A Boke Made By John Fryth, Prysoner In The Tower Of London
John Frith
7 chapters
4 hour read
Selected Chapters
7 chapters
The Preface
The Preface
Grace and increace of knowelege frō God the Father through oure Lorde Jesus Christ, be with the Christen reader, and with all thē that loue the Lorde vnfaynedly Amen. I chaunced beynge in these partyes, to be in companye with a Christen brother which for hys commendable conversaciō, and sobre behaueoure myght better be a Byshoppe thē many that weare myters, yf the rule of .S. Paule were regarded in their electyon. Thys brother after moche cōmunycacyō, desyred to knowe my mynde as touchynge the s
21 minute read
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Here begynneth the preface of Master Mores boke.
Here begynneth the preface of Master Mores boke.
| Master. More. | In my moste hartye wyse I recommende me vn to you, & sende you by thys brynger the wrytynge agayne whyche I receyued from you. Wherof I haue bene offered a cople of copyes mo, in the meane whyle, as late as ye wote well yt was. | Fryth. | ¶ Deare bretherne consyder these wordes & prepare you fo the crosse that Christe shall laye vpon you, as ye haue ofte bene counselled. For even as whan the wolue | 1. Pet. 2. | howleth the shepe hadde neade to gather | Luc. 22.
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The mynde & exposiciō of the olde doctours upon the wordes of Christes maundye.
The mynde & exposiciō of the olde doctours upon the wordes of Christes maundye.
| More. | And where master More sayeth, that yf Chryste had not ment after the playne litterall sense, that both the hearers at that tyme, and the expositours sens, and all Christen people besyde thys xv.c. yeare wolde not haue taken onelye the litterall sens beynge so straunge and mervelous that yt myght seame impossyble, ād declyne from the letter for allegoryes in all suche other thynges, beynge (as he sayeth) and as in dede they be, so manye farre in nombre mo. | Fryth. | ¶ As towchynge the
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¶ The consecracyon of the Sacrament.
¶ The consecracyon of the Sacrament.
| More. | Now as for a nother quyetnes of euery mans conscyencethys yonge man byddeth euerye man be bolde, whether the blessed sacramēt be consecrate or vnconsecrate (for though he moste specyallye speaketh of the wyne, yet he speaketh it of both) and byddeth not care, but to take it for all that vnblessed as it is, because the Preste (he sayeth) can not deceyue vs nor take from vs the profyte of Christes instytucyon, whether he alter the wordes or leaue them all vnsayde. Is not thys a wonderful
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A comparyson betwene the Paschall Lambe, & our Sacrament.
A comparyson betwene the Paschall Lambe, & our Sacrament.
Now we shall shortely expresse the pyth of our matter and borowe the fygure of the paschall Lambe, which is in all poyntes lyke vnto it. That the offerynge of the Paschall Lambe ded sygnyfye the offerynge of Christes bodye, is playne by Paule which sayeth, | 1. Cor. 5. | Christe our Paschall Lambe is offered vp for vs. When the chylderne of Israell were very sadde and heauy for their sore oppressyon vnder the power of Pharao (for the more myracles were shewed, the worse were they handeled) God s
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The cōclusyon of thys Treatyse.
The cōclusyon of thys Treatyse.
Nowe deare bretherne I beseche you for the mercye that ye loke for in Christ Iesu, that you accepte thys worke with a syngle eye ād no contencyous harte. For necessyte hath compelled me to wryte it, because I was informed both of my Lorde of Wynchester ād other credyble parsons, that I had by the meanes of my fyrst treatyse offended many mē. Which thynge maye well be true: For it was to slender to enstructe all them which haue sens seane it, albeit it were suffycyent for their vse to whome it wa
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The Artycles wherfore Iohan Fryth dyed, whiche he wrote in Newgate the .23. daye of Iune, the yeare of our Lorde .1533.
The Artycles wherfore Iohan Fryth dyed, whiche he wrote in Newgate the .23. daye of Iune, the yeare of our Lorde .1533.
I doubt not deare bretherne, but that it doth some deale vexe you, to see the one parte haue all the wordes, and frely to speake what they lyste, and the other to be put to sylence, and not to be harde indyfferently. But referre your matters to God, whiche shortelye shall Iudge after a nother fashyon. But in the meane seasō, I shall rehearse vnto you the artycles for which I am condempned. ❧ They examyned me but of two artycles whiche are these. | 1. Article. | Fyrste whyther I thought there wer
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