Christ, Christianity And The Bible
Isaac Massey Haldeman
2 chapters
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2 chapters
IF NOT GOD—NOT GOOD BY I. M. HALDEMAN, D.D. “Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is God” (Matthew 9:17). T HE world has accepted Jesus Christ as a good man. The evidences of his goodness are manifold. He was full of compassion. He never looked upon the people as a crowd. He never thought of them as a mass. He saw them always as individuals. His heart went out to them. All his impulses were to pity them, sympathize with, and help them. He went among them. He entered into al
51 minute read
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WHAT IS CHRISTIANITY? W HAT is Christianity? The question seems a belated one. It never was more pertinent than now. Its pertinency rests upon two facts. First: the modern drift in Christianity and its absolute failure. Second: the phenomenal triumph of primitive Christianity. The modern drift is antagonistic to doctrine and repudiates the miraculous. It sets aside the virgin birth, has no toleration for atonement by sacrificial death, and positively refuses to accept the bodily resurrection of
54 minute read
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