Armenia And The War
A. P. (Avetoon Pesak) Hacobian
7 chapters
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7 chapters
AN ARMENIAN'S POINT OF VIEW WITH AN APPEAL TO BRITAIN AND THE COMING PEACE CONFERENCE BY A. P. HACOBIAN WITH A PREFACE BY THE RT. HON. VISCOUNT BRYCE, O.M. HODDER AND STOUGHTON LONDON NEW YORK TORONTO MCMXVII " To serve Armenia is to serve civilization. " W. E. GLADSTONE. " We have put our money on the wrong horse. " [1] THE MARQUIS OF SALISBURY. " ... a Government incurably barbarous and corrupt. " THE DUKE OF ARGYLL. " ... the Ottoman Empire ... decidedly foreign to Western civilization. " ALL
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Of all the peoples upon whom this war has brought calamity and suffering, the Armenian people have had the most to endure. Great as has been the misery inflicted by the invaders upon the non-combatant populations of Belgium and Northern France, upon Poland, upon Serbia, the misery of Armenia, though far less known to the outer world, has been far more terrible. When the European War broke out, in 1914, the Government of the Turkish Empire had fallen into the hands of a small gang of unscrupulous
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ANGLO-RUSSIAN FRIENDSHIP A VITAL NECESSITY FOR PEACE AND PROGRESS IN ASIA—MOSLEMS AND TURKISH RULE—ARMENIANS PROGRESSIVE AND DEMOCRATIC BY TEMPERAMENT The exaggerated panegyrics on the virtues of the Turk, while the Turk is at war with England and her Allies and Turkish emissaries are busy making all the mischief they can among loyal subjects of the British Empire, exploiting religion as a weapon of squalid intrigue, point to the existence of influences which have been at work ever since Turkey
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Group A
Group A
"The Archbishop of Erzeroum, His Grace Sempad, who, with the Vali's authorization, was returning to Constantinople, was murdered at Erzindjan by the brigands in the service of the Union and Progress Committee. The bishops of Trebizond, Kaisaria, Moush, Bitlis, Sairt, and Erzindjan have all been murdered by order of the Young Turk Government" (p. 23). "The shortest method for disposing of the women and children concentrated in the various camps was to burn them. Fire was set to large wooden sheds
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Group B
Group B
"Many Armenian women preferred to throw themselves into the Euphrates with their infants, or committed suicide in their homes. The Euphrates and Tigris have become the sepulchre of thousands of Armenians" (p. 14). "While the Armenian refugees had been mutually helpful and self-sacrificing, these Moslems showed themselves absolutely selfish, callous and indifferent to each other's suffering" (p. 42). "Many went mad and threw their children away; some knelt down and prayed amid the flames in which
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Group C
Group C
"But the [Armenian] revolutionists conducted themselves with remarkable restraint and prudence; controlled their hot-headed youth; patrolled the streets to prevent skirmishes; and bade the villagers endure in silence: better a village or two burned unavenged than that any attempt at reprisals should furnish an excuse for massacre" (p. 33). "Some of the rules for their men [the Armenian defenders of Van] were: 'Keep clean; do not drink; tell the truth; do not curse the religion of the enemy'" (p.
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(p. 29.) "The Turanian movement is not the spasmodic effort of a few enthusiasts. It represents a carefully matured plan most elaborately studied in its philosophical and practical aspects, and carried out on a vast and ambitious scale. The spirit of its teaching has been made to permeate all classes of the purely Turkish population, including women; while, in the army, it has been taught in the shape of a patriotic creed, and the force of military discipline has been laid at the service of its
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