Hurrell Froude: Memoranda And Comments
Louise Imogen Guiney
49 chapters
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49 chapters
HURRELL FROUDE AS A CHILD From an unfinished portrait by William Brockedon, A.R.A....
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BY WITH SEVEN ILLUSTRATIONS METHUEN & CO. 36 ESSEX STREET W.C. LONDON First Published in 1904 CARI COMMILITIS ACTA HONORI ET NOMINI J·H·N· IN PACE THE epistolary matter in the first section of this volume is drawn from material already in print: chiefly from Part I. of The Remains of the Reverend Richard Hurrell Froude, M.A. , Fellow of Oriel , published by the Rivingtons in 1838, and, incidentally, from John Henry Newman: Letters and Correspondence to 1845 , published by the Longmans in
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Concerning its second section a few remarks may be called for. That section actually had, from the first, in the Editor’s intention, the right of way. It is quite independent, not called into auxiliary play as a mere illustrative collection of pièces justificatives . Many of these essays and reviews have authority; a few have great literary beauty; the Editor’s work, which could not vie with them, has borrowed almost nothing from them, and thus preserved two integrities. Although limits of space
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SOME MEMORANDA OF HIS LIFE AND HIS IDEALS THE persons who most compel our interest in this world are not often the great, exemplars of what we call intellectual eminence: they are rather the men and the women of genius. On that ground they win the eye. Vital and unexhausted spirits, under no subjection to results, can afford, if they choose, to die anonymous; and never having established a pact with their times, nor with Time at all, they are contemporary backward and forward as far as thought c
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stands Newman’s early friend, Richard Hurrell Froude, the lost Pleiad of the Oxford Movement. Akin to some others, names earlier and later, ‘which carry a perfume in the mention,’ he left little to prove and approve himself. Such as he, in the pageant of eternity, are not the tallest harvesters with the most recognisable sheaves. Like Crichton and Falkland and Pergolesi, like Arthur Hallam and Henri Perreyve, he is known to history as it were by a smiling semi-private hint, or a sort of May-orch
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SOME REPRINTED COMMENTS ON HIM AND ON HIS RELATION TO THE OXFORD MOVEMENT From ‘ The Oxford Movement: Twelve Years , 1833-1845,’ By R. W. Church , M.A. , D.C.L. , sometime Dean of St. Paul’s, and Fellow of Oriel College, Oxford. London: Macmillan & Co. , 1891. [By the kind permission of Miss Church and of Messrs. Macmillan & Co. ] ‘What was it that turned [Keble] by degrees into so prominent and so influential a person? It was the result of the action of his convictions and ideas
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‘At Easter, 1826, Froude was elected Fellow of Oriel. He came back to Oxford, charged with Keble’s thoughts and feelings, and from his more eager and impatient temper, more on the look-out for ways of giving them effect. The next year he became Tutor, and he held the tutorship till 1830. But he found at Oriel a colleague, a little his senior in age and standing, of whom Froude and his friends as yet knew little except that he was a man of great ability, that he had been a favourite of Whately’s,
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MARCH 1904
MARCH 1904
General Editor, J. CHARLES COX, LL.D. , F.S.A. English Monastic Life. By the Right Rev. Abbot Gasquet, O.S.B. Illustrated. Demy 8vo . 7 s. 6 d. net. Remains of the Prehistoric Age in England. By B. C. A. Windle, D.Sc., F.R.S. With numerous Illustrations and Plans. Demy 8vo . 7 s. 6 d. net. Old Service Books of the English Church. By Christopher Wordsworth, M.A. , and Henry Littlehales. With Coloured and other Illustrations. Demy 8vo . 7 s. 6 d. net. Crown 8vo . 2 s. 6 d. net. The first Twelve vo
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Business, Books on
Business, Books on
The first Twelve volumes are — Docks and Ports. By Douglas Owen. Railways. By E. R. McDermott. The Stock Exchange. By Chas. Duguid. The Insurance Industry. By A. J. Wilson. The Electrical Industry. By A. G. Whyte, B.Sc. The Shipbuilding Industry. By David Pollock, M.I.N.A. The Money Market. By F. Straker. The Agricultural Industry. By A. G. L. Rogers, M.A. Law in Business. By H. A. Wilson. The Brewing Industry. By Julian L. Baker, F.I.C., F.C.S. The Automobile Industry. By G. de H. Stone. Mining
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Byzantine Texts
Byzantine Texts
Edited by J. B. BURY, M.A. , Litt.D. Zachariah of Mitylene. Translated by F. J. Hamilton, D.D. , and E. W. Brooks. Demy 8vo . 12 s. 6 d. Net. Evagrius. Edited by Léon Parmentier and M. Bidez. Demy 8vo . 10 s. 6 d. Net. The History of Psellus. Edited by C. Sathas. Demy 8vo . 15 s. Net. Ecthesis Chronica. Edited by Professor Lambros. Demy 8vo . 7 s. 6 d. Net. The Chronicle of Morea. Edited by John Schmitt. Demy 8vo . 15 s. Net....
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Churchman’s Bible, The
Churchman’s Bible, The
General Editor, J. H. BURN, B.D. , F.R.S.E. The volumes are practical and devotional, and the text of the Authorised Version is explained in sections, which correspond as far as possible with the Church Lectionary. The Epistle To the Galatians. Edited By A. W. Robinson, M.A. Fcap. 8vo . 1 s. 6 d. Net. Ecclesiastes. Edited by A. W. Streane, D.D. Fcap. 8vo . 1 s. 6 d. Net. The Epistle To the Philippians. Edited By C. R. D. Biggs, D.D. Fcap. 8vo . 1 s. 6 d. Net. The Epistle of St. James. Edited by
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Churchman’s Library, The
Churchman’s Library, The
General Editor, J. H. BURN, B.D. , F.R.S.E. , Examining Chaplain to the Bishop of Aberdeen. The Beginnings of English Christianity. By W. E. Collins, M.A. With Map. Crown 8vo . 3 s. 6 d. Some New Testament Problems. by Arthur Wright, M.A. Crown 8vo . 6 s. The Kingdom of Heaven Here and Hereafter. By Canon Winterbotham, M.A. , B.Sc., Ll.B. Crown 8vo . 3 s. 6 d. The Workmanship of the Prayer Book : Its Literary and Liturgical Aspects. by J. Dowden, D.D. Second Edition. Crown 8vo . 3 s. 6 d. Evolut
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Classical Translations
Classical Translations
Edited by H. F. Fox, M.A. , Fellow and Tutor of Brasenose College, Oxford. Crown 8vo . Æschylus —Agamemnon, Choephoroe, Eumenides. Translated by Lewis Campbell. Ll.D. 5 s. Cicero —De Oratore I. Translated by E. N. P. Moor, M.A. 3 s. 6 d. Cicero —Select Orations (pro Milone, Pro Mureno, Philippic II. , in Catilinam). Translated by H. E. D. Blakiston, M.A. 5 s. Cicero —De Natura Deorum. Translated by F. Brooks, M.A. 3 s. 6 d. Cicero —De Officiis. Translated by G. B. Gardiner, M.A. 2 s. 6 d. Horace
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Commercial Series, Methuen’s
Commercial Series, Methuen’s
Edited by H. de B. GIBBINS, Litt.D. , M.A. Crown 8vo . Commercial Education in Theory And Practice. By E. E. Whitfield, M.A. 5 s. An introduction to Methuen’s Commercial Series treating the question of Commercial Education fully from both the point of view of the teacher and of the parent. British Commerce and Colonies From Elizabeth To Victoria. by H. de B. Gibbins, Litt.D. , M.A. Third Edition, 2 s. Commercial Examination Papers. By H. de B. Gibbins, Litt.D. , M.A. 1 s. 6 d. General Editor, J.
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Business, Books on
Business, Books on
Crown 8vo . 2 s. 6 d. net. The first Twelve volumes are — Ports and Docks. By Douglas Owen. Railways. By E. R. McDermott. The Stock Exchange. By Chas. Duguid. Second Edition The Insurance Industry. By A. J. Wilson. The Electrical Industry. By A. G. Whyte, B.Sc. The Shipbuilding Industry. By David Pollock, M.I.N.A. The Money Market. By F. Straker. The Agricultural Industry. By A. G. L. Rogers, M.A. Law in Business. By H. A. Wilson. The Brewing Industry. By Julian L. Baker, F.I.C., F.C.S. The Auto
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Byzantine Texts
Byzantine Texts
Edited by J. B. BURY, M.A. , Litt.D. Zachariah of Mitylene. Translated by F. J. Hamilton, D.D. , and E. W. Brooks. Demy 8vo . 12 s. 6 d. net. Evagrius. Edited by Léon Parmentier and M. Bidez. Demy 8vo . 10 s. 6 d. net. The History of Psellus. Edited by C. Sathas. Demy 8vo . 15 s. net. Ecthesis Chronica. Edited by Professor Lambros. Demy 8vo . 7 s. 6 d. net. The Chronicle of Morea. Edited by John Schmitt. Demy 8vo . 15 s. net....
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Churchman’s Bible, The
Churchman’s Bible, The
General Editor, J. H. BURN, B.D. , F.R.S.E. The volumes are practical and devotional, and the text of the Authorised Version is explained in sections, which correspond as far as possible with the Church Lectionary. The Epistle to the Galatians. Edited By A. W. Robinson, M.A. Fcap. 8vo . 1 s. 6 d. net. Ecclesiastes. Edited by A. W. Streane, D.D. Fcap. 8vo . 1 s. 6 d. net. The Epistle to the Philippians. Edited By C. R. D. Biggs, D.D. Fcap. 8vo . 1 s. 6 d. Net. The Epistle of St. James. Edited by
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Churchman’s Library, The
Churchman’s Library, The
General Editor. J. H. BURN. B.D. , F.R.S.E. The Beginnings of English Christianity. By W. E. Collins, M.A. With Map. Crown 8vo . 3 s. 6 d. Some New Testament Problems. by Arthur Wright, M.A. Crown 8vo . 6 s. The Kingdom of Heaven Here and Hereafter. By Canon Winterbotham, M.A. , B.Sc., LL.B. Crown 8vo . 3 s. 6 d. The Workmanship of the Prayer Book : Its Literary and Liturgical Aspects. By J. Dowden, D.D. Second Edition. Crown 8vo . 3 s. 6 d. Evolution. By F. B. Jevons, M.A. , Litt.D. Crown 8vo .
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Classical Translations
Classical Translations
Edited by H. F. Fox, M.A. , Fellow and Tutor of Brasenose College, Oxford. Crown 8vo . Æschylus —Agamemnon, Choephoroe, Eumenides. Translated by Lewis Campbell, LL.D. 5 s. Cicero —De Oratore I. Translated by E. N. P. Moor, M.A. 3 s. 6 d. Cicero —Select Orations (pro Milone, Pro Mureno, Philippic II. , in Catilinam). Translated by H. E. D. Blakiston, M.A. 5 s. Cicero —De Natura Deorum. Translated by F. Brooks, M.A. 3 s. 6 d. Cicero —De Officiis. Translated by G. B. Gardiner, M.A. 2 s. 6 d. Horace
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Commercial Series, Methuen’s
Commercial Series, Methuen’s
Edited by H. de B. GIBBINS , Litt.D. , M.A. Crown 8vo . Commercial Education in Theory and Practice. By E. E. Whitfield, M.A. 5 s. An Introduction To Methuen’s Commercial Series Treating the Question of Commercial Education Fully From Both the Point of View of the Teacher and Of The Parent. British Commerce and Colonies from Elizabeth to Victoria. By H. de B. Gibbins, Litt.D. , M.A. Third Edition. 2 s. Commercial Examination Papers. By H. de B. Gibbins, Litt.D. , M.A. 1 s. 6 d. The Economics of
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Connoisseurs Library, The
Connoisseurs Library, The
Wide Royal 8vo . 25 s. net. The first volumes are — Mezzotints. By Cyril Davenport. Miniatures. By Dudley Heath. Porcelain. By Edward Dillon. Ivories. By A. Maskell....
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Devotion, The Library of
Devotion, The Library of
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Illustrated Pocket Library of Plain and Coloured Books, The
Illustrated Pocket Library of Plain and Coloured Books, The
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Junior Examination Series
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Junior School-Books. Methuen’s
Junior School-Books. Methuen’s
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Leaders of Religion
Leaders of Religion
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Little Blue Books, The
Little Blue Books, The
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Little Galleries, The
Little Galleries, The
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Little Guides, The
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Little Library, The
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Miniature Library, Methuen’s
Miniature Library, Methuen’s
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School Examination Series
School Examination Series
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Social Questions of To-day
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Westminster Commentaries, The
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Dumas, The Novels of Alexandre
Dumas, The Novels of Alexandre
Price 6 d. Double Volume, 1 s....
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Fleur de Lis, Novels The
Fleur de Lis, Novels The
Crown 8vo . 3 s. 6 d. Messrs. Methuen are now publishing a cheaper issue of some of their popular Novels in a new and most charming style of binding. Andrew Balfour. To Arms! Jane Barlow. A Creel of Irish Stories. E. F. Benson. The Vintage. J. Bloundelle-Burton. In the Day of Adversity. Mrs. Caffyn (Iota). Anne Mauleverer. Mrs. W. K. Clifford. A Flash of Summer. L. Cope Cornford. Sons of Adversity. A. J. Dawson. Daniel Whyte. Menie Muriel Dowie. The Crook of the Bough. Mrs. Dudeney. The Third Fl
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Novelist, The
Novelist, The
Messrs. Methuen are issuing under the above general title a Monthly Series of Novels by popular authors at the price of Sixpence. Each number is as long as the average Six Shilling Novel. The first numbers of ‘ The Novelist ’ are as follows: —...
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