Morning And Evening Prayers For All Days Of The Week
Johann Habermann
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Morning and Evening Prayers for All Days of the Week
Morning and Evening Prayers for All Days of the Week
By DR. JOHN HABERMANN. Together With Confessional, Communion, and Other Prayers and Hymns for Mornings and Evenings, and Other Occasions Done in English By EMIL H. RAUSCH. Editor Lutheran Herald Chicago, Illinois. WARTBURG PUBLISHING HOUSE. This little manual of prayers herewith offered to English speaking Christians in their own language, has long been one of the treasures of the German people. With the exception of a few prayers, as hereinafter noted, it was originally written by one of God’s
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Our Father, who art in heaven; Hallowed be Thy Name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven; Give us this day our daily bread; And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us; And lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil; For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen....
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The Benediction
The Benediction
The Lord bless thee, and keep thee. The Lord make His face to shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee. The Lord lift up His countenance upon thee, and give thee peace. Amen. Lord, our Heavenly Father, Eternal God! Blessed be Thy divine power and might; magnified Thy fathomless goodness and mercy; praised Thine eternal wisdom and truth. For Thou hast shielded me with Thy hand against the perils of this night, and hast suffered me to rest and slumber in peace under the shadow of Thy wings. Thou
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Gott des Himmels und der Erden.
Gott des Himmels und der Erden.
Let the night of my transgression With night’s darkness pass away; Jesus, into Thy possession I resign myself to-day. In Thy wounds I find relief From my greatest sin and grief. Let my life and conversation Be directed by Thy Word; Lord, Thy constant preservation To Thy erring child afford. Nowhere but alone in Thee From all harm can I be free. Wholly to Thy blest protection I commit my heart and mind; Mighty God! to Thy direction Wholly may I be resigned. Lord, my Shield, my Light divine, O acc
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Prayer for Sunday Evening.
Prayer for Sunday Evening.
Eternal God, Merciful Father, I lift up my hands unto Thee as an evening sacrifice, and render Thee most hearty thanks, praise, and glory, that Thou hast protected me this day and all the days of my life from all evil and calamity, and through the ministrations of Thy holy angels hast graciously guarded me against the Evil One. I pray Thee to forgive me all my sins, wherever I have done wrong. Surround me this night with Thy holy angels. May thou compass me round and cast a trench about me, that
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Christe, du bist der helle Tag.
Christe, du bist der helle Tag.
O Christ, who art the sun-lit day, Before Thee night must flee away, Thou dost reflect the Father’s light And teachest us His will aright. Dear Lord, as night is drawing near, Fill Thou our hearts with light and cheer, Let us securely rest in Thee And from the foe’s attacks stay free. And while our eyes in slumber close, Grant that our hearts may find repose; But let them be to Thee awake And of Thy saving grace partake. Protect us from the wily foe Who seeks to harm our souls, we know. Be Thou
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Ach bleib mit deiner Gnade.
Ach bleib mit deiner Gnade.
Abide with grace unbounded, Lord Jesus, with us still, That Satan’s craft confounded May no more work us ill. Abide with us, dear Savior, Both with and in Thy Word: To us both now and ever Thy saving health afford. Abide with all Thy brightness, Thou brightest Light of all; And lest we stray from rightness, Make Thou Thy truth our wall. Abide with us and bless us, Thou Lord whose riches ’bide; With growing grace possess us And all things best provide. Abide with Thy protection, Great Captain, cl
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Prayer for Monday Evening.
Prayer for Monday Evening.
O Thou Mighty and Everlasting God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, I thank Thee that by Thy divine power Thou hast this day preserved me from all injury and danger of body and life. I owe it to Thy mercy alone that Thou didst protect me on all my paths. I pray Thee to forgive me all my sins which I have committed against Thee, and this night and during our entire lives mercifully to defend me and my loved ones against all sorrow and anxiety, and against the craft and power of the devil, whe
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Nun ruhen alle Waelder.
Nun ruhen alle Waelder.
The reign of day is over, And golden stars now cover The canopy so blue. Thus I shall shine in heaven, Where golden crowns are given To all who faithful stay and true. My body is divested Of garments that have rested Upon its form of clay. Thus I at heaven’s portal Shall lose all that is mortal And with the Lord forever stay. Head, feet, and hands are taking Sweet rest from toil and waking, Released from ev’ry pain. O heart of mine, why borrow The troubles of tomorrow? Thou rest from sin and woe
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Prayer for Tuesday Morning.
Prayer for Tuesday Morning.
Blessed be God, the maker of heaven and earth, blessed be the Lord, who only doeth wondrous things, and blessed be His glorious name for ever who hath made both day and night through His glorious wisdom, and so ruled, that while the earth remaineth, they shall not cease, that man may rest by night, and proceed again to his labors by day. O Lord, how manifold are Thy works! In wisdom hast Thou made them all: the earth is full of Thy riches. For such Thy gifts we should thank Thee ere the sun rise
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Wach auf, mein Herz, und singe.
Wach auf, mein Herz, und singe.
Awake, my heart, rejoicing, Thy Maker’s praises voicing,— The Giver, good gifts sending; Their Shield, His folk defending. All night while darkness ’bound me In deepest gloom around me, By Satan craved while sleeping God had me in His keeping. Thou spak’st me words endearing; Sleep now, my child, unfearing; Sleep well, night’s terrors spurning; Thou’lt see the sun returning. Thy word performed, now waking, I see the bright dawn breaking, Safe kept from ills unnumbered While ’neath Thy care I slu
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Prayer for Tuesday Evening.
Prayer for Tuesday Evening.
Now God be with us, for the night is closing; The light and darkness are of His disposing; And ’neath His shadow here to rest we yield us, For He will shield us. Let evil thoughts and spirits flee before us; Till morning cometh, watch, O Master, o’er us; In soul and body Thou from harm defend us, Thine angels send us. Let holy thoughts be ours when sleep o’ertakes us; Our earliest thoughts be Thine when morning wakes us; All day serve Thee, in all that we are doing Thy praise pursuing. As Thy be
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Die Nacht ist kommen, drin wir ruhen sollen.
Die Nacht ist kommen, drin wir ruhen sollen.
Let holy thoughts be ours when sleep o’ertakes us; Our earliest thoughts be Thine when morning wakes us; All day serve Thee, in all that we are doing Thy praise pursuing. As Thy beloved, soothe the sick and weeping, And bid the prisoner lose his griefs in sleeping; Widows and orphans, we to Thee commend them; Do Thou befriend them. We have no refuge, none on earth to aid us, Save Thee, O Father, Who Thine own hast made us; But Thy dear presence will not leave them lonely, Who seek Thee only. Fat
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Prayer for Wednesday Morning.
Prayer for Wednesday Morning.
Almighty, All-gracious God! All Thy creatures should praise and glorify Thee. The birds under the heavens magnify Thee with lovely songs early in the morning as their Lord and Maker. So will I too heartily thank Thee, that Thou hast preserved me under Thy shelter and protection during the night now past, and all my life even to the present hour, and awakening me from the sleep of the darkness of this night, hast suffered me to arise again in health and joy. I pray Thee for the sake of the saving
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Morgenglanz der Ewigkeit.
Morgenglanz der Ewigkeit.
Dayspring of Eternity, Light from endless Light proceeding, Let Thy beams upon us shine As the shadows are receding; And dispel by Thy great might Our dark night. As the soft refreshing dew Falls upon the drooping flower, So our fainting hearts renew By Thy Spirit’s quickening power; Ne’er Thy bounteous grace withhold From Thy fold. Let the glow of Thy pure love All our icy coldness banish; In the radiance from above May our doubts and fears all vanish, That ere dying we may be Found in Thee. O
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Prayer for Wednesday Evening.
Prayer for Wednesday Evening.
Most Holy Trinity, One in essence, Three in person, who art my life, salvation, and eternal joy, I praise and thank Thee with mouth and heart that Thou hast so graciously protected me throughout this day. I pray Thy divine goodness to cover up all my shortcomings, and especially where this day, with my tongue, with vain and unprofitable words, slander or otherwise, I have sinned against Thee and Thy holy commandments. According to Thy name, O God, so is Thy praise unto the ends of the earth: Thy
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Hirte deiner Schafe.
Hirte deiner Schafe.
Shepherd never sleeping, In Thy gracious keeping I have been today. Thou art my Defender, So in mercy tender Come and with me stay; All this night Keep me in sight, Send Thine angels to attend me And protection lend me. While I lie and slumber, Let Thine hosts outnumber All my raging foes. Be of grace the Giver, And Thy child deliver From guilt’s painful throes. For Thy Son My soul hath won; By His wounds, so sorely stricken, He my heart doth quicken. Shield Thou from all danger Ev’ry lonely str
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Wach auf, mein Herz, die Nacht ist hin.
Wach auf, mein Herz, die Nacht ist hin.
Awake, my soul; the rising sun Dispels the night of mourning; Awake, with songs of praises run To greet the Lord returning. He burst the gates of death today And left the gloomy grave for aye While all the world rejoices. Arise, my soul, from sin and death, To thee new life is given; Arise and run the race of faith; Fix thy desires on heaven Where Jesus, thy Redeemer reigns, And seek the things that it contains, If thou with Him be risen. Art thou distressed by weight of care? Thy Savior will re
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Prayer for Thursday Evening.
Prayer for Thursday Evening.
Praise be to Thee, O God, our Father, through Jesus Christ in the Holy Ghost, one, eternal God, who through Thy manifold compassion hast kept me this day, a poor sinner and miserable creature, from the fiery darts of Satan that fly by day, from the destruction that wasteth at noonday, and hast graciously protected me from a sudden and evil death. Thy mercy, O Lord, is in the heavens; and Thy faithfulness reacheth unto the clouds. Thou art gracious and merciful, and all Thine acts are glorious. I
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Nur in Jesu Blut und Wunden.
Nur in Jesu Blut und Wunden.
Now in Jesus’ wounds reposing, I my tired eyes am closing. For His love and pardoning grace Are my only resting place. Through the day His mercy holds me, And by night His arm enfolds me. Of Thy strong protection sure, Jesus, I shall rest secure. Tr. H. Brueckner, 1916. Tr. H. Brueckner, 1916....
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Prayer for Friday Morning.
Prayer for Friday Morning.
Blessed be God, my Maker! Blessed be God, my Savior! Blessed be God, my Comforter! Who giveth unto me my health, my life, and every blessing; my very present help and my protection. Thou hast kept me according to Thy great and most blessed compassion during this night now past against the onslaughts of Satan, and preserved me in health. I beseech Thee, Heavenly Father, through Jesus Christ, Thy dear Son, take me this day also into Thy divine protection, and shield me that no evil may assail my l
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Die helle Sonn leucht jetzt herfuer.
Die helle Sonn leucht jetzt herfuer.
The morning sun shines in the skies, And we from peaceful slumbers rise. All praise to God who hath this night Protected us from Satan’s might. Lord Jesus, shield us now by day From sin and error on our way. To us Thy holy angels send, And let them to our wants attend. Make Thou our hearts obedient, To use Thy word and sacrament, To do Thy will whate’er betide, Thus pleasing Thee, our trusty guide. Bless Thou the labor of our hands And help us keep Thy law’s demands, That all our work, begun in
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Hinunter ist der Sonnen Schein.
Hinunter ist der Sonnen Schein.
Sunk is the sun’s last beam of light, And now the world is wrapt in night. Christ, light us with Thy heavenly ray, Nor let our feet in darkness stray. Thanks, Lord, that Thou throughout the day Hast kept all grief and harm away; That angels tarried round about Our coming in and going out. Whate’er of wrong we’ve done or said, Let not the charge on us be laid; That, through Thy free forgiveness blest, In peaceful slumber we may rest. Thy guardian angels round us place All evil from our couch to c
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Prayer for Saturday Morning.
Prayer for Saturday Morning.
O Thou Very and Eternal God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. To Thee do I lift up my heart in dutiful gratitude. I will not hide Thy righteousness within my heart. I will declare Thy salvation. I will not conceal Thy loving kindness and Thy truth from the great congregation, and all the good that Thou hast shown me will I not keep silent. For it is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord, and to sing praises unto Thy name, O Most High: to shew forth Thy loving kindness in the morning, and
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Die gueldne Sonne.
Die gueldne Sonne.
The sun, ascending, To us is lending Bliss, joy, and gladness, Cure for all sadness, Filling the world with its rich, golden light. I was reclining When no light was shining; But the sun’s beauty Now calls me to duty, As I behold it so fair and so bright. Mine eye beholdeth What God unfoldeth: Heaven’s bright glory Tells me the story Of His unlimited power and love, And how the sainted In beauty untainted, Free from things mortal, Beyond death’s dark portal, Dwell in the heavenly mansions above.
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Prayer for Saturday Evening.
Prayer for Saturday Evening.
Praise be unto Thee, Thou great and unchangeable God! Praise be unto Thy goodness and mercy! Praise be unto Thy eternal wisdom and truth, that Thou hast preserved me during the day now past from all danger and harm. I pray Thee, graciously perfect Thy goodness which Thou hast begun in me, and suffer me to rest this night under Thy protecting shield, and cover me with Thy wings. Suffer me to put my trust under the shadow of Thy hands, that I fear no evil. Keep me, O God, as the apple of the eye.
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Werde munter, mein Gemuete.
Werde munter, mein Gemuete.
Praise and thanks to Thee I render, Father Thou of mercies great. Thou hast been my strong Defender, And Thy love does not abate. Thou hast shielded me from woe, Lent me strength and quenched the foe, So that I, such help beholding, Rest secure in Thine enfolding. If from Thee I have departed, I return again to Thee, Knowing Thou art tender-hearted, Since Thy Son has died for me. I can not deny the guilt, But for me His blood was spilt, And Thy grace, all sin exceeding, Lends forgiveness at His
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A Daily Prayer. To be spoken mornings or evenings.
A Daily Prayer. To be spoken mornings or evenings.
Dear God and Lord! I live, yet know not how long. I die, yet know not when. Thou, O Heavenly Father, knowest. Lo, dear Lord, is this hour, this day (this night) the last of my life: Thy will be done! Thou alone knowest best. As Thou wilt I am willing through the true faith in Jesus Christ, my Redeemer, to live or die. But, O God, do Thou grant me this petition, that I may not suddenly pass away in my sins, and be lost. Vouchsafe unto me true knowledge, repentance and sorrow over my passed transg
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At the Beginning of the Week’s Work.
At the Beginning of the Week’s Work.
Rule Thou, O God the Father, who hast made us, and like all other creatures ordained us not to indolence but to work, and bless each one in his calling. Thou who rulest the universe also rule our own dear government and graciously vouchsafe to it Thy wisdom and strength. Rule Thou, O God the Son, who hast redeemed and ransomed us from sin. Take from us the burden of sin committed during the week now past, and graciously grant us Thy peace. Thou the Supreme Bishop and Archshepherd of our souls, h
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Grace Before Meat.
Grace Before Meat.
Be present at our table Lord; Be here and everywhere adored. Thy people bless, and grant that we, May dwell in paradise with Thee. Amen. Heavenly Father, bless this food, To Thy glory and our good. Amen. Jesus, bless what Thou hast given, Feed our souls with bread from Heaven; Guide and lead us all the way, In all that we may do and say. Amen....
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Jesus, bless what Thou hast given, Feed our souls with bread from Heaven; Guide and lead us all the way, In all that we may do and say. Amen....
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Grace After Meat.
Grace After Meat.
O give thanks unto the Lord, for He is good; for His mercy endureth forever. He giveth food to all flesh; He giveth to the beast his food; and to the young ravens which cry. The Lord taketh pleasure in them that fear Him, in those that hope in His mercy. Amen. We thank Thee, Lord God, Heavenly Father, through Jesus Christ, our Lord, for all Thy benefits; who livest and reignest for ever and ever. Amen. Dearest God, for meat and drink Accept our praise. Thy Name be blessed. Amen. Bless the Lord,
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Prayer of a Housemother.
Prayer of a Housemother.
Almighty and Eternal God! Thou hast commanded me to honor my parents, and in all things, which are not contrary to Thy word, to obey them. I beseech Thee, for the sake of the obedience of Thy dear Son, Jesus Christ, my Lord, grant unto me, that I may duly honor my father and mother, serve them, obey, love, and esteem them, so that their blessing may dwell with me to the end of my days. Keep me from sin and evil communications, that I may not anger or grieve my dear parents with hatred, sadness,
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Prayer of a Youth or a Maiden.
Prayer of a Youth or a Maiden.
Lord, Almighty and Holy God, who lovest a pure heart, a chaste mind, and a holy life: I pray Thee, create in me also a clean heart, and renew a right spirit within me, so that I may serve Thee with sincere faith and true fear, and love Thee with all my strength. And keep me from all impure communications. Subdue the evil lusts in my heart, and extinguish the fires of fleshly desire. Preserve me from unchaste and dissolute associations, from rioting and drunkenness, which lead to excess. May all
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Prayer of a Servant.
Prayer of a Servant.
Merciful God, Who through the precious suffering and death of Thy dear Son, Jesus Christ, hast redeemed and made me free from eternal servitude, from the power of sin, from the dominion of darkness, from the cruel tyranny of the devil, and the mastery of death and hell: I beseech Thee, grant me grace, so that in my present station and calling, in which Thou hast placed me on earth according to Thy good pleasure, I may not be dissatisfied, nor murmur impatiently against Thy ordinance, nor yet env
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Prayer of a School Child for the Holy Spirit.
Prayer of a School Child for the Holy Spirit.
O my dear Lord, Jesus Christ, I thank Thee, that to the present day, Thou ordainest church and school ordinances and regulations, and hast given unto my parents and me grace, that I too may be thus trained. I beseech Thee, fill me with Thy Holy Spirit, that I may ever obey my dear parents and teachers, who only seek my welfare. Give unto me a docile heart, that I may learn my catechism, noble arts and language, and thus increase in godliness, wisdom, understanding, and every virtue. O my dear Lo
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Prayer During a Thunder Storm.
Prayer During a Thunder Storm.
Most Mighty God! All the powers of the earth shall honor Thy holy name, and worship Thee, Eternal Father, in the beauty of holiness. For Thou art the Lord, who reigneth over all. Thou showest Thy might and power throughout the universe. The voice of the Lord is upon the waters. The Lord of glory thundereth. The Lord is upon many waters. The voice of the Lord is powerful and full of majesty. The earth shook and trembled. The foundations also of the hills moved and were shaken. There went up smoke
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Thanksgiving After a Thunderstorm.
Thanksgiving After a Thunderstorm.
Almighty God, our Heavenly Father, who has said, Call upon Me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify Me; we praise and thank Thee most heartily. For Thou hast graciously heard our prayer and hast made this storm to pass that no harm befell us in life and property. Thus hast Thou again revealed to us Thy fatherly compassion, and that Thou wouldest not deal with us after our sins, neither reward us according to our iniquities. Grant us, O Merciful Father, for the sake o
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Prayer on the Eve of a Journey.
Prayer on the Eve of a Journey.
Almighty and Gracious God and Father, Thou protector of all that trust in Thee from their hearts! In Thy name will I proceed and undertake this journey. For Thou art my God and preservest my going out and my coming in. Thou leadest my feet in right paths and wilt not suffer them to be moved. I heartily beseech Thee to be my gracious guide and companion on this present journey. Send Thy holy angels, and command them, in all my wanderings, to keep me from all evil in body and soul. Lead me on the
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Prayer During a Journey.
Prayer During a Journey.
Almighty and Most Merciful God! We are always in Thy sight wherever we be. Thou preservest our coming in and our going out, and leadest us on the right paths that we slip not. I pray Thee, that as Thou didst lead Thy servant Abraham from the land of the Chaldees and kept him unharmed in his pilgrimage, and didst say to his grandson Jacob when he journeyed to Mesopotamia, I am with thee, and will bring thee again into this land; and as Thou also didst lead the Children of Israel through the Red S
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Prayer of Children for Their Father Engaged on a Journey.
Prayer of Children for Their Father Engaged on a Journey.
O Eternal Son of God, Thou Savior of all who call upon Thee in faith! We Thy children, baptized into Thy blood, consecrated by Thy Spirit a royal priesthood, and ordained Thy brethren and co-heirs with Thee in grace, call upon Thee with innocent tongues, and earnestly pray Thee, graciously to safeguard our dear father now journeying over land for the sake of his calling and to gain the means of livelihood. Help him to discharge his duties with favor and despatch, and return him to us in health a
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A Birthday Prayer.
A Birthday Prayer.
Dear Father in heaven, I thank Thee from all my heart, that Thou hast put me into this world and made me a rational being. I am born of Christian parents and made a member of Thy holy Church. Today the anniversary of my birth hath come, and since I have been permitted to reach this day and thus complete another year of my pilgrimage, I thank Thee from all my heart and joyfully reiterate the thanksgiving of Thy servant David, “Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me bless His holy na
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Prayer for Temporal Peace.
Prayer for Temporal Peace.
Eternal God, Everlasting Father! Thou art a God and lover of peace. From Thee all true unity cometh. We pray Thee graciously to protect Thy Christendom on earth against all its enemies, so that we may be kept in peace, and ever serve Thee gladly in faithful doctrine and a pure conduct. Grant us grace, so that all estates and rulers of Christendom may live peacefully and harmoniously in perfect piety and godliness, so that discipline and order prevail, churches and schools be not destroyed, and t
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A Prayer for School.
A Prayer for School.
We pray Thee, everlasting God, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, Thou eternal and inseparable Trinity and inexpressible Unity, that Thou wouldest faithfully take under Thy protecting wing the flock of Thy Christendom, and ever abide in our midst with Thy grace and truth. Be Thou with us, O Lord, our God. Be Thou a wall of fire round about us, and destroy them who hate Thee and are hostile to Thy name. So rule us, O God, that we may ever be guided by Thy clear and pure word and are not seduced by the
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Prayer for the Forgiveness of Sins.
Prayer for the Forgiveness of Sins.
Merciful Father, Eternal God, my sins are grievous, many and great my transgressions, and mine iniquities are innumerable, for the imaginations of my heart are evil from my youth. O Lord, who can understand his errors? Behold, I acknowledge my transgressions: my sin is ever before me. Against Thee only have I sinned, and done evil in Thy sight: that Thou mightest be justified when Thou speakest, and be clear when Thou judgest. I beseech Thine infinite mercy, enter not into judgment with Thy serv
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Prayer for True Faith.
Prayer for True Faith.
Lord, Almighty God, Thou Father of lights, with whom there is no variableness, neither shadow of turning, from whom every good and perfect gift cometh, I pray Thee, since all men have not faith: implant and maintain in my heart through the workings of Thy Holy Spirit the true knowledge of Thy dear Son Jesus Christ, and increase it from day to day, so that I, too, may be filled with the knowledge of Thy will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding, that I may walk worthy of Thee unto all pleasi
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Prayer Before Confession.
Prayer Before Confession.
Lord Jesus Christ, Thou my Redeemer, Thou hast given unto Thy dear Church on earth and its faithful servants the sacred office of the keys, and invested it with the promise, that whatsoever by virtue of the same they shall loose or bind on earth shall also be loosed or bound in heaven: I thank Thee, and eternally praise and glorify Thee, for such Thy gracious gift. And, since I a poor and bound sinner need this blessed key which looseth, so that I may not be kept under the bonds of the infernal
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Thanksgiving After Absolution.
Thanksgiving After Absolution.
O Blessed, Merciful, and Gracious God! I thank and praise Thee from all my heart, that through Thy servant Thou hast again forgiven me, a poor sinner, all my sins, again received me in grace, and promised me eternal life. I earnestly pray Thee, vouchsafe unto me Thy Holy Spirit, and create in me a pure heart, so that I may joyously trust that all my sins are forgiven me through Jesus Christ. As an earnest and surety of this blessed fact, I will now eat and drink the true body and blood of Thy de
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A Morning Prayer for Communion Day.
A Morning Prayer for Communion Day.
Arise, my soul, this is the day which the Lord hath made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. Give thanks unto the gracious and merciful God for His blessings and say: Almighty and Merciful God and Father, I thank Thee from all my heart for the protection of this night, for the refreshing rest, and for the joyous morning, which Thou hast granted unto me. I praise Thee with all my soul for Thy wonderful mercy which blesses me with the forgiveness of my sins. Praised be Thy grace, which is new each
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Prayer Before Holy Communion.
Prayer Before Holy Communion.
Lord Jesus Christ, Eternal Son of God, I am not worthy to open my lips and receive the most precious sacrament of Thy body and blood. For I am a sin-stained man, but Thou art the Lord whom the heavens can not encompass. How then can a human being who is but dust and ashes be worthy to receive Thy most holy body and precious blood! I well know and acknowledge that my sins are many and that for that reason I am an unworthy guest at Thy table. But I also sincerely believe and confess it with my lip
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A Sigh When About to Receive the Sacred Body of Christ.
A Sigh When About to Receive the Sacred Body of Christ.
Lord Jesus Christ, Thy holy body strengthen and preserve me in the true faith unto eternal life. Amen....
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A Sigh When About to Receive the Sacred Blood of Christ.
A Sigh When About to Receive the Sacred Blood of Christ.
Lord Jesus Christ, Thy holy blood strengthen and preserve me in the true faith unto eternal life. Amen....
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Prayer After the Holy Supper.
Prayer After the Holy Supper.
Lord Jesus Christ, with all my heart I thank and glorify Thee, that Thou hast again cleansed me, a poor sinner, from all my sin, and as an earnest of such cleansing and forgiveness of my sin, hast nourished me with Thy body and blood, and like an unclean child, after such purification, hast received me into the fatherly arms of Thy grace and mercy, and put me pure, reproachless, and without blemish before Thy Father. I earnestly pray Thee with all my power, in addition to such blessing, grant me
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Prayer for a Pious Life.
Prayer for a Pious Life.
O my dear Lord Jesus, illumine me today and evermore, that I may shape the course of my Christian life and direct it toward the eternal Jerusalem, my eternal home. And as Thou yearnest for me, may I also have all my delight and thirst in Thee, seek Thee early, yearn for Thee, and make of Thee, the bread of life, the companion of all my ways. Keep me, O unchangeable, everlasting God, from the inconstancy of the children of this world, that I may not fall into hypocrisy as they do, but today and a
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Prayer for Faithful Teachers and Preachers.
Prayer for Faithful Teachers and Preachers.
The harvest truly is plenteous, but the laborers are few; pray ye, therefore, the Lord of the harvest, that He will send forth laborers into His harvest. Merciful God, who hast commanded us through Thy only begotten Son to pray Thee for laborers in Thy harvest: I earnestly beseech Thee, grant us, Thy sheep, pastors according to Thy heart, to feed us with doctrine and wisdom. Put learned bishops, Christian pastors, pious teachers over Thy congregation, faithfully to show the true way to eternal l
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Prayer for the Kingdom of God. (Meeting of the Congregation)
Prayer for the Kingdom of God. (Meeting of the Congregation)
Gracious and Blessed God, who hast taught, and commanded us above all things and first to seek the kingdom of God and His righteousness: I pray Thee, grant us grace, that Thy holy word may be preached in all the world in all its truth and purity, and we submit our reason to the obedience of faith, and live holy lives according to it as behooves the children of God to Thy pleasing, so that Thy kingdom may come to us, and increase, and many of them, who do not yet believe in the word, be won throu
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Prayer for Missions.
Prayer for Missions.
I pray Thee, my heavenly Father, through Jesus Christ, Thy dear Son, our Lord, have mercy upon the unbelievers, whoever and wherever they are, who still walk in darkness, and do not yet possess the light of Thy gospel. They are stricken with blindness by the evil one. Their foolish heart is darkened. They are alienated from the life that is of Thee, through their native ignorance, carried away to the dumb idols, even as they are led, and in their blindness curse and blaspheme Thy dear Son, Jesus
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Prayer Against False Doctrines and Sects.
Prayer Against False Doctrines and Sects.
Gracious God! Thou hast warned us, that we should beware of false prophets who come in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravening wolves. And since in these latter days, in which we now live, evil times will come, in which Satan clothes himself in the livery of heaven, and false teachers and fraudulent laborers dissemble as though they were the apostles of Christ, who have the form of godliness but deny the power thereof; and since the defection from the pure doctrine, and the man of sin, the s
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Prayer Against the Enemies of Christendom.
Prayer Against the Enemies of Christendom.
O Lord God, why do the wicked rage without cause? and the mighty set themselves and take counsel against Thee and Thy Son, Thine Anointed? O Lord, how numerous are Thine enemies, and great the number of those who conspire against Thy word to destroy it, and put their own evil idolatry in its place and introduce false doctrines into Thy Church. They invent secret artifices and practices, to destroy the confessors of Thy word. They counsel what is evil, pregnant with calamity. They lie in wait for
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Prayer on the Eve of Battle.
Prayer on the Eve of Battle.
O Lord God of hosts, Thou the Highest of the high and the Holiest of the holy, who rulest and shapest all things to the glory of Thy name and the betterment of Thy people: we humbly beseech Thine infinite mercy in this hour of our peril, judge Thou between us and our enemies. Be Thou our sure defense. Stir up Thy might and hasten to our help. Lay not our sins to our charge, but for the sake of Thy dear Son, our only Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, manifest Thy mercy toward us and blot out our ini
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Prayer for the Wounded.
Prayer for the Wounded.
Lord God, our Heavenly Father! We implore Thy eternal compassion for all who are this day wounded, suffering, or dying. Be Thou nigh unto them in their affliction. Comfort them with Thy grace and with the hopeful assurance, that, though kindred and friends be far away, Thou art ever present and hearest even the faintest sight of all who seek Thy succor. If it be Thy pleasure, restore to them their former health and vigor. Help them to bear their pains without murmuring against Thy grace. Give th
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Prayers for the Dying. (St. Paul’s Prayer)
Prayers for the Dying. (St. Paul’s Prayer)
“The time of my departure is at hand. I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith: henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: not to me only, but to all of them also that love His appearing.” 2 Tim. 4:6-8. * * * O Lord, on Thy cross Thou didst cry, “Father, into Thy hands I commend My Spirit!” I, too, commend my spirit into Thy hands now when my end is near. Thou hast redeemed me, O
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Prayer in the Hour of Death.
Prayer in the Hour of Death.
Almighty, Everlasting, and Most Merciful Lord and God! Thou art the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, and I know that Thou art willing and able to fulfill whatsoever Thou hast said. Thou canst not lie. Thy word is truth. Thou hast from the beginning promised me Thy dear Son Jesus Christ. And He is come, and has redeemed me from the devil, death, hell, and sin. And in Thy gracious providence Thou hast for a greater surety established the sacraments of Holy Baptism and Holy Communion in which His t
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Prayer of the Bystanders for the Sick One.
Prayer of the Bystanders for the Sick One.
Almighty, Merciful God, who keepest our life in death, we pray Thee, turn the eyes of Thy mercy to this sick person, strengthen him in body and soul, and forgive him all his sins through Thy grace. Take the sacrifice of the innocent death of Jesus Christ, Thy dear Son, as a propitiation for his transgressions, since he, too, is baptized in His name, washed and cleansed with His blood. Save him from the pains and agonies of his body. Shorten his sufferings. Keep him from the accusations of his co
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Prayer When the Patient Has Died in the Lord.
Prayer When the Patient Has Died in the Lord.
Jesus Christ, Thou Lord of glory and Prince of life, we glorify and thank Thee now and always, that Thou hast so mercifully helped this now blessed one, and hast taken his soul into Thy holy keeping. And when the last day cometh Thou wouldest reunite his soul with his body in heavenly radiance, and grant us altogether, when the divinely appointed hour cometh, to follow him in blessedness. Meanwhile grant us a Christian conduct, refresh all sorrowing hearts with heavenly solace. Keep us in Thy et
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Du Volk, das du getaufet bist.
Du Volk, das du getaufet bist.
This washing cleanseth us from sin And lends a sacred beauty, It makes us white and pure within, Incites to love and duty, From Satan’s prison sets us free, Enables us the sons to be And heirs of God, our Father. Our sinful nature is renewed, The curse of God is lifted; By choicest blessings thus endued And with the Spirit gifted, We unto sin are pledged to die And by the pow’r of God on high The gates of hell can conquer. Here we with Jesus Christ are clad, His righteousness receiving, Which co
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Ich bin getauft auf deinen Namen.
Ich bin getauft auf deinen Namen.
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, I am baptized in Thy name; In the seed Thou dost inherit, With the people Thou dost claim, I am reckoned: And for me the Savior came. Thou receivest me, O Father, As a child and heir of Thine; Jesus, Thou who diedst, yea, rather Ever livest, Thou art mine Thou, O Spirit, Art my Guide, my Light divine. I have pledged, and would not falter, Truth, obedience, love to Thee; I have vows upon Thine alter Ever Thine alone to be, And for ever Sin and all its lusts to flee.
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Wir danken dir, o Jesu Christ.
Wir danken dir, o Jesu Christ.
We thank Thee, Jesus Christ, our Lord, For all the help Thou dost afford. Thou art the Lamb for sinners slain, And this is our eternal gain. Thy holy supper doth prepare For us a precious fountain where Salvation flows for ev’ry soul, To make the wounded spirit whole. This covenant Thou, Lord, didst make: “Receive my body and partake Of mine own blood which flowed for thee, That thou a ransomed soul mightst be.” I eat Thy body, which for me Was made to die upon the tree, I drink Thy blood and th
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Aus tiefer Not schrei ich zu dir.
Aus tiefer Not schrei ich zu dir.
Out of the depths I cry to Thee, Lord, hear me, I implore Thee! Bend down Thy gracious ear to me, Let my prayer come before Thee! If Thou remember each misdeed, If each should have its rightful meed, Who may abide Thy presence. Our pardon is Thy gift; Thy love And grace alone avail us. Our works could ne’er our guilt remove, The strictest life must fail us. That none may boast himself of aught, But own in fear Thy grace hath wrought What in him seemeth righteous. And thus my hope is in the Lord,
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Eines wuensch ich mir vor allem andern.
Eines wuensch ich mir vor allem andern.
One thing I above all others cherish, For one thing I long and pray. Though in sorrow’s vale fond hopes may perish, This will prove my staff and stay: To behold the Man who, deeply sighing And upon earth’s bosom prostrate lying, Drank the bitter cup of woe Since the Father willed it so. Ever shall my soul retain the vision Of that Lamb, for sinners slain, Pale and wounded, held in deep derision, Hanging on the wood of pain, Wrestling there in thirst and mortal anguish, Lest my soul eternally sho
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Meine Seel, ermuntre dich.
Meine Seel, ermuntre dich.
Come, my soul, again inquire If the love of Christ constrain thee. To His cross again retire; See Him give Himself to gain thee. Search His faithfulness and try Him, Glad in Him and gladdened by Him. See Him there, God’s only Son On the tree for thee suspended, Crowned with thorns, by grief undone, Crimson stains with crimson blended, Pierced for thee, transfixed, forsaken: Deathless love by death o’ertaken. Thou, yea thou hadst known the rod, Endless pain thy sole possession; Thou hadst been ca
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So nimm denn meine Haende.
So nimm denn meine Haende.
Take, then, my hands, O Father, And lead Thou me Until my journey endeth, Eternally. Alone I will not wander One single day. Be Thou my true Companion And with me stay. O cover with Thy mercy My poor, weak heart! Let ev’ry thought rebellious From me depart. Permit Thy child to linger Here at Thy feet And blindly trust Thy goodness With faith complete. Though naught of Thy great power May move my soul, With Thee through night and darkness I reach the goal. Take, then, my hands, O Father, And lead
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Jesu, geh voran.
Jesu, geh voran.
Jesus, still lead on, Till our rest be won; And although the way be cheerless, We will follow, calm and fearless, Guide us by Thy hand To our fatherland. If the way be drear, If the foe be near, Let not faithless fears o’ertake us, Let not faith and hope forsake us; For through many a foe To our home we go. When we seek relief From a long-felt grief, When temptations come alluring, Make us patient and enduring; Show us that bright shore Where we weep no more. Jesus, still lead on, Till our rest
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Befiehl du deine Wege.
Befiehl du deine Wege.
Commit thy ways and faring With all that grieves thy soul, To His e’er faithful caring Who doth the heavens control; Who giving course and highway To clouds and winds and breeze, Will find for thee a byway Where thou canst fare at ease. But thou must trust Him wholly To make thy welfare sure; And look to His work solely To have thy works endure. God lets none snatch a blessing By fretful grief and care Nor one’s own self-distressing; It must be got by prayer. Thy faithfulness unfailing, O Father
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Alle Menschen muessen sterben.
Alle Menschen muessen sterben.
Man is but a transient being And a pilgrim here below, Like a shadow, swiftly fleeing, Like the days that come and go. He must pass through death’s dark portal, To obtain that life immortal Which on yonder blissful shore Blooms in glory evermore. So I willingly surrender To the Lord my fleeting breath, Knowing that His love so tender Will allay all fear of death. In His wounds there is redemption And His death assures exemption From the punishment of sin And the sense of guilt within. Jesus died
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Jerusalem, du hochgebaute Stadt.
Jerusalem, du hochgebaute Stadt.
Jerusalem, thou city built on high, Would God I were in thee! My eager spirit hath so yearned to fly And bides no more with me. O’er hill and valley mounting High, high o’er fields and wastes, O’er all, all worthless counting, Afar from earth it hastes. O lovely day, O hour more lovely still, When wilt thou be revealed, When blissfully, my voice with joy athrill, My soul to God I yield, His pledge ordained, unfailing In His all-faithful hand, That haven waits my hailing In yonder Fatherland? ’Tw
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Unter Lilien jener Freuden.
Unter Lilien jener Freuden.
Midst the lilies blooming yonder Thou shalt wander, Oh my soul, and be at home. Rise, then, as on eagle-pinions— Thy dominions Are above where angels roam. Guide my ship, Thou First-born Brother, To no other Than that peaceful haven where, Sheltered from all storms forever, I shall never Know of sorrow, sin or care. Thou canst fill our mouths with laughter, And hereafter Make our tongues to sing Thy praise. Thou canst softly lead us mortals Through death’s portals And above all evils raise. For
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Die wir uns allhier beisammen finden.
Die wir uns allhier beisammen finden.
Gathered here, we join our hands, O Savior, And upon Thy death unite, Ever to be true in our behavior Unto Thee, eternal Light. And as here Thy praises, Lord, are spoken, Enter Thou into our midst in token Of Thy love so pure and true, Saying, “Peace I give to you!” C. R. Zinzendorf, 1754. Tr. H. Brueckner, 1916. C. R. Zinzendorf, 1754. Tr. H. Brueckner, 1916....
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