14 chapters
2 hour read
Selected Chapters
14 chapters
It gives me great pleasure to dedicate this book to all my readers. I also dedicate it to my dear father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Perkins. To my two brothers and three sweet, lovely sisters; to my dear friends Dr. Willard P. Burke and his brother, Dr. Benjamin Franklin Burke and his only son, Willard Franklin Burke, and only daughter, Millie Burke. To my husband, Charles Wilder Glass, and to my only child, Jennie May Glass. All these dear souls have been a great comfort and blessing to me.
1 minute read
I am a Catholic-Psychic, and believe in the Holy Catholic Church, the communion of Saints (this is a fact to me for I have often seen my saints and heard them), the forgiveness of all sins, the resurrection of the body and life everlasting. I write this little book to prove man an immortal being, to comfort all those that suffer. My saints have proven to me there is no death. I long to prove this to my dear readers, for it is a fact. May this little book always be a comfort and blessing to you.
1 minute read
It was a lovely twilight evening at Lytton Springs, India. These famous springs were very high up in the Araville hills; Mandavee was the nearest city, situated on a small island in the Arabian sea. The great red sun was slowly sinking as the bells were ringing the Angelus from an ancient Hindoo temple. The sacred chimes pealed forth melodiously, the sweet sounds echoing forth the harmony of those bells. Inside of this ancient temple sweet incense was burning on a beautiful golden altar. A dark,
4 minute read
The next morning I heard these words sung by the family in the library downstairs. I heard Prince Cresto’s rich tenor above the rest. They kept on singing in perfect harmony as I went down stairs. The doctor met me in the big hall and invited me in to family prayers at sunrise. After this sacred service was over, I said good bye to my new friends and walked quickly to my room at the hotel. I promised Dr. Persus to go back the next evening to another class. I spent most of that day roaming those
5 minute read
The next morning Princess Kezia was up before sunrise. She dressed quickly so she would have time to pray all alone in the dear old temple before the others were up. On the way up the hill she accidentally met the doctor going in the same direction. “Princess Kezia, I was just going to the temple to pray also.” “Doctor, how did you know I was going there?” “I can read your thoughts, Kezia. Could you guess what my prayer could be?” “No, Doctor, I am sorry that I am unable to read your thoughts.”
8 minute read
“Kezia, my darling, we will sit here under this old juniper tree. Dearest, I want to tell of my experience last night. My soul left the body and traveled away; far away, down into darkness. I was taken to the underworld in the very depths of Purgatory. Darling Kezia, there is no everlasting Hell, but this place was about the same. I talked with a lost soul, his name was Alo Lamar. I read the electric aura around his head, and saw he had just killed a wicked, low, heartless, negro woman, called L
4 minute read
The king of Rajpootana, was a tall, broad shouldered, ugly Indian. He was black as night, and had heavy, short, straight, black hair; his eyes were black and piercing. Any one would fear him as soon as they looked into those wicked, fiery eyes. He had eyes of a demon, his face was large, broad and brutal. He seemed to be a great, strong, powerful animal without a soul. This wicked king owned a great palace in the northern part of the Araville mountains. He ruled over a large tribe of fighting In
12 minute read
Ruth was a lovely, tall, dark-eyed, Southern girl. Her family and most intimate friends called her Dolly. She had heavy, light brown, long, curly hair, that hung below her waist in six perfect curls. Doll was very slender and graceful, her mouth a perfect cupid’s bow, her head well poised, and small. Her most charming feature was her large, wonderful, soft brown eyes. Everyone loved those lovely eyes. The soul seemed to express her thoughts, and yearnings through those eyes. Ruth was a lovely Ch
8 minute read
Ruth had fasted for three days. All she drank was a cup of warm milk twice a day—and drank this very slowly. The third night after saying her prayers she fell into a sound sleep. It was darkest midnight when Cresto, with many of his friends, came to protect Ruth. All were dressed in disguise—in long black robes. Ruth gradually felt her soul gently and silently carried away in space to the underworld. “Cresto, dear, were you ever in this awful, dismal, dark, place before?” “Yes, dear, all souls f
8 minute read
The next morning, early at dawn, she saw this Indian prince clairvoyantly. At first she could not believe her eyes! She thought the trip to Mars and Purgatory only a dream. “Cresto, are you a true, living soul? Was my awful dream last night all true?” “Yes, poor child, your dream was all more than true. Our souls often travel together. It is a fact that our souls can travel, while our bodies sleep. Love, there is no limit to the soul’s flight. Our souls are made in the image of God. Doll, long a
4 minute read
A year has passed away. Ruth has not heard from Cresto, or even dreamed of him. All this time she has been doing all the good she could with her pen and dear old violin. Cathy de Bathe had gone to California to study music. Aunt Mary had just brought Ruth a letter from Cathy. “Here, honey, is a fat letter from youah sweetheart, Miss Ruth.” “Thank you, Aunt Mary.” “My Own Darling Ruth: I was so glad to get your last letter. I am very sorry you do not have any more visions. I do. I keep it a secre
11 minute read
Addison and Cathy were at home, having just returned from their trip, when both heard this song in the air close to them. “Cathy, dear, I hear the song, but I do not see the singer.” “I saw Cresto singing near us.” “Addison that is a song I composed for Ruth. Cathy, please do not wear black at her grave, or mourn for her; she will be so happy with me. Please try to remember this little verse: Addison, you will be too busy to get lonely while Cathy is gone. Your new mine will keep you very busy,
12 minute read
“O, Cathy, what a lovely, impulsive bride you are!” The girls were deeply in love with each other. Ruth was reading to Cathy on the front porch, both being seated in a low-swinging hammock. These dear, sweet companions had been laughing and talking over their new dresses, and reading all day. Cathy wore a dainty blue lawn; Ruth was dressed all in pure white—she felt happiest when dressed in white. Suddenly the clouds turned black. An awful storm was brewing. The lightning came down in fiery fork
3 minute read
Addison MacRay was now a very rich man; he and Cathy are perfectly happy in their bungalow. They took charge of The Divinity Club and held three large circles every week. The members of The Divinity Club were all highly educated and refined. It had been a long, long time before she ever saw Cresto and Ruth. At the club that night Addison and Cathy were overjoyed and surprised at once more seeing Cresto and Ruth. The club soon learned to understand Cresto by thought transference. “O Ruth, dear, w
4 minute read