Charles Carleton Coffin, War Correspondent, Traveller, Author, And Statesman
William Elliot Griffis
5 chapters
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Charles Carleton Coffin
Charles Carleton Coffin
C. Carleton Coffin....
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War Correspondent, Traveller, Author, and Statesman
War Correspondent, Traveller, Author, and Statesman
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William Elliot Griffis, D. D.
William Elliot Griffis, D. D.
Author of "Matthew Calbraith Perry," "Sir William Johnson," and "Townsend Harris, First American Envoy to Japan." Boston Estes and Lauriat 1898 Copyright, 1898 By Sallie R. Coffin Colonial Press. Electrotyped and Printed by C. H. Simonds & Co. Boston, U. S. A. Dedicated to The Generation of Young People whom Carleton Helped to Educate for American Citizenship....
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Among the million or more readers of "Carleton's" books, are some who will enjoy knowing about him as boy and man. Between condensed autobiography and biography, we have here, let us hope, a binocular, which will yield to the eye a stereoscopic picture, having the solidity and relief of ordinary vision. Two facts may make one preface. Mrs. Coffin requested me, in a letter dated May 10, 1896, to outline the life and work of her late husband. "Because," said she, "you write in a condensed way that
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Charles Carleton Coffin had a face that helped one to believe in God. His whole life was an evidence of Christianity. His was a genial, sunny soul that cheered you. He was an originator and an organizer of happiness. He had no ambition to be rich. His investments were in giving others a start and helping them to win success and joy. He was a soldier of the pen and a knight of truth. He began the good warfare in boyhood. He laid down armor and weapons only on the day that he changed his world. Hi
43 minute read
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