Mons, Anzac And Kut
Aubrey Herbert
25 chapters
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25 chapters
Journals , in the eyes of their author, usually require an introduction of some kind, which, often, may be conveniently forgotten. The reader is invited to turn to this one if, after persevering through the pages of the diary, he wishes to learn the reason of the abrupt changes and chances of war that befell the writer. They are explained by the fact that his eyesight did not allow him to pass the necessary medical tests. He was able, through some slight skill, to evade these obstacles in the fi
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MONS 1914
MONS 1914
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MONS August 12-September 13, 1914
MONS August 12-September 13, 1914
On Wednesday, August 12, 1914, my regiment left Wellington Barracks at seven in the morning. I fell into step in the ranks as they went out of the gateway, where I said good-bye to my brother, who left that day. It was very quiet in the streets, as the papers had said nothing about the movement of troops. On the march the wives and relations of men said good-bye to them at intervals, and some of our people came to see us off at the station, but we missed them. We entrained for Southampton—Tom, R
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ANZAC 1915
ANZAC 1915
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ANZAC, 1915
ANZAC, 1915
When I was passed fit for Active Service, after some time in hospital, I left England for Egypt with five other officers. Four of these had strange histories. One is, perhaps, the most romantic figure of the war, another now governs a great Province, while two, after many adventures, were prisoners of war in Turkey, for different but dreary periods. I was sent to the East because it had been my fortune to have travelled widely, and I had a fairly fluent smattering of several Eastern languages. O
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KUT 1916
KUT 1916
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KUT, 1916
KUT, 1916
After some months of convalescence, I was passed fit for Active Service. Admiral Wemyss, Commander-in-Chief of the East Indian Fleet, had done me the honour to ask me to serve under him, when I was well again, as his liaison and Intelligence officer. I accepted very gladly, for I knew how devoted to him were all those who served Admiral Wemyss. The unappreciative War Office showed no reluctance in dispensing with my services, but my orders got lost, and it was only late in February when I left.
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Mr. Edward Arnold’s AUTUMN ANNOUNCEMENTS, 1919. JOHN REDMOND’S LAST YEARS. By STEPHEN GWYNN. With Portrait. 1 vol. Demy 8vo. 16s. net.
Mr. Edward Arnold’s AUTUMN ANNOUNCEMENTS, 1919. JOHN REDMOND’S LAST YEARS. By STEPHEN GWYNN. With Portrait. 1 vol. Demy 8vo. 16s. net.
The “History of John Redmond’s Last Years,” by Stephen Gwynn, is in the first place an historical document of unusual importance. It is an account of Irish political events at their most exciting period, written by an active member of Mr. Redmond’s party who was in the confidence of his chief. The preliminary story of the struggle with the House of Lords and the prolonged fight over Home Rule is described by a keen student of parliamentary action. For the period which began with the war Mr. Gwyn
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A PHYSICIAN IN FRANCE. By Major-General Sir WILMOT HERRINGHAM, K.C.M.G., C.B., Physician to St. Bartholomew’s Hospital; Consulting Physician to the Forces Overseas. 1 vol. Demy 8vo. 15s. net.
A PHYSICIAN IN FRANCE. By Major-General Sir WILMOT HERRINGHAM, K.C.M.G., C.B., Physician to St. Bartholomew’s Hospital; Consulting Physician to the Forces Overseas. 1 vol. Demy 8vo. 15s. net.
How the war, as seen at close quarters, struck a man eminent in another profession than that of arms is the distinguishing feature of this volume of personal impressions. It is not, however, merely the outcome of a few weeks’ sojourn or “trip to the trenches,” with one eye on an expectant public, for the author has four times seen autumn fade into winter on the flat country-side of Flanders, and, when the war ended, was still at his post rendering invaluable services amidst unforgettable scenes.
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LONDON MEN IN PALESTINE. By ROWLANDS COLDICOTT. With maps. 1 vol. Demy 8vo. 12s. 6d. net.
LONDON MEN IN PALESTINE. By ROWLANDS COLDICOTT. With maps. 1 vol. Demy 8vo. 12s. 6d. net.
This book embraces so much more than the ordinary war story that we have a peculiar difficulty in describing it in a few chosen words. The curtain lifts the day after the battle of Sheria, one of the minor fights in General Allenby’s first campaign—those movements of troops which came only to a pause with the capture of Jerusalem. Gaza has just been taken. You are introduced to one of the companies of a London battalion serving in the East, of which company the author is commander. The reading o
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MONS, ANZAC, AND KUT. By an M.P. 1 vol. Demy 8vo. 14s. net.
MONS, ANZAC, AND KUT. By an M.P. 1 vol. Demy 8vo. 14s. net.
The writer of these remarkable memoirs, whose anonymity will not veil his identity from his friends, is a man well known, not only in England, but also abroad, and the pages are full of the writer’s charm, and gaiety of spirit, and “courage of a day that knows not death.” Day by day, in the thick of the most stirring events in history, he jotted down his impressions at first hand, and although parts of the diary cannot yet be published, enough is given to the world to form a graphic and very hum
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CAUGHT BY THE TURKS. By FRANCIS YEATS-BROWN. 1 vol. Demy 8vo. 10s. 6d. net.
CAUGHT BY THE TURKS. By FRANCIS YEATS-BROWN. 1 vol. Demy 8vo. 10s. 6d. net.
This book contains a full measure of adventure and excitement. The author, who is a Captain in the Indian Cavalry, was serving in the Air Force in Mesopotamia in 1915, and was captured through an accident to the aeroplane while engaged in a hazardous and successful attempt to cut the Turkish telegraph lines north and west of Baghdad, just before the Battle of Ctesiphon. Then came the horrors of the journey to Constantinople, during which the “terrible Turk” showed himself in his worst colours; b
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JOHN HUGH ALLEN OF THE GALLANT COMPANY A Memoir by his Sister INA MONTGOMERY. With Portrait. 1 vol. Demy 8vo. 10s. 6d. net.
JOHN HUGH ALLEN OF THE GALLANT COMPANY A Memoir by his Sister INA MONTGOMERY. With Portrait. 1 vol. Demy 8vo. 10s. 6d. net.
This book is the life-story of a young New Zealander who was killed in action at the Dardanelles in June, 1915. It is told mainly in his own letters and diaries—which have been supplemented, so far as was needful, with the utmost tact and discretion by his sister—and falls naturally into three principal stages. Allen spent four very strenuous years, 1907-1911, at Cambridge, where he occupied a prominent position among his contemporaries as an active member, and eventually President of the Union.
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WITH THE BRITISH INTERNED IN SWITZERLAND. By Lieut.-Colonel H. P. PICOT, C.B.E., Late Military Attaché, 1914-16, and British Officer in Charge of the Interned, 1916-18. 1 vol. Demy 8vo. Cloth. 10s. 6d. net.
WITH THE BRITISH INTERNED IN SWITZERLAND. By Lieut.-Colonel H. P. PICOT, C.B.E., Late Military Attaché, 1914-16, and British Officer in Charge of the Interned, 1916-18. 1 vol. Demy 8vo. Cloth. 10s. 6d. net.
In this volume Colonel Picot tells us, in simple and lucid fashion, how some thousands of our much tried and suffering countrymen were transferred—to the eternal credit of Switzerland—from the harsh conditions of captivity to a neutral soil, there to live in comparative freedom amid friendly surroundings. He describes in some detail the initiative taken by the Swiss Government on behalf of the Prisoners of War in general, and the negociations which preceded the acceptance by the Belligerent Stat
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A CHILDHOOD IN BRITTANY EIGHTY YEARS AGO. By ANNE DOUGLAS SEDGWICK, Author of “Tante,” “The Encounter,” etc. Demy 8vo. Cloth. 10s. 6d. net.
A CHILDHOOD IN BRITTANY EIGHTY YEARS AGO. By ANNE DOUGLAS SEDGWICK, Author of “Tante,” “The Encounter,” etc. Demy 8vo. Cloth. 10s. 6d. net.
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MEMORIES OF THE MONTHS. SIXTH SERIES. By the Rt. Hon. Sir HERBERT MAXWELL, Bt., F.R.S., D.C.L., LL.D. With photogravure frontispiece. Large Crown 8vo. 10s. 6d. net.
MEMORIES OF THE MONTHS. SIXTH SERIES. By the Rt. Hon. Sir HERBERT MAXWELL, Bt., F.R.S., D.C.L., LL.D. With photogravure frontispiece. Large Crown 8vo. 10s. 6d. net.
It is some years since the fifth series of “Memories of the Months” was issued, but the demand for Sir Herbert Maxwell’s charming volumes continues unabated. Every year rings new changes on the old order of Nature, and the observant eye can always find fresh features on the face of the Seasons. Sir Herbert Maxwell goes out to meet Nature on the moor and loch, in garden and forest, and writes of what he sees and feels. It is a volume of excellent gossip, the note-book of a well-informed and high-
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SINGLE-HANDED CRUISING. By FRANCIS B. COOKE, Author of “The Corinthian Yachtsman’s Handbook,” “Cruising Hints,” Etc. Illustrated. 10s. 6d. net.
SINGLE-HANDED CRUISING. By FRANCIS B. COOKE, Author of “The Corinthian Yachtsman’s Handbook,” “Cruising Hints,” Etc. Illustrated. 10s. 6d. net.
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MODERN ROADS. By H. PERCY BOULNOIS, M.Inst.C.E., F.R.San.Inst., etc. Demy 8vo. 16s. net.
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A THIN GHOST AND OTHERS. By Dr. M. R. JAMES, Provost of Eton College. Crown 8vo. Cloth. 4s. 6d. net.
A THIN GHOST AND OTHERS. By Dr. M. R. JAMES, Provost of Eton College. Crown 8vo. Cloth. 4s. 6d. net.
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New Editions. GHOST STORIES OF AN ANTIQUARY. By Dr. M. R. JAMES, Provost of Eton College. New Edition. Crown 8vo. 5s. net. MORE GHOST STORIES. By Dr. M. R. JAMES. New Edition. Crown 8vo. 5s. net. THE PERFECT GENTLEMAN. By Captain HARRY GRAHAM, Author of “Ruthless Rhymes,” etc. New Edition. Crown 8vo. Cloth. 3s. 6d. net. THE COMPLETE SPORTSMAN. By Captain HARRY GRAHAM. New Edition. Crown 8vo. Cloth. 3s. 6d. net. The Modern Educator’s Library. General Editor: Professor A. A. COCK.
New Editions. GHOST STORIES OF AN ANTIQUARY. By Dr. M. R. JAMES, Provost of Eton College. New Edition. Crown 8vo. 5s. net. MORE GHOST STORIES. By Dr. M. R. JAMES. New Edition. Crown 8vo. 5s. net. THE PERFECT GENTLEMAN. By Captain HARRY GRAHAM, Author of “Ruthless Rhymes,” etc. New Edition. Crown 8vo. Cloth. 3s. 6d. net. THE COMPLETE SPORTSMAN. By Captain HARRY GRAHAM. New Edition. Crown 8vo. Cloth. 3s. 6d. net. The Modern Educator’s Library. General Editor: Professor A. A. COCK.
The present age is seeing an unprecedented advance in educational theory and practice; its whole outlook on the ideals and methods of teaching is being widened. The aim of this new series is to present the considered views of teachers of wide experience, and eminent ability, upon the changes in method involved in this development, and upon the problems which still remain to be solved, in the several branches of teaching with which they are most intimately connected. It is hoped, therefore, that
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MORAL AND RELIGIOUS EDUCATION. By SOPHIE BRYANT, D.Sc., Litt.D. Late Head Mistress of the North London Collegiate School for Girls Author of “Educational Ends,” etc. Crown 8vo. Cloth. 6s. net.
In this book, Mrs. Bryant, whose writings on educational subjects are widely known, takes the view that in order to produce the best result over the widest area, the teaching of morality through the development of religious faith, and its teaching by direct appeal to self-respect, reason, sympathy and common sense, are both necessary. In religion, more than in anything else, different individuals must follow different paths to the goal. Upon this basis the book falls into four parts. The first d
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THE TEACHING OF MODERN FOREIGN LANGUAGES IN SCHOOL AND UNIVERSITY. By H. G. ATKINS, M.A., Professor of German in King’s College, University of London, and University Reader in German, AND H. L. HUTTON, M.A., Senior Modern Language Master at Merchant Taylors’ School. Crown 8vo. Cloth. 6s. net.
THE TEACHING OF MODERN FOREIGN LANGUAGES IN SCHOOL AND UNIVERSITY. By H. G. ATKINS, M.A., Professor of German in King’s College, University of London, and University Reader in German, AND H. L. HUTTON, M.A., Senior Modern Language Master at Merchant Taylors’ School. Crown 8vo. Cloth. 6s. net.
The first part of this book deals with the School, the second with the University. While each part is mainly written by one of the authors, they have acted in collaboration and have treated the two subjects as interdependent. They have referred only briefly to the main features of the past history, and have chiefly tried to give a broad survey of the present position of modern language teaching, and the desirable policy for the future. As regards the School, conclusions are first reached as to t
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THE CHILD UNDER EIGHT. By E. R. MURRAY, Vice-Principal of Maria Grey Training College; Author of “Froebel as a Pioneer in Modern Psychology,” etc., AND HENRIETTA BROWN SMITH, LL.A., Lecturer in Education, Goldsmith’s College, University of London; Editor of “Education by Life.” Crown 8vo. Cloth. 6s. net.
THE CHILD UNDER EIGHT. By E. R. MURRAY, Vice-Principal of Maria Grey Training College; Author of “Froebel as a Pioneer in Modern Psychology,” etc., AND HENRIETTA BROWN SMITH, LL.A., Lecturer in Education, Goldsmith’s College, University of London; Editor of “Education by Life.” Crown 8vo. Cloth. 6s. net.
The authors of this book deal with the young child at the outset of its education, a stage the importance of which cannot be exaggerated. The volume is written in two parts, the first dealing with the child in the Nursery and Kindergarten, and the second with the child in the State School. Much that is said is naturally applicable to either form of School, and, where this is so, repetition has been avoided by means of cross references. The authors find that the great weakness of English educatio
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FIRST PRINCIPLES OF MUSIC. By F. J. READ, Mus. Doc. (Oxon.) Formerly Professor at the Royal College of Music. Crown 8vo. 1s. 6d.
FIRST PRINCIPLES OF MUSIC. By F. J. READ, Mus. Doc. (Oxon.) Formerly Professor at the Royal College of Music. Crown 8vo. 1s. 6d.
This book is the result of the author’s long experience as Professor of Theory at the Royal College of Music, and is the clearest and most concise treatise of the kind that has yet been written. “It is a useful little book, covering a wider field than any other of the kind that we know.”— The Times. “It is calculated to quicken interest in various subjects outside the normal scope of an elementary musical grammar. The illustrated chapter on orchestral instruments, for instance, is a welcome and
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