, and season with German mustard, beef extract diluted with a very small quantity of boiling water, and salt. Spread mixture between thin slices of buttered bread, remove crusts, and cut into fancy shapes. A small quantity of lobster meat is most successfully utilized in this way....
20 minute read
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Oyster Sandwiches
Oyster Sandwiches
Arrange fried oysters on crisp lettuce leaves, allowing two oysters for each leaf, and one leaf for each sandwich. Prepare as other sandwiches....
6 minute read
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Nut and Cheese Sandwiches
Nut and Cheese Sandwiches
Mix equal parts of grated Gruyère cheese and chopped English walnut meat; then season with salt and cayenne. Prepare as other sandwiches....
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Cheese and Anchovy Sandwiches
Cheese and Anchovy Sandwiches
Cream two tablespoons butter, and add one-fourth cup grated Young America Cheese and one teaspoon vinegar. Season with salt, paprika, mustard, and anchovy essence. Spread mixture between thin slices of bread....
9 minute read
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Windsor Sandwiches
Windsor Sandwiches
Cream one-third cup butter, and add one-half cup each of finely chopped cold boiled ham and cold boiled chicken. Season with salt and paprika. Spread mixture between thin slices of bread....
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Club Sandwiches
Club Sandwiches
Arrange on slices of bread thin slices of cooked bacon; cover with slices of cold roast chicken, and cover chicken with Mayonnaise Dressing. Cover with slices of bread....
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Ginger Sandwiches
Ginger Sandwiches
Cut preserved Canton ginger in very thin slices. Prepare as other sandwiches....
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Fruit Sandwiches
Fruit Sandwiches
Remove stems and finely chop figs; add a small quantity of water, cook in double boiler until a paste is formed, then add a few drops of lemon juice. Cool mixture, and spread on thin slices of buttered bread; sprinkle with finely chopped peanuts and cover with pieces of buttered bread....
14 minute read
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Brown Bread Sandwiches
Brown Bread Sandwiches
Brown Bread to be used for sandwiches is best steamed in one-pound baking-powder boxes. Spread and cut bread as for other sandwiches. Put between layers finely chopped peanuts seasoned with salt; or grated cheese mixed with chopped English walnut meat seasoned with salt....
12 minute read
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Noisette Sandwiches
Noisette Sandwiches
Use one-half recipe for Milk and Water Bread made with entire wheat flour (see p. 54 ), and add two tablespoons molasses and one cup English walnut meats or pecan nut broken in small pieces. Let stand twenty-four hours, slice as thinly as possible, spread sparingly and evenly with butter, and put between slices orange marmalade. Remove crusts, cut in fancy shapes, and garnish with nut meats....
19 minute read
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Colonial Sandwiches
Colonial Sandwiches
Make one-half the recipe for Milk and Water Bread (see p. 54 ), using entire wheat flour, and adding one and one-half tablespoons molasses, and after the first rising adding, while kneading, one-half cup, each, candied orange peel finely cut and pecan nut meats broken in pieces. Put into buttered one-pound baking-powder tins until one-third full; let rise and bake. Cool, and make into sandwiches....
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German Sandwiches
German Sandwiches
Use Zweiback (see p. 61 ). Spread slices, thinly cut, with jelly or marmalade, and sprinkle with finely cut English walnut meats. Cover with thinly cut slices and remove crusts....
9 minute read
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Russian Sandwiches
Russian Sandwiches
Spread zephyrettes with thin slices of Neufchâtel cheese, cover with finely chopped olives moistened with Mayonnaise Dressing. Place a zephyrette over each and press together....
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Jelly Sandwiches
Jelly Sandwiches
Spread zephyrettes with quince jelly and sprinkle with chopped English walnut meat. Place a zephyrette over each and press together....
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Cheese Wafers
Cheese Wafers
Sprinkle zephyrettes with grated cheese mixed with a few grains of cayenne. Put on a sheet and bake until the cheese melts....
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Canapés are made by cutting bread in slices one-fourth inch thick, and cutting slices in strips four inches long by one and one-half inches wide, or in circular pieces. Then bread is toasted, fried in deep fat, or buttered and browned in the oven, and covered with a seasoned mixture of eggs, cheese, fish, or meat, separately or in combination. Canapés are served hot or cold, and used in place of oysters at a dinner or luncheon. At a gentleman’s dinner they are served with a glass of Sherry befor
25 minute read
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Cheese Canapés I
Cheese Canapés I
Toast circular pieces of bread, sprinkle with a thick layer of grated cheese seasoned with salt and cayenne. Place on a tin sheet and bake until cheese is melted. Serve at once....
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Cheese Canapés II
Cheese Canapés II
Spread circular pieces of toasted bread with French Mustard, then proceed as for Cheese Canapés I....
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Sardine Canapés
Sardine Canapés
Spread circular pieces of toasted bread with sardines (from which bones have been removed) rubbed to a paste, with a small quantity of creamed butter and seasoned with Worcestershire Sauce and a few grains cayenne. Place in the centre of each a stuffed olive, made by removing stone and filling cavity with sardine mixture. Around each arrange a border of the finely chopped whites of “hard-boiled” eggs....
18 minute read
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Lobster Canapés
Lobster Canapés
Finely chop lobster meat and add an equal quantity of yolks of “hard-boiled” eggs forced through a sieve. Moisten with melted butter and heavy cream, using equal parts, and season highly with salt, cayenne, German mustard and beef extract. Spread on sautéd circular slices of bread and garnish with rings cut from whites of “hard-boiled” eggs, yolks of “hard-boiled” eggs, and lobster coral forced through a sieve....
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Canapés Martha
Canapés Martha
Beat yolk one egg, add one and one-half tablespoons cream, one-fourth teaspoon salt, one-eighth teaspoon paprika, one-fourth teaspoon Worcestershire Sauce, and a few grains cayenne; then add one-fourth pound cheese cut in small pieces, and cook until smooth, stirring constantly. Spread on sautéd slices of bread, cut in fancy shapes, and cover with finely chopped lobster meat held together with a thick sauce made of Chicken Stock or cream, garnish with rings of whites of “hard-boiled” eggs, yolks
25 minute read
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Anchovy Canapés
Anchovy Canapés
Spread circular pieces of toasted bread with Anchovy Butter. Chop separately yolks and whites of “hard-boiled” eggs. Cover canapés by quarters with egg, alternating yolks and whites. Divide yolks from whites with anchovies split in two lengthwise, and pipe around a border of Anchovy Butter, using a pastry bag and tube. Lobster Canapé. — Page 554 . Canapé Martha. — Page 554 . Jelly Bag and other necessary utensils for jelly making. Page 573 . Marmalades, Jam, and Jellies, with paraffine to melt f
38 minute read
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Cheese and Olive Canapés
Cheese and Olive Canapés
Cut stale bread in one-fourth inch slices. Shape with a small oblong cutter with rounded corners. Cream butter, add an equal quantity of soft cheese, and work until smooth; then season with salt. Spread on bread and garnish with a one-fourth inch border of finely chopped olives and a piece of red or green pepper cut in fancy shape, in centre of each. To be served in place of sandwiches on a plate covered with a doily....
21 minute read
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Canapés Lorenzo
Canapés Lorenzo
Toast slices of bread cut in shape of horseshoes. Cream two tablespoons butter, and add one teaspoon white of egg. Spread slices of bread, rounding with Crab Mixture, cover with creamed butter, sprinkle with cheese, and brown in the oven. Serve on a napkin, ends towards centre of dish, and garnish with parsley. Crab Mixture. Finely chop crab meat, season with salt, cayenne, and a few drops of lemon juice, then moisten with Thick White Sauce. Lobster meat may be used in place of crab meat....
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Algonquin Canapés
Algonquin Canapés
Fry one-half tablespoon finely chopped onion, three tablespoons butter, and one-third cup chopped mushroom caps five minutes. Add two tablespoons flour, and two-thirds cup cream. Cook until mixture thickens, then add one cup finnan haddie (soaked in lukewarm water to cover forty-five minutes, then separated into flakes), two tablespoons grated cheese, and yolks two eggs slightly beaten. Season with salt and cayenne and pile on circular pieces of toasted bread. Sprinkle with grated cheese, then w
2 minute read
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Scrambled Eggs with Sweetbreads
Scrambled Eggs with Sweetbreads
Beat eggs slightly, using a silver folk, add salt, pepper, milk, and sweetbread. Put butter in hot chafing-dish; when melted, pour in the mixture. Cook until of creamy consistency, constantly stirring and scraping from bottom of the pan....
21 minute read
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Scrambled Eggs with Calf’s Brains
Scrambled Eggs with Calf’s Brains
Follow recipe for Scrambled Eggs with Sweetbreads, using calf’s brains in place of sweetbreads. To Prepare Calf’s Brains. Soak one hour in cold water to cover. Remove membrane, and parboil twenty minutes in boiling, salted, acidulated water. Drain, put in cold water; as soon as cold, drain again, and separate in small pieces....
17 minute read
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Cheese Omelet
Cheese Omelet
Beat eggs slightly, add one-half teaspoon melted butter, salt, cayenne, and cheese. Melt remaining butter, add mixture, and cook until firm, without stirring. Roll, and sprinkle with grated cheese. Serve with Graham bread sandwiches....
16 minute read
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Eggs au Beurre Noir
Eggs au Beurre Noir
Put one tablespoon butter in a hot chafing-dish; when melted, slip in carefully four eggs, one at a time. Sprinkle with salt and pepper, and cook until whites are firm. Remove to a hot platter, care being taken not to break yolks. In same dish brown two tablespoons butter, add vinegar, and pour over eggs....
21 minute read
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Eggs à la Caracas
Eggs à la Caracas
Pick over beef and chop finely, add tomatoes, cheese, onion juice, cinnamon, and cayenne. Melt butter, add mixture, and when heated, add eggs well beaten. Cook until eggs are of creamy consistency, stirring and scraping from bottom of pan....
23 minute read
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Union Grill
Union Grill
Clean one pint of oysters and drain off all the liquor possible. Put oysters in chafing-dish, and as liquor flows from oysters, remove with a spoon, and so continue until oysters are plump. Sprinkle with salt and pepper, and add two tablespoons butter. Serve on zephyrettes....
15 minute read
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Oysters à la D’Uxelles
Oysters à la D’Uxelles
Clean oysters, heat to boiling-point, and drain. Reserve liquor and strain through double thickness of cheese-cloth; there should be three-fourths cup. Cook butter and mushrooms five minutes, add flour, and oyster liquor gradually; then cook three minutes. Add seasonings, oysters, egg, and Sherry wine. Serve on zephyrettes or pieces of toasted bread....
27 minute read
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Oysters à la Thorndike
Oysters à la Thorndike
Clean and drain oysters. Melt butter, add oysters, and cook until oysters are plump. Then add seasonings, cream, and egg yolks slightly beaten. Cook until sauce is slightly thickened, stirring constantly. Serve on zephyrettes or pieces of toasted bread....
21 minute read
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Jack’s Oyster Ragout
Jack’s Oyster Ragout
Parboil fresh honeycomb tripe, and cut in three-fourths inch pieces; there should be one cup. Add an equal quantity of small boiled onions, and twice the quantity of raw oysters which have been previously cleaned. Melt three tablespoons butter, add four tablespoons flour, and pour on gradually while stirring constantly one and one-half cups thin cream. Add tripe, onion, and oysters. When thoroughly heated add yolks two eggs slightly beaten, and season highly with salt, pepper, and paprika. Serve
25 minute read
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Lobster à la Delmonico
Lobster à la Delmonico
Remove lobster meat from shell and cut in small cubes. Melt butter, add flour, seasonings, and cream gradually. Add lobster, and when heated, add egg yolks and wine....
20 minute read
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Lobster à la Newburg
Lobster à la Newburg
Remove lobster meat from shell and cut in slices. Melt butter, add lobster, and cook three minutes. Add seasonings and wine, cook one minute, then add cream and yolks of eggs slightly beaten. Stir until thickened. Serve with toast or Puff Paste Points....
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Clams à la Newburg
Clams à la Newburg
Clean clams, remove soft parts, and finely chop hard parts. Melt butter, add chopped clams, seasonings, and wine. Cook eight minutes, add soft part of clams, and cream. Cook two minutes, then add egg yolks slightly beaten, diluted with some of the hot sauce....
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Shrimps à la Newburg
Shrimps à la Newburg
Clean shrimps and cook three minutes in two tablespoons butter. Add salt, cayenne, and lemon juice, and cook one minute. Remove shrimps, and put remaining butter in chafing-dish, add flour and cream; when thickened, add yolks of eggs slightly beaten, shrimps, and wine. Serve with toast or Puff Paste Points....
27 minute read
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Fish à la Provençale
Fish à la Provençale
Make a sauce of butter, flour, and milk. Mash yolks of eggs and mix with Anchovy essence, add to sauce, then add fish. Serve as soon as heated. Serve on pieces of toasted Graham bread....
21 minute read
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Grilled Sardines
Grilled Sardines
Drain twelve sardines and cook in a chafing-dish until heated, turning frequently. Place on small oblong pieces of dry toast, and serve with Maître d’Hôtel or Lemon Butter....
8 minute read
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Sardines with Anchovy Sauce
Sardines with Anchovy Sauce
Drain twelve sardines and cook in a chafing-dish until heated, turning frequently. Remove from chafing-dish. Make one cup Brown Sauce with one and one-half tablespoons sardine oil, two tablespoons flour, and one cup Brown Stock. Season with Anchovy essence. Reheat sardines in sauce. Serve with Brown Bread Sandwiches, having a slice of cucumber marinated with French Dressing between slices of bread....
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Creamed Sardines
Creamed Sardines
Drain from oil one small box sardines, remove backbones from fish, then mash. Melt one-fourth cup butter, add one-fourth cup soft stale bread crumbs, and one cup cream. When thoroughly heated add two “hard-boiled” eggs finely chopped, the sardines, salt, pepper, and paprika to taste. Serve on pieces of toasted bread....
16 minute read
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Welsh Rarebit I
Welsh Rarebit I
Melt butter, add corn-starch, and stir until well mixed, then add cream gradually, while stirring constantly, and cook two minutes. Add cheese, and stir until cheese is melted. Season, and serve on zephyrettes or bread toasted on one side, rarebit being poured over untoasted side. Much of the success of a rarebit depends upon the quality of the cheese. A rarebit should be smooth and of a creamy consistency, never stringy....
32 minute read
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Welsh Rarebit II
Welsh Rarebit II
Put butter in chafing-dish, and when melted, add cheese and seasonings; as cheese melts, add ale gradually, while stirring constantly; then egg slightly beaten. Serve same as Welsh Rarebit I....
21 minute read
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Oyster Rarebit
Oyster Rarebit
Clean, parboil, and drain oysters, reserving liquor; then remove and discard tough muscle. Melt butter, add cheese and seasonings; as cheese melts, add gradually oyster liquor, and eggs slightly beaten. As soon as mixture is smooth, add soft part of oysters. Serve on zephyrettes or bread toasted on one side, rarebit being poured over untoasted side....
27 minute read
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Tomato Rarebit
Tomato Rarebit
Put butter in chafing-dish; when melted, add flour. Pour on, gradually, cream, and as soon as mixture thickens add tomatoes mixed with soda; then add cheese, eggs, and seasonings to taste. Serve, as soon as cheese has melted, on Graham Toast....
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English Monkey
English Monkey
1 cup stale bread crumbs 1 cup milk 1 tablespoon butter ½ cup soft mild cheese, cut in small pieces 1 egg ½ teaspoon salt Few grains cayenne Soak bread crumbs fifteen minutes in milk. Melt butter, add cheese, and when cheese has melted, add soaked crumbs, egg slightly beaten, and seasonings. Cook three minutes, and pour over toasted crackers which have been spread sparingly with butter....
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Breaded Tongue with Tomato Sauce
Breaded Tongue with Tomato Sauce
Cut cold boiled corned tongue in slices one-third inch thick. Sprinkle with salt and pepper, dip in egg and crumbs, and sauté in butter. Serve with Tomato Sauce I....
9 minute read
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Scotch Woodcock
Scotch Woodcock
Make a thin white sauce of butter, flour, milk, and seasonings; add eggs finely chopped, and season with Anchovy essence. Serve same as Welsh Rarebit I....
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Shredded Ham with Currant Jelly Sauce
Shredded Ham with Currant Jelly Sauce
Put butter and currant jelly into the chafing-dish. As soon as melted, add cayenne, wine, and ham; simmer five minutes....
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Venison Cutlets with Apples
Venison Cutlets with Apples
Wipe, core, and cut four apples in one-fourth inch slices. Sprinkle with powdered sugar, and add one-third cup Port wine; cover, and let stand thirty minutes. Drain, and sauté in butter. Cut a slice of venison one-half inch thick in cutlets. Sprinkle with salt and pepper, and cook three or four minutes in a hot chafing-dish, using just enough butter to prevent sticking. Remove from dish; then melt three tablespoons butter, add wine drained from apples, and twelve candied cherries cut in halves.
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Mutton with Currant Jelly Sauce
Mutton with Currant Jelly Sauce
Brown the butter, add flour, seasonings, and stock, gradually; then add jelly, and when melted, add mutton. When meat is heated, add wine. If mutton gravy is at hand, use instead of making a Brown Sauce....
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Minced Mutton
Minced Mutton
Mash the yolks, and season with mustard, salt, and cayenne. Add cream and mutton. When thoroughly heated add wine. Serve on toast....
18 minute read
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Devilled Bones
Devilled Bones
Melt butter, and add Chili Sauce, Worcestershire Sauce, Walnut Catsup, mustard, and cayenne. Cut four small gashes in each piece of chicken. Sprinkle with salt and pepper, dredge with flour, and cook in the seasoned butter until well browned. Pour on stock, simmer five minutes, and sprinkle with chopped parsley....
32 minute read
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Devilled Almonds
Devilled Almonds
Fry almonds until well browned, using enough butter to prevent almonds from burning. Mix remaining ingredients, pour over nuts, and serve as soon as thoroughly heated. Serve with oysters....
19 minute read
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Devilled Chestnuts
Devilled Chestnuts
Shell one cup chestnuts, cut in thin slices, and fry until well browned, using enough butter to prevent chestnuts from burning. Season with Tabasco Sauce or few grains paprika....
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Fruit Canapés
Fruit Canapés
Make German Toast in circular pieces, cover with stewed prunes, figs, or jam. Serve with Cream Sauce I....
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Peach Canapés
Peach Canapés
Sauté circular pieces of sponge cake in butter until delicately browned. Drain canned peaches, sprinkle with powdered sugar, few drops lemon juice, and slight grating nutmeg. Melt one tablespoon butter, add peaches, and when heated, serve on cake....
11 minute read
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Fig Cups
Fig Cups
Stuff figs with almonds. Put sugar, lemon juice, and wine in chafing-dish; when heated, add figs, cover, and cook until figs are tender, turning and basting often. Serve with Lady Fingers. Fruits are usually at their best when served ripe and in season; however, a few cannot be taken in their raw state, and still others are rendered more easy of digestion by cooking. The methods employed are stewing and baking. Fruit should be cooked in earthen or granite ware utensils, and silver or wooden spoo
45 minute read
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How to Prepare Strawberries for Serving
How to Prepare Strawberries for Serving
1. Pick over strawberries, place in colander, pour over cold water, drain thoroughly, hull, and turn into dish. Serve with powdered sugar and cream. 2. Pick over selected strawberries, place in colander, pour over cold water, and drain thoroughly. Press powdered sugar into cordial glasses. Remove from glasses on centres of fruit plates. Arrange twelve berries around each mound of sugar. Berries served in this way should not be hulled....
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How to Prepare Cantaloupes and Muskmelons for Serving
How to Prepare Cantaloupes and Muskmelons for Serving
Cantaloupes and muskmelons should be very ripe and thoroughly chilled in ice box before being prepared for serving. Wipe melons,—if small, cut in halves lengthwise; if larger, cut in sections, and remove seeds and stringy portion. If one-half is served as a portion, put in cavity one tablespoon crushed ice. Serve with salt or powdered sugar....
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How to Prepare Grapes for Serving
How to Prepare Grapes for Serving
Put bunches in colander and pour over cold water, drain, chill, and arrange on serving dish. Imperfect grapes, as well as those under-ripe or over-ripe, should be removed. Garnish with grape leaves, if at hand....
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Ways of Preparing Oranges for Serving
Ways of Preparing Oranges for Serving
1. Wipe orange and cut in halves crosswise. Place one-half on a fruit plate, having an orange spoon or teaspoon on plate at right of fruit. 2. Peel an orange and remove as much of the white portion as possible. Remove pulp by sections, which may be accomplished by using a sharp knife and cutting pulp from tough portion first on one side of section, then on the other. Should there be any white portion of skin remaining on pulp it should be cut off. Arrange sections on glass dish or fruit plate. I
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How to Prepare Grape Fruit for Serving
How to Prepare Grape Fruit for Serving
Wipe grape fruit and cut in halves crosswise. With a small, sharp-pointed knife make a cut separating pulp from skin around entire circumference; then make cuts separating pulp from tough portion which divides fruit into sections. Remove tough portion in one piece, which may be accomplished by one cutting with scissors at stem or blossom end close to skin. Sprinkle fruit pulp left in grape fruit skin generously with sugar. Let stand ten minutes, and serve very cold. Place on fruit plate and garn
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Grape Fruit with Sherry
Grape Fruit with Sherry
Prepare grape fruit for serving, add to each portion one tablespoon Sherry wine, and let stand one hour in ice box or cold place....
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Grape Fruit with Apricot Brandy
Grape Fruit with Apricot Brandy
Prepare grape fruit for serving and add to each portion one-half tablespoon apricot brandy....
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Grape Fruit with Sloe Gin
Grape Fruit with Sloe Gin
Prepare grape fruit for serving and add to each portion one-half tablespoon sloe gin....
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Fruit Cocktail
Fruit Cocktail
Remove pulp from grape fruit, and mix with shredded pineapple, bananas cut in slices and slices cut in quarters, and strawberries cut in halves, using half as much pineapple and banana as grape fruit, and allowing four strawberries to each serve. There should be two cups fruit. Pour over a dressing made of one-third cup Sherry wine, three tablespoons apricot brandy, one-half cup sugar, and a few grains salt. Chill thoroughly, serve in double cocktail glasses, and garnish with candied cherries an
23 minute read
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Baked Apples
Baked Apples
Wipe and core sour apples. Put in a baking-dish, and fill cavities with sugar and spice. Allow one-half cup sugar and one-fourth teaspoon cinnamon or nutmeg to eight apples. If nutmeg is used, a few drops lemon juice and few gratings from rind of lemon to each apple is an improvement. Cover bottom of dish with boiling water, and bake in a hot oven until soft, basting often with syrup in dish. Serve hot or cold with cream. Many prefer to pare apples before baking. When this is done, core before p
36 minute read
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Baked Sweet Apples
Baked Sweet Apples
Wipe and core eight sweet apples. Put in a baking-dish, and fill cavities with sugar, allowing one-third cup, or sweeten with molasses. Add two-thirds cup boiling water. Cover, and bake three hours in a slow oven, adding more water if necessary....
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Apple Sauce
Apple Sauce
Wipe, quarter, core, and pare eight sour apples. Make a syrup by boiling seven minutes one cup sugar and one cup water with thin shaving from rind of a lemon. Remove lemon, add enough apples to cover bottom of saucepan, watch carefully during cooking, and remove as soon as soft. Continue until all are cooked. Strain remaining syrup over apples....
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Spiced Apple Sauce
Spiced Apple Sauce
Wipe, quarter, core, and pare eight sour apples. Put in a saucepan, sprinkle with one cup sugar, add eight cloves, and enough water to prevent apples from burning. Cook to a mush, stirring occasionally....
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Apple Ginger
Apple Ginger
Wipe, quarter, core, pare, and chop sour apples; there should be two and one-half pounds. Put in a stewpan and add one and one-half pounds light brown sugar, juice and rind of one and one-half lemons, one-half ounce ginger root, a few grains salt, and enough water to prevent apples from burning. Cover, and cook slowly four hours, adding water as necessary. Apple Ginger may be kept for several weeks....
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Apple Porcupine
Apple Porcupine
Make a syrup by boiling eight minutes one and one-half cups sugar and one and one-half cups water. Wipe, core, and pare eight apples. Put apples in syrup as soon as pared, that they may not discolor. Cook until soft, occasionally skimming syrup during cooking. Apples cook better covered with the syrup; therefore it is better to use a deep saucepan and have two cookings. Drain apples from syrup, cool, fill cavities with jelly, marmalade, or preserved fruit, and stick apples with almonds blanched
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Baked Bananas I
Baked Bananas I
Remove skins from six bananas and cut in halves lengthwise. Put in a shallow granite pan or on an old platter. Mix two tablespoons melted butter, one-third cup sugar, and two tablespoons lemon juice. Baste bananas with one-half the mixture. Bake twenty minutes in a slow oven, basting during baking with remaining mixture....
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Baked Bananas II
Baked Bananas II
Arrange bananas in a shallow pan, cover, and bake until skins become very dark in color. Remove from skins, and serve hot sprinkled with sugar....
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Sautéd Bananas
Sautéd Bananas
Remove skins from bananas, cut in halves lengthwise, and again cut in halves crosswise. Dredge with flour, and sauté in clarified butter. Drain, and sprinkle with powdered sugar....
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Baked Peaches
Baked Peaches
Peel, cut in halves, and remove stones from six peaches. Place in a shallow granite pan. Fill each cavity with one teaspoon sugar, one-half teaspoon butter, few drops lemon juice, and a slight grating nutmeg. Cook twenty minutes, and serve on circular pieces of buttered dry toast....
13 minute read
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Baked Pears
Baked Pears
Wipe, quarter, and core pears. Put in a deep pudding-dish, sprinkle with sugar or add a small quantity of molasses, then add water to prevent pears from burning. Cover, and cook two or three hours in a very slow oven. Small pears may be baked whole. Seckel pears are delicious when baked....
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Baked Quinces
Baked Quinces
Wipe, quarter, core, and pare eight quinces. Put in a baking dish, sprinkle with three-fourths cup sugar, add one and one-half cups water, cover, and cook until soft in a slow oven. Quinces require a long time for cooking....
12 minute read
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Cranberry Sauce
Cranberry Sauce
Pick over and wash three cups cranberries. Put in a stewpan, add one and one-fourth cups sugar and one cup boiling water. Cover, and boil ten minutes. Care must be taken that they do not boil over. Skim and cool....
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Cranberry Jelly
Cranberry Jelly
Pick over and wash four cups cranberries. Put in a stewpan with one cup boiling water, and boil twenty minutes. Rub through a sieve, add two cups sugar, and cook five minutes. Turn into a mould or glasses....
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Stewed Prunes
Stewed Prunes
Wash and pick over prunes. Put in a saucepan, cover with cold water, and soak two hours; then cook until soft in same water. When nearly cooked, add sugar or molasses to sweeten. Many prefer the addition of a small quantity of lemon juice....
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Rhubarb Sauce
Rhubarb Sauce
Peel and cut rhubarb in one-inch pieces. Put in a saucepan, sprinkle generously with sugar, and add enough water to prevent rhubarb from burning. Rhubarb contains such a large percentage of water that but little additional water is needed. Cook until soft. If rhubarb is covered with boiling water, allowed to stand five minutes, then drained and cooked, less sugar will be required. Rhubarb is sometimes baked in an earthen pudding-dish. If baked slowly for a long time it has a rich red color....
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Jellies are made of cooked fruit juice and sugar, in nearly all cases the proportions being equal. Where failures occur, they may usually be traced to the use of too ripe fruit. To Prepare Glasses for Jelly. Wash glasses and put in a kettle of cold water; place on range, and heat water gradually to boiling-point. Remove glasses, and drain. Place glasses while filling on a cloth wrung out of hot water. To Cover Jelly Glasses. Cut letter paper in circular pieces just to fit in top of glasses. Dip
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Raspberries and blackberries are the fruits most often employed for making jams, and require equal weight of sugar and fruit. Pick over raspberries. Mash a few in the bottom of a preserving kettle, using a wooden potato masher, and so continue until the fruit is used. Heat slowly to boiling-point, and add gradually an equal quantity of heated sugar. Cook slowly forty-five minutes. Put in a stone jar or tumblers. Follow recipe for Raspberry Jam, using blackberries in place of raspberries....
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Marmalades are made of the pulp and juice of fruits with sugar. Pick over, wash, drain, and remove stems from grapes. Separate pulp from skins. Put pulp in preserving kettle. Heat to boiling-point, and cook slowly until seeds separate from pulp; then rub through a hair sieve. Return to kettle with skins, add an equal measure of sugar, and cook slowly thirty minutes, occasionally stirring to prevent burning. Put in a stone jar or tumblers. Wipe quinces, remove blossom ends, cut in quarters, remov
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Preserving fruit is cooking it with from three-fourths to its whole weight of sugar. By so doing, much of the natural flavor of the fruit is destroyed; therefore canning is usually preferred to preserving. Canning fruit is preserving sterilized fruit in sterilized air-tight jars, the sugar being added to give sweetness. Fruits may be canned without sugar if perfectly sterilized, that is, freed from all germ life. Fruit for canning should be fresh, firm, of good quality, and not over-ripe; if ove
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Pickling is preserving in any salt or acid liquor. Pick over currants, wash, drain, and remove stems. Put in a preserving kettle, add sugar, vinegar, and spices tied in a piece of muslin. Heat to boiling-point, and cook slowly one and one-half hours. Store in a stone jar and keep in a cool place. Spiced currants are a delicious accompaniment to cold meat. Boil sugar, vinegar, and cinnamon twenty minutes. Dip peaches quickly in hot water, then rub off the fur with a towel. Stick each peach with f
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To Scald Milk. Put in top of double boiler, having water boiling in under part. Cover, and let stand on top of range until milk around edge of double boiler has a bead-like appearance. For Buttered Cracker Crumbs , allow from one-fourth to one-third cup melted butter to each cup of crumbs. Stir lightly with a fork in mixing, that crumbs may be evenly coated and light rather than compact. To Cream Butter. Put in a bowl and work with a wooden spoon until soft and of creamy consistency. Should butt
8 minute read
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Breakfast Menus
Breakfast Menus
Table laid for Breakfast. — Page 592 . Luncheon table laid for Fish Course, Soup Course presumably having been removed. — Page 594 ....
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Luncheon Menus
Luncheon Menus
Table laid for Formal Luncheon. — Page 596 . Centrepiece for Luncheon or Dinner Table. — Page 598 . Centrepiece for Thanksgiving Dinner Table. — Page 598 ....
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A Full Course Dinner First Course
A Full Course Dinner First Course
Little Neck Clams or Bluepoints, with brown-bread sandwiches. Sometimes canapés are used in place of either. For a gentleman’s dinner, canapés accompanied with Sherry wine are frequently served before guests enter the dining-room....
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Second Course
Second Course
Clear soup, with bread sticks, small rolls, or crisp crackers. Where two soups are served, one may be a cream soup. Cream soups are served with croûtons. Radishes, celery, or olives are passed after the soup. Salted almonds may be passed between any of the courses. Christmas Dinner Table. — Page 600 . Table laid for Reception. — Page 602 ....
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Third Course
Third Course
Bouchées or rissoles. The filling to be of light meat....
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Fourth Course
Fourth Course
Fish, baked, boiled, or fried. Cole-slaw, dressed cucumbers, or tomatoes accompany this course; with fried fish potatoes are often served....
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Fifth Course
Fifth Course
Roast saddle of venison or mutton, spring lamb, or fillet of beef; potatoes and one other vegetable....
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Sixth Course
Sixth Course
Entrée, made of light meat or fish....
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Seventh Course
Seventh Course
A vegetable. Mushrooms, cauliflower, asparagus, or artichokes are served....
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Eighth Course
Eighth Course
Punch or cheese course. Punch, when served, always precedes the game course....
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Ninth Course
Ninth Course
Game, with vegetable salad, usually lettuce or celery; or cheese sticks may be served with the salad, and game omitted....
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Tenth Course
Tenth Course
Dessert, usually cold....
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Eleventh Course
Eleventh Course
Frozen dessert and fancy cakes. Bonbons are passed after this course....
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Twelfth Course
Twelfth Course
Cracker, cheese, and café noir. Café noir is frequently served in the drawing and smoking rooms after the dinner. Where wines and liquors are served, the first course is not usually accompanied by either; but if desired, Sauterne or other white wine may be used. With soup, serve Sherry; with fish, white wine; with game, Claret; with roast and other courses, Champagne. After serving café noir in drawing-room, pass pony of brandy for men, sweet liqueur (Chartreuse, Benedictine, or Parfait d’Amour)
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Accolade de perdreaux. Brace of partridge. Agneau. Lamb. Agra dolce (sour sweet). An Italian sauce served with meat. À la, au, aux. With or dressed in a certain style. Allemande (à la). In German style. Ambrosia. Food for the gods. Often applied to a fruit salad. Américaine (à l’). In American style. Ancienne (à l’). In old style. Angelica. A plant, the stalks of which are preserved and used for decorating moulds. Asafetida. A gum resin. Its taste is bitter and sub-acrid, and by the Asiatics it
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One lesson weekly, for ten consecutive weeks, from 9 A. M. to 12.30 P. M. Eight pupils constitute a class. Terms: $12.00, payable on fourth lesson. Class served at close of lesson to food prepared. Previous to each lesson a talk will be given on food-principles, food-products and their dietetic value, illustrated by charts and blackboard drawings....
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One lesson weekly for ten consecutive weeks, from 2 to 5 P. M. Terms: $15.00...
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One lesson weekly for ten consecutive weeks, from 2 to 4.30 P. M. Eight pupils constitute a class. Terms: $12.00, payable on fourth lesson. Arranged to meet the needs of the young housekeeper as well as the waitress....
13 minute read
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Arranged for Nurses’ Training Classes. The specialty of the School. One lesson weekly for ten consecutive weeks, by appointment. Eight pupils constitute a class. Terms: $60.00, or $50.00 and travelling expenses if given at hospital....
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One lesson weekly, for four consecutive weeks, from 2 to 4.30 P. M. Four constitute a class. Terms: $5.00. Instruction given by charts, cuts, and visits to market....
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Given by appointment. Terms: $2.00. Materials extra....
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