Why I Preach The Second Coming
Isaac Massey Haldeman
7 chapters
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7 chapters
The Second Coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ is the One Event Most Often Recorded in Holy Scripture I T is recorded in type, in figure, in symbol, in analogue, in parable, in hyperbole and metaphor, in exalted song, in noblest poetry and in rarest rhetoric. It is set before us in dramatic and dynamic statement, in high prophetic forecast, in simple narrative, close linked logic, expanded doctrine, divine exhortation and far-reaching appeal. The first promise of the Second Coming was made in Eden.
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The Second Coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ is Bound up With Every Fundamental Doctrine, Every Sublime Promise and Every Exhortation to High, to Holy and Practical Christian Living I T is bound up with every fundamental doctrine. The resurrection from the dead, the transfiguration of the living, the judgment seat of Christ, the judgment of the living nations, the consequent judgment of the white throne, the rewards of the righteous and the punishment of the wicked. It is bound up with every subli
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Only at the Coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ Will Redemption be Complete and the Blood of the Cross be Justified O UR Lord Jesus Christ did not come into this world that He might go through the unspeakable horror of the cross; He did not hang on that brutal and torturing instrument of death as the criminal of the universe; He did not receive the down sweep of the essential antagonism of a holy God against the sin He represented; He did not cry the cry of the lost, “My God, My God, why hast thou f
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Not Till Our Lord Jesus Christ Comes the Second Time Will the Church be Exalted into Her True Function of Rulership Over the World T HE Church was not sent into the world to convert or Christianize it. It was sent into the world to preach the Gospel to every creature. It was not to condone the world but to condemn it. With its twin doctrines of Incarnation and Regeneration it was to ring the knell of evolution and deny the hope of any saving energy in the flesh. It was not to flatter, to paint,
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Only at the Second Coming Will the Solemn and Covenant Promises of God to Israel be Fulfilled G OD sware to Abraham that he and his posterity should have the land of Palestine for an everlasting possession. Abraham never got a foot of the land under covenant promise. The only bit of ground he was able to call his was the burial plot he purchased with his own money. The children of Israel never entered the promised land under the Abrahamic covenant. The Lord redeemed them from Egypt, brought them
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Only at the Second Coming of the Christ of God Will a Government of Everlasting Righteousness and Peace be Established Upon the Earth I T was the original purpose of God to make the people of Israel the head of nations, place them in Palestine as the geographical center of the earth, make them its political center, send His own Son to be their incarnate king, use them as a channel of earthly and spiritual blessing and make this world the most perfect and happiest spot in all the wide universe. T
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It is at the Second Coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ that the Earth Will be Delivered from the Bondage of Corruption and Transformed into the Paradise of God W HEN man fell creation fell. It fell because creation in respect to this earth was headed up in him. God placed a ban upon it, a restraint of its fruitfulness. Instead He gave liberty to thorns and briars and poisonous, creeping things. You may plant your garden, you may plant your orchard, set your vines and sow your fields. You may go to
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