The Mushroom, Edible And Otherwise
Miron Elisha Hard
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Whose thorough knowledge of plant life, and whose patience in preserving fungal specimens—sometimes beautiful but often odorous—scattered from the back porch to the author's library, whose eyes, quick to detect structural differences, and whose kindly and patient help have been a constant benediction, this work's inscribed....
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I would agree with those who might maintain that no Introduction is needed for this book on mushrooms. Nevertheless a word may not be out of place for the inception of the work is out of the ordinary. Mr. Hard did not decide that a book on this subject was needed and then set about studying these interesting plants. He has observed them, collected them, induced many friends to join in eating those which proved to be palatable and delicious—really meddled for years with the various kinds which ar
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IN MEMORIAM It is with feelings of profound sadness that I am impelled to supplement the above Introduction by a brief tribute to the memory of that genial gentleman and lovable companion, as well as enthusiastic scientist, the late Dr. W. A. Kellerman. Spending his life in the pursuit of science, the Angel of Death overtook him while still in search for wider knowledge of Nature and her works, and with icy fingers sealed the lids over eyes ever on the alert for the discovery of hidden truths. Q
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Botany and geology have been favorite studies of the author since leaving college, thanks to Dr. Nelson, who lives in the hearts of all his students. He, by his teachings, made these subjects so attractive and interesting that by one, at least, every spare moment has been given to following up the studies of botany and paleontology. But the mycological part of botany was brought practically to the author's attention by the Bohemian children at Salem, Ohio, at the same time arousing a desire to k
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HOW TO TELL MUSHROOMS FROM TOADSTOOLS. In all probability no student of mycology has any one query more frequently or persistently pressed upon his attention than the question, "How do you tell a toadstool from a mushroom?"—or if in the woods or fields, in search for new species, with an uninitiated comrade, he has frequently to decide whether a certain specimen "is a mushroom or a toadstool," so firmly fixed is the idea that one class of fungi—the toadstools—are poisonous, and the other—the mus
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SOME OF THE MOST COMMON TERMS USED. In describing mushrooms it is necessary to use certain terms, and it will be incumbent upon anyone who wishes to become familiar with this part of botanical work to understand thoroughly the terms used in describing the plants. The substance of all mushrooms is either fleshy, membranaceous, or corky. The pileus or cap is the expanded part, which may be either sessile or supported by a stem. The pileus is not made up of cellular tissue as in flowering plants, b
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This key is largely based upon Cooke's analytical key. Its use will help to locate the plant in hand in the genus to which it belongs. The first thing the student should do is to determine the color of the spore if it is not evident. This is best done according to the plan described on page 15. The plant should be fresh and mature. Careful attention should be given to different stages of development. The habit of the plant should be considered; then, as soon as the color of the spores is determi
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Amanita. Pers.
Amanita. Pers.
Amanita is supposed to be derived from Mount Amanus, an ancient name of a range separating Cilicia from Syria. It is supposed that Galen first brought specimens of this fungus from that region. The genus Amanita has both a volva and veil. The spores are white and the stem is readily separable from the cap. The volva is universal at first, enveloping the young plant, yet distinct and free from the cuticle of the pileus. This genus contains some of the most deadly poisonous mushrooms, although a f
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Amanita phalloides. Fr.
Amanita phalloides. Fr.
The Deadly Amanita. Figure 11. —Amanita phalloides. Fr. Showing volva at the base, cap dark. Figure 12. —Amanita phalloides. Fr. White form showing volva, scaly stem, ring. Phalloides means phallus-like. This plant and its related species are deadly poisonous. For this reason the plant should be carefully studied and thoroughly known by every mushroom hunter. In different localities, and sometimes in the same locality, the plant will appear in very different shades of color. There are also varia
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Amanita recutita. Fr.
Amanita recutita. Fr.
The Fresh-skinned Amanita. Poisonous. Recutita, having a fresh or new skin. Pileus convex, then expanded, dry, smooth, often covered with small scales, fragments of the volva; margin almost even, gray or brownish. The gills forming lines down the stem. The stem stuffed, then hollow, attenuated upward, silky, white, ring distant, edge of volva not free, frequently obliterated. Rather common where there is much pine woods. August to October. This species differs from A. porphyria in ring not being
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Amanita virosa. Fr.
Amanita virosa. Fr.
The Poisonous Amanita. Virosa, full of poison. The pileus is from four to five inches broad; the entire plant white, conical, then expanded; viscid when moist; margin often somewhat lobed, even. The gills are free, crowded. The stem is frequently six inches long, stuffed, round, with a bulbous base, attenuated upward, squamulose, ring near apex, volva large, lax. The spores are subglobose, 8–10µ. This is probably simply a form of A. phalloides. It is found in damp woods. August to October....
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Amanita muscaria. Linn.
Amanita muscaria. Linn.
The Fly Amanita. Poisonous. Figure 13. —Amanita muscaria.— Linn. Cap reddish or orange, showing scales on the cap and at base of stem. Muscaria, from musca, a fly. The fly Amanita is a very conspicuous and handsome plant. It is so called because infusions of it are used to kill flies. I have frequently seen dead flies on the fully developed caps, where they had sipped of the dew upon the cap, and, like the Lotos-eaters of old, had forgotten to move away. It is a very abundant plant in the woods
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Amanita Frostiana. Pk.
Amanita Frostiana. Pk.
Frost's Amanita. Poisonous. Figure 15. —Amanita Frostiana. Photo by C. G. Lloyd. Frostiana, named in honor of Charles C. Frost. The pileus is convex, expanded, bright orange or yellow, warty, sometimes smooth, striate on the margin, pileus one to three inches broad. The gills are free, white, or slightly tinged with yellow. The stem is white or yellow, stuffed, bearing a slight, sometimes evanescent, ring, bulbous, at the base, the bulb slightly margined by the volva. The spores globose, 8–10µ i
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Amanita verna. Bull.
Amanita verna. Bull.
The Spring Amanita. Poisonous. Figure 16. —Amanita verna. Two-thirds natural size, showing the volva cup and the ring. Verna, pertaining to spring. This species is considered by some only a white variety of Amanita phalloides. The plant is always a pure white. It can only be distinguished from the white form of the A. phalloides by its closer sheathing volva and perhaps a more ovate pileus when young. The pileus is at first ovate, then expanded, somewhat depressed, viscid when moist, even, margi
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Amanita magnivelaris. Pk.
Amanita magnivelaris. Pk.
The Large Veiled Amanita. Poisonous. Magnivelaris is from magnus , large; velum , a veil. The pileus is convex, often nearly plane, with even margin, smooth, slightly viscid when moist, white or yellowish-white. The gills are free, close, white. The stem is long, nearly equal, white, smooth, furnished with a large mebranaceous volva, the bulbous base tapering downward and rooting. The spores are broadly elliptical. This species very closely resembles Amanita verna, from which it can be distingui
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Amanita pellucidula. Ban.
Amanita pellucidula. Ban.
Pileus at first campanulate, then expanded, slightly viscid, fleshy in center, attenuated at the margin; color a smooth bright red, deeper at the top, shaded into clear transparent yellow at the margin; glossy, flesh white, unchanging. The gills are ventricose, free, numerous, yellow. The stem is stuffed, ring descending, fugacious. Peck's 44th Report. This species differs from Amanita cæsarea in having an even margin and a white stem. It is only a form of the cæsarea. The white stem will attrac
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Amanita solitaria. Bull.
Amanita solitaria. Bull.
The Solitary Amanita. Figure 17. —Amanita solitaria. Two-thirds natural size, showing the peculiar veil. Figure 18. —Amanita solitaria. Two-thirds natural size, showing scaly cap and stem. Plate II. Figure 19.—Amanita solitaria. Natural size, showing scaly cap and stem, plant white. Solitary, growing alone. I have found this plant in various parts of the state and have always found them growing alone. In Poke Hollow, where I found the specimens in the illustrations, I found several on the hillsi
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Amanita radicata. Pk.
Amanita radicata. Pk.
Figure 20. —Amanita radicata. Two-thirds natural size, showing scaly cap, bulbous stem and root broken off and peculiar veil. Radicata means furnished with a root. The root of the specimen in Figure 20 was broken off in getting it out of the ground. The pileus is subglobose, becoming convex, dry, verrucose, white, margin even, flesh firm, white, odor resembling that of chloride of lime. The gills are close, free, white. The stem is solid, deeply radicating, swollen at the base or bulbous, flocco
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Amanita strobiliformis. Fr.
Amanita strobiliformis. Fr.
The Fir-cone Amanita. Plate III. Figure 22.—Amanita strobiliformis. Young plant showing veil covering the entire gill-surface of the plant. Cap covered with persistent warts, stem rough and rooting, odor strong of chloride of lime. Plate IV. Figure 23.—Amanita strobiliformis. Showing long root. Strobiliformis means fir-cone form; so called from the similarity of its undeveloped form to that of the strobile of the pine. The pileus is six to eight inches broad, when young, subglobose, then convex,
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Amanita mappa. Fr.
Amanita mappa. Fr.
The Delicate Amanita. Poisonous. Figure 24. —Amanita mappa. Natural size, showing long smooth stem, cap yellowish-white and ring. Mappa means a napkin, so called from the volva. The pileus is two to three inches broad, convex, then expanded, plane, obtuse or depressed, without separable cuticle; margin nearly even; white or yellowish, usually with patches of the volva dry. The gills are adnexed, close, narrow, shining, white. The stem is two to three inches long, stuffed, then hollow, cylindrica
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Amanita crenulata. Pk.
Amanita crenulata. Pk.
Figure 25. —Amanita crenulata. Crenulata means bearing notches, referring to the crenulate form of the gills, which are very distinct. The pileus is thin, two to two and a half inches broad, broadly ovate, becoming convex, or nearly plane, somewhat striate on the margin, adorned with a few thin whitish floccose warts or with whitish flocculent patches, whitish or grayish, sometimes tinged with yellow. The gills are close, reaching the stem, and sometimes forming decurrent lines upon it, floccose
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Amanita cothurnata. Atkinson.
Amanita cothurnata. Atkinson.
The Booted Amanita. Figure 26. —Amanita cothurnata. Slightly reduced from natural size, showing different stages of development. Cothurnata means buskined; from corthunus, a high shoe or buskin worn by actors. This species is easily separated from the other Amanitas. I shall give Prof. Atkinson's description of it in full: "The pileus is fleshy and passes from nearly globose to hemispherical, convex, expanded, and when specimens are very old sometimes the margin is elevated. It is usually white,
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Amanita rubescens. Fr.
Amanita rubescens. Fr.
The Reddish Amanita. Edible. Figure 27. —Amanita rubescens. One-third natural size, caps a dingy reddish-brown, stains reddish when bruised. Rubescens is from rubesco , to become red. It is so called because of the dingy reddish color of the entire plant, and also because when the plant is handled or bruised it quickly changes to a reddish color. It is often a large bulky plant and rather uninviting. The pileus is four to six inches broad, dingy reddish, often becoming pale flesh color, fleshy,
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Amanita aspera. Fr.
Amanita aspera. Fr.
Rough Amanita. Aspera means rough. The pileus is convex, then plane; warts minute, somewhat crowded, nearly persistent; margin even, rather thin, increasing in thickness toward the stem; scarcely umbonate, reddish with various tints of livid and gray; flesh rather solid, white, with tints of reddish-brown immediately next to the epidermis. The gills are free, with sometimes a little tooth behind, running down the stem, white, broad in front. The stem is white, squamulose, bulb rugulose, ring sup
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Amanita cæsarea. Scop.
Amanita cæsarea. Scop.
The Orange Amanita. Edible. Figure 28. —Amanita cæsarea. From a drawing showing the different stages of the plant. Caps, gills, stem and collar yellow, volva white. Photo by H. C. Beardslee. Figure 29. —Amanita cæsarea. The Orange Amanita is a large, attractive, and beautiful plant. I have marked it edible, but no one should eat it unless he is thoroughly acquainted with all the species of the genus Amanita, and then with great caution. It is said to have been Cæsar's favorite mushroom. The pile
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Amanita spreta. Pk.
Amanita spreta. Pk.
Hated Amanita. Poisonous. Spreta, hated. The pileus at first is nearly ovate, slightly umbonate, then convex, smooth, sometimes fragments of the volva adhering, the margin striate, whitish or pale-brown toward and on the umbo, soft, dry, more or less furrowed on the margin. The flesh is white, thin on the edges, and increasing in thickness toward the center. Gills close, white, reaching the stem. The stem is equal, smooth, annulate, stuffed or hollow, whitish, finely striate at the top from the
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Amanitopsis. Roze.
Amanitopsis. Roze.
Amanitopsis is from Aminita and opsis , resembling; so called because it resembles the Amanita. The principal feature wherein the genus differs from the Amanita is the absence of a collar on the stem. Its species are included among the Amanita by many authors. The spores are white. The gills are free from the stem, and it has a universal veil at first completely enveloping the young plant, which soon breaks it, carrying remnants of it on the pileus, where they appear as scattered warts. It diffe
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Amanitopsis vaginata. Bull.
Amanitopsis vaginata. Bull.
The Sheathed Amanitopsis. Edible. Figure 30. —Amanita vaginata. One-third natural size. Notice a portion of the volva adhering to the cap. Vaginata—from vagina , a sheath. The plant is edible but should be used with very great caution. It is quite variable in color, ranging from white to mouse color, brownish or yellowish. The pileus is ovate at first, bell-shaped, then convex and expanded, thin, quite fragile, smooth, when young with a few fragments of the volva adhering to its surface, deeply
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Amanitopsis strangulata. Fr.
Amanitopsis strangulata. Fr.
The Gray Amanitopsis. Edible. Strangulata means choked, from the stuffed stem. The pileus is two to four inches broad, soon plane, livid-bay or gray, with patches of the volva, margin striate or grooved. The gills are free, white, close. The stem is stuffed, silky above, scaly below, slightly tapering upwards. The volva soon breaking up, forming several ring-like ridges on the stem. The spores are globose, 10–13µ. This is a synonym for A. ceciliae. B. and Br. and perhaps nothing more than a vigo
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Lepiota. Fr.
Lepiota. Fr.
Lepiota means a scale. In the Lepiota the gills are typically free from the stem, as in Amanita and Amanitopsis, but they differ in having no superficial or removable warts on the cap, and no sheathing or scaly remains of a volva at the base of the stem. In some species the epidermis of the cap breaks into scales which persistently adhere to the cap, and this feature, indeed, suggests the name of the genus, which is derived from the Latin word lepis , a scale. The stem is hollow or stuffed, its
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Lepiota procera. Scop.
Lepiota procera. Scop.
The Parasol Mushroom. Edible. Photo by C. G. Lloyd. Plate VI. Figure 32.—Lepiota procera. Procera means tall. The pileus is thin, strongly umbonate, adorned with brown spot-like scales. The gills are white, sometimes yellowish-white, free, remote from the stem, broad and crowded, ventricose, edge sometimes brownish. The stem is very long, cylindrical, hollow or stuffed, even, very long in proportion to its thickness and is, therefore, suggestive of the specific name, procera. The ring is rather
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Lepiota naucina. Fr.
Lepiota naucina. Fr.
Smooth Lepiota. Edible. Figure 33. —Lepiota naucina. The entire plant white. Pileus soft, smooth, white or smoky-white; gills free, white, slowly changing with age to a dirty pinkish-brown color; stem annulate, slightly thickened at the base, attenuated upward, clothed with fibres pure white. The Smooth Lepiota is generally very regular in shape and of a pure white color. The central part of the cap is sometimes tinged with yellow or a smoky white hue. Its surface is nearly always very smooth an
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Lepiota americana. Pk.
Lepiota americana. Pk.
The American Lepiota. Edible. Figure 34. —Lepiota americana. Center of disk red or reddish-brown, stem frequently swollen. Plant turning red when drying. This plant is quite common about Chillicothe, especially upon sawdust piles. It grows both singly and in clusters. The umbonate cap is adorned with reddish or reddish-brown scales except on the center where the color is uniformly reddish or reddish-brown because the surface is not broken up into scales; gills close, free, white, ventricose; ste
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Lepiota Morgani. Pk.
Lepiota Morgani. Pk.
In Honor of Prof. Morgan. Photo by C. G. Lloyd. Plate VII. Figure 35.—Lepiota morgani. Entire plant white or brownish-white. Gills white at first then greenish. Pileus fleshy, soft, at first subglobose, then expanded or even depressed, white, the brownish or yellowish cuticule breaking up into scales on the disk; gills close, lanceolate, remote, white, then green; stem firm, equal or tapering upward, subbulbous, smooth, webby-stuffed, whitish tinged with brown; ring rather large, movable as you
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Lepiota granulosa. Batsch.
Lepiota granulosa. Batsch.
Grainy Lepiota. Edible. Granulosa—from granosus, full of grains. Pileus thin, convex or nearly plain, sometimes almost umbonate, rough, with numerous granular scales, often radiately wrinkled, rusty-yellow or reddish-yellow, often growing paler with age. Flesh white or reddish tinged. Gills close, rounded behind and usually slightly adnexed, white. Stem equal or slightly thickened at the base, stuffed or hollow, white above the ring, colored and adorned like the pileus below it. Ring slight and
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Lepiota cristatella. Pk.
Lepiota cristatella. Pk.
Pileus thin, convex, subumbonate, minutely mealy, especially on the margin, white disk slightly tinged with pink. Gills close, rounded behind, free, white; stem slender, whitish, hollow; spores subelliptical, .0002 inch long. Mossy places in woods. October.— Peck's Report . No one will fail to recognize the crested Lepiota the moment he sees it. It has many of the ear marks of the Lepiota family....
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Lepiota granosa. Morg.
Lepiota granosa. Morg.
Photo by C. G. Lloyd. Plate VIII. Figure 36.—Lepiota granosa. Granosa means covered with granules. The pileus is convex, obtuse or umbonate, even, radiately rugose-wrinkled, generally even and regular on the margin, reddish-yellow or light bay. The gills are attached to the stem, slightly decurrent, somewhat crowded, whitish, then reddish-yellow. The stem is thickened at the base, tapering toward the cap, flesh of the stem is yellow. The veil is membranous and forms a persistent ring on the stem
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Lepiota cepæstipes. Sow.
Lepiota cepæstipes. Sow.
The Onion Stemmed Lepiota. Edible. Figure 37. —Lepiota cepæstipes. Pileus thin, white or yellowish. Cepæstipes is from cepa, an onion and stipes, a stem, Pileus is thin at first ovate, then bell-shaped or expanded, umbonate, soon adorned with numerous minute brownish scales, which are often granular or mealy, folded into lines on the margin, white or yellow, the umbo darker. The gills are thin, close, free, white, becoming dingy with age or drying. The stem is rather long, tapering toward the ap
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Lepiota acutesquamosa. Wein.
Lepiota acutesquamosa. Wein.
The Squarrose Lepiota. Edible. Figure 38. —Lepiota acutesquamosa. Two-thirds natural size, showing small pointed scales. Acutesquamosa is from acutus , sharp, and squama , a scale; so called from the many bristling, erect scales on the pileus. The pileus is two to three inches broad, fleshy, convex, obtuse, or broadly umbonate; pale rusty with numerous small pointed scales, which are usually larger and more numerous at the disk. The gills are free, crowded, simple, white or yellowish. The stem i
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Armillaria. Fr.
Armillaria. Fr.
Armillaria, from armilla, a bracelet—referring to the ring upon the stem. This genus differs from all the foregoing white-spored species in having the gills attached to the stem by their inner extremity. The spores are white and the stem has a collar, though a somewhat evanescent one, but no wrapper at the base of the stem as in the Amanita and Amanitopsis. By the collar the genus differs from the other genera which are to follow. The Amanita and Lepiota have the flesh of the stem and the pileus
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Armillaria mellea. Vahl.
Armillaria mellea. Vahl.
The Honey-Colored Armillaria. Edible. Figure 39. —Armillaria mellea. Two-thirds natural size. Honey colored. Tufted with dark-brown fugitive hairs. Flesh white. Mellea, from melleus, of the color of honey. Cap fleshy, honey colored, or ochraceous, striate on the margin, shaded with darker brown toward the center, having a central boss-like elevation and sometimes a central depression in full grown specimens, tufted with dark-brown fugitive hairs. Color of the cap varies, depending upon climatic
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Armillaria bulbigera. A. & S.
Armillaria bulbigera. A. & S.
Marginate-bulbed Armillaria. Figure 41. —Armillaria bulbigera. Reddish-gray caps and short bulbous stems. Bulbigera is from bulbus , a bulb, and gero , to bear. The pileus is fleshy, three to four inches across, convex, then expanded, obtuse, even, brownish, gray, sometimes reddish, dry, fibrillose near the margin. The gills are notched at the stem, pallid, crowded at first, at length rather distant, becoming slightly colored. The stem is distinctly bulbous, two to three inches long, stuffed, pa
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Armillaria nardosmia. Ellis.
Armillaria nardosmia. Ellis.
Spikenard-Smelling Armillaria. Ellis. Figure 42. —Armillaria nardosmia. One-half natural size, showing the veil and incurved margin. Nardosmia is from nardosmius , the odor of nardus or spikenard. The pileus is quite thick, firm and compact, thinner toward the margin, strongly involute when young, grayish white and beautifully variegated with brown spots, like the breast of a pheasant, rather tough, with a separable epidermis, flesh white. The gills are crowded, slightly notched or emarginate, s
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Armillaria appendiculata. Pk.
Armillaria appendiculata. Pk.
Appendiculata, bearing small appendages. Pileus is broadly convex, glabrous, whitish, often tinged with rust-color or brownish rust-color on the disk. Flesh white or whitish. Gills close, rounded behind, whitish. Stem equal or slightly tapering upward, solid, bulbous, whitish, the veil either membraneous or webby, white, commonly adhering in fragments to the margin of the pileus. Spores subelliptical, 8×5. Pileus two to four inches broad. Stem 1.5–3.5 inches long; 5–10 lines thick. The general a
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Tricholoma. Fr.
Tricholoma. Fr.
Tricholoma is from two Greek words meaning hair and fringe. This genus is known by its stout, fleshy stem, without any evidence of a ring, and by the gills being attached to the stem and having a notch in their edges near or at the extremity. The veil is absent, or, if present, it is downy and adherent to the margin of the cap. The cap is generally quite fleshy; the stem is homogeneous and confluent with the pileus, central and nearly fleshy, without either ring or volva, and with no distinct ba
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Tricholoma transmutans. Pk.
Tricholoma transmutans. Pk.
The Changing Tricholoma. Edible. Transmutans means changing, from changes of color in both stem and gills in different stages of the plant. This species has a cap two to four inches broad, viscid or sticky when moist. It is at first tawny-brown, especially with advancing age. The flesh is white and has a decided farinaceous odor and taste. The gills are crowded, rather narrow, sometimes branched, becoming reddish-spotted with age. The stem is equal or slightly tapering upward; bare, or slightly
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Tricholoma equestre. Linn.
Tricholoma equestre. Linn.
The Knightly Tricholoma. Edible. Figure 43. —Tricholoma equestre. Equestre means belonging to a horseman; so called from its distinguished appearance in the woods. The pileus is three to five inches broad, fleshy, compact, convex, expanded, obtuse, viscid, scaly, margin incurved at first, pale yellowish, with sometimes a slight tinge of green in both cap and gills. Flesh white or tinged with yellow. The gills are free, crowded, rounded behind, yellow. The stem is stout, solid, pale yellow or whi
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Tricholoma sordidum. Fr.
Tricholoma sordidum. Fr.
Figure 44. —Tricholoma sordidum. Sordidum means dingy, dirty. The pileus is two to three inches broad, rather tough, fleshy, convex, bell-shaped, then depressed, subumbonate, smooth, hygrophanous, margin slightly striate, brownish lilac, then dusky. The gills are rounded, rather crowded, dingy violet then dusky, notched with a decurrent tooth. The stem is colored like the pileus, fibrillose striate, usually slightly curved, stuffed, short, often thickened at the base. The spores are 7–8×3–4, min
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Tricholoma grammopodium. Bull.
Tricholoma grammopodium. Bull.
The Grooved Stem Tricholoma. Edible. Figure 45. —Tricholoma grammopodium. Natural size. Grammopodium is from two Greek words meaning line and foot . The pileus is three to six inches broad, flesh thick at the center, thin at the margin, solid yet tender; brownish, blackish-umber, almost a dingy-lavender when moist, whitish when dry; at first bell-shaped, then convex, sometimes slightly wavy, obtusely umbonate; margin at first inclined to be involute, and extending beyond the gills. The gills are
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Tricholoma pædidum. Fr.
Tricholoma pædidum. Fr.
Paedidum means nasty, stinking. The pileus is small, about one and a half inches broad, rather fleshy, tough; convex, then flattened, soon depressed around the conical umbo; fibrillose, becoming smooth; smoky gray, somewhat streaked; moist; margin involute, naked. The gills are adnexed, crowded, narrow, white, then grayish, somewhat sinuate with a slight decurrent tooth. The stem is short, slightly striate, dingy gray, thickened at the base. The spores are elliptical or fusiform, 10–11×5–6µ. The
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Tricholoma lixivium. Fr.
Tricholoma lixivium. Fr.
Lixivium means made into lye; hence, of the color of ashes and water. The pileus is two to three inches broad; flesh thin; convex then plane; umbonate, never depressed; even; smooth; grayish-brown when moist, then umber; margin membranaceous, at length slightly striate, sometimes wavy. The gills are rounded behind and adnexed, free, soft, distant, often crisped, gray. The stem is about two inches long, fibrous, hollow, or stuffed, equal, at first covered with a white down, fragile, gray. The spo
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Tricholoma sulphureum. Bull.
Tricholoma sulphureum. Bull.
Sulphury Tricholoma. Poisonous. Figure 46. —Tricholoma sulphureum. Sulphureum, sulphur; so called from the general color of the plant. The pileus is one to three inches broad, fleshy, convex, then expanded, plane, slightly umbonate, sometimes depressed, or flexuous and irregular, mar gin at first involute, dingy or reddish-yellow, at first silky, becoming smooth and even. The gills are rather thick, narrowed behind, emarginate or acutely adnate, sulphur-colored. The stem is two to four inches lo
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Tricholoma quinquepartitum. Fr.
Tricholoma quinquepartitum. Fr.
Quinquepartitum means divided into five parts. There is no apparent reason for the name. Fries could not identify Linnæus' Agaricus quinquepartitus and he attached the name of this species. The pileus is three or four inches broad, slightly fleshy; convex, rather involute, then flattened, somewhat repand; viscid, smooth, even, pale yellowish. The gills are notched at the point of attachment to the stem, broad, white. The stem is three to four inches long, solid, striate or grooved, smooth. The s
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Tricholoma laterarium. Pk.
Tricholoma laterarium. Pk.
Figure 47. —Tricholoma laterarium. Laterarium is from later , a brick; so called because there is nearly always a slight tinge of brick red on the disk. The pileus is two to four inches broad, convex, then expanded, sometimes slightly depressed in the center; pruinose, whitish, the disk often tinged with red or brown, the thin margin marked with slight subdistant, short, radiating ridges. The gills are narrow, crowded, white, prolonged in little decurrent lines on the stem. The stem is nearly eq
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Tricholoma panæolum. Fr.
Tricholoma panæolum. Fr.
Figure 48. —Tricholoma panæolum. Panæolum, all variegated. The pileus is from three to four inches broad, deeply depressed, dusky with a gray bloom, hygrophanous; margin at first inrolled, sometimes wavy or irregular when fully expanded. The gills are quite crowded, adnate, arcuate, white at first, turning to a light gray tinged with an intimation of red, notched with a decurrent tooth. The stem is short, slightly bulbous, tapering upward, solid, smooth, about the same color as the cap. The spor
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Tricholoma columbetta. Fr.
Tricholoma columbetta. Fr.
The Dove-Colored Tricholoma. Edible. Figure 49. —Tricholoma columbetta. One-third natural size. Caps white. Stems bulbous. Columbetta is the diminutive of columba , a dove; so called from the color of the plant. The pileus is from one to four inches broad, fleshy, convex, then expanded; at first smooth, then silky; white, center sometimes a dilute mouse color shading to a white, frequently a tinge of pink will be seen on the margin, which is at first inrolled, tomentose in young plants, sometime
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Tricholoma melaleucum. Pers.
Tricholoma melaleucum. Pers.
The Changeable Tricholoma. Figure 50. —Tricholoma melaleucum. Two-thirds natural size. Melaleucum, black and white; from contrasted colors of the cap and gills. This Tricholoma grows in abundance in northern Ohio. I have found it in the woods near Bowling Green, Ohio. The specimens in the halftone were found near Sandusky, Ohio, and were photographed by Dr. Kellerman. It is usually found in sandy soil, growing singly in shady woods. The pileus fleshy, thin, from one to three inches broad, convex
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Tricholoma lascivum. Fr.
Tricholoma lascivum. Fr.
The Tarry Tricholoma. Lascivum, playful, wanton; so called because of its many affinities, none of which are very close. The pileus is fleshy, convex, then expanded, slightly obtuse, somewhat depressed, silky at first, then smooth, even. The gills are notched, adnexed, crowded, white; the stem is solid, equal, rigid, rooting, white, tomentose at the base. Found in the woods, Haynes' Hollow near Chillicothe. September and October....
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Tricholoma Russula. Schæff.
Tricholoma Russula. Schæff.
The Reddish Tricholoma. Edible. Figure 51. —Tricholoma Russula. Natural size. Caps reddish or flesh color. Russula is so named because of its likeness in color to some species of the genus Russula. The pileus is three to four inches broad, fleshy, convex, then depressed, viscid, even or dotted with granular scales, red or flesh color, the margin somewhat paler, involute and minutely downy in the young plant. The gills are rounded or slightly decurrent, rather distant, white, often becoming red-s
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Tricholoma acerbum. Bull.
Tricholoma acerbum. Bull.
The Bitter Tricholoma. Acerbum means bitter to the taste. The pileus is three to four inches broad, convex to expanded, obtuse, smooth, more or less spotted, margin thin, at first involute, rugose, sulcate, viscid, whitish, often tinged rufous, or yellow, quite bitter to the taste. The gills are notched, crowded, pallid or rufescent, narrow. The stem is solid, rather short, blunt, yellowish, squamulose above or about the apex. The spores are subglobose, 5–6µ. These plants were found growing in a
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Tricholoma cinerascens. Bull.
Tricholoma cinerascens. Bull.
Cinerascens means becoming the color of ashes. The pileus is two to three inches broad, fleshy, convex to expanded, even, obtuse, smooth, white, then grayish, margin thin. The gills are emarginate, crowded, rather undulate, dingy, reddish often yellowish, easily separating from the pileus. The stem is stuffed, equal, smooth, elastic. They grow in clusters in mixed wood. They are mild to the taste....
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Tricholoma album. Schæff.
Tricholoma album. Schæff.
The White Tricholoma. Edible. Figure 52. —Tricholoma album. Entirely white. Album means white. The pileus is two to four inches broad, fleshy, entirely white, convex, then depressed, obtuse, smooth, dry, disc frequently tinged with yellow, margin at first involute, at length repand. The gills are rounded behind, rather crowded, thin, white, broad. The stem is two to four inches long, solid, firm, narrowed upwards, smooth. This plant is quite plentiful in our woods, growing usually in groups. It
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Tricholoma imbricatum. Fr.
Tricholoma imbricatum. Fr.
The Imbricated Tricholoma. Edible. Photo by C. G. Lloyd Figure 53. —Tricholoma imbricatum. Imbricatum means covered with tiles, imbreces , referring to the lacerated condition of the cap. This species is very closely related to T. transmutans in size, color and taste. It is, however, easily separated by its dry cap and solid stem. Its cap is reddish-brown or cinnamon-brown, and its surface often presents a somewhat scaly appearance because the epidermis becomes lacerated or torn into small irreg
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Tricholoma terriferum. Pk.
Tricholoma terriferum. Pk.
The Earth-bearing Tricholoma. Edible. Terriferum, earth-bearing, alluding to the viscid cap's holding particles of loam and pine needles to it as it breaks through the soil. This is a meaty mushroom, and when properly cleaned makes an appetizing dish. The pileus is convex, irregular, wavy on the margin and rolled inward, smooth, viscid, pale yellow, sometimes whitish, generally covered with loam on account of the sticky surface of the cap, flesh white. The gills are white, thin, close, slightly
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Tricholoma fumidellum. Pk.
Tricholoma fumidellum. Pk.
The Smoky Tricholoma. Edible. Fumidellum—smoky, because of the clay-colored caps clouded with brown. The pileus is one to two inches broad, convex, then expanded, subumbonate, bare, moist, dingy-white or clay-color clouded with brown, the disk or umbo generally smoky brown. The gills are crowded, subventricose, whitish. The stem is one and a half to two and a half inches long, equal, bare, solid whitish. The spores minute, subglobose, 4–5×4µ. Peck , 44 Rep. The specimens I found grew in a mixed
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Tricholoma leucocephalum. Fr.
Tricholoma leucocephalum. Fr.
The White-capped Tricholoma. Edible. Leucocephalum is from two Greek words meaning white and head, referring to the white caps. The pileus is one and a half to two inches across, convex, then plane; even, moist, smooth when the silky veil is gone, water-soaked after a rain; flesh thin, tough, smell mealy, taste mild and pleasant. The gills are rounded behind and almost free, crowded, white. The stem is about two inches long, hollow, solid at the base, smooth, cartilaginous, tough, rooting. The s
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Tricholoma fumescens. Pk.
Tricholoma fumescens. Pk.
Smoky Tricholoma. Edible. Figure 54. —Tricholoma fumescens. Fumescens means growing smoky. Pileus convex or expanded, dry, clothed with a very minute appressed tomentum, whitish. The gills are narrow, crowded, rounded behind, whitish or pale cream color, changing to smoky blue or blackish where bruised. The stem is short, cylindrical, whitish. Spores are oblong-elliptical, 5–6×5µ. Pileus is one inch broad. Stem one to one and a half inches high. Peck , 44th Rep. N. Y. State Bot. The caps are qui
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Tricholoma terreum. Schaeff.
Tricholoma terreum. Schaeff.
The Gray Tricholoma. Edible. Figure 55. —Tricholoma terreum. Cap grayish-brown or mouse color. Terreum is from terra , the earth; so called from the color. This is quite a variable species in color and size, as well as manner of growth. The pileus is one to three inches broad, dry, fleshy, thin, convex, expanded, nearly plane, often having a central umbo; floccose-scaly, ashy-brown, grayish-brown or mouse-color. The gills are adnexed, subdistant, white, becoming grayish, edges more or less erode
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Tricholoma saponaceum. Fr.
Tricholoma saponaceum. Fr.
Figure 56. —Tricholoma saponaceum. Saponaceum is from sapo , soap, so called from its peculiar odor. The pileus is two to three inches broad, convex, then plane, involute at first as will be seen in Figure 56, smooth, moist in wet weather but not viscid, often cracked into scales or punctate, grayish or livid-brown, often with a tinge of olive, flesh firm, becoming more or less red when cut or wounded. The gills are uncinately emarginate, thin, quite entire, not crowded, white, sometimes tinged
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Tricholoma cartilagineum. Bull.
Tricholoma cartilagineum. Bull.
The Cartilaginous Tricholoma. Edible. Figure 57. — Tricholoma cartilagineum . Two-thirds natural size. Cartilagineum means gristly or cartilaginous. The pileus is two to three inches broad, cartilaginous, elastic, fleshy, convex, soon expanded, wavy, as seen in Figure 57, margin incurved, smooth, inclined to be blackish at first, then broken up into small black spots. The gills are slightly notched, adnexed, somewhat crowded, grayish. The stem is one to two inches long, rather firm, stuffed, equ
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Tricholoma squarrulosum. Bres.
Tricholoma squarrulosum. Bres.
Figure 58. —Tricholoma squarrulosum. Caps showing black squamules. Squarrulosum means full of scales. The pileus is two to three inches broad, convex, then expanded, umbonate, dry; fuscous then lurid tan, center black, with black squamules; edge fibrillose, exceeding gills. The gills are broad, crowded, whitish-gray, reddish when bruised. The stem is of the same color as the pileus, punctato-squamulose. The spores are elliptical, 7–9×4–5µ. This is a beautiful plant, growing in mixed woods among
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Tricholoma maculatescens. Pk.
Tricholoma maculatescens. Pk.
Spotted Tricholoma. Figure 59. —Tricholoma maculatescens. One-third natural size. Maculatescens means growing spotted; so called because when the specimen is dried the cap becomes more or less spotted. The pileus is one and a half to three inches broad, compact, spongy, reddish-brown, convex, then expanded, obtuse, even, slightly viscid when wet, becoming rivulose and brown spotted in drying, flesh whitish, margin inflexed, exceeding the gills. The gills are slightly emarginate, rather narrow, c
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Tricholoma flavobrunneum. Fr.
Tricholoma flavobrunneum. Fr.
The Yellow-Brown Tricholoma. Edible. Flavobrunneum is from flavus, yellow; brunneus, brown; so called from the brown caps and yellow flesh. The pileus is three to four or more inches broad, fleshy, conical, then convex, expanded, subumbonate, viscid, brownish-bay, scaly-streaked, flesh yellow, then tinged with red. The gills are pale yellow, emarginate, slightly decurrent, somewhat crowded, and often tinged with red. The stem is three to four inches long, hollow, slightly ventricose, brownish, f
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Tricholoma Schumacheri. Fr.
Tricholoma Schumacheri. Fr.
Schumacheri in honor of C. F. Schumacher, author of "Plantarum Sællandiæ." The pileus is from two to three inches broad, spongy, convex, then plane, obtuse, even, livid gray, moist, edge beyond gills incurved. The gills are narrow, close, pure white, slightly emarginate. The stem is three to four inches long, solid, fibrillosely-striate, white and fleshy. This seems to be a domestic plant, found in greenhouses....
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Tricholoma grande. Pk.
Tricholoma grande. Pk.
The Large Tricholoma. Edible. Grande, large, showy. This was quite abundant in Haines' Hollow and on Ralston's Run during the wet weather of the fall of 1905. It seems to be very like T. columbetta and is found in the same localities. The pileus is thick, firm, hemispherical, becoming convex, often irregular, dry, scaly, somewhat silky-fibrillose toward the margin, white, the margin at first involute. Flesh grayish-white, taste farinaceous. The gills are close, rounded behind, adnexed, white. Th
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Tricholoma sejunctum. Sow.
Tricholoma sejunctum. Sow.
The Separating Tricholoma. Edible. Figure 60. —Tricholoma sejunctum. One-half natural size. Sejunctum means having separated. It refers to the separation of the gills from the stem. Pileus fleshy, convex, then expanded, umbonate, slightly viscid, streaked with innate brown or blackish fibrils, whitish or yellow, sometimes greenish-yellow, flesh white and fragile. The gills are broad, subdistant, rounded behind or notched, white. The stem is solid, stout, often irregular, white. The spores are su
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Tricholoma unifactum. Pk.
Tricholoma unifactum. Pk.
United Tricholoma. Edible. Unifactum means united or made into one, referring to the stems united in one base root or stem. The pileus is fleshy but thin, convex; often irregular, sometimes eccentric from its mode of growth; whitish, flesh whitish, taste mild. The gills are thin, narrow, close, rounded behind, slightly adnexed, sometimes forked near the base, white. The stems are equal or thicker at the base, solid, fibrous, white, united at the base in a large fleshy mass. Spores are white, sub
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Tricholoma albellum. Fr.
Tricholoma albellum. Fr.
The Whitish Tricholoma. Edible. The pileus is two to three inches broad, becoming pale-white, passing into gray when dry, fleshy, thick at the disk, thinner at the sides, conical then convex, gibbous when expanded, when in vigor moist on the surface, spotted as with scales, the thin margin naked, flesh soft, floccose, white, unchangeable. The gills are very much attenuated behind, not emarginate, becoming broad in front; very crowded, quite entire, white. The stem is one to two inches long, soli
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Tricholoma personatum. Fr.
Tricholoma personatum. Fr.
The Masked Tricholoma. Edible. Figure 61. —Tricholoma personatum. One-third natural size. Caps usually tinged with lilac or violet. Stems bulbous. Figure 62. —Tricholoma personatum. Two-thirds natural size. The entire plant white. Personatum means wearing a mask; so called because of the variety of colors it undergoes. This is a beautiful mushroom, and is excellently flavored; it has a wide range and is frequently found, in great abundance. I have often seen it growing in almost a straight line
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Tricholoma nudum. Bull.
Tricholoma nudum. Bull.
The Naked Tricholoma. Edible. Nudum, naked, bare; from the character of the margin. The pileus is two to three inches broad, fleshy, rather thin, convex, then expanded, slightly depressed; smooth, moist, the whole plant violet at first, changing color, margin involute, thin, naked, often wavy. The gills are narrow, rounded behind, slightly decurrent when the plant becomes depressed, crowded, violet at first, changing to a reddish-brown without any tinge of violet. The stem is two to three inches
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Tricholoma gambosum. Fr.
Tricholoma gambosum. Fr.
St. George's Mushroom. Edible. Gambosum, with a swelling of the hoof, gamba . The pileus is three to six inches broad, sometimes even larger; very thick, convex, expanded, depressed, commonly cracked here and there; smooth, suggesting soft kid leather; margin involute at first, pale ochre or yellowish white. The gills are notched, with an adnexed tooth, densely crowded, ventricose, moist, various lengths, yellowish white. The stem is short, solid, flocculose at apex, substance creamy white; swol
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Tricholoma portentosum. Fr.
Tricholoma portentosum. Fr.
The Strange Tricholoma. Edible. Portentosum means strange or monstrous. Figure 63. —Tricholoma portentosum. The pileus is three to five inches broad, fleshy, convex, then expanded, subumbonate, viscid, sooty, often with purple tinge, frequently unequal and turned up, streaked with dark lines, the thin margin naked, flesh not compact, white, fragile, and mild. The gills are white, very broad, rounded, almost free, distant, often becoming pale-gray or yellowish. The stem is three to six inches lon
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Clitocybe. Fr.
Clitocybe. Fr.
Clitocybe is from two Greek words, a hillside, or declivity, and a head; so called from the central depression of the pileus. The genus Clitocybe differs from Tricholoma in the character of the gills. They are attached to the stem by the whole width and usually are prolonged down the stem or decurrent. This is the first genus with decurrent gills. The genus has neither a volva nor a ring and the spores are white. The stem is elastic, spongy within, frequently hollow and extremely fibrous, contin
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Clitocybe media. Pk.
Clitocybe media. Pk.
The Intermediate Clitocybe. Edible. Figure 64. —Clitocybe media. One-half natural size. Media is from medius , middle; it is so called because it is intermediate between C. nebularis and C. clavipes. It is not as plentiful as either of the others in our woods. The pileus is grayish-brown or blackish-brown, always darker than C. nebularis. The flesh is white and farinaceous in taste. The gills are rather broad, not crowded, adnate and decurrent, white, with few transverse ridges or veins in the s
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Clitocybe infundibuliformis. Schaeff.
Clitocybe infundibuliformis. Schaeff.
The Funnel-Formed Clitocybe. Edible. Photo by C. G. Lloyd. Plate IX. Figure 65.—Clitocybe infundibuliformis. Infundibuliformis means funnel-shaped. This is a beautiful plant and very abundant in woods after a heavy rain. It grows upon the leaves and especially among pine needles. The pileus is at first convex and umbonate and as the plant advances in age the margin becomes elevated until the plant becomes funnel-shaped. The margin is frequently incurved and finally wavy. The flesh is soft and wh
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Clitocybe odora. Bull.
Clitocybe odora. Bull.
Sweet-smelling Clitocybe. Edible. Figure 66. —Clitocybe odora. One-third natural size. Cap pale green. Odora means fragrant. This is one of the easiest of the Clitocybes to identify. The collector will very readily recognize it by its olive-green color and its odor. The color in the old plant is quite variable but in young plants is well marked. The pileus is one to two and a half inches broad, flesh quite thick; at first convex, then expanded, plane, often depressed, sometimes inclined to be wa
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Clitocybe illudens. Schw.
Clitocybe illudens. Schw.
The Deceiving Clitocybe. Not Edible. Photo by C. G. Lloyd. Plate X. Figure 67.—Clitocybe illudens. Caps reddish-yellow to deep yellow. Gills yellow and decurrent. Illudens means deceiving. Pileus of a beautiful yellow, very showy and inviting. Many a basketful has been brought to me to be identified with the hope of their edibility. The cap is convex, umbonate, spreading, depressed, smooth, often irregular from its crowded condition of growth; in older and larger plants the margin of the pileus
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Clitocybe multiceps. Pk.
Clitocybe multiceps. Pk.
The Many-Headed Clitocybe. Edible. Figure 68. —Clitocybe multiceps. One-half natural size. Caps grayish-white. Multiceps means many heads; so called because many caps are found in one cluster. It is a very common plant around Chillicothe. It has been found within the city limits. It is quite a typical species, too, having all the characteristics of the genus. I have often seen over fifty caps in one cluster. The pileus is white or gray, brownish-gray or buff; smooth, thin at the margin, convex,
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Clitocybe clavipes. Pers.
Clitocybe clavipes. Pers.
Photo by C. G. Lloyd. Figure 69. —Clitocybe clavipes. Clavipes is from clava , a club, and pes , a foot. The pileus is one to two and a half inches broad, fleshy, rather spongy, convex to expanded, obtuse, even, smooth, gray or brownish, sometimes whitish toward the margin. The gills are decurrent, descending, rather distant, nearly entire, rather broad, white. The stem is two inches long, swollen at the base, attenuated upward, stuffed, spongy, fibrillose, livid sooty. Spores are elliptical, 6–
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Clitocybe tornata. Fr.
Clitocybe tornata. Fr.
Tornata means turned in a lathe; so called because of its neat and regular form. The pileus is orbicular, plane, somewhat depressed, thin, smooth, shining, white, darker on the disk, very regular. The gills are decurrent adnate, rather crowded, white. The stem is stuffed, firm, slender, smooth, pubescent at the base. The spores are elliptical, 4–6×3–4µ. These are small, very regular, and inodorous plants. They are found in open fields in the grass about elm stumps. July to September. They are ed
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Clitocybe metachroa. Fr.
Clitocybe metachroa. Fr.
The Obconic Clitocybe. Edible. Figure 70. —Clitocybe metachroa. Caps dark gray. Gills pale gray. Metachroa means changing color. The pileus is one to two and a half inches broad, somewhat fleshy, convex, then plane, depressed, smooth, hygrophanous, brownish-gray, then livid, growing pale. The gills are attached to the stem, crowded, pale gray, slightly decurrent. The stem is one to two inches long, stuffed, then hollow, apex mealy, equal, gray. It differs from C. ditopa in being inodorous and ha
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Clitocybe adirondackensis. Pk.
Clitocybe adirondackensis. Pk.
Figure 71. —Clitocybe adirondackensis. Three-fourths natural size. Caps white. Adirondackensis, so called because the plant was first found in the Adirondack Mountains of New York. The pileus is thin, submembranaceous, funnel-form, with the margin decurved, nearly smooth, hygrophanous, white, the disk often darker. The gills are white, very narrow, scarcely broader than the thickness of the flesh of the pileus, crowded, long, decurrent, subarcuate, some of them forked. The stem is slender, subeq
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Clitocybe ochropurpurea. Berk.
Clitocybe ochropurpurea. Berk.
The Clay-Purple Clitocybe. Edible. Photo by C. G. Lloyd. Plate XI. Figure 72.—Clitocybe ochropurpurea. Ochropurpurea is from ochra , ocher or clay color; purpureus , purple; it is so called because the caps are clay-color and the gills are purple. The caps are convex, fleshy, quite compact, clay-colored, sometimes tinged with purple around the margin, cuticle easily separating, margin involute, often at first tomentose, old forms often repand or wavy. The gills are purple, sometimes whitish in o
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Clitocybe subditopoda. Pk.
Clitocybe subditopoda. Pk.
Subditopoda is so called because it is nearly (sub) like Fries' C. ditopus, which means living in two places, perhaps referring to the stem being sometimes central and sometimes eccentric. The pileus is thin, convex or nearly plane, umbilicate, hygrophanous, grayish-brown, striate on the margin when moist, paler when dry, flesh concolorous, odor and taste farinaceous. The gills are broad, close, adnate, whitish or pale cinereous. The stem is equal, smooth, hollow, colored like the pileus. The sp
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Clitocybe ditopoda. Fr.
Clitocybe ditopoda. Fr.
Ditopoda is from two Greek words, di-totos , living in two places, and pus or poda , foot, having reference to the stem being central at times and again eccentric. The pileus is rather fleshy, convex, then plane, depressed, even, smooth, hygrophanous. The gills are adnate, crowded, thin, dark, cinereous. The stem is hollow, equal, almost naked. This species resembles in appearance C. metachroa but can be separated by the mild taste and farinaceous odor. Its favorite habit is on pine needles. Aug
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Clitocybe pithyophila. Fr.
Clitocybe pithyophila. Fr.
The Pine-Loving Clitocybe. Figure 73. —Clitocybe pithyophila. Two-thirds natural size. Cap white and showing the pine needles upon which they grow. Pithyophila means pine-loving. This plant is very abundant under pine trees on Cemetery Hill. They grow on the bed of pine needles. The pileus is very variable in size, white, one to two inches broad; fleshy, thin, becoming plane, umbonate, smooth, growing pale, at length irregularly shaped, repand, wavy, sometimes slightly striate. The stem is hollo
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Clitocybe candicans. Fr.
Clitocybe candicans. Fr.
Candicans, whitish or shining white. Pileus is one inch broad, entirely white, somewhat fleshy, convex, then plane, or depressed, even, shining, with regularly deflexed margin. The gills are adnate, crowded, thin, at length decurrent, narrow. The stem is nearly hollow, even, waxy, shining, nearly equal, cartilaginous, smooth, incurved at the base. The spores are broadly elliptical, or subglobose, 5–6×4µ. Found in damp woods on leaves....
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Clitocybe obbata. Fr.
Clitocybe obbata. Fr.
The Beaker-Shaped Clitocybe. Edible. Obbata means shaped like an obba or beaker. The pileus is somewhat membranaceous, umbilicate, then rather deeply depressed, smooth, inclined to be hygrophanous, sooty-brown, margin at length striate. The gills are decurrent, distant, grayish-white, pruinose. The stem is hollow, grayish-brown, smooth, equal, rather tough. I found plants growing on Cemetery Hill under pine trees. I had some trouble to identify the species until Prof. Atkinson helped me out. Aug
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Clitocybe gilva. Pers.
Clitocybe gilva. Pers.
The Yellow Clitocybe. Edible. Gilva means pale yellow or reddish yellow. The pileus is two to four inches broad, fleshy, compact, soon depressed and wavy, smooth, moist, dingy ocher, flesh same color, sometimes spotted, margin involute. The gills are decurrent, closely crowded, thin, sometimes branched, narrow but broader in the middle, ochraceous yellow. The stem is two to three inches long, solid, smooth, nearly equal, somewhat paler than the cap, and inclined to be villous at the base. The sp
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Clitocybe flaccida. Sow.
Clitocybe flaccida. Sow.
The Limp Clitocybe. Edible. Figure 74. —Clitocybe flaccida. One-half natural size. Flaccida means flabby, limp. The pileus is two to three inches broad, rather fleshy, thin, limp, umbilicate, then funnel-shaped, even, smooth, sometimes cracking into minute scales, tawny or rust-colored, margin broadly reflexed. The gills are strongly decurrent, yellowish, to whitish, close, arcuate. The stem is tufted, unequal, rusty, somewhat wavy, tough, naked, villous at the base. The spores are globose or ne
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Clitocybe monadelpha. Morg.
Clitocybe monadelpha. Morg.
The One-Brotherhood Clitocybe. Edible. Photo by C. G. Lloyd. Plate XII. Figure 75.—Clitocybe monadelpha. Monadelpha is from monos , one and adelphos , brother. Prof. Morgan of Preston, Ohio, gives the following description of the One-Brotherhood Clitocybe in the Mycological Flora of the Miama Valley: "Densely cespitose. Pileus fleshy, convex, then depressed, at first glabrous, then scaly, honey-colored, varying to pallid-brown or reddish. The stem elongated, solid, crooked, twisted, fibrous, tap
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Clitocybe dealbata. Sow.
Clitocybe dealbata. Sow.
The White Clytocybe. Edible. Dealbata means whitewashed; so called from its white color. The pileus is about one inch broad, rather fleshy, convex, then plane, upturned and wavy, smooth, shining, even. The gills are crowded, white, attached to the stem. The stem is fibrous, thin, equal, stuffed. Spores are 4–5×2.5µ. This is a beautiful plant and widely distributed. Found among leaves and sometimes in the grass. It makes a delicious dish....
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Clitocybe phyllophila. Fr.
Clitocybe phyllophila. Fr.
The Leaf-Loving Clitocybe. Edible. Phyllophila means leaf and fond of. It is so called because it is found on leaves in the woods during wet weather. The pileus is one and a half to three inches in diameter, whitish-tan, rather fleshy, convex, then plane, at length depressed, even, dry, noticeably white around the margin. The gills are attached to the stem, decurrent especially after the cap is depressed, somewhat distant, rather broad, white, becoming yellowish or ocher tinged, thin. The stem i
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Clitocybe cyathiformis. Bull.
Clitocybe cyathiformis. Bull.
The Cup-Shaped Clitocybe. Edible. Cyathiformis is from cyathus , a drinking cup; formis , form or shape. The pileus is two to three inches broad, fleshy, rather thin; at first depressed, then funnel-shaped; even, smooth, moist, hygrophanous; the margin involute, sooty or dark brown when moist, becoming pale when dry, often dingy ochraceous or tan-color, inclined to be wavy. The gills are attached to the stem, decurrent from the depressed form of the pileus, united behind, somewhat dingy, sparing
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Clitocybe laccata. Scop.
Clitocybe laccata. Scop.
Waxy Clitocybe. Edible. Figure 76. —Clitocybe laccata. Two-thirds natural size. Caps violet or reddish-brown. Gills broad and distant. Laccata means made of shellac or sealing-wax. This is a very common, variable plant. Sometimes of a bright amethyst but usually of a reddish brown. The pileus is from one to two inches broad, almost membranaceous, convex, then plane, depressed in the center, downy with short hairs, violet or reddish-brown. The gills are broad, distant, attached to the stem by the
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Collybia. Fr.
Collybia. Fr.
Collybia is from a Greek word meaning a small coin or a small round cake. The ring and volva are both wanting in this genus. The pileus is fleshy, generally thin, and when the plant is young the margin of the pileus is incurved. The gills are adnate or nearly free, soft, membranaceous. Many species of Collybia will revive to some extent when moistened, but they are not coriaceous. The stem differs in substance from the pileus, cartilaginous or has a cartilaginous cuticle, while the inside is stu
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Collybia radicata. Rehl.
Collybia radicata. Rehl.
The Rooting Collybia. Edible. Plate XIII. Figure 78.—Collybia radicata. This, in its season, is one of the most common mushrooms in the woods. It grows in the ground, frequently around old stumps, sometimes on lawns. Those in Figure 78 were found in the woods on the ground. One plant, as will be seen by the square, is a foot high. It is easily recognized by its long root and flat cap. The root extends into the ground and will frequently break before pulling up. This root gives name to the specie
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Colybia ingrata. Schum.
Colybia ingrata. Schum.
Ingrata means unpleasant; from its somewhat unpleasant odor. The pileus is one to two inches broad, globose, bell-shaped, then convex, umbonate, even, brownish-tan. The gills are free, narrow, crowded, pallid. The stem is twisted, subcompressed, sprinkled with a mealy tomentum above, umber below, hollow, rather long, unequal. I found this plant quite abundant on Cemetery Hill, growing under pine trees, from the mass of pine needles. Found in July and August....
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Collybia platyphylla. Fr.
Collybia platyphylla. Fr.
Broad-gilled Collybia. Edible. Figure 79. —Collybia platyphylla. One-third natural size. Platyphylla is from two Greek words meaning broad and leaf, referring to the broad gills. It is a much larger and stouter plant than Collybia radicata. It is found in new ground on open pastures about stumps, also in woods, on rotten logs and about stumps. The pileus is three to four inches broad, at first convex, then expanded, plane, margin often upturned, smoky brown to grayish, streaked with dark fibrils
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Collybia dryophila. Bull.
Collybia dryophila. Bull.
Oak-loving Collybia. Edible. Photo by C. G. Lloyd. Figure 80. —Collybia dryophila. Natural size. Caps bay-brown. Dryophila is from two Greek words, oak and fond of. The pileus is bay-brown, bay red, or tan color, one or two inches broad, convex, plane, sometimes depressed and the margin elevated, flesh thin and white. The gills are free with a decurrent tooth, crowded, narrow, white, or whitish, rarely yellow. The stem is cartilaginous, smooth, hollow, yellow, or yellowish, equal, sometimes thic
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Collybia zonata. Pk.
Collybia zonata. Pk.
The Zoned Collybia. Edible. Photo by C. G. Lloyd. Plate XIV. Figure 81.—Collybia Zonata. Zonata, zoned; referring to the concentric zones on the cap which show faintly in Figure 81. The pileus is about one inch broad, sometimes more, sometimes less; rather fleshy, thin, convex, when expanded nearly plane, slightly umbilicate, covered with fibrous down; tawny or ochraceous tawny, sometimes marked with faintly darker zones; even in the very young specimens the umbilicate condition is usually prese
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Collybia maculata. Alb. & Schw.
Collybia maculata. Alb. & Schw.
The Spotted Collybia. Edible. Figure 82. —Collybia maculata. Two-thirds natural size. Reddish-brown spots on caps and stems. Maculata, spotted; referring to the reddish spots or stains both on the cap and on the stem. The pileus is two to three inches broad, at first white, then spotted (as well as the stem) with reddish brown spots or stains, fleshy, very firm, convex, sometimes nearly plane, even, smooth, truly carnose, compact, at first hemispherical and with an involute margin, often repand.
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Collybia atrata. Fr.
Collybia atrata. Fr.
Charcoal Collybia. Figure 83. —Collybia atrata. One-half natural size. Caps dull blackish-brown. Gills grayish-white. Atrata, clothed in black; from the pileus being very black when young. The pileus is from one to two inches broad, at first regular and convex, when expanded becoming, as a rule, irregular in shape, sometimes partially lobed or wavy; in young plants the cap is a dull blackish brown, faded in older specimens to a lighter brown, umbilicate, smooth, shining. The gills are adnate, sl
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Collybia ambusta. Fr.
Collybia ambusta. Fr.
The Scorched Collybia. Ambusta, burned or scorched, from its being found on burned soil. The pileus is nearly membranaceous, convex, then expanded, nearly plane, papillate, striatulate, smooth, livid brown, hygrophanous, umbonate. The gills are adnate, crowded, lanceolate, white, then of a smoky tinge. The stem is somewhat stuffed, tough, short, livid. Spores 5–6×3–4. This species differs from C. atrata in having an umbonate pileus....
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Collybia confluens. Pers.
Collybia confluens. Pers.
The Tufted Collybia. Edible. Figure 84. —Collybia confluens. Natural size, showing reddish stems. Confluens means growing together; so called from the stems often being confluent or adhering to each other. The pileus is from an inch to an inch and a quarter broad, reddish-brown, often densely cespitose, somewhat fleshy, convex, then plane, flaccid, smooth, often watery, margin thin, in old specimens slightly depressed and wavy. The gills are free and in old plants remote from the stem, rather cr
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Collybia myriadophylla. Pk.
Collybia myriadophylla. Pk.
Many-leaved Collybia. Figure 85. —Collybia myriadophylla. Myriadophylla is from two Greek words, meaning many leaves. It has reference to its numerous gills. The pileus is very thin, broadly convex, then plane or centrally depressed, sometimes umbillicate, hygrophanous, brown when moist, ochraceous or tan-color when dry. The gills are very numerous, narrow, linear, crowded, rounded behind or slightly adnexed, brownish-lilac. The stem is slender, but commonly short, equal, glabrous, stuffed or ho
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Collybia atratoides. Pk.
Collybia atratoides. Pk.
The Blackish Collybia. Figure 86. —Collybia atratoides. Two-thirds natural size. Caps blackish to grayish-brown. Atratoides means like the species atrata , which means black; so called because the caps when fresh are quite black. Atratoides has a different habitat and is not so dark. The pileus is thin, convex, subumbilicate, glabrous, hygrophanous, blackish-brown when moist, grayish-brown and shining when dry. The gills are rather broad, subdistant, adnate, grayish-white, often transversely vei
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Collybia acervata. Fr.
Collybia acervata. Fr.
The Tufted Collybia. Edible. Figure 87. —Collybia acervata. Two-thirds natural size. Caps pale, tan or dingy pink. Acervata, from acervus, a mass, a heap. Pileus fleshy but thin, convex, or nearly plane, obtuse, glabrous, hygrophanous, pale, tan-color or dingy pinkish-red, and commonly striate on the margin when moist, paler or whitish when dry. Gills narrow, close, adnexed or free, whitish or tinged with flesh-color. The stem slender, rigid, hollow, glabrous, reddish, reddish-brown or brown, of
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Collybia velutipes. Curtis.
Collybia velutipes. Curtis.
The Velvet-foot Collybia. Edible. Photo by C. G. Lloyd. Plate XV. Figure 88.—Collybia velutipes. Natural size, showing the velvet stems, which give name to the species. Velutipes, from vellum , velvet and pes , foot. Pileus from one to four inches broad, tawny yellow, fleshy at the center, thick on the margin, quite sticky or viscid when moist, margin slightly striate, sometimes inclined to be excentric. Gills rounded behind, broad, slightly adnexed, tan or pale-yellow, somewhat distant. The ste
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Mycena. Fr.
Mycena. Fr.
Mycena is from a Greek word, meaning a fungus. The plants of this genus are small and rather fragile. Pileus more or less membranaceous, generally striate, with the margin almost straight, and at first pressed to the stem, never involute, expanded, campanulate, and generally umbonate. The stem is externally cartilaginous, hollow, not stuffed when young, confluent with the cap. Gills never decurrent, though some species have a broad sinus near the stem. Most species are small and inodorous, but s
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Mycena galericulata. Scop.
Mycena galericulata. Scop.
The Small Peaked-cap Mycena. Edible. Plate XVI. Figure 89.—Mycena galericulata. Natural size. Galericulata, a small peaked-cap. The pileus is campanulate, whitish or grayish, center of the disk darker and lighter toward the margin, smooth, dry, margin striated nearly to the peak of the umbo, sometimes slightly depressed. The gills are adnate with a tooth, connected by veins, whitish, then gray, often flesh color, rather distant, ventricose, edge sometimes entire, sometimes serrate. The stem is r
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Mycena rugosa. Fr.
Mycena rugosa. Fr.
The Wrinkled Mycena. Edible. Rugosa means wrinkled. The pileus is somewhat fleshy, darker and smaller than the galericulata, quite tough, bell-shaped, then expanded, with unequal elevated wrinkles, always dry, striate on the margin. The gills are adnate, with a tooth, united behind, connected by veins, somewhat distant, whitish, then gray, edge sometimes entire, sometimes serrate. The stem is short, tough, rooted with a hairy base, strongly cartilaginous, hollow, rigid, smooth. It is found on st
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Mycena prolifera. Sow.
Mycena prolifera. Sow.
The Proliferous Mycena. Edible. Prolifera is from proles , offspring, and fero , to bear. The pileus is somewhat fleshy, campanulate, then expanded, dry, with a broad, dark umbo; margin at length sulcate or furrowed and sometimes split, pale-yellowish or becoming brownish-tan. The gills are adnexed, subdistant, white, then pallid. The stem is firm, rigid, smooth, shining, minutely striate, rooting. Fries. This species, as well as M. galericulata, is closely related to M. cohærens. I have found i
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Mycena capillaris. Schum.
Mycena capillaris. Schum.
Capillaris means hair-like. This is a very small but beautiful white plant. The pileus is bell-shaped, at length umbilicate, smooth. The gills are attached to the stem, ascending, rather distant. The stem is thread-like, smooth, short. The spores are 7–8×4. Fries. These plants are very small and easily overlooked. They grow on leaves in the woods after a rain. July and August. Quite common....
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Mycena setosa. Sow.
Mycena setosa. Sow.
Setosa means full of setæ or hairs. The pileus is very delicate, hemispherical, obtuse, smooth. The gills are distant, white, almost free. The stem is short, slender, and covered with spreading hairs which gives rise to its specific name. Commonly found on dead leaves in the woods after a rain. Found in July and August....
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Mycena hæmatopa. Pers.
Mycena hæmatopa. Pers.
The Blood-Foot Mycena. Edible. Figure 90. —Mycena hæmatopa. Brownish-red or flesh-color. A dull red juice exudes from the stem. Margin dentate by sterile flap. Hæmatopa is from two Greek words, meaning blood and foot. The pileus is fleshy, one inch broad, conic, or bell-shaped, somewhat umbonate, obtuse, whitish to flesh-color, with more or less dull red, even, or slightly striate at the margin, the margin extending beyond the gills and is toothed. The gills are attached to the stem, often with
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Mycena alkalina. Fr.
Mycena alkalina. Fr.
The Stump Mycena. Figure 91. —Mycena alkalina. Two-thirds natural size, often larger. Young specimens. Solitary or cespitose; pileus one-half to two inches broad, rather membranaceous, campanulate, obtuse, naked, deeply striate, moist, shining when dry, when old expanded or depressed, but little changed in color, though occasionally with a pink or yellow hue, whitish or grayish, the center of the disk darker. The gills are adnate, rather distant, slightly ventricose, at first pale, then glaucous
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Mycena filopes. Bull.
Mycena filopes. Bull.
Thready-Stemmed Mycena. Pileus membranaceous, obtuse, campanulate, then expanded, striate, brown or umber, tinged with pink. The gills are free or minutely adnexed, slightly ventricose, white or paler than the pileus, crowded. The stem is hollow, juicy, smooth, filiform, rather brittle, whitish or brownish. Found in woods on leaves, after a rain, from July to October....
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Mycena stannea. Fr.
Mycena stannea. Fr.
The Tin-Colored Mycena. Figure 92. —Mycena stannea. Natural size. Caps white, sometimes smoky. Stannea pertaining to the color of tin. This is a delicate species that grows in the woods in tufts on rotten wood in damp places. The general character is shown in the illustration, being nearly white but many of the pilei are somewhat smoky. The pileus is firm, membranaceous, bell-shaped, then expanded, smooth, very slightly striate, hygrophanous, quite silky, tin-color. The gills are firmly attached
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Mycena vitrea. Fr.
Mycena vitrea. Fr.
Vitrea, glassy. This plant is quite fragile. The pileus is membranaceous, bell-shaped, livid-brown, finely striate, no trace of umbo. The gills are firmly attached to the stem, not connected by veins, distinct, linear, whitish. The stem is slender, slightly striate, polished, pale, base fibrillose. This species differs from M. ætites and M. stannea in gills not having a decurrent tooth and not being connected by veins....
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Mycena corticola. Fr.
Mycena corticola. Fr.
Figure 93. —Mycena corticola. Corticola means dwelling on bark. It is one of the smallest of the Mycenas, the pileus being about two to four lines across, thin, hemispherical, obtuse, becoming slightly umbilicate, deeply striate, glabrous or flocculosely pruinose, gray, tan, or brownish. The gills are attached to the stem, with slight decurrent tooth, broad, rather ovate, pallid. The stem, is short, slender, incurved, glabrous or minutely scurfy, somewhat paler than the pileus. The spores are el
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Mycena hiemalis. Osbeck.
Mycena hiemalis. Osbeck.
The Winter Mycena. Hiemalis, of, or belonging to, winter. The pileus quite thin, bell-shaped, very slightly umbonate, margin striate; pinkish, rufescent, white, sometimes pruinose. The gills are adnate, linear, white or whitish. The stem is slender, curved, base downy, whitish, pinkish-red. The spores are 7–8×3. This is a more delicate species than M. corticola and differs from it in its narrow gills, and striate, not sulcate, pileus, also in the color of the stem. Found on stumps and logs. Octo
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Mycena Leaiana. Berk.
Mycena Leaiana. Berk.
Figure 94. —Mycena leaiana. Natural size. Caps bright orange and very viscid. Leaiana named in honor of Mr. Thomas G. Lea, who was the first man to study mycology in the Miami Valley. This is a very beautiful plant growing on decayed beech logs in rainy weather. The pileus is fleshy, very viscid, bright orange, the margin slightly striate as will be seen in the one whose cap shows. The gills are distant, not entire, broad, notched at the stem, attached, the edge a dusky orange, or vermilion, the
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Mycena iris. B.
Mycena iris. B.
Pileus is small, convex, expanded, obtuse, slightly viscid, striate, quite blue when young, growing brownish with blue fibrils. The gills are free, tinged with gray. The stem is short, bluish below, tinged with brown above, somewhat pruinose. Found in damp woods after a rain, in August....
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Mycena pura. Pers.
Mycena pura. Pers.
Photo by Prof. G. D. Smith. Figure 95. —Mycena pura. Pura means unstained, pure. The pileus is fleshy, thin, bell-shaped, expanded, obtusely umbonate, finely striate on the margin, sometimes having margin upturned, violet to rose. The gills are broad, adnate to sinuate, in older plants sometimes free by breaking away from the stem, connected by veins, sometimes wavy and crenate on the edge, the edge of the gills sometimes almost or quite white, violet, rose. The stem is even, nearly naked, somew
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Mycena vulgaris. Pers.
Mycena vulgaris. Pers.
Vulgaris means common. The pileus is small, convex, then depressed, papillate, viscid, brownish-gray, finely striate on the margin. The gills are subdecurrent, thin, white; the depressed cap and decurrent gills make the plant resemble an Omphalia. Spores, 5×2.5µ. The stem is viscid, pale, tough, fibrillose at the base, rooting, becoming hollow. It differs from M. pelliculosa in not having a separable cuticule and the fold-like gills. This plant will be recognized by its smoky or grayish color, u
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Mycena epipterygia. Scop.
Mycena epipterygia. Scop.
Figure 96. —Mycena epipterygia. Epipterygia is Epi , upon, and Pterygion , a small wing. These are small, the pileus being one-half to one inch broad, membranaceous, bell-shaped, then expanded, rather obtuse, not depressed, striate, the cuticule separable in every condition and viscid in damp weather, gray, often pale yellowish-green near the margin often minutely notched when young. The gills are attached to the stem with a decurrent tooth, thin, whitish or tinged with gray. The stem is two to
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Omphalia. Fr.
Omphalia. Fr.
Omphalia is from a Greek word meaning the navel; referring here to the central depression in the cap. The pileus from the first is centrally depressed, then funnel-shaped, almost membranaceous, and watery when moist; margin incurved or straight. Stem cartilaginous and hollow, often stuffed when young, continuous with the cap but different in character. Gills decurrent and sometimes branched. They are generally found on wood, preferring a damp woody situation and a wet season. It is easily distin
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Omphalia campanella. Batsch.
Omphalia campanella. Batsch.
The Bell Omphalia. Edible. Photo by C. G. Lloyd. Plate XVII. Figure 97.—Omphalia campanella. Campanella means a little bell. The pileus is membranaceous, convex to extended, centrally depressed, striate, watery, rusty-yellow in color. The gills are moderately close, decurrent, bow-shaped, connected by veins, rigid, firm, yellowish. The spores elliptical, 6–7×3–4µ. The stem is hollow, clothed with down, and paler above. This plant is very common and plentiful in our woods and is widely distribute
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Omphalia epichysia. Pers.
Omphalia epichysia. Pers.
The pileus is thin, convex to expanded, depressed in the center, sooty-gray with a watery appearance, pallid to nearly white when dry. The gills are slightly decurrent, whitish then gray, somewhat crowded. The stem is slender, hollow, gray. The spores are elliptical, 8–10×4–5µ. It grows in decayed wood. Its smoky color, funnel-shaped pileus, and gray short stem will distinguish it. I have some plants sent me from Massachusetts which seem to be much smaller than our plants....
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Omphalia umbellifera. Linn.
Omphalia umbellifera. Linn.
The Umbel Omphalia. Edible. Umbellifera— umbella , a small shade; ferro , to bear. Pileus one-half inch broad, membranaceous, whitish, convex, then plane, broadly obconic, slightly umbilicate even in the smallest plants, hygrophanous in wet weather, rayed with darker striæ. The gills are decurrent, very distant, quite broad behind, triangular, with straight edges. The stem is short, not more than one inch long, dilated at the apex, of same color as the pileus, at first stuffed, then hollow, firm
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Omphalia cæspitosa. Bol.
Omphalia cæspitosa. Bol.
Figure 98. —Omphalia cæspitosa. Natural size. Cæspitosa means growing in tufts; cæspes , turf. The pileus is submembranaceous, very small, convex, nearly hemispherical, umbilicate, thin, sulcate, light-ochre, margin crenate, smooth. The gills are distant, rather broad, shortly decurrent, whitish. The stem is curved, hollow, colored like the pileus, slightly bulbous at the base. The spores are 6×5. This species is very much like Omphalia oniscus and they can only be distinguished by their habitat
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Omphalia oniscus. Fr.
Omphalia oniscus. Fr.
Bolton's Omphalia. Edible. Oniscus, a name given to a species of codfish by the Greeks, so named because of their gray color. The pileus is flaccid, irregular, about one inch broad, convex, plane, or depressed, slightly fleshy, wavy, sometimes lobed, margin striate, dark cinereous, paler when dry. The gills are adnate, decurrent, livid or whitish, arranged in groups of four, somewhat distant. The stem is about one inch long, rather firm, straight or curved, sometimes unequal, nearly hollow. The
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Omphalia pyxidata. Bull.
Omphalia pyxidata. Bull.
The Box Omphalia. Pyxidata means made like a box, from pyxis , a box. The pileus is somewhat membranaceous, clearly umbilicate, then funnel-shaped, smooth when moist, margin often striate, brick-red. The gills are decurrent, rather distant, triangular, narrow, reddish gray, often yellowish. The stem is stuffed, then hollow, even, tough, pale-tawny. The spores are 7–8×5–6µ. The plants are usually hygrophanous, but when dry, floccose or slightly silky. This is a small plant growing usually on lawn
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Omphalia fibula. Bull.
Omphalia fibula. Bull.
Photo by C. G. Lloyd. Figure 99. —Omphalia fibula. Fibula means a buckle or pin, from the pin-like stem. The pileus is membranaceous, at first top-shaped, expanded, slightly umbilicate, striate, margin inclined to be inflexed, yellow or tawny, with a dusky center, minutely pilose. The gills are deeply decurrent, paler, distinct. The stem is slender, nearly orange color with a violet-brown apex, the whole minutely pilose. The spores are elliptical, 4–5×2µ. They are found on mossy banks where it i
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Omphalia alboflava. Moy.
Omphalia alboflava. Moy.
The Golden-Gilled Omphalia. Figure 100. —Omphalia alboflava. Cap yellowish-brown, sometimes a greenish tinge. Gills golden yellow. Alboflava is from two Greek words meaning whitish-yellow, from the yellow gills. The pileus is one to two inches broad, thin, somewhat membranaceous, umbilicate, flaccid, covered with fine woolly material, yellow-brown, lighter when dry, margin reflexed. The gills are distant, deep golden-yellow, occasionally forked. The stem is hollow, equal, smooth, shining, egg-ye
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Marasmius. Fr.
Marasmius. Fr.
Marasmius is a Greek participle meaning withered or shriveled ; it is so called because the plant will wither and dry up, but revive with the coming of rain. The spores are white and subelliptical. The pileus is tough and fleshy or membranaceous. The stem is cartilaginous and continuous with the pileus, but of a different texture. The gills are thick, rather tough and distant, sometimes unequal, variously attached or free, rarely decurrent, with a sharp entire edge. It is quite a large genus and
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Marasmius oreades. Fr.
Marasmius oreades. Fr.
The Fairy-Ring Mushroom. Edible. Figure 101. —Marasmius oreades. Two-thirds natural size. Oreades, mountain nymphs. Pileus is fleshy, tough and pliable when moist, brittle when dry, convex, becoming flat, somewhat umbonate, brownish-buff at first, becoming cream-color; when old it is usually quite wrinkled. The gills are broad and wide apart, creamy or yellowish, rounded at the stem end, unequal in length. The stem is solid, equal, tough, fibrous, naked and smooth at base, everywhere with a down
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Marasmius urens. Fr.
Marasmius urens. Fr.
The Stinging Marasmius. Urens means burning; so called from its acrid taste. The pileus is pale-buff, tough, fleshy, convex or flat, becoming depressed and finally wrinkled, smooth, even, one to two inches broad. The gills are unequal, cream-colored, becoming brownish, much closer than in the Fairy Ring, hardly reaching the stem proper, joined behind. The stem is solid above and hollow below, fibrous, pale, its surface more or less covered with flocculent down, and densely covered with white dow
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Marasmius androsaceus. Linn.
Marasmius androsaceus. Linn.
Figure 103. —Marasmius androsaceus. Natural size. Androsaceus is from a Greek word which means an unidentified sea plant or zoophyte. The pileus is three to six lines broad, membranaceous, convex, with a slight depression, pale-reddish, darker in the center, striate, smooth. The gills are attached to the stem, frequently quite simple and few in number, about fifteen, with shorter ones between, sometimes forked, whitish. The stem is one to two inches long, horny, filiform, hollow, quite smooth, b
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Marasmius fœtidus. Sow.
Marasmius fœtidus. Sow.
Figure 104. —Marasmius foetidus. Fœtidus means stinking or fœtid. The pileus is submembranaceous, tough, convex, then expanded, umbilicate striato-plicate, turning pale when dry, subpruinose. The gills are annulato-adnexed, distant, rufescent with a yellow tinge. The stem is hollow, minutely velvety, bay, base flocculose. The caps are light brownish-red in color, fading when dry. When fresh it has a fœtid odor quite perceptible for such small plants. It is found on decayed sticks and leaves in w
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Marasmius velutipes. B. & C.
Marasmius velutipes. B. & C.
Figure 105. —Marasmius velutipes. Velutipes means velvet-footed, from the velvety stem. The pileus is thin, submembranaceous, smooth, convex, or expanded, grayish-rufous when moist, cinereous when dry, a half to one and a half inches broad. The gills are very narrow, crowded, whitish or grayish. The stem is slender, three to five inches long, equal, hollow, clothed with a dense grayish velvety tomentum. Peck. They usually grow in a very crowded condition, many plants growing from one mat of myce
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Marasmius cohærens. (Fr.) Bres.
Marasmius cohærens. (Fr.) Bres.
The Stemmed-Massed Marasmius. Edible. Figure 106. —Marasmius cohærens. Two-thirds natural size, showing how the stems are massed together. Cohærens means holding together, referring to the stems being massed together. The pileus is fleshy, thin, convex, campanulate, then expanded, sometimes slightly umbonate, in old specimens the margin upturned or wavy, velvety, reddish tan-color, darker in the center, indistinctly striate. The gills are rather crowded, narrow, adnate, sometimes becoming free f
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Marasmius candidus. Bolt.
Marasmius candidus. Bolt.
The White Marasmius. Figure 107. —Marasmius candidus. Natural size. Candidus means shining white. This delicate species grows in moist and shady places in the woods. It grows on twigs, its habitat and structure are fully illustrated in the Figure 107. The pileus is rather membranaceous, hemispherical, then plane or depressed, pellucid, wrinkled, naked, entirely white. The gills are adnexed, ventricose, distant, not entire. The stem is thin, stuffed, whitish, slightly pruinose, base tinged with b
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Marasmius rotula. Fr.
Marasmius rotula. Fr.
The Collared Marasmius. Photo by C. G. Lloyd. Figure 108. —Marasmius rotula. Natural size. Caps white or pale-buff. Rotula means a little wheel. The pileus is one to three lines broad, hemispherical, umbilicate, and minutely umbonate, plaited, smooth, membranaceous, margin crenate, white, or pale buff, with a dark umbilicus. The gills are broad, distant, few, equal, or occasionally with a few short ones, of the color of the pileus, attached to a free collar behind. The stem is setiform, slightly
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Marasmius scorodonius. Fr.
Marasmius scorodonius. Fr.
Strong-Scented Marasmius. Edible. Figure 109. —Marasmius scorodonius. Scorodonius is from a Greek word meaning like garlic. The pileus is one-half inch or more broad, reddish when young, but becoming pale, whitish; somewhat fleshy, tough; even, soon plane, rugulose even when young, at length rugulose and crisped. The gills are attached to the stem, often separating, connected by veins, crisped in drying, whitish. The stem is at least one inch long, hollow, equal, quite smooth, shining, reddish.
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Marasmius calopus. Fr.
Marasmius calopus. Fr.
Calopus is from two Greek words meaning beautiful and foot, so called because of its beautiful stem. The pileus is rather fleshy, tough, convex, plane then depressed, even, at length rugose, whitish. The gills are emarginate, adnexed, thin, white, in groups of 2–4. The stem is hollow, equal, smooth, not rooting, shining, reddish-bay. It is found growing on twigs and fallen leaves, in the woods. Smaller than M. Scorodonius but with longer stem....
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Marasmius prasiosmus. Fr.
Marasmius prasiosmus. Fr.
The Leek-Scented Marasmius. Prasiosmus means smelling like a leek; from, prason , a leek. The pileus is one-half to one inch broad, somewhat membranaceous, tough, bell-shaped, pale yellow or whitish, disk often darker, wrinkled. The gills are adnexed, somewhat close, white. The stem is tough, hollow, pallid and smooth above, dilated at the base, tomentose and brown. It is found in woods adhering to oak leaves after heavy rains. It is very near M. porreus but differs from it in its gills being wh
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Marasmius anomalus. Pk.
Marasmius anomalus. Pk.
Anomalus, not conforming to rule, irregular. The pileus is one to two inches broad, somewhat fleshy, tough, convex, even, reddish-gray. The stem is two to three inches long, hollow, equal, smooth, pallid above, reddish-brown below. The gills are rotundate-free, close, narrow, whitish or pallid. Morgan. This is quite a pretty plant, growing on sticks among leaves in the woods. It is larger than most of the small Marasmii found in similar habitats....
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Marasmius semihirtipes. Pk.
Marasmius semihirtipes. Pk.
Semihirtipes means a slightly hairy foot or stem. The pileus is thin, tough, nearly plane or depressed, smooth, sometimes striate on the margin, hygrophanous, reddish-brown when moist, alutaceous when dry, the disk sometimes darker. The gills are subdistant, reaching the stem, slightly venose-connected, sub-crenulate on the edge, white. The stem is equal, even or finely striate, hollow, smooth above, velvety-tomentose toward the base, reddish-brown. Peck. These plants are very small, often no do
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Marasmius longipes. Pk.
Marasmius longipes. Pk.
Longipes means long stem or foot. The pileus is thin, convex, smooth, finely striate on the margin, tawny-red. The gills are not crowded, attached, white. The stem is tall, straight, hollow, equal, covered with a downy meal, rooting, brown or fawn-color, white at the top. These plants are quite small and slender, sometimes four to five inches high. They are rather common in our woods after a rain....
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Marasmius graminum. Berk.
Marasmius graminum. Berk.
Graminum is the gen. pl. of gramen , which means grass. The pileus small, membranaceous, convex, then nearly plane, umbonate, deeply and distinctly striate or sulcate, tinged with rufous, the furrows paler, disc brown. The gills are attached to a collar that is free around the stem, few in number, slightly ventricose, cream-color. The stem is short, slender, equal, smooth, shining, black, whitish above. The spores are globose, 3–4µ. This species is very near M. rotula but it can be easily distin
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Marasmius siccus. Schw.
Marasmius siccus. Schw.
The Bell-Shaped Marasmius. Plate XVII. Figure 110.—Marasmius siccus. Natural size. The cap ochraceous red, the disks somewhat darker, the stems shining and blackish-brown. Figure 111. —Marasmius siccus. Natural size. Caps deeply furrowed and pinkish. This is a very beautiful plant found in the woods after a rain, growing from the leaves. They are found singly, but usually in groups. The pileus is at first nearly conical, then campanulate, membranaceous, dry, smooth, furrows radiating from almost
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Marasmius fagineus. Morgan.
Marasmius fagineus. Morgan.
Fagineus means belonging to beech. Pileus a little fleshy, convex then plane or depressed, at length somewhat repand, rugose-striate, reddish-pallid or alutaceous. The gills are short-adnate, somewhat crisped, close, pale reddish. The stem is short, hollow, pubescent, thickened upward, concolorous; the base somewhat tuberculose. Morgan , Myc. Flora M. V. This plant is quite frequently found in our woods growing on the bark at the base of living beech trees. Its habitat, its reddish or alutaceous
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Marasmius peronatus. Fr.
Marasmius peronatus. Fr.
The Masked Marasmius. Figure 112. —Marasmius peronatus. Natural size. Cap reddish-buff. Gills creamy or light reddish-brown. Peronatus is from pero , a boot. The pileus is reddish-buff, convex, slightly flattened at the top, quite wrinkled when old; diameter, at full expansion, between one and two inches, margin striate. The gills are thin and crowded, creamy, becoming light reddish-brown, continuing down the stem by a short curve. The stem is fibrous-stuffed, pale, densely clothed at the base w
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Marasmius ramealis. Fr.
Marasmius ramealis. Fr.
Figure 113. —Marasmius ramealis. Natural size. Ramealis means a branch or stick; so called because the plant is found growing on sticks, in open woods. The pileus is very small, somewhat fleshy, plane or a trifle depressed, obtuse, not striate, slightly rugulose, opaque. The gills are attached to the stem, somewhat distant, narrow, white. The stem is about one inch long, stuffed, mealy, white, inclined to be rufescent at the base. The spores are elliptical, 4×2µ. This is a very pretty plant, but
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Marasmius saccharinus. Batsch.
Marasmius saccharinus. Batsch.
Granular Marasmius. Edible. Saccharinus is from saccharum , sugar; it is so called because the white pileus looks very much like loaf sugar. The pileus is entirely white, membranaceous, convex, somewhat papillate, smooth, sulcate and plicate. The gills are broadly and firmly attached to the stem, narrow, thick, very distant, united by veins, whitish. The stem is quite thin, thread-form, attenuated upward, at first flocculose, at length becoming smooth, inserted obliquely, reddish, pale at the ap
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Marasmius epiphyllus. Fr.
Marasmius epiphyllus. Fr.
The Leaf Marasmius. Edible. Epiphyllus means growing on leaves. The pileus is white, membranaceous, nearly plane, at length umbilicate, smooth, wrinkled, plicate. The gills are firmly attached to the stem, white, connected by veins, entire, distant, few. The stem is rather horny, bay, minutely velvety, apex pale, inserted. The spores are 3×2µ. This plant is abundant everywhere, on fallen leaves in woods during rainy weather. July to October....
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Marasmius delectans. Morgan.
Marasmius delectans. Morgan.
Figure 114. —Marasmius delectans. Natural size. Caps white. Gills broad and distant. Delectans means pleasing or delightful. The pileus is subcoriaceous, convex, then expanded and depressed, glabrous, rugulose, white, changing in drying to pale alutaceous. The gills are moderately broad, unequal, rather distant, trabeculate between, white, emarginate, adnexed; the spores are lance-oblong, hyaline, 7–9×4µ. The stem, arising from an abundant white-floccose mycelium, is long, slender, tapering slig
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Marasmius nigripes. Schw.
Marasmius nigripes. Schw.
Figure 115. —Marasmius nigripes. Natural size. Caps and gills white, stems black. Nigripes means black foot, so called because the stems are black. Tremmelloid. Pileus very thin, pure white, pruinose, rugulose-sulcate, convex then expanded. The gills are pure white, unequal, some of them forked, adnate, the interstices venulose. The stem is thickest at the apex, tapering downward, black, white-pruinose, the base insititious. Morgan . It is found on old leaves, sticks, and old acorns and hickory-
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Pleurotus. Fr.
Pleurotus. Fr.
Pleurotus is from two Greek words meaning side and ear, alluding to its manner of growth on a log. This genus is very common everywhere in Ohio, and is easily determined by its eccentric, lateral, or even absent stem, but it must have white spores, and the characteristics of the Agaricini. Pileus fleshy in the larger species and membranaceous in the smaller forms, but never becoming woody. Stem mostly lateral or wanting; when present, continuous with cap. Gills with sinus or broadly decurrent, t
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Pleurotus ostreatus. Jacq.
Pleurotus ostreatus. Jacq.
The Oyster Mushroom. Edible. Figure 116 .—Pleurotus ostreatus. Two-thirds natural size. Often growing very large. Pileus two to six inches broad, soft, fleshy, convex, or slightly depressed behind, subordinate, often cespitosely imbricated, moist, smooth, margin involute; whitish, cinereous or brownish; flesh white, the whole surface shining and satiny when dry. Plate XVIII. Figure 117.—Pleurotus ostreatus. Two-thirds natural size. Gills broad, decurrent, subdistant, branching at the base, white
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Pleurotus salignus. Fr.
Pleurotus salignus. Fr.
The Willow Pleurotus. Edible. Salignus, from salix , a willow. Pileus is compact, nearly halved, horizontal, at first cushion-shaped, even, then with the disk depressed, substrigose, white or fuliginous. The stem, eccentric or lateral, sometimes obsolete, short, white-tomentose. The gills are decurrent, somewhat branched, eroded, distinct at the base, nearly of the same color. Spores .00036 by .00015 inch. Fries. I found this species near Bowling Green on willow stumps. About every ten days the
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Pleurotus ulmarius. Bull.
Pleurotus ulmarius. Bull.
The Elm Pleurotus. Edible. Figure 119.—Pleurotus ulmarius. One-third natural size. Ulmarius, from ulmus , an elm. It takes its name from its habit of growing on elm trees and logs. It appears in the fall and may be found in company with the Oyster mushroom, late in December, frozen solid. This species is frequently seen on elm trees, both dead and alive, on live trees where they have been trimmed or injured in some way. It is often seen on elms in the cities, where the elm is a common shade tree
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Pleurotus petaloides. Bull.
Pleurotus petaloides. Bull.
The Petaloid Pleurotus. Edible. Figure 120. —Pleurotus petaloides. This species is so called from its likeness to the petals of a flower. Pileus fleshy, spathulate, entire; margin at first involute, finally fully expanded; villous, depressed. The stem is compressed and villous, often channelled, nearly erect. The gills are strongly decurrent, crowded, narrow, and white or whitish. Spores minutely globose, .0003 by .00015. The plant varies very greatly in form and size. Its chief characteristic i
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Pleurotus sapidus. Kalchb.
Pleurotus sapidus. Kalchb.
The Sapid Pleurotus. Edible. Figure 121. —Pleurotus sapidus. One-third natural size, showing imbricated growth. Spores lilac. Figure 122. —Pleurotus sapidus. Sapidus, savory. This plant grows in clusters whose stems are more or less united at the base as in Figure 121. The caps when densely crowded are often irregular. They are smooth and vary much in color, being whitish, ash-gray, brownish, yellowish-gray. The flesh is thick and white. The gills are white or whitish, rather broad, running down
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Pleurotus serotinoides. Pk.
Pleurotus serotinoides. Pk.
The Yellowish Pleurotus. Edible. Figure 124. —Pleurotus serotinoides. One-third natural size. Serotinoides, like serotinus, which means late-coming; from its appearing in the winter. The pileus is fleshy, one to three inches broad, compact, convex or nearly plane, viscid when young and moist, half-kidney-shaped, roundish, solitary or crowded and imbricated, variously colored, dingy-yellow, reddish-brown, greenish-brown or olivaceous, the margin at first involute. The gills are close, determinate
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Pleurotus applicatus. Batsch.
Pleurotus applicatus. Batsch.
Little Gray Pleurotus. Figure 125. —Pleurotus applicatus. Natural size. Applicatus means lying upon or close to; so named from the sessile pileus. The pileus is one-third of an inch across, when young cup-shaped, dark cinereous, somewhat membranaceous, quite firm, resupinate, then reflexed, somewhat striate, slightly pruinose, villous at the base. The gills are thick, broad in proportion to the size of the cap, distant, radiating, gray, the margin lighter, sometimes the gills are as dark as the
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Pleurotus cyphellæformis. Berk.
Pleurotus cyphellæformis. Berk.
Cyphellæformis means shaped like the hollows of the ears. The pileus is cup-shaped, pendulous, downy or mealy, upper layer gelatinous, gray, very minutely hairy, especially at the base, margin paler. The gills are narrow, rather distant, pure white, alternate ones being shorter. These are very small plants, found only in damp places on dead herbaceous plants. They resemble a Cyphella griseo-pallida in habit....
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Pleurotus abscondens. Pk.
Pleurotus abscondens. Pk.
Figure 126. —Pleurotus abscondens. Entire plant white. Abscondens means keeping out of view. It is so called because it persists in growing in places where it is hidden from sight. The pileus is often two and a half inches broad, delicate-white, strong stringent odor, usually pruinose, margin slightly incurved. The gills are attached to the stem, rather crowded, very white, somewhat narrow. The stem is short, solid, pruinose, usually lateral, and curved. The plant usually grows in hollow stumps
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Pleurotus circinatus. Fr.
Pleurotus circinatus. Fr.
Circinatus means to make round, referring to the shape of the pileus. The pileus is two to three inches broad, white, plane, orbicular, convex at first, even, covered over with silky-pruinose lustre. The gills are adnate-decurrent, rather crowded, quite broad, white. The stem is equal, smooth, one to two inches long, stuffed, central or slightly eccentric, rooted at the base. The form of these plants is quite constant and the round white caps will at first suggest a Collybia. The white gills and
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Lactarius. Fr.
Lactarius. Fr.
Lactarius means pertaining to milk. There is one feature of this genus that should easily mark it, the presence of milky or colored juice which exudes from a wound or a broken place on a fresh plant. This feature alone is sufficient to distinguish the genus but there are other points that serve to make the determination more certain. The flesh, although it seems quite solid and firm, is very brittle. The fracture is always even, clean cut, and not ragged as in more fibrous substances. The plants
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Lactarius torminosus. Fr.
Lactarius torminosus. Fr.
The Woolly Lactarius. Poisonous. Figure 127. —Lactarius torminosus. Three-fourths natural size. Caps yellowish-red or ochraceous tinged with red, margin incurved. Torminosus, full of grips, causing colic. The pileus is two to four inches broad, convex, then depressed, smooth, or nearly so, except the involute margin which is more or less shaggy, somewhat zoned, viscid when young and moist, yellowish-red or pale ochraceous, tinged with red. The gills are thin, close, rather narrow, nearly of the
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Lactarius piperatus. Fr.
Lactarius piperatus. Fr.
The Peppery Lactarius. Edible. Figure 128. —Lactarius piperatus. One-third natural size. Piperatus—having a peppery taste. The pileus is creamy-white, fleshy, firm, convex, then expanded, depressed in the center, dry, never viscid, and quite broad. The gills are creamy-white, narrow, close, unequal, forked, decurrent, adnate, exuding a milky juice when bruised, milky-white, very acrid. The stem is creamy white, short, thick, solid, smooth, rounded at the end, slightly tapering at the base. Spore
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Lactarius pergamenus. Fr.
Lactarius pergamenus. Fr.
Pergamenus is from pergamena , parchment. The pileus is convex, then expanded, plane, depressed, wavy, wrinkled, without zones, often repand, smooth, white. The gills are adnate, very narrow, tinged with straw-color, often white, branched, much crowded, horizontal. The stem is smooth, stuffed, discolored, not long. The milk is white and acrid. Spores, 8×6. It differs from L. piperatus in its crowded, narrow gills and longer stem. Found in woods from August to October....
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Lactarius deceptivus. Pk.
Lactarius deceptivus. Pk.
Deceiving Lactarius. Edible Figure 129. —Lactarius deceptivus. Deceptivus means deceiving. The pileus is three to five inches broad, compact, at first convex, and umbilicate, then expanded and centrally depressed or subinfundibuliform, obsoletely tomentose or glabrous except on the margin, white or whitish, often varied with yellowish or sordid strains, the margin at first involute and clothed with a dense, soft cottony tomentum, then spreading or elevated and more or less fibrillose. The gills
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Lactarius indigo. (Schw.) Fr.
Lactarius indigo. (Schw.) Fr.
Figure 130. —Lactarius indigo. One-third natural size. Entire plant indigo blue. Figure 131. —Lactarius indigo. One-third natural size, showing gills. This is one of our most striking plants. No one can fail to recognize it, because of the deep indigo blue that pervades the whole plant. I have found it in only one place, near what is known as the Lone-Tree Hill near Chillicothe. I have found it there on several different occasions. The pileus is from three to five inches broad, the very young pl
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Lactarius regalis. Pk.
Lactarius regalis. Pk.
Figure 132. —Lactarius regalis. Natural size. Caps white, tinged with yellow. Regalis means regal; so named from its large size. The pileus is four to six inches broad, convex, deeply depressed in the center; viscid when moist; often corrugated on the margin; white, tinged with yellow. The gills are close, decurrent, whitish, some of them forked at the base. The stem is two to three inches long and one inch thick, short, equal, hollow. The taste is acrid and the milk sparse, white, quickly chang
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Lactarius scrobiculatus. Fr.
Lactarius scrobiculatus. Fr.
The Spotted-Stemmed Lactarius. Photo by C. G. Lloyd. Figure 133. —Lactarius scrobiculatus. Natural size. Caps reddish-yellow, zoned. Margin very much incurved, stem pitted. Scrobiculatus is from scrobis , a trench, and ferro , to bear, referring to the pitted condition of the stem. The pileus is convex, centrally depressed, more or less zoned, reddish-yellow, viscid, the margin very much incurved, downy. The gills are adnate, or slightly decurrent, whitish, and often very much curled, because of
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Lactarius trivialis. Fr.
Lactarius trivialis. Fr.
Figure 134. —Lactarius trivialis. One-half natural size. Caps light tan with a pinkish hue. Very acrid. Trivialis means common. The pileus is three to four inches broad, usually damp or watery, sometimes quite viscid, shining when dry, convex, then expanded, depressed in the center, margin at first incurved, even, smooth; warm, soft tan, rather light, and sometimes a very slight pinkish hue prevails. The flesh is solid and persistent. The gills are rather crowded, slightly decur rent, at first w
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Lactarius insulsus. Fr.
Lactarius insulsus. Fr.
Figure 135. —Lactarius insulsus. One-third natural size. Caps yellowish or straw color. Very acrid. Insulsus, insipid or tasteless. This is a very attractive plant. Quite solid and maintains its form for several days; The pileus is two to four inches broad, convex, depressed in the center, then funnel-shaped, smooth, viscid when moist, more or less zoned, the zones much narrower than L. scrobiculatus, yellowish or straw-color, margin slightly incurved and naked. The gills are thin, rather crowde
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Lactarius lignyotus. Fr.
Lactarius lignyotus. Fr.
The Sooty Lactarius. Edible. Photo by C. G. Lloyd. Plate XXI. Figure, 136.—Lactarius lignyotus. Natural size. Caps a sooty umber. Flesh mild to the taste. Lignyotus is from lignum , wood. The pileus is one to four inches in diameter, fleshy, convex, then expanded, sometimes slightly umbonate, often in age slightly depressed, smooth or often wrinkled, pruinosely velvety, sooty umber, the margin in the old plants wavy and distinctly plaited; the flesh white and mild to the taste. The gills are att
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Lactarius cinereus. Pk.
Lactarius cinereus. Pk.
Figure 137. —Lactarius cinereus. Cinereus is from cineres , ashes; so called from the color of the plant. The pileus is one to two and a half inches broad, zoneless, somewhat viscid, floccose-scaly, depressed in the center, margin thin, even, flesh thin and white, mild to the taste, ashy-gray. The gills are adnate, rather close, sometimes forked (usually near the stem), uneven, white or creamy-white, milk white, not plentiful. The stem is two to three inches long, tapering upward, loosely stuffe
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Lactarius griseus. Pk.
Lactarius griseus. Pk.
Gray Lactarius. Figure 138. —Lactarius griseus. Griseus means gray. The pileus is thin, nearly plane, broadly umbilicate or centrally depressed, sometimes infundibuliform, generally with a small umbo or papilla, minutely squamulose tomentose, gray or brownish-gray, becoming paler with age. The gills are thin, close, adnate, or slightly decurrent, whitish or yellowish. The stem is slender, equal or slightly tapering upward, rather fragile; stuffed or hollow; generally villose or tomentose at the
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Lactarius distans. Pk.
Lactarius distans. Pk.
The Distant-Gilled Lactarius. Edible. Distans means distant, so called because the gills are very wide apart. The pileus is firm, broadly convex or nearly plane, umbilicate or slightly depressed in the center; with a minute, velvety pruinosity; yellowish-tawny or brownish-orange. The gills are rather broad, distant, adnate or slightly decurrent, white or creamy yellow, interspaces veined; milk white, mild. The stem is short, equal or tapering downward, solid, pruinose, colored like the pileus. T
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Lactarius atroviridus. Pk.
Lactarius atroviridus. Pk.
The Dark-Green Lactarius. Figure 139. —Lactarius atroviridus. Cap and stem dark green. Cap depressed in center. Gills white. Atroviridus is from ater , black; viridus , green; so called from the color of the cap and the stem of the plant. The pileus is convex, plane, then depressed in the center, with an adherent pellicle, greenish with darker scales, margin involute. The gills are slightly decurrent, whitish, broad, distant; milk white but not copious as in many of the Lactarii. The stem is qui
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Lactarius subdulcis. Fr.
Lactarius subdulcis. Fr.
The Sweet Lactarius. Edible. Figure 140. —Lactarius subdulcis. Subdulcis means almost sweet, or sweetish. The pileus is two to three inches broad, rather thin, papillate, convex, then depressed, smooth, even, zoneless, cinnamon-red or tawny-red, margin sometimes wavy. The gills are rather narrow, thin, close, whitish, often reddish or tinged with red. Spores, 9–10µ. The stem is stuffed, then hollow, equal, slightly tapering upward, slender, smooth, sometimes villous at the base. The milk is whit
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Lactarius serifluus. Fr.
Lactarius serifluus. Fr.
Serifluus means flowing with serum, the watery part of milk. The pileus is fleshy, depressed in the center, dry, smooth, not zoned, tawny-brown, margin thin, incurved. The gills are crowded, light-brown, or yellowish, milk scanty and watery. The stem is solid, equal, paler than the pileus. Spores, 7–8µ. It differs from L. subdulcis in having a solid stem and perhaps a shade darker color. Found in woods, July to November....
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Lactarius corrugis. Pk.
Lactarius corrugis. Pk.
The Wrinkled Lactarius. Edible. Figure 141. —Lactarius corrugis. Caps wrinkled, tawny-brown. Gills orange-brown. Corrugis means wrinkled. The pileus is convex, plane, expanded, slightly depressed in the center; surface of the cap wrinkled, dry, bay-brown; margin at first involute. The gills are adnexed, broad, yellowish or brownish-yellow, growing paler with age. The stem is rather short, equal, solid, pruinose, of the same color as the pileus. The spores are subglobose, 10–13µ. This species loo
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Lactarius volemus. Fr.
Lactarius volemus. Fr.
The Orange-Brown Lactarius. Edible. Photo by Prof. Atkinson. Figure 142. —Lactarius volemus. Natural size. Caps golden-tawny. Milk copious, as will be seen where the plant has been pricked. Volemus from volema pira, a kind of a pear , so called from the shape of the stem. The pileus is broad, flesh thick, compact, rigid, plane, then expanded, obtuse, dry, golden-tawny, at length somewhat wrinkly. The gills are crowded, adnate or slightly decurrent, white, then yellowish; milk copious, sweet. The
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Lactarius deliciosus. Fr.
Lactarius deliciosus. Fr.
The Delicious Lactarius. Edible. Figure 143. —Lactarius deliciosus. One-third natural size. Caps light reddish-yellow. Milk orange color. Deliciosus, delicious. The pileus is three to five inches broad; color varying from yellow to dull orange or even brownish-yellow with mottled concentric zones of deeper color, especially in younger plants, sometimes a light reddish-yellow, without apparent zones (as is the case of those in Figure 143); convex, when expanded becoming very much depressed; funne
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Lactarius uvidus. Fr.
Lactarius uvidus. Fr.
Figure 144. —Lactarius uvidus. Uvidus is from uva , grape, so called because when exposed to the air changes to the color of a grape. The pileus is two to four inches broad, flesh rather thin, convex, sometimes slightly umbonate, then depressed in the center, not zoned, viscid, dingy pale ochraceous-tan, margin at first involute, naked, milk mild at first then becoming acrid, white changing to lilac. The gills are thin, slightly decurrent, crowded, shorter ones very obtuse and truncate behind, c
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Lactarius chrysorrheus. Fr.
Lactarius chrysorrheus. Fr.
Yellow-Juiced Lactarius. Chrysorrheus from two Greek words; chrysos , yellow or golden; reo , I flow, because the juice soon turns to a golden yellow. The pileus is rather fleshy, depressed, then funnel-shaped, yellowish-flesh colored, marked with dark zones or spots. The stem is stuffed, then hollow, equal, or tapering below, paler than the pileus, sometimes pitted. The gills are decurrent, thin, crowded, yellowish, milk white, then golden-yellow, very acrid. The milk is white, quite acrid, has
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Lactarius vellereus. Fr.
Lactarius vellereus. Fr.
The Wooly-White Lactarius. Edible. Vellereus from vellus, a fleece. The pileus is white, compact, fleshy, depressed or convex, tomentose, zoneless, margin at first involute, milk white and acrid. The gills are white or whitish, distant, forked, adnate or decurrent, connected by veins, bow-shaped, milk scanty. The stem is solid, blunt, pubescent, white, tapering downward. Spores white and nearly smooth, .00019 by .00034 inch. This species is quite common; and though very acrid to the taste, this
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Russula. Pers.
Russula. Pers.
Russula, red or reddish. The beginner will have little difficulty in determining this genus. There is such a strong family likeness that, finding one, he will say at once it is a Russula. The contour of the cap, the brittleness of its flesh and of its stem, the fragile gills, and the failure of any part of the plant to exude a milky or colored juice, the many gay colors—will all help in determining the genus. Many species of Russula strongly resemble those of the genus Lactarius, in size, shape,
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Russula delica. Fr.
Russula delica. Fr.
The Weaned Russula. Edible. Delica means weaned, so called because, though it resembles Lactarius vellereus in appearance, it is void of milk. The pileus is quite large, fleshy, firm, depressed, even, shining, margin involute, smooth, not striated. The gills are decurrent, thin, distant, unequal, white. The stem is solid, compact, white, short. Specimens will be found that resemble Lactarius piperatus and L. vellereus, but they may be easily distinguished because they have no milk in their gills
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Russula adusta. Pers.
Russula adusta. Pers.
The Smoky Russula. Edible. Figure 145. —Russula adusta. Adusta means burned. The pileus is fuliginous, cinereous, flesh compact, margin even and inflexed, depressed in the center. The gills are attached to the stem, decurrent, thin, crowded, unequal, white, not reddening when bruised. The stem is obese, solid, of the same color as the pileus, not turning red when bruised. The plant resembles R. nigricans, but can readily be distinguished from it because of the thin, crowded gills and failure to
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Russula nigricans. Fr.
Russula nigricans. Fr.
Photo by C. G. Lloyd. Figure 146. —Russula nigricans. Nigricans means blackish. The pileus is two to four inches broad, dark grayish-brown, black with advancing age, fleshy, compact, flesh turning red when bruised or convex, flattened, then depressed, at length funnel-shaped, margin entire, without striate, margin at first incurved, young specimens are slightly viscid when moist, even, without a separable pellicle; whitish at first, soon sooty olive, at length becoming broken up into scales and
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Russula fœtens. Fr.
Russula fœtens. Fr.
The Fetid Russula. Not Edible. Photo by C. G. Lloyd. Figure 147. —Russula fœtens. Fœtens means stinking. The pileus is four to six inches broad, dirty white or yellowish; flesh thin; at first hemispherical, then expanded, almost plane, often depressed in the center; covered with a pellicle which is adnate; viscid in wet weather; widely striate-tuberculate on the margin, which is at first incurved. The gills are adnexed, connected by veins, crowded, irregular, many forked, rather broad, whitish,
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Russula alutacea. Fr.
Russula alutacea. Fr.
The Tan-Colored Russula. Edible. Figure 148. —Russula alutacea. Two-thirds natural size. Caps flesh color. Gills broad and yellowish. Alutacea, tanned leather. The pileus is flesh-color, sometimes red; flesh white; bell-shaped, then convex; expanded, with a viscid covering, growing pale; slightly depressed; even; margin inclined to be thin, striate. The gills are broad, ventricose, free, thick, somewhat distant, equal, yellow, then ochraceous. The stem is stout, solid, even; white, though parts
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Russula ochrophylla. Pk.
Russula ochrophylla. Pk.
Ochrey Gilled Russula. Edible. Ochrophylla is from two Greek words meaning ochre and leaf , because of its ochre-colored gills. The pileus is two to four inches broad, firm, convex, becoming nearly plane or slightly depressed in the center; even, or rarely very slightly striate on the margin when old; purple or dark purplish-red; flesh white, purplish under the adnate cuticle; taste mild. The gills are entire, a few of them forked at the base, subdistant, adnate at first yellowish, becoming brig
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Russula lepida. Fr.
Russula lepida. Fr.
The Neat Russula. Edible. Figure 149. —Russula lepida. Two-thirds natural size. Caps, purplish-red, with more or less brown. Lepida, from lepidus , neat. The pileus firm, solid; varying in color from bright red to dull, subdued purplish with a distinct brown; compact; convex, then depressed, dry unpolished; margin even, sometimes cracked and scaly, not striated. The gills are white, broad, principally even, occasionally forked, very brittle, rounded, somewhat crowded, connected by veins, sometim
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Russula cyanoxantha. Fr.
Russula cyanoxantha. Fr.
The Blue and Yellow Russula. Edible. Cyanoxantha, from two Greek words, blue and yellow, referring to color of the plant. The pileus is quite variable as to color, ranging from lilac or purplish to greenish; disk yellowish, margin bluish or livid-purple; convex, then plane, depressed in center; margin faintly striate, sometimes wrinkled. The gills are rounded behind, connected by veins, forked, white, slightly crowded. The stem is solid, spongy, stuffed, hollow when old, equal, smooth and white.
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Russula vesca. Fr.
Russula vesca. Fr.
The Edible Russula. Edible. Vesca from vesco, to feed. The pileus is from two to three inches broad; red-flesh-color, disk darker; fleshy; firm; convex, with a slight depression in the center, then funnel-shaped; slightly wrinkled; margin even, or remotely striate. Gills adnate, rather crowded, unequal, forked, and white. The stem is firm, solid, sometimes peculiarly reticulated, tapering at the base. The spores are globose, spiny, and white. I frequently found it near Salem, O., in thin chestnu
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Russula virescens. Fr.
Russula virescens. Fr.
The Green Russula. Edible. Figure 150. —Russula virescens. Two-thirds natural size. Caps pale-green. Gills white. Virescens, being green. The Pileus is grayish-green; at first globose, then expanded, convex, at last depressed at the center; firm, adorned with flaky greenish or yellow patches, produced by the cracking of the skin; two to four inches broad, margin striate, often white. The gills are white, moderately close, free or nearly so, narrow as they approach the stem, some being forked, ot
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Russula variata. Ban.
Russula variata. Ban.
Variable Russula. Edible. Pileus is firm, convex becoming centrally depressed or somewhat funnel-form, viscid, even on the thin margin, reddish-purple, often variegated with green, pea-green sometimes varied with purple, flesh white, taste acrid or tardily acrid. The gills are thin, narrow, close, often forked, tapering toward each end, adnate or slightly decurrent, white. The stem is equal or nearly so, solid, sometimes cavernous, white. The spores are white, subglobose, .0003 to .0004 of an in
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Russula integra. Fr.
Russula integra. Fr.
The Entire Russula. Edible. Integra, whole or entire. The pileus is three or four inches in diameter, fleshy; typically red, but changing color; expanded, depressed, with a viscid cuticle, growing pale. Margin thin, furrowed and tuberculate. Flesh white, sometimes yellowish above. The stem is at first short and conical, then club-shaped or ventricose, sometimes three inches long and up to one inch thick; spongy, stuffed, commonly striate; even, and shining white. The gills are somewhat free, ver
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Russula roseipes. (secr) Bres.
Russula roseipes. (secr) Bres.
The Rosy-Stemmed Russula. Edible. Figure 151. —Russula roseipes. Natural size. Roseipes is from rosa , a rose; pes , a foot; so called because of its rose-colored or pinkish stem. The pileus is two to three inches broad, convex, becoming nearly plane, or slightly depressed; at first viscid, soon dry, becoming slightly striate on the margin; rosy-red variously modified by pink, orange or ochraceous hues, sometimes becoming paler with age; taste mild. The gills are moderately close, nearly entire,
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Russula fragilis. Fr.
Russula fragilis. Fr.
The Tender Russula. Figure 152. —Russula fragilis. Fragilis means fragile. The pileus is rather small, flesh-color or red, or reddish; thin, fleshy only at the disk; at first convex and often umbonate, then plane, depressed; cuticle thin, becoming pale, viscid in wet weather, margin tuberculate-striate. The gills are thin, ventricose, white, slightly adnexed, equal, crowded, sometimes slightly eroded at the edge. The spores are minutely echinulate , 8–10×8µ. The stem is stuffed, hollow, shining
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Russula emetica. Fr.
Russula emetica. Fr.
The Emetic Russula. Figure 153. —Russula emetica. Two-thirds natural size. Caps rose-red to yellow-red. Gills white. Emetica means making sick, inciting to vomit. The pileus is fleshy, quite viscid, expanded, polished, shining, oval, or bell-shaped when young; its color is very variable from rose-red to a yellow-red or even purple; margin furrowed, flesh white. The gills are free, equal, broad, distant, white. The spores are round, 8µ. The stem is stout, solid, though sometimes spongy stuffed, e
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Russula furcata. Fr.
Russula furcata. Fr.
The Forked Gilled Russula. Edible. Figure 154. —Russula furcata. Two-thirds natural size. Caps greenish-umber to reddish. Furca, a fork, so called from the forking of the gills. This is not peculiar, however, to this species. The pileus is two to three inches broad; greenish, usually greenish-umber, sometimes reddish; fleshy; compact; nearly round, then expanded, depressed in the center; even; smooth; often sprinkled with a silky luster, pellicle separable, margin at first inflexed, then expande
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Russula rubra, Fr.
Russula rubra, Fr.
The Red Russula. Figure 155. —Russula rubra. Two-thirds natural size. Caps bright-vermilion. Gills forked and tinged with red. Rubra means red, so called from the cap being concolorous, bright vermillion; showy, becoming pale with age, center of the cap usually darker; compact, hard, fragile, convex, expanded, somewhat depressed, dry, no pellicle, often cracked when old. The flesh is white, often reddish under the cuticle. The gills are adnate, rather crowded, white at first, then yellowish, man
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Russula purpurina. Quel & Schulz.
Russula purpurina. Quel & Schulz.
The Purple Russula. Edible. Figure 156. —Russula purpurina. Two-thirds natural size. Caps rosy-pink to light-yellow. Gills yellowish in age. Purpurina means purple. The pileus is fleshy, margin acute, subglobose, then plane, at length depressed in the center, slightly viscid in wet weather, not striate, often split, pellicle separable, rosy-pink, paling to light-yellow. Gills are crowded in youth, afterward subdistant, white, in age yellowish, reaching the stem, not greatly narrowed behind, almo
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Russula densifolia. Gillet.
Russula densifolia. Gillet.
Figure 157. —Russula densifolia. Two-thirds natural size. Caps whitish, becoming fuliginous gray. Flesh turning red when exposed to the air. Densifolia has reference to the crowded condition of the gills. The pileus is from three to four inches broad, fleshy, quite compact, convex, expanded, then depressed, margin inflexed, smooth, not striate, white or whitish, becoming fuliginous, gray, or brownish, quite black in center, flesh red when broken. The gills are attached to the stem, somewhat decu
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Cantharellus. Adanson.
Cantharellus. Adanson.
Cantharellus means a diminutive drinking-cup or vase. This genus can be distinguished from all other genera by the character of its gills which are quite blunt on the edge, like folds, polished, and are mostly forked or branched. In some species the gills vary in thickness and number. They are decurrent, folded, more or less thick and swollen. The spores are white. They grow on the ground, on rotten wood, and among moss. They seem to delight in damp shady places....
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Cantharellus cibarius. Fr.
Cantharellus cibarius. Fr.
The Edible Cantharellus. Plate XXII. Figure 158.—Cantharellus cibarius. Natural size. Entire plant egg-yellow. Cibarius means pertaining to food. This plant is frequently spoken of as the Chanterelle. The entire plant is a rich egg-yellow. The pileus is fleshy, at first convex, later flat, three to five inches broad, depressed in the center, finally funnel-shaped; bright to deep yellow; firm, smooth, but often irregular, its margin often wavy; flesh white, the cap has the appearance of an invert
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Cantharellus aurantiacus. Fr.
Cantharellus aurantiacus. Fr.
False Chantarelle. Photo by C. G. Lloyd. Figure 159. —Cantharellus aurantiacus. One-third natural size. Caps orange-yellow. Gills yellow and forked. Aurantiacus means orange-yellow. The pileus is fleshy, soft, depressed, downy, the margin strongly incurved when young, in mature plants it is wavy or lobed; color dull yellowish, usually brownish. The gills are crowded, straight, dark-orange, branched, with a regular bifurcation. The stem is lighter in color than the pileus, solid at first, spongy,
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Cantharellus floccosus. Schw.
Cantharellus floccosus. Schw.
The Woolly Cantharellus. Edible. Photo by C. G. Lloyd. Plate XXIII. Figure 160.—Cantharellus floccosus. Floccosus means floccose or woolly. The pileus at the top is from one to two inches broad, fleshy, elongated funnel-form or trumpet-shape, floccose-squamose, ochraceous-yellow. The gills are vein-like, close, much anastomosing above, long decurrent and subparallel below, concolorous. The stem is very short, thick, rather deeply rooted. The spores are elliptical, 12.5–15×7.6µ. Peck , 23 Rep., N
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Cantharellus brevipes. Pk.
Cantharellus brevipes. Pk.
The Short-Stemmed Cantharellus. Edible. Brevipes is from brevis , short; pes , foot; so called because of its short stem. The pileus is fleshy, obconic, glabrous, alutaceous, or dingy cream-color, the thin margin erect, often irregular and lobed, tinged with lilac in the young plant; folds numerous, nearly straight in the margin, abundantly anastomosing below; pale umber, tinged with lilac. The stem is short, tomentose-pubescent, ash-colored, solid, often tapering downward. Spores yellowish, obl
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Cantharellus cinnabarinus. Schw.
Cantharellus cinnabarinus. Schw.
The Cinnabar Cantharellus. Edible. Figure 161. —Cantharellus cinnabarinus. Cap and stem cinnibar-red, flesh white. Natural size. Cinnabarinus means cinnabar-red, from the color of the plant. The pileus is firm, convex, or slightly depressed in the center, often irregular with wavy or lobed margin; glabrous, cinnabar-red, flesh white. The gills are narrow, distant, branched, decurrent, of the same color as the cap, dull on the edge. The stem is equal or tapering downward, glabrous, solid, sometim
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Cantharellus infundibuliformis. Fr.
Cantharellus infundibuliformis. Fr.
Funnel-Shaped Cantharellus. Infundibuliformis means shaped like a funnel. The pileus is one to two and a half inches broad, somewhat membranaceous, umbilicate, then infundibuliform, usually perforated at the base, and opening into the cavity of the stem, floccosely rugose on the surface, yellowish-gray or smoky when moist, pale when dry, becoming wavy. The gills are decurrent, thick, distant, regularly forked, straight, yellow or cenereous, at length pruinose. The stem is two to three inches lon
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Nyctalis. Fr.
Nyctalis. Fr.
Nyctalis is from a Greek word meaning night. Pileus symmetrical, in some species bearing large conidia upon its surface. The gills are adnate or decurrent, thick, soft, margin obtuse. The stem is central, its substance continuous with the flesh of the pileus. The spores are colorless, smooth, elliptical or globose. Fries....
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Nyctalis asterophora. Fr.
Nyctalis asterophora. Fr.
Photo by C. G. Lloyd. Figure 162. —Nyctalis asterophora. Asterophora means star-bearing. The pileus is about one-half inch broad, fleshy; conical, then hemispherical; flocculose and rather mealy, owing to the large, stellate conidia; whitish, then tinged with fawn-color. The gills are adnate, distant, narrow, somewhat forked, straight, dingy. The stem is about one-half inch long, slender, twisted, stuffed, white then brownish, rather mealy. The spores are elliptical, smooth, 3×2µ. Fries, Hym. I
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Hygrophorus. Fr.
Hygrophorus. Fr.
Hygrophorus is from two Greek words meaning bearing moisture. So called because the members of this genus may be known from their moist caps and the waxy nature of the gills, which distinguish them from all others. As in the [Pg 205] [Pg 206] Pleurotus, the gills of some of the species are rounded or notched at the end next to the stem, but of others they are decurrent on it; hence, in some species they are like the gills of Tricholoma in their attachment, in others they run down on the stem as
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Hygrophorus pratensis. Fr.
Hygrophorus pratensis. Fr.
The Pasture Hygrophorus. Edible. Plate XXIV. Figure 163.—Hygrophorus pratensis. Pratensis, from pratum, a meadow. The pileus is one to two inches broad; when young almost hemispherical, then convex, turbinate or nearly flat, the center more or less convex, as if umbonate; margin often cracked, frequently contracted or lobed; white or various shades of yellow, buffish-reddish, or brownish. Flesh white, thick in the center, thin at the margin. The stem is stuffed, attenuated downwards. The gills a
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Hygrophorus eburneus. Bull.
Hygrophorus eburneus. Bull.
Shining White Hygrophorus. Edible. Photo by C. G. Lloyd. Figure 164. —Hygrophorus eburneus. Eburneus is from ebur , ivory. The pileus is two to four inches broad, sometimes thin, sometimes somewhat compact, white; very viscid or glutinous in wet weather, and slippery to the touch; margin uneven, sometimes wavy; smooth, and shining. When young, the margin is incurved. The gills are firm, distant, straight, strongly decurrent, with vein-like elevations near the stem. The spores are white, rather l
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Hygrophorus cossus. Sow.
Hygrophorus cossus. Sow.
Cossus, because it smells like the caterpillar, Cossus ligniperda. The pileus is small, quite viscid, shining when dry, white with a yellow tinge, edge naked, very strong-scented. The gills are somewhat decurrent, thin, distant, straight, firm. The stem is stuffed, nearly equal, scurvy-punctate upwards. Spores 8×4. Found in the woods. The strong smell will serve to identify the species....
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Hygrophorus chlorophanus. Fr.
Hygrophorus chlorophanus. Fr.
The Greenish-yellow Hygrophorus. Chlorophanus is from two Greek words, meaning appearing greenish-yellow. The pileus is one inch broad, commonly bright sulphur-yellow, sometimes scarlet-tinted, not changing color; slightly membranaceous, very fragile, often irregular, with the margin split or lobed, at first convex, then expanded; smooth, viscid, margin striate. The gills are emarginate, adnexed, quite ventricose, with a thin decurrent tooth, thin, subdistant, distinct, pale-yellow. The stem is
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Hygrophorus cantharellus. Schw.
Hygrophorus cantharellus. Schw.
Figure 165. —Hygrophorus cantharellus. Natural size. Caps bright red. Cantharellus means a small vase. The pileus is thin, convex, at length umbilicate, or centrally depressed, minutely squamulose, moist, bright red, becoming orange or yellow. The gills are distant, subarcuate, decurrent, yellow, sometimes tinged with vermilion. The stem is one to three inches long, smooth, equal, sub-solid, sometimes becoming hollow, concolorous, whitish within. Peck. I have found about Chillicothe a number of
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Hygrophorus coccineus. Fr.
Hygrophorus coccineus. Fr.
The Scarlet Hygrophorus. Edible. Coccineus, pertaining to scarlet. The pileus is thin, convex, obtuse, viscid, scarlet, growing pale, smooth, fragile. The gills are attached to the stem, with a decurrent tooth, connected by veins, variously shaded. The stem is hollow and compressed, rather even, not slippery, scarlet near the cap, yellow at the base. This plant when young is of a bright scarlet, but it soon shades into a light-yellow with advancing age. It is quite fragile and varies very greatl
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Hygrophorus conicus. Fr.
Hygrophorus conicus. Fr.
The Conical Hygrophorus. Edible. Figure 166. —Hygrophorus conicus. The pileus is one to two inches broad, acutely conical, submembranaceous, smooth, somewhat lobed, at length expanded, and rimose; turning black, as does the whole plant when broken or bruised; orange, yellow, scarlet, brown, dusky. The gills are free or adnexed, thick, attenuated, ventricose, yellowish with frequently a cinereous tinge, wavy, rather crowded. The stem is three to four inches long, hollow, cylindrical, fibrillose,
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Hygrophorus flavodiscus. Frost.
Hygrophorus flavodiscus. Frost.
Yellow-disked Hygrophorus. Edible. Figure 167. —Hygrophorus flavodiscus. Natural size. The gluten is shown connecting the margin of the cap to their stem. Flavodiscus means yellow-disked. The pileus is one-half to three inches broad, fleshy, convex or nearly plane, glabrous, very viscid or glutinous, white, pale-yellow or reddish-yellow in the center, flesh white. The gills are adnate or decurrent, subdistant, white, sometimes with a slight flesh-colored tint, the interspaces sometimes venose. T
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Hygrophorus speciosus. Pk.
Hygrophorus speciosus. Pk.
Showy Hygrophorus. Edible. Figure 168. —Hygrophorus speciosus. Speciosus means beautiful, showy; so called from the scarlet color of the umbo. The pileus is one to two inches in diameter, broadly convex, often with small central umbo; glabrous, very viscid or glutinous when moist; yellow, usually bright red or scarlet in the center; flesh white, yellow under the thin, separable pellicle. The gills are distant, decurrent, white, or slightly tinged with yellow. The stem is two to four inches long,
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Hygrophorus fuligineus. Frost.
Hygrophorus fuligineus. Frost.
Sooty Hygrophorus. Edible. Figure 169. —Hygrophorus fuligineus. Natural size. Specimen on the right is H. caprinus. Fuligineus means sooty or smoky. The pileus is one to four inches broad, convex or nearly plane, glabrous, very viscid or glutinous, grayish-brown or fuliginous, the disk often darker or almost black. The gills are subdistant, adnate or decurrent, white. The stem is two to four inches long, solid, viscid or glutinous, white or whitish. The spores are elliptic, .0003 to .00035 of an
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Hygrophorus caprinus. Scop.
Hygrophorus caprinus. Scop.
The Goat Hygrophorus. Edible. Caprinus means belonging to a goat; it is so called from the fibrils resembling goat's hair. The pileus is two to three inches broad, fleshy, fragile, conical, then flattened and umbonate, rather wavy, sooty, fibrillose. The gills are very broad, quite distant, deeply decurrent, white, then glaucous. The stem is two to four inches long, solid, fibrillose, sooty, often streaked or striate, as will be seen in Figure 169, page 212. The spores are 10×7–8µ. These plants
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Hygrophorus Lauræ. Morg.
Hygrophorus Lauræ. Morg.
Figure 170. —Hygrophorus Lauræ. This is a beautiful plant, found among leaves, and so completely covered with particles of leaves and soil that it is hard to clean them off. They are very viscid, both stem and cap. They are only occasionally found in our state. The pileus is two to three inches broad; reddish-brown in the center, shading to a very light tan on the edges; very viscid; convex; margin at first slightly incurved, then expanded. The gills are adnate, slightly decurrent, not crowded,
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Hygrophorus micropus. Pk.
Hygrophorus micropus. Pk.
Short-stemmed Hygrophorus. Edible. Micropus means short-stemmed. The pileus is thin, fragile, convex or centrally depressed, umbilicate; silky, gray, often with one or two narrow zones on the margin; taste and odor farinaceous. The gills are narrow, close, adnate or slightly decurrent, gray, becoming salmon color with age. The stem is short, solid or with a slight cavity, often slightly thickened at the top, pruinose, gray, with a white, mycelioid tomentum at the base. The spores are angular, un
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Hygrophorus miniatus. Fr.
Hygrophorus miniatus. Fr.
The Vermilion Hygrophorus. Edible. Figure 171. —Hygrophorus miniatus. Cap and stems vermilion-red. Gills yellowish and tinged with bright-red. Miniatus is from minium, red lead. This is a small but a very common species, highly colored and very attractive. The pileus and the stem are bright red and often vermilion. The pileus is at first convex, but, when fully expanded, it is nearly or quite flat, and in wet weather it is even concave by the elevation of the margin, smooth or minutely scaly, of
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Hygrophorus miniatus sphagnophilus. Pk.
Hygrophorus miniatus sphagnophilus. Pk.
Plate XXV. Figure 172.—Hygrophorus miniatus sphagnophilus. Natural size. Sphagnophilus means sphagnum-loving, so called because it is found growing on sphagnum. The pileus is broadly convex, subumbilicate, red. The gills are adnate, whitish, becoming yellowish or sometimes tinged with red, occasionally red on the edge. The stem is colored like the pileus, whitish at the base, both it and the pileus are very fragile. This is more fragile than the typical form and retains its color better in dryin
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Hygrophorus marginatus. Pk.
Hygrophorus marginatus. Pk.
Margined Hygrophorus. Edible. Figure 173. —Hygrophorus marginatus. Marginatus, so called from the frequent vermilion edged gills. The pileus is thin, fragile, convex, subcampanulate or nearly plane, often irregular, sometimes broadly umbonate, glabrous, shining, striatulate on the margin, bright golden-yellow. The gills are rather broad, subdistant, ventricose, emarginate, adnexed, yellow, sometimes becoming orange or vermilion on the edge, interspaces venose. The stem is fragile, glabrous, ofte
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Hygrophorus ceraceus. Fr.
Hygrophorus ceraceus. Fr.
The Wax-like Hygrophorus. Edible. Figure 174. —Hygrophorus ceraceus. Caps waxy yellow. Ceraceus is from cera , wax. The pileus is one inch and less broad, waxy-yellow, shining, fragile, thin, occasionally subumbonate, slightly fleshy, slightly striate. The gills are firmly attached to the stem, subdecurrent, distant, broad, ventricose often connected with veins, almost triangular, yellow. The stem is one to two inches long, hollow, often unequal, flexuous, sometimes compressed, yellow, occasiona
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Hygrophorus virgineus. Wulf.
Hygrophorus virgineus. Wulf.
The Ivory-Capped Hygrophorus. Edible. Figure 175. —Hygrophorus virgineus. Two-thirds natural size. Entire plant white. Virgineus, virgin; so called from its whiteness. The pileus is fleshy, convex, then plane, obtuse, at length depressed; moist, sometimes cracked into patches, floccose when dry. The gills are decurrent, distant, rather thick, often forked. The stem is curt, stuffed, firm, attenuated at the base, externally becoming even and naked. Spores 12×5–6µ. Fries. The plant is wholly white
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Hygrophorus niveus.
Hygrophorus niveus.
The Snow-White Hygrophorus. Edible. Niveus, snow-white. The plant is wholly white. The pileus is scarcely one inch broad, somewhat membranaceous, bell-shaped, convex, then umbilicate, smooth, striate, viscid when moist, not cracked when dry, flesh thin, everywhere equal. The gills are decurrent, thin, distant, acute, quite entire. The stem is hollow, thin, equal, smooth. Spores 7×4µ. Found in pastures....
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Hygrophorus sordidus. Pk.
Hygrophorus sordidus. Pk.
The Dingy Hygrophorus. Edible. Figure 176. —Hygrophorus sordidus. Sordidus means a dirty white, or dingy, referring to the color of the caps, so made by adhering earth. The pileus is broadly convex or nearly plane, glabrous, slightly viscid, white, but usually defiled by adhering dirt; the margin at first strongly involute, then spreading or reflexed; flesh firm when young, tough when old. The gills are subdistant, adnate, or decurrent, white or creamy-white. The stem is five to ten Cm. long, fi
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Hygrophorus serotinus. Pk.
Hygrophorus serotinus. Pk.
Late Hygrophorus. Figure 177. —Hygrophorus serotinus. Serotinus means late. So called because it is late in the season. Pileus is fleshy but thin, convex or nearly plane, often with the thin margin curved upward, glabrous or with a few obscure innate fibrils, reddish in the center, whitish on the margin, flesh white, taste mild. The gills are thin, subdistant, adnate or decurrent, white, the interspaces slightly venose. The stem is equal, stuffed or hollow, glabrous, whitish. The spores are whit
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Panus. Fr.
Panus. Fr.
Panus means swelling. The species under this genus are leathery plants, having the stems lateral and sometimes wanting. They dry up but revive with moisture. The gills are simple and thinner than the Lentinus, but with an entire, acute edge. There are a few species which give a phosphorescent light when growing on decayed logs. The genus closely resembles Lentinus but can be readily recognized on account of the smooth edged gills. A number of good authorities do not separate them but give both u
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Panus stypticus. Fr.
Panus stypticus. Fr.
The Styptic Panus. Poisonous. Photo by C. G. Lloyd. Figure 178. —Panus stypticus. Two-thirds natural size. Cinnamon color. Stypticus means astringent, styptic. The pileus is coriaceous, kidney-shaped, cinnamon-color, growing pale, cuticle breaking up into scales, margin entire or lobed, surface nearly even, sometimes zoned. The gills are thin, crowded, connected by veins, of same color as cap, determinate, quite narrow. The stem is lateral, quite short, swollen above, solid, compressed, pruinose
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Panus strigosus. B. & C.
Panus strigosus. B. & C.
The Hairy Panus. Edible. Strigosus, covered with stiff hairs. The pileus is sometimes quite large, eccentric, covered with stiff hairs, margin thin, white. The gills are broad, distant, decurrent, straw-color. The stem is stout, two to four inches long, hairy like the pileus. The favorite host of this species is an apple tree. I found a beautiful cluster on an apple tree in Chillicothe. Its creamy whiteness and hairy cap and short hairy stem will distinguish it from all other tree fungi. It is e
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Panus conchatus. Fr.
Panus conchatus. Fr.
The Shell Panus. Conchatus means shell-shaped. The pileus is thin, unequal, tough, fleshy, eccentric, dimidiate; cinnamon, then pale; becoming scaly; flaccid; margin often lobed. The gills are narrow, forming decurrent lines on the stem, often branched, pinkish, then ochre. The stem is short, unequal, solid, rather pale, base downy. This species will frequently be found imbricated and very generally confluent. Its shell-like form, its tough substance, and its thin pileus are its distinguishing m
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Panus rudis. Fr.
Panus rudis. Fr.
Figure 179. —Panus rudis. This is a very plentiful plant about Chillicothe and is found throughout the United States, although it is a rare plant in Europe. It is generally given in American Mycology under the name Lentinus Lecomtei. It grows on logs and stumps. The form of the plant is quite different when growing on the top of a log or a stump, from those springing from the side. Those in the extreme left of Figure 179 grew on the side of the log, while those in the center grew on the top, in
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Panus torulosus. Fr.
Panus torulosus. Fr.
The Twisted Panus. Edible. Photo by C. G. Lloyd. Figure 180. —Panus torulosus. Torulosus means a tuft of hair. The pileus is two to three inches broad, fleshy, then tough, coriaceous; plane, then funnel-shaped, or dimidiate; even; smooth; almost flesh color, varying to reddish-livid, sometimes violet tinted. The gills are decurrent, rather distant, distinct behind, separate, simple, ruddy, then tan-colored. The stem is short, stout, oblique, gray, covered with a violaceous down. The spores are 6
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Panus levis. B. & C.
Panus levis. B. & C.
The Light Panus. Edible. Levis, light. Pileus two to three inches broad, orbicular, somewhat depressed, white, covered with a dense mat of hair; margin inflexed and marked by triangular ridges. The gills are broad, entire, decurrent. The stem is two to three inches long, attenuated upward, eccentric, lateral, solid, hairy below like the pileus. The spores are white. This certainly is a very beautiful plant and will hold the attention of the collector. It is not common with us. I have found it on
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Lentinus. Fr.
Lentinus. Fr.
Lentinus means tough. The pileus is fleshy, corky, tough, hard and dry, reviving when moist. The stem is central or lateral and often wanting, but when present is continuous with the cap. The gills are tough, unequal, thin, normally toothed, decurrent more or less, margin acute. The spores are smooth, white, orbicular. All the species, so far as I know, grow on wood. They assume a great variety of forms. This genus is very closely related to Panus in the dry, coriaceous nature of the pileus and
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Lentinus vulpinus. Fr.
Lentinus vulpinus. Fr.
Strong-Scented Vulpinus. Plate XXVI. Figure 181.—Lentinus vulpinus. One-third natural size. Vulpinus is from vulpes , a fox. This is quite a large, massive plant, growing in a sessile and imbricated manner. It has appeared in large quantities for the past four years on an elm, very slightly decayed, but in quite a damp and dark place. The reader will get some idea of the size of the whole plant in Figure 181 if he will consider each pileus to be five to six inches broad. They are built up one on
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Lentinus lepideus. Fr.
Lentinus lepideus. Fr.
The Scaly Lentinus. Edible. Figure 182. —Lentinus lepideus. Lepideus is from lepis , a scale. The pileus is fleshy, compact, convex, then depressed, unequal, broken up in dark scales, flesh white, tough. The gills are sinuate, decurrent, broad, torn, transversely striate, whitish, or with white edges, irregularly toothed. The stem is stout, central or lateral, tomentose or scaly, often crooked, rooting, whitish, solid, equal or tapering at the base. This is a peculiar plant, growing sometimes to
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Lentinus cochleatus. Fr.
Lentinus cochleatus. Fr.
The Spiral-Formed Lentinus. Edible. Photo by C. G. Lloyd. Figure 183. —Lentinus cochleatus. Cochleatus is from cochlea , a snail, from resembling its shell. The pileus is two to three inches broad, tough, flaccid, irregular, depressed, sometimes funnel-shaped, sometimes lobed or contorted, flesh-color, becoming pale. The gills are crowded, beautifully serrated, pinkish-white. The stem is solid, length variable, sometimes central, frequently eccentric, often lateral, smooth. The spores are nearly
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Lenzites. Fr.
Lenzites. Fr.
Lenzites, named after Lenz, a German botanist. The pileus is corky, dimidiate, sessile. The gills are corky, firm, unequal, branched, edge obtuse. It is very common in the woods, sometimes almost covering stumps and logs....
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Lenzites betulina. Fr.
Lenzites betulina. Fr.
Photo by C. G. Lloyd. Plate XXVII. Figure 184.—Lenzites betulina. Figure 185. —Lenzites betulina. Betulina, from betula , a birch. This has a somewhat corky, leathery cap, firm and without zones, woolly, sessile, deeply grooved concentrically, margin of the same color. The gills are radial, somewhat branching, and coming together again, sordid white or tan-color. This species is wide-spread and is quite variable. It grows in the form of brackets. Figure 185 was photographed by Dr. Kellerman....
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Lenzites separia. Fr.
Lenzites separia. Fr.
The Chocolate Lenzites. The pileus is corky, leathery shells, with the upper surface marked with rough zones of various shades of brown; margin yellowish. The gills are rather thick, branched, one running into another; yellowish. Stem obsolete. Growing on limbs and branches, especially of the fir tree....
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Lenzites flaccida. Fr.
Lenzites flaccida. Fr.
Flaccid Lenzites. Figure 186. —Lenzites flaccida. Two-thirds natural size. Flaccida means limp, flaccid. Pileus is coriaceous, thin, flaccid, unequal, hairy, zoned, pallid, more or less flabelliform, imbricated. The gills are broad, crowded, straight, unequal, branched, white, becoming pallid. Spores are 5×7. This is a very attractive plant and quite common. It runs almost imperceptibly into Lenzites betulina. It is found on stumps and trunks....
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Lenzites vialis. Pk.
Lenzites vialis. Pk.
Pileus is corky, almost woody, firm, zoned. Gills are thick, firm, serpentine. Stem, none....
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Schizophyllum. Fr.
Schizophyllum. Fr.
Schizophyllum is from two Greek words, meaning to split, and a leaf. The pileus is fleshy and arid. The gills are corky, fan-like, branched, united above by the tomentose pellicle, bifid, split longitudinally at the edge. The spores somewhat round and white. The two lips of the split edge of the gills are commonly revolute. This genus is far removed from the type of Agaricini. It grows on wood and is very common. Stevenson....
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Schizophyllum commune. Fr.
Schizophyllum commune. Fr.
Figure 187. —Schizophyllum commune. This is a very common plant, growing in the woods on branches and decayed wood, where it can be found in both winter and summer. The pileus is thin, adnate behind, somewhat extended, more or less fan-shaped or kidney-shaped, simple, often much lobed, narrowed behind to the point of attachment; whitish, downy, then strigose. The gills are radiating, gray, then brownish-purple, and sometimes white, branched, split along the edges and rather deeply rolled backwar
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Trogia. Fr.
Trogia. Fr.
Trogia is so called in honor of the Swiss botanist, Trog. The pileus is nearly membranaceous, soft, quite tough, flaccid, dry, flexible, fibrillose, reviving when moist. The gills are fold-like, venose, narrow, irregular, crisped....
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Trogia crispa. Fr.
Trogia crispa. Fr.
Crispa means crisp or curled. The pileus tough, cup-shaped, reflexed, lobed, villous, whitish or reddish toward the attachment, often tan-colored. The gills are quite narrow, vein-like, irregular, more or less branched, blunt on the edge, white or bluish-gray, quite crisped, edge not channeled. The caps are usually very much crowded and imbricated. It revives during wet weather and is found throughout the year, generally on beech limbs in our woods. The spores of this series are of great variety
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Pluteus. Fr.
Pluteus. Fr.
Pluteus means a shed, referring to the sheds used to make a cover for besiegers at their work, that they might be screened from the missiles of the enemy. They have no volva, no ring on the stem. Gills are free from the stem, white at first then flesh-color....
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Pluteus cervinus. Schæff.
Pluteus cervinus. Schæff.
Fawn-colored Pluteus. Edible. Photo by C. G. Lloyd. Plate XXVIII. Figure 188.—Pluteus cervinus. Natural size. Cervinus is from cervus, a deer. The pileus is fleshy, bell-shaped, expanded, viscid in wet weather, smooth, except a few radiating fibrils when young, margin entire, flesh soft and white; color of the cap light-brown or fawn-color, sometimes sooty, often more than three inches across the cap. The gills are free from the stem, broad, ventricose, unequal in length, almost white when young
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Pluteus granularis. Pk.
Pluteus granularis. Pk.
Photo by C. G. Lloyd. Figure 190. —Pluteus granularis. Pileus is convex, then expanded, slightly umbonate, wrinkled, sprinkled with minute blackish granules, varying in color from yellow to brown. The gills are rather broad, close, ventricose, free, whitish, then flesh-colored. The stem is equal, solid, pallid, or brown, usually paler at the top, velvety with a short, close pile. The spores are subglobose, about .0002 inch in diameter. The plant is two to three inches high, pileus one to two inc
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Pluteus eximius. Smith.
Pluteus eximius. Smith.
Eximius, choice, distinguished. The pileus is fleshy, bell-shaped when young, expanded, beautifully fringed on the margin, larger than the cervinus. The gills are free, broad, ventricose, white at first, then rose-colored, flesh white, and firm. The stem is thick, solid, and clothed with fibers. Dr. Herbst, Fungal Flora of the Lehigh Valley. I found some beautiful specimens in George Mosher's icehouse. I am very sorry I did not photograph them....
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Volvaria. Fr.
Volvaria. Fr.
The spores of this genus are regular, oval, rosy-spored. The veil is universal, forming a perfect volva, distinct from the cuticle of the pileus. The stem is easily separable from the pileus. The gills are free, rounded behind, at first white, then pink, soft. Most of the species grow on wood. Some on damp ground, rich mold, in gardens, and in hot-houses. One is a parasite on Clitocybe nebularis and monadelphus....
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Volvaria bombycina. (Pers.) Fr.
Volvaria bombycina. (Pers.) Fr.
The Silky Volvaria. Edible. Plate XXIX. Figure 191.—Volvaria bombycina. The egg form of the V. bombycina showing the universal veil or volva bursting at the apex. These are unusually large specimens. Figure 192. —Volvaria bombycina. Two-thirds natural size. Entire plant white and silky. Figure 193. —Volvaria bombycina. Two-thirds natural size, showing the gills, which are pink, then dark-brown. Bombycina is from bombyx , silk . This plant is so called because of the beautiful silky lustre of the
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Volvaria umbonata. Peck.
Volvaria umbonata. Peck.
The Umbonate Volvaria. Figure 194. —Volvaria umbonata. Two-thirds natural size. Entire plant white and silky. Umbonata, having an umbo or conical projection like the boss of a shield. This plant is quite common on the richly manured lawns of Chillicothe. I have found it from June to October. The pileus is white or whitish, sometimes grayish, often smoky on the umbo; globose when young, bell-shaped, plane when fully expanded, umbonate, smooth; slightly viscid when moist, shining when dry, inch to
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Volvaria pusilla. Pers.
Volvaria pusilla. Pers.
Figure 195. —Volvaria pusilla. The pileus is explanate, white, fibrillose, dry, striate, center slightly depressed when mature. The gills are white, becoming flesh-color, from the color of the spores, free, distant. The stem is white, smooth, volva split to the base into four nearly equal segments. The spores are broadly elliptical, 5–6 mc. This is the smallest species of the Volvaria. It grows on the ground among the weeds and is apt to escape the attention of the collector unless he knows its
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Volvaria volvacea. Bull.
Volvaria volvacea. Bull.
The Stove Volvaria. It is called "The Stove Volvaria" because it has been found in old unused stoves. Pileus fleshy, soft, bell-shaped, then expanded, obtuse, virgate, with adpressed black fibrils. The gills are free, flesh-colored, and inclined to deliquesce. The stem is solid, subequal, white. The volva loose, whitish. The spores are smooth, elliptical. This is a much smaller plant than the V. bombycina and grows in the ground. It is often found in hot-houses and cellars....
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Entoloma. Fr.
Entoloma. Fr.
Entoloma is from two Greek words; entos , within; loma , a fringe, referring to the inner character of the veil, which is seldom even apparent. The members of this genus have rosy spores which are prominently angular. There is neither volva, nor annulus. The gills are attached to the stem or notched near the junction of the gills and the stem. The pileus is fleshy and the margin incurved, especially when young. The stem is fleshy, fibrous, sometimes waxy, continuous with the pileus. It correspon
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Entoloma rhodopolium. Fr.
Entoloma rhodopolium. Fr.
The Rose-Gray Entoloma. Figure 196. —Entoloma rhodopolium. Three-fourths natural size. Rhodopolium is composed of two Greek words, rose and gray. The pileus is two to five inches broad, hygrophanous; when moist dingy-brown or livid, becoming pale when dry, isabelline-livid, silky-shining; slightly fleshy, bell-shaped when young, then expanded and somewhat umbonate, or gibbous, at length rather plane and sometimes depressed; fibrillose when young, smooth when full grown; margin at first bent inwa
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Entoloma grayanum. Pk.
Entoloma grayanum. Pk.
Figure 197. —Entoloma grayanum. One-half natural size. The pileus is convex to expanded, sometimes broadly umbonate, drab in color, the surface wrinkled or rugose, and watery in appearance. The flesh is thin and the margin incurved. The gills are at first drab in color, but lighter than the pileus, becoming pinkish in age. The spores on paper are very light salmon-color. They are globose or rounded in outline, 5–7 angled, with an oil globule, 8–10µ, in diameter. The stem is of the same color as
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Entoloma subcostatum. Atkinson n. sp.
Entoloma subcostatum. Atkinson n. sp.
Plate XXX. Figure 198.—Entoloma subcostatum. Mature plants showing broad gills and very thin flesh, also fibrous striate stems. Subcostatum means somewhat ribbed, referring to the gills. Plants gregarious or in troups or clusters, 6–8 cm. high; pileus 4–8 cm. broad; stems 1–1.5 cm. thick. The pileus is dark-gray to hair-brown or olive-brown, often subvirgate with darker lines; gills light salmon-color, becoming dull; stem colored as the pileus, but paler; in drying the stems usually become as da
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Entoloma salmonea. Pk.
Entoloma salmonea. Pk.
Figure 199. —Entoloma salmonea. Pileus thin, conical or campanulate, subacute, rarely with a minute papilla at the apex, smooth, of a peculiar soft, ochraceous color, slightly tinged with salmon or flesh color. The gills and stem are colored like the pileus. Peck. Dr. Peck says, "It is with some hesitation that this is proposed as a species, its resemblance to another species is so close. The only difference is found in [Pg 246] [Pg 247] its color and in the absence of the prominent cusp of that
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Entoloma clypeatum. Linn.
Entoloma clypeatum. Linn.
The Buckler Entoloma. Clypeatum, a shield or buckler. The pileus is slightly fleshy, lurid when moist, when dry gray and rather shining, streaked, spotted, campanulate, then expanded, umbonate, smooth, watery. Gills just reaching the stem, rounded, ventricose, somewhat distant, minutely toothed, dirty flesh-color. The stem is stuffed, then hollow, equal, round, clothed with small fibers, becoming pale, covered with a minute powdery substance. The flesh is white when dry. This plant will be disti
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Clitopilus. Fr.
Clitopilus. Fr.
Clitopilus is from clitos , a declivity; pilos, a cap. This genus has neither volva nor ring. It is often more or less eccentric, margin at first involute; stem fleshy, diffused upward into the pileus; the gills are white at first, then pink or salmon-color as the plant matures and the spores begin to fall; decurrent, never notched. The pileus is more or less depressed, darker in the center. The spores are salmon-color, in some cases rather pale, smooth or warted. Clitopilus is closely related t
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Clitopilus prunulus. Scop.
Clitopilus prunulus. Scop.
The Plum Clitopilus. Edible. Figure 200. —Clitopilus prunulus. Prunulus means a small plum; so called from the white bloom covering the plant. The pileus is two to four inches broad, fleshy, firm; at first convex, then expanded, at length becoming slightly depressed, often eccentric, as will be seen in Figure 200; whitish, often covered with a frost-like bloom, margin often wavy, bending backward. The gills are strongly decurrent, comparatively few of full length, white, then flesh-color. The st
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Clitopilus orcellus. Bull.
Clitopilus orcellus. Bull.
The Sweet-Bread Clitopilus. Edible. Figure 201. —Clitopilus orcellus. Orcellus is a diminutive meaning a small cask; from orca , a cask. The pileus is fleshy, soft, plane, or slightly depressed, often irregular, even when young; slightly silky, somewhat viscid when moist; white or yellowish-white, flesh white, taste and odor farinaceous. The gills are deeply decurrent, close, whitish, then flesh-color. The stem is short, solid, flocculose, often eccentric, thickened above. The spores are ellipti
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Clitopilus abortivus. B. and C.
Clitopilus abortivus. B. and C.
The Abortive Clitopilus. Edible. Figure 202. —Clitopilus abortivus. Two-thirds natural size, showing the grayish-brown cap and solid stem. Abortivus means abortive or imperfectly developed; so called from its many irregular and undeveloped forms. The pileus is fleshy, firm, convex, or nearly plane, regular or irregular, dry, clothed with a minute silky tomentum, becoming smoother with age, gray or grayish-brown, flesh white, taste and odor subfarinaceous. The gills are slightly or deeply decurre
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Clitopilus subvilis. Pk.
Clitopilus subvilis. Pk.
The Silky-Capped Clitopilus. Edible. Subvilis means very cheap, insignificant. The pileus is thin, centrally depressed or umbilicate, with the margin decurved, hygrophanus, dark-brown, striate on the margin when moist, taste farinaceous. The gills are subdistant, adnate, or slightly decurrent, whitish when young, then flesh-colored. The stem is slender, brittle, rather long, stuffed or hollow, glabrous, colored like the pileus or a little paler. The spores are angular, 7.5–10µ. Peck , 42d Rept.
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Clitopilus Noveboracensis. Pk.
Clitopilus Noveboracensis. Pk.
Figure 204. —Clitopilus Noveboracensis. Two-thirds natural size. Noveboracensis, the New York Clitopilus. Pileus thin, convex, then expanded or slightly depressed; dingy-white, cracked in areas or concentrically rivulose, sometimes obscurely zonate; odor farinaceous, taste bitter. Gills narrow, close, deeply decurrent, some of them forked, white, becoming dingy, tinged with yellow or flesh-color. Stem equal, solid, colored like the pileus, the mycelium white, often forming white, branching, root
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Eccilia. Fr.
Eccilia. Fr.
Eccilia is from a Greek verb which means "I hollow out"; so called because the hollow cartilaginous stem expands upward into a membranaceous pileus, whose margin at first is incurved. Gills decurrent, attenuated behind. This genus corresponds with Omphalia and is separated from Clitopilus by the cartilaginous, smooth stem....
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Eccilia carneo-grisea. B. & Br.
Eccilia carneo-grisea. B. & Br.
The Flesh-Gray Eccilia. Edible. Figure 205. —Eccilia carneo-grisea. Caps dark-gray or slate color. Gills rosy. Carneo-grisea means fleshy-gray. The pileus is one inch or more broad, umbilicate, dark-gray or grayish flesh color, finely striate, margin darkened with micaceous particles. The gills are distant, adnate, decurrent, rosy, slightly undulate, margin irregularly darkened. The stem is one to two inches long, slender, smooth, hollow, wavy, same color as the pileus, white tomentose at the ba
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Eccilia polita. Pers.
Eccilia polita. Pers.
Polita means having been furbished. Figure 206. —Eccilia polita. Natural size. Caps hair-brown to olive, umbilicate. The pileus is one inch or more broad, convex, umbilicate, somewhat membranaceous, watery, livid or hair-brown to olive, smooth, shining when dry, finely striate on the margin. The gills are slightly decurrent, crowded, irregular or uneven, flesh color. The stem is cartilaginous, stuffed or hollow, lighter in color than the pileus, equal or sometimes slightly enlarged at the base,
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Leptonia. Fr.
Leptonia. Fr.
Leptonia means slender, thin. The spores are salmon-color and irregular. The pileus is never truly fleshy, cuticle always torn into scales, disk umbilicate, and often darker than the margin which is at first incurved. The gills are attached to the stem and easily separated in old plants. The stem is rigid, with cartilaginous bark, hollow or stuffed, smooth, shining, often dark-blue, confluent with the cap....
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Leptonia incana. Fr.
Leptonia incana. Fr.
The Hoary Leptonia. Incana means hoary or grayish-white. The pileus is about one inch broad, somewhat membranaceous, convex, then plane, depressed in the center, smooth, with a silky lustre, margin striate. The gills are attached to the stem, broad, somewhat distant, white, then greenish. The stem is hollow, shining, smooth, brownish-green. The spores are very irregular, dull-yellowish, pink, rough, 8–9µ. It is frequently found in pastures after warm rains. They grow in clusters, and have the od
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Leptonia serrulata. Pers.
Leptonia serrulata. Pers.
Saw Leptonia. Figure 207. —Leptonia serrulata. Serrulata means saw-bearing, so named from the serrulate character of the gills. The pileus is dark-blue, flesh thin, umbilicate, depressed, without striate, squamulose. The gills are attached to the stem, with a dark serrulate edge. The stem is thin, cartilaginous, paler than the pileus....
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Nolanea. Fr.
Nolanea. Fr.
Nolanea means a little bell, so called from the shape of the pileus. It is rosy-spored. The stem is cartilaginous and hollow. The pileus is submembranaceous, thin, bell-shaped, papillate, margin straight, pressed close to the stem. The gills are free and not decurrent. They are found growing on the ground in the woods and pastures....
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Nolanea pascua. P.
Nolanea pascua. P.
The Pasture Nolanea. Pascua means pasture. The pileus is membranaceous, conical, then expanded, slightly umbonate, smooth, striate, watery; when dry, shining like silk. The gills are nearly free, ventricose, crowded, dirty-grayish. The stem is hollow, fragile, silky-fibrous, striate. The spores are irregular, 9–10. They are found in pastures in summer and fall, after a rain....
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Nolanea conica. Pk.
Nolanea conica. Pk.
The Cone Nolanea. The pileus is thin, membranaceous, conical, with a minute umbo or papilla, cinnamon-color, striatulate when moist. The gills are light flesh-color, nearly free. The stem is slender, straight, hollow. Found in moist woods....
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Claudopus. Smith.
Claudopus. Smith.
Claudopus is from two Greek words: claudos , lame; pus , foot. The pileus is eccentric or lateral like the Pleuroti. The species were formerly placed in the Pleuroti and Crepidoti, which they very closely resemble, save in the color of the spores. This genus formerly included those plants which have lilac spores, but Prof. Fries limited it to those which have pink spores. The spores in some species are even and in others, rough and angular. The stem is either wanting or very short, hence its nam
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Claudopus nidulans. Pers.
Claudopus nidulans. Pers.
Figure 208. —Claudopus nidulans. One-half natural size. Cap yellow or buff. Gills orange-yellow. Nidulans is from nidus , a nest. The pileus is sessile, sometimes narrowed behind into a short stem-like base, caps often overlapping one another, kidney-shaped, quite downy, the margin involute, hairy toward the margin, a rich yellow or buff color. The gills are broad, moderately close, orange-yellow. The spores are even, 3–5×1µ, elongated, somewhat curved, delicate pink in mass. It is quite common
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Claudopus variabilis. Pers.
Claudopus variabilis. Pers.
Variabilis, variable or changeable. The pileus is white, thin, resupinate—that is the plant seems to be on its back, the gills being turned upward toward the light, quite downy, even, being fastened in the center to a short downy stem. The gills are at first white, then of the color of the spores. It is found on decaying limbs and branches in the woods. It is quite common everywhere. The spores are of various shades of ochre yellow, rusty, rusty-brown, brown, yellowish-brown. The hymenophore is
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Pholiota. Fr.
Pholiota. Fr.
Pholiota, a scale. The members of this genus have rusty spores. These may be sepia-brown, bright yellowish-brown or light red. There is no volva, but there is a ring which is sometimes persistent, friable, and fugacious. In this respect it corresponds with the Armillaria among the white spored agarics. The pileus is fleshy. The gills are attached to the stem and sometimes notched with a decurrent tooth, tawny or rusty in color on account of the falling of the spores. Many species grow on wood, l
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Pholiota precox. Pers.
Pholiota precox. Pers.
The Early Pholiota. Edible. Figure 209. —Pholiota precox. Two-thirds natural size. Caps whitish, often tinged with yellow. Precox, early. Pileus is fleshy, soft, convex, then expanded, at length smooth, even, margin at first incurved; moist but not sticky, whitish, often with slight tinge of yellow or tan-color; when the plant is fully matured it is often upturned and fluted. The gills are attached to the stem and slightly decurrent by a tooth, moderately broad, crowded, unequal, creamy white, t
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Pholiota dura. Bolt.
Pholiota dura. Bolt.
The Hard Pholiota. Edible. Figure 210. —Pholiota dura. One-half natural size. Caps tawny tan-color. Dura, hard; so called because the surface of the cap becomes quite hard and cracked. The pileus is from three to four inches or more broad, very compact, convex, then plane, cuticle often very much cracked, margin even, tawny, tan-color, sometimes quite brown. The gills are firmly attached to the stem, somewhat decurrent with a tooth, ventricose, livid, then a brown rusty color. Spores elliptical,
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Pholiota adiposa. Fr.
Pholiota adiposa. Fr.
The Fat Or Pineapple Pholiota. Edible. Figure 211. —Pholiota adiposa. Two-thirds natural size. Caps saffron-yellow. Adiposa is from adeps , fat. The pileus is showy, deep-yellow, compact, convex, obtuse, slightly umbonate, quite viscid when moist, shining when dry; cuticle plain or broken into scales which are dark-brown, the margin incurved; the flesh is saffron-yellow, thick at the center and thinning out toward the margin. The gills are firmly attached to the stem, sometimes slightly notched,
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Pholiota Caperata. Pers.
Pholiota Caperata. Pers.
The Wrinkled Pholiota. Edible. Plate XXXI. Figure 212.—Pholiota caperata. Caperata means wrinkled. The pileus is three to four inches broad, fleshy, varying from a clay to a yellowish color, at first somewhat egg-shaped, then expanded, obtuse, wrinkled at the sides, the entire cap and especially at the center is covered with a white superficial flocci. The gills are adnate or attached to the stem, rather crowded, this, somewhat toothed on their edges, clay-cinnamon color. Spores elliptical, 12×4
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Pholiota unicolor. Fl. Dan.
Pholiota unicolor. Fl. Dan.
Figure 213.—Pholiota unicolor. Natural size. Unicolor means of one color. The pileus is campanulate to convex, subumbonate, hygrophanous, bay, then ochre, nearly even, never fully expanded. The gills are subtriangular, adnate, seceding, broad, ochraceous-cinnamon. Spores 9–10×5µ. The stem is stuffed, then hollow, colored as the pileus, nearly smooth, ring thin but entire. They are a late grower and found on well-decayed logs. They are quite common in our woods. Found in November. The plants in F
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Pholiota mutablis. Schaff.
Pholiota mutablis. Schaff.
The Changeable Pholiota. Edible. Mutablis means changeable, variable. The pileus two to three inches broad, fleshy; deep cinnamon when moist, paler when dry; margin rather thin, transparent; convex, then expanded, sometimes obtusely umbonate, and sometimes slightly depressed; even, quite smooth, flesh whitish and taste mild. The gills are broad, adnate, slightly decurrent, close, pale umber, then cinnamon-color. The stem is two to three inches long, slender, stuffed, becoming hollow, smooth abov
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Pholiota heteroclita. Fr.
Pholiota heteroclita. Fr.
Bulbous-stemmed Pholiota. Figure 214.—Pholiota heteroclita. Natural size. Caps whitish or yellowish. Heteroclitus means leaning to one side, out of the center. The pileus is three to six inches broad, compact, convex, expanded, very obtuse, rather eccentric, marked with scattered, innate, adpressed scales, whitish or yellowish, sometimes smooth when dry, viscid if moist. The gills are very broad, at first pallid, then ferruginous, rounded, adnexed. The stem is three to four inches long, solid, h
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Pholiota aurevella. Batsch.
Pholiota aurevella. Batsch.
Golden Pholiota. Aurevella is from auri-vellus , a golden fleece. The pileus is two to three inches in diameter, bell-shaped, convex, gibbous, tawny-yellow, with darker scales, rather viscid. The gills are crowded, notched behind, fixed, very broad, plane, pallid olive, at length ferruginous. The stem is stuffed, nearly equal, hard, various in length, curved, with rusty adpressed squamules, ring rather distant. On trunks of trees in the fall, generally solitary. Not very common....
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Pholiota curvipes. Fr.
Pholiota curvipes. Fr.
Curvipes, with a curved foot or stem. Pileus is rather fleshy, convex, then expanded, torn into adpressed floccose scales. The gills are adnate, broad, white, then yellowish, at length tawny. The stem is somewhat hollow, thin, incurved (from which it derives its name), fibrillose, yellow, as well as is the floccose ring. Spores 6–7×3–4. Cooke. I found several specimens of this species at different times on one well rotted beech log on Ralston's Run, but was unable to find it on any other log in
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Pholiota spectabilis. Fr.
Pholiota spectabilis. Fr.
The Showy Pholiota. Spectabilis, of notable appearance, worth seeing. The pileus is compact, convex, then plane, dry, torn into silky scales disappearing toward the margin, golden orange color, flesh yellow. The gills are adnexed, rounded near the stem, slightly decurrent, crowded, narrow, yellow, then ferruginous. The stem is solid, three to four inches high, quite thick, tough, spongy, thickened toward the base, even, bulbous, somewhat rooting. Ring inferior. I found the specimens in October a
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Pholiota marginata. Batsch.
Pholiota marginata. Batsch.
The Marginate Pholiota. Edible. Figure 215.—Pholiota marginata. Two-thirds natural size. Caps honey-colored and tan-colored. Marginata means edged, margined; so called from the peripheral striæ of the pileus. The pileus is rather fleshy, convex, then plane, smooth, moist, watery, striate on the margin, honey-colored when moist, tan-colored when dry. The gills are firmly attached to the stem, crowded, unequal; when mature, of a dark reddish-brown from the shedding of the spores. Spores 7–8×4µ. Th
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Pholiota ægerita. Fr.
Pholiota ægerita. Fr.
Ægerita is the Greek name for the black poplar; so called because it grows on decayed poplar logs. The pileus is fleshy, convex, then plane, more or less checked or rivulose, wrinkled, tawny, edge of the cap rather pale. The gills are adnate, with a decurrent tooth, rather close, pallid, then growing darker. The stem is stuffed, equal, silky-white, ring superior, fibrillose, tumid. Spores 10×5µ. Found in October and November, in the woods wherever there are decayed poplar logs....
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Pholiota squarrosoides. Pk.
Pholiota squarrosoides. Pk.
Like the Scaly Pholiota. Edible. Figure 216.—Pholiota squarrosoides. Two-thirds natural size. Caps yellow or yellowish. Squarrosoides means like Squarrosa. The pileus is quite firm, convex, viscid, especially when moist; at first densely covered with erect papillose or subspinose tawny scales, which soon separate from each other, revealing the whitish or yellowish color of the cap and its viscid character. The gills are close, emarginate, at first whitish, then pallid or dull cinnamon color. The
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Pholiota squarrosa. Mull.
Pholiota squarrosa. Mull.
The Scaly Pholiota. Edible. Photo by C. G. Lloyd. Plate XXXII. Figure 217.—Pholiota squarrosa. Squarrosa means scaly. The pileus is three to four inches broad, fleshy, bell-shaped, convex, then expanded; obtusely umbonate, tawny-yellow, clothed with rich brown scales; flesh yellow near the surface. The gills are attached to the stem, with a decurrent tooth, at first yellowish, then of a pale olive, changing to rusty-brown in color, crowded, and narrow. The spores are elliptical, 8×4µ. The stem i
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Inocybe. Fr.
Inocybe. Fr.
Inocybe is from two Greek words meaning fiber and head; so called from the fibrillose veil, concrete with the cuticle of the pileus, often free at the margin, in the form of a cortina. The gills are somewhat sinuate, though they are sometimes adnate, and in two species are decurrent; changing color but not powdered with cinnamon. Spores are often rough but in other specimens are even, more or less brownish rust-color. Stevenson....
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Inocybe scaber. Mull.
Inocybe scaber. Mull.
Rough Inocybe. Not Edible. Scaber means rough. The pileus is fleshy, conical, convex, obtusely gibbous, sprinkled with fibrous adpressed scales; margin entire, grayish-brown. The gills are rounded near the stem, quite crowded, pale dingy-brown. The stem is solid, whitish or paler than the pileus, clothed with small fibers, equal, veiled. The spores are elliptical, smooth, 11×5µ. It is found on the ground in damp woods. Not good....
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Inocybe lacera. Fr.
Inocybe lacera. Fr.
The Torn Inocybe. Lacera means torn. The pileus is somewhat fleshy, convex, then expanded, obtuse, umbonate, clothed with fibrous scales. The gills are free, broad, ventricose, white, tinged with red, light-gray. Spores are obliquely elliptical, smooth, 12×6µ. The stem is slender, short, stuffed, clothed with small fibers, naked above, reddish within. Found on the ground where the soil is clayish or poor. Not good....
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Inocybe subochracea Burtii. Peck.
Inocybe subochracea Burtii. Peck.
Figure 218. —Inocybe subochracea Burtii. Natural size. This is a very interesting species. It is thus described by Dr. Peck: "Veil conspicuous, webby fibrillose, margin of the pileus more fibrillose; stem longer and more conspicuously fibrillose. The well developed veil, and the longer stem, are the distinguishing characters of this variety." The plants are found in mossy patches on the north hillsides about Chillicothe. The pale ochraceous yellow and the very fibrillose caps and stem will attra
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Inocybe subochracea. Peck.
Inocybe subochracea. Peck.
Pileus thin, conical or convex, sometimes expanded, generally umbonate, fibrillose squamulose, pale ochraceous-yellow. The gills are rather broad, attached, emarginate, whitish, becoming brownish-yellow. The stem is equal, whitish, slightly fibrillose, solid. Peck. This is a small plant from one to two inches high whose cap is scarcely over an inch broad. It grows in open groves where the soil is sandy. It is found on Cemetery Hill from June to October....
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Inocybe geophylla, var. violacea. Pat.
Inocybe geophylla, var. violacea. Pat.
Figure 219. —Inocybe geophylla, var. violacea. This is a small plant and has all the characteristics of Inocybe geophylla excepting color of cap and gills. The pileus is an inch to an inch and a half broad, hemispherical at first, then expanded, umbonate, even, silky-fibrillose, lilac, growing paler in age. The gills are adnexed, lilac at first, then colored by the spores. Spores 10×5. The stem equal, firm, hollow, slightly violaceous. This plant grows in September in mixed woods among the dead
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Inocybe dulcamara. A. & S.
Inocybe dulcamara. A. & S.
Figure 220.—Inocybe dulcamara. Dulcamara means bitter-sweet. The pileus is an inch to an inch and a half in diameter, rather fleshy, convex, umbonate, pilosely-scaly. The gills are arcuate, ventricose, pallid olivaceous. The stem is somewhat hollow, fibrillose and squamulose from the veil, farinaceous at the apex. Spores 8–10×5µ. Found from July to September, in grassy places....
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Inocybe cincinnata. Fr.
Inocybe cincinnata. Fr.
Figure 221.—Inocybe cincinnata. Two-thirds natural size. Caps scaly, dark or grayish-brown. Cincinnata means with curled hair. This is quite an interesting little plant. It is found on Cemetery Hill, in Chillicothe, under the pine trees and along the walks where there is but little grass. It is gregarious and quite a hardy plant. The pileus is fleshy, convex, then plane, quite squarrosely scaly, somewhat dark or grayish-brown. The gills are grayish-brown with a tinge of violet at times; adnexed,
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Inocybe pyriodora. Pers.
Inocybe pyriodora. Pers.
Pyriodora, smelling like a pear. The pileus is one to two inches broad, quite strongly umbonate, at first conical, expanded, covered with fibrous adpressed scales, in old plants the margin turned up, smoky or brown-ochre becoming pale. The gills are notched at the stem, not crowded, dingy-white, becoming nearly cinnamon-brown, somewhat ventricose. The stem is two to three inches long, stuffed, firm, equal, pale, apex pruinose, veil very fugacious. Flesh tinged with red. Common in the woods in Se
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Inocybe rimosa. Bull.
Inocybe rimosa. Bull.
The Cracked Inocybe. Rimosa, cracked. The pileus is one to two inches broad, shining, satiny, adpressed fibrillose, brown-yellow, campanulate, then expanded, longitudinally cracked. The gills are free, somewhat ventricose, at first white, brownish-clay color. The stem is one to two inches high, distant from the pileus, solid, firm, nearly smooth, bulbous, mealy white above. Spores smooth, 10–11×6µ. I. eutheles differs from this species in being umbonate; I. pyriodora in its strong smell. Many pl
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Hebeloma. Fr.
Hebeloma. Fr.
Hebeloma is from two Greek words meaning youth and fringed. Partial veil fibrillose or absent. Pileus is smooth, continuous, somewhat viscid, margin incurved. The gills are notched adnate, edge of different color, whitish. The spores clay-color. All found on the ground....
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Hebeloma glutinosum. Linn.
Hebeloma glutinosum. Linn.
Glutinosum, abounding in glue. The pileus is one to three inches broad, light-yellow, the disk darker, fleshy, convex, then plane, covered with a viscid gluten in wet weather; flesh is white, becoming yellow. The gills are attached to the stem, notched, slightly decurrent, crowded, pallid, light yellow, then clay-color. Spores elliptical, 10–12×5µ. The stem is stuffed, firm, somewhat bulbous, covered with white scales, and mealy at the top. There is a partial veil in the form of a cortina. Found
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Hebeloma fastibile. Fr.
Hebeloma fastibile. Fr.
Ochrey Hebeloma. Poisonous. Fastibilis means nauseous, disagreeable; so called from its pungent taste and smell. The pileus is one to three inches across, convex, plane, wavy, viscid, smooth, pale yellowish-tan, margin involute and downy. The gills are notched, rather distant, pallid, then cinnamon; lachrymose. The stem is two to four inches long, solid, subbulbous, white, fibrous scaly, sometimes twisted, often becoming hollow, veil evident. The spores are pip-shaped, 10×6µ. The odor is much th
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Hebeloma crustuliniforme. Bull.
Hebeloma crustuliniforme. Bull.
The Ring Hebeloma. Not Edible. Crustuliniforme means the form of a cake or bun. The pileus is convex, then expanded, smooth, somewhat viscid, often wavy, yellowish-red, quite variable in size. The gills are notched, thin, narrow, whitish then brown, crowded, edge crenulate, and with beads of moisture. The stem is solid, or stuffed, firm, subbulbous, whitish, with minute white recurved flecks. It is found in woods or about old sawdust piles. The plants sometimes grow in rings. September to Novemb
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Hebeloma pascuense. Pk.
Hebeloma pascuense. Pk.
Figure 222.—Hebeloma pascuense. Natural size. Caps chestnut-color. Pascuense, pertaining to pastures; referring to its habitat. The pileus is convex, becoming nearly plane, viscid when moist, obscurely innately fibrillose; brownish-clay, often darker or rufescent in the center, the margin in the young plant slightly whitened by the thin webby veil; the margin of the cap more or less irregular, flesh white, the taste mild, odor weak. The gills are close, rounded behind, adnexed, whitish, becoming
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Pluteolus. Fr.
Pluteolus. Fr.
Pluteolus means a small shed. It is the diminutive of pluteus , a shed or penthouse, from its conical cap. The pileus is rather fleshy, viscid, conical or campanulate, then expanded; margin at first straight, adpressed to the stem. Stem somewhat cartilaginous, distinct from the hymenophore. Gills free, rounded behind....
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Pluteolus reticulatus. Pers.
Pluteolus reticulatus. Pers.
Reticulatus means made like a net; from rete , a net, so called from the net-like appearance of veins on the cap. The pileus is slightly fleshy, campanulate, then expanded, rugoso-reticulate, viscid, margin striate, pale violaceous. The gills are free, ventricose, crowded, saffron-yellow, to ferruginous. The stem is one to two inches long, hollow, fragile, fibrillose, inclined to be mealy at the top, white. I have found only a few plants of this species in our state. It seems to be rare. The ana
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Galera. Fr.
Galera. Fr.
Galera means a small cap. The pileus is more or less bell-shaped, margin straight, at first depressed to the stem, hygrophanous, almost even, atomate when dry, more or less membranaceous. The gills are attached to the stem or with a decurrent tooth, as in Mycena. The stem is cartilaginous, hollow, confluent with, but different in texture from the cap. The veil is often wanting, but when present is fibrous and fugacious. The spores are ochraceous ferruginous....
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Galera hypnorum. Batsch.
Galera hypnorum. Batsch.
The Moss-Loving Galera. Hypnorum means of mosses; from hypna , moss. The pileus is membranaceous, conic, campanulate, smooth, striate, watery when moist, pale when dry, cinnamon. The gills are attached to the stem, broad, rather distant, cinnamon-colored, whitish on the edge. The stem is slender, wavy, same color as the pileus, pruinose at the apex. This plant is very like G. tenera, only much smaller, and of a very different habitat. Found in mosses from June to October....
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Galera tenera. Schaeff.
Galera tenera. Schaeff.
The Slender Galera. Edible. Photo by C. G. Lloyd. Figure 223.—Galera tenera. Tenera is the feminine form of tener , slender, delicate. The pileus is somewhat membranaceous, at first cone-shaped, partially expanded, bell-shaped, hygrophanous, ochraceous when dry. The gills are attached to the stem, crowded, rather broad, ascending, cinnamon-brown, the edges whitish, sometimes slightly serrate. The stem is straight, hollow, fragile, rather shining; three to four inches long, equal or sometimes inc
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Galera lateritia. Fr.
Galera lateritia. Fr.
The Brick-Red Galera. Edible. Lateritia means made of brick, from later , a brick; so called because the caps are brick-colored. The pileus is somewhat membranaceous, cone-shaped, then bell-shaped, obtuse, even, hygrophanous, rather pale yellow when wet, ochraceous when dry. The gills are almost free, adnexed to the top of the cone, linear, very narrow, tawny or ferruginous. The stem is three to four inches long, hollow, slightly tapering upward, straight, fragile, white pruinose, whitish. Spore
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Galera Kellermani. Pk. sp. nov.
Galera Kellermani. Pk. sp. nov.
Figure 224.—Galera Kellermani. Showing young plants. Figure 225.—Galera Kellermani. Showing older plants. Kellermani is named in honor of Dr. W. A. Kellerman, Ohio State University. The pileus is very thin, subovate or subconic, soon becoming plane or nearly so; striatulate nearly to the center when moist, more or less wavy and persistently striate on the margin when dry, minutely granulose or mealy when young, unpolished when mature, often with a few scattered floccose squamules when young, and
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Galera crispa. Longyear.
Galera crispa. Longyear.
Figure 226.—Galera crispa. Natural size. Cap ochraceous-brown. Crispa means crisped; the specific name is based on the peculiar character of the gills which are always crisped as soon as the pileus is expanded. The pileus is 1.5 to 3.5 cm. broad, membranaceous, persistently conico-campanulate, subacute, uneven and somewhat rivulose, ochraceous-brown on disk, lighter toward the margin which becomes crenulate and upturned in older specimens; slightly pruinose at first, rugulose and a little paler
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Galera ovalis. Fr.
Galera ovalis. Fr.
The Oval Galera. The pileus is somewhat membranaceous, oval or bell-shaped, even, watery, dusky-rust color, somewhat larger than G. tenera. The gills are almost free, ventricose, very broad, rust-colored. The stem is straight, equal, slightly striate, nearly of the same color as the cap, about three inches long. Found in pastures where stock has been. I have found it in the Dunn pasture, on the Columbus pike, Ross County, O....
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Crepidotus. Fr.
Crepidotus. Fr.
Crepidotus is from a Greek word meaning a slipper. The spores are dark or yellowish-brown. There is no veil. The pileus is excentric, dimidiate or resupinate. The flesh is soft. The stem is lateral or wanting, when present it is continuous with the cap. They generally grow on wood....
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Crepidotus versutus. Pk.
Crepidotus versutus. Pk.
Figure 227.—Crepidotus versutus. Natural size. Caps pure white. This is a very modest little plant growing on the underside of rotten logs or bark, thus, no doubt, escaping the attention of many. Sometimes it may be found growing from the side of a log, in which case it grows in a shelving form. When growing under the log the upper side of the cap is against the wood and it is said to be resupinate. The pileus is kidney-form, quite small, thin, pure white, covered with a soft whitish down. The g
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Crepidotus mollis. Schaeff.
Crepidotus mollis. Schaeff.
Soft Crepidotus. The pileus is between subgelatinous and fleshy; one to two inches broad; sometimes solitary, sometimes imbricated; flaccid, even, smooth, reniform, subsessile, pallid, then grayish. The gills are decurrent from base, crowded, linear, whitish then watery cinnamon. The spores are elliptical, ferruginous, 8–9×5–6µ. This species is widely distributed and quite common on decayed logs and stumps, from July to October....
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Naucoria. Fr.
Naucoria. Fr.
Naucoria, a nut shell. The pileus is some shade of yellow, convex, inflexed, smooth, flocculent or scaly. The gills are attached to the stem, sometimes nearly free, never decurrent. The stem is cartilaginous, confluent with the cap but of a different texture, hollow or stuffed. The veil is absent or sometimes small traces may be seen attached to the rim of the pileus, in young plants in the form of flakes. The spores are of various shades of brown, dull or bright. They grow on the ground on lawn
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Naucoria hamadryas. Fr.
Naucoria hamadryas. Fr.
The Nymph Naucoria. Edible. Hamadryas, one of the nymphs whose life depended upon the tree to which she was attached. The pileus is one to two inches broad, rather fleshy, convex, expanded, gibbous, even, bay-ferruginous when young and moist, pale yellowish when old. The gills are attenuated, adnexed, almost free, rusty, slightly ventricose, somewhat crowded. The stem is hollow, equal, fragile, smooth, pallid, two to three inches long. The spores are elliptical, rust-color, 13–14×7µ. This is qui
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Naucoria pediades. Fr.
Naucoria pediades. Fr.
The Tan-colored Naucoria. Edible. Photo by C. G. Lloyd. Figure 228.—Naucoria pediades. Natural size. Pediades is from a Greek word meaning a plain or a field, referring to its being found on lawns and pastures. The pileus is somewhat fleshy, convex, then plane, obtuse or depressed, dry, finally opaque, frequently inclined to be minutely rivulose. The gills are attached to the stem but not adnate to it, broad, subdistant, only a few entire brownish, then a dingy cinnamon. The stem is pithy or stu
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Naucoria paludosella. Atkinson n. sp.
Naucoria paludosella. Atkinson n. sp.
Plate XXXIII. Figure 229.—Naucoria paludosella. Showing mode of growth, clay-brown scales on the caps. Paludosella is a diminutive of palus , gen. paludis, a swamp or marsh. Plants six to eight cm. high; pileus two and a half to three cm. broad; stem three to four mm. thick. Pileus viscid when moist, convex to expanded, in age somewhat depressed; clay color, darker over center, often with appressed clay brown scales with a darker color. Gills raw umber to Mars brown (R), emarginate, adnate somet
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Flammula. Fr.
Flammula. Fr.
Flammula means a small flame; so called because many of the species have bright colors. The spores are ferruginous, sometimes light yellow. The cap is fleshy and at first usually inrolled, bright colored; veil filamentous, often wanting. The gills are decurrent or attached with a tooth. The stem is fleshy, fibrous, and of the same character as the cap. The species of the Flammula are mostly found on wood. A few are found on the ground....
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Flammula flavida. Schaeff.
Flammula flavida. Schaeff.
The Yellow Flammula. Flavida means yellow. The pileus is fleshy, convex, expanded, plane, equal smooth, moist, margin at first inrolled. The gills are firmly attached to the stem, yellow, turning slightly ferruginous. The stem is stuffed, somewhat hollow, fibrillose, yellow, ferruginous at the base. These plants are of a showy yellow, and are frequently found in our woods on decayed logs. They are found in July and August....
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Flammula carbonaria. Fr.
Flammula carbonaria. Fr.
The Viscid Flammula. Figure 230.—Flammula carbonaria. Carbonaria is so called because it is found on charcoal or burned earth. The pileus is quite fleshy, tawny-yellow, at first convex, then becoming plane, even, thin, viscid, margin of the cap at first inrolled, flesh yellow. The gills are firmly attached to the stem, clay-colored or brown, moderately close. The stem is stuffed or nearly hollow, slender, rigid, squamulose, pallid, quite short. The spores are ferruginous-brown, elliptical, 7×3.5
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Flammula fusus. Batsch.
Flammula fusus. Batsch.
Fusus means a spindle; so called from the spindle-shaped stem. The pileus is compact, convex, then expanded, even, rather viscid, reddish-tan, flesh yellowish. The gills are somewhat decurrent, pallid yellow, becoming ferruginous. The stem is stuffed, firm, colored like the pileus, fibrillose, striate, attenuated and somewhat fusiform, rooting. The spores are broadly elliptical, 10×4µ. Found on well-decayed logs or on ground made up largely of decayed wood. Found from July to October....
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Flammula fillius. Fr.
Flammula fillius. Fr.
The pileus is two to three inches broad, even, smooth, with rather viscid cuticle, pale orange-red with the disc reddish. The gills are attached to the stem, arcuate, rather crowded, white, then pallid or tawny-yellow. The stem is three to five inches long, hollow, smooth, pallid, reddish within. The spores are elliptical, 10×5µ. Found on the ground in the woods from July to October....
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Flammula squalida. Pk.
Flammula squalida. Pk.
Figure 231.—Flammula squalida. The pileus is one to one and a half inches broad, fleshy, convex, or plane, firm, viscose, glabrous, dingy-yellowish or rufescent, flesh whitish but in color similar to the pileus under the separate cuticle. The gills are rather broad, adnate, pallid, becoming dark ferruginous. The stem is one and a half to three inches long, one to two lines thick, slender, generally flexuose, hollow fibrillose, pallid or brownish, pale-yellow at the top when young; spores are bro
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Paxillus. Fr.
Paxillus. Fr.
Paxillus means a small stake or peg. The spores as well as the entire plant are ferruginous. The pileus, with an involute margin, gradually unfolds. It may be symmetrical or eccentric. The stem is continuous with the hymenophore. The gills are tough, soft, persistent, decurrent, branching, membranaceous, usually easily separating from the hymenophore. The distinctive features of this genus are the involute margin and the soft, tough, and decurrent gills which are easily separable from the hymeno
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Paxillus involutus. Fr.
Paxillus involutus. Fr.
Photo by C. G. Lloyd. Figure 232.—Paxillus involutus. Involutus means rolled inward. The pileus is two to four inches broad, fleshy, compact, convex, plane, then depressed; viscid when moist, the cap being covered with a fine downy substance, so that when the margin of the cap unrolls the marks of the gills are quite prominent; yellowish or tawny-ochraceous, spotting when bruised. The gills are decurrent, branched; anastomosing behind, near the stem; easily separating from the hymenophore. The s
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Paxillus atrotomentosus. Fr.
Paxillus atrotomentosus. Fr.
Atrotomentosus is from ater , black, and tomentum , woolly or downy. Figure 233.—Paxillus atrotomentosus. The pileus is three to six inches broad, rust-color or reddish-brown, compactly fleshy, eccentric, convex then plane or depressed, margin thin, frequently minutely rivulose, sometimes tomentose in the center, flesh white, tinged with brown under the cuticle. The gills are attached to the stem, slightly decurrent, crowded, branched at the base, yellowish-tawny, interspaces venose. The stem is
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Paxillus rhodoxanthus. Schw.
Paxillus rhodoxanthus. Schw.
The Yellow Paxillus. Edible. Figure 234.—Paxillus rhodoxanthus. Two-thirds natural size. Cap reddish-yellow or chestnut-brown. Gills yellow. Rhodoxanthus means a yellow rose. The pileus is one to two inches broad, convex, then expanded, cushion-shaped, the epidermis of the cap often cracked showing the yellow flesh, resembling very much Boletus subtomentosus; reddish-yellow or chestnut-brown. The flesh is yellow and the cap dry. The gills are decurrent, somewhat distant, stout, chrome yellow, oc
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Cortinarius. Fr.
Cortinarius. Fr.
Cortinarius is from cortina , a curtain, alluding to a cobwebby veil seen only in the comparatively young plants. Sometimes, parts of it will seem more substantial, remaining for a time on the margin of the cap or on the stem. The color of the pileus varies and its flesh and that of the stem are continuous. The hymenophore and the gills are continuous. The gills are attached to the stem, frequently notched, membranaceous, persistent, changing color, dry, powdery, with rusty-yellow spores which d
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Cortinarius purpurascens. Fr.
Cortinarius purpurascens. Fr.
The Purplish Cortinarius. Edible. Purpurascens means becoming purple or purplish; so named because the blue gills become purple when bruised. The pileus is four to five inches broad, bay-brown, viscid, compact, wavy, spotted when old; often depressed at the margin, sometimes bending back; the flesh blue. The gills are broadly notched, crowded, bluish-tan, then cinnamon-color, becoming purplish when bruised. The stem is solid, bulbous, clothed with small fibres, blue, very compact, juicy; becomin
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Cortinarius turmalis. Fr.
Cortinarius turmalis. Fr.
The Yellow-Tan Cortinarius. Edible. Turmalis means of or belonging to a troop or a squadron, turma; so called because occurring in groups, and not solitary. The pileus is two to four inches broad, viscid when wet, ochraceous-yellow, smooth, discoid, flesh soft; veil extending from the margin of the cap to the stem in delicate arachnoid threads, best seen in young plants. The gills are emarginate, decurrent, depending upon the age of the plant; crowded, somewhat serrated, whitish at first, then b
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Cortinarius olivaceo-stramineus. Kauff. n. Sp.
Cortinarius olivaceo-stramineus. Kauff. n. Sp.
Olivaceo-stramineus means an olive straw-color. Pileus 4–7 cm. broad, viscid from a glutinous cuticle, broadly convex, slightly depressed in the center when expanded; margin incurved for some time; pale-yellow with an olivaceous tinge, slightly rufous-tinged when old; smooth or silky-fibrillose, disk sometimes covered with minute squamules, shreds of the partial veil attached to the margin when expanded. Flesh very thick, becoming abruptly thin toward the margin, white, dingy-yellowish in age, s
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Cortinarius varius. Fr.
Cortinarius varius. Fr.
The Variable Cortinarius. Edible. Varius—Variable , so called because it varies in stature, its color and habit are unchangeable. The pileus is about two inches broad; compact, hemispherical, then expanded; regular, slightly viscid, thin margin at first incurved, sometimes with fragments of the web-like veil adhering. The gills are notched, thin, crowded, quite entire, purplish, at length clay-colored or cinnamon. The stem is solid, short, covered with threads, whitish, bulbous, from one and a h
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Cortinarius cærulescens. Fr.
Cortinarius cærulescens. Fr.
The Azure-Blue Cortinarius. Edible. Cærulescens, azure-blue. Pileus fleshy, convex, expanded, even, viscid, azure-blue, flesh soft, not changing color when bruised. The gills are attached to the stem, slightly rounded behind, crowded, quite entire, at first of a pure dark blue, then rusty from the spores. The stem is solid, attenuated upward, firm, bright violet, becoming pale, whitish, bulb growing less with age, fibrillose from vein. Spores elliptical. Neither the flesh nor the gills change co
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Cortinarius collinitus. Fr.
Cortinarius collinitus. Fr.
The Smeared Cortinarius. Edible. Figure 235. —Cortinarius collinitus. One-half natural size. Caps purplish-brown, also showing veil. Collinitus means smeared. The pileus is at first hemispherical, convex, then expanded, obtuse; smooth, even, glutinous, shining when dry; purplish when young, later brownish; at first incurved. The gills are attached to the stem, rather broad, dingy-white or grayish-tan when young, then cinnamon. The stem is solid, cylindrical, viscid or glutinous when moist, trans
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Cortinarius autumnalis. Pk.
Cortinarius autumnalis. Pk.
The Fall Cortinarius. Edible. Figure 236. —Cortinarius autumnalis. Two-thirds natural size. Cap a dull rusty-yellow, also showing bulbous stem. Autumnalis pertaining to fall. The pileus is fleshy, convex or expanded, dull rusty-yellow, variegated, or streaked with innate rust-colored fibrils. The gills are rather broad, with a wide, shallow emargination. The stem is equal, solid, firm, bulbous, a little paler than the pileus. The height is three to four inches, breadth of pileus two to four inch
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Cortinarius alboviolaceus. Pers.
Cortinarius alboviolaceus. Pers.
The Light Violet Cortinarius. Edible. Figure 237. —Cortinarius alboviolaceus. The caps are violet. Alboviolaceus means whitish-violet. The pileus is two to three inches broad, fleshy, rather thin, convex, then expanded, sometimes broadly subumbonate; smooth, silky, whitish, tinged with lilac or pale violet. The gills are generally serrulate, whitish-violet, then cinnamon-color. The stem is three to four inches long, equal or tapering upward, solid, silky, white, stained with violet, especially a
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Cortinarius lilacinus. Pk.
Cortinarius lilacinus. Pk.
The Lilac-Colored Cortinarius. Edible. The pileus is two to three inches broad, firm, hemispherical, then convex, minutely silky, lilac-color. The gills are close, lilac, then cinnamon. The stem is four to five inches long, stout, bulbous, silky-fibrillose, solid, whitish, tinged with lilac. Spores nucleate, 10×6µ. Peck. I have found this plant in but one place near Chillicothe. In Poke Hollow on a north hillside I have found a number of rare specimens. All were identified by Dr. Kauffman of Mic
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Cortinarius bolaris. Fr.
Cortinarius bolaris. Fr.
The Collared Cortinarius. The pileus is fleshy, obsoletely umbonate, growing pale, variegated with saffron-red, adpressed, innate, pilose scales. The gills are subdecurrent, crowded, watery cinnamon. The stem is two to three inches long, at first stuffed, then hollow, nearly equal, squamose. Found under beech trees. Only occasionally found here....
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Cortinarius violaceus. Fr.
Cortinarius violaceus. Fr.
The Violet Cortinarius. Edible. Figure 238. —Cortinarius violaceus. Two-thirds natural size. Caps dark violet. Stems bulbous. Gills violet. Violaceus, violet color. The pileus is convex, becoming nearly plane, dry, adorned with numerous persistent hairy tufts or scales; dark violet. The gills are rather thick, distant, rounded, or deeply notched at the inner extremity; colored like the pileus in the young plant, brownish-cinnamon in the mature plant. The stem is solid, clothed with small fibres;
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Cortinarius cinnamoneus. Fr.
Cortinarius cinnamoneus. Fr.
The Cinnamon Cortinarius. Edible. Figure 239. —Cortinarius cinnamoneus. Two-thirds natural size. Caps cinnamon-brown. Stems yellow. The pileus is thin, convex, nearly expanded, sometimes nearly plane, sometimes slightly umbonate, sometimes the pileus is abruptly bent downward; dry, fibrillose at least when young, often with concentric rows of scales on the margin, cinnamon-brown, flesh yellowish. The gills are thin, close, firmly attached to the stem, slightly notched, decurrent with a tooth, be
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Cortinarius ochroleucus. Fr.
Cortinarius ochroleucus. Fr.
The Pallid Cortinaria. Figure 240. —Cortinarius ochroleucus. Two-thirds natural size, showing veil and bulbous form of stem. Ochroleucus, meaning yellowish and white, because of the color of the cap. The pileus is an inch to two and a half inches broad, fleshy; convex, sometimes somewhat depressed in the center, often remaining convex; dry; on the center finely tomentose to minutely scaly, sometimes the scales are arranged in concentric rows around the cap; quite fleshy at the center, thinning o
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Cortinarius Morrisii. Pk.
Cortinarius Morrisii. Pk.
Figure 242. —Cortinarius Morrisii. Morrisii is named in honor of George E. Morris, Ellis, Mass. Pileus fleshy, except the thin and at length reflexed margin; convex, irregular, hygrophanous, ochraceous or tawny-ochraceous; flesh thin, colored like the pileus; odor weak, like that of radishes. The gills are broad, subdistant, eroded or uneven on the edge; rounded behind, adnexed, pale-yellow when young, becoming darker with age. The stem is nearly equal, fibrillose, solid, whitish or pale-yellow
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Cortinarius armillatus. Fr.
Cortinarius armillatus. Fr.
The Red-Zoned Cortinarius. Edible. Figure 243. —Cortinarius armillatus. Two-thirds natural size, showing the rings on the stem. Armillatus means ringed; so called because the stem is banded with one or more rings, or red bands. The pileus is two to four inches broad, fleshy, not compact, bell-shaped, then expanded, soon innately fibrillose and torn into scales, smooth when young, reddish-brick-color, margin thin, flesh dingy-pallid. The gills are very broad, distant, adnate, slightly rounded, pa
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Cortinarius Atkinsonianus. Kauff.
Cortinarius Atkinsonianus. Kauff.
Figure 244. —Cortinarius Atkinsonianus. Caps waxy-yellow, bulbous stem, spider-like veil. Atkinsonianus is named in honor of Prof. Geo. F. Atkinson. The pileus is 8 cm. broad, expanded, wax-yellow or gallstone-yellow to clay-colored and tawny (Ridg.), colors very striking and sometimes several present at once; viscid, smooth, even, somewhat shining when dry. Flesh thick, except at margin, bluish-white like the stem, or paler, scarcely or not at all changing when bruised. The gills are comparativ
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Cortinarius umidicola. Kauff.
Cortinarius umidicola. Kauff.
Figure 245. —Cortinarius umidicola. One-half natural size. Caps pinkish-buff. Umidicola means dwelling in moist places. Pileus as much as 16 cm. broad (generally 6–7 cm. when expanded), hemispherical, then convex and expanded, with the margin for a long time markedly incurved; young cap heliotrope-purplish with umber on disk, or somewhat fawn-colored, fading very quickly to pinkish-buff, in which condition it is usually found; margin when young with narrow strips of silky fibrils from the univer
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Cortinarius croceocolor. Kauff. sp. nov.
Cortinarius croceocolor. Kauff. sp. nov.
Saffron-Colored Cortinarius. (Telamonia.) Croceocolor means saffron-colored. Pileus 3–7 cm. broad, convex then expanded, saffron-yellow, with dense, dark-brown, erect squamules on disk; whole surface has a velvety appearance and feel, scarcely hygrophanous, even; flesh of pileus yellowish-white, rather thin except on disk, slightly hygrophanous, scissile. Gills cadmium-yellow (Ridg.), moderately distant, rather thick, emarginate, rather broad, 8–9 mm., width uniform except in front where they ta
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Cortinarius evernius. Fr.
Cortinarius evernius. Fr.
Figure 246. —Cortinarius evernius. Evernius comes from a Greek word meaning sprouting well, flourishing. The pileus is one to three inches broad, rather thin, between membranaceous and fleshy, at first conical, becoming bell-shaped, and finally expanded, very slightly umbonate, everywhere covered with silky, adpressed veil, usually purplish-bay when smooth, brick-red when dry, then pale ochraceous when old, at length cracked and torn into fibrils, very fragile, flesh thin and colored like the pi
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Cortinarius castaneus. Bull.
Cortinarius castaneus. Bull.
The Chestnut-Colored Cortinarius. Edible. Figure 247. —Cortinarius castaneus. Two-thirds natural size. Castaneus, a chestnut. The pileus one inch or more broad, at first quite small and globose, with a delicate fibrillose veil, which makes the margin appear silvery; dark-bay or dirty-violet, often with a tawny tint; soon expanded, broadly umbonate, pileus often cracked on the margin and slightly upturned. The gills are fixed, rather broad, somewhat crowded, violet-tinged, then cinnamon-brown, ve
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Agaricus. Linn. (Psalliota. Fr.)
Agaricus. Linn. (Psalliota. Fr.)
The pileus is fleshy, but the flesh of the stem is of different texture from that of the pileus, veil universal, concrete with the cuticle of the pileus, and fixed to the stem, forming a ring which soon disappears in some species; the stem is readily separated from the cap and the gills are free from the stem or slightly adnexed, white at first, then pink, afterwards purple-brown. All the species grow in rich ground, and it includes many of our valuable food mushrooms....
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Agaricus campestris. Linn.
Agaricus campestris. Linn.
The Meadow Mushroom. Edible. Figure 248. —Agaricus campestris. Two-thirds natural size. Campestris, from campus, a field. This is perhaps the widest known of all mushrooms, familiarly known as the "Pink-gilled mushroom." It is the species found in the markets. It is the only species which is sure to respond to the methods of cultivation. It is the same species which is bought in cans at the store. In very young plants the pileus is somewhat globular, as will be seen in the small plants in the fr
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Agaricus Rodmani. Pk.
Agaricus Rodmani. Pk.
Rodman's Mushroom. Edible. Figure 250. —Agaricus rodmani. Two-thirds natural size. The pileus is creamy, with brownish spots, firm, surface dry. The mature specimens frequently have the surface of the cap broken into large, brownish scales. The gills are whitish, then pink, becoming dark-brown; narrow, close and unequal. The stem is fleshy, solid, short, thick, about two inches long. The collar when well developed exhibits a striking characteristic. It appears as if there were two collars with a
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Agaricus silvicola. Vitt.
Agaricus silvicola. Vitt.
The Silvan Agaric. Edible. Figure 251. —Agaricus silvicola. One-half natural size. Silvicola, from silva, woods and colo, to inhabit. The pileus is convex, sometimes expanded or nearly plane, smooth, shining, white or yellowish. The gills are crowded, thin, free, rounded behind, generally narrowed toward each end, at first white, then pinkish, finally blackish-brown. The stem is long, cylindrical, stuffed or hollow, white, bulbous; ring either thick or thin, entire or lacerated. Spores elliptica
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Agaricus arvensis. Schaeff.
Agaricus arvensis. Schaeff.
The Field or Horse Mushroom. Edible. Figure 252. —Agaricus arvensis. Two-thirds natural size, showing veil. Arvensis, pertaining to a field. Pileus is smooth, white or yellowish, convex or conical, bell-shaped, then expanded, more or less mealy. The gills are crowded, free, generally broader toward the stem; at first whitish, then pinkish, finally black-brown. The stem is stout, equal, slightly thickened at the base, smooth, hollow or stuffed, ring rather large and thick, the upper part membrana
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Agaricus abruptus. Pk.
Agaricus abruptus. Pk.
Edible. Figure 254. —Agaricus abruptus. Abruptus means to break away, referring to the breaking of the veil from the margin of the cap. The pileus is creamy-white, dry and silky, quite irregular in shape when young, turning yellow when bruised or when the stem is cut. The gills are slightly pinkish when the veil first breaks, gradually growing a deeper pink, in mature specimens becoming brownish, soft, free from the stem, quite close, unequal. The stem is creamy-white, much darker toward the bas
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Agaricus comptulus. Fr.
Agaricus comptulus. Fr.
Comptulus means beautified or luxuriously decked; so called from the silky lustre of its cap. The pileus is at first convex, then expanded, rather fleshy, thinner at the margin and incurved, usually with an adpressed silky finish to the surface of the cap which gives rise to its specific name. The gills are free, much rounded toward the margin and the stem, white at first, then grayish, pinkish, purple-brown in old plants. The stem is hollow, tapering from the base to the cap, slight bulbous, wh
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Agaricus placomyces. Pk.
Agaricus placomyces. Pk.
The Flat-cap Mushroom. Edible. Plate XXXV. Figure 255.—Agaricus placomyces. Figure 256. —Agaricus placomyces. Two-thirds natural size. Figure 257.—Agaricus placomyces. Two-thirds natural size. Placomyces means a flat mushroom. This is one of our prettiest plants. The pileus is broadly ovate, rather thin, at first convex, but when it is fully expanded it is quite flat, whitish, brown in the center, as will be seen in Figure 256, but it is covered with a persistent brown scale. The gills are white
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Agaricus cretaceus. Fr.
Agaricus cretaceus. Fr.
The Chalk Agaric. Edible. Cretaceus, relating to chalk. The pileus is entirely white, fleshy, obtuse, dry; sometimes even, sometimes marked with fine lines around the margin. The gills are free, remote, quite ventricose, narrowed toward the stem, crowded, white, and only in mature plants do they become brownish. Spores, 5–6×3.5µ. The stem is two to three inches long, even, smooth, firm, tapering toward the cap, hollow, or stuffed with a fine pith, white. It is found on lawns and in rich places.
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Agaricus subrufescens. Pk.
Agaricus subrufescens. Pk.
The Slightly Red Mushroom. Edible. Subrufescens, sub, under; rufescens, becoming red. The pileus is at first inclined to be hemispherical, becoming convex or broadly expanded; silky fibril lose and minutely or obscurely scaly, whitish, grayish, or dull reddish-brown, usually smooth and darker on the disk. Flesh white and unchangeable. The gills are at first white or whitish, then pink, finally blackish-brown. The stem is rather long, often somewhat thickened or bulbous at the base, at first stuf
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Agaricus halophilus. Pk.
Agaricus halophilus. Pk.
Sea-loving Agaricus Edible. Plate XXXVI. Figure 258.—Agaricus halophilus. Showing the globose caps, narrow gills, solid stem, and the peculiar incurved margin. Natural size. Halophilus is from two Greek words meaning sea and loving, or fond of. This is a large fleshy plant and does not readily decay. At first it is quite round, then becomes broadly convex. All specimens that I have examined were covered with adpressed scales of a reddish-brown color, becoming grayish-brown when old. The flesh is
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Pilosace. Fr.
Pilosace. Fr.
Pilosace is from two Greek words, pilos , felt; sakos , garment. Hymenophore is distinct from the stem. Gills are free, and at first remote, from the stem. The general and partial veil are both absent, hence it is without ring or volva. This genus seems to have the habit of Agaricus but no ring....
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Pilosace eximia. Pk.
Pilosace eximia. Pk.
Figure 259. —Pilosace eximia. Eximia means choice, distinguished. The pileus is fleshy, thin, convex or broadly campanulate, at length expanded and subumbonate, smooth, dark sooty-brown. The gills are close, broad, ventricose, rounded behind, free, dull-red, or brownish-pink, then brown. The stem is slender, hollow, a little thicker at the base, dull-red. The spores are elliptical, .004 inch long. These plants are small and quite rare, yet I have found the plants in Haynes' Hollow on three diffe
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Stropharia. Fr.
Stropharia. Fr.
Stropharia is from the Greek, strophos, a sword belt. The spores are bright purple-brown, brown or slate color. The flesh of the stem and the pileus is continuous. The veil, when ruptured, forms a ring on the stem. The gills are rounded and are not free. The genus can be distinguished from all the genera of the purple-spored plants except the Agarics by the presence of a ring and by the united flesh of the stem and the cap and by the attachment of the gills. They grow on the ground or are ellipt
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Stropharia semiglobata. Batsch.
Stropharia semiglobata. Batsch.
The Semiglobose Stropharia. Edible. Photo by C. G. Lloyd. Figure 260.—Stropharia semiglobata. Semiglobata—semi, half; globus, a ball. The pileus is somewhat fleshy at the center, thin at the margin, hemispherical, not expanded, even, viscid when moist. The stem is hollow, slender, straight, smooth, glutinous, yellowish, veil abrupt. The gills are firmly attached to the stem, broad, plane, sometimes inclined to be ventricose, clouded with black. This plant is very common on the Dunn farm on the C
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Stropharia Hardii. Atkinson n. sp.
Stropharia Hardii. Atkinson n. sp.
Figure 261.—Stropharia Hardii. Hardii is named for the collector and author of this book. Plant 10 cm. high; pileus 9 cm. broad; stem 1½ cm. thick. Pileus pale bright ochraceous; gills brownish, near Prout's brown (R); stem pale-yellow tinge. Pileus convex to expanded, thick at the center, thin toward the margin, smooth; flesh tinged yellow. Gills subelliptical to subventricose behind, broadly emarginate, adnexed. Basidia 4-spored. Spores suboblong, smooth, 5–9×3–5µ, purple-brown under the micro
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Stropharia stercoraria. Fr.
Stropharia stercoraria. Fr.
The Dung Stropharia. Edible. Stercoraria is from stercus, dung. The pileus is slightly fleshy at the center but thin at the margin; hemispherical, then expanded, even, smooth, discoid, slightly striate on the margin. The gills are firmly attached to the stem, slightly crowded, broad, white, umber, then olive-black. The stem is three inches or more long, stuffed with a fibrous pith, equal, ring close to cap, flocculose below the ring, viscid when moist, yellowish. This species is distinguished fr
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Stropharia æruginosa. Curt.
Stropharia æruginosa. Curt.
The Green Stropharia. Æruginosa is from ærugo, verdigris. The pileus is fleshy, plano-convex, subumbonate, clothed with a green evanescent slime, becoming paler as the slime disappears. The gills are firmly attached to the stem, soft, brown, tinged with purple, slightly ventricose, not crowded. The stem is hollow, equal, fibrillose or squamose below the ring, tinged with blue. This species is quite variable in form and color. The most typical forms are found in the fall, in very wet weather and
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Hypholoma. Fr.
Hypholoma. Fr.
Hypholoma is from two Greek words, meaning a web and a fringe, referring to the web-like veil which frequently adheres to the margin of the cap, not forming a ring on the stem and not always apparent on old specimens. The pileus is fleshy, margin at first incurved. The gills are attached to the stem, sometimes notched at the stem. The stem is fleshy, similar in substance to the cap. They grow mostly in thick clusters on wood either above or under the ground. The spores are brown-purple, almost b
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Hypholoma incertum. Pk.
Hypholoma incertum. Pk.
The Uncertain Hypholoma. Edible. By the courtesy of Captain McIlvaine. Plate XXXVII. Figure 262.—Hypholoma incertum. Incertum, uncertain. Prof. Peck, who named this species, was uncertain whether it was not a form of H. candolleanum, to which it seemed to be very closely related; but as the gills of that plant are at first violaceous and of this one white at first, he concluded to risk the uncertainty on a new species. The pileus is thin, ovate, broadly spreading, fragile, whitish, margin often
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Hypholoma appendiculatum. Bull.
Hypholoma appendiculatum. Bull.
The Appendiculate Hypholoma. Edible. Appendiculatum, a small appendage. This is so called from the fragments of the veil adhering to the margin of the cap. The pileus is thin, ovate, expanded, watery, when dry, covered with dry atoms; margin thin and often split, with a white veil; the color when moist dark-brown, when dry nearly white, often with floccose scales on the cap. The gills are firmly attached to the stem, crowded, white, then rosy-brown, and at length dingy-brown. The stem is hollow,
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Hypholoma lachrymabundum. Fr.
Hypholoma lachrymabundum. Fr.
The Weeping Hypholoma. Figure 263. —Hypholoma lachrymabundum. Two-thirds natural size. Figure 264. —Hypholoma lachrymabundum. Lachrymabundum—full of tears. This plant is so called because in the morning or in damp weather the edge of the gills retain very minute drops of water. The plant in Figure 263 was photographed in the afternoon yet there can be seen a number of these minute drops. The pileus is fleshy, campanulate, then convex, sometimes broadly umbonate, spotted with hairy scales; flesh
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Hypholoma sublateritium. Schaeff.
Hypholoma sublateritium. Schaeff.
The Brick-Red Hypholoma. Edible. Figure 265. —Hypholoma sublateritium. Natural size. Sublateritium is from sub, under, and later, a brick. The pileus is brick-red, with pale yellowish border; the surface is covered with fine silky fibres; fleshy, moist, and firm; the cap is from two to four inches broad; remnants of the veil are often seen on the margin; flesh creamy, firm, and bitter. The gills are creamy when young, olive when old; attached to the stem at inner extremity, rather narrow, crowde
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Hypholoma perplexum. Pk.
Hypholoma perplexum. Pk.
The Perplexing Hypholoma. Edible. Figure 266. —Hypholoma perplexum. One-half natural size. Caps brown, with a pale yellow margin. Perplexum means perplexing; so called because it is quite difficult to distinguish it from H. sublateritium, also from H. fascicularis. From the latter it may be known by its redder cap, its whitish flesh, purple-brown tint of the mature gills and mild flavor. Its smaller size, the greenish and purplish tint of the gills, and the slender hollow stem will aid in distin
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Psilocybe. Pers.
Psilocybe. Pers.
Psilocybe is from two Greek words, naked and head. The spores are purple-brown or slate color. The pileus is smooth, at first incurved, brownish or purple. The stem is cartilaginous, ringless, tough, hollow, or stuffed, often rooting. Generally growing on the ground....
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Psilocybe fœnisecii. Pers.
Psilocybe fœnisecii. Pers.
The Brown Psilocybe. Photo by C. G. Lloyd. Figure 267. —Psilocybe fœnisecii. One-half natural size. Fœnisecii means mown hay. The pileus is somewhat fleshy, smoky-brown or brownish, convex, campanulate at first, then expanded; obtuse, dry, smooth. The gills are firmly attached to the stem, ventricose, not crowded, brownish-umber. The stem is hollow, straight, even, smooth, not rooting, white, covered with dust, then brownish. Quite common in grassy lawns and fields after summer rains. I have nev
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Psilocybe spadicea. Schaeff.
Psilocybe spadicea. Schaeff.
The Bay Psilocybe. Edible. Spadicea means bay or date-brown. The pileus is fleshy, convex-plane, obtuse, even, moist, hygrophanous, bright bay-brown, paler when dry. The gills are rounded behind, attached to stem, easily separating from it, narrow, dry, crowded, white, then rosy-brown or flesh-color. The stem is hollow, tough, pallid, equal, smooth, one to two inches long. They grow in dense clusters where old stumps have been or where wood has decayed. The caps are small but very good. They are
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Psilocybe ammophila. Mont.
Psilocybe ammophila. Mont.
Figure 268. —Psilocybe ammophila. Two-thirds natural size, showing the sand on the base. Ammophila is from two Greek words; ammos, sand, and philos, loving; so called because the plants seem to delight to grow in sandy soil. The pileus is small, convex, expanded, umbilicate, at first hemispherical, rather fleshy, yellow, tinged with red, fibrillose. The gills are smoky in color, with a decurrent tooth, powdered with the blackish spores. The stem is soft, rather short, hollow, lower half clavate
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Coprinus. Pers.
Coprinus. Pers.
Coprinus is from a Greek word meaning dung. This genus can be readily recognized from the black spores and from the deliquescence of the gills and cap into an inky substance. Many of the species grow in dung, as the name implies, or on recently manured ground. Some grow in flat rich ground, or where there has been a fill, or on dumping grounds; some grow on wood and around old stumps. The pileus separates easily from the stem. The gills are membranaceous, closely pressed together. The spores, wi
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Coprinus comatus. Fr.
Coprinus comatus. Fr.
The Shaggy Mane Coprinus. Edible. Photo by Prof Shaftner. Figure 269. —Coprinus comatus. Figure 270. —Coprinus comatus. One-half natural size. Comatus is from coma, having long hair, shaggy. It is so called from a fancied resemblance to a wig on a barber's block. A description is hardly necessary with a photograph before us. They always remind us of a congregation of goose eggs standing on end. This plant cannot be confounded with any other, and the finder is the happy possessor of a rich, savor
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Coprinus atramentarius. Fr.
Coprinus atramentarius. Fr.
The Inky Coprinus. Edible. Figure 271. —Coprinus atramentarius. Two-thirds natural size. Atramentarius means black ink. The pileus is at first egg-shaped, gray or grayish-brown, smooth, except that there is a slight scaly appearance; often covered with a marked bloom, margin ribbed, often notched, soft, tender, becoming expanded, when it melts away in inky fluid. The gills are broad, close, ventricose, creamy-white in young specimens, becoming pinkish-gray, then black, moist, melting away in ink
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Coprinus micaceus. Fr.
Coprinus micaceus. Fr.
The Glistening Coprinus. Edible. Figure 273. —Coprinus micaceus. Two-thirds natural size. Micaceus is from micare , to glisten, and refers to the small scales on the pileus which resemble mica scales. The pileus is tawny-yellow, tan or light buff, ovate, bell-shaped; having striations radiating from near the center of the disk to the margin; glistening mica-like scales covering undisturbed young specimens; the margin somewhat revolute or wavy. The gills are crowded, rather narrow, whitish, then
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Coprinus ebulbosus. Pk.
Coprinus ebulbosus. Pk.
Figure 274. —Coprinus ebulbosus. One-half natural size. Ebulbosus , without being bulbous. This seems to be the difference between the American and the European plants, the latter being bulbous. The pileus is membranaceous, at first ovate, bell-shaped, striate, variegated with broad white scales, or white patches; one to two inches broad. The gills are free, broad, ventricose, grayish-black, soon deliquescing. The stem is hollow, equal, fragile, smooth, four to five inches long. Usually found wh
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Coprinus ephemerus. Fr.
Coprinus ephemerus. Fr.
The Ephemeral Coprinus. Edible. Ephemerus, lasting for a day. This plant lasts only for a short time. It comes up in the early morning or at night and as soon as the sun's rays touch it it deliquesces into an inky fluid. The pileus is membranaceous, very thin, oval, slightly covered with bran-like scales, disk elevated, even. Gills are adnexed, distant, whitish, brown, then black. The stem is slender, equal, pellucid, smooth, from one to two inches high. When this plant is fully developed it is
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Coprinus ovatus. Fr.
Coprinus ovatus. Fr.
The Ovate Coprinus. Edible. Ovatus is from ovum , an egg. It is so called from the shape of the pileus, which is somewhat membranaceous, ovate, then expanded, striate; at first woven into densely imbricated, thick, concentric scales; is bulbous, rooting, flocculose, hollow above, the ring deciduous; gills free, remote, slightly ventricose, for sometime white, then umber-blackish. This plant is much smaller and less striking than the C. comatus, yet its edible qualities are the same. I have eaten
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Panæolus. Fr.
Panæolus. Fr.
Panæolus is from two Greek words, all; variegated. This genus is so called from the mottled appearance of the gills. The pileus is somewhat fleshy, margin even, but never striate. The margin always extends beyond the gills and the gills are not uniform in color. The mottled appearance of the gills is due to the falling of the black spores. The gills do not deliquesce. The stem is smooth, sometimes scaly, at times quite long, hollow. The veil, when present, is interwoven. This plant is found on r
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Panæolus retirugis. Fr.
Panæolus retirugis. Fr.
The Ribbed Panaeolus. Edible. Photo by C. G. Lloyd. Plate XL. Figure 276.—Panaeolus retirugis. Natural size, showing portions of the veil on the margin. Retirugis is from rete, a net; ruga, a wrinkle. The pileus is about one inch in diameter, inclined to be globose, then hemispherical, slightly umbonate, center darker, with united raised ribs, sometimes sprinkled with opaque atoms; veil torn, appendiculate. The gills are fixed, ascending, broad in middle; and in the expanded forms the gills are
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Panæolus epimyces. Pk.
Panæolus epimyces. Pk.
Figure 277. —Panæolus epimyces. Note black spores in central foreground. Note also huge masses of abortive stuff upon which it grows. Epimyces is from epi , upon; myces , a mushroom; so called because it is parasitic on fungi. There are a number of species of mushrooms whose habitat is on other mushrooms or fungus growths; such as Collybia cirrhata, C. racemosa, C. tuberosa, Volvaria loveiana and the species of Nyctalis. The pileus is fleshy, at first subglobose, then convex, white, silky, fibri
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Panæolus campanulatus. Linn.
Panæolus campanulatus. Linn.
Bell-Shaped Panaeolus. Campanulatus is from campanula , a little bell. The pileus is an inch to an inch and a quarter broad, oval or bell-shaped, sometimes slightly umbonate, smooth, somewhat shining, grayish-brown, sometimes becoming reddish-tinted, the margin often fringed with fragments of the veil. The gills are attached, not broad, ascending, variegated with gray and black. The stem is three to five inches long, hollow, slender, firm, straight, often covered with frost-like bloom and often
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Panæolus fimicolus. Fr.
Panæolus fimicolus. Fr.
The Dung Panaeolus. Fimicolus is from fimus, dung; colo, to inhabit. The pileus somewhat fleshy, convex-bell-shaped, obtuse, smooth, opaque; marked near the margin with a narrow brown zone; the stem is fragile, elongated, equal, pallid, covered with frost-like bloom above; the gills are firmly attached to the stem, broad, variegated with gray and brown. Fries. The plant is very small and unimportant. It is found on dung, as its name indicates, from June to September. The caps appear lighter in c
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Panæolus papilionaceus. Fr.
Panæolus papilionaceus. Fr.
The Butterfly Panaeolus. Figure 279. —Panæolus papilionaceus. Natural size. Papilionaceus is from papilio , a butterfly. The pileus is about an inch broad, somewhat fleshy, at first hemispherical, sometimes subumbonate, the cuticle breaking up into scales when dry, as will be seen in the photograph, pale-gray with a tinge of reddish-yellow especially on the disk, sometimes smooth. The gills are broadly attached to the stem, quite wide, at length plane, blackish or with varying tints of black. Th
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Anellaria. Karst.
Anellaria. Karst.
Anellaria is from anellus , a little ring. This genus is so called because of the presence of a ring on the stem. The pileus is somewhat fleshy, smooth, and even. The gills are adnexed, dark slate-colored, variegated with black spores. The stem is central, smooth, firm, shining, ring persistent or forming a zone around the stem....
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Anellaria separata. Karst.
Anellaria separata. Karst.
Separata means separate or distinct. The pileus is somewhat fleshy, bell-shaped, obtuse, even, viscid, at first ochraceous, then dingy-white, shining, smooth, wrinkled when old. The gills are firmly attached to the stem, broad, ventricose, thin, crowded, clouded, cinereous, margin nearly white, slightly deliquescent. The stem is long, straight, shining, white, thickened downward, ring distant, top somewhat striate, bulbous at the base. The spores are broadly elliptic-fusiform, black, opaque, 10×
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Bolbitius. Fr.
Bolbitius. Fr.
Bolbitius is from a Greek word meaning cow-dung, referring to its place of growth. The pileus is membranaceous, yellow, becoming moist; gills moist but not deliquescing, finally losing their color and becoming powdery; stem hollow and confluent with the hymenophore. As the generic name implies the plant usually grows on dung, but sometimes it is found growing on leaves and where the ground had been manured the year before. The spores are of a rusty-red color....
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Bolbitius fragilis. (L.) Fr.
Bolbitius fragilis. (L.) Fr.
Fragilis means fragile. The pileus is membranaceous, yellow, then whitish, viscid, margin striate, disk somewhat umbonate. The gills are attenuated, adnexed, nearly free, ventricose, yellowish, then pale cinnamon. The stem is two to three inches long, naked, smooth, yellow. The spores are rust-colored, 7×3.5, Massee. 14–15×8–9µ. Saccardo. This species is much more delicate and fragile than B. Boltoni. I find it often in dairy pastures. It is well flavored and cooks readily. Found from June to Oc
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Bolbitius Boltoni. Fr.
Bolbitius Boltoni. Fr.
Bolton's Bolbitius. Edible. The pileus is somewhat fleshy, viscid, at first smooth, then the margin sulcate, disk darker and slightly depressed. The gills are nearly adnate, yellowish, then livid-brown. The stem is attenuated, yellowish, ring fugacious. This is rather common in dairy pastures and is found from May to September....
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Psathyrella. Fr.
Psathyrella. Fr.
Psathyrella is from a Greek word meaning fragile. The members of this genus are mebranaceous, striated, margin straight, at first pressed to the stem, not extending beyond the gills. Gills adnate or free, sooty-black, not variegated. The stem is confluent with, but different in character from, the spore-bearing surface. Veil inconspicuous and generally absent....
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Psathyrella disseminata. Pers.
Psathyrella disseminata. Pers.
The Clustered Psathyrella. Edible. Photo by C. G. Lloyd. Figure 280. —Psathyrella disseminata. Natural size. Disseminata is from dissemino , to scatter. Pileus is about a half inch across, membranaceous, ovate, bell-shaped, at first scurvy, then naked; coarsely striated, margin entire; yellowish then gray. Gills adnate, narrow, whitish, then gray, finally blackish. Stem one to one and a half inches long, rather curved, mealy then smooth, fragile, hollow. Massee. This is a very small plant, growi
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Psathyrella hirta. Pk.
Psathyrella hirta. Pk.
Figure 281. —Psathyrella hirta. Hirta means hairy, rough or shaggy. Pileus thin, hemispherical or convex, adorned when young with erect or spreading tufts of white, easily determined and quickly evanescent hairs; hygrophanous, brown or reddish-brown and slightly striatulate when moist, pale grayish-brown or dingy-whitish when dry, flesh subconcolorous; lamellæ broad, moderately close, adnate and often furnished with a decurrent tooth, at first pallid, becoming blackish-brown or black; stem flexu
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Gomphidius. Fr.
Gomphidius. Fr.
Gomphidius is from a Greek word meaning a wooden bolt or peg. The hymenophore is decurrent on the stem. The gills are decurrent, distant, soft, somewhat mucilaginous; edge acute, pruinate with the blackish fusiform spores; veil viscoso-floccose, forming an imperfect ring around the stem. A small, but distinct, genus, with great difference among species; intermediate by its habits between Cortinarius and Hygrophorus....
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Gomphidius viscidus. Fr.
Gomphidius viscidus. Fr.
Viscid Gomphidius. The pileus is two to three inches broad, viscid, convex, then depressed round the disk, obtusely umbonate, margin acute, reddish-brown to yellowish-brown in the center, the margin liver-color, flesh yellowish-brown. The gills are decurrent, distant, somewhat branched, firm, elastic, rather thick, purple-brown with an olive tinge. The stem is two to three inches high, subequal or slightly ventricose; pale yellowish-brown, fibrillose, firm, solid, slimy from the remains of the v
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Boletus. Dill.
Boletus. Dill.
Boletus, a clod . There are very many species under this genus and the beginner will experience much trouble in separating the species with any degree of assurance. The Boletus is distinguished from the other pore-bearing fungi by the fact that the stratum of tubes is easily separable from the cap. In the Polyporus the stratum of tubes cannot be separated. Nearly all Boleti are terrestrial and have central stems. They grow in warm and rainy weather. Many are very large and ponderous; fleshy and
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Boletus scaber. Fr.
Boletus scaber. Fr.
The Rough-Stemmed Boletus. Edible. Figure 282. —Boletus scaber. Two-thirds natural size. The pileus is from two to five inches in diameter, rounded convex, smooth, viscid when moist, minutely woolly, velvety or scaly, color from nearly white to almost black, the flesh white. The tubes are free from the stem, white, long, mouths minute and round. The stem is solid, tapering slightly upward, long, dingy-white; roughened with blackish-brown or reddish dots or scales, this being the most pronounced
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Boletus granulatus. L.
Boletus granulatus. L.
The Granulated Boletus. Edible. Figure 283. —Boletus granulatus. One-half natural size. The pileus is two to three inches broad, hemispherical, then convex; at first covered with a brownish gluten, then turning yellowish; flesh thick, yellowish, does not turn blue; margin involute at first. The tubes are adnate; at first white, then light yellow; the margin distilling a pale watery fluid which when dry gives the granulated appearance. The stem is short, one to two inches high, thick, solid, pale
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Boletus bicolor. Pk.
Boletus bicolor. Pk.
The Two-colored Boletus. Edible. The pileus is convex, smooth or merely downy, dark red, fading when old, often marked with yellow; flesh yellow, slowly changing to blue when bruised. The tubes are bright yellow, attached to the stem, the color changing to blue when bruised. The stem is solid, red, generally red at the top, one to three inches long. The spores are pale, rusty-brown color. Found in woods and open places, from July to October....
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Boletus subtomentosus. L.
Boletus subtomentosus. L.
The Yellow-Cracked Boletus. Edible. Figure 284. —Boletus subtomentosus. One-half natural size. Subtomentosus, slightly downy. The pileus is from three to six inches broad, convex, plane; yellowish-brown, olive or subdued tan color; cuticle soft and dry, with a fine pubescence; the cracks in the surface become yellow. The flesh is creamy white in mature specimens, changing to blue, and at length leaden, on being bruised. The tube surface is yellow or yellowish green, becoming bluish when bruised;
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Boletus chrysenteron. Fr.
Boletus chrysenteron. Fr.
The Red-cracked Boletus. Edible. Figure 285. —Boletus chrysenteron. One-half natural size. Caps yellowish to red. Flesh yellow. Chrysenteron means gold or golden within. The pileus is two to four inches broad, convex, becoming more flattened, soft to the touch, varying from light to yellowish-brown or bright brick-red, more or less fissured with red cracks; the flesh yellow, changing to blue when bruised or cut, red immediately beneath the cuticle. The tube surface is olive-yellow, becoming blui
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Boletus edulis. Bull.
Boletus edulis. Bull.
The Edible Boletus. Plate XLII. Figure 286.—Boletus edulis. Pileus light brown, tubes yellowish or greenish-yellow. Stem bulbous and faintly reticulate. Natural size. This is quite a large and handsome plant and one rather easily recognized. The firm caps of the young plant and the white tubes with their very indistinct mouths, and the mature plants with the tubes changing to a greenish yellow with their mouths quite distinct, are enough to identify the plant at once. The pileus is convex or nea
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Boletus speciosus. Frost.
Boletus speciosus. Frost.
The Handsome Boletus. Edible. Figure 287.—Boletus speciosus. Natural size. Cap red or deep scarlet. Tubes bright lemon-yellow. Speciosus means handsome. The pileus is three to six inches broad, at first very thick, subglobose, compact, then softer, convex, glabrous or nearly so, red or deep scarlet. The flesh is pale yellow or bright lemon-yellow, changing to blue where wounded. The tubes are adnate, small, subrotund, plane, or slightly depressed around the stem; bright lemon-yellow, becoming di
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Boletus cyanescens. Bull.
Boletus cyanescens. Bull.
Figure 288.—Boletus cyanescens. Cyanescens is from cyaneus , deep blue, so called the moment you touch it, it turns a deep blue. Pileus is two to four inches across, convex, then expanded, sometimes nearly plane, frequently wavy, covered with an appressed tomentum; opaque, pale-buff, grayish-yellow, or yellowish, flesh thick, white, quickly changing to a beautiful azure-blue where cut or wounded. The tubes are quite free, openings small, white, then pale-yellow, round, changing color the same as
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Boletus indecisus. Pk.
Boletus indecisus. Pk.
The Undecided Boletus. Edible. Figure 289.—Boletus indecisus. One-half natural size. Indecisus means undecided; so called because it favors very closely Boletus felleus. There is a difference in the style of the two plants by which, after continued tasting, the student can readily separate them. The pileus is three to four inches broad, dry, slightly downy, convex, ochraceous-brown, plane, often irregular on the margin, sometimes wavy, flesh white, and unchangeable, taste mild or sweet. The tube
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Boletus edulis. Bull.—Var. clavipes. Pk.
Boletus edulis. Bull.—Var. clavipes. Pk.
Club-Footed Boletus. Edible. Figure 290.—Boletus edulis, var. clavipes. Two-thirds natural size. Note confluent caps on right. Clavipes means club-footed. Pileus fleshy, convex, glabrous, grayish-red or chestnut-color. Flesh white, unchangeable. The tubes at first concave or nearly plane, white and stuffed, then convex, slightly depressed around the stem, ochraceous-yellow. Stem mostly obclavate, inversely club-shaped, and reticulate to the base. The spores oblong-fusiform, 12–15×4–5µ. Peck. 51s
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Boletus Sullivantii. B. & M.
Boletus Sullivantii. B. & M.
Figure 291.—Boletus sullivantii. Sullivantii is named in honor of Professor Sullivant, an early Ohio botanist. The pileus is three to four inches broad, hemispherical at first, glabrous, reddish-tawny or brown, brownish when dry, cracked in squares. The tubes are free, convex, medium size, angular, longer toward the margin, their mouths reddish. The stem is solid, violaceous at the thickened base, red-reticulated at the apex, expanded into the pileus. The spores are pallid to ochraceous, oblong-
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Boletus parvus. Pk.
Boletus parvus. Pk.
Parvus means small; so named from the smallness of the plant. The pileus is one to two inches broad, convex, becoming plane, often slightly umbonate, subtomentose, reddish. Flesh yellowish-white, slowly changing to pinkish when bruised. The tubes are nearly plane, adnate, their mouths rather large, angular, at first bright-red, becoming reddish-brown. The stem is equal or slightly thickened below, red, from one to two inches long. The spores are oblong, 12.5×4µ. They are found in thin woods, Jul
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Boletus eximius. Pk.
Boletus eximius. Pk.
The Select Boletus. Edible. Figure 292.—Boletus eximius. Two-thirds natural size. Eximius means select. The pileus at first is very compact, nearly round, somewhat covered with a mealy substance, purplish-brown, or chocolate color, sometimes with a faint tinge of lilac, becoming convex, soft, smoky red, or pale-chestnut, flesh grayish or reddish-white. The tube surface is at first concave or nearly plane, stuffed, colored nearly like the pileus, becoming paler with age and depressed around the s
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Boletus pallidus. Frost.
Boletus pallidus. Frost.
The Pallid Boletus. Edible. Pallidus, pale. The pileus is convex, becoming plane or centrally depressed, soft, smooth, pallid or brownish-white, sometimes tinged with red. Flesh is white. Tubes plane or slightly depressed around the stem, nearly adnate, very pale or whitish-yellow, becoming darker with age, changing to blue where wounded, the mouths small. The stem is equal or slightly thickened toward the base, rather long, smooth, often flexuous; whitish, sometimes streaked with brown, often t
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Boletus alveolatus. B. and C.
Boletus alveolatus. B. and C.
The Alveolate Boletus. Figure 293.—Boletus alveolatus. Alveolatus is from alveolus , a small hollow, referring to the pitted form of the pore-surface, which is one of the characters of this species. The pileus is convex, smooth, polished, usually rich crimson or maroon, sometimes varied with paler yellowish tints; substance solid, changing to blue on being fractured or bruised, three to six inches broad. The tube-surface reaches the stem proper, undulate with uneven hollows, maroon, the tubes in
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Boletus felleus. Bull.
Boletus felleus. Bull.
The Bitter Boletus. Photo by Prof. Atkinson. Figure 294.—Boletus felleus. Natural size. Felleus is from fel , gall, bitter. The pileus is convex, nearly plane, at first rather firm in substance, then becoming soft and cushion-like, smooth, without polish, varying in color from pale ochre to yellowish or reddish-brown or chestnut, flesh white, changing to flesh-color when bruised, taste exceedingly bitter, cap three to eight inches in diameter. The tube-surface is white at first, becoming dull pi
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Boletus versipellis. Fr.
Boletus versipellis. Fr.
The Orange-Cap Boletus. Edible. Figure 295.—Boletus versipellis. Natural size. Versipellis is from verto , to change, and pellis , a skin. The pileus is two to six inches in diameter, convex, orange-red, dry, minutely woolly or downy, then scaly or smooth, margin containing fragments of the veil, flesh white or grayish. The tube-surface is grayish-white, tubes long, free, mouths minute and gray. The stem is equal or tapering upward; solid, white with scaly wrinkles; three to five inches long; an
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Boletus gracilis. Pk.
Boletus gracilis. Pk.
The Slender-Stemmed Boletus. Edible. Figure 296. —Boletus gracilis. Two-thirds natural size. Gracilis means slender, referring to the stem. The pileus is one to two inches broad, convex, smooth or minutely tomentose, the epidermis frequently cracked as in the illustration; ochraceous-brown, tawny, or reddish brown; flesh white. The tube surface is convex to plane, depressed around the stem, nearly free, whitish, becoming flesh-colored. The stem is long and slender, equal or slightly tapering upw
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Boletus striæpes. Secr.
Boletus striæpes. Secr.
Striæpes means striate stem. The pileus is convex or plane, soft, silky, olivaceous, the cuticle rust-color within, flesh white, yellow next the tubes, sparingly changing to blue. The tubes are adnate, greenish, their mouths minute, angular, yellow. The stem is firm, curved, marked with brownish-black striations, yellow, and brownish-rufescent at the base. The spores are 10–13×4µ. Peck , Boleti of the U. S. I found some beautiful specimens in a mixed woods on the Edinger hillside, near Chillicot
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Boletus radicans. Pers.
Boletus radicans. Pers.
The pileus is convex, dry, subtomentose, olivaceous-cinereus, becoming pale-yellowish, the margin thin, involute. Flesh pale-yellow, taste bitterish. The tubes are adnate, their mouths large, unequal; lemon-yellow. The stem is two to three inches long, even, tapering downward and radiating, flocculose with a reddish bloom, pale-yellow, becoming naked and dark with a touch. The spores are fusiform, olive, 10–12.5×5µ. Peck , Boleti of the U. S. I found these specimens in the same locality with the
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Boletus subluteus. Pk.
Boletus subluteus. Pk.
The Yellow Boletus. Edible. Figure 297. —Boletus subluteus. Natural size. Subluteus is from sub , under, nearly; luteus , yellow. Pileus is two to three inches broad, convex, becoming plane, quite viscid when moist, dull yellowish to reddish brown, frequently more or less streaked. The flesh is whitish or dull yellow. The tube surface is plane or convex, the tubes set squarely against the stem, being small, nearly round, yellowish or ochraceous, becoming darker in age. The stem is rather long, n
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Boletus parasiticus. Bull.
Boletus parasiticus. Bull.
Figure 298. —Boletus parasiticus. Parasiticus means a parasite; so called because it grows on a Scleroderma. It is a small plant and quite rare. The pileus is one to two inches broad, convex, or nearly plane, dry, silky, becoming glabrous, soon tessellately cracked, grayish or dingy yellow. Tubes decurrent, medium size, golden yellow. The stem is equal, rigid, incurved, yellow within and without. The spores are oblong-fusiform, pale-brown, 12.5–15×4µ. Peck. The tubes are rather large and unequal
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Boletus separans. Pk.
Boletus separans. Pk.
The Separating Boletus. Edible. Figure 299. —Boletus separans. One-half natural size. Separans, separating, alluding to the tubes sometimes separating from the stem by the expansion of the pileus. The pileus is convex, thick, smooth, subshining, often pitted or corrugated; brownish-red or dull-lilac, sometimes fading to yellowish on the margin; flesh white and unchangeable. Tubes at first are nearly plane, adnate, white and stuffed, then convex, depressed around the stem, ochraceous-yellow or br
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Boletus auripes. Pk.
Boletus auripes. Pk.
Yellow-stemmed Boletus. Edible. Figure 300. —Boletus auripes. One-half natural size. Caps yellowish-brown. Tube surface and stem yellow. Auripes is from aureus , yellow or golden; pes , foot; so called from its yellow stem. The pileus is three to four inches broad, convex, nearly smooth, yellowish-brown, the flesh often cracking in areas in old plants; flesh yellow at first, fading to a lighter color, in age. The tubes are nearly plane, their mouths small, nearly round, at first stuffed, yellow.
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Boletus retipes. B. and C.
Boletus retipes. B. and C.
The Beautiful-stemmed Boletus. Edible. Figure 301. —Boletus retipes. Natural size. Retipes is from rete , a net; pes , a foot; so called from the delicate net-work seen on the stem. The pileus is convex, dry, powdered with yellow, sometimes rivulose or cracked in areas. The tubes are adnate, yellow. The stem is subequal, cespitose, reticulate to the base, pulverulent below. The spores are greenish-ochraceous, 12–15×4–5µ. Peck , Boleti. B. retipes is very close to B. ornatipes, but its manner of
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Boletus griseus. Frost.
Boletus griseus. Frost.
The Gray Boletus. Figure 302. —Boletus griseus. Two-thirds natural size. Griseus means gray. The pileus is broadly convex, firm, dry, almost smooth, gray or grayish black. The flesh is whitish or gray. The tubes are attached to the stem and slightly depressed around the stem, nearly plane, their mouths being small, nearly round, white or whitish. The stem is slightly unequal, tapering downward, distinctly reticulated, whitish or yellowish, sometimes reddish toward the base. The spores are ochrac
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Boletus nigrellus. Pk.
Boletus nigrellus. Pk.
The Blackish Boletus. Edible. Figure 303. —Boletus nigrellus. Two-thirds natural size. Nigrellus is a diminutive of niger , black. The entire plant is blackish except the pore surface. The pileus is three to six inches broad, rather broadly convex or nearly plane, dry, blackish. The flesh is soft and unchangeable. The tube-surface is rather plane, adhering to the stem, sometimes slightly depressed around the stem, the mouths being small, nearly round; whitish, becoming flesh-colored, changing to
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Boletus Americanus. Pk.
Boletus Americanus. Pk.
Figure 304. —Boletus Americanus. One-half natural size. This species will attract the attention of the collector because of its very viscid cap. I found the specimens in Figure 304 growing on Cemetery Hill, near Chillicothe, in company with Lactarius deliciosus. They were growing near and under pine trees, both in dense groups and separately. The caps were very viscid, yellow with a slight tinge of red. The stem is covered with numerous reddish-brown dots. The pileus is one to three inches broad
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Boletus Morgani. Pk.
Boletus Morgani. Pk.
Morgan's Boletus. Edible. Figure 305. —Boletus Morgani. One-half natural size. Morgani is named in honor of Prof. Morgan. The pileus is one and a half to two inches broad, convex, soft, glabrous, viscid; red, yellow, or red fading to yellow on the margin; flesh white, tinged with red and yellow, unchangeable. The tube-surface convex, depressed around the stem, tubes rather long and large, bright yellow, becoming greenish-yellow. The stem is elongated, tapering upward, pitted with long and narrow
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Boletus Russelli. Frost.
Boletus Russelli. Frost.
Russell's Boletus. Edible. Figure 306. —Boletus Russelli. One-half natural size. The cap is thick, hemispherical or convex, dry, covered with downy scales or bundles of red hairs, yellowish beneath the tomentum, often cracked in areas. The flesh is yellow and unchangeable. The tubes are subadnate, often depressed around the stem, rather large, dingy-yellow, or yellowish-green. The stem is very long, equal or tapering upward, roughened by the lacerated margins of the reticular depressions, red or
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Boletus vermiculosus. Pk.
Boletus vermiculosus. Pk.
Figure 307. —Boletus vermiculosus. One-half natural size. Vermiculosus means full of small worms. The pileus is broadly convex, thick, firm, dry; smooth, or very minutely tomentose; brown, yellowish-brown or grayish-brown, sometimes tinged with red. The flesh is white or whitish, quickly changing to blue where wounded. The tubes are plane or slightly convex, nearly free, yellow; their mouths small, round, brownish-orange, becoming darker or blackish with age, changing promptly to blue where woun
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Boletus Frostii. Russell.
Boletus Frostii. Russell.
Figure 308. —Boletus Frostii. Caps blood-red and shining. Natural size. Frostii is named in honor of Mr. Frost, a noted mycologist. The pileus is three to four inches broad; convex, polished, shining, blood-red; the margin is thin, the flesh scarcely changing to blue. The tubes are nearly free, greenish-yellow, becoming yellowish-brown with age, their mouths blood-red or cinnabar-red. The stem is two to four inches long, three to six lines thick, equal or tapering upward, distinctly reticulated,
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Boletus luridus. Schaeff.
Boletus luridus. Schaeff.
The Lurid Boletus. Figure 309. —Boletus luridus. One-half natural size. Luridus means pale-yellow, sallow. The pileus is convex, tomentose, brown-olivaceous, then somewhat viscous, sooty. The flesh is yellow, changing to blue when wounded. Tubes free, yellow, becoming greenish, their mouths round, vermilion, becoming orange. The stem is stout, vermilion, somewhat orange at the top, reticulate or punctuate. The spores are greenish-gray, 15×9µ. The lurid Boletus, though pleasant to the taste, is r
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Boletus castaneus. Bull.
Boletus castaneus. Bull.
The Chestnut Boletus. Edible. Figure 310. —Boletus castaneus. One-half natural size. Figure 311. —Boletus castaneus. Castaneus, pertaining to a chestnut. The pileus is dry, convex, then expanded, minutely velvety; cinnamon or reddish-brown, from one to three inches in diameter; the flesh white, not changing when bruised, cap frequently turned upward. The tube-surface is white, becoming yellow, tubes small and short, free from the stem. The stem is equal or tapering upward, colored and clothed li
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Boletus satanus. Lenz.
Boletus satanus. Lenz.
Satanic Boletus. Pileus convex, smooth, somewhat gluey, brownish-yellow or whitish; flesh whitish, becoming reddish or violaceous where wounded. Tubes free, yellow, their mouths bright red, becoming orange-colored with age. The stem thick, ovate-ventricose, marked above with red reticulations. Peck , Boleti of U. S. Hamilton Gibson and Captain McIlvaine seem to give his Satanic majesty a good reputation, but I would say "Be cautious." His looks always deterred me. Found in woods from June to Sep
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Strobilomyces. Berk.
Strobilomyces. Berk.
Strobilomyces is from two Greek words meaning a pine-cone and a fungus. The hymenophore is even, tubes not easily separable from it, large and equal. It is of a brownish-gray color, its shaggy surface more or less studded with deep-brown or black woolly points, each at the center of a scale-like segment. The tubes beneath are covered at first with a veil which breaks and is often found on the rim of the cap. It is a plant that will quickly attract attention....
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Strobilomyces strobilaceus. Berk.
Strobilomyces strobilaceus. Berk.
The Cone-Like Boletus. Edible. Figure 312. —Strobilomyces strobilaceus. Two-thirds natural size. Strobilaceus, cone-like. This is especially emphasized from the fact that both the genus and the species are named from the fancied resemblance of the cap to a pine cone. It is ever readily recognized because of this character of the cap. The pileus is convex, rough with dark umber scales drawn into regular cone-like points tipped with dark-brown; margin veiled, flesh grayish-white, turning red when
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Boletinus. Kalchb.
Boletinus. Kalchb.
Boletinus is a diminutive of Boletus. Hymenium composed of broad radiating lamellæ, connected by very numerous and narrow anastomosing branches or partitions, forming large angular pores. Tubes somewhat tenacious, not easily separable from the hymenophore and from each other, adnate or subdecurrent, yellowish. Peck....
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Boletinus pictus. Pk.
Boletinus pictus. Pk.
The Painted Boletinus. Edible. Figure 313. —Boletinus pictus. Pictus, painted. This plant seems to delight in damp pine woods, but I have found it only occasionally about Chillicothe, under beech trees. It is readily recognized by the red fibrillose tomentum which covers the entire plant when young. As the plant expands the reddish tomentum is broken into scales of the same color, revealing the yellowish color of the pileus beneath. The flesh is compact, yellow, often changing to a dull pinkish
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Boletinus cavipes. Kalchb.
Boletinus cavipes. Kalchb.
Hollow-Stemmed Boletinus. Edible. Figure 314. —Boletinus cavipes. Cavipes is from two Latin words meaning a hollow stem. The pileus is broadly convex, rather tough, flexible, soft, subumbonate, fibrillose-scaly, tawny-brown, sometimes tinged with reddish or purplish, flesh yellowish. The tubes are slightly decurrent, at first pale-yellow, then darker and tinged with green, becoming dingy-ochraceous with age. The stem is equal or slightly tapering upward, somewhat fibrillose or floccose, slightly
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Boletinus porosus. (Berk.) Pk.
Boletinus porosus. (Berk.) Pk.
Figure 315. —Boletinus porosus. Two-thirds natural size. Caps nut-brown, yellowish-brown or olivaceous. These form a small but interesting species, not usually exceeding three and a half inches in diameter nor more than two inches in height. The cap is somewhat fleshy, nut-brown, or yellowish-brown, shading to olivaceous in color in most of the specimens which I have found; when fresh and moist, somewhat sticky and shining. The margins are thin, rather even, and inclined to be involute; the shap
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Fistulina. Bull.
Fistulina. Bull.
Fistulina means a small pipe; so called because the tubes stand close together and separate easily one from another. The hymenophore is fleshy and hymenium inferior. When first seen springing from a stump or root it looks like a large strawberry. It soon develops into the appearance of a big red tongue. When young the upper side is quite velvety and peach-colored, later it becomes a livid red and loses its velvety appearance. The under surface is flesh-colored and is rough like the surface of a
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Fistulina pallida. B. and Rav.
Fistulina pallida. B. and Rav.
Figure 318. —Fistulina pallida. Natural size. Pallida means pale. Pileus kidney-shaped, pallid-red, fawn or clay-color, thick at the base and thinning toward the margin, which is often crenate and inflexed; pulverulent, firm, flexible, tough; flesh white. The tubes are long and slender, mouths somewhat enlarged, whitish, the tube surface a pale cream-color and minutely mealy, pores not decurrent but ending with the beginning of the stem. The stem is uniformly attached to the concave margin of th
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Polyporus. Fr.
Polyporus. Fr.
Polyporus is from two Greek words meaning many and pores. In this genus the stratum of the pores is not easily separated from the cap. Most of the species under this genus are tough and corky. Many grow on decayed wood, a few on the ground, but even these are inclined to be tough. Very few of those growing on wood have a central stem and many have apparently no stem at all....
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Polyporus picipes. Fr.
Polyporus picipes. Fr.
The Black-Footed Polyporus. Figure 319. —Polyporus picipes. Two-thirds natural size. Note the black stem, which gives name to the species. Picipes is from pix , pitch or black, and pes , foot. The pileus is fleshy, rigid, coriaceous, tough, even, smooth, depressed either behind or in the center; livid with a chestnut-colored disk. The pores are decurrent, rounded, small, tender, white, finally reddish-gray. The stem is eccentric and lateral, equal, firm; at first velvety, then naked; punctate wi
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Polyporus umbellatus. Fr.
Polyporus umbellatus. Fr.
The Sun-Shade Polyporus. Edible. Photo by C. G. Lloyd. Plate XLIV. Figure 320.—Polyporus umbellatus. Umbellatus is from umbella , a sun-shade. Very much branched, fibrous-fleshy, toughish. The pileoli are very numerous, one-half to one and a half inches broad, sooty, dull-red, united at the base. Pores are minute and white. White pileoli have sometimes occurred. Fries. The tufts, as will be observed from Figure 320, are very dense, and there seems to be no limit to their branching. Notice that e
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Polyporus frondosus. Fr.
Polyporus frondosus. Fr.
The Branched Polyporus. Edible. Figure 321. —Polyporus frondosus. One-fifth natural size. Frondosus, full of leafy branches. The tufts are from six inches to over a foot broad, very much branched, fibrous-fleshy, toughish. The pileoli are very numerous, one-half to two inches broad, sooty-gray, dimidiate, wrinkled, lobed, intricately recurved. Flesh white. Stems, growing into each other, white. The pores are rather tender, very small, acute, white, commonly round, but in oblique position, gaping
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Polyporus leucomelas. Fr.
Polyporus leucomelas. Fr.
Figure 322. —Polyporus leucomelas. Leucomelas is from two Greek words, leucos , white, and melas , black. The pileus is two to four inches broad, fleshy, somewhat fragile, irregularly shaped, silky, sooty-black; flesh soft, reddish when broken. The pores are rather large, unequal, ashy or whitish, becoming black when drying. The stem is one to three inches long, stout, unequal, somewhat tomentose, sooty-black, becoming black internally. The pileus and stem become black in places. The spores are
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Polyporus Berkeleyi. Fr.
Polyporus Berkeleyi. Fr.
Berkeley's Polyporus. Edible. The pileoli are fleshy, tough, becoming hard and corky, many times imbricated, sometimes growing very large, with many in a head; subzonate, finally tomentose; the plant very much branched, alutaceous. The stem is short or entirely wanting, arising from a long and thick caudex. The pore surface is very large, the pores are large and irregular, angular, pale-yellowish. I have seen some very large specimens of this species. The natural size of the specimen in Figure 3
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Polyporus giganteus. Fr.
Polyporus giganteus. Fr.
The Giant Polyporus. Edible. Giganteus is from gigas , a giant. The pileoli are very numerous, imbricated, fleshy, tough, somewhat coriaceous, flaccid, somewhat zoned; color a grayish-brown in young specimens, the deep cream pore surfaces tipping the pileoli, rendering it a very attractive plant; this cream-color is quickly changed to black or deep-brown by touching it. The pores are minute, shallow, round, pallid, at length torn. The stem is branched, connate from a common tuber. This is a larg
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Polyporus squamosus. Fr.
Polyporus squamosus. Fr.
The Scaly Polyporus. Photo by C. G. Lloyd. Figure 325. —Polyporus squamosus. Natural size. Squamosus means abounding in scales. The pileus is from three to eighteen inches broad, fleshy, fan-shaped, expanded, flattened, somewhat ochraceous, variegated, with scattered, brown, adpressed scales. The stem is eccentric and lateral, blunt, reticulated at apex, blackish at the base. The pores are thin, variable; at first minute, then broad, angular and torn; pallid. Spores are white and elliptical, 14×
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Polyporus flavovirens. B. & Rav.
Polyporus flavovirens. B. & Rav.
Figure 327. —Polyporus flavovirens. Two-thirds natural size. Flavovirens means yellowish-green or olivaceous. The pileus is quite large, three to six inches broad, convex, expanded funnel-form or repand, fleshy, tomentose, yellowish-green or olivaceous; frequently the pileus is cracked when old; flesh white. The pores are not large, toothed, white or whitish, decurrent upon the stem which is tapering. This plant is very common on the oak hillsides about Chillicothe. The plants in Figure 327 were
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Polyporus heteroclitus. Fr.
Polyporus heteroclitus. Fr.
The Bouquet Polyporus. Edible. Figure 328.—Polyporus heteroclitus. One-fourth natural size. The Pileoli bright orange. Heteroclitus is from two Greek words; one of two and to lean, referring to its habit of growth, leaning apparently upon the ground or the base of a tree or stump. It is cæspitose and coriaceous. The pileoli are two and a half inches broad, orange and sessile, expanded on all sides from the radical tubercle, lobed, villous, zoneless. The pores are irregularly shaped and elongated
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Polyporus radicatus. Schw.
Polyporus radicatus. Schw.
Figure 329.—Polyporus radicatus. One-third natural size. Radicatus, from the long root the plant has. The pileus is fleshy, quite tough, cushion-shaped, slightly depressed, pale sooty, somewhat downy. The pores are decurrent, quite large, obtuse, equal, white. The stem is very long, often eccentric, tapering downward, sometimes ventricose as in Figure 329, rooting quite deep, black below. It is found on the ground in the woods and in old clearings beside old trees and stumps. The blackish or bro
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Polyporus perplexus. Pk.
Polyporus perplexus. Pk.
Figure 330.—Polyporus perplexus. Two-thirds natural size. The pileus is spongy-fleshy, fibrous, sessile, commonly imbricated, and somewhat confluent, irregular, hairy-tomentose to setose-hispid, grayish-tawny, or ferruginous, the margin subacute, sterile, the substance within tawny-ferruginous, somewhat zonate. The pores are two to three lines long, unequal, angular, the dissepiments becoming brownish-ferruginous with age or where bruised. The spores are ferruginous, broadly elliptical, .00024 t
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Polyporus hispidus. Fr.
Polyporus hispidus. Fr.
Pileus is very large, eight to ten inches broad and three to four inches thick, compact, spongy, fleshy but fibrous, dimidiate, with occasionally a very short stem; generally very hairy, but sometimes smooth; the pileus is often marked with concentric lines which seem to indicate arrested vegetation; brown, blackish, yellowish or reddish brown, below pale-yellow or rich sienna-brown, margin paler. The pores are minute, round, inclined to separate, fringed, paler. The spores are yellowish, apicul
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Polyporus cuticularis. Fr.
Polyporus cuticularis. Fr.
Pileus is quite thin, spongy, fleshy, then dry; plane, hairy-tomentose, ferruginous, then blackish-brown; margin fibrous, fimbriate, internally loose and parallel, fibrous. The pores are long, quite small, pale, then ochraceous; pores longer than the thickness of the flesh. The spores are yellow or ochraceous, very abundant, 7×4–5µ. The hairs on the pileus are three-cleft. This is very frequent in beech woods about Chillicothe. Found in September and October....
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Polyporus circinatus. Fr.
Polyporus circinatus. Fr.
The Round Polyporus. Edible. Circinatus is from circinus , a pair of compasses, hence means rounded like a circle. The pileus is three to four inches across, with a double cap, one cap within another, both being compact, thick, round, plane, zoneless, velvety, rusty-yellow to reddish-brown, the flesh being of the same color. The upper cap is pliable, compact, soft, and covered with a soft tomentum, the lower cap, contiguous with the stem, is woody and corky. The pores are decurrent, extending do
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Polyporus adustus. Fr.
Polyporus adustus. Fr.
Adustus means scorched, so called from the blackish color of margin. The pileus is often imbricated; fleshy, tough, firm, thin, villous, ash-color; margin straight, blackish. The pores are minute, round, obtuse, whitish, soon ashy-brown. It is abundant everywhere on fallen beech or on beech stumps. It is very close to P. fumosus if it is not identical with it. It is found from August to late fall....
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Polyporus resinosus.
Polyporus resinosus.
Figure 331.—Polyporus resinosus. One-fourth natural size. Pileus from three to six, and frequently eight, inches long; rich-brown, varying from bright cinnamon to red, handsomely marked with delicate pencilings radiating from the axis of growth; the color of the pileus seems to form a binding about the edge of the light-gray pore surface, which is closely punctured with minute elliptical pores. The color of the pore surface readily changes to brown upon slight pressure. The whole plant is full o
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Polyporus lucidus. Fr.
Polyporus lucidus. Fr.
Figure 332.—Polyporus lucidus. One-third natural size. The pileus is two to three or more inches broad, usually very irregular, brownish-maroon, with a distinct double zone of duller dark-brown and tan. Cap glazed especially in the center, wrinkled. The spore surface is a very light grayish-brown in the young plant, changing to almost a tan in older ones, pores labyrinthiform. The stem is irregular, knotted and swollen with protuberances somewhat resembling buds, from which develop the caps whic
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Polyporus obliquus. Pers.
Polyporus obliquus. Pers.
Figure 333.—Polyporus obliquus. Two-thirds natural size. Obliquus means slanting, oblique. This species is widely circumfused, usually hard, quite thick, uneven, pallid, elegant chocolate-brown, then blackish; conversely encircled crested border. The pores are long, very minute, obtuse, slightly angular. It grows on dead branches of iron-wood and wild cherry. The deep chocolate-brown and the oblique form of its pores will serve to identify the species. It grows, with us, in the spring. I gathere
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Polyporus graveolens. Fr.
Polyporus graveolens. Fr.
Figure 334.—Polyporus graveolens. Graveolens means strong scented. Corky or woody and extremely hard, very closely imbricated and connate, forming a subglobose polycephalous mass, Figure 334. Pileoli innumerable, inflexed and appressed, plicate, brown. Pores concealed, very minute, round, pale-brown, the dissepiments thick and obtuse. Morgan. This is a very interesting plant because of its peculiar mode of growth. It is found in woods or clearings on dead logs or on standing dead trees. In some
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Polyporus brumalis. Fr.
Polyporus brumalis. Fr.
The Winter Polyporus. Figure 335.—Polyporus brumalis. Brumalis is from bruma , which means winter; so called because it appears late, in cold weather. The specimens in Figure 335 were found in December. The pileus is from one to three inches broad, nearly plane, slightly depressed in the center; somewhat fleshy and tough; dingy-brown, clothed with minute scales, becoming smooth, pallid. The pores are oval, slightly angular, slender, acute, denticulate, white, 5–6×2µ. The stem is short, thin, sli
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Polyporus rufescens. Fr.
Polyporus rufescens. Fr.
The Rufescent Polyporus. Rufescens, becoming red. The pileus is flesh-colored, spongy, soft, unequal, hairy or woolly. The pores are large, sinuose and torn, white or flesh-colored. The stem is short, irregular, tuberous at the base. Spores elliptical, 6×4–5µ. Rather common about Chillicothe on the ground about old stumps....
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Polyporus arcularius. Batsch.
Polyporus arcularius. Batsch.
Figure 336. —Polyporus arcularius. Two-thirds natural size, showing dark brown and depressed center; also dark brown stems. The pileus is dark-brown, minutely scaly, depressed in the center, margin covered with stiff hairs. The tube surface is of a dingy cream color, openings oblong, almost diamond-shaped, resembling the meshes of a net, the meshes being smaller on the margin, shallow, simply marked out at the top of the stem. The stem is dark-brown, minutely scaly, mottled, with a ground work o
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Polyporus elegans. Fr.
Polyporus elegans. Fr.
The pileus is fleshy, soon becoming woody; expanded, even, smooth, pallid. Pores are plane, minute, nearly round, pallid, yellowish-white. The stem is eccentric, even, smooth, pallid; base from the first abruptly black. This is quite common on rotten wood in the forests. It resembles P. picipes both in appearance and habitat....
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Polyporus medulla-panis. Fr.
Polyporus medulla-panis. Fr.
Effused, determinate, subundulate, firm, smooth, white, circumference naked, submarginate, wholly composed of middle sized, rather long, entire pores, the whole becoming yellowish in age. I found this species on an elm log along Ralston's Run....
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Polyporus albellus. Pk.
Polyporus albellus. Pk.
The pileus is thick, sessile, convex or subungulate, subsolitary, two to four inches broad, one to one and a half thick, fleshy, rather soft; the adnate cuticle rather thin, smooth or sometimes slightly roughened by a slight strigose tomentum, especially toward the margin; whitish, tinged more or less with fuscus; flesh pure white, odor acidulous. The pores are nearly plane, minute, subrotund, about two lines long; white, inclining to yellowish, the dissepiments thin, acute. The spores are minut
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Polyporus epileucus. Fr.
Polyporus epileucus. Fr.
This is quite a large and beautiful plant. It apparently grows without a stem, its color being an unequal gray. The pileus is somewhat coriaceous, firm, pulvinate, villous. The pores are round, elongated, obtuse, entire, white. This is not common with us, but I have met it a few times and always on elm logs or stumps....
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Polyporus betulinus. Fr.
Polyporus betulinus. Fr.
The Birch Polyporus. Edible. Figure 337. —Polyporus betulinus. Betulinus is from betulina , birch. The pileus is from four to ten inches across, fleshy, soon corky, ungulate, obtuse, smooth, pale reddish-brown when mature, often mottled, roundish, or somewhat reniform, zoneless, the oblique vertex in the form of an umbo; pellicle thin, separating; flesh white, very thick. The pores are short, round, minute, unequal, separable from the pileus when fresh, but really concrete with it; white or ting
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Polyporus cinnabarinus. Schw.
Polyporus cinnabarinus. Schw.
Cinnabar Polyporus. Figure 338. —Polyporus cinnabarinus. One-third natural size. Cinnabarinus like cinnabar (vermilion). The pileus is dry, more or less spongy, pliant, rather thick, fibrous on top; flesh light or yellowish-red, shelving. The pores are carmine, quite small, round, entire. This species is quite common in the woods about Chillicothe. It is easily identified by the beautiful carmine color of the pileus and the pore surface, the latter being a shade darker than the former, as will b
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Polyporus vulgaris. Fr.
Polyporus vulgaris. Fr.
Common Effused Polyporus. Vulgaris, common. Quite broadly effused, very thin, adheres closely to its host; even, white, dry. Circumference soon smooth and the whole surface composed of firm, crowded, small, round, nearly equal pores. Effused on dead wood, fallen branches, and frequently on moist boards....
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Polyporus lacteus. Fr.
Polyporus lacteus. Fr.
The pileus is white, or whitish, fleshy, somewhat fibrous, fragile, triangular in form, pubescent, azonate, margin somewhat inflexed, acute. The pores are thin, acute, dentate, finally lacerate and labyrinthiform. This species is found in the woods, on beech logs. It is small and thin, not much more than an inch in width but sometimes elongated. Steep and gibbous behind, becoming at length smooth and equal. It is not abundant in our woods, but I have found it often. August and September....
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Polyporus cæsius. Schrad.
Polyporus cæsius. Schrad.
The pileus is white, with a bluish tinge occasionally upon its surface, soft, tenacious, unequal, silky. The pores are small, unequal, long, flexuous, dentate, lacerate. It is found in woods on partially decayed sticks. I have only occasionally found a specimen in our woods....
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Polyporus pubescens. Schw.
Polyporus pubescens. Schw.
Figure 339. —Polyporus pubescens. White without and within, pubescent and shiny. Pubescens means downy; so called from the satiny finish of its pileus, which is fleshy, quite tough and corky, soft, convex, subzonate, pubescent and shiny; white without and within; the margin acute, becoming at length yellowish and hard, with a shiny lustre. The pores are short, minute, nearly round and plane. The pileus is from one to two inches in width, laterally confluent and usually very much imbricated. Quit
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Polyporus volvatus. Pk.
Polyporus volvatus. Pk.
Figure 340. —Polyporus volvatus. Natural size. Volvatus, bearing a volva. This is a most interesting species. The pileus seems to be prolonged, making a volva-like protection of the spore surface. When this volva is ruptured small heaps of spores will often be seen on the volva, having been protected from the wind. The plant is small, somewhat round, and before the volva is ruptured it is very like a puffball; fleshy, smooth, attached by a small point, whitish, slightly tinged with yellow, red o
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Polystictus biformis. Fr.
Polystictus biformis. Fr.
Figure 341. —Polystictus biformis. Natural size. Frequently covered with green lichen. Biformis means two shapes or appearances; referring to the condition of the pores in the young and the old plant. The pileus is two to three inches wide, projecting from one to three inches, often imbricated so as to cover a large surface; laterally confluent, coriaceous, flexible, tough, subzonate, with innate radiating fibres, the cortex fibrillose, concolorous. The pores at first very large, simple, compoun
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Polystictus hirsutus. Fr.
Polystictus hirsutus. Fr.
The Bristly Polystictus. Figure 342. —Polystictus hirsutus. Natural size. Hirsutus means hairy or bristly. The pileus is corky, coriaceous, convex, then plane, hairy with rigid bristles, zoned with concentric furrows; of one color, whitish, sometimes these zones are quite marked as in Figure 342. The pore surface is at first white, or whitish, becoming dark or brownish in age. The pores are round, the walls rather thick. It is found on logs and stumps in the woods. It is a very common plant and
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Polystictus versicolor. Fr.
Polystictus versicolor. Fr.
The Common Zoned Polystictus. Figure 343.—Polystictus versicolor. One-half natural size. Versicolor means varying colors. The pileus is coriaceous, thin, rigid, plane, depressed behind; quite velvety, nearly even and shining, variegated with colored zones, sometimes entirely white or grayish-white, not unfrequently the whole surface is villous or woolly, and the zones mere depressions. The pores are minute, round, acute, lacerated, white or cream-color. It is very common, as well as very variabl
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Polyporus gilvus. Schw.
Polyporus gilvus. Schw.
Gilvus means pale-yellow or deep-reddish flesh-color. The pileus is corky, woody, hard, effuso-reflexed, imbricate, concrescent, subtomentose, then scabrous, uneven, reddish-yellow, then subferruginous, the margin acute. The pores are minute, round, entire, brownish-ferruginous. Morgan. It is very abundant throughout the state, being found on all kinds of logs and stumps....
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Polystictus cinnamoneus. Jacq.
Polystictus cinnamoneus. Jacq.
Figure 344. —Polystictus cinnamoneus. The pileus is an inch and a half, or less, broad, coriaceous, slightly depressed in the center; rather rough on the surface, but with a beautiful satiny lustre, and more or less zoned; caps often growing together, but with separate stems; shining, a light cinnamon-brown. The spores are rather large, angular, torn with age; cinnamon-brown, growing darker in older plants. The stem is one to two inches long, equal, or slightly tapering upward, cinnamon-brown, h
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Polystictus perennis. Fr.
Polystictus perennis. Fr.
Photo by C. G. Lloyd. Plate XLVII. Figure 346.—Polystictus perennis. The pileus is thin, pliant when fresh but somewhat brittle when dry. It is minutely velvety on the upper surface, reddish-brown or cinnamon in color; expanded or umbilicate to nearly funnel-shaped. The surface is beautifully marked by radiations and fine concentric zones. The stem is also velvety. The spore-tubes are minute, the walls thin and acute, and the mouths angular, and at last more or less torn. The margin of the cap i
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Polystictus pergamenus. Fr.
Polystictus pergamenus. Fr.
Figure 345.—Polystictus pergamenus. Pergamenus means parchment. The pileus is coriaceous, thin, effused, reflexed, villous, zoned, cinereous-white, with colored zone; pliant when fresh. The pores are unequal, torn, violaceous, then pallid. It is very common here on beech, maple, and wild cherry. The pores become torn so that they resemble the teeth of the Hydnum. This is one of the most common fungi in our woods. The photograph is by Prof. J. D. Smith, of Akron, O....
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Fomes leucophæus. Mont.
Fomes leucophæus. Mont.
This has been called by many authors in America Fomes applanatus or Polyporus applanatus. It is very common in this country but very rare in Europe, while Fomes applanatus, which is common in Europe, is very scarce in the United States. In general appearance they are much alike, the applanatus having a softer tissue and echinulate spores, but our common species, leucophæus, has smooth spores. The pileus is expanded, tuberculose, obsoletely zoned, pulverulent, or smooth; cinnamon, becoming whitis
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Fomes fomentarius. Fr.
Fomes fomentarius. Fr.
The Bracket Fomes. This species is very common in our woods. The brackets resemble a horse's hoof in shape. They are smoky, gray, and of various shades of brown. The upper surface of the bracket is quite strongly zoned and furrowed, so as to show each year's growth. The margin is thick and blunt, and the tube surface is concave; the openings of the tubes quite large, so that they can be readily seen by the naked eye. The tube surface is reddish-brown when mature. The inside was formerly used in
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Fomes rimosus. Berkeley.
Fomes rimosus. Berkeley.
Cracked Fomes. Figure 347. —Fomes rimosus. Rimosus means cracked. The fine checks in the pileus are clearly seen in the halftone. The pileus is pulvinate-ungulate, much dilated, deeply sulcate; cinnamon, then brown or blackish; very much cracked or rimose. It is very hard, fibrous, tawny-ferruginous; the margin broad, pruinate-velvety, rather acute. The pores are minute, indistinctly stratified, tawny-ferruginous, the mouths rhubarb-color. Morgan. This plant is very common on the locust trees ab
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Fomes pinicola. (Swartz.) Fr.
Fomes pinicola. (Swartz.) Fr.
Figure 348. —Fomes pinicola. Pinicola means dwelling on pine. It is found on dead pine, spruce, balsam, and other conifers. It resembles Fomes leucophæus but is somewhat stouter and does not have as hard and firm a crust. The young growth is at the margin, and is whitish or tinged with yellow, while the old zones are reddish. The tube surface is whitish-yellow or yellowish. This is frequently called Polyporus pinicolus. (Swartz.) Fr....
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Fomes igniarius. Fr.
Fomes igniarius. Fr.
Figure 349. —Fomes igniarius. This is rather a common species in our state; black or brownish-black in color, somewhat triangular in shape, and frequently hoof-shaped. The zones indicating the yearly growth are plainly marked, and the tubes are quite long and of a dark brown color. Their growth is rather slow, and it requires years to produce some of the moderate sized specimens. Prof. Atkinson of Cornell University found a specimen which he believed to be over 80 years old. This is called by ma
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Fomes fraxinophilus. Fr.
Fomes fraxinophilus. Fr.
Figure 350. —Fomes fraxinophilus. Fraxinophilus means ash-loving; rather common in this country, but does not grow in Europe. The pileus is between corky and woody, smooth, somewhat flattened, at first zoneless; white when young, then reddish-brown, white around the margin; at first even, then concentrically sulcate, pale within. The tubes are short, pores minute, rusty-red but covered from the first with a white pubescence and continuous with the margin; the spores nearly round, 6–7µ. The speci
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Trametes. Fr.
Trametes. Fr.
In case of the genus Trametes the hymenophorum descends into the trama of the pores without any change, and is permanently concrete with the pileus. The pores are entire. There are, however, a few of the Polypori which are quite thin that have the trama of the same structure with the hymenophorum. These have been separated by Fries and have been called Polystictus . They are distinguished by the fact that the pores develop from the center out and are perpendicular to the fibrillose stratum above
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Trametes rubescens. Fr.
Trametes rubescens. Fr.
Figure 351. —Trametes rubescens. Figure 352. —Trametes rubescens. This is one of the neatest plants of this structure in our woods. It grows on the small branches and many times covers them quite well. It is resupinate, the cap being beautifully zoned as you see in Figure 351. Frequently they grow from the side of a small tree that has fallen to the ground and in this case they are shelving. The pore surface is usually reddish or flesh-color, the pores being long and irregular and inclined to be
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Trametes scutellata. Schw.
Trametes scutellata. Schw.
Scutellata means shield-bearing. It is frequently quite small, an inch or less; coriaceous, dimidiate, orbiculate or ungulate, fixed by the apex; the pilei quite hard: white, then brownish and blackish, becoming rugged and uneven, with white margin; hymenium disk-shaped, concave, white-pulverulent becoming dark; pores minute, long, with thick obtuse dissepiments. This is found on fence posts....
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Trametes Ohiensis. Berk.
Trametes Ohiensis. Berk.
The pilei are pulvinate, narrow, zoned, often laterally confluent; ochraceous-white, tomentose, then smooth, laccate. This plant resembles T. scutellata in many points, both in habit and in form....
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Trametes suaveolens. (L.) Fr.
Trametes suaveolens. (L.) Fr.
Soft at first, pulvinate, white, villous, zoneless; pores rotund, rather large, obtuse, white, then darker; anise-scented. Found on willows....
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Merulius. Fr.
Merulius. Fr.
Merulius means a blackbird; from the color of the fungus. Hymenophore covered with the soft waxy hymenium, which is incompletely porus, or arranged in reticulate, sinuous, dentate folds. This genus grows on wood, at first resupinate, expanded; the hymenophore springing from a mucous mycelium....
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Merulius rubellus. Pk.
Merulius rubellus. Pk.
Figure 353. —Merulius rubellus. Natural size. Rubellus is the diminutive of ruber , reddish. The pileus grows in tufts, sessile, confluent and imbricated, repand, thin, convex, soft, dimidiate, quite tenacious; tomentose, evenly red, margin mostly undulately inflexed, growing pale in age. Hymenium whitish or reddish, folds much branched, forming anastomosing pores. The spores are elliptical, hyaline, minute, 4–5×2.5–3µ. The pileus is two to three inches long and an inch and a half broad. It is f
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Merulius tremellosus. Schrad.
Merulius tremellosus. Schrad.
Photo by C. G. Lloyd. Figure 354. —Merulius tremellosus Tremellosus, trembling. Resupinate; margin becoming free and more or less reflexed, usually radiately-toothed, fleshy, tremelloid, tomentose, white; hymenium variously wrinkled and porus, whitish and subtranslucent-looking, becoming tinged with brown in the center. The spores are cylindrical, curved, about 4×1µ. From one to three inches across, remaining pale when growing in dark places. The margin is sometimes tinged with a rose-color, rad
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Merulius corium. Fr.
Merulius corium. Fr.
Resupinate, effused, soft, papery, circumference at length free, reflexed, white, villous below. Hymenium netted, porus, pallid, tan-color. Found on decaying-branches. Quite common....
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Merulius lacrymans. Fr.
Merulius lacrymans. Fr.
Resupinate, fleshy, spongy, moist, tender, at first very light, cottony and white; when the veins appear they are of a fine yellow, orange or reddish-brown, forming irregular folds, so arranged to have the appearance of pores (but never anything like tubes), distilling when perfect drops of water which give rise to the specific name "weeping." Dr. Charles W. Hoyt of Chillicothe, brought to my office two or three plants of this species that had grown on the under side of the floor in his wash-hou
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Dædalea. Pers.
Dædalea. Pers.
Dædalea is used with reference to the labyrinthiform pores; so named after Dædalos, the builder of the labyrinth of Crete. The hymenophore descends into the trama without any change, pores firm, when fully grown sinuous and labyrinthiform, lacerated, and toothed. The habits of Dædalea are very much the same as Trametes, but they are inodorous. Care should be taken not to confound them with the species of Polyporus that have elongated curved pores....
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Dædalea ambigua. Berk.
Dædalea ambigua. Berk.
Figure 355.—Dædalea ambigua. One-third natural size, showing upper surface. Figure 356.—Dædalea ambigua. One-third natural size, showing the pore surface. The pileus is white, corky, horizontal, explanate, reniform, subsessile, azonate, finely pubescent, becoming smooth. Pores from round to linear and labyrinthiform, the dissepiments always obtuse and never lamellate. It is a very common growth in Ohio, found on old logs of the sugar maple. You will see the beginning of the growth in the spring
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Dædalea quercina. Pk.
Dædalea quercina. Pk.
The Oak Dædalea. Figure 357.—Dædalea quercina. The pileus is a pallid wood color, corky, rugulose, uneven, without zones, becoming smooth; of the same color within as without; the margin in full-grown specimens thin, but in imperfectly developed specimens swollen and blunt. The pores are at first round, then broken into contorted or gill-like labyrinthiform sinuses, with obtuse edges of the same color as the pileus, sometimes with a slight shade of pink. They grow to be very large, from six to e
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Dædalea unicolor. Fr.
Dædalea unicolor. Fr.
Villose-strigose, cinereous with concolorous zones; hymenium with flexuous, winding, intricate, acute dissepiments, at length torn and toothed. The pores are whitish cinereous, sometimes fuscous; variable in thickness, color, and character of hymenium; sometimes with white margin; often imbricated and fuliginous when moist. Widely distributed over the states and found on nearly all deciduous trees....
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Dædalea confragosa. Boton.
Dædalea confragosa. Boton.
The Willow Dædalea. Figure 358.—Dædalea confragosa. Confragosa means broken, rough. The pileus is rather convex, corky, rough, slightly zonate, reddish-brown, unicolorous, somewhat of a rust-red within. The pores are frequently round, like those of the Polyporus, but sometimes they are elongated into gills like the Lenzites; reddish-brown. I have seen quite old specimens that were very difficult to distinguish from some of the forms of Lenzites. The young plants resemble very closely Trametes ru
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Favolus. Fr.
Favolus. Fr.
Favolus is a diminutive of favus , honey-comb. The hymenium is alveolate, radiating, formed of the densely irregularly uniting gills; elongated, diamond-shaped. Spores white. Semicircular in outline, somewhat stipitate....
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Favolus canadensis. Klotsch.
Favolus canadensis. Klotsch.
Figure 359.—Favolus Canadensis. The pileus is fleshy, tough, thin, kidney-form, fibrillose, scaly, tawny, becoming pale and smooth. The pores or alveoli are angular elongated, white at first, then straw-color. The stem is eccentric, lateral, very short or lacking altogether. This plant is very common around Chillicothe on fallen branches in the woods, especially on hickory. Found from September to frost. Not poisonous but too tough to eat. I do not believe there is any difference between F. cana
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Cyclomyces. Kunz & Fr.
Cyclomyces. Kunz & Fr.
Cyclomyces is from two Greek words, meaning a circle and fungus. This genus is very distinct from other tube-bearing genera. The pileus is fleshy, leathery or membranaceous, and usually cushion-formed. Upon the lower surface are the plate-like bodies resembling the gills of Agarics but which are composed of minute pores. These pore bodies are arranged in concentric circles around the stem....
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Cyclomyces Greenii. Berk.
Cyclomyces Greenii. Berk.
Figure 360.—Cyclomyces Greenii Figure 361.—Cyclomyces Greenii. Old specimens. The pileus is two to three inches broad, globose at first, convex, sometimes undulate, somewhat zoned, tomentose, dry, cushion-formed, cinnamon-brown, rather showy. The gills are in concentric circles around the stem, growing larger and larger as they reach the margin of the cap. In the young plant the gills are divided into long divisions but in the older plant these division lines disappear as will be seen in Figure
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Glœoporus. Mont.
Glœoporus. Mont.
Glœoporus is from two Greek words, meaning gluten and pore. The plants of this genus resemble the polyporus and are frequently placed under that genus....
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Glœoporus conchoides. Mont.
Glœoporus conchoides. Mont.
Conchoides means like a shell. The pileus is leathery or woody, at first fleshy, soft, effused, with upper margin reflexed; thin, silky, whitish, with edge of the margin often reddish. It has a trembling, gelatinous, spore-bearing surface, often somewhat elastic. The pores are short, very small, round, cinnamon-brown. There are several synonyms. Polyporus dichrous, Fr., and P. nigropurpurascens, Schw. Montgomery places it in the above genus because of its gelatinous hymenium. There is, perhaps,
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Hydnum. Linn.
Hydnum. Linn.
Hydnum is from a Greek word meaning an eatable fungus. The genus is characterized by awl-shaped spines which are distant at the base. These spines are at first papilliform, then elongated and round. They form the fruiting surface and take the place of the gills in the family Agaricaceæ and of the pores in the family of Polyporaceæ. The spines are simple or in some cases the tips are more or less branched. This is the greatest genus in the family and it includes many important edible species. It
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Hydnum repandum. Linn.
Hydnum repandum. Linn.
The Spreading Hydnum. Edible. Figure 362.—Hydnum repandum. Two-thirds natural size. Repandum, bent backward, referring to the position of the stem and the cap. The pileus is two to four inches broad, generally irregular, with the stem eccentric; fleshy, brittle, convex or nearly plane, compact, more or less repand, nearly smooth; color varying from a pale buff—the typical hue—to a distinct brick-red; flesh creamy-white, inclining to turn brown when bruised; taste slightly aromatic, margin often
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Hydnum imbricatum. Linn.
Hydnum imbricatum. Linn.
The Imbricated Hydnum. Edible. Imbricatum is from imbrex , a tile, referring to the surface of the cap being torn into triangular scales, seeming to overlap one another like shingles on a roof. The pileus is fleshy, plane, slightly depressed, tessellated scaly, downy, not zoned, umber in color or brownish as if scorched, flesh dingy-white, taste slightly bitter when raw, margin round. The spines are decurrent, entire, numerous, short, ashy-white, generally equal in length. The stem is firm, shor
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Hydnum erinaceum. Bull.
Hydnum erinaceum. Bull.
The Hedgehog Hydnum. Edible . Plate XLVIII. Figure 363. — Hydnum Erinaceum. Two-thirds natural size. The plant is entirely white when fresh. Erinaceum, a hedgehog. Two to eight inches or more across. Tufts pendulous. White and yellowish-white becoming yellowish-brown; fleshy, elastic, tough, sometimes emarginate (broadly attached as if tuft were cut in two or sliced off where attached), a mass of latticed branches and fibrils. Spines one and a half inches to four inches long, crowded, straight,
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Hydnum caput-ursi. Fr.
Hydnum caput-ursi. Fr.
The Bear's Head Hydnum. Edible. Figure 365. —Hydnum caput-ursi. Caput-ursi means the head of a bear. This is a very beautiful plant but not as common as some other species of Hydnum. It grows in very large pendulous tufts, as Figure 365 will indicate. It is found frequently on standing oak and maple trees, sometimes quite high up in the trees. It is more frequently found on logs and stumps, as are its kindred species. The plant arises out of the wood by a single stout stem which branches into ma
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Hydnum caput-Medusæ. Bull.
Hydnum caput-Medusæ. Bull.
The Medusa's Head Hydnum. Edible. Figure 366. —Hydnum caput-Medusæ. One-third natural size. Caput-Medusæ, head of Medusa. This is a very striking plant when seen in the woods. The tufts are pendulous. The long wavy spines resemble the wavy locks of Medusa, hence the name. The long soft spines cover the entire surface of the fungus, which is divided into fleshy branches or divisions, each terminating in a crown of shorter drooping teeth. The color at first is white, changing in age to a buff or a
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Hydnum coralloides. Scop.
Hydnum coralloides. Scop.
The Coral-like Hydnum. Edible. Figure 367.—Hydnum coralloides. One-fourth natural size. Entire plant white. This species grows in large, beautiful tufts on decaying logs, in damp woods. It grows from a common stem, dividing into many branches and then sub-dividing into many long and coral-like shoots, composed wholly of attenuated interlacing [Pg 439] [Pg 440] branches tapering to a point. The spines grow from one side of the flattened branches. It only needs to be seen once to be recognized as
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Hydnum septentrionale. Fr.
Hydnum septentrionale. Fr.
The Northern Hydnum. Plate XLIX. Figure 368.—Hydnum septentrionale. Grew from a small opening in a living beech tree. Septentrionale, northern. This is a very large, fleshy, fibrous plant, growing usually upon logs and stumps. There are many pilei growing one above the other, plane, margin straight, whole. The spines are crowded, slender and equal. I have found a number of specimens about Chillicothe that would weigh from eight to ten pounds each. The plant is too woody to eat. Besides, it seems
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Hydnum spongiosipes. Pk.
Hydnum spongiosipes. Pk.
Figure 369.—Hydnum spongiosipes. One-third natural size. Spongiosipes means a sponge-like foot. Pileus convex, soft, spongy-tomentose, but tough in texture, rusty-brown, the lower stratum firmer and more fibrous, but concolorous. The spines are slender, one to two lines long, rusty-brown, becoming darker with age. The stem is hard and corky within, externally spongy-tomentose; colored like the pileus, the central substance often transversely zoned, especially near the top. Spores globose, nodulo
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Hydnum zonatum. Batsch.
Hydnum zonatum. Batsch.
The Zoned Hydnum. Figure 370.—Hydnum zonatum. Zonatum, zoned. Ferruginous; pileus equally coriaceous, thin, expanded, subinfundibuliform, zoned, becoming smooth; tough, almost leathery in texture, having a surface of beautiful brown, silky lustre, and with radiating striæ; margin paler; sterile. The stem is slender, nearly equal, floccose, bulbous at the base. The spines are slender, pallid, then of the same color as the pileus, equal. The spores are rough, globose, pale, 4µ. The spore-bearing s
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Hydnum scrobiculatum. Fr.
Hydnum scrobiculatum. Fr.
Figure 371.—Hydnum scrobiculatum. Two-thirds natural-size. Scrobiculatum means marked with a ditch or trench; so called from the rough condition of the cap. The pileus is from one to three inches broad, corky, convex, then plane, sometimes slightly depressed; tough in texture, rusty-brown; the surface of the cap usually quite rough, marked with ridges or trenches, flesh ferruginous. The spines are short, rusty-brown, becoming dark with age. The stem is firm, one to two inches long, unequal, rust
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Hydnum Blackfordæ. Pk.
Hydnum Blackfordæ. Pk.
The pileus is fleshy, convex, glabrous, grayish or greenish-gray, flesh whitish with reddish stains, slowly becoming darker on exposure; aculei subulate, 2–5 mm. long, yellowish-gray, becoming brown with age or drying; stem equal or stuffed, becoming hollow in drying; glabrous, colored like the pileus; spores brown, globose, verrucose, 8–10µ broad. The pileus is 2.5–6 cm. broad; stem 2.5–4 cm. long, 3–4 mm. thick. Mossy ground in low springy places in damp mixed woods. August. Peck. This species
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Hydnum fennicum. Karst.
Hydnum fennicum. Karst.
Figure 372.—Hydnum fennicum. Natural size, showing the teeth. Figure 373. —Hydnum fennicum. Natural size, showing the scaly cap. Pileus fleshy, fragile, unequal; at first scaly, at length breaking up; reddish-brick color becoming darker; margin undulately lobed, two to four inches broad. Flesh white. The teeth decurrent, equal, pointed, from white to dusky, about 4 mm. long. The stem is sufficiently stout, unequal below, attenuated, flexuous or curved, smooth, of the same color as the cap, base
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Hydnum adustum. Fr.
Hydnum adustum. Fr.
Figure 374. —Hydnum adustum. Natural size. Adustum means scorched, burned. The pileus is two to three inches broad, yellowish-white, blackish around the margin, coriaceous, slightly zoned; plane at first, then slightly depressed; tomen tose, thin; frequently a plant will be found growing on the top of another plant. The spines are at first white, adnate, short, turning flesh-color and when dried almost black. The stem is short, solid, tapering upward. The plant is found growing in the woods on t
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Hydnum ochraceum. P.
Hydnum ochraceum. P.
Ochrey Hydnum. Small, at first entirely resupinate, gradually reflexed, and somewhat repand, at first sparingly clothed with dirty-white down, at length rugose; one to three inches broad. The spines are short, entire, becoming pale. Fries. It is occasionally found on decayed sticks in the woods....
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Hydnum pulcherrimum. B. & C.
Hydnum pulcherrimum. B. & C.
Most Beautiful Hydnum. Figure 375. —Hydnum pulcherrimum. Showing the under side of one of the pileoli. Pulcherrimum is the superlative of pulcher , beautiful. The pileus is fleshy, somewhat fibrous, alutaceus, hirsute; the margin thin, entire, incurved. The aculei short, crowded, equal. It is found on beech wood, frequently imbricated and laterally confluent; a single pileus two to five inches in breadth and projecting two to four inches. The spines are rather short, not exceeding a quarter of a
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Hydnum graveolens. Del.
Hydnum graveolens. Del.
Fragrant Hydnum. Graveolens means sweet-scented. The pileus is coriaceous, thin, soft, not zoned, rugose, dark-brown, brown within, margin becoming whitish. The stem is slender and the spines are decurrent. The spines are short, gray. The whole plant smells of melilot; even after it has been dried and kept for years it does not lose this scent. I found two specimens in Haynes's Hollow....
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Irpex. Fr.
Irpex. Fr.
Irpex, a harrow, so called from a fancied resemblance of its teeth to the teeth of a harrow. It grows on wood; toothed from the first, the teeth are connected at the base, firm, somewhat coriaceous, concrete with the pileus, arranged in rows or like net-work. Irpex differs from Hydnum in having the spines connected at the base and more blunt....
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Irpex carneus. Fr.
Irpex carneus. Fr.
This plant, as its specific name indicates, resembles the color of flesh. Reddish, effused, one to three inches long, cartilaginous-gelatinous, membranaceous, adnate. Teeth obtuse and awl-shaped, entire, united at the base. Fries. Found on the tulip-tree, hickory, and elm. September and October....
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Irpex lacteus. Fr.
Irpex lacteus. Fr.
Growing on wood, membranaceous, clothed with stiff hair, more or less furrowed, milk-white, as its specific name indicates. The spines are compressed, radiate, margin porus. Found on hickory and beech logs and stumps....
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Irpex tulipifera. Schw.
Irpex tulipifera. Schw.
Figure 376. —Irpex tulipifera. Coriaceous-membranaceous, effused; hymenium inferior, at first toothed, teeth springing from a porus base, somewhat coriaceous, entirely concrete with the pileus, netted and connected at the base, white or whitish, turning yellowish with age. This plant is very abundant here on fallen tulip trees. I have seen entire tree tops and trunks covered with this plant. The branches after they have been penetrated with the mycelial threads become very light and brittle....
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Phlebia. Fr.
Phlebia. Fr.
Lignatile, resupinate, hymenium soft and waxy, covered with folds or wrinkles, edges entire or corrugated....
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Phlebia radiata. Fr.
Phlebia radiata. Fr.
Figure 377. —Phlebia radiata. Somewhat round, then dilated, confluent, fleshy and membranaceous, reddish or flesh-red, the circumference peculiarly radiately marked. The folds in rows radiating from the center. The spores are cylindric-oblong, curved, 4–5×1–1.5µ. This is quite common on beech bark in the woods. Its bright color and mode of growth will attract attention....
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Grandinia. Fr.
Grandinia. Fr.
Lignatile, effused, waxy, granulated, granules globular, entire, permanent....
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Grandinia granulosa. Fr.
Grandinia granulosa. Fr.
Effused, rather thin, waxy, somewhat ochraceous, circumference determinate, granules globular, equal, crowded. Found on decayed wood. Quite common in our woods. Thelephoraceæ is from two Greek words, a teat and to bear. The hymenium is even, coriaceous, or waxy, costate, or papillose. There are a number of genera under this family but I am acquainted with only the genus Craterellus....
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Craterellus. Fr.
Craterellus. Fr.
Craterellus means a small bowl. Hymenium waxy-membranaceous, distinct but adnate to the hymenophore, inferior, continuous, smooth, even or wrinkled. Spores white. Fries....
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Craterellus cantharellus. (Schw.) Fr.
Craterellus cantharellus. (Schw.) Fr.
Yellow Craterellus. Edible. Figure 378. —Craterellus cantharellus. Caps and stems yellow. Cantharellus is a diminutive from a Greek word meaning a sort of drinking-cup. The pileus is one to three inches broad, convex, often becoming depressed and funnel-shaped, glabrous, yellowish, or pinkish. Flesh white, tough, elastic. Hymenium slightly wrinkled, yellow or faint salmon color. The stem is one to three inches high, tapering downward, smooth, solid, yellow. The spores are yellowish or salmon col
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Craterellus cornucopioides Fr.
Craterellus cornucopioides Fr.
The Horn of Plenty Craterellus. Edible. Figure 379. —Craterellus cornucopioides. One-third natural size. Cornucopioides is from cornu , a horn, and copia , plenty. The pileus is thin, flexible, tubiform, hollow to the base, blackish-brown, sometimes a little scaly, the hymenium even or somewhat wrinkled, cinereous. The stem is hollow, smooth, black, short, almost wanting. The spores are elliptical, whitish, 11–12×7–8µ. No one will have any trouble in recognizing this species, having once seen it
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Craterellus dubius. Pk.
Craterellus dubius. Pk.
Figure 380. —Craterellus dubius. Natural size. Dubius means uncertain, from its close resemblance to C. cornucopoides. The pileus is one to two inches broad, infundibuliform, subfibrillose, lurid-brown, pervious to the base, the margin generally wavy, lobed. Hymenium dark cinereous, rugose when moist, the minute crowded irregular folds abundantly anastomosing; nearly even when dry. The stem is short. The spores are broadly elliptical or subglobose, 6–7.5µ long. Peck. It differs from C. cornucopi
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Corticium. Fr.
Corticium. Fr.
Entirely resupinate, hymenium soft and fleshy when moist, collapsing when dry, often cracked....
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Corticium lacteum. Fr.
Corticium lacteum. Fr.
This is a very small plant, resupinate, membranaceous, and it is so named because of the milk-white color underneath. The hymenium is waxy when moist, cracked when dry....
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Corticium oakesii. B. & C.
Corticium oakesii. B. & C.
The plant is small, waxy-pliant, somewhat coriaceous, cup-shaped, then explanate, confluent, marginate, externally white-tomentose. The hymenium is even, contiguous, becoming pallid. Spores elliptical, appendiculate. I found very fine specimens of this plant on the Iron-wood, Ostrya Virginica, which grows on the high school lawn in Chillicothe. In rainy weather in October and November the bark would be white with the plant. It resembles a small Peziza at first....
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Corticium incarnatum. Fr.
Corticium incarnatum. Fr.
Waxy when moist, becoming rigid when dry, confluent, agglutinate, radiating. Hymenium red or flesh-color, covered with a delicate flesh-colored bloom. Some fine specimens were found on dead chestnut trees in Poke Hollow....
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Corticium sambucum. Pk.
Corticium sambucum. Pk.
Effused on elder bark, white, continuous when growing, when dry cracked or flocculose and collapsing. It grows on the bark or the wood of the elder....
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Corticium cinereum. Fr.
Corticium cinereum. Fr.
Waxy when moist, rigid when dry, agglutinate, lurid. The hymenium is cinereous, with a very delicate bloom. Common on sticks in the woods....
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Thelephora. Fr.
Thelephora. Fr.
The pileus is without a cuticle, consisting of interwoven fibres. Hymenium ribbed, of a tough, fleshy substance, rather rigid, then collapsing and flocculent....
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Thelephora Schweinitzii.
Thelephora Schweinitzii.
Figure 381. —Thelephora Schweinitzii. Schweinitzii is named in honor of the Rev. David Lewis de Schweinitz. Cæspitose, white or pallid. Pilei soft-corinaceous, much branched; the branches flattened, furrowed and somewhat dilated at the apex. The stems are variable in length, often connate or fused together into a solid base. The hymenium is even, becoming darker colored when older. Morgan. This plant is known as T. pallida. It is very abundant on our hillsides in Ross County, and in fact through
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Thelephora laciniata. P.
Thelephora laciniata. P.
The pileus is soft, somewhat coriaceous, incrusting, ferruginous-brown. The pilei are imbricated, fibrous, scaly, margin fimbriated, at first dirty white. The hymenium is inferior and papillose....
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Thelephora palmata. Fr.
Thelephora palmata. Fr.
The pileus is coriaceous, soft, erect, palmately branched from a common stalk; pubescent, purplish-brown; branches flat, even, tips fimbriated, whitish. The scent is very noticeable soon after it is picked. They grow on the ground in July and August....
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Thelephora cristata. Fr.
Thelephora cristata. Fr.
The pileus is incrusting, rather tough, pallid, passing into branches, the apices compressed, expanded, and beautifully fringed. The plant is whitish, grayish, or purplish-brown. It is found on moss or stems of weeds. I found beautiful specimens at Bainbridge Caves....
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Thelephora sebacea. Fr.
Thelephora sebacea. Fr.
The pileus is effused, fleshy, waxy, becoming hard, incrusting, variable, tuberculose or stalactitic, whitish, circumference similar; hymenium flocculose, pruinose, or evanescent. It is found effused over grass. One meets with it often....
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Stereum. Fr.
Stereum. Fr.
The hymenium is coriaceous, even, rather thick, concrete with the intermediate stratum of the pileus, which has a cuticle even and veinless, remaining unchanged and smooth....
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Stereum versicolor.
Stereum versicolor.
Figure 382. —Stereum versicolor. Versicolor means changing color, referring to the different bands of color. The pileus is effused, reflexed, having a number of different zones; in some plants the zones are more marked than in others, the zones appearing very much like those in Polyporus versicolor. The hymenium is even, smooth and brown. This is a very common plant, found everywhere on old logs and stumps. It is widely diffused and can be found at any time of the year....
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Stereum spadiceum. Fr.
Stereum spadiceum. Fr.
Pilei coriaceous and spreading, reflexed, villous, somewhat ferruginous; margin rather obtuse, whitish, even beneath; smooth, brownish, and bleeding when scratched or bruised....
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Stereum hirsutum. Fr.
Stereum hirsutum. Fr.
Hirsutum means shaggy, hairy. The pilei are coriaceous and spreading, quite hairy, imbricated, more or less zoned, quite tough, often having a greenish tinge from the presence of a minute algæ; naked, juiceless, yellowish, unchanged when bruised or scratched. The hymenium is pale-yellow, smooth, margin entire, often lobed. I find it usually on hickory logs....
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Stereum fasciatum. Schw.
Stereum fasciatum. Schw.
Fasciatum means bands or fillets. Pileus is coriaceous, plane, villous, zonate, grayish; hymenium, smooth, pale-red. Growing on decayed trunks. Common in all of our woods....
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Stereum sericeum. Schw.
Stereum sericeum. Schw.
Figure 383. —Stereum sericeum. Sericeum means silky or satiny; so called from its satin lustre. The plant is very small and easily overlooked, usually growing in a resupinate form; sessile, orbiculate, free, papyraceous, with a bright satin lustre, shining, smooth, pale-grayish color. The plant grows on both sides of small twigs as is shown in the photograph. I do not find it on large trunks but it is quite common on branches. No one will fail to recognize it from its specific name. When I first
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Stereum rugosum. Fr.
Stereum rugosum. Fr.
Rugosum means full of wrinkles. Broadly effused, sometimes shortly reflexed; coriaceous, at length thick and rigid; pileus at length smooth, brownish. The hymenium is a pale grayish-yellow, changing slightly to a red when bruised, pruinose. The spores are cylindrico-elliptical, straight, 11–12×4–5µ. Massee. This is quite variable in form, and agrees with S. sanguinolentum in becoming red when bruised; but it is thicker and more rigid in substance, its pores are straighter and larger....
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Stereum purpureum. Pers.
Stereum purpureum. Pers.
Purpureum means purple, from the color of the plant. Coriaceous but pliant, effuso-reflexed, more or less imbricated, tomentose, zoned, whitish or pallid. The hymenium is naked, smooth, even; in color a pale clear purple, becoming dingy ochraceous, with only a tinge of purple, when dry. The spores are elliptical, 7–8×4µ. I found the plant to be very abundant in December and January, in 1906–7, on soft wood corded up at the paper mill in Chillicothe, the weather being mild and damp....
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Stereum compactum.
Stereum compactum.
Broadly effused, coriaceous, often imbricated and often laterally joined, pileus thin, zoned, finely strigose, the zones grayish-white and cinnamon-brown. The hymenium is smooth, cream-white. This species is found on decayed limbs and trunks of trees....
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Hymenochæte. Lev.
Hymenochæte. Lev.
Hymenochæte is from two Greek words, hymen , a membrane; chæte , a bristle. In this genus the cap or pileus may be attached to the host by a central stem, or at one side, but most frequently upon its back. The genus is known by the velvety or bristly appearance of the fruiting surface, due to smooth, projecting, thick-walled cells. I have found several species but have only been sure of three....
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Hymenochæte rubiginosa. (Schr.) Lev.
Hymenochæte rubiginosa. (Schr.) Lev.
Rubiginosa means full of rust, so called from the color of the plant. The pileus is rigid, coriaceous, resupinate, effused, reflexed, the lower margin generally adhering firmly, somewhat fasciated; velvety, rubiginous or rusty in color, then becoming smooth and bright brown, the intermediate stratum tawny-ferruginous. The hymenium ferruginous and velvety. It is found here upon soft woods such as chestnut stumps and willow....
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Hymenochæte Curtisii. Berk.
Hymenochæte Curtisii. Berk.
Curtisii is named in honor of Mr. Curtis. The pileus is coriaceous, firm, resupinate, effused, reflexed, brown, slightly sulcate; the hymenium velvety with brown bristles. This is common on partially decayed oak branches in the woods....
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Hymenochæte corrugata. Berk.
Hymenochæte corrugata. Berk.
Corrugata means bearing wrinkles or folds. The pileus is coriaceous, effused, closely adnate, indeterminate, cinnamon colored, cracked and corrugated when dry, which gives rise to its name. The bristles are seen, under the microscope, to be joined. Found in the woods on partially decayed branches. Hymenium not distinct from the hymenophore, covering entire outer surface, somewhat fleshy, not coriaceous; vertical, simple or branched. Fries. Most of the species grow on the ground or on well rotted
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Sparassis. Fr.
Sparassis. Fr.
Sparassis, to tear in pieces. The species are fleshy, branched with plate-like branches, composed of two plates, fertile on both sides....
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Sparassis Herbstii. Pk.
Sparassis Herbstii. Pk.
Figure 384. —Sparassis Herbstii. This is a plant very much branched, forming tufts four to five inches high, and five to six inches broad; whitish, inclining to creamy-yellow; tough, moist; the branches numerous, thin, flattened, concrescent, dilated above, spathulate or fan-shaped, often somewhat longitudinally curved or wavy; mostly uniformly colored, rarely with a few indistinct, nearly concolorous, transverse zones near the broad, entire apices. The spores are globose, or broadly elliptical,
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Sparassis crispa. Fr.
Sparassis crispa. Fr.
Crispus , curly. This is a beautiful rosette-like plant, growing quite large at times, very much branched, whitish, oyster-colored, or pale yellow; branches intricate, flat and leaf-like, having a spore surface on both sides. The entire plant forms a large round mass with its leaf-like surface variously curled, folded, and lobed, with a crest-like margin, and springing from a well-marked root, most of which is buried in the ground. No one will have any trouble to recognize it, having once seen i
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Clavaria. Linn.
Clavaria. Linn.
Clavaria is from clavus , a club. This is by far the largest genus in this family, and contains very many edible species, some of which are excellent. The entire genus is fleshy, either branched or simple; gradually thickening toward the top, resembling a club. In collecting clavaria special attention should be given to the character of the apices of the branches, color of the branches, color of spores, the taste of the plant, and the character of the place of its growth. This genus is readily r
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Clavaria flava. Schaeff.
Clavaria flava. Schaeff.
Pale-yellow Clavaria. Edible. Figure 385. —Clavaria flava. Natural size. Flava is from flavus , yellow. The plant is rather fragile, white and yellow, two to five inches high, the mass of branches from two to five inches wide, the trunk thick, much branched. The branches are round, even, smooth, crowded, nearly parallel, pointing upward, whitish or yellowish, with pale yellow tips of tooth-like points. When the plant is old, the yellow tips are likely to be faded, and the whole plant whitish in
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Clavaria aurea. Pers.
Clavaria aurea. Pers.
The Golden Clavaria. Edible. This plant grows from three to four inches high. Its trunk is thick, elastic, and its branches are uniformly a deep golden yellow, often longitudinally wrinkled. The branches straight, regularly forked and round. The stem is stout but thinner than in C. flava. The spores are yellowish and elliptical. It is found in woods during August and September....
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Clavaria botrytes. Pers.
Clavaria botrytes. Pers.
The Red-tipped Clavaria. Edible. Figure 386. —Clavaria botrytes. One-half natural size. Botrytes is from a Greek word meaning a cluster of grapes. This plant differs little from C. flava in size and structure, but it is easily recognized from the red tips of its branches. It is whitish, or yellowish, or pinkish, with its branches red-tipped. The stem is short, thick, fleshy, whitish, unequal. The branches are often somewhat wrinkled, crowded, repeatedly branched. In older specimens the red tips
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Clavaria muscoides. Linn.
Clavaria muscoides. Linn.
Forked Yellow Clavaria. Edible. Muscoides means moss-like. This plant is inclined to be tough, though graceful in growth; slender-stemmed, two or three time forked; smooth; base downy, bright yellow. The branchlets are thin, crescent-shape, acute. The spores are white and nearly round. The plant is usually solitary, not branching as much as some other species; quite dry, very smooth, except at the base, which is downy, in color resembling the yolk of an egg. It is frequently found in damp pastur
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Clavaria amethystina. Bull.
Clavaria amethystina. Bull.
The Amethystine Clavaria. Edible. Figure 387. —Clavaria amethystina. Amethystina means amethyst in color. This is a remarkably attractive plant and easily recognized by its color. It is sometimes quite small yet often grows from three to five inches high. The color of the entire plant is violet; it is very much branched or almost simple; branches round, even, fragile, smooth, obtuse. The spores are elliptical, pale-ochraceous, sub-transparent, 10–12×6–7µ. This plant is quite common around Chilli
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Clavaria stricta. Pers.
Clavaria stricta. Pers.
The Straight Clavaria. Edible. Photo by C. G. Lloyd. Figure 388. —Clavaria stricta. Stricta is a participle from stringo , to draw together. The plant is very much branched, pale, dull-yellow, becoming brownish when bruised; the stem somewhat thickened; branches very numerous and forked, straight, even, densely pressed, tips pointed. The spores are dark cinnamon. It is found on the Huntington hills near Chillicothe. Look for it in August and September....
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Clavaria pyxidata. Pers.
Clavaria pyxidata. Pers.
The Cup Clavaria. Edible. Figure 389. —Clavaria pyxidata. Natural size. Pyxidata is from pyxis , a small box. This plant is quite fragile, waxy, light- tan in color, with a thin main stem, whitish, smooth, variable in length, branching and rebranching, the branches ending in a cup. The spores are white. It is found on rotten wood and is readily recognized by the cup-like tips. The specimen in Figure 389 was found near Columbus and photographed by Dr. Kellerman. Found from June to October....
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Clavaria abietina. Schum.
Clavaria abietina. Schum.
The Fir-wood Clavaria. Figure 390. —Clavaria abietina. Abietina means fir-wood. This plant grows in dense tufts, very much branched, ochraceous, trunk somewhat thickened, short, clothed with a white down; branches straight, crowded, longitudinally wrinkled when dry, branchlets straight. The spores are oval and ochraceous. It can be readily identified by its changing to green when bruised. It is very common on our wooded hillsides. It is found from August to October....
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Clavaria spinulosa. Pers.
Clavaria spinulosa. Pers.
Figure 391. —Clavaria spinulosa. Spinulosa means spiny or full of spines. The trunk of this plant is rather short and thick, at least one-half to one inch thick, whitish. The branches are elongated, crowded, tense and straight; attenuated, tapering upward; color somewhat cinnamon-brown throughout. The spores are elliptical, yellowish-brown, 11–13×5µ. It is usually given as found under pine trees, but I find it about Chillicothe in mixed woods, in which there are no pine trees at all. It is found
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Clavaria formosa. Pers.
Clavaria formosa. Pers.
Beautiful Clavaria. Edible. Figure 392. —Clavaria formosa. Three-fourths its natural size. Formosa is from formosus , meaning finely formed. This plant is two to six inches high, trunk rather thick, often over an inch in thickness; whitish, or yellowish, elastic, the branches numerous, crowded, elongated, divided at the ends into yellow branchlets, which are thin, straight, obtuse or toothed. The spores are elongated-oval, rough, buff-colored, 16×8µ. This is an extremely beautiful plant, very te
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Clavaria cristata. Pers.
Clavaria cristata. Pers.
The Crested Clavaria. Edible. Photo by C. G. Lloyd. Figure 393. —Clavaria cristata. Cristata is from cristatus , crested. This is a smaller plant than the C. flava or C. botrytes. It is usually two to three inches high, white or whitish, the tufts of broad flattened branches, sometimes tinged with a dull pink or creamy-yellow. The branches are numerous, widened and flattened above, deeply cut into several finger-like points, sometimes so numerous as to give it a crested appearance. This peculiar
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Clavaria coronata. Schw.
Clavaria coronata. Schw.
The Crowned Clavaria. Edible. Photo by C. G. Lloyd. Figure 394. —Clavaria coronata. Pale yellow, then fawn color; divided immediately from the base and very much branched; the branches divergent and compressed or angulate, the final branchlets truncate-obtuse at apex and there encircled with a crown of minute processes. Morgan . This plant is found on decayed wood. It is repeatedly branched in twos and forms clusters sometimes several inches in height. It resembles in form C. pyxidata, but it is
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Clavaria vermicularis. Scop.
Clavaria vermicularis. Scop.
White-Tufted Clavaria. Photo by C. G. Lloyd. Figure 395. —Clavaria vermicularis. Small, two to three inches high; cæspitose, fragile, white, club-shaped; clubs stuffed, simple, cylindrical, subulate. Found on lawns, short pastures or in paths in woods. Someone has said they "look like a little bundle of candles." Edible, but too small to gather. June and July....
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Clavaria crispula. Fr.
Clavaria crispula. Fr.
Flexuous Clavaria. Edible. Very much branched, tan-colored, then ochraceous; trunk slender, villous, rooting; branches flexuous, having many divisions, branches of the same color, divaricating, fragile. The spores are creamy-yellow, slightly elliptical. This plant is slightly acrid to the taste and retains a faint trace of acridity even after it is cooked. It is very plentiful in our woods. Found from July to October....
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Clavaria Kunzei. Fr.
Clavaria Kunzei. Fr.
Kunze's Clavaria. Rather fragile, very much branched from the slender cæspitose base; white; branches elongated, crowded, repeatedly forked, subfastigiate, even, equal; axils compressed. Specimens were found on Cemetery Hill under beech trees, and identified by Dr. Herbst. The spores are yellowish....
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Clavaria cinerea. Bull.
Clavaria cinerea. Bull.
Ash-Colored Clavaria. Edible. Cinerea, pertaining to ashes. This is a small plant, growing in groups, frequently in rows, under beech trees. The color is gray or ashy; it is quite fragile; stem thick, short, very much branched, with the branches thickened, somewhat wrinkled, rather obtuse. Its gray color will distinguish it from the other Clavaria....
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Clavaria pistillaris. L.
Clavaria pistillaris. L.
Indian-Club Clavaria. Edible. Figure 396. —Clavaria pistillaris. One-half natural size. Pistillaris is from pistillum , a pestle. They are simple, large, stuffed, fleshy, everywhere smooth, three to ten inches high, attaining to one inch in thickness; light yellow, ochraceous, brownish, chocolate, club-shaped, ovate-rounded, puckered at the top; flesh white, spongy. The spores are white, 10×5µ. They are found in the leaf-mold of mixed woods, and you will sometimes find several growing together.
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Clavaria fusiformis. Sow.
Clavaria fusiformis. Sow.
Spindle-Shaped Clavaria. Edible. Figure 397. —Clavaria fusiformis. Natural size. Fusiformis is from fusus , a spindle, and forma , a form. The plant is yellow, smooth, rather firm, soon hollow, cæspitose; nearly erect, rather brittle, attenuated at each end; clubs somewhat spindle-shaped, simple, toothed, the apex somewhat darker; even, slightly firm, usually with several united at the base. The spores are pale yellow, globose, 4–5µ. They are found in woods and pastures. The plants in the figure
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Clavaria inæqualis. Mull.
Clavaria inæqualis. Mull.
The Unequal Clavaria. Edible. Inæqualis means unequal. Somewhat tufted, quite fragile, from one to three inches high, often compressed, angular, often forked, ventricose; yellow, occasionally whitish, sometimes variously cut at the tip. The spores are colorless, elliptical, 9–10×5µ. One can readily distinguish it from C. fusiformis by the tips, these not being sharp pointed. It is found in clusters in woods and pastures from August to October. As delicious as C. fusiformis....
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Clavaria mucida. Pers.
Clavaria mucida. Pers.
Figure 398. —Clavaria mucida. Mucida means slimy, so named from the soft and watery condition of the plants. The plants are quite small, usually simple yet sometimes branched, club-shaped, one-eighth to an inch high, white, sometimes yellowish, frequently pinkish or rose-tinted. These plants are very small and easily overlooked. It is found on decayed wood. I have found it late in the fall and early in the spring. You can look for it at any time of the year after warm rains or in damp places, on
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Calocera. Fr.
Calocera. Fr.
This plant is gelatinous, somewhat cartilaginous when moist, horny when dry, vertical, simple or branched, cæspitose or solitary. The hymenium is universal; the basidia round and two-lobed, each lobe bearing a single one-spored sterigma. The spores are inclined to be oblong and curved. This genus resembles Clavaria, but is identified by being somewhat gelatinous and viscid when moist and rather horn-like when dry, but especially by its two-lobed basidia....
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Calocera cornea. Fr.
Calocera cornea. Fr.
Photo by C. G. Lloyd. Figure 399. —Calocera cornea. This is unbranched, cæspitose, rooting, even, viscid, orange-yellow or pale yellow; clubs short, subulate, connate at the base. The spores are round and oblong, 7–8×5µ. Found upon stumps and logs, especially upon oak where the timber is cracked, the plants springing from the cracks. When dry they are quite stiff and rigid....
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Calocera stricta. Fr.
Calocera stricta. Fr.
These plants are unbranched, solitary, about one inch high, elongated, base somewhat blunt, even when dry, yellow. Its habitat is very similar to C. cornea but more scattered. C. striata, Fr., is very similar to C. cornea, but is distinguished by its being solitary, and striate or rugose when dry....
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Typhula. Fr.
Typhula. Fr.
Epiphytal. Stem filiform, flaccid; clubs cylindrical, perfectly distinct from hymenium, sometimes springing from a sclerotium; hymenium thin and waxy. This is distinguished from Clavaria and Pistillaria by having its stem distinct from the hymenium. It is a small plant resembling, in miniature, Typha, hence its generic name....
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Typhula erythropus. Fr.
Typhula erythropus. Fr.
Simple; club cylindrical, slender, smooth, white; stem nearly straight, dark red, inclining to be black, springing usually from a blackish and somewhat wrinkled sclerotium. The spores are oblong, 5–6×2–2.5µ. This plant has a wide distribution, and is found in damp places upon the stems of herbaceous plants....
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Typhula incarnata. Fr.
Typhula incarnata. Fr.
Simple; club cylindrical, elongated, smooth; whitish, more or less tinged with pink above; one to two-inches high, base minutely strigose, springing from a compressed brownish sclerotium. The spores are nearly round, 5×4µ. This is a common and beautiful little plant and easily distinguished both by its color and the size and form of its spores. If the collector will watch the dead herbaceous stems in damp places, he will not only find the two just described, but another, differing in color, size
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Lachnocladium. Lev.
Lachnocladium. Lev.
Lachnocladium is from two Greek words meaning a fleece and a branch. Pileus coriaceous, tough, repeatedly branched; the branches slender or filiform, tomentose. Hymenium amphigenous. Fungi slender and much branched, terrestrial, but sometimes growing on wood....
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Lachnocladium semivestitum. B. & C.
Lachnocladium semivestitum. B. & C.
Figure 400. —Lachnocladium semivestitum. Pileus, much branched from a slender stem of variable length, expanded at the angles; the branches filiform, straight, somewhat fasciculate, smooth at the tips and paler in color. This is quite a common specimen on our north hillsides. It is white and quite fragile. Found in damp places in August and September....
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Lachnocladium Micheneri. B. & C.
Lachnocladium Micheneri. B. & C.
Figure 401. —Lachnocladium Micheneri. Coriaceous, tough, pale or whitish; stem well marked, branching from a point, branches numerous, tips pointed; white tomentum at the base of the stem. This plant is very abundant here and is found very generally over the United States. It grows on fallen leaves in woods, after a rain, being found from July to October. Tremellini is from tremo , to tremble. The whole plant is gelatinous, with the exception, occasionally, of the nucleus. The sporophores are la
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Tremella. Fr.
Tremella. Fr.
This plant is so called because the entire plant is gelatinous, tremulous, and without a definite margin, and also without nipple-like elevations....
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Tremella lutescens. Fr.
Tremella lutescens. Fr.
Yellowish Tremella. Edible. This is a small gelatinous cluster, tremulous, convoluted, in wavy folds, pallid, then yellowish, with its lobes crowded and entire. Quite common over the state. It is found on decaying limbs and stumps from July to winter. It dries during absence of rain but revives and becomes tremulous during wet weather. It is called lutescens because of its yellowish color....
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Tremella mesenterica. Retz.
Tremella mesenterica. Retz.
Mesenterica is from two Greek words meaning the mesentery. The plant varies in size and form, sometimes quite flat and thin but generally ascending and strongly lobed; plicated, and convoluted; gelatinous but firm; lobes short, smooth, covered with a frost-like bloom by the white spores at maturity. The spores are broadly elliptical. Common in the woods on decaying sticks and branches....
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Tremella albida. Hud.
Tremella albida. Hud.
The Whitish Tremella. Edible. Figure 402. —Tremella albida. Natural size. Albida, whitish. This plant is very common in the woods about Chillicothe, and everywhere in the state where beech, sugar-maple, and hickory prevail. It is whitish, becoming dingy-brown when dry; expanded, tough, undulated, even, more or less gyrose, pruinose. It breaks the bark and spreads in irregular and scalloped masses; when moist it has a gelatinous consistency, a soft and clammy touch, yielding like a mass of gelati
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Tremella mycetophila. Pk.
Tremella mycetophila. Pk.
Figure 403. —Tremella mycetophila. Mycetophila is from two Greek words, mycetes , fungi; phila , fond of. The plant is so called because it is found growing upon other fungi. Often nearly round, somewhat depressed, circling in folds, sometimes in quite large masses about the stems of the plant, as will be seen in Figure 403, tremelloid-fleshy, slightly pruinose, a dirty white or yellowish. I have found it frequently growing on Collybia drophila, as is the case in Figure 403. Captain McIlvaine sp
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Tremella fimbriata. Pers.
Tremella fimbriata. Pers.
Fimbriata is from frimbriæ , a fringe. It is very soft and gelatinous, olivaceous inclining to black, tufted, two to three inches high, and quite as broad, erect, lobes flaccid, corrugated, cut at the margin, which gives rise to the name of species; spores are nearly pear shaped. Found on dead branches, stumps, and on fence-rails in damp weather. Easily known by its dark color....
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Tremellodon. Pers.
Tremellodon. Pers.
Tremellodon means trembling tooth. These plants are gelatinous, with a cap or pileus; the hymenium covered with acute gelatinous spines, awl-shaped and equal. The basidia are nearly round with four rather stout, elongated sterigmata, spores very nearly round....
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Tremellodon gelatinosum. Pers.
Tremellodon gelatinosum. Pers.
Figure 405. —Tremellodon gelatinosum. Gelatinosum means full of jelly or jelly-like, from gelatina , jelly. The pileus is dimidiate, gelatinous, tremelloid, one to three inches broad, rather thick, extended behind into a lateral thick, stem-like base, pileus covered with a greenish-brown bloom, very minutely granular. The hymenium is watery-gray, covered with hydnum-like teeth, stout, acute, equal, one to two inches long, whitish, soft, inclined to be glaucous. The spores are nearly round, 7–8µ.
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Exidia. Fr.
Exidia. Fr.
Gelatinous, marginal, fertile above, barren below. Exidia may be known by its minute nipple-like elevations....
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Exidia grandulosa. Fr.
Exidia grandulosa. Fr.
Photo by C. G. Lloyd. Plate L. Figure 404.—Excidia glandulosa. This plant is called "Witches' Butter." It varies in color, from whitish to brown and deep cinereous, at length blackish; flattened, undulated, much wrinkled above, slightly plicated below; soft at first and when moist, becoming film-like when dry. Found on dead branches of oak....
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Hirneola. Fr.
Hirneola. Fr.
Hirneola is the diminutive of hirnea , a jug. Gelatinous, cup-shaped, horny when dry. Hymenium wrinkled, becoming cartilaginous when moistened. The hymenium is in the form of a hard skin which covers the cup-shaped cavities, and which can be peeled off after soaking in water, the interstices are without papillæ and the outer surface is velvety....
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Hirneola auricula-Judæ. Berk.
Hirneola auricula-Judæ. Berk.
The Jew's Ear Hirneola. Edible. Figure 406. —Hirneola auricula-Judæ. Photo by C. G. Lloyd. Plate LI. Figure 407.—Hirneola auricula-judae. Auricula-Judæ, the ear of the Jew. The plant is gelatinous; one to four inches across; thin, concave, wavy, flexible when moist, hard when dry; blackish, fuzzy, hairy beneath; when covered with white spores it is cinereous. The hymenium by its corrugations forms depressions such as are found in the human ear. One will not fail to recognize it after seeing it o
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Guepinia spathularia.
Guepinia spathularia.
Photo by C. G. Lloyd. Figure 408. —Guepinia spathularia. Entire plant a light yellow. Yellow, cartilaginous, especially when dry, spathulate, expanded above, hymenium slightly ribbed, contracted where it issues from a log. It is quite common on beech and maple logs. I have seen beech logs, somewhat decayed, quite yellow with this interesting plant....
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Hymenula. Fr.
Hymenula. Fr.
Effused, very thin, maculæform, agglutinate, between wavy or gelatinous. Berk....
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Hymenula punctiformis. B. & Br.
Hymenula punctiformis. B. & Br.
Point-Like Hymenula. Dirty white, quite pallid, gelatinous, punctiform, slightly undulated; consisting of erect simple threads; frequently there is a slight tinge of yellow. The spores are very minute. It looked very much like an undeveloped Peziza when I found it, in fact I thought it P. vulgaris until I had submitted a specimen to Prof. Atkinson. Ascomycetes is from two Greek words: ascos , a sack; mycetes , a fungus or mushroom. All the fungi which belong to this class develop their spores in
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Hymenium at length more or less exposed, the substance soft. The genera are distinguished from the earth-tongues by the cup-like forms of the spore body, but especially by the character of the spore sacs which open by a small lid, instead of spores. The following are some of the genera:...
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Morchella. Dill.
Morchella. Dill.
Morchella is from a Greek word meaning a mushroom. This genus is easily recognized. It may be known by the deeply pitted, and often elongated, naked head, the depressions being usually regular but sometimes resembling mere furrows with wrinkled interspaces. The cap or head varies in form from rounded to ovate or cone shape. They are all marked by deep pits, covering the entire surface, separated by ridges forming a net-work. The spore-sacs are developed in both ridges and depressions. All the sp
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Morchella esculenta. Pers.
Morchella esculenta. Pers.
The Common Morel. Edible. Figure 409. —Morchella esculenta. Two-thirds natural size. The Common Morel has a cap a little longer than broad, so that it is almost oval in outline. Sometimes it is nearly round but again it is often slightly narrowed in its upper half, though not pointed or cone-like. The pits in its surface are more nearly round than in the other species. In this species the pits are irregularly arranged so that they do not form rows, as will be observed in Figure 409. It grows fro
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Morchella deliciosa. Fr.
Morchella deliciosa. Fr.
The Delicious Morel. Edible. Figure 410. —Morchella deliciosa. Two-thirds natural size. This and the preceding species would indicate by their names that they have been held in high esteem for a long time, as Profs. Persoon and Fries, who named them, lived more than a hundred years ago. The Delicious Morel is recognized by the shape of its cap, which is generally cylindrical, sometimes pointed, and slightly curved. The stem is rather short and, like the stem of all Morels, is hollow from the top
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Morchella esculenta var. conica. Pers.
Morchella esculenta var. conica. Pers.
The Conical Morel. Edible. Photo by C. G. Lloyd. Plate LII. Figure 411.—Morchella esculenta var. conica. The Conical Morel is very closely related to M. esculenta and M. deliciosa, from which it differs in having the cap longer than it is wide, and more pointed, so that it is conical or oblong-conical. The plant, as a general thing, grows to [Pg 488] [Pg 489] be larger than the other species. It is, however, pretty hard to distinguish these three species. The Conical Morel is quite abundant abou
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Morchella angusticeps. Pk.
Morchella angusticeps. Pk.
The Narrow-Cap Morel. Edible. Figure 413. —Morchella angusticeps. Angusticeps is from two Latin words: angustus , narrow; caput , head. This species and M. conica are so nearly alike that it is very difficult to identify them with any degree of satisfaction. In both species the cap is considerably longer than broad, but in angusticeps the cap is slimmer and more pointed. The pits, as a general thing are longer than in the other species. They are often found in orchards but are also frequently fo
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Morchella semilibera. D. C.
Morchella semilibera. D. C.
The Hybrid Morel. Edible. Figure 414. —Morchella semilibera. One-half natural size. Semilibera means half free, and it is so called because the cap is bell-shaped and the lower half is free from the stem. The cap is rarely more than one inch long, and is usually much shorter than the stem, as is indicated in Figure 414. The pits on the cap are longer than broad. The stem is white or whitish and somewhat mealy or scurvy, hollow, and often swollen at the base. I found the specimens in Figure 414 a
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Morchella bispora. Sor.
Morchella bispora. Sor.
The Two-Spored Morel. Edible. Figure 415. —Morchella bispora. One-half natural size. Plate LIII. Figure 416.—Morchella bispora. The two-spored Morel. Edible. Showing the cap free from the stem quite to the top. Bispora, two-spored, differs from the other species in the fact that the cap is free from the stem quite to the top. The distinguishing characteristic, which gives name to the species, can be seen only by the aid of a strong microscope. In this species there are only two spores in each as
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Morchella crassipes. Pers.
Morchella crassipes. Pers.
The Gigantic Morel. Edible. Crassipes is from crassus , thick; pes , foot. The cap resembles the cap of M. esculenta in its form and irregular pitting, but it is quite a little larger. The stem is very stout, much longer than the pileus, often very much wrinkled and folded. I have found only a few specimens of this species. Found in April and May....
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Verpa. Swartz.
Verpa. Swartz.
Verpa means a rod. Ascospore smooth or slightly wrinkled, free from the sides of the stem, attached at the tip of the stem, bell-shaped, thin; hymenium covering the entire surface of the ascospore; asci cylindrical, 8-spored. The spores are elliptical, hyaline; paraphyses septate. The stem is inflated, stuffed, rather long, tapering downward....
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Verpa digitaliformis. Pers.
Verpa digitaliformis. Pers.
Figure 417. —Verpa digitaliformis. Digitaliformis is from digitus , a finger, and forma , a form. The pileus is bell-shaped, attached to the tip of the stem, but otherwise free from it; olive-umber in color; smooth, thin, closely pressed to the stem, but always free; the edge sometimes inflexed. The stem is three inches high, tapering downward, furnished at the base with reddish radicels; white, with a reddish tinge; apparently smooth, but under the glass quite scaly; loosely stuffed. The asci a
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Gyromitra. Fr.
Gyromitra. Fr.
Gyromitra is from gyro , to turn; mitra , a hat or bonnet. This genus is so called because the plants look like a hood that is much wrinkled or plaited. Ascophore stipitate; hymenophore subglobose, inflated and more or less hollow or cavernous, variously gyrose and convolute at the surface, which is everywhere covered with the hymenium; substance fleshy; asci cylindrical, 8-spored; spores uniseriate, elongated, hyaline or nearly so, continuous; paraphyses present. Massee....
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Gyromitra esculenta. Fr.
Gyromitra esculenta. Fr.
Plate LIV. Figure 418.—Gyromitra esculenta. Esculenta means edible. This is the largest spore-sac fungus. The original name was Helvella esculenta. It is bay-red, round, wrinkled or convoluted, attached to the stem, irregular, with brain-like convolutions. The stem is hollow when mature, often very much deformed, whitish, scurvy, frequently enlarged or swollen at the base, sometimes lacunose, frequently attenuated upward, at first stuffed; asci cylindrical, apex obtuse, base attenuated, 8-spored
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Gyromitra brunnea. Underwood.
Gyromitra brunnea. Underwood.
The Brown Gyromitra. Edible. Photo by C. G. Lloyd. Figure 419. —Gyromitra brunnea. Brunnea is from brunneus , brown. A stout, fleshy plant, stipitate, three to five inches high, bearing a broad, much contorted, brown ascoma. Stem is ¾ to 1.5 inch thick, more or less enlarged and spongy, solid at the base, hollow below, rarely slightly fluted, clear white; receptacle two to four inches across in the widest direction, the two diameters usually more or less unequal, irregularly lobed and plicate; i
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Helvella elastica. Bull.
Helvella elastica. Bull.
The Peziza-like Helvella. Edible. Photo by C. G. Lloyd. Figure 420. —Helvella elastica. Elastica means elastic, referring to its stem. The pileus is free from the stem, drooping, two to three lobed, center depressed, even, whitish, brownish, or sooty, almost smooth underneath, about 2 cm. broad. The stem is two to three and a half inches high, and three to five lines thick at the inflated base; tapering upward, elastic, smooth, or often more or less pitted; colored like the pileus, minutely velv
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Helvella lacunosa. Afz.
Helvella lacunosa. Afz.
The Cinereous Helvella. Edible. Figure 421. —Helvella lacunosa. Lacunosa, full of pits or pitted. This is a beautiful plant, very closely related to the Morchellas. The pileus is inflated, lobed, cinereous black, lobes deflected, adnate. The stem is hollow, white or dusky, exterior ribbed, forming intervening cavities. The asci are cylindrical, and stemmed. The sporidia are ovate and hyaline. The deep longitudinal grooves in the stem are characteristic of this species. The plants from which the
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Hypomyces. Tul.
Hypomyces. Tul.
Hypomyces means upon a mushroom. It is parasitic on fungi. Mycelium byssoid; perithecia small; asci 8-spored....
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Hypomyces lactifluorum. Schw.
Hypomyces lactifluorum. Schw.
Photo by C. G. Lloyd. Figure 422.—Hypomyces lactifluorum. The entire plant is a bright yellow. Natural size. Lactifluorum means milk-flowing. It is parasitic on Lactarius, probably piperatus, as this species surrounded it. It seems to have the power to change the color into an orange-red mass, in many cases entirely obliterating the gills of the host-species, as will be seen in Figure 422. The asci are long and slender. The sporidia are in one row, spindle-shaped, straight or slightly curved, ro
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Leptoglossum luteum. (Pk.) Sac.
Leptoglossum luteum. (Pk.) Sac.
Figure 423.—Leptoglossum luteum. Leptoglossum is from two Greek words, meaning thin, delicate, and tongue; luteum means yellowish. The club is distinct from the stem, smooth, compressed, generally with a groove on one side; luteous, often becoming brown at the tip or apex. The stem is equal or slightly enlarged above, stuffed, luteous, minutely scaly. The spores are oblong, slightly curved, in a double row, 1-1000 to 1-800 inch long. Peck. These are found quite frequently among moss, or where an
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Spathularia. Pers.
Spathularia. Pers.
This is a very interesting genus, and one that will attract the attention of any one at first sight. It grows in the form of a spathula, from which it receives its generic name. The spore-body is flattened and grows down on both sides of the stem, tapering downward....
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Spathularia flavida. Pers.
Spathularia flavida. Pers.
The Yellow Spathularia. Edible. Photo by C. G. Lloyd. Figure 424.—Spathularia flavida. The spore body is a clear yellow, sometimes tinged with red, shaped like a spathula, the apex blunt, sometimes slightly cleft, the surface wavy, somewhat crisp, growing down the stem on opposite sides further than V. velutipes. The stem is thick, hollow, white, then tinged with yellow, slightly compressed; asci clavate, apex somewhat pointed, 8-spored; spores arranged in parallel fascicles, hyaline, linear-cla
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Spathularia velutipes. C. & F.
Spathularia velutipes. C. & F.
Velvet-foot Spathularia. Edible. Velutipes is from velutum , velvet; pes , foot. The spore body is flattened, shaped like a spathula, spore surface wavy, growing on the opposite sides of the upper part of the stem, tawny-yellow. The stem is hollow, minutely downy or velvety, dark brown tinged with yellow. It will dry quite as well as Morchella. It is found in damp woods on mossy logs. It is not a common plant. Found in August and September....
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Leotia. Hill.
Leotia. Hill.
Receptacle pileate. Pileus orbicular, margin involute, free from the stem, smooth, hymenium covering upper surface. The stem is hollow, central, rather long, continuous with pileus; the whole plant greenish-yellow. Asci club-shaped, pointed, 8-spored. The spores are elliptical and hyaline. The paraphyses are present, usually slender and round....
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Leotia lubrica. Pers.
Leotia lubrica. Pers.
Figure 425.—Leotia lubrica. Lubrica means slippery; so called because the plants are usually slimy. The pileus is irregularly hemispherical, somewhat wrinkled, inflated, wavy, margin obtuse, free from the stem, yellowish olive-green, tremelloid. The stem is one to three inches long, nearly equal, hollow, and continuous with the cap; greenish-yellow, covered with small white granules. The asci are cylindrical, slightly pointed at the apex, 8-spored. The spores are oblong, hyaline, smooth, sometim
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Leotia chlorocephala. Schw.
Leotia chlorocephala. Schw.
Figure 426.—Leotia chlorocephala. Chlorocephala means green head. However, the entire plant is green. They grow in clusters, pileus round, depressed, somewhat translucent, more or less waxy, margin incurved, dark-verdigris-green, sometimes rather dark-green. The stem is rather short, almost equal; green, but often paler than the cap, covered with fine powdery dust, often twisted. Asci cylindric-clavate, apex rather narrowed, 8-spored, spores smooth, hyaline, ends acute, often slightly curved, 17
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Peziza. Linn.
Peziza. Linn.
Peziza means stalkless mushroom. This is a large genus of discomycetous fungi in which the hymenium lines the cavity of a fleshy membranous or waxy cup. They are attached to the ground, decaying wood, or other substances, by the center, though sometimes they are distinctly stalked. They are often beautifully colored and are called fairy cups, blood cups, and cup fungi. They are all cup-or saucer-shaped; externally warted, scurvy or smooth; asci cylindrical, 8-spored. The genus is large. Prof. Pe
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Peziza acetabulum. Linn.
Peziza acetabulum. Linn.
Reticulated Peziza. Edible. Acetabulum, a small cup or vinegar cup. The spore-bearing body stipitate, cup-shaped, dingy, ribbed externally with branching veins, which run up from the short, pitted and hollow stem; mouth somewhat contracted; light umber without and darker within. Found on the ground in the spring....
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Peziza badia. Pers.
Peziza badia. Pers.
Large Brown Peziza. Edible. Photo by C. G. Lloyd. Figure 427. —Peziza badia. Gregarious in its habits; sessile, or narrowed into a very short stout stem, more or less pitted; nearly round and closed at first, then expanded until cup-shaped; margin at first involute; externally covered with a frost-like bloom; disk darker than the external surface, very changeable in color; lobes more or less split and wavy, somewhat thick; spore-sacs cylindrical, apex truncante, sporidia oblong-ovate, epispore r
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Peziza coccinea. Jacq.
Peziza coccinea. Jacq.
The Carmine Peziza. Figure 428. —Peziza coccinea. One-third natural size. Coccinea means scarlet or crimson. Usually growing two or three on the same stick, the color is a very pure and beautiful scarlet, attractive to children; school children frequently bring me specimens, curious to know what they are. Specimens not large, disk clear and pure carmine within, externally white, as is the stem; tomentose, with short, adpressed down; sporidia oblong, 8-spored. It is readily recognized by the pure
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Peziza odorata. Pk.
Peziza odorata. Pk.
The Odorous Peziza. Edible. Gregarious in its habits. Cup yellowish, sessile, translucent, becoming dull brown when old, brittle when fresh, flesh moist and watery; the frame of the cup is separable into two layers; the outer one is rough, while the inner one is smooth. The disk is yellowish-brown. The asci are cylindrical, opening by a lid. On ground in cellars, about barns and outbuildings. A very beautiful cluster grew upon a water-bucket in my stable. The cups were quite large, two and a hal
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Peziza Stevensoni.
Peziza Stevensoni.
Figure 429. —Peziza Stevensoni. This plant is sessile or nearly so, growing on the ground in dense clusters. The specimens in Figure 429 grew in Dr. Chas. Miesse's cellar, in Chillicothe. They grow quite large at times; are ovate, externally grayish-white, covered with a minute down or tomentum, internally reddish-brown, the rim of the cup finely serrated, as will be seen in the figure below. They are found from May to July....
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Peziza semitosta.
Peziza semitosta.
Figure 430. —Peziza semitosta. Semitosta, from its scorched appearance, or umber-like color. The cup is one to one and a half inches across, hemispherical, hirsute-velvety without, date-brown within; margin indexed. The stem is ribbed or wrinkled. Sporidia are subfusiform, .00117 inch long. These plants are found on the ground in damp places. It was formerly called Peziza semitosta or Sarcoscypha semitosta. The plants in Figure 430 were found in August or September on the north side of the Eding
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Peziza aurantia. Fr.
Peziza aurantia. Fr.
Orange-Ground Peziza. Edible. Aurantia means orange color. Subsessile, irregular, oblique, externally somewhat pruinose, whitish. The sporidia are elliptic, rough. Found on the ground in damp woods. The cups are often quite large and very irregular. Found in August and September....
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Peziza repanda. Wahl.
Peziza repanda. Wahl.
Figure 431. —Peziza repanda. Repanda means bent backward. These plants are found in dark moist woods, growing on old, wet logs, or in well wooded earth. The cups are clustered or scattered, subsessile, contracted into a short, stout, stem-like base. When very small they appear like a tiny white knot on the surface of the log. This grows, so that soon a hollow sphere with an opening at the top is produced. The plant now begins to expand and flatten, producing an irregular, flattened disk with sma
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Peziza vesiculosa. Bull.
Peziza vesiculosa. Bull.
The Bladdery Peziza. Edible. Photo by C. G. Lloyd. Figure 432. —Peziza vesiculosa. Often in thick clusters. Those in the center are frequently distorted by mutual pressure; large, entire, sessile , at first globose; closed at first, then expanding; the margin of the cup more or less incurved, sometimes slightly notched; disk pallid-brown, externally; surface is covered with a coarsely granular or warty substance which plainly shows in the photograph. The hymenium is generally separable from the
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Peziza scutellata. Linn.
Peziza scutellata. Linn.
The Shield-Like Peziza. Figure 433. —Peziza scutellata. Very small but will show form under the glass. Becoming plane, vermillion-red, externally paler, hispid towards the margin with straight black hairs. Spores ellipsoid. Found on damp rotten logs from July to October. Very plentiful and very pretty under the magnifying glass....
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Peziza tuberosa. Bull.
Peziza tuberosa. Bull.
The Tuberous Peziza. Figure 434. —Peziza tuberosa. Natural size. Tuberosa, furnished with a tuber or sclerotium. The cup is thin, infundibuliform, bright brown, turning pale. The stem is elongated, springing from an irregular black tuber, called sclerotium. The stems run deep into the earth and are attached to a sclerotium, which will be seen in the halftone. Many fungus plants have learned to store up fungus starch for the new plant. The sporidia are oblong-ellipsoid, simple. It is called by so
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Peziza hemispherica. Wigg.
Peziza hemispherica. Wigg.
Sessile, hemispherical, waxy, externally brownish, clothed with dense, fasciculate hairs; disk glaucous-white. This is called by Gillet Lachnea hemispherica. The cups are small, varying much in color and the sporidia are ellipsoidal. They are found on the ground in September and October. Found in Poke Hollow....
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Peziza leporina. Batsch.
Peziza leporina. Batsch.
Substipitate, elongated on one side, ear-shaped, subferruginous externally, farinose internally; base even. It is sometimes cinereous or yellowish. Sporidia ellipsoidal. This is called frequently Otidea leporina, (Batsch.) Fckl. It is found on the ground in the woods during September and October. Found in Poke Hollow....
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Peziza venosa. P.
Peziza venosa. P.
This plant is saucer-shaped, sometimes many inches broad; sessile, somewhat twisted, dark umber, white beneath, wrinkled with rib-like veins. Odor often strong. Found growing on the ground in leaf mold. Found in the spring, about the last of April, in James Dunlap's woods, near Chillicothe. This is also called Discina venosa, Suec....
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Peziza floccosa. Schw.
Peziza floccosa. Schw.
Figure 435. —Peziza floccosa. Natural size. This is a beautiful plant growing upon partially decayed logs. I have always found it upon hickory logs. The cap is cup-shaped, very much like a beaker. The stem is long and slender, rather woolly; the rim of the cap is fringed with long, strigose hairs. The inner surface of the cup represents the spore-bearing portion. The inside and the rim of the cup are very beautiful, being variegated with deep scarlet and white. Also called Sarcoscypha floccosa.
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Peziza occidentalis.
Peziza occidentalis.
Figure 436.—Peziza occidentalis. Natural size. This is another very showy plant, quite equal in attractiveness to P. floccosa and P. coccinea. The cup is infundibuliform, the outside as well as the stem whitish, and downy, the bowl or disk is reddish-orange. This is known by some authors as Sarcoscypha occidentalis. It grows on rotten sticks upon the ground. May and June....
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Peziza nebulosa. Cooke.
Peziza nebulosa. Cooke.
Figure 437.—Peziza nebulosa. Nebulosa means cloudy or dark, from nebula , a cloud; from its color. Ascophore stipitate, rather fleshy, closed at first, then cup-shaped, becoming somewhat plane, the margin slightly incurved, externally pilose or downy, pale gray or sometimes quite dark. Asci are cylindrical; spores spindle-shaped, straight or bow-shaped, rough, 35–8; paraphyses thread-shaped. These plants are found on decayed stumps or logs in the wood. The woods where I have found them have been
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Urnula craterium. (Schw.) Fr.
Urnula craterium. (Schw.) Fr.
Figure 438.—Urnula craterium. Two-thirds natural size. Urnula means burned; craterium means a small crater; hence the translation is a burned-out crater, which will appear to the student as a very appropriate name. It is a very common and conspicuous Ascomycetous, or cup fungus, growing in clusters on rotten sticks that lie in moist places. When the plants first appear they are small, black stems with scarcely any evidence of a cup. In a short time the end of the stem shows evidence of enlargeme
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Helotium. Fr.
Helotium. Fr.
Disc always open, at first punctiform, then dilated, convex or concave, naked. Excipulum waxy, free, marginate, externally naked....
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Helotium citrinum. Fr.
Helotium citrinum. Fr.
Lemon-Colored Helotium. Figure 439.—Helotium citrinum. Disc-fungus, yellow growing on rotten logs. Slightly magnified. This is a beautiful little Disc-fungus, yellow, growing upon rotten logs in damp woods. They often grow in dense clusters; a beautiful lemon-yellow, the head being plane or concave, with a short, thick, paler stem, forming an inverted cone. Asci elongated, narrowly cylindrical, attenuated at the base into a long, slender, crooked pedicel, 8-spored. Sporidia oblong, elliptical, w
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Helotium lutescens. Fr.
Helotium lutescens. Fr.
Yellowish Helotium. Lutescens means yellowish. The plants are small, sessile, or attached by a very short stem; closed at first, then expanding until nearly plane; disk yellow, smooth; asci clavate, 8 spored; spores hyaline, smooth. Gregarious or scattered. Found on half-decayed branches....
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Helotium æruginosum. Fr.
Helotium æruginosum. Fr.
The Green Helotium. Æruginosum means verdigris-green. Gregarious or scattered, staining the wood on which they grow to a deep verdigris-green; ascophore at first turbinate and closed, then expanding, the margin usually wavy and more or less irregular; flexible, glabrous, even, somewhat contracted, and minutely wrinkled when dry; every part a deep verdigris-green, the disc often becoming paler with a tinge of tan color; 1–4 mm. across; stem 1–3 mm. long, expanding into the ascophore; hypothecium
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Bulgaria. Fr.
Bulgaria. Fr.
Bulgaria—probably first found in that principality. Receptacle orbicular, then truncate, glutinous within, at first closed; hymenium even, persistent, smooth....
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Bulgaria inquinans. Fr.
Bulgaria inquinans. Fr.
The Blackish Bulgaria. Figure 440.—Bulgaria inquinans. Two-thirds natural size. Inquinans means befouling or polluting; so called because of the blackish, gelatinous coating of the cap. Receptacle orbicular, closed at first, then opening, forming a cup, as shown on the right in Figure 440; disk or cup becoming plane; black, sometimes becoming lacunose; tough, elastic, gelatinous, dark-brown, or chocolate, almost black, wrinkled, and rough externally; stem very short, almost obsolete; cup light u
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Cyathus. Pers.
Cyathus. Pers.
Cyathus is from a Greek word meaning a cup. The peridium is composed of three membranes very closely related, closed at first by a white membrane, but finally bursting at the top. Sporangia plane, umbilicate, attached to the wall by an elastic cord....
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Cyathus striatus. Hoffm.
Cyathus striatus. Hoffm.
Striate Cyathus. Photo by C. G. Lloyd. Figure 441. —Cyathus striatus. The plants are small, obconic, truncate, broadly open; externally ferruginous, with a hairy tomentum, internally lead-color, smooth, striated. The sporangia are somewhat trigonous, whitish, broadly umbilicate; covering of the cup thin, evanescent, somewhat thicker underneath, and cottony, often covered with down-like meal. The spores are thick and oblong. This is a very interesting little plant. It is quite widely distributed.
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Cyathus vernicosus. D. C.
Cyathus vernicosus. D. C.
Varnished Cyathus . Figure 442. —Cyathus vernicosus. Vernicosus means varnished. It is bell-shaped, base narrowly subsessile, broadly open above, somewhat wavy; externally rusty-brown, silky tomentose, finally becoming smooth, internally lead-colored. The sporangia are blackish, frequently somewhat pale, even; covering rather thick, sprinkled with a grayish meal. Spores elliptical, colorless, 12–14×10µ. I have frequently seen the ground in gardens and stubble-fields covered with these beautiful
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Cyathus stercoreus.
Cyathus stercoreus.
Figure 443. —Cyathus stercoreus. Stercoreus is from stercus , dung. This species, as the name suggests, is found on manure or manured grounds. Mr. Lloyd gives the following description: "The cups are even inside, and with shaggy hairs outside. When old they become smoother, and are sometimes mistaken for Cyathus vernicosus. However when once learned, the plants can be readily distinguished by the cups. Cyathus stercoreus varies considerably, however, as to shape and size of cups, according to ha
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Crucibulum. Tul.
Crucibulum. Tul.
The peridium consists of a uniform, spongy, fibrous felt, closed by a flat scale-like covering of the same color. The sporangia are plane, attached by a cord, springing from a small nipple-like tubercle. This genus is distinguished from Cyathus, its nearest ally, by the peridial wall, consisting of two layers only....
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Crucibulum vulgare. Tul.
Crucibulum vulgare. Tul.
Photo by C. G. Lloyd. Figure 444. —Crucibulum vulgare. The peridium is tan-colored, thick externally nearly even, internally quite even, smooth, shining; mouths of young plants are covered with a thin yellowish membrane called the epiphragm. When old the cups bleach out and lose their yellow color. The peridioles or eggs are white, that is they are covered with a white membrane. Their yellowish color and white eggs will readily distinguish this species. They are found on decayed weeds, sticks, a
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Nidularia. Tul.
Nidularia. Tul.
The peridium is uniform, consisting of a single membrane; globose, at first closed, finally ruptured or opening with a circular mouth. The sporangia are quite small and numerous, not attached by a funiculus to the peridium, enveloped in mucus....
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Nidularia pisiformis. Tul.
Nidularia pisiformis. Tul.
Pea-Shaped Nidularia. Photo by C. G. Lloyd. Figure 445. —Nidularia pisiformis. Pisiformis is from two Latin words meaning pea and form . The plant is gregarious, nearly round, sessile, rootless, hairy, brown or brownish, splitting irregularly. The sporangia are subrotund or discoidal in form, dark brown, smooth, shining. The spores are colorless, round or elliptical or pear-shaped, produced on sterigmata, 7–8×8–9µ. Sometimes found on the ground and on leaves, but their favorite home is an old lo
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Phalloideæ. Fr.
Phalloideæ. Fr.
Volva universal, the intermediate stratum gelatinous. Hymenium deliquescent. Berkeley's Outlines. The following genera will be represented: Laced Stinkhorn. Photo by C. G. Lloyd. Plate LV. Figure 446. — Phallus duplicatus. Natural size, showing veil. Volva egg-shaped, thick, whitish, frequently having a pinkish tinge. The stem is cylindrical, cellulose, tapering upward. The veil is reticulate, frequently surrounding the whole of the stem from the pileus to the volva, often torn. The pileus is pi
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Phallus Ravenelii. B. & C.
Phallus Ravenelii. B. & C.
Figure 447. —Phallus Ravenelii. Natural size, showing volva at base, receptacle and cap. This plant is extremely abundant about Chillicothe. I have seen hundreds of fully developed plants on a few square yards of old sawdust; and one might easily think that all the bad smells in the world had been turned loose at that place. The eggs in the sawdust can be gathered by the bushel. In Figure 449 is represented a cluster, of these eggs. The section of an egg in the center of the cluster shows the ou
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Lysurus borealis. Burt.
Lysurus borealis. Burt.
Figure 450. —Lysurus borealis. The receptacle is borne on a stalk, hollow, attenuated toward the base, divided above into arms, which do not join at their apices, and which bear the spore mass in their inner surfaces and sides, inclosing the spore mass when young, but later diverging. The stem of the phalloid is white, hollow, attenuated downward; the arms are narrow, lance-shaped, with pale flesh-colored backs, traversed their entire length by a shallow furrow. The egg in the center is about re
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Mutinus. Fr.
Mutinus. Fr.
The gleba is borne directly on the upper portion of the stem, which is hollow and composed of a single layer of tissue; and the plant has no separate pileus, by which characteristic the genus differs from Phallus....
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Mutinus caninus. Fr.
Mutinus caninus. Fr.
Figure 451. —Mutinus caninus. The gleba-bearing portion is short, red or flesh-colored, subacute, wrinkled, the cap or gleba forming the spore-bearing mass which is usually conical, some times oblong or ovoid, covering one-fourth to one-sixth the total length of the stem. The stem is elongated, spindle-shaped, hollow, cylindrical, cellular, white, sometimes rosy. The spores are elliptical, involved in a green mucus, 6×4µ. The plant comes from an egg, which is about the size of a quail's egg. You
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Mutinus elegans. Montagne.
Mutinus elegans. Montagne.
Photo by C. G. Lloyd. Plate LVI. Figure 452.—Mutinus elegans. Natural size, showing an egg and a section of an egg. Figure 453. —Mutinus elegans. One-third natural size, showing volva, white receptacle and red cap. The pileus is acuminate, perforated at apex. The stem is cylindrical, tapering gradually to the apex, whitish or pinkish below, pileus bright red. The volva is oblong-ovoid, pinkish, segments two or three. The spores are elliptical-oblong. Morgan. The odor of this plant is not as stro
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Calvatia. Fr.
Calvatia. Fr.
This genus represents the largest sized puffballs. They have a thick cord-like mycelium rooting from the base. The peridium is very large, breaking away in fragments when ripe and exposing the gleba. The cortex is thin, adherent, often soft and smooth like kid leather, sometimes covered with minute squamules; the inner peridium is thin and fragile, at maturity cracking into areas. The capillitium is a net-work of fine threads through the tissues of spore-bearing portion; tissue, snow white at fi
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Calvatia gigantea. Batsch.
Calvatia gigantea. Batsch.
The Giant Puffball. Edible. Plate LVII. Figure 454.—Calvatia gigantea. This species grows to an immense size (often twenty inches in diameter); round or obovoid, with a thick mycelial cord rooting it to the ground, sessile, cortex white and glossy, sometimes slightly roughened by minute floccose warts, becoming [Pg 532] [Pg 533] yellowish or brown. The inner peridium is thin and fragile, after maturity breaking up into fragments, apparently without any subgleba; capillitium and spores yellowish-
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Calvatia lilacina. Berk.
Calvatia lilacina. Berk.
Lilac Puffball. Edible. Plate LVIII. Figure 456.—Calvatia lilacina . Natural size in a growing state. The peridium is three to six inches in diameter; globose or depressed globose; smooth or minutely floccose or scaly; whitish, cinereous-brown or pinkish-brown, often cracking into areas in the upper part; commonly with a short, thick, stemless base; capillitium and spores purple-brown, these and the upper part of the peridium falling away and disappearing when old, leaving a cup-shaped base with
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Calvatia cælata. Bull.
Calvatia cælata. Bull.
The Carved Puffball. Edible. Photo by C. G. Lloyd. Plate LIX. Figure 458.—Calvatia caelata. Figure 459. —Calvatia cælata. Cælata, carved. Peridium large, obovoid or top-shaped, depressed above, with a stout thick base and a cord-like root. Cortex a thickish floccose layer, with coarse warts or spines above, whitish then ochraceous or finally brown, at length breaking up into areola which are more or less persistent; inner peridium thick but fragile, thinner about the apex, where it finally ruptu
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Calvatia craniiformis. Schw.
Calvatia craniiformis. Schw.
The Brain-Shaped Calvatia. Edible. Plate LX. Figure 460.—Calvatia craniiformis. Figure 461. —The sterile part of C. craniiformis. Craniiformis is from Cranion , a skull; forma , a form. The peridium is very large, obovoid or top-shaped, depressed above, the base thick and stout, with a cord-like root. The cortex is a smooth continuous layer, very thin and fragile, easily peeling off, pallid or grayish, sometimes with a reddish tinge, often becoming folded in areas; the inner peridium is thin, oc
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Calvatia elata. Massee.
Calvatia elata. Massee.
The Stemmed Calvatia. Edible . Figure 462. —Calvatia elata. Elata means tall; so called from its long stem. The peridium is round, often slightly depressed above, plicate below, where it is abruptly contracted into a long stem-like base. The base is slender, round, and frequently pitted; mycelium rather plentiful, fibrous and thread-like. When in good condition it is a rich cream color. The cortex consists of a coat of minute per sistent granules or spinules. The inner peridium is white or cream
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Lycoperdon. Tourn.
Lycoperdon. Tourn.
Mycelium fibrous, rooting from the base. Peridium small, globose, obovoid or turbinate, with a more or less thickened base; cortex a subpersistent coat of soft spines, scales, warts or granules; inner peridium thin, membranaceous, becoming papyraceous, dehiscent by a regular apical mouth. Morgan. This genus includes puffballs with apical openings and is divided into two series, a purple-spored and an olive-spored series. The microscope shows that the gleba is composed of a great number of spores
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Lycoperdon pulcherrimum. B. & C.
Lycoperdon pulcherrimum. B. & C.
The Most Beautiful Puffball. Edible. Specimen from A. P. Morgan. Photo by C. G. Lloyd. Figure 463. —Lycoperdon pulcherrimum. Figure 464. —Lycoperdon pulcherrimum. Pulcherrimum, most beautiful. The peridium is obovoid, with a short base, the mycelium forming a cord like a root. The cortex is covered with long white spines, converging at the apex, as will be seen in Figure 463. The spines soon fall from the upper part of the peridium, leaving the inner peridium with a smooth purplish-brown surface
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Lycoperdon umbrinum. Pers.
Lycoperdon umbrinum. Pers.
The Smooth Puffball. Edible. Umbrinum, dingy umber. Peridium obovate, nearly sub-turbinate, with a soft, delicate, velvety bark; yellowish; inner peridium smooth and glossy, opening by a small aperture. The spores and capillitium, olivaceous, then purplish-brown. The capillitium with a central columella. A very attractive little plant, not frequently found. This plant is also called L. glabellum. In woods, September and October. OLIVE-SPORED SERIES....
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Lycoperdon gemmatum. Batsch.
Lycoperdon gemmatum. Batsch.
The Gemmed Puffball. Edible. Photo by C. G. Lloyd. Plate LXI. Figure 465.—Lycoperdon gemmatum. Natural size. Entirely white when young. From the young to the matured dehiscing plant. The peridium is turbinate, depressed above; the base short and obconic, or more elongated and tapering, or subcylindric, arising from a fibrous mycelium. The cortex consists of long, thick, erect spines or warts of irregular shape, with intervening smaller ones, whitish or gray in color, sometimes with a tinge of re
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Lycoperdon subincarnatum. Pk.
Lycoperdon subincarnatum. Pk.
The Pinkish Puffball. Edible. Photo by C. G. Lloyd. Figure 466. —Lycoperdon subincarnatum. Subincarnatum means pale flesh-color. The peridium is globe-shaped, sessile, without a stem-like base. Not large, rarely over one inch in diameter. The subgleba is present but small. The outer peridium is pinkish-brown, with minute short, stout spinules, which fall away at maturity, leaving the inner ash-colored peridium neatly pitted by the falling off of the spinules of the outer coat, the pits not being
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Lycoperdon cruciatum. Roth.
Lycoperdon cruciatum. Roth.
Photo by C. G. Lloyd. Figure 467. —Lycoperdon cruciatum. Peridium broadly ovate, often much depressed, plicate underneath, with a cord-like root; cortex a dense white coat of convergent spines, which at maturity peel off in flakes, as can be seen in the photograph, revealing a thin furfuraceous layer of minute yellowish scales covering the inner peridium. The subgleba broad, occupying about one-third of the cavity. The spores and capillitium are dark- brown. This species is very hard to distingu
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Lycoperdon Wrightii. B. & C.
Lycoperdon Wrightii. B. & C.
Edible. Figure 468. —Lycoperdon Wrightii. Natural size. The specific name is in honor of Charles Wright. The peridium is globe-like, sessile, white, minutely spinulose, often converging at the apex; when denuded, smooth or minutely velvety. The spores and capillitium greenish-yellow, then brown-olive; the columella present, but very small. Spores small, smooth, 3–4µ. The plants are very small, scarcely more than two cm. in diameter. They are generally cæspitose in short grass, along paths, and i
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Lycoperdon pyriforme. Schaeff.
Lycoperdon pyriforme. Schaeff.
The Pear-Shaped Puffball. Edible. Plate LXII. Figure 469.—Lycoperdon pyriforme. Natural size when young as seen growing on decayed wood. The sections show they are in the edible state. Pyriforme means pear-shaped. The peridium is ovate or pear-shaped, with a profusion of mycelial threads, as will be seen in Figure 470. The cortex is covered with a thin coat of minute brownish scales or granules, which are quite persistent. These can be seen in the photograph by the aid of a glass. They are sessi
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Lycoperdon pusillum. Pr.
Lycoperdon pusillum. Pr.
The Small Lycoperdon. Edible. Pusillum means small. Peridium is one-fourth to one inch broad, globose, scattered or cespitose, sessile, radicating, with but little cellular tissue at the base, white, or whitish, brownish when old, rimose-squamulose or slightly roughened with minute floccose or furfuraceous persistent warts; capillitium and spores greenish-yellow, then dingy olivaceous. Spores smooth 4µ in diameter. Peck. These are found from June to cool weather in the fall, in pastures where th
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Lycoperdon acuminatum. Bosc.
Lycoperdon acuminatum. Bosc.
The Pointed Lycoperdon. Edible. Acuminatum means pointed. The peridium is small, round, then egg-shaped; with a plentiful mass of mycelium in the moss in which the plants seem to delight. The plant is white and the outer rind is soft and delicate. There is no subgleba; the spores and capillitium are pale-greenish-yellow, then a dirty gray. The threads are simple, transparent, much thicker than the spores. The spores are round, smooth, 3µ in diameter. I have found the plants frequently about Chil
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Bovista. Dill.
Bovista. Dill.
The genus Bovista differs from Lycoperdon in several ways. When the Bovista ripens it breaks from its moorings and is blown about by the wind. It opens by an apical mouth, as does the genus Lycoperdon, but the species of Bovista have no sterile base. They are puffballs of small size. The outer coat is thin and fragile and at maturity peels off, leaving an inner coat firm, papery, and elastic, just such a coat as is suitable for the dispersion of its spores. Leaving its moorings at maturity, it i
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Bovista pila. B. & C.
Bovista pila. B. & C.
The Ball-Like Bovista. Photo by C. G. Lloyd. Plate LXIII. Figure 471.—Bovista pila. Natural size of matured specimens. Pila means a round ball. The peridium is globe-like, sessile, with a stout mycelium, a cortex thin, white at first, then brown, forming a smooth continuous coat, breaking up at maturity and rapidly disappearing. The inner peridium is tough, parchment-like, elastic, smooth, persistent, purplish-brown, fading to gray. The dispersion of spores takes place through an apical mouth. T
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Bovista plumbea. Pers.
Bovista plumbea. Pers.
Lead-Colored Bovista. Edible. Figure 472. —Bovista plumbea. Natural size. White when young. The plant is small, never growing to more than an inch and a fourth in diameter. The peridium is depressed globose, with a fibrous mycelium. The outer peridium is rather thick and when the plant is nearing maturity it breaks up readily unless handled very carefully; at maturity it scales off, except a small portion about the base. The outer peridium is white and comparatively smooth, the inner is thin, to
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Bovistella. Morgan.
Bovistella. Morgan.
Bovistella, a diminutive of Bovista, though the plants are usually larger than the Bovistas. The mycelium is cord-like; peridium nearly round, cortex a dense floccose coat; inner peridium thin, strong, elastic, opening by an apical mouth; subgleba present, cup-shaped; threads free and separate, branched; spores white. The genus Bovistella has the internal character of Bovista, and the habits of Lycoperdon....
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Bovistella Ohiensis. Morgan.
Bovistella Ohiensis. Morgan.
Photo by C. G. Lloyd. Figure 473. —Bovistella Ohiensis. Natural size. Peridium globe-like or broadly obovoid, sometimes much depressed, with small plications or wrinkles underneath, and a thick cord-like base or root, as will be seen in Figure 473. The outer coat is dense, floccose, or with soft warts or spines, white or grayish, drying to a buff color, and in time falling away; the inner coat is smooth, shining, with a pale brown or yellowish surface. The subgleba is large, occupying half of th
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Scleroderma. Pers.
Scleroderma. Pers.
Scleroderma is from two Greek words: scleros , hard; derma , skin. The peridium is firm, single, generally thick, usually bursting irregularly, and exposing the gleba, which is of uniform texture and consistency. There is no capillitium, but yellow flocci are found interspersed with the spores. The spores are globose, rough, usually mixed with the hyphæ tissue....
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Scleroderma aurantium. Pers.
Scleroderma aurantium. Pers.
The Common Scleroderma. Edible. Photo by C. G. Lloyd. Plate LXIV. Figure 474.—Scleroderma aurantium. Natural size, showing a section of a young specimen. Figure 475. —Scleroderma aurantium. Aurantium means colored like an orange. This is usually called S. vulgare. The peridium is rough, warty, depressed, globose, corky and hard, yellowish, opening by irregular fissures to scatter the spores; inner mass bluish-black, spores dingy. The plant remains solid until it is quite old. It is sessile, with
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Scleroderma tenerum. Berk.
Scleroderma tenerum. Berk.
Photo by C. G. Lloyd. Figure 476. —Scleroderma tenerum. This species is often regarded as a small form of S. verrucosum, but it always seemed strange to me that this rather smooth plant should be called "verrucosum" when its frequently near neighbor, S. aurantium, is very verrucose. S. tenerum is a very widely distributed species in the United States, somewhat constant as to form and quite frequent in occurrence. Mr. Lloyd, in his Mycological Notes, gives a very clear photograph of a plant that
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Scleroderma Cepa. Pers.
Scleroderma Cepa. Pers.
Cepa meaning an onion; having very much the appearance of an onion. The peridium is thick, smooth, reddish-yellow to reddish-brown, opening by an irregular mouth. The plant is sessile and quite strongly rooted with fine rootlets. Its habitat, with us, is along the banks of small brooks in the woods. It has been classed heretofore as S. vulgare, smooth variety. I sent some to Prof. Peck, who quite agrees that they should be separated from S. vulgare. Found from August to November....
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Scleroderma geaster. Fr.
Scleroderma geaster. Fr.
Photo by C. G. Lloyd. Plate LXV. Figure 477.—Scleroderma geaster. Geaster, so called because it has a star-like opening somewhat similar to the genus Geaster. Peridium subglobose, thick, with a very short stem, or almost—sometimes entirely—sessile; hard, rough, splitting into irregular stellate limbs; frequently well buried in the ground. Inner mass dark-brown or blackish, sometimes with rather a purplish tinge. Some grow quite large with the peridium very thick. My attention was first attracted
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Catastoma. Morgan.
Catastoma. Morgan.
This is a small puffball-like plant, growing just beneath the ground and attached to its bed by very small threads which issue from every part of the cortex, which is quite thick. Breaking away at maturity in a circumscissile manner, the lower part is held fast to the ground, while the upper part remains attached to the inner peridium as a kind of cup. The inner peridium, with the top part of the outer peridium attached, becomes loose and tumbles over the ground, the mouth being in the base of t
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Catastoma circumscissum. B. & C.
Catastoma circumscissum. B. & C.
Photo by C. G. Lloyd. Figure 478. —Catastoma circumscissum. Circumscissum means divided into halves. The peridium is usually round, more or less depressed, commonly rough because of the soil attached; the larger part of the plant remaining in the soil as a cup; the upper part with the inner peridium, depressed-globose, thin, pallid, becoming gray, with branny scales, with a small basal mouth. A thin spongy layer will frequently be seen between the outer and inner peridium. The mass of the spores
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This tribe is characterized by having a stalk continuous with the apex of the peridium, forming an axis. Some of the plants are short stalked, some long stalked. The tribe forms a natural connecting link between the Gastromycetes and the Agarics. Thus: Podaxon is a true Gastromycetes, with capillitia mixed with spores; Caulogossum, with its permanent gleba chambers, is close to the Hymenogasters; Secotium is only a step from Caulogossum, the tramal plates being more sinuate-lamellate; and Montag
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Secotium. Kunz.
Secotium. Kunz.
This is a very interesting genus. When I found my first specimen I was much in doubt whether it was an Agaric or a puffball, as it seemed to be a sort of connecting link between the two classes. The genus is divided into smooth-spored and rough-spored species, both having a stalk continuing, as an axis, to the apex of the plant. The peridium is round or conical and it dehisces by breaking away at the base. Secotium is from a Greek word meaning chamber....
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Secotium acuminatum. Montagne.
Secotium acuminatum. Montagne.
Figure 479. —Secotium acuminatum. Life size of small specimens. This is an exceedingly variable species, as found about Chillicothe, yet the variability extends only to the outward appearance of the plant; some are almost round, slightly depressed, some (and a large majority) are inclined to be irregularly cone-shaped. The peridium is light-colored, of a soft texture, not brittle; it slowly expels its spores by breaking away at the base; the stalk is usually short, but distinct and prolonged to
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Polysaccum. DeC.
Polysaccum. DeC.
Polysaccum is from polus , many, and saccus , a sack. Peridium irregularly globose, thick, attenuated downward into a stem-like base, opening by disintegration of its upper portion; internal mass or gleba divided into distinct sac-like cells. Allied to Scleroderma and distinguished by the cavities of the gleba containing distinct peridioles. Massee....
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Polysaccum pisocarpium. Fr.
Polysaccum pisocarpium. Fr.
Figure 480. —Polysaccum pisocarpium. Pisocarpium is from two Greek words meaning pea and fruited. Peridium irregularly globose, indistinctly nodulose, passing downward into a stout stem-like base, peridioles irregularly angular, 4–5×3µ, yellow. Spores globose, warted, coffee-color, 9–13µ. Massee. I have found this plant only a few times about Chillicothe. Mr. Lloyd identified it for me. It has very much the shape of a pear. The skin is quite hard, smooth, olivaceous-black with yellow mottling pa
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Mitremyces. Nees.
Mitremyces. Nees.
Mitremyces is made up of two words: mitre , a cap; myces , a mushroom. It is a small genus, there being but three species found in this country. The spore-mass or gleba, in its young state, is surrounded by four layers. The outer layer is gelatinous and behaves itself somewhat differently in each species. This outer layer is known as the volva or volva-like peridium, which soon disappears. The next layer is called the exoperidium and is composed of two layers, the inner one quite thin and cartil
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Mitremyces cinnabarinus. Desv.
Mitremyces cinnabarinus. Desv.
Figure 481. —Mitremyces cinnabarinus. Natural size. The rooting strands are long, compact, dark when dry. Exporidium bright red, smooth internally; the outer layer thick, gelatinous when fresh, finally breaking into areas and curling inward. The separation is caused by the fact that the cells of the thick gelatinous portion expand by the absorption of water, while those of the inner layer do not, hence the rupture occurs. The endoperidium and rayed mouth are bright red when fresh, partially fadi
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Geaster. Mich.
Geaster. Mich.
Geaster, an earth-star; so called because at maturity the outer coat breaks its connection with the mycelium in the ground and bursts open like the petals of a flower; then, becoming reflexed, those petals lift the inner ball from the ground and it remains in the center of the expanded, star-like coat. The coat of the inner ball is thin and papery, and opens by an apical mouth. The threads, or capillitium, which bear the spores proceed from the walls of the peridium and form the central columell
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Geaster minimus. Schw.
Geaster minimus. Schw.
Photo by C. G. Lloyd. Figure 482. —Geaster minimus. Natural size. The outer coat or exoperidium recurved, segments acute at the apex, eight to twelve segments divided to about the middle. Mycelial layer usually attached, generally shaggy with fragments of leaves or grass, sometimes partly or entirely separating. Fleshy layer closely attached, very light in color, usually smooth on the limb of the exoperidium but cracked on the segments. Pedicel short but distinct. The inner peridium ovoid, one-f
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Geaster hygrometricus. Pers.
Geaster hygrometricus. Pers.
Water-Measuring Earth-Star. Photo by C. G. Lloyd. Figure 483. —Geaster hygrometricus. Natural size. The unexpanded plant is nearly spherical. The mycelial layer is thin, tearing away as the plant expands, the bark or skin falling with the mycelium. The outer coat is deeply parted, the segments, acute at the apex, four to twenty; strongly hygrometric, becoming reflexed when the plant is moist, strongly incurved when the plant is dry. The inner coating is nearly spherical, thin, sessile, opening b
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Geaster Archeri. Berk.
Geaster Archeri. Berk.
Figure 484. —Geaster Archeri. Young plant acute. Exoperidium cut beyond the middle into seven to nine acute segments. In herbarium specimens usually saccate but sometimes revolute. Mycelial layer closely adherent, compared to previous species relatively smooth. As in the previous species the mycelium covers the young plant but is not so strongly developed, so that the adhering dirt is not so evident on the mature plant. Fleshy layer when dry, thin and closely adherent. Endoperidium globose, sess
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Geaster asper. Michelius.
Geaster asper. Michelius.
Photo by C. G. Lloyd. Figure 485. —Geaster asper. Natural size. Exoperidium revolute, cut to about the middle in eight to ten segments. Both mycelial and fleshy layers are more closely adherent than in most species. Pedicel short and thick . Inner peridium subglobose, verrucose . Mouth conical, beaked, strongly sulcate, seated on a depressed zone. Columella prominent, persistent. Capillitium threads simple, long tapering. Spores globose, rough. The characteristic of this plant is the verrucose i
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Geaster triplex. Jung.
Geaster triplex. Jung.
Plate LXVI. Figure 486.—Geaster triplex. The unexpanded plant acute. Exoperidium recurved (or, when not fully expanded, somewhat saccate at base), cut to the middle (or usually two-thirds) in five to eight segments. Mycelial layer adnate. Fleshy layer generally peeling off from the segments of the fibrillose layer but usually remaining partially free, as a cup at base of inner peridium. Inner peridium subglobose, closely sessile. Mouth definite, fibrillose, broadly conical. Columella prominent,
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Geaster saccatus. Fr.
Geaster saccatus. Fr.
Photo by C. G. Lloyd. Figure 487. —Geaster saccatus. Natural size. The unexpanded plant is globose. Mycelium is universal. Exoperidium cut in six to ten segments about half way, the limb deeply saccate. Mycelial layer adnate to fibrillose. Fleshy layer, when dry, thin, adnate. Inner peridium sessile, globose, with a determinate fibrillose mouth. The spores are globose, almost smooth. Lloyd. Mr. Lloyd thinks this plant is practically the same as the G. fimbriatus of Europe, differing from it in b
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Geaster mammosus. Chev.
Geaster mammosus. Chev.
Photo by C. G. Lloyd. Figure 488. —Geaster mammosus. Exporidium thin, rigid, hygroscopic, smooth, divided almost to the base into about ten linear segments, often umbilicate at the base; inner peridium globose, smooth, sessile, furnished with a conical, even, protruding mouth, seated on a definite area. Columella short, globose, evident (though distinct in mature plants). Capillitium simple, tapering, hyaline, often flattened, slightly thinner than the spores. Spores globose, roughened, 3–7 mc.
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Geaster velutinus. Morg.
Geaster velutinus. Morg.
Photo by C. G. Lloyd. Figure 489. —Geaster velutinus. Unexpanded plants globose, sometimes slightly pointed at apex. Mycelium basal. Outer layer rigid, membranaceous, firm, light colored in the American plant. The surface is covered with short, dense, appressed velumen, so that to the eye the surface appears simply dull and rough, but its true nature is readily seen under a glass of low power. The outer surface separates from the inner as the plant expands, and in mature specimens is usually par
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Myriostoma coliformis. Dick.
Myriostoma coliformis. Dick.
Figure 490. —Myriostoma coliformis. Natural size. Exporidium usually recurved, cut to about the middle into six to ten lobes; if collected and dried when first open, rather firm and rigid; when exposed to weather becoming like parchment paper by the peeling off of the inner and outer layers. Inner peridium, subglobose, supported on several more or less confluent pedicels. Surface minutely roughened; mouths several, appressed fibrillose, round, plain or slightly elevated; columellæ several, filif
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Cordyceps. Fr.
Cordyceps. Fr.
Cordyceps is from a Greek word meaning a club and a Latin word meaning a head. It is a genus of Pyrenomycetous fungi of which a few grow upon other fungi, but by far the greater number are parasitic upon insects or their larva, as will be seen in Figure 491. The spores enter the breathing openings along the sides of the larva and the mycelium grows until it fills the interior of the larva and kills it. In fructification a stalk rises from the body of the insect or larva and in the enlarged extre
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Cordyceps Herculea. (Schw.) Sacc.
Cordyceps Herculea. (Schw.) Sacc.
Figure 491. —Cordyceps herculea. Showing the grub upon which this species grows. Herculea is so called from its large size. The halftone will readily identify this species. The plant is quite large, clavate in form, the head oblong, round, slightly tapering upward with a decided protuberance at the apex, as will be seen in Figure 491. The head is a light yellow in all specimens I found, not alutaceous as Schw. states, nor is the head obtuse. I found several specimens on a sidehill in Haynes's Ho
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Cordyceps militaris. Fr.
Cordyceps militaris. Fr.
Figure 492. —Cordyceps militaris. This is much smaller and more common than C. Herculea. Conidia—Subcæspitose, white; stem distinct, simple, becoming smooth; clubs incrassated, mealy; Conidia globose. Ascophore—Fleshy, orange-red; head clavate, tuberculose; stem equal; sporidia long, breaking up into joints. This is frequently called Torrubia militaris. It is known as the caterpillar fungus. Its spores are cylindrical and are produced upon orange-red fruiting bodies in the fall. As soon as the s
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Cordyceps capitata. Fr.
Cordyceps capitata. Fr.
Photo by C. G. Lloyd. Figure 493. —Cordyceps capitata. Natural size. This plant is fleshy, capitate, head ovate, bay-brown, stem yellow, then blackish. This plant is parasitic on Elaphomyces granulatus. It is shown at the base of the stem of the plant. It grows two or three inches under the surface and somewhat resembles a truffle in appearance. Both are very interesting plants. The plant in Figure 493 was found near Boston, Mass. They are usually found in pine woods, often in tufts. The stems a
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Lycogala epidendrum. Fr.
Lycogala epidendrum. Fr.
Figure 494. —Lycogala epidendrum. This is called the Stump Lycogala. It is quite common, seeming in a certain stage to be a small puffball. The peridium has a double membrane, papery, per sistent, bursting irregularly at the apex; externally minutely warty, nearly round, blood-red or pinkish, then brownish; mouth irregular; spores becoming pale, or violet....
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Reticularia maxima. Fr.
Reticularia maxima. Fr.
This is quite common on partially decayed logs. The peridium is very thin, tuberculose, effused, delicate, olivaceous-brown; spores olive, echinulate or spiny....
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Didymius xanthopus. Fr.
Didymius xanthopus. Fr.
These are very small yellow-stemmed plants, found on oak leaves in wet weather. The sporangium has an inner membranaceous peridium; the whole is round, brown, whitish. The stem is elongated, even, yellow. The columella is stipitate into the sporangia....
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D. cinereum. Fr.
D. cinereum. Fr.
Sporangia sessile, round, whitish, covered with an ashy-gray scurf. Spores black. Very small. On fallen oak leaves. Easily overlooked....
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Xylaria. Schrank.
Xylaria. Schrank.
Xylaria means pertaining to wood. It is usually vertical, more or less stipitate. The stroma is between fleshy and corky, covered with a black or rufous bark....
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Xylaria polymorpha. Grev.
Xylaria polymorpha. Grev.
Figure 495. —Xylaria polymorpha. Natural size. Polymorpha means many forms. It is nearly fleshy, a number usually growing together, or gregarious; thickened as if swollen, irregular; dirty-white, then black; the receptacle bearing perithecia in every part. This plant is quite common in our woods, growing about old stumps or on decayed sticks or pieces of wood. The spore-openings can be seen with an ordinary hand-glass....
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Xylaria polymorpha, var. spathularia.
Xylaria polymorpha, var. spathularia.
Figure 496. —Xylaria polymorpha var. spathularia. Natural size. Spathularia means in the form of a spathula or spatula. It is vertical and stipitate, the stem being more definite than in the X. polymorpha, the stroma being between fleshy and corky, frequently growing in numbers or gregarious, turgid, fairly regular, dirty-white, then brownish-red, finally black. An ordinary hand glass will show how it bears perithecia in all its parts. This will be clearly seen in the section on the right. These
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Stemonitis. Gled.
Stemonitis. Gled.
Stemonitis is from a Greek word which means stamen, one of the essential organs of a flower. This is a genus of myxomycetous fungi, giving name to the family Stemonitaceæ, which has a single sporangium or æthalium; without the peculiar deposits of lime carbonate which characterize the fructification of other orders, and the spores, capillitium, and columella are usually uniformly black, or brownish....
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Stemonitis fusca. Roth.
Stemonitis fusca. Roth.
Figure 497. —Stemonitis fusca. Natural size. Fusca means dark-brown, smoky. The sporangia are cylindrical and pointed at the apex, peridia fugacious, exposing the beautiful net-work of the capillitium. The reticulate capillitium springs from the dark, penetrating stem. This is a very beautiful plant when studied with an ordinary hand-glass. I have frequently seen an entire log covered with this plant....
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Stemonitis ferruginea. Ehrb.
Stemonitis ferruginea. Ehrb.
Ferruginea means rust color. The sporangia is very similar to that of S. fusca, cylindrical, peridium fugacious, exposing the reticulate capillitium, but instead of being dark-brown it is a yellowish or rusty-brown color....
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Stewed Mushrooms. No. 1.
Stewed Mushrooms. No. 1.
Choose them as nearly as possible of uniform size and free from insects. Drop them in salt water for five minutes to free them from any insects that may be hidden in the gills; drain them and wipe dry and clean with a rather rough cloth; cut off the stems close to the cap. Put them into a granite or porcelain saucepan, cover closely and stew gently fifteen minutes. Salt to taste. Rub a tablespoonful of butter into about a tablespoonful of flour, and stir this into the mushrooms, letting boil thr
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Stewed Mushrooms. No. 2.
Stewed Mushrooms. No. 2.
Clean mushrooms as directed above and stew in water ten minutes; then drain off part of the water and put in as much warm milk as you have poured off water; let this stew for five to ten minutes; then add some drawn butter, or veal or chicken gravy, and salt and pepper to taste. Thicken with a little corn starch wet in cold milk. Serve hot. In cooking mushrooms they should always be kept as closely covered as possible in order the better to retain the flavor, and they should never be subjected t
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Baked Mushrooms.
Baked Mushrooms.
Be sure your mushrooms are fresh and free from insects; cut off the stems close to the caps and wipe the tops with a wet cloth. Arrange them in a pie dish with the gills uppermost, laying a little bit of butter on each; sprinkle pepper, salt, and a very little mace upon them. Put them into a hot oven and bake from fifteen minutes to half an hour, according to the tenderness of the mushrooms; if they are in danger of getting too dry baste them occasionally with butter and water. Pour over them so
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Broiled Mushrooms.
Broiled Mushrooms.
Select the finest and freshest you can get and prepare as for baking; put into a deep dish and pour over them some melted butter, turning them over and over in it. Salt and pepper and let them lie for an hour and a half in the butter. Put them, gills uppermost, on an oyster gridiron over a clear hot fire, turning them over as one side browns. Put them on a hot dish, having them well seasoned with butter, pepper, and salt and with a few drops of lemon juice squeezed upon each, if liked....
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Mushroom and Veal Ragout.
Mushroom and Veal Ragout.
Take equal quantities of cold veal steak or roast veal and small puffballs or other mushrooms, and mince all fine; mince a small onion and put with the mushrooms and meat into a pan with some cold veal gravy, if you have it, and water enough to cover the mixture. Add a tablespoonful of butter, pepper and salt well, and let the mixture cook until it is almost dry, stirring it frequently to keep it from scorching; it should cook fully half an hour. When almost done, add a large tablespoonful of go
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Mushroom Patés.
Mushroom Patés.
Wash mushrooms well, cut them into small pieces and drop them in salt water for five minutes. Have ready in a pan upon the stove about two ounces of butter to each pint of mushrooms, having pan and butter very hot but not scorching; dip the mushrooms from the salt water with a skimmer and drop them into the hot butter; cover them closely to retain the flavor, shaking the pan or stirring them over to keep them from scorching or sticking. Let them cook with moderate heat from fifteen to thirty min
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Baked Beefsteak With Mushroom Sauce.
Baked Beefsteak With Mushroom Sauce.
Have your sirloin steak cut an inch or more thick, put into an exceedingly hot baking pan on top of the stove, in one minute turn steak over so that both sides will be seared. Put the pan into an exceedingly hot oven and allow it to remain for twenty minutes. Have ready in a saucepan two tablespoonfuls of melted butter, heat well and add two cupfuls of fresh, clean mushrooms which have been allowed to stand in salt water for a period of five minutes; cover closely and cook briskly without burnin
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Stuffed Morels.
Stuffed Morels.
Choose the freshest and best morels; cleanse them thoroughly by allowing the water from the faucet to run on them; open the stalk at the bottom; fill with veal stuffing, anchovy or any rich forcemeat you choose, securing the ends and dressing between slices of bacon; bake for a half an hour, basting with butter and water, and serve with the gravy which comes from them....
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Fried Morels.
Fried Morels.
Wash a dozen morels carefully and cut off the ends of the stems. Split the mushrooms and put them into a pan in which two tablespoonfuls of butter have been melted. Cover closely and cook with a moderate heat for fifteen minutes. Mix two teaspoonfuls of corn starch in a half a pint of fresh milk and pour into the pan with the mushrooms, allowing it to boil for a minute or two; salt and pepper to taste and serve hot, upon toast if liked....
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To Cook Boleti.
To Cook Boleti.
Cut off the stems, and remove the spore-tubes, after having wiped the caps clean with a damp cloth. They may be broiled in a hot buttered pan, turning them frequently until done, which will be about fifteen minutes. Dust with salt and pepper and put bits of butter over them as you would on broiled beefsteak. They may be stewed in a little water in a covered saucepan, after being cut into pieces of equal size. Stew for twenty minutes and when done add pepper, salt, butter or cream. Or they may be
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Mushroom Catsup.
Mushroom Catsup.
To two quarts of mushrooms allow a quarter of a pound of salt. The full grown mushrooms are better in making this as they afford more juice. Put a layer of mushrooms in the bottom of a stone jar, sprinkle with salt; then another layer of mushrooms till you have used all; let them lie thus for six hours, then break them into bits. Set in a cool place for three days, stirring thoroughly every morning. Strain the juice from them, and to every quart allow half an ounce of allspice, the same quantity
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Mushrooms With Bacon.
Mushrooms With Bacon.
Take some full-grown mushrooms, and, having cleaned them, procure a few rashers of nice streaky bacon and fry it in the usual manner. When nearly done add a dozen or so of mushrooms and fry them slowly until they are cooked. In the cooking they will absorb all the fat of the bacon, and with the addition of a little salt and pepper will form a most appetizing breakfast relish....
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The Hydnums are sometimes slightly bitter and it is well to boil them for a few minutes and then throw away the water. Drain the mushrooms carefully; add pepper and salt, butter, and milk; cook in a covered saucepan slowly for twenty or twenty-five minutes; have ready some slices of toast, pour the mushrooms over these and serve at once....
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Oyster Mushrooms.
Oyster Mushrooms.
One of the best ways to cook an Oyster mushroom is to fry it as you fry an oyster. Use the tender part of the Oyster mushroom; clean thoroughly; add pepper and salt; dip in beaten egg and then bread crumbs and fry in fat or butter. Or parboil them for forty-five minutes, drain, roll in flour and fry. The Oyster mushroom is also excellent when stewed....
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Lepiota procera.
Lepiota procera.
Clean the caps with a damp cloth and cut off the stem close to the caps; broil lightly on both sides over a clear fire or in a very hot pan, turning the mushrooms carefully three or four times; have ready some freshly-made, well-buttered toast; arrange the mushrooms on the toast and put a small piece of butter on each and sprinkle with pepper and salt; set in the oven or before a brisk fire to melt the butter, then serve quickly. Some persons think that slices of bacon toasted over the mushrooms
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Beefsteak Smothered in Mushrooms.
Beefsteak Smothered in Mushrooms.
Have ready a sufficient quantity of full-grown mushrooms, carefully cleaned; cut them in pieces and put into a baking pan with a tablespoonful of butter to two cupfuls of mushrooms, sprinkle with pepper and salt, and bake in a moderate oven forty-five minutes. Broil your steak until it is almost done; then put it into the pan with a part of the mushrooms under and the remainder over the steak; put it into the oven again and allow it to remain for ten minutes; turn out upon a hot dish and serve q
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BY PROF. LAMBERT, The American Spawn Co., St. Paul, Minn. GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS. —Commercially, and in a restricted sense, the term "mushroom" is generally used indiscriminately to designate the species of fungi which are edible and susceptible of cultivation. The varieties which have been successfully cultivated for the market are nearly all derived from Agaricus campestris , Agaricus villaticus , and Agaricus Arvensis . They may be white, cream or creamy-white, or brown; but the color is not
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It is customary to write, after the name of the plant, the name, or an abbreviation of it, of the person who gave the name. Below will be found a brief history and the name in full of each abbreviation....
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Clitocybe metachroa, page 95. Boletus parvus, page 361. Polyporus Berkeleyi, page 392. Tricholoma resplendens, page 600. This page of the manuscript was used in making the sample pages and for some reason was not replaced, which will account for its coming out of order....
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Tricholoma resplendens. Fr.
Tricholoma resplendens. Fr.
The Shining Tricholoma. Edible. Figure 504. —Tricholoma resplendens. Entire plant white. Resplendens means shining brightly. The pileus is fleshy, convex, then nearly plane, even, bare, viscid, white, sometimes hyaline-spotted or yellowish on the disk, shining when dry, margin straight. Flesh white, taste mild, odor pleasant. The gills are nearly free when young, then emarginate, somewhat crowded, rather thick, entire, white. The stem is solid, bare, subbulbose, even, white, dry. The spores are
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