18 chapters
5 hour read
Selected Chapters
18 chapters
Author's Announcement.
Author's Announcement.
A structure of enlightenment is to be built in this land, which to finish, every man of intellectual power must contribute. The structure which I refer to, is the structure of "SPIRITUAL LIBERTY," as the spiritual part of man must have room to expand and grow the same as any other God-given privilege that man is blessed with. Unless we grow in faith we become dwarfs in the worship of God. Those who go forth into the world and profess to be the teachers of men should be giants of intellect and fu
2 minute read
Chapter I.
Chapter I.
My parents were Catholics, and for this reason I suppose, is why I became a Catholic Priest. I was born in Germany, in 1847, thus you see I am now almost what the world would call an old man—56 years old. A few years ago, I was of the opinion that my life had been well spent, but to-day I firmly believe that the major part of my life has been spent in erroneous doctrines and nonsensical teachings, as the broad light of wisdom and independent thought has penetrated the dark resources of my bewild
14 minute read
Chapter II.
Chapter II.
What I will now relate is not hear-say nor something that I have read about, but it is something that know about , and which I witnessed. It is a well-known fact that Catholicism endeavors to impress her subjects with the miraculousness of latter day miracles, as she will hold up the bones of some supposed Catholic Saint, and declare to her benighted followers that if they worship these relics, they will work wonders and cure the ailment of any affliction they may be possessed of. For instance,
13 minute read
Chapter III.
Chapter III.
The Catholic Church declares that all of those who contract marriage otherwise than in the presence of a Catholic Priest, that such marriages are null and void. Catholicism further declares that your darling child, which is the fruit of your marriage, is nothing more nor less than a common bastard. How do you Protestants like to hear this? How do you feel when you know that this is the belief and opinion of all Catholic dignitaries, and this belief is taught to all the Catholic world by those wh
11 minute read
Chapter IV.
Chapter IV.
The men and women of the world, who have caused nations to advance and prosper, have never been, nor never will be Catholics, unless she discards her present mode of procedure, and this she will never do. Whenever you tear the cloak of superstition and idolatry from the form of Catholicism, you have naught left but the skeleton of abominations. The men of science and of reason, all over the world, boldly accuse the Roman Catholic Church of being the enemy of science, detesting it and desiring to
12 minute read
Chapter V.
Chapter V.
Blight girlhood and you destroy the usefulness of womankind. Tarnish the sacredness of girlhood and you scar the purity of womanhood. Deface the beautiful countenance of chastity, which is found in the bosom of girlhood, and you not only mar the happiness of girlhood, but you deface and obliterate the families of the future, for without that priceless treasure, virtue, the eternal principles of conjugal love becomes a barren waste without a single oasis. Oh, if I could but call about me in one v
11 minute read
Chapter VI.
Chapter VI.
In this chapter, we have before us the vision of two countries; one is Protestant America and the other Catholic Ecuador. Protestant America stands upon a plane of morality and chastity, which is pleasing to contemplate, and for which she can thank only the principles of Protestantism, for Protestantism teaches, by both precept and example, as she looks to the only true standard of morality that ever existed, which is the Holy Bible. But Catholicism looks only to a standard which the Pope of Rom
8 minute read
Chapter VII.
Chapter VII.
It makes my heart sick when I realize that the Government of the United States has spent hundreds of millions of dollars upon the Islands of Cuba, Porto Rico and the Philippine Islands, and, after all, these Islands are still in the grasp and the filthy embrace of the Vatican at Rome. Not only fabulous amounts of money have been spent by the United States upon these Islands, but hundreds of our noble boys in blue have given up their lives in battle and by the scourge of disease, and still Cathol
14 minute read
Chapter VIII.
Chapter VIII.
When I was living beneath the folds of the black banner of Catholicism, I sincerely and devoutly believed that to shield a Catholic criminal was a righteous and Godly calling, as I believed that to prevent the civil law from taking hold of the criminal career of a Catholic official, for his short-comings, was but an act of Godly justice. I also believed that anything that was done between the walls of a Nunnery was sanctified by the approval of those who were higher in authority in the Catholic
17 minute read
Chapter IX.
Chapter IX.
In the Book of Books, we find that the Lord of Hosts declares that, "It is not good for man to dwell alone," and our Heavenly Father also teaches us that "Every man should have one wife." Now, the Good Lord was either right or wrong when He made this declaration, and who is there that would declare that the Lord was mistaken in His injunction? Not one! Therefore, we must acknowledge that either the Lord our God made a declaration that was nonsensical and unreasonable, or else the Roman Priestcra
17 minute read
Chapter X.
Chapter X.
Catholicism teaches that the Pope of Rome is infallible and cannot sin, neither can he make a mistake. This claim, if true, would place the Pope of Rome, who is nothing more nor less than a human being, upon the same footing as Jesus Christ. The Bible says, "There are none pure; no, not one." Now, if the claim of Catholicism that the Pope of Rome is infallible, is true, then the Bible is a myth and a mockery. If Catholicism's claim that the Pope of Rome is infallible, is true, then God is not an
8 minute read
Chapter XI.
Chapter XI.
I believe that I am not presuming too much when I consider myself authority on the subject of "Character," as I have had the privilege of studying the characters of the followers of both Catholic and Protestant countries, as I have traveled extensively over both Europe and America and have had occasion to compare the characters of the followers of the Pope to the characters of the followers of Jesus Christ, and the comparison is one that will lead any sane man, or woman, and one who desires to r
8 minute read
Chapter XII.
Chapter XII.
The Catholic world does not hesitate in declaring that our public schools in this country are "Sinks of Iniquity," "Schools of Vice," and "Nurseries of Hell;" then why should the followers of Catholicism be permitted to teach in our public schools? This is a question that ought to vitally interest every Protestant father and mother in this land, and the time is not far distant until they will become interested, for just as sure as God reigns, the time is not far in the future when Catholicism wi
26 minute read
Chapter XIII.
Chapter XIII.
An institution which is allowed to flourish in this country, should be an institution whose teachers are in harmony with the fundamental principles of godliness, morality and liberty, and unless they are, the teachers at once become traitors. Now, is not this common sense logic and every-day philosophy? We want to investigate and see if this logic and philosophy is not reasonable and founded upon common sense, and if we find that it is, then any man or woman of intelligence must acknowledge that
13 minute read
Chapter XIV.
Chapter XIV.
Catholicism begins to teach her children from their infancy that no act of their officials is impure; thus their followers grow up to believe that any advancement made by these officials are made in behalf of the salvation of their souls, consequently it is an easy matter for the Priestcraft to make the female members of their congregation believe that whatever they may do or say is done and said through a righteous motive, and no stigma of disgrace can possibly attach itself to the act. With th
14 minute read
Chapter XV.
Chapter XV.
There is no nation on the face of God's green earth to-day which has been enslaved by the power of Popery, and which has been burdened by an idle and worthless army of Priests, Monks and Nuns, but what would have become, not only tired, but disgusted with their burden, if they had ever been permitted to mingle and commingle with Protestant countries, and learn that Protestantism leads to individual intellectuality and collective greatness. It is true, however, that there are many countries in So
20 minute read
Chapter XVI.
Chapter XVI.
We can only judge the future of nations and institutions by the past and present, and if we are to judge Catholicism by her past, and if we are honest with ourselves, we cannot paint a future without producing a panoramic view that is dreadful to behold, as Catholicism in the past has been an institution which always endeavored to rule by the tyranny of oppression, and her decisions and mandates to-day are the same as they were during the inquisitorial days when our Protestant forefathers were b
40 minute read
Typographical Errors Corrected The following typographical errors in the text were corrected as detailed here. On the cover page, "circumfrence" was corrected to "circumference" in the following text: "This great book has stirred America from center to circumference." In the Author's Announcement, "enlightment" was corrected to "enlightenment" in "A structure of enlightenment ..." On page 18, "Catholocism" was corrected to "Catholicism" in the following text: "... that I have shaken off this ete
3 minute read