Space Prison
Tom Godwin
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pyramid books Pyramid Books logo new york p. 4 To JOE AND BLANCHE KOLARIK, whose friendship and encouragement in the years gone by will never be forgotten. SPACE PRISON (original title: The Survivors ) printing history Gnome Press edition published 1958 Pyramid edition published February 1960 Second printing: September 1962 This book is fiction. No resemblance is intended between any character herein and any person, living or dead; any such resemblance is purely coincidental. Printed in the Unit
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For seven weeks the Constellation had been plunging through hyperspace with her eight thousand colonists; fleeing like a hunted thing with her communicators silenced and her drives moaning and thundering. Up in the control room, Irene had been told, the needles of the dials danced against the red danger lines day and night. She lay in bed and listened to the muffled, ceaseless roar of the drives and felt the singing vibration of the hull. We should be almost safe by now , she thought. Athena is
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It was early morning as Bill Humbolt sat by the fire in his cave and studied the map Craig had made of the plateau's mountain. Craig had left the mountain nameless and he dipped his pen in ink to write: Craig Mountains . "Bill——" Delmont Anders entered very quietly, what he had to tell already evident on his face. "He died last night, Bill." It was something he had been expecting to come at any time but the lack of surprise did not diminish the sense of loss. Lake had been the last of the Old On
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When spring came Steve Schroeder was leader, as Lake had wanted. It was a duty and a responsibility that would be under circumstances different from those of any of the leaders before him. The grim fight was over for a while. They were adapted and increasing in number; going into Big Summer and into a renascence that would last for fifty years. They would have half a century in which to develop their environment to its fullest extent. Then Big Fall would come, to destroy all they had accomplishe
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John Humbolt, leader, stood on the wide stockade wall and watched the lowering sun touch the western horizon—far south of where it had set when he was a child. Big Summer was over and now, in the year two hundred, they were already three years into Big Fall. The Craigs had been impassable with snow for five years and the country at the north end of the plateau, where the iron had been found, had been buried under never-melting snow and growing glaciers for twenty years. There came the soft tinkl
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