The Tattva-Muktavali
active th century Gaudapurnanandacakravarti
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by Pûr.nânanda Chakravartin [New Series, Volume XV] [London, Trübner and Company] [1883] {Scanned and edited by Christopher M. Weimer, April 2002} ART. IV.—__The Tattva-muktavâlî of Gau.da-pûr.nânanda-chakra- vartin__. Edited and Translated by Prof. E. B. COWELL. The following poem was written by a native of Bengal, named Pûr.nânanda Chakravartin. Nothing is known as to his date; if the work were identical with the poem of the same name mentioned in the account of the Râmânuja system in Mâdhava'
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1. Victorious is the garland-wearing foster-son of Nanda,—the protector of his devotees,—the destroyer of the cruel king,— dark-blue like the delicate tamâla blossoms,—formidable with his many outspread rays,—mighty with all his attendant powers, [Footnote: The Bengali translation explains these as the internal powers (__antara"ngâ__) Hlâdinî, etc., and the external (__bahira"ngâ__) Prahvâ, etc.]—and having his forehead radiant like the moon. 2. This follower of the Purâ.nas, who holds by his ow
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