"Out Of The East
Lafcadio Hearn
2 chapters
55 minute read
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2 chapters
AUTHOR OF "GLIMPSES OF UNFAMILIAR JAPAN" "As far as the east is from the west—"
AUTHOR OF "GLIMPSES OF UNFAMILIAR JAPAN" "As far as the east is from the west—"
TO NISHIDA SENTARŌ IN DEAR REMEMBRANCE OF IZUMO DAYS "The Dream of a Summer Day" first appeared in the "Japan Daily Mail."...
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The hotel seemed to me a paradise, and the maids thereof celestial beings. This was because I had just fled away from one of the Open Ports, where I had ventured to seek comfort in a European hotel, supplied with all "modern improvements." To find myself at ease once more in a yukata, seated upon cool, soft matting, waited upon by sweet-voiced girls, and surrounded by things of beauty, was therefore like a redemption from all the sorrows of the nineteenth century. Bamboo-shoots and lotus-bulbs w
54 minute read
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