The Hotel St. Francis Cook Book
Victor Hirtzler
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The Hotel St. Francis Cook Book
The Hotel St. Francis Cook Book
Former Chef of Hotel St. Francis San Francisco Published by THE HOTEL MONTHLY PRESS JOHN WILLY, Inc. 950 Merchandise Mart CHICAGO 54 PRINTED IN U. S. A. Copyright 1919, by Victor Hirtzler. Printed and Bound in U. S. A....
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In this, my book, I have endeavored to give expression to the art of cookery as developed in recent years in keeping with the importance of the catering business, in particular the hotel business, which, in America, now leads the world. I have been fortunate in studying under the great masters of the art in Europe and America; and since my graduation as Chef I have made several journeys of observation to New York, and to England, France and Switzerland to learn the new in cooking and catering. I
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Eggs Oriental. Put on a plate one slice of tomato fried in butter, on top of the tomato place six slices of cucumber simmered in butter and well seasoned, on top of that one poached egg, and cover with sauce Hollandaise. Tripe and potatoes, family style. Slice the white ends of six leeks very fine, put in sauce pan with four ounces of butter and simmer for five minutes. Then add a scant spoonful of flour and simmer again. Then add one pound of tripe cut in pieces one inch square, one pint of bou
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Omelet with oysters. Parboil six oysters, add one spoonful of cream sauce and season well. Make the omelet, and before turning over on platter place the oysters in the center. Serve with light cream around the omelet. Perch sauté, meunière. Season the fish well with salt and pepper, roll in flour, put in frying pan and cook with butter. When done, put fish on platter, and put a fresh piece of butter in pan, over fire, and allow to become hazelnut color. Pour the butter and the juice of a lemon o
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Chicken salad, Victor. Cut the breast of a boiled soup hen or boiled chicken in half-inch squares, add one-half cup of string beans cut in pieces one inch long, a cup of boiled rice, one peeled tomato cut in small squares and one sliced truffle. Season with salt, fresh-ground black pepper, a little chives, chervil, parsley, one spoonful of tarragon vinegar and two spoonsful of best olive oil. Mix well and serve on lettuce leaves. Potage Normande. Velouté with Julienne of carrots and turnips. Fil
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Consommé Julienne. The word "Julienne" is a common kitchen term, signifying cut in slender strips, or match shape. For consommé garnish cut "Julienne" style one carrot, one turnip, one leek, a small piece of celery, four leaves of cabbage, and one-half of an onion. Season with a spoonful of salt, and one-half teaspoonful of sugar. Mix well. Put in a well-buttered casserole, cover with buttered paper and the casserole cover, put in oven moderately hot, and allow to simmer slowly. Turn occasionall
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Shirred eggs, Mornay. Put on a buttered shirred egg dish one spoonful of cream sauce, break two fresh eggs on top, season with salt and pepper, cover the eggs with sauce Mornay, sprinkle with grated cheese and bake in oven. Potage Marquis. Cream of rice with breast of boiled chicken cut in small squares. Stuffed lobster. Prepare the lobster as for croquettes. Clean the shells and fill with the prepared lobster. Sprinkle the top with cheese and bread crumbs mixed with a small piece of butter, and
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Croquettes Liviannienne. Mix four leaves of melted gelatine with one pint of mayonnaise and use to bind some crab meat. Cool and form in small croquettes, roll in chopped yolks of hard-boiled eggs mixed with chopped parsley. Eggs Beaujolais. Poached eggs on toast covered with sauce Colbert. Potage Victoria. Half velouté of chicken and half purée of tomatoes. Garnish with turnip cut in small squares, string beans cut in half-inch lengths, and a few peas. Bass, Provençale. Split a bass, remove the
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Consommé favorite. Garnish the consommé with asparagus tips cut in small pieces, and chicken dumplings stuffed with goose liver, the size of a large olive. Teaspoons may be used to form the dumplings. Broiled shad roe, maître d'hôtel. Season the roe well with salt and pepper, roll in olive oil, and broil. Serve with maître d'hôtel sauce, and garnish with quartered lemon and parsley. Mirabeau salad. Cut in one-inch squares one cucumber, two tomatoes, and one potato. Put in salad bowl separately,
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Risotto. In a vessel put one chopped onion, two ounces of butter, and the marrow of a beef bone chopped fine; and simmer until the onions are done. Then stir in one pound of rice, and put in oven for five minutes. Then add one and one-half pints of bouillon and a pinch of salt, cover, and place in oven for twenty minutes. Add a half cup of grated cheese before serving. Pilaff à la Turc. Make a ring of risotto on a round platter, and in center put some well-seasoned chickens' livers, sauté au Mad
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Omelet with soft clams. Take the bellies of six soft clams and put in pan, season with salt and pepper, add a small piece of butter, and heat through. Mix with two spoonsful of cream sauce. Make an omelet, and garnish with the clams in cream. Broiled Spanish Mackerel, aux fines herbes. Season the mackerel with salt and pepper, roll in oil, and broil. Prepare a maître d'hôtel sauce with chopped chervil and chives, and pour over the fish. Garnish with quartered lemon and parsley in branches. Cucum
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Oysters Yaquino. Season one dozen oysters on the deep shell, with salt and paprika, put on each a piece of butter and some chopped chives. Place in oven, bake, and serve very hot. Potage Grande Mère. Take equal parts of leeks, cabbage, onions and celery and cut in very small dices. Put in pot, cover with water, season with salt and pepper, and boil. When soft, add hot milk, and serve. Fillet of sole, royale. Same as fillet of sole, Joinville. Potted squab chicken. Prepare the chicken as for roas
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Pancake Molosol. Spread some very thin French pancakes with fresh Russian caviar, roll up, and cut in diamond shapes. Serve on napkin, garnished with leaves of lettuce filled with chopped onions, quartered lemons, and parsley in branches. The pancakes must be fresh. Scotch consommé. Boil a piece of mutton very slowly in consommé. When done strain the broth, add the mutton, cut in small dices, some brunoise, and some boiled barley. Sweetbread patties with cream. Cut some parboiled sweetbreads in
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Eggs Mirabeau. Place some stuffed eggs in a buttered shirred egg dish, cover with cream sauce, and bake in oven. Hasenpfeffer (hare stew). Cut up a hare in three-inch pieces. Save the blood and liver in separate dish. Put the cut up meat in an earthen pot and cover with one-half claret, or white wine, and one-half water. Add one sliced carrot, one sliced onion, a bouquet garni with plenty of thyme in it, salt, and a spoonful of whole black peppers. Let stand for forty-eight hours, then drain, st
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Oyster stew. Put in a pot six oysters with their own juice, bring to the boiling point, and skim. Then add one cup of boiling milk, one ounce of sweet butter, and salt. Serve crackers separate. Eggs Gambetta. Dip four cold poached eggs in some beaten eggs, then in bread crumbs, and fry in swimming fat. Place on toast, garnish with boiled calf's brains and sliced truffles, and serve with Madeira sauce. Potage Venitienne. Beat two spoonfuls of farina, two whole eggs and a half cup of milk together
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Barquette à l'aurore. Small tartelettes filled with Italian salad and covered with pink mayonnaise sauce. Italian salad. Use equal parts of carrots, turnips, string beans, and roast beef cut in small squares, and of boiled peas. Season with salt, pepper, tarragon vinegar and olive oil, and garnish with beets and flageolet beans. Pink mayonnaise. Add to two cups of mayonnaise, one-half cup of cold purée of tomatoes. Consommé crème de volaille. Put some very light chicken force meat (quenelle) in
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Scrambled eggs, Turbico. Mix with six scrambled eggs one-half cup of Créole sauce. Curried lamb with rice. Cut three pounds of shoulder and breast of lean lamb in pieces two and one-half inches square. Parboil and put on fire in cold water with one carrot, one onion, a bouquet garni, and salt. Boil until the lamb is done; remove the vegetables, and strain the broth. Put in another vessel three ounces of butter, melt, add two spoonsful of curry powder and two of flour, heat, then add a sliced app
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Vogeleier omelet. Cut a roll in very thin slices, put in omelet pan with two ounces of butter, and fry until crisp. Add eight beaten eggs, with salt, pepper, and plenty of chives, and make into an omelet. Tartelette au Bar le Duc. Line the moulds with tartelette dough, fill with raw white beans, and bake. When the dough is done remove the beans, and fill the tartelettes with imported Bar le Duc jelly. Decorate with whipped cream. Consommé de la mariée. Boil one quart of consommé. Put the yolks o
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Pain mane. Small dinner rolls, split, toasted, and filled with a purée of sweet-and-sour bananas, and garnished with pimentos. Fresh vegetable salad. For this salad use any kind of fresh vegetables in season, such as string beans, Lima beans, carrots, cauliflower, asparagus, Brussels sprouts, tomatoes, peas, boiled celery, boiled celery roots, spring turnips, Jerusalem artichokes, fresh buttons of artichokes, etc. Place them in separate bouquets in a salad bowl, and use French dressing, or any o
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Consommé Impératrice. Consommé garnished with small lobster dumplings and asparagus tips in equal parts, and a sprinkle of chopped chervil. Beef steak, Foch. Use sirloin, tenderloin, or rump steak. Season well, and sauté in butter. Place on a platter and put a thick piece of parboiled beef marrow, with one fried egg, on top. Serve with the pan gravy. Meringue glacée au chocolat. Fill two meringue shells with chocolate ice cream, place together, and decorate with whipped cream. Crème Maintenon (s
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Deviled turkey's legs, with chow chow. Use the legs from a boiled or roasted turkey. Season with salt and pepper, spread some French mustard all over the surface, roll in bread crumbs, and broil; or fry in pan with a piece of butter. When nice and brown dish up on platter, and garnish with large leaves of lettuce filled with chow chow. Mashed potatoes au gratin. Put some mashed potatoes in a buttered shirred egg dish or pie plate. Sprinkle with grated Parmesan or Swiss cheese, put small bits of
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Eggs Oudinot. Put some stuffed eggs in a shirred egg dish, cover with cream sauce, sprinkle with the chopped yolks of hard-boiled eggs, put a small piece of butter on the top of each, and bake in oven until brown. Fricassee of veal. Cut five pounds of shoulder and breast of veal in pieces two and one-half inches square, put on fire in cold water, bring to the boiling point, and then cool. Put back in vessel, cover with water, add one carrot, one onion, a bouquet garni, a little salt, and boil un
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Eggs Mery. Scramble eight eggs, well seasoned. Just before they are done add one sliced truffle and two sliced pimentos. Serve in croustades. Roast leg of fresh pork. Put on bottom of roasting pan one sliced carrot, one onion, three bay leaves, six cloves, one spoonful of pepper berries, and a piece of celery. Season the leg of pork with salt and pepper, and a little sage, if desired. Put on top of the vegetables, and place in oven to roast. Baste well. When done take out the pork, remove the fa
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Scrambled eggs with morilles. Morilles are a species of mushroom rarely found in the United States. They come principally from Europe in cans, or dried. When fresh ones are used, sauté in butter and mix with the scrambled eggs. When in can, drain off the water, put in sauce pan with a piece of butter, season with salt and pepper, simmer for ten minutes, and add to the eggs. When dried, soak them in cold water over night, wash, and then proceed in the same manner as with the canned ones. Planked
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Bisque of crabs. Take two large raw Pacific crabs and put in vessel with cold water, season with salt and a bouquet garni, and boil for one-half hour. Then crack the shells and remove the meat. Use the meat for salad, an entrée dish, or to garnish the soup. Put the shell in a mortar and smash fine. In a vessel put one-quarter pound of butter and the broken shell, and simmer. Then add one pint of the water used to boil the crab, and one pint of milk, and boil for ten minutes. Then add one quart o
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Eggs Chipolata. Make some shirred eggs and garnish with sauce Madère, to which has been added two small roasted onions, two heads of mushrooms, two small French carrots, three boiled chestnuts, and two very small fried sausages. Consommé parfait. To one pint of lukewarm consommé tapioca add four raw beaten eggs, put in buttered mould, set in pan in boiling water, and put in moderate oven for ten minutes. Allow to cool, cut in slices, and serve in consommé. Pimentos à l'huile. This is a plain hor
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Fillet of sole, Rose Caron. Skin the four fillets of one large sole and place on a buttered pan. Put on top of each, three slices of cooked lobster, season with salt and paprika, add one-half glass of white wine, cover with buttered paper, put in oven and cook for twelve minutes. Remove the fillets to a platter, taking care that the lobster does not fall off. To the gravy in the pan add one pint of white wine sauce and boil for ten minutes, then add two tablespoonsful of écrevisse butter, and st
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Mixed grill. Broil one lamb chop, one breakfast sausage, one slice of tomato, one whole fresh mushroom head, and one whole lamb kidney. Put all on a plate, cover with maître d'hôtel sauce, and serve hot. Garnish with watercress. Cup custard. Mix four eggs, one-quarter pound of sugar, one pint of milk, and flavor with vanilla. Strain, pour into cups, and bake in bain-marie until firm. It will require about one-half hour in a moderate oven. Bain-marie. This is a term used in cookery for a vessel h
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Thon mariné salad. Tunny fish can be obtained in cans, the best quality being the French brands. Break up the fish with the fingers, and place on a platter with leaves of lettuce. The fish should be in pieces about one inch and a half thick. Sprinkle with salt, pepper, chopped parsley, chervil, and a little finely sliced chives, and a sauce of one-third vinegar and two-thirds olive oil. Stuffed breast of veal, au jus. Have your butcher prepare a breast of veal ready for stuffing. Use the same dr
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Russian salad. Equal parts of boiled carrots, turnips, beets and potatoes, cut in small dice, boiled peas, boiled string beans cut in small pieces, and one slice of cold roast beef cut in small squares. Put all in salad bowl, season with salt, pepper, a little Cayenne pepper, and just enough tarragon vinegar to wet the mixture. Let stand for one hour, drain off the liquid, if any, and form the salad in pyramid shape in the bowl. Spread some thick mayonnaise over all, and garnish with boiled pota
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Eggs à la Russe. Spread a piece of toast with fresh caviar, put an egg fried in oil on top, and put anchovy sauce around the edge on the platter. Eggs fried in oil. Fry the eggs one at a time. Have a very small frying pan with plenty of very hot olive oil in it. Drop a fresh egg in it, and turn with a wooden spoon. If any other kind of spoon is used the egg will stick to it. When of a good yellow color, take out and place on a towel, so the oil can drain off, and season with salt. The eggs shoul
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Grapefruit with chestnuts. Cut a grapefruit in two and cut free the sections with a pointed knife. Pour a little maraschino in the center, and place a marron glacé (candied chestnut) on top. Deviled crabs. Simmer the flakes of two crabs and one-half of a chopped onion in butter. Season with salt and Cayenne pepper, add two cups of thick cream sauce, one dash of Worcestershire sauce, one spoonful of English mustard, and a little chopped chives. Bring to a boil, and bind with the yolks of two eggs
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Oysters Kirkpatrick. Season some oysters on half shell with salt, pepper and a little Worcestershire sauce, cover with tomato ketchup, sprinkle with grated cheese, put a small piece of butter on top of each, and bake in their own shells for five minutes. Serve quartered lemon separate. Cabinet pudding. Fill a well-buttered pudding mould with left-over pieces of sponge, layer or other kinds of cake, cut in small squares, and mix with one-quarter pound of seedless raisins. Then make a custard of t
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Clams, Créole. Heat two dozen clams in their own juice, but do not allow them to boil. Then add one pint of Créole sauce. Poached eggs with clams, Créole. Serve poached eggs on toast, covered with clams Créole. Ox tail, English style. Cut two ox tails in small pieces, put on the fire in cold water, salt, and bring to the boiling point. Take off the stove and allow to cool. Put in sauce pan four ounces of butter, melt, add the oxtail, and roast until colored. Then sprinkle the pieces with two lar
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Tomcods, meunière. Season six tomcods with salt and pepper, and roll in flour. Melt four ounces of butter in a frying pan, put in the tomcods and fry. When done put on platter and sprinkle with chopped parsley and the juice of two lemons. Put four ounces of butter in the pan and cook to the color of a hazelnut. Pour the butter over the fish, garnish with quartered lemon and parsley in branches. Broiled spareribs with lentils. Broil some spareribs and place on platter. Garnish with lentils, and s
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Eggs Benedict. Cut an English muffin in two, toast, and put on platter. Put a slice of broiled ham on top of each half, a poached egg on top of the ham, cover all with Hollandaise, and lay a slice of truffle on top of the sauce. Wiener Schnitzel. Cut from a leg of veal some cutlets; or have your butcher cut them for you. Season with salt and pepper, roll in flour, then in beaten eggs, and then in bread crumbs. Put some melted butter in a frying pan and fry the cutlets, or schnitzel, on both side
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Broiled Alaska black cod. This Alaskan fish is brought from the north frozen, and is very fine, being rich and fat. Broiling is the best way of preparing it, as it needs a quick fire to cook the oil in the fish. Season well, and serve with maître d'hôtel sauce made with plenty of lemon juice. Asparagus Polonaise. Put four pounds of boiled fresh, or two cans, of asparagus on a platter. Have the asparagus very hot. Sprinkle the tips with salt and pepper, one chopped boiled egg, and some chopped pa
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Sauce Newburg. Put in a vessel one cup of well-seasoned cream sauce, one cup of thick cream and one gill of sherry wine. Bring to the boiling point and bind with the yolk of one egg and a little cream. Then stir slowly into the sauce two tablespoonsful of lobster or crayfish butter. This sauce is used a great deal in hotel and restaurant cookery. Soft clams, Newburg. Take the bellies of two dozen soft clams and put in a buttered sauté pan, add one spoonful of Madeira wine, cover the pan, and war
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Scrambled eggs with bacon (1). Put some plain scrambled eggs in a deep platter with strips of broiled bacon over the eggs. (2) Cut six slices of bacon in small squares, put in casserole with one-half ounce of butter and fry slowly until crisp. Add ten beaten eggs mixed with one-half cup of cream, season with salt and pepper, and cook in the usual manner. Antipasto. This is an Italian relish (hors d'oeuvre), and can be obtained in cans. It consists of tunny fish, sardines, pickles, capers, etc.,
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Cactus fruit with lemon. Slice some cactus fruit and serve on ice, with powdered sugar and lemon separate. No cream. Broiled pigs' feet, Chili sauce. Split some cooked pigs' feet, season, roll in bread crumbs, sprinkle with oil and broil. Put on platter and garnish with lemon and parsley. Serve hot or cold Chili sauce, separate. Shirred eggs with parsley. Crack two eggs on a buttered shirred egg dish, season with salt and pepper, sprinkle with fresh-chopped parsley, and bake in oven for three mi
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Omelette Louis XIV. Chop the white meat of a boiled fowl very fine, mix with one truffle cut in small dices and one-half cup of well-seasoned cream sauce. Place in the center of a plain omelet, turn on a platter, and pour some cream sauce around the edge. Chickens' livers sauté, Forestière. Clean a dozen chicken livers, cut in two, and season with salt and pepper. Melt a piece of butter in frying pan, add the livers, and sauté over a quick fire for a few minutes. Slice one pound of fresh mushroo
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Wine jelly. Dissolve four ounces of French gelatine in two quarts of water, add one pound of sugar, the rind and juice of six lemons, the juice of three oranges, a piece of cinnamon stick, and six cloves. Stir well and put on fire to boil. Then stir quickly into the jelly the whites of six eggs, partly beaten, and boil again. Then take off the fire and strain through a flannel jelly bag, and add the flavoring desired. Pour into jelly moulds and put on ice until firm. To remove the jelly, dip the
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Consommé vermicelli. Boil one-half pound of vermicelli in two quarts of salt water for five minutes. Drain, and add to three pints of consommé. Serve grated cheese separate. Calf's head, poulette. Take one boiled calf's head and cut in pieces two inches square. Mix with one quart of poulette sauce, and serve in chafing dish. Purée of pheasant, St. Hubert. Remove the breast of a roasted pheasant and cut in small squares. Put the rest of the pheasant in a pot and cover with two quarts of bouillon,
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Eggs Brésilienne. Put some boiled rice on a platter, place a poached egg on top, and cover with tomato sauce mixed with a little chopped ham. Sirloin steak, marchand de vin. Cut four slices of sirloin steak about one-half inch thick, season with salt and pepper, and roll in flour. Have three ounces of hot butter in a pan and fry the steaks for two minutes. Remove the steaks to platter. Chop two shallots very fine and put in pan, allow to become hot, add one-half glass of claret, and reduce one-h
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Eggs à la tripe. Slice an onion very fine, put in casserole with two ounces of butter, cover, and simmer. Cook until the onions are soft, but not colored. Then add two spoonsful of flour, allow to get hot, pour in one pint of boiling milk, season with salt and pepper, and boil for five minutes. Slice eight hard-boiled eggs about one-quarter inch in thickness, put in the sauce and cook until hot. Serve in chafing dish, or deep dish, with chopped parsley on top. Chicken sauté, Parisienne (1). Join
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Eggs Troubadour. Spread four pieces of toast with purée de foie gras (goose liver pâté), put a poached egg on top of each, and cover with sauce Périgord. Haricot of mutton (stew). Cut five pounds of lean shoulder of mutton in pieces two inches square. Put in roasting pan with a little butter or fat, season with salt and pepper, and roast in oven until nice and brown. Add four spoonsful of flour and roast again until the flour is brown. Then put in a casserole and cover with boiling water, add a
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Smoked eels. Imported German canned eels. Serve on napkin with quartered lemons and parsley in branches. Sauerkraut, Alsatian style. Spread one-quarter of a pound of goose grease (lard will do) in the bottom of a casserole, then put in one pound of sauerkraut, then two pounds of bacon, then another pound of sauerkraut, and another quarter pound of goose grease on top. Then add a pint of white wine and a pint of bouillon, cover with a buttered paper and the casserole cover, put on the stove and b
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Eggs Bagration. Put on a platter some boiled rice, lay a fresh hard-boiled egg, cut in two, on top, and cover with the following sauce. Take any kind of cold meats that may be left over, such as lamb, beef, ham or tongue, and cut in small dices. Also a few mushrooms and truffles cut in the same way. Put in a casserole with a cup of cream sauce, season with salt and pepper, and bring to a boil. Chicken hash on toast. Cut the breast of a boiled fowl in small squares. Put in a casserole one cup of
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Crab salad. Season the flakes of a crab with salt and pepper, add a spoonful of mayonnaise, and mix. Put a few leaves of lettuce around the inside of a salad bowl, put the crab in the center, cover with mayonnaise, and garnish with a hard-boiled egg cut in four, two fillets of anchovies, and one green olive. Mutton chops, Robinson. Broil four mutton chops and season well. Cut in four a half dozen chicken livers, season with salt and pepper and fry in butter. Cut up a small can of mushrooms, put
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Tripe sauté, Lyonnaise. Cut two pounds of tripe in narrow strips. Put in large frying pan four ounces of butter and four sliced onions, and cook until half fried, then add the tripe, which must be dry; season with salt and pepper, and fry until both are of a nice yellow color. Drain off the butter and serve the tripe dry, garnished with quartered lemons and chopped parsley. Vinegar may be served instead of the lemons if desired. Consommé Rachel (1). Plain consommé garnished with asparagus tips.
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Grapefruit and oranges en suprême. Sliced oranges and grapefruit in equal parts, add a little sugar and maraschino, and serve in suprême glasses. Tie a ribbon around the glass, with a nice bow. Potage Westmoreland. Equal parts of mock turtle soup, thick consommé tapioca, and thick consommé brunoise. Before serving add a glass of dry sherry wine. Oysters à l'ancienne. Take a dozen oysters on the deep half shell, season with salt and pepper, put a small piece of butter, some chopped parsley, a lit
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Canapé of raw meat. Take a quarter pound of lean fresh beef tenderloin or sirloin and chop very fine and season with a little salt and pepper. Toast some thin slices of rye or white bread lightly, spread with a little sweet butter, and then spread the chopped meat on top. Serve on a napkin, garnished with quartered lemon and parsley. Broiled shad, maître d'hôtel. Split a shad, season with salt and pepper, sprinkle with oil, and broil on both sides. Dish up on a platter, cover with maître d'hôtel
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Poached eggs, Rothschild. Put a spoonful of purée of game on a plate, a poached egg on top, and cover with sauce Périgueux. Purée of game. After serving roast venison, duck, quail, bear, reindeer, hare, or other game, take the remainder, remove the meat from the bones and mash very fine in a mortar, add just enough thick brown gravy to make a paste, and pass through a fine sieve. Season with salt and pepper, heat well, and use as a garnish. Salmon, Chambord. Put in a buttered shallow sauce pan t
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Fillet of herring, mariné. Take two marinated herrings, remove the skins and bones, and cut in long strips. Put on platter, strain a little of its own sauce over them, and decorate with sliced lemons. Minced tenderloin of beef, à l'estragon. Slice one pound of tenderloin of beef in strips one-eighth inch thick and two inches wide, using trimmings or the end piece. Put two ounces of melted butter in frying pan, and when red-hot add the slices of meat, season with salt and pepper, and fry very qui
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Canapé Julia. Chop the tail of a lobster very fine and put in a vessel on the range. When hot add one cup of thick cream sauce, bring to a boil, and season with salt and Cayenne pepper. Add the yolks of two eggs, but do not boil, heat just enough to bind the lobster. Make four pieces of toast, put the lobster on top, cover with grated cheese, put a bit of butter on the top of each, and bake in the oven. Serve on napkins, with lemons and parsley. Noisettes of lamb. Noisettes are cut from the sadd
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Mutton chops, Daumont. Bread four mutton chops and fry in a flat sauté pan. Dish up on a long platter, and garnish with artichoke bottoms filled with cauliflower. Pour sauce Périgueux around the chops. Artichokes filled with cauliflower. Remove the leaves and trim the bottoms of four cold artichokes. Cut in four a boiled and well-seasoned cauliflower, squeeze out the water, and use to fill the artichoke bottoms. Cover with a little thick cream sauce, sprinkle with grated cheese, place small bits
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Eggs Talleyrand. Trim the bottoms of four fresh artichokes and put a little terrine de foie gras in each, and keep hot. Put a poached egg on top of each and cover with sauce Périgueux. Cream of frogs' legs. Take the backs and front legs of two dozen frogs, reserving the hind legs for an entrée. Put in vessel with two quarts of bouillon or chicken broth, and boil for thirty minutes. Then take one-half pound of rice flour and mix with one pint of cream. Let it run into the boiling soup, and cook f
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Poached eggs, Martha. On top of four pieces of toast put some lobster croquette preparation in a layer about one-quarter of an inch thick, put a piece of butter on top of each, and bake in oven. Put a poached egg on top and cover with cream sauce. Noodles, Polonaise. On a large platter put one pound of plain boiled noodles. In a frying pan put one-quarter pound of butter, and one-half cup of fresh bread crumbs. Fry until golden brown, and pour over the noodles. Consommé Colbert. Equal parts of c
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Eggs à la Colonel. Cut two tomatoes in half, squeeze out the juice, bread them, and fry. Put a poached egg on top of each piece, and cover with sauce Madère with fresh mushrooms. English lamb chops, Tavern. Broil an English lamb chop until nearly done, then put in an earthern casserole, with some sauté potatoes on one side and some stewed lamb kidneys on the other. Put in the oven for a minute or two, and serve with chopped parsley on top. English mutton chop, Tavern. Same as English lamb chop,
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Omelet with Virginia ham and peppers. Cut two slices of Virginia ham and one green pepper in small squares, put in frying pan with one ounce of butter, and simmer for about two minutes. Add eight beaten eggs and two red peppers cut in small squares, season with salt and pepper, and proceed in the same manner as for a plain omelet. Calf's head, vinaigrette. Dish up on a napkin some boiled calf's head with the brains and the tongue sliced. Garnish the platter with pickles, pickled beets, quartered
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Poached eggs, à la Reine. Spread some purée de foie gras on a piece of toast. Put a poached egg on top, cover with cream sauce, and sprinkle with finely chopped truffles. After the truffles have been chopped put in a napkin and squeeze out the juice, and then chop again. They will then be dry, and easy to sprinkle. Fillet of sole, Victoria. Put four fillets in a buttered sauté pan, season with salt and pepper, add one-half glass of white wine. When done put on platter and pour a lobster sauce ov
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Sweet-and-sour sauce. Procure one-half pound of unsweetened spiced fish cake from your grocer, break it in small pieces, put in a bowl, cover with one pint of vinegar and one pound of brown sugar. Soak for about an hour, then stir well, and add one cup of fish broth or meat stock, depending upon whether it is to be used for fish or meat. Season with salt and a little Cayenne pepper, then add one pound of seedless raisins, and boil again for five minutes. Sweet-and-sour beef tongue. Boil a fresh
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Eggs Bordelaise. Fry the eggs in oil, put on toast, cover with Bordelaise sauce, and lay two slices of truffle on each egg. Lamb chops, Victor Hugo. Broil or sauté six lamb chops on one side only, and allow to become cold. Grate two horseradish roots and put in a sauce pot with two ounces of butter, and simmer. Then add one cup of thick cream sauce, and bring to a boil; season well and bind with the yolks of two eggs. When this stuffing is cold put on top of the chops, make smooth with a knife,
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Poached eggs, Monnet Sully. Place a poached egg on a canapé of chicken and pour Béarnaise sauce over it. Canapé of chicken. Take the breast of a boiled fowl and chop very fine, season with salt and pepper, mix well with two ounces of sweet butter, and spread on fresh toast. Pannade soup. Take a half loaf of stale white bread, or some rolls, and put in a pot with three pints of water, season with salt and pepper, add one-quarter of a pound of butter, cover, and boil slowly for one hour. It will t
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Sauce marinière. Cut fine six shallots, put in casserole with one ounce of butter, and simmer just enough to have the shallots hot, then add one glass of white wine and boil until reduced nearly dry. Then add one pint of sauce Allemande and boil for five minutes. Season with salt and pepper, and sprinkle with a little chopped parsley and chives. Sauce Allemande. Put four ounces of butter and three spoonfuls of flour in a casserole and place on the stove. When hot add one quart of chicken or veal
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Pearl grits. To one quart of boiling water add eight ounces of pearl grits, season with salt, and boil for twenty minutes. Serve cream separate. Eggs, Meyerbeer. For each person cook two eggs on a shirred egg dish. Have the eggs very soft. Place a broiled split lamb's kidney in the center of each dish and cover with a little sauce Madère. Place two slices of truffle on top. Season well. Broiled smoked salmon. Slice the salmon about one-half inch thick, roll in olive oil, and broil. When done put
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Spanish omelet. Make a plain omelet and pour one cup of Créole sauce around it. Fried tomcods. Clean eight tomcods, wash well, and dry with a towel. Roll in milk, then in flour, and fry in swimming fat for about five minutes, or until nice and brown. The fat must be very hot. Serve on a napkin with fried parsley, quartered lemons, and Tartar sauce separate. Turkeys' livers en brochette. Take three turkey livers and cut each in four slices. Broil three slices of bacon, and cut in four pieces also
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Eggs Sarah Bernhardt. Cut six hard-boiled eggs in two, remove the yolks, mash them up and mix with a little salt, pepper, celery salt, one spoonful of fresh bread crumbs, one spoonful of chopped chicken meat, and the yolk of one raw egg. Stuff the halved whites of eggs with this, put on a buttered dish and place in the oven for four minutes. Dress on a silver platter, and cover with sauce Périgueux. Sauce Périgueux. Chop a small can of truffles and put in a casserole with one glass of Madeira, a
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Purée d'Artois. Same as purée of peas. Broiled shad, Albert. Broiled shad with horseradish sauce. Chicken à l'Estragon. Boil a whole chicken in a quart of water with salt and a bouquet garni. When done pull the skin off but leave the chicken whole. Make the sauce in the following manner: Put three ounces of butter in a casserole, when hot add two and one-half spoonfuls of flour and one and one-half pints of the chicken broth, boil for ten minutes, add a little chopped tarragon and boil for anoth
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Eggs Maltaise. Fill a croustade with purée of fresh mushrooms, put a poached egg on top, and cover with cream sauce. Calf's head, à la Française. Boil a calf's head, with the tongue and brains, and dish up on a china platter. Make a macédoine of vegetables as follows: Boil in salt water a carrot and a turnip, and when cold cut up in small dices. Add one-half pound of cold cooked string beans cut in pieces about one-half inch long, one-quarter pound of boiled peas, and one-half can of flageolet b
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Eggs Renaissance. Put a little cream sauce in the bottom of a buttered cocotte dish, add a raw egg, season with salt and pepper, then add a few sliced canned mushrooms and sliced truffles, cover with cream sauce, sprinkle with grated cheese, put bits of butter on top, and bake in oven. Mutton chops, Signora. Split open four mutton chops, season with salt and pepper, put three slices of truffle in each chop and fold together, roll in flour, then in beaten egg, and finally in bread crumbs. Fry the
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Scrambled eggs with truffles. Cut a truffle in small dices and put in sauce pan, on the range, with one ounce of butter. When hot add six beaten eggs, a little salt and pepper, one spoonful of cream, and then scramble in the usual manner. Dish up and lay six slices of heated truffles on top. Potato omelet. Cut a boiled potato in small dices. Put one ounce of butter in a frying pan with the potato, and fry until brown, then add six beaten eggs, season with salt and pepper, and cook into an omelet
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Bass, Dijonaise. Put four fillets of bass in a buttered pan, season with salt and pepper, sprinkle with two finely-chopped shallots, add one-half cup of water, cover, and put in hot oven for fifteen minutes. Then place the fillets on a platter, and reduce the broth until nearly dry, add one spoonful of French mustard and two cups of cream sauce, and boil for two minutes. Add some chopped chives, and pour over the fish. Fonds d'artichauts, Feypell. (Artichoke bottoms, Feypell). Remove the leaves,
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Eggs gastronome. Boil six eggs until hard, remove the shells, and cut in two lengthwise. Chop up the yolks and put in a bowl. Chop very fine one can of French mushrooms, and add to the yolks, season with salt and pepper, add the raw yolk of one egg, one-half cup of fresh bread crumbs and a little chopped parsley, and mix well. Fill the hard-boiled whites with this filling, put on a platter, cover with brown gravy and bake in oven. Calf's brains au beurre noir. Put two calf's brains in cold water
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Purée of salad. (Vegetable). Boil in salted water, lettuce or any other kind of green salad. When done drain off the water and press through a fine colander. Add butter and a little cream. Aiguillettes of bass, Massena. Put four fillets of bass in a buttered pan, season with salt and pepper; add one-half glass of white wine and one-half glass of stock, bouillon, fish broth or water, cover with buttered paper, and put in oven to bake. When done place the aiguillettes on a platter and cover with t
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Fried whitebait. Wash the whitebait well and dry on a towel or napkin. Roll in milk, then in flour, and fry in very hot swimming lard, just enough to make them crisp. Lay them on a napkin, sprinkle with salt, and garnish with fried parsley and quartered lemons. Serve brown bread and butter sandwiches and sauce Tartar or rémoulade. Pot au feu. Put in a pot one brisket of beef; or five pounds of short ribs of beef; two gallons of cold water, and a handful of salt. Bring slowly to a boil and skim w
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Sardines, vinaigrette. Remove the skins from a can of sardines, and arrange on a platter, on a lettuce leaf. Sprinkle with salt and fresh-ground black pepper, pour a spoonful of vinaigre and one of olive oil over them, and sprinkle with chopped parsley. Garnish with a lemon cut in half, two hard-boiled eggs cut in two, some chopped onion on a small leaf of lettuce, and another small leaf filled with small French capers. Purée paysanne. (Soup). Slice a carrot, an onion, a turnip, one-half of a st
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Eggs Princesse. Put some purée of fresh mushrooms in the bottom of small croustades, lay a poached egg on top, and cover with sauce Périgueux. Chicken sauté, Hongroise. Joint a chicken and put in a sauté pan with two ounces of butter, season with salt and a little paprika, simmer for five minutes; then add a sliced onion and simmer slowly for ten minutes with the cover over the pan. Then add a cup of cream and cook for four minutes, and add one-half cup of cream sauce. Remove the chicken to a pl
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Orange en suprême. Slice six oranges, put in bowl with three spoonfuls of powdered sugar and two ponys of Curaçao, let stand for thirty minutes, and serve in suprême glasses. Fillet of sole, Orly. Roll four fillets of sole in the form of cigars, put in flour, then in beaten eggs, and finally in bread crumbs, and fry in hot swimming lard. When done lay on napkin, garnish with quartered lemon and fried parsley, and serve tomato sauce separate. Diplomate pudding. Take sponge, or any kind of left ov
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Baked chicken with rice. Put in a saucepan a fat hen with all of its fat, cover with hot water, season with salt, and when it comes to a boil, skim off the foam but leave the fat. Add a soup bouquet with the addition of some spices and a bay leaf. When the hen is half done, which will be in about an hour, remove the bouquet, and add a cup of washed rice. Boil until the rice is nearly done, by which time it has absorbed most of the broth; then put into a porcelain baking dish and bake until brown
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Broiled shad roe with bacon. Season four shad roes with salt and pepper, lay in oil, and broil. When done place on platter and cover with maître d'hôtel sauce. Lay eight crisp-broiled slices of bacon on top of the roe, and garnish with quartered lemon and parsley. Purée Céléstine. Same as purée of potatoes. Purée of potatoes. Peel four well-washed white potatoes, and cut in pieces. Put in a vessel with one quart of stock and two cut-up stalks of leeks, and boil until done. Then strain through a
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Broiled kippered herring. Kippered herring may be obtained in cans. Dip in oil and broil very lightly, cover with maître d'hôtel sauce, and garnish with lemon and parsley. Eggs, Carême. Butter a shirred egg dish, crack two eggs into it, and season with salt and pepper. Slice a truffle and a few canned mushrooms, mix with a little cream sauce, and pour over the eggs. Bake in oven. Hot buckwurst. Secure the buckwurst from your butcher, lay them in boiling water for ten minutes, but do not let the
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Crab in chafing dish. Mince a shallot onion and brown slightly with two spoonfuls of butter. Add a spoonful of flour, mixing well, then add a half pint of sweet milk, and stir to a smooth cream. Add the meat of a California crab (or six eastern crabs) and a tablespoonful of sherry. Place toast, cut in fancy shapes, on a deep platter, and cover with the crab. This is a favorite way of preparing crab. Crab meat au gratin. Shred the meat of one crab, mix with a cup of cream sauce and a little papri
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Eggs Pocahontas. Fry six strips of bacon, and two dozen California, or one dozen Blue Point, oysters. Scramble ten eggs and mix with the above. Season well. Potage Coquelin. Garnish purée of pea soup with chicken and leeks cut Julienne style, and boiled in broth. Broiled pompano, Havanaise. Serve broiled pompano with a Colbert sauce, to which has been added two red peppers (pimentos), cut Julienne style. Pour the sauce over the fish, or serve separate, as desired. Leg of mutton, Clamart. Roast l
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Broiled shad roe, ravigote. Broil the roe, place on a platter, and cover with a sauce made by mixing one-half cup of maître d'hôtel sauce with two chopped vinegar pickles and one teaspoonful of French mustard. Fillet of sole under glass. Cut the fillets into pieces two inches square. Into a buttered shirred egg dish put a piece of toast; on top of this place the fish, season with salt and pepper, put three fresh mushroom heads on each portion of fish, add a piece of butter about the size of an e
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Rolled veal, Huguenin. Cut four thin slices of veal and flatten out smoothly. Chop fine two young green onions and two slices of bacon; and crush and chop fine, half of a clove of garlic, add a little pepper, and spread over the veal, roll up tight and tie with a string. In a saucepan put a piece of butter the size of an egg, and the veal, and simmer for three-quarters of an hour, basting frequently. Before serving season with salt and sprinkle with parsley. Shrimps with mushrooms. Fry two cups
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Viennese bean soup. Wash a pint of beans, then put them in water and let them soak over night. Then put in a vessel with three quarts of water and a quarter of a pound of lean salt pork, and cook slowly for three hours, by which time the beans should be done. Meanwhile mince an onion, a large carrot, and a stalk of celery; fry them in butter, but do not brown. Add a spoonful of flour and two cups of the beans, making a thick sauce; add this to the beans in the pot, and cook slowly for another ho
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Omelet with kidneys. Make a plain omelet, and before turning over on platter put a small spoonful of kidney stew (see kidney stew ), in the center. Put some stewed kidneys at each end of the omelet. Rack of lamb. Have the butcher cut a rack of lamb consisting of about ten chops. Season with salt and pepper, and put in a small roasting pan with a sliced onion and carrot, and two ounces of butter. Put in a hot oven to roast, basting every few seconds so it will not become dry. If necessary, add a
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Matjes herring. This is an imported salted herring. Lay six herrings in cold water for an hour, and then clean. Put them in a stone pot, add a sliced onion, one-quarter cup of whole black pepper berries, two bay leaves, four cloves, one-half cup of vinegar, two cups of cream, and a little salt if necessary. Allow to stand for a couple of days, and then serve on lettuce leaves, with its own sauce, and with sliced lemon on top. Baby lamb steak, horticulture. Cut a steak from the leg of a spring la
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German lentil soup. To a purée of lentils, add before serving, some sliced Frankfurter sausages, and a little bacon cut in small strips and fried. Quince jelly. To each pound of cut-up quinces add a cup of water, put in a kettle and stew until soft. Then put in a jelly bag to drain, but do not crush. Add a pound of sugar to each pint of liquor, boil gently until the sugar is dissolved, then boil more quickly. Pour into glasses, and when cold cover with paraffine. Preserved pears. Peel, halve, an
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Scrambled eggs with chives. Make some plain scrambled eggs, and just before serving add some finely-cut chives, mix, and season well. Sweet potato croquettes. Boil four large potatoes in salt water, when soft, peel, and pass through a sieve. Then put in a casserole, add two ounces of butter, the yolks of three eggs, season with salt and pepper, and mix well. When cold, roll in flour, shape in the form of a large cork, then roll in beaten eggs and bread crumbs, and fry in very hot swimming lard.
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Corned beef hash. Chop an onion very fine and put in a casserole with two ounces of butter. Simmer until the onion is cooked, then add two pounds of boiled corned beef cut in small dices, and one pound of boiled potatoes cut very small, or chopped. Mix well, season with a little pepper, and salt if necessary, add one cup of bouillon, and simmer for ten minutes. Before serving add a little chopped parsley. Browned corned beef hash. Same as above, but use only one-half cup of bouillon. Before serv
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Venetian egg in chafing dish. Mince an onion and cook in sauté pan in two ounces of butter, then add half a can of firm tomatoes and cook for twenty minutes. Add a pound of eastern cheese, broken into small bits; season with salt, paprika, a little Worcestershire sauce, and half a teaspoonful of mustard. Stir continuously. Last, add three lightly beaten eggs, and stir until thick. It should be of the same consistency as a Welsh rabbit. Serve either with, or on, toast or toasted crackers. Eggs, V
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Eggs, Texas clover. Chop a green pepper, put in casserole with one ounce of butter, and simmer until the peppers are soft; then add ten beaten eggs, season with salt and pepper, and scramble. Before serving add a dozen parboiled oysters, a little cream, and a piece of fresh butter. Terrine de foie gras à la gelée. Serve as an appetiser, cold, with meat jelly. The foie gras comes from Europe, being a particular specialty of Strasbourg, Alsace. It is a goose liver pie, baked in terrines. Broiled s
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Poached eggs, St. Laurent. Put four slices of smoked salmon on four pieces of toast, and set in oven for a minute, to warm the salmon. Then lay a poached egg on each piece, and cover with cream sauce. Planked shad and roe. Split a shad and lay on a buttered plank, with the roe on the side. Season with salt and pepper and bits of butter, and put in a moderate oven. After fifteen minutes turn over the roe, and leave in the oven for another two minutes. Then take out and make a border around the fi
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Eggs, Crossy. Make a cupful of purée of spinach and spread on four round pieces of toast, lay a poached egg on top of each, and pour a little brown gravy around them. Soufflé au fromage. Heat a pint of milk in a double boiler. Mix a quarter of a pound of butter with a quarter of a pound of flour, working them well together, then add to the boiling milk and cook until it thickens. Remove from the fire and add the yolks of six eggs, whipping slightly. Then add a quarter of a pound of grated Parmes
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Sandwiches, Carême. Mince fine one-half dozen sweet mixed pickles. Shred the meat of one lobster, and mix with the pickles, season with salt and pepper, and add a whiskey glass of tarragon. Let stand for a few minutes, then squeeze out the vinegar and add half a cup of mayonnaise. Spread over toast or salted crackers. The above may be mixed with three hard-boiled eggs, and served on lettuce leaves as a salad. Clams with wine sauce. Take as many large clams as you desire to use. Remove from the s
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Tartine Russe. Toasted rye bread, buttered, spread with caviar, and garnished around the edges with chopped boiled eggs, and some chopped beets in the center. Consommé parfait. To a pint of cold consommé tapioca add three raw eggs and two additional yolks, put in a buttered mould and cook in a bain marie. When done allow to cool, slice, and serve in hot consommé. (This is tapioca royal). Crab en brochette. Alternate on a skewer a crab leg, then a piece of broiled bacon, and so on, until the skew
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Yarmouth bloaters in oil. Skin and split four Yarmouth bloaters, and remove the bones. Lay them in an earthen pot, add the juice of one lemon, one-half cup of olive oil, four bay leaves, two cloves and one spoonful of whole black peppers. Allow to stand for twenty-four hours. Serve on lettuce leaves with a little of its juice. Poached eggs, Talleyrand. On four round pieces of toast spread some foie gras, lay a poached egg on top of each piece, and cover with sauce Périgueux. Fricandeau of veal,
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Grapefruit à l'anisette. Cut the grapefruit in half and loosen the inside from the skin with a pointed knife. Put a teaspoonful of powdered sugar and a half pony of anisette on each half. Serve on cracked ice. Oyster broth. In a casserole put two dozen oysters with their own juice, and one quart of water. Add a bouquet garni and put on the fire. When boiling remove the bouquet garni, and strain the broth through a napkin, season with salt and a little Cayenne pepper, and serve in cups. The oyste
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Cocoa cake. Half a cup of butter, a cup of sugar, three eggs, a teaspoonful of vanilla, three-fourths of a cup of milk, six level tablespoonfuls of cocoa, two teaspoonfuls of baking powder, and one and three-fourth cups of sifted flour. Cream the butter, adding the sugar gradually, then add the eggs one by one, whipping vigorously. Sift together half of the flour, the cocoa and the baking powder, then add the milk and the rest of the flour, making a mixture that will drop from the spoon. When al
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Kieler sprotten. This is a canned fish. Serve cold on lettuce leaves, garnished with quartered lemons. Omelette Schofield. Boil a shad roe in salt water for ten minutes. Allow to cool, and cut in dices one-quarter inch square. Heat a cup of cream sauce, add the roe, and season with salt and Cayenne pepper. When making the omelet place a little of the roe in the center; dress on a platter, and pour the roe and cream sauce around the edge. Fish chowder. Cut a pound of some white fish, such as bass
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Omelet with fine herbs. Mix equal parts of chopped parsley, chervil, and chives with the beaten eggs, season well with salt and white pepper, and make the omelet in the usual manner. Lamb chops, sauce Soubise. Season the chops well, roll in oil, then in bread crumbs, and broil. Put a cupful of sauce Soubise on a platter, and lay the broiled chops on top. Strawberry shortcake. Bake two layers of sponge cake (see layer cake ). Place on top of one some well-sweetened strawberries, put the other cak
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Boiled ham with spinach. Soak an eight-pound ham in water over night. Then put on fire, in a pot, covered with cold water, and bring to a boil. Then set to side of stove where it will simmer, but not boil, for about three and one-half hours, when the ham should be done. Try to pull off the skin. If it comes off easily the ham is cooked. Serve with plain spinach, and with either champagne or Madeira sauce, or plain bouillon. Dandelion salad. Clean and wash the dandelion well, and dry in a towel.
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Eggs, Coquelin. Cut in two, six hard-boiled eggs. Mix the yolks with a cupful of well-seasoned purée of mushrooms, and fill the half eggs. Set them on a buttered china platter, cover with cream, and put in the oven to bake. When very hot remove, lay twelve fillets of anchovies over the eggs, and serve. Calf's head, sauce piquante. Boiled calf's head served on a napkin, with the brain and tongue. Garnish with parsley in branches, sliced pickles, sliced pickled beets, and lemon in halves. Serve sa
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Scrambled eggs, Raspail. Cut a stalk of celery in small dices, wash well, and boil in salt water. When soft drain off the water. In a pot put two ounces of butter and two peeled tomatoes cut in small dices. Simmer for five minutes, add ten beaten eggs and the celery, season with salt and pepper, and add one-half cup of thick cream. Cook and serve. Fillet mignon. A very small tenderloin steak. Broil or sauté in pan with butter. Serve with maître d'hôtel sauce, and garnish with watercress and half
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Grapefruit en suprême with kirsch. Add to sliced grapefruit, for each person, a spoonful of powdered sugar and one pony of kirschwasser. Mix well and serve in suprême glasses. Eggs, Lorraine. Same as eggs Chipolata with the addition of a strip of bacon across the top. Purée St. Germain. Add to a purée of peas some fresh-cooked green or canned peas. Salmon Mirabeau. Put in a buttered flat pan two thick slices of salmon, season with salt and pepper, add one-half glass of claret or white wine, cove
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Codfish cakes. Prepare the fish as for codfish balls. Form into flat cakes about one inch thick and two and one-half inches in diameter. Roll in flour and fry in melted butter. Serve on napkin with lemon and parsley in branches. Poached eggs, Paulus. Put four very soft poached eggs on four slices of toast, cover with cream sauce with sliced truffles, sprinkle with grated cheese, and bake in hot oven just long enough to become slightly brown. Consommé Daumont. To some chicken force meat add some
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Oysters mignonette. Put six oysters on half shell on cracked or shaved ice, with a small glass or hollow green pepper filled with mignonette sauce, in the center. Small tenderloin steak, Demidoff. Put four small broiled tenderloin steaks on a platter, and cover with brown gravy containing olives and sliced canned mushrooms. Garnish both ends of the platter with asparagus tips. Roman punch. Dress lemon water ice in glasses in pointed shapes, and pour a little rum on top. Beets, Frouard. Cut some
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Eggs Epicurienne. Shirr the eggs. When nearly done add a brown gravy to which has been added some small pieces of terrine de foie gras, four slices of truffle, and one sliced canned mushroom. Strawberries Romanoff. Put some nice ripe strawberries into a bowl, pour some Curaçao over them, and serve with well-sweetened whipped cream, flavored with vanilla, on top. Serve very cold. Consommé Sévigné, II. Consommé Brunoise with small quenelles (chicken dumplings). Add some chopped chervil and a littl
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Sweetbread patties in cream. Soak two pounds of sweetbreads in cold water for two hours, to cause the blood to flow out. Then put them on the fire in one quart of water and two ounces of salt, bring to a boil, and then allow to become cold. Pull off the skin and cut the sweetbreads in pieces one-half inch square. Put in vessel with one cup of bouillon, and boil till soft. Then add a cup of cream, season with salt and a little Cayenne pepper, and boil for five minutes. Knead one ounce of butter w
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Eggs en cocotte, Valentine. Mix some crab meat with a little well-seasoned cream sauce. Put a spoonful in the bottom of a buttered cocotte dish, break an egg on top, salt and pepper the egg, put a little more crab meat and cream on top, sprinkle with grated Parmesan cheese, put some bits of butter on top, and bake in oven for five minutes. Consommé Théodora. Put in the consommé, equal parts of small chicken dumplings, royal, and boiled asparagus tips. Before serving add some chopped chervil. Van
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Boiled salmon, Villers. Cut two slices of salmon about one and one-half inch thick. Put in vessel with one quart of water, a bouquet garni, one spoonful of salt, a teaspoonful of whole black peppers, and one spoonful of white wine vinegar. Boil slowly for twenty minutes. In a casserole put two ounces of butter, heat, and then add two ounces of flour. When the flour is hot add a pint and a half of the fish broth from the salmon, and boil for five minutes. Then add the yolk of one egg and one cup
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Consommé Soubise. Mix one cup of purée of onions, one pint of cold chicken broth, three whole eggs and the yolks of three eggs; season with salt, pepper, and a little grated nutmeg. Strain through a fine sieve, put in buttered moulds, and cook in bain-marie. Allow to set, slice, and serve in hot consommé. Ripe olives with garlic and oil. Rub an olive dish or salad bowl with garlic. Put the olives in the dish, add a spoonful of olive oil, and roll the olives in the dish for a few minutes. Austria
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English chuck steak, maître d'hôtel. This steak is cut from the end of the saddle, near the legs. It should be cut all the way across the saddle, and about an inch and a half thick. Season with salt and pepper, dip in oil, and broil. When done put on a platter, cover with maître d'hôtel sauce, and garnish with lemon and watercress. White beans and tomatoes. Soak two pounds of white beans in cold water, over night. Then put the beans in a vessel with three quarts of water, a ham bone, a bouquet g
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Eggs en cocotte, plain. Break one or two eggs in a buttered cocotte dish, season with salt and pepper, put a little butter on top, and bake in oven for a few minutes. Serve on napkin or paper doily. Burned farina soup. Melt in a casserole one-half pound of butter; when hot add three-quarters of a pound of farina, and roast on top of the range, stirring with a wooden spoon so it will not stick to the bottom. Cook until the color of a chestnut, then add two quarts of boiling water, season with sal
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Grapefruit à la Rose. Peel and slice two grapefruit and put in salad bowl. Mix one-half cup of fresh strawberries and one-half cup of fresh raspberries and two spoonfuls of powdered sugar, and strain through a fine colander. Have all very cold. Put the grapefruit in glasses and pour the fresh fruit sauce over it. Fillet of sand dabs, fried. Cut the fillets from four sand dabs, season with salt and pepper, roll in flour, then in beaten eggs, then in bread crumbs, and fry in hot swimming lard. Whe
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Eggs gourmet. Spread some terrine de foie gras on four pieces of toast, lay a poached egg on top of each piece, and cover with sauce Périgord. Honeycomb tripe with cream and peppers. Cut three pounds of tripe in strips about two inches long and one-half inch wide, and put in casserole with cold water and a spoonful of salt. Bring to a boil and cook for ten minutes. Then drain off the water, add one pint of milk, season with salt, and boil for thirty minutes. Cut six green peppers in small square
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Poached eggs, d'Artois. Place the poached eggs on toast and pour thick tomato sauce over them. Purée of green asparagus. Heat in a casserole three ounces of butter, then add three ounces of flour and four pounds of green asparagus cut in small pieces, one quart of milk, one quart of chicken broth or bouillon, a bouquet garni, a little salt, and one teaspoonful of sugar. Boil for an hour, and strain through a very fine sieve. Then put back in casserole and add the yolks of two eggs mixed with one
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Consommé Céléstine. Make some thin pancakes, cut in strips like matches, and serve in consommé. Larded tenderloin of beef. Lard a tenderloin of beef, after removing the fat and skin. Put in a roasting pan with a sliced onion, carrot, celery, a little leek, parsley, one bay leaf, six cloves, and one spoonful of whole black peppers. Put some small bits of butter on top of the tenderloin, season with salt and pepper, and place in a hot oven. Baste frequently. After the fillet is done remove to a pl
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Pickled salmon, St. Francis. Cut in small pieces two pounds of raw salmon and put in sauté pan, add a can of sliced cèpes, a cupful of sliced sour pickles, one-half cup of sliced green olives, a glass of white wine, a pint of tomato ketchup, one spoonful of salt, one tablespoonful of paprika, and four peeled tomatoes, squeezed and cut in small pieces. Put on fire, bring to the boiling point, set on back of the stove and let stand for a half hour. Then put in earthen jar and place in ice box. Ser
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Eggs à la Turque. To shirred eggs add a few chickens' livers sauté, in brown gravy. Place a slice of truffle on top of each egg. Deviled chickens' legs. Left over boiled or broiled chickens' legs may be utilized. Season with salt and pepper, spread with a little French mustard mixed with a little powdered mustard and Worcestershire sauce. Roll in fresh bread crumbs, and broil over a slow fire. When done serve on a platter with devil sauce, or sauce poivrade. Devil sauce. In a casserole put one c
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Fillet of sole, Marguery. Put four fillets of sole in a buttered sauté pan. Season each fillet with salt and a little Cayenne pepper, add one-half glass of white wine, and cover with buttered manilla paper. Put in oven and cook for six minutes. Remove the fillets to a buttered silver platter, place six boiled mussels and one head of canned mushrooms on top of each fillet. Now add to what wine is left in the sauce pan, one spoonful of white wine sauce, and bring to a boil, and bind with the yolks
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Breast of squab, Périgord. Cut the breasts from four squabs, season with salt and pepper, roll in flour, and fry in sauté pan in three ounces of butter. When done place on toast and cover with sauce Périgord. Fillet of flounder, Pompadour. Cut the fillets from a flounder and place them on a china platter, season with salt, pepper, the juice of a lemon, and a spoonful of olive oil. Set in the ice box for twelve hours; then take out and roll in flour, then in beaten eggs, and finally in bread crum
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Suprême of oysters, St. Francis. For about eight people. Use twenty California oysters or seven Eastern oysters for each person. Serve like an oyster cocktail in grapefruit suprême glasses in the following sauce: Mix one cup of tomato ketchup, a short cup of cream, one teaspoonful of Worcestershire sauce, one teaspoonful of lemon juice, season with salt, a dash of tobasco, and paprika. The cream should be added last. Keep the sauce on ice until needed. Eggs, Malakoff. Spread some fresh caviar on
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Ox tail braisé. Cut two ox tails in pieces three inches long, wash well and dry with a towel or cloth. Season with salt and pepper. In a casserole put three ounces of butter, put on the stove, and when hot add the ox tail. Sauté until nice and brown, then add three spoonfuls of flour, and let that become brown also. Then add one quart of boiling water, a bouquet garni, a little salt, one-half can of tomatoes, or four chopped fresh tomatoes, one piece of garlic, an onion and a carrot. Cover the c
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Oranges en suprême au Curaçao. Slice two oranges, sprinkle with a spoonful of powdered sugar, and add one pony of Curaçao. Have well iced, and serve in large suprême glasses. Consommé croûte au pot. Cut carrots, turnips, cabbage and leeks in small thin squares, parboil, and finish cooking in consommé. Serve with sliced French bread browned in oven. Crab legs, Josephine. Bread the crab legs with fresh bread crumbs, and fry in a pan, with butter. Dish up on a round platter, with sliced fresh mushr
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Eggs Châteaubriand. Spread some foie gras on a piece of toast, lay a poached egg on top, and cover with tomato sauce. Breaded lamb chops, reformé. Mix the crumbs made from one loaf of bread with two slices of chopped ham and one spoonful of chopped parsley. Season eight chops with salt and pepper, roll in flour, then in beaten eggs, and finally in the crumbs mixed as above. Fry in hot butter, and when done place on a platter and pour around them the following sauce: Cut in small strips, and in e
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Crab salad, Louis. Arrange lettuce leaves around the inside of a salad bowl, with a few sliced leaves on the bottom. Put crab meat on top of the sliced leaves, and a few sliced hard-boiled eggs and sliced chives on top of the crab meat. In another bowl mix one-half cup of French dressing with one-half cup of Chili sauce, two spoonfuls of mayonnaise, salt, pepper, and one teaspoonful of Worcestershire sauce. Pour over the salad, and serve very cold. Braised mutton chops. Have six chops cut one an
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Consommé with royal and carrots. Boil one quart of French carrots in salted water. When done, drain off the water and pass the carrots through a fine sieve. Take a cup of this carrot purée and mix with two whole eggs and one yolk, season with salt and pepper, and strain again. Put in a small buttered pudding mould and cook in a bain-marie. When set, allow to become cool, remove from mould, and cut in any fancy shape desired. Serve in hot consommé. Tournedos Bordelaise. Either fry in butter or br
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Knickerbocker salad. On a long leaf of romaine salad put one slice of grapefruit, then one slice of orange, and so on until the leaf is full. Then put four fresh strawberries on top, cover with French dressing and garnish with whipped cream. Serve on individual plates. Purée of white beans, Soubise. Soak two pounds of white beans in cold water over night. Then put on fire with two quarts of water, six whole white onions, one bouquet garni, one ham bone, and two pounds of veal bones. Season with
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MAY 10
MAY 10
Loin of lamb chops, jardinière. Season four lamb chops with salt and pepper, roll in oil, and broil. Then place on a platter, cover with Madeira sauce, and garnish with bouquets of fresh vegetables; such as peas in butter, cauliflower Hollandaise; or asparagus tips, string beans, young carrots, etc. Also add some kind of potatoes. Consommé Valentienne. Make some small dumplings of cream puff paste and boil in salt water for two minutes. Cook some lettuce, cut Julienne style, in consommé. Boil so
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MAY 11
MAY 11
Broiled honeycomb tripe, Chili sauce. Roll four pieces of well seasoned boiled tripe in oil, then in fresh bread crumbs, and then broil. Heat one-half bottle of Chili sauce, pour on a platter and lay the tripe on top. Preserves. Amount of fruit required. Seven and one-half pounds of cherries and seven and one-half pounds of sugar will make one gallon of preserves. Fourteen pounds of berries and fourteen pounds of sugar will make five quarts of jam. Two quarts of stemmed currants will make two pi
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MAY 12
MAY 12
Chicken patties, Toulouse. Fill some patty shells with Toulouse filling, prepared in the same manner as for Vol au vent Toulouse. Broiled Virginia ham. Use either boiled or raw Virginia ham. Cut in thin slices, broil, and serve on platter, garnished with parsley in branches. Panachée salad. This is a mixed salad of two kinds of vegetables such as beans and flageolets, peas and carrots, potatoes and lettuce, beets and field, etc. Consommé Ravioli. Make some small raviolis and boil them for five o
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MAY 13
MAY 13
Croûtons Parmesanne. Four yolks of eggs, two ounces of grated Parmesan cheese, one-half ounce of salt, a pinch of Cayenne pepper, and the whites of three eggs. Beat well together the yolks of eggs, grated cheese, salt and Cayenne pepper. Then add the whites of eggs, beaten very hard. Put in a buttered pan and bake in a moderate oven. Cut in diamond shapes while warm. Pickelsteiner stew. Two pounds of veal, two pounds of shoulder of lamb, and two pounds of pork cut in pieces one and one-half inch
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MAY 14
MAY 14
Alligator pear cocktail. Scoop out the inside of one large, or two small, ripe alligator pears and cut in small pieces. Add one-half cup of tomato ketchup, one-half teaspoonful of Worcestershire sauce, one-half teaspoonful of lemon juice, a little salt and paprika, a dash of Tabasco sauce, and last of all, one-half cup of cream. Mix lightly, and serve in glasses set in ice. The cocktails should be very cold. Fricadellen (Balls of cooked meat). Use any kind of meat that may be left over, such as
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MAY 15
MAY 15
Koenigsberger klobs. With a medium-fine meat chopper cut six ounces of shoulder of lamb, six ounces of shoulder of veal, and ten ounces of fat and lean pork. Simmer one chopped onion and six shallots in butter, and add to the meat. Season with salt, pepper, a little grated nutmeg and Cayenne pepper, and chopped parsley. Add a glassful of water, one dozen chopped anchovies, a little chopped garlic, two raw eggs, and some chives, chopped fine. Roll into small round balls about one inch in diameter
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MAY 16
MAY 16
Eggs Mirabel. Spread some foie gras on four pieces of toast, lay a poached egg on top of each piece, and cover with sauce Périgueux. Sour schmorrbraten. Rub a six pound piece of rump of beef with salt and pepper, and a piece of garlic. Place in an earthern pot, add one sliced onion, one carrot, a little celery, leeks, parsley, two bay leaves, one sprig of thyme, and two cloves. Boil one quart of white wine vinegar, pour over all in the earthen jar, and allow to stand in the ice box from thirty-s
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MAY 17
MAY 17
Omelet with onions. Chop an onion very fine. Simmer slowly until soft, in an omelet pan in one ounce of butter. Then add eight beaten eggs, season with salt and pepper; and make the omelet in the usual manner. Poached eggs, St. Pierre. Lay four poached eggs on four pieces of anchovy toast, and cover with anchovy sauce. Anchovy toast. 1. Mix one spoonful of anchovy paste with one spoonful of butter, and spread on toast. 2. Soak two dozen salt anchovies in cold water for fifteen minutes. Then dry
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MAY 18
MAY 18
California marmalade. One grapefruit, one orange, and two lemons. Shave the fruit very thin, discarding the seeds only. Pack lightly into an earthern vessel, add just water enough to cover, and allow to stand from twelve to twenty-four hours. Then bring to a boil, and simmer for fifteen minutes. Return to the earthern vessel and allow to stand for another twenty-four hours. Then measure, and add an equal quantity of sugar, return to stove and boil until it jells. Put up in jelly glasses. Lillian
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MAY 19
MAY 19
Eggs, Waterloo. Spread some foie gras on four pieces of toast; place a poached egg on each, and cover with Béarnaise sauce. Veloutine aurore. Mix two pints of velouté of chicken soup with one pint of purée of tomatoes. Leg of lamb, Renaissance. Garnish a roast leg of lamb with small croustades filled with chickens' livers sauté au Madère, and artichokes bottoms filled with macédoine of vegetables. Serve sauce Périgueux separate. Millionaire punch. Sliced mixed fruits and a few berries soaked in
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MAY 20
MAY 20
Eggs en cocotte, Porto Rico. Butter four cocotte dishes. Cut a peeled tomato in small squares and distribute in the four dishes, season with salt and pepper, and simmer for two minutes. Then add a slice of boiled ham cut in small dices, and a few fresh-cooked asparagus tips. Break an egg in each dish, season with salt and pepper, put a small piece of butter on top, and bake in oven for about five minutes. Filet mignon, Maréchale. Broil or sauté four small tenderloin of beef steaks, and season we
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MAY 21
MAY 21
Purée Camelia. Boil two pounds of green peas in one quart of chicken broth; with the addition of a bouquet garni. When the peas are soft remove the bouquet, and strain the soup through a fine sieve. Put back in casserole, bring to a boil, season with salt and white pepper; and add three ounces of sweet butter, stirring well to ensure its being melted. Beef à la mode. Take about five pounds of rump of beef and lard it with a special larding needle with fresh larding pork. Season with salt and pep
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MAY 22
MAY 22
Canapé of raw beef. Chop one-half pound of lean fresh beef very fine, and season with salt and pepper. Spread four slices of rye bread, first with sweet butter, and then with the chopped beef. Place on a napkin and garnish with lettuce leaves filled with chopped onions, sliced pickles, ripe olives, and two lemons cut in half. Strawberries, Parisienne. Put some nice ripe strawberries in a bowl and put in the ice box until very cold. Make a sauce by mixing one-half pint of strawberry pulp, made by
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MAY 23
MAY 23
Eggs, Hongroise. Boil a cup of rice, and spread on a platter, lay four poached eggs on top. Place some chickens' livers, that have been cooked sauté in butter, around the rice; and cover all with sauce Périgueux. Calf's liver sauté, sauce Robert. Slice some calf's liver three-quarters of an inch thick. Season with salt and pepper, roll in flour, and fry in melted butter. Place on a platter and cover with sauce Robert. Sauce Robert. Slice two onions very fine and put in casserole with two ounces
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MAY 24
MAY 24
English mutton chop, XX Century Club. Secure from the butcher four English mutton chops with the kidneys. Season with salt and pepper, roll in oil, and broil. Place on a platter and cover with sauce Madère. Garnish with four red peppers (pimentos) stuffed with purée of sweet potatoes. Cottage cheese. Let two quarts of milk become sour. Put in a cheese cloth and allow to hang for twenty-four hours, so all the water can drain out. Then put the curd in a salad bowl, season with salt and pepper, mix
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MAY 25
MAY 25
Scrambled eggs, Marseillaise. Peel and slice two fresh tomatoes and put in casserole with two ounces of butter. Simmer for five minutes. Rub the inside of a bowl with garlic, break twelve eggs in the bowl and beat them. Add salt and pepper and half a cup of cream, pour into the casserole and scramble in the usual manner. Cream soup, à l'Algérienne. Boil two sweet potatoes, and force through a fine sieve. Add two quarts of cream of chicken soup. If too thick add a little plain chicken broth, or b
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MAY 26
MAY 26
Poached eggs, Vanderbilt. Make a purée of fresh mushrooms and spread over toast. Lay a poached egg on top, and cover with sauce Madère. Breaded veal cutlets, tomato sauce. Have your butcher cut four veal cutlets from the leg, and about one-third of an inch thick. Season with salt and pepper, roll in flour, then in beaten eggs, and finally in fresh bread crumbs. Heat a half cup of melted butter in a frying pan, and fry the cutlets. Serve on a platter with tomato sauce. Spaghetti in cream. Boil ha
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MAY 27
MAY 27
Shirred eggs with bananas. Peel a banana and slice it very fine. Put half and half in two buttered shirred egg dishes, and allow to become hot. Then put two eggs in each dish, season with salt and pepper, put in oven and cook. Eggs, presidential. Boil until quite soft some left-over roasted or boiled chicken, mix with a little cream sauce, season well, and pass through a fine sieve. Place on artichoke bottoms, put on a buttered dish, and set in oven to get hot. Then lay a poached egg on top, cov
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MAY 28
MAY 28
Eggs, Columbus. Put some green peppers in hot, swimming lard for a minute. Then peel and cut in orange shape. Cut some pimentos in orange shape. Heat both in warm butter, lay two of each on each poached egg on toast. Cannelons à la crème. Roll out half a pound of puff paste, that was made with six turns, to about one-eighth inch thick. Cut in strips eight inches long and one inch wide. Wash with egg, and roll on buttered sticks about one inch in diameter. Place on pan and bake in moderate oven.
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MAY 29
MAY 29
Potage, Albert. Two-thirds purée of potato soup and one-third very thick Consommé Julienne. Boiled lake trout, pepper sauce. Put two trout in a fish kettle filled with water. Season with salt, add a sliced onion, one carrot, a bouquet garni, and a spoonful of whole black peppers tied in a cheese cloth. Boil until done. Put the fish on a napkin, and garnish with small round boiled potatoes, parsley in branches, and quartered lemons. Serve pepper sauce separate. Pepper sauce. Crush with a bottle o
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MAY 30
MAY 30
Fried eggs with chives. Put an ounce of butter in a frying pan, break four eggs into the pan, season with salt and pepper, sprinkle some chives, chopped very fine, on top of the eggs, and fry. Blood pudding, sauce Robert. Get two pounds of blood pudding from the butcher, put in frying pan with one ounce of melted butter, and fry for about fifteen minutes. Serve on a platter covered with sauce Robert. Apple turnovers. Roll out some puff paste about one-eighth inch thick. Cut with a round cutter a
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MAY 31
MAY 31
Canapé Norway. Spread four pieces of toast with butter, lay thin slices of smoked salmon on top, trim to diamond shape, and dress on napkin. Garnish with parsley and lemon. Eggs, Biarritz. Spread four pieces of toast with anchovy butter, lay on each piece a hard-boiled egg cut in two. Put a stuffed olive on each half of egg. Crème Congalaise. Add a spoonful of curry powder to a cream of chicken soup. Also add the breast of a boiled chicken cut in small dices. Bass, Niçoise. Cut a three-pound bas
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Fried calf's brains, tomato sauce. Cut two cold boiled calf's brains in two lengthwise, season with salt and pepper, roll in flour, then in beaten eggs, and then in fresh bread crumbs. Fry in very hot swimming fat, and serve on napkin with parsley and lemon. Serve tomato sauce separate. Boiled calf's brains. Let two fresh calf's brains soak in cold water for an hour, so the blood will run out. Then remove the skin with the fingers. Put in a casserole, cover with cold water, add salt, a bouquet g
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Eggs, Fedora. Cut four hard-boiled eggs in two, lengthwise, remove the yolks and mash with a fork, in a bowl. Then add one-half cup of fresh bread crumbs, salt, pepper, the raw yolk of an egg, a little chopped chives and parsley, and one ounce of butter. Mix well, and fill the boiled whites with the mixture. Then roll in the beaten whites of eggs, and then in bread crumbs, and fry in hot swimming fat. Serve on a napkin, with fried parsley. Serve cream of tomato sauce separate. Lamb chops, Bradfo
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Crab legs, Stock. For four persons, put two leaves of lettuce on each dinner plate. Slice fine a head of lettuce and put on top of the lettuce leaves. Add to each plate one slice of peeled tomatoes, and on top place four legs of crab, or some crab meat, and two fillets of anchovies on top of the crab. Put in a salad bowl one spoonful of vinegar, one of tomato ketchup, one of Chili sauce, two of olive oil, one-half teaspoonful of Worcestershire sauce, one teaspoonful of salt, a little paprika, an
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Sliced figs with cream. Peel and slice some fresh figs and serve on a compotier, with powdered sugar and cream separate. Cold eggs, Danoise. Make four pieces of anchovy toast, and lay on each a hard-boiled egg cut in two lengthwise. Cover the eggs with mayonnaise sauce. Breast of squab, sauté in butter. Cut out the breasts of four raw squabs, season with salt and pepper, and roll in flour. Heat two ounces of butter in a sauté pan, add the squab breast and cook for about ten minutes, or until bro
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Salted salmon belly, melted butter. Soak a salted salmon belly in cold water over night. Then place in vessel and cover with fresh cold water, bring to a boil, and then set at side of the range for twenty minutes. Dish up on a napkin on a platter, garnish with parsley in branches and quartered lemons. Serve melted butter separate. Shirred eggs, Monaco. Put six chopped shallots in a casserole with one ounce of butter. Heat slightly, then add six sliced fresh mushrooms and one peeled and sliced to
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Eggs, Belmont. Butter four timbale moulds, put in each a spoonful of D'Uxelles, break an egg on top, season with salt and pepper, put in bain-marie, and bake until the eggs are set. Then turn out on a platter and cover with tomato sauce, to which a little chopped truffle has been added. Consommé, Marchand. Cut a truffle Julienne style; also the breast of a boiled fowl and a few slices of smoked beef tongue. Serve in one quart of boiling well-seasoned consommé. Pim olas. Pim olas are small green
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Soft clam soup, Salem. Remove the bellies from two dozen clams and put the remainder, with their juice, in a casserole. Add a quart of water, a bouquet garni, and some salt; bring to a boil, and strain over the clam bellies, which have been placed in a vessel. Bring to a boil again and add one pint of thick cream and two ounces of sweet butter. When butter is melted, season with salt and a little Cayenne pepper, and serve in a tureen. Serve broken crackers separate. Boiled Tahoe trout, sauce mou
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Chipped beef on toast. Cut one pound of smoked beef in very thin chips, put in hot water and bring to a boil. Then drain off the water and add a cup of very thick cream, boil again, and thicken with the yolks of two eggs and half a cup of thick cream. Let it come nearly to a boil, taste to see if sufficiently salt, add a little white pepper, and serve on four pieces of dry toast. Shirred eggs, Argenteuil. Cut the tips, about one and one-half inch long, from one pound of asparagus, put in salted
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Omelet with egg plant. Use any broiled egg plant that may be left over, or fresh egg plant, and cut in small squares about one-half inch in diameter. Put in sauté pan with a little butter and simmer until soft. Then put the omelet pan on the fire with a small piece of sweet butter in it, add twelve beaten eggs, season with salt and pepper, add the egg plant, and then cook the omelet in the usual manner. Broiled sirloin steak, Cliff House. Season a two-pound steak with salt and pepper, roll in oi
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Eggs Agostini. Put one-quarter pound of boiled rice on a platter, lay four poached eggs on top, and cover with tomato sauce. Consommé Turbigo. Boil one-quarter pound of noodles in salt water. Boil a carrot, cut in the form of matches, in salt water until soft. Cut the breast of a soup hen or chicken in Julienne shape. Add all to two quarts of hot and well-seasoned consommé. Plombière à la vanille (ice cream). The yolks of eight eggs, one-half pound of sugar, one quart of milk, and one vanilla be
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Eggs au fondu. Poached eggs on toast, covered with Welsh rabbit. Serve hot. Cream of artichokes. Make three quarts of very light stock veal or chicken broth, strain and add to it four whole artichokes. Boil until the artichokes are soft, then remove and separate the bottoms from the leaves, cut the bottoms in small squares, and place in soup tureen. Then pass the leaves through a fine sieve, and put back in the broth. Melt three ounces of butter in a casserole, add three spoonfuls of flour, heat
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Braised beef. Have the butcher cut an eight pound piece of rump or brisket of beef. Season with salt and pepper, and rub with a small piece of garlic. Melt in a pot about two ounces of butter, and when hot add the beef and roast on top of the range until it is brown on all sides. Then remove the beef, add one ounce of fresh butter to the gravy already in the pot, and when hot add two large spoonfuls of flour, and allow it to brown. Then add three pints of water, bring to a boil, and then put in
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Broiled veal kidneys, English style. Leave a little fat on two veal kidneys, split them, season with salt and pepper, and sprinkle with a tablespoonful of dry English mustard. Then sprinkle with olive oil, and broil. When done place them on four pieces of dry toast. Mix two ounces of butter with the juice of a lemon, one tablespoonful of Worcestershire sauce, a little salt, pepper, grated nutmeg, chopped parsley, and one spoonful of meat extract. Mix well, and pour over the kidneys. Garnish with
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Scrambled eggs with cheese. Mix ten eggs with one-half cup of cream, and one-half cup of grated Parmesan or Swiss cheese; season with salt and pepper to taste. Melt two ounces of butter in a casserole, add the eggs, and scramble. Beignets soufflés. One pint of water, one-quarter pound of butter, one-half pound of flour, nine eggs, and a pinch of salt. Put the butter and salt in the water and bring to a boil. Stir in the flour with a wooden spoon, and work well until it is a smooth paste. Remove
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Rachel salad. Cut some artichoke bottoms, boiled celery, potatoes and asparagus tips, and two truffles, in Julienne shape. Arrange the vegetables in a salad bowl in bouquets, place the truffles in the center, and pour some French dressing over all. Baked apple roll. Roll out one pound of puff paste until it is about one-eighth inch thick. Spread with chopped apples mixed with a little powdered sugar and powdered allspice. Wet the edges of the paste with water and roll up in the form of a big sti
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Shirred eggs, Antoine. Plain shirred eggs with broiled strips of bacon on top. Vanilla blanc mange. One pint of milk, one pint of cream, six ounces of sugar, one ounce of gelatine, and one-half of a vanilla bean. Soak the gelatine in cold water. Put the milk and the vanilla bean on the fire together and let them come nearly to a boil. Then remove from the fire, add the soaked gelatine, and work with a wooden spoon until melted. Strain, and allow to become nearly cold. Then add the cream, and bea
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Poached eggs, Blanchard. Cut two English muffins in half, toast them, and lay a slice of broiled ham on each. Put a poached egg on top of the ham, and cover with cream sauce. Cream of parsnips, II. Put three pounds of veal bones in a casserole, add three quarts of water and a handful of salt, bring to a boil, and skim. Then add six sliced parsnips and a bouquet garni, and boil for an hour; then remove the bones and the bouquet. Put three ounces of butter in another vessel, heat, then add three s
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Orloff salad. Cut out the flesh from two cantaloupes and cut in one-half inch squares. Arrange in a circle in a salad bowl, and in the center put four buttons of artichokes cut in the same manner. Pour one-half cup of French dressing over all. Consommé Irma. Boil one calf's brains, cut in small squares, and add to a quart of well-seasoned consommé. Fillet of sole, Talleyrand. Lay four fillets of sole flat on the table and spread with fish force meat (Feb. 11), and sprinkle with a little chopped
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Eggs, Oudinot. Cut four hard-boiled eggs in two lengthwise. Take out the yolks and put in a salad bowl, add one-half cup of fresh bread crumbs, one raw egg yolk, and season with salt, pepper, and a little chopped parsley. Mix well, and then stuff the whites of eggs. Place on a buttered dish, cover with cream sauce, sprinkle with grated cheese, put small bits of butter all over the top, and bake in oven until brown. Potage paysanne. Cut a carrot, white turnip, parsnip, and a small head of green c
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Waffles, special. One-half pound of flour, one teaspoonful of baking powder, one spoonful of sugar, one ounce of melted butter, one-half pint of milk, one pinch of salt, three yolks and three whites of eggs. Mix the baking powder with the flour, then add the sugar, salt, yolks of eggs, butter and milk, and make a batter that should not be too stiff and hard. Beat the whites of eggs very hard, add to the batter, and mix well. Bake in a well-greased hot iron. (If possible use sour milk.) Poached e
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Shirred eggs, Amiral. Put two eggs in a buttered shirred egg dish and cook. When nearly done put on top a spoonful of white wine sauce with a little chopped lobster, mushrooms and truffles in it. Finish cooking, and season well with salt and pepper. Purée of cucumbers. Peel four cucumbers, and cut in slices. Put them in a casserole with two quarts of cold water, season with salt, and bring to a boil. Then drain off the water, cool in cold fresh water, and drain again. Put three ounces of butter
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Baked pears. Core one dozen pears, but leave the stems on. Put in a pan with half a pint of water and half a pound of sugar, and bake in medium hot oven until soft. Serve either hot or cold, with sauce separate. Baked peaches. Prick one dozen peaches all over with a fork, and set them close together in a pan. Sprinkle with one-quarter pound of granulated sugar, and add just water enough to cover the bottom of the pan. Bake until soft. Serve cream separate. Sweetbreads, Lavalière. Prepare some sw
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Omelet with potatoes. Use left-over cold baked or boiled potatoes. Chop up a cupful and put in an omelet pan with two ounces of butter and fry until golden yellow. Season with salt and pepper, and then add a dozen beaten and seasoned eggs. Cook the omelet in the usual manner. Eggs, Basque. Put in very hot swimming fat four whole large green peppers, and fry for one minute. Then take out and remove the skin, cut the bottoms off, take out the seeds, and place each pepper in a buttered cup, with th
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Cold poached eggs, à l'estragon. Select four nice lettuce leaves and place a cold poached egg on each. Cover with sauce mayonnaise, and lay four leaves of tarragon crosswise over each egg. German huckleberry cake. Line a cake pan, that will hold enough for six persons, with thin dough. (See dough for German cake ). Fill with cleaned huckleberries, sprinkle on a handful of sugar mixed with a little powdered cinnamon, and bake. Then mix one-quarter pound of sugar with one pint of milk and three eg
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Salad Cendrillon. Scoop out four cold baked potatoes, fill with Russian salad, and serve on a napkin, garnished with parsley in branches and canapés of anchovies. Small tenderloin steak, Marseillaise. Chop six shallots and two pieces of garlic, and simmer in two ounces of butter. Then add a peeled tomato cut in small squares, and six chopped anchovies, and simmer for twenty minutes. Then add two cups of brown gravy (sauce Madère), boil for two minutes, add two ounces of butter, stir until melted
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Eggs, Céléstine. Put four pieces of toast on a buttered platter, lay a slice of broiled ham on top of each, and a poached egg on top of each slice of ham. Cover with cream sauce, sprinkle with grated cheese, put a little butter on each, and bake in a hot oven until brown. Fried chicken, Villeroi. Joint a chicken, season with salt and pepper, roll in flour, then in beaten eggs and fresh bread crumbs. Put one-half cup of melted butter in a pan, heat, and then fry the chicken. Make a pint of sauce
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Salad Bretonne. Soak one pound of white beans in cold water over night. Then put on fire in two quarts of water, add a little salt, one carrot, one onion, and a bouquet garni. Cover, and boil until soft. Then remove the vegetables, drain off the water, and set the beans in a cool place. When cold put them in a salad bowl, and in the center place two tomatoes peeled and cut in small squares. Sprinkle with one teaspoonful of salt, one-half teaspoonful of fresh-ground black pepper, one-third cup of
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Omelette Argentine. Cut one-quarter pound of egg plant in one-half inch squares. Put in omelet pan with one ounce of butter and fry until cooked. Then add eight beaten eggs, season with salt and pepper, and cook in the usual manner. Serve the omelet on a platter with sauce Colbert around it. Turkey hash, Château de Madrid. Cut the breast of a boiled turkey in small squares. Put in a sauté pan with one pint of thick cream sauce, season with salt and pepper, heat, and fill as many red peppers (pim
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Cold fish à la Michels. Put in a casserole one spoonful of olive oil and a small onion chopped very fine. Fry until yellow, and then add one chopped clove of garlic and a spoonful of flour. Cook this until yellow; then add two and one-half cups of water, season with salt and pepper, and boil for two minutes. Then add about two pounds of any kind of fish cut in pieces about two inches square, and some chopped parsley, and boil for thirty minutes. Put the fish in a deep porcelain dish, pour the sa
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Doughnuts—with baking powder. One pound of flour, one-half ounce baking powder, two ounces of butter, three ounces of sugar, the yolks of four eggs, one whole egg, one-half gill of milk, and the rind of a lemon. Sift the baking powder into the flour. Mix the sugar, butter and eggs; add the milk and flour, and the lemon rind flavoring. Roll out, and cut with a doughnut cutter, and fry in hot lard or butter. Dust with powdered sugar with a little cinnamon in it, before serving. Doughnuts—with yeas
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Imperial salad. Equal parts of sliced tomatoes, sliced artichoke bottoms, and fresh peas. Put them in a salad bowl, cover with mayonnaise sauce, and lay some sliced truffles on top. St. Francis cheese. Scrape the skin from three Camembert cheeses, and put in a copper casserole. Add one-quarter pound of good Roquefort cheese, one-half pound of the best table butter, two tablespoonfuls of sifted flour, and one pint of the best cream. Cook until melted, and the whole becomes thick; then strain thro
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Crab cocktail, Crêmière. Same as Crab cocktail, Victor (see March 24 ), with the addition of a little whipped cream on top. Cottage fried potatoes. Slice three potatoes of medium size in pieces the size and shape of a silver dollar. Heat two ounces of butter in a frying pan, add the potatoes, season with salt and pepper, and fry slowly. When done add a spoonful of grated cheese, and put in the oven for a few minutes. Then dish up, sprinkled with chopped parsley. Pig's feet, St. Menehould. Split
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Clams en cocotte, Californienne. Remove three dozen Little Neck clams from their shells and put in an earthern casserole or cocotte dish with two ounces of butter. Then add one-half cup of raw fine-chopped celery, two heads of fresh mushrooms chopped very fine, and a little chives sliced very fine, and some chopped parsley. Season with salt and pepper, put two more ounces of butter on top, and place in oven to bake. Cook for twenty minutes, and serve from the cocotte, direct from the oven. Crout
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Poached eggs, Créole. Put some boiled rice on a platter, lay four poached eggs on top, and cover with Créole sauce. Lamb chops, Robinson. Broil eight lamb chops, and lay them on a platter. Clean a dozen chicken livers, cut in four, season with salt and pepper, put in a frying pan with two ounces of hot melted butter, and sauté for three minutes. Then sprinkle with a spoonful of flour, add a cup of bouillon or broth, boil for a minute, add a little dry sherry wine, and pour over the chops. Corn s
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Scrambled eggs with Swiss cheese. Cut one-quarter pound of Swiss cheese in very small squares. Put an ounce of butter in a casserole with the cheese, and heat slightly; then add ten beaten eggs, one-half cup of cream, season with salt and pepper, and scramble in the usual manner. Chicken soup, Portugaise. Put a soup hen on the fire in three quarts of water, bring to a boil, and skim well. Then add a tablespoonful of salt, two carrots, one onion, and a bouquet garni, and boil slowly until the fow
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Boiled farina in milk. Bring a quart of milk to a boil, add a small pinch of salt, and pour a half pound of farina into it slowly so dough balls will not form. Cook for fifteen minutes. Scrambled eggs, Caroline. Cut two boiled artichoke bottoms and two slices of boiled ham in small squares. In a casserole put the ham with two ounces of butter, heat, and then add ten beaten eggs, season with salt and pepper, add one-half cup of cream, and scramble in the usual manner. Just before finishing add th
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Cauliflower salad. Boil two heads of cauliflower in salt water for ten minutes. Allow to become cold, and serve in salad bowl with French dressing, or mayonnaise sauce. Potage Honolulu. Put on the fire a soup hen, in three quarts of water; season with a tablespoonful of salt, and bring to a boil. Then add one bouquet garni, three onions, three green peppers, and three-quarters of a pound of rice. When the hen is boiled soft remove it, with the bouquet garni and the peppers. Strain the rice, onio
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Shirred eggs with peppers. Cut four whole green peppers in small squares. Take four individual shirred egg dishes and put a teaspoonful of butter in each. Divide the chopped peppers equally among the four dishes, and simmer until nearly cooked; then break two eggs in each dish, season with salt and a little pepper, and cook again until the eggs are done. Beef marrow, Princess. Have the butcher take the marrow out of four beef shin bones. Lay them whole in cold water for an hour, so the blood wil
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Scrambled eggs, Havemeyer. Peel two tomatoes, cut in half, squeeze out the juice, and cut in small squares. Put in a sauce pot one ounce of butter, heat, add the tomatoes, and simmer for two minutes. Then add eight beaten eggs, and one-half cup of cream. Season with salt and pepper. Scramble in the usual manner. Potage Coburg. Mix one quart of mock turtle soup with one pint of consommé tapioca; and just before serving add one-half cup of very small gnocchis. Lobster, Becker. Put in a sauté pan t
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Grapefruit, Cardinal. Peel four grapefruit and slice them. Drain off the juice, and put the slices in suprême glasses. Force two small baskets of fresh raspberries through a fine sieve, put in a bowl, add two spoonfuls of powdered sugar and one pony of kirschwasser, mix well, and pour over the grapefruit. Cold pheasant pie. Cut the breasts from two pheasants, and trim carefully. Put all of the trimmings and the meat of the legs without the bones, in an earthern jar; add three chopped shallots, a
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Canapé St. Francis. Put four nice leaves of yellow lettuce on four dessert plates. Cut four round pieces of toast, two and one-half inches in diameter, spread with fresh caviar, and place on top of the lettuce. Peel two ripe tomatoes and cut in four nice slices, and lay on top of the caviar. Sprinkle each piece with one third white wine vinegar and two-thirds olive oil, and a little salt and fresh ground black pepper mixed together. Lay two fillets of anchovies crosswise over each, and finally s
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Calf's foot jelly. Parboil four calf's feet; allow to become cool; put back in vessel with an onion and a carrot, a piece of leek, a piece of celery, one clove, a bay leaf, a sprig of thyme, a spoonful of whole black peppers, a gallon of water, a quart of white wine, and a small handful of salt. Boil until the feet are soft. Then strain the broth, let it stand for a couple of minutes, and then remove all the fat from the top. Put a spoonful of the broth on a plate and set on ice. If it sets too
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Consommé Palestine. Add to hot well-seasoned consommé equal parts of peas, flageolet beans, and carrots and turnips cut in small round balls; and all boiled in salted water. Brésilienne salad. One-third boiled fresh Lima beans, one-third sliced green peppers, and one-third celery cut Julienne style. Place in a salad bowl, separately. In the center put some French dressing. Sprinkle with chopped parsley and chervil. Fillet of flounder, St. Avertin. Put four fillets of flounder in a pan, cover wit
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Eggs, Bienvenue. Butter four individual shirred egg dishes. Make a border of mashed (croquette) potato around each dish. Put in the bottom a spoonful of purée of fresh tomatoes. Break two eggs in each dish, season with salt and pepper, and bake in oven. Kalter aufschnitt. Assorted cold meats, such as roast beef, ham, tongue, lamb, etc. Garnish with a lettuce leaf filled with potato salad, for each person. Chicken mulligatawney soup. Cut the breast from an uncooked soup hen, and cut in small squa
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Chicken jelly. Clarify three quarts of good chicken broth with the whites of six eggs. Soak two leaves of gelatine in water, and add to the broth. Boil for twenty minutes, and strain. Set in ice box to become firm. Cold beef à la mode. Take two pieces of rump of beef weighing about six pounds each, season with salt and pepper, place in a vessel with a spoonful of fat or butter, and roast until nice and brown all over. Then sprinkle with two spoonfuls of flour, and cook until flour is brown. Then
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Eggs, Marlborough. Place four poached eggs on four pieces of anchovy toast, cover with sauce Périgueux, and lay a strip of broiled bacon across each. Chicken soup, Piedmontaise. Mix a pint of chicken broth with a pint of purée of tomato soup, add a quarter pound of macaroni cut in one-quarter inch pieces, and the breast of a boiled chicken cut in small squares. Black bass, Heydenreich. Place two black bass in a buttered pan, and season with salt and fresh-ground black pepper. Chop three ounces o
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Eggs, St. Catherine. Cut the tops from four large baked potatoes, and scoop out the insides. Lay a slice of tomato in the bottom, season with salt and pepper, break an egg in each, and cover with well-seasoned cream sauce. Sprinkle with grated cheese, put small bits of butter on top, and bake in oven for about ten minutes. Serve on napkin, with parsley in branches. Boneless squab en aspic. Cut the squabs open at the back, and remove all the bones, being careful not to cut the skin. Spread flat o
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Potage vert pré. Mix one pint of consommé tapioca with one quart of purée of pea soup. Just before serving add some chopped chervil. Peach meringue. Dress some meringue paste (see meringue shells ) on dishes or plates in round forms about three inches in diameter and three-quarters of an inch deep. Place the dishes on a pan, and set in a rather cool oven until the meringues are of a nice straw color. Put on the center of each a spoonful of pastry cream, and on top of this half of a peach cooked
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Scrambled eggs, Lucullus. Put in a casserole one ounce of butter, and three truffles cut in dices about one-eighth inch square. Heat through, and then add eight beaten eggs, and one-half cup of cream. Season with salt and pepper, then scramble, and dish up on a china platter. Cut about a dozen slices of truffle, heat on a plate with the addition of half a spoonful of meat extract, and lay over the eggs. Galantine of capon. Split open down the back a good-sized fowl or capon, and remove every bon
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Popover muffins. Five eggs, one-half ounce of salt, one quart of milk, and one pound of flour. Beat the eggs and salt well together; then beat in the milk; then add the flour and beat until smooth. This will make a very thin batter. Fill greased tall muffin moulds only half full, and bake in medium oven until very crisp. Paprika veal. The remains of a roast leg of veal may be used. Cut in slices one-half inch thick, and as wide as the meat will allow. Put two ounces of butter and a chopped onion
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Scrambled eggs, Mayence. Mayence, or Mainz, is a city in Germany famous for its ham. Cut four slices of Mayence or Westphalia ham in small squares, put in a casserole with two ounces of butter and simmer until heated through. Then add ten beaten eggs and one-half cup of cream, and season with pepper and a very little salt. Scramble in the usual manner. Steak Tartare. Cut one pound of tenderloin steak very fine, season with salt and pepper, and form in two oval shaped pats. In the center on top l
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Tomatoes, surprise. Peel four tomatoes, cut off the top, and scoop out the insides with a small sharp spoon. Cut a stalk of white celery in small dices, wash well, and set in ice box to cool. Then mix the celery with half a cup of thick mayonnaise sauce, season with salt and pepper, and fill the tomatoes. Sprinkle the tops with chopped parsley, and serve on lettuce leaves. Cream of watercress. Heat three ounces of butter in a casserole, add three spoonfuls of flour, one pint of chicken broth, an
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Omelette Meissonier. Cut a carrot and a turnip in one-quarter inch squares. Boil until soft in salted water, then mix with a spoonful of cream sauce, and season with salt and pepper. Make an omelet with ten eggs, in the usual manner and before turning over on the platter place the vegetables in the center. Pour cream sauce around the omelet. Pork chops, Badoise. Season four pork chops with salt and pepper, roll in flour, and fry in a pan. When done place on a platter, garnish one side with noodl
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Scrambled eggs with smoked salmon. Cut a half pound of raw smoked salmon in thin slices. In a casserole put the salmon with two ounces of butter, and heat through. Then add ten beaten eggs, one-half cup of cream, a little salt and pepper; and scramble in the usual manner. Terrine de foie gras en aspic. Use small round individual moulds; or a large one for six people; as desired. Melt a little meat jelly just so it will run, but do not have it hot. Put a little in the bottom of each mould and set
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Matjes herring, Krasnapolsky. Get six Matjes herring from the grocer, and soak in cold water for two hours. Then remove the skins, and place the herrings on lettuce leaves on a platter. Garnish with small plain boiled potatoes and dill pickles. Rice soup, à l'Allemande. Put three ounces of butter and two spoonfuls of raw rice in a casserole and heat through. Then add two spoonfuls of flour and heat again. Then add two quarts of strained boiling chicken broth, and boil slowly for an hour. Stir oc
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Breast of chicken en aspic. Loosen the legs and skin of a good-sized chicken, then insert a knife between neck and wing up towards the middle of the wishbone, loosening all the meat from the breast bone. The whole side will then be in one piece with the wing attached. Do the same with the other side. Then season, and fry to a brown color in butter. Set aside to become cold. Then decorate with the hard-boiled white of eggs cut in fancy shapes; place in an oval form, cover with almost-cold meat je
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Potage velour. Mix two pints of purée of tomato soup with one pint of consommé aux perles de Nizam. Fillet of turbot, Bâtelière. Put four fillets of turbot in a buttered pan, season with salt and pepper, add one-half glass of claret and one-half cup of fish broth, cover, boil for ten minutes, and then place the fish on a platter. Put one ounce of butter in a small casserole and heat. Then add one ounce of flour, heat through, add the broth left from the fish and also another half cup of broth, b
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Poached eggs, Périgordine. Spread some pâté de foie gras on four pieces of toast, lay a poached egg on top of each, and cover with sauce Périgordine. Consommé Inauguration. Equal parts of Julienne, small chicken dumplings, and Italian paste, served in hot consommé. Mousse d'écrevisses. Remove the shells from three lobsters and two dozen écrevisses (crayfish or crawfish) and smash very fine in a mortar. Put a cup of water, an ounce of butter, and a little salt and Cayenne pepper in a vessel and b
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Herring salad. Soak two salted herrings in cold water for an hour, then remove the skin and cut out the bones. Slice in thin slices, and mix with one quart of potato salad. Hot tomato broth. Chop three pounds of shin or lean beef. Mix with the whites of six eggs and one dozen tomatoes chopped very fine. Stir well, and add slowly one gallon of bouillon or stock. Bring slowly to a boil, and simmer for an hour. Strain through cheese cloth, season with salt and pepper. Serve either hot or cold. Eggs
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Poached eggs, Piedmontaise. Make a risotto, and place four poached eggs on top. Cover with cream sauce. Birds' nests (puff paste). Bake small patties as elsewhere described. Wash with thin royal icing, and sprinkle with plenty of shredded cocoanut. Set in oven to obtain a little color. Fill the center with jelly or marmalade, and place three or four blanched almonds on top to represent the bird's eggs. Small egg-shaped candies may be used instead if desired. Lemonade. One quart of water, the jui
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Schlemmerbroedchen (sandwich). Spread four slices of rye bread with butter, cover with one-quarter pound of raw beef chopped very fine, and seasoned with salt and pepper. Spread some fresh caviar on top of the beef. Serve on a folded napkin, with two lemons cut in half. Red cabbage salad. Slice a head of red cabbage very thin, put in a salad bowl, season with salt, pepper, one spoonful of oil, and three spoonfuls of vinegar. This salad requires more vinegar than oil. Rice croquettes. Cook one-ha
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Eggs à la Patti. Make a chicken hash in cream and put on a platter. Lay four poached eggs on top, and one slice of truffle on top of each egg. Pour sauce Madère around the hash. Puff paste roses. Roll out some puff paste about one-eighth inch thick, and cut with a star cutter. Brush over with a little water, and fold the points of the stars to the center. Bake, and when nearly done dust with powdered sugar, and return to oven to finish baking. The cakes will puff up like a rose. Fill with jelly
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White bean salad. Soak a pound of navy beans over night in cold water. Then boil them in three quarts of water; to which has been added a little salt, an onion, a carrot, and a bouquet garni. When soft, remove the onion and carrot, and the bouquet garni, drain off the water, and set the beans to cool. When cold put in a salad bowl, add two shallots chopped very fine, a little chopped parsley, a little salt and some fresh-ground pepper, one spoonful of vinegar and two of olive oil. Mix well. Lamb
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Eggs Mollet, cream sauce. Eggs Mollet are soft boiled (about four minutes). Remove the shells, being careful that the eggs do not break. Put in a deep dish and cover with cream sauce. Pimentos, vinaigrette. Drain the juice from one can of pimentos, lay them on a platter, and cover with vinaigrette sauce. Serve very cold. Scalloped clams. Put six dozen Little Neck clams in a vessel with their juice, and bring to a boil. Heat two ounces of butter in a casserole, then add two spoonfuls of flour, an
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Eggs Vilna. Spread some fresh caviar on four pieces of toast, lay a poached egg on top of each, lay four fillets of anchovies crosswise over the eggs, and garnish with two lemons cut in half, and parsley in branches. Calf's liver, Spanish style. Cut six slices of calf's liver three-quarters of an inch thick, season with salt and pepper, roll in flour, and fry in melted butter. When nearly done place on a platter and keep hot. Pour one pint of very highly seasoned Créole sauce over the liver, and
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Cold eggs with celery. Put four cold poached eggs on a platter and cover with a sauce made of one pinch of salt, a little fresh-ground black pepper, the heart of a stalk of celery cut in very small dices, a little chopped parsley, one spoonful of vinegar, and two tablespoonfuls of olive oil. Fillet of sole, Paylord. Chop very fine one-half of a can of French mushrooms, put in a napkin and squeeze out the water. Then mix with half a cup of thick cream sauce. Season four fillets of sole with salt
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Eggs Montebello. Poach four eggs, allow them to become cool, roll in flour, then in bread crumbs, and fry in swimming hot lard or butter. Serve on a napkin, and garnish with fried parsley. Serve sauce Montebello separate. Sauce Montebello. Equal parts of Béarnaise and tomato sauce mixed. Cosmopolitan salad. Put in a salad bowl in bouquets such vegetables as peas, string beans, carrots, cauliflower, asparagus, Brussels sprouts, etc. There should be at least four different kinds. In the center pla
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Omelet Levy. Make a plain omelet with eight eggs, and put on a quite-large china platter. Garnish with one bouquet of pimentos cut in small dices and heated in butter; one bouquet of green peppers cut in the same manner and sautéed in butter; one bouquet of asparagus tips, and one of chicken hash in cream. Lamb kidneys en brochette with bacon. Remove the skin from two lamb kidneys, split them open, and put a skewer through them. Season with salt and pepper, roll in oil, and broil. When done plac
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Kippered Alaska cod in cream. Kippered Alaska black cod is a delicate smoked fish. Remove the skin, place in a sauce pan and cover with thick cream. Bring slowly to a boil, and let stand for about ten minutes at boiling point. Another method of cooking is to put the fish in a sauté pan, cover with water, and bring to a boil. Then drain off the water, add some cream sauce and a small piece of butter, season with salt and pepper, and boil for five minutes. Consommé Monaco. Cut one breast of a boil
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Poached eggs, d'Orleans. Make four round pieces of dry toast, lay a thin slice of smoked beef tongue on each, and a poached egg on top of the tongue. Cover with Béarnaise sauce. Mutton chops, Argenteuil. Broil some mutton chops and put on a platter. Garnish with asparagus tips. Pour a little Hollandaise sauce over the tips; and a little brown gravy or sauce Madère over the chops. Puff paste sandwich (pastry). Roll out some puff paste into a thin sheet, and spread with a thick layer of jam. Wash
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Cold fonds d'artichauts, Du Barry. Boil four fresh artichoke bottoms in salt water, to which has been added the juice of a lemon. Also boil a head of cauliflower. When both are cold fill the bottoms with some of the cauliflower, and cover with a well-seasoned thick mayonnaise sauce. Place each artichoke on a leaf of lettuce, and serve. Chilian salad. Place in a salad bowl equal parts of apple, celery and pimentos, all cut Julienne style. Serve with mayonnaise sauce. Lemon cake. Bake a sponge cak
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Shrimp patties in cream. Make four patty shells and keep them hot. Wash one pound of picked shrimps in warm water. Make a pint of cream sauce, add the shrimps, season with salt and Cayenne pepper, and fill the patties. Serve on napkins, with parsley in branches, and a lemon cut in four. Calf's liver sauté, Lyonnaise. Cut four slices of calf's liver about one inch thick. Season with salt and pepper, and roll in flour. Put two ounces of butter in a frying pan, and heat, add the liver and fry on bo
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Eggs Mollet, Bordelaise. Put four Eggs Mollet (see Eggs ) in a deep dish, and cover with sauce Bordelaise. Consommé fermière. Put two ounces of butter in a casserole; add equal parts of carrots, turnips, and cabbage cut in thin round slices the size of a silver quarter. Simmer until done, then drain off the butter, add one and one-half quarts of consommé, and boil for fifteen minutes. Serve with chopped parsley on top, and with bread crusts fried in butter separate. Sweetbreads braisé, St. Alban
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Lobster canapé. Cut the tail of a lobster in thin slices and lay on four pieces of toast. Cover with thick well-seasoned mayonnaise, and garnish the edges with chopped hard-boiled eggs and chopped parsley. Serve on a folded napkin, and garnish with parsley in branches and two lemons cut in half. Scrambled eggs, Mauresque. Cut some Lyon sausage and boiled ham in small dices, put in a casserole with a piece of butter, and heat. Then add the beaten eggs, cream, and a little salt and pepper. Scrambl
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Pea soup with vermicelli. One quart of purée of pea soup mixed with one pint of consommé vermicelli. Codfish steak à l'Anglaise. Heat two ounces of butter in a sauté pan; add two slices of fresh codfish cut about one and one-half inches thick, and one sliced onion. Season with salt and pepper, and simmer until the fish is done. Then remove the fish to a platter; sprinkle a spoonful of flour in the pan, heat through, add one-half glass of white wine, and boil for a few minutes. Then add one cup o
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Salade Château de Madrid. Peel a half dozen fresh mushrooms, and cut them, raw, in Julienne style. Place them in a salad bowl with equal parts of green peppers and pimentos, also cut Julienne. In the center put an equal part of plain boiled rice; and a dressing made with one spoonful of vinegar, the juice of a lemon, two spoonfuls of olive oil, a pinch of Cayenne pepper, a little paprika, salt and pepper, and some chopped parsley and chervil. Potage Dieppoise. Put in a casserole four leaves of w
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Eggs, Buckingham. Put in a buttered shirred egg dish a slice of toast, lay a slice of ham on top, and a soft poached egg on top of the ham. Cover with cream sauce, sprinkle with grated cheese, and bake in a hot oven until brown on top. Vanilla Darioles. Mix one ounce of flour with three ounces of sugar, two eggs and five yolks of eggs. Then add one pint of milk and some vanilla flavoring, and strain. Line about one dozen dariole or small timbale moulds with very thin tartelette dough. Put a piec
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Poached eggs, Balti. Spread some fresh caviar on four pieces of toast, lay a poached egg on top of each, and cover with sauce Madère. Ham croquettes. Cut about one pound of ham trimmings in very small squares. Cut a can of French mushrooms in small dices, and squeeze the water out of them. Heat an ounce of butter in a casserole, add a dozen shallots chopped fine, and simmer for five minutes. Then add a spoonful of flour and heat through; then add a cupful of bouillon or stock, and boil for a min
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Eggs Mollet, Florentine. Put some purée of spinach in a vegetable dish, place four eggs Mollet on top. Chicken soup, Florentine. Cut a spring chicken, bones and all, in pieces one inch square. Heat three ounces of butter in a casserole, add the chicken, and cook until golden yellow; add two spoonfuls of flour and heat through; add three pints of chicken broth, a bouquet garni, and one-half cup of raw rice. Boil for one hour, then remove the bouquet garni, add one pint of boiling milk, and season
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Fried eggs, Infante. Cook some chickens' livers sauté in butter, and add a little sauce Madère. Pour the livers around some fried eggs. Imported Frankfurter sausages. These sausages can be obtained in cans. Remove from can immediately upon opening, otherwise they will turn bad. Put the sausages in water almost at the boiling point, and keep them at that temperature for twelve minutes, but do not let them boil. Serve on a platter, garnished with parsley in branches. Consommé with celery and rice.
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Eggs Meyerbeer. Shirred eggs with a broiled split lamb's kidney and a slice of truffle on top of each one. Pour a little sauce Madère over the white of the eggs. Potage brunoise, with rice. To three pints of consommé brunoise add one-quarter of a pound of boiled rice. Boiled codfish, Flamande. Put three slices of fresh codfish, cut about one and one-half inches thick, in a kettle with water. Season with salt, add one-half glass of vinegar, bring to a boil, and let stand at the boiling point for
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Canapé thon mariné. Butter four pieces of toast, lay thin slices of thon mariné on top, spread a little mayonnaise over all with a knife, garnish the edges with chopped boiled eggs and chopped parsley. Serve on a napkin with parsley in branches, and quartered lemons. Cold eggs, Riche. Make four eggs Mollet. When the eggs have become cold cut with the point of a knife, and let the yolks run out. Then fill with a few chopped anchovies, place on a china platter, and cover with sauce Figaro. Purée o
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Eggs Lenox. Boil hard one dozen eggs, remove the shells and cut in four. Put the eggs in one-half cup of cream sauce, and season with salt and pepper. Put in a deep buttered earthern dish, pour a cupful of tomato sauce on top, sprinkle with grated cheese, put small bits of butter on top, and bake in oven until brown. Consommé Colbert. Add to consommé printanier one poached egg for each person. Sprinkle with chopped chervil. Lobster en court bouillon. Heat in a sauté pan one spoonful of olive oil
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Omelette Impératrice. Slice a breast of boiled chicken, and mix with half a cup of cream sauce. Season with salt and pepper. Make the omelet, and before turning over on platter lay the chicken stew in the center. Pour thin cream sauce around the omelet. Purée of white bean soup, Allemande. Make a purée of white beans as described elsewhere . Add four Frankfort sausages, peeled and cut in thin slices. Sugar-cured ham glacé. Put a ham in a kettle and cover with cold water. Bring to a boil, and all
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Eggs, Opéra. Garnish some shirred eggs on one side with asparagus tips in butter, and on the other side with chickens' livers sauté au Madère. Consommé with Italian paste. Boil some Italian paste in salted water for eight minutes. Then drain off water, and cool the paste in cold water. Serve in hot consommé, with grated cheese separate. Stewed striped bass, Américaine. Cut four pounds of striped bass in pieces two inches thick. Put them in a buttered sauté pan with an onion chopped fine; season
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Scrambled eggs with tomatoes. Peel four tomatoes, cut in two, and squeeze out the water. Then cut in small squares, and put in a sauté pan with one ounce of butter, season with salt and pepper, and simmer until done. Then add eight beaten eggs, one-half cup of cream, one ounce of butter, a little more salt and pepper; and then scramble with the tomatoes. Tomatoes, surprise. Peel four tomatoes, cut off the tops, and scoop out the centers with a small spoon. Season the inner side of the tomatoes w
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Eggs, Don Juan. Make four pieces of toast, lay six fillets of anchovies on each, and cover with scrambled eggs. Consommé Châtelaine. Equal parts of small chicken dumplings, boiled rice and new peas, served in hot consommé. Fried soft clams, sauce Tartar. Take the bellies of one dozen soft clams and roll in flour, then in beaten eggs, and finally in fresh bread crumbs. Fry in swimming hot lard or butter. Season with salt, place on a platter, on a napkin; and garnish with fried parsley and quarter
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Cold celery broth. Wash two stalks of celery, and cut in small pieces. Put in a vessel with three pounds of chopped raw shin of beef, the whites of six eggs, one onion, and a spoonful of salt. Mix well, and add slowly one gallon of stock or bouillon; or three quarts of water; and boil for two hours. Strain through a fine cloth, put in ice box, and serve when cold. Potage bourgeoisie. In a kettle put a fresh brisket of beef, two marrow bones, and a handful of salt; and cover with cold water. Brin
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Olive and anchovy salad. Lay on a ravier, or flat celery dish, two dozen fillets of anchovies, crosswise. Cut the stones out of one dozen large queen olives, and slice the olives thin. Lay them over the anchovies, sprinkle with a very little salt, some fresh-ground black pepper, a spoonful of vinegar, and a spoonful of olive oil. Garnish with hard-boiled eggs cut in four, and chopped parsley. Eggs, Canada. Cut the tops from four solid even-sized tomatoes, scoop out the insides, season with salt
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Eggs Benoit. Spread some pâté de foie gras on four pieces of toast, lay a poached egg on top of each; and a head of fresh mushrooms sauté in butter on top of each egg. Cover with Madeira sauce. English mutton chop, Kentucky sauce. Broil the chop. Serve Kentucky sauce separate. Kentucky sauce. Put in a casserole one pint of claret, half a pint of whiskey or cognac, one pint of chicken broth, half a pint of tomato ketchup, quarter of a pound of brown sugar, a little salt and one-half teaspoonful o
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Eggs Chambord. Poached eggs on toast, covered with sauce Chambord. Sauce Chambord. Put in a casserole the head of a salmon cut in small pieces. Add three ounces of butter, one sliced carrot, one onion, a little parsley in branches, one bay leaf, four cloves, one spoonful of whole black peppers, one clove of garlic, and a little salt. Simmer until the head is cooked, then add one pint of claret and reduce until nearly dry. Then add one quart of fish broth or stock and boil for ten minutes. Thicke
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Eggs Bernadotte. Lay four poached eggs on four pieces of toast, put two fillets of anchovies crosswise on each egg. Mix one pint of cream sauce with one dozen sliced queen olives, and pour over the eggs. Potage Montglas. Mix one pint of purée of tomatoes with one quart of Consommé sago. Add the breast of a boiled fowl cut Julienne style, the tip of a smoked beef tongue cut in small squares, and one-quarter of a pound of macaroni cut in pieces one inch long. Serve grated cheese separate. Boiled s
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Eggs Grazienna. Mix a cupful of boiled peas with a spoonful of cream sauce and a little salt and sugar. Heat well, and place on a platter. Put four fried eggs on top of the peas and pour a little tomato sauce around the bottom of the platter. Fish broth with whipped cream. Make a fish broth, serve whipped cream and cheese straws on the side. Potato brioche. Make a potato croquette preparation. Roll out, in flour, into the shape of a ball, place on a buttered pan, brush the tops with yolks of egg
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Fried eggs with salt pork. Put four slices of salt pork in a frying pan and fry until done. Then break four eggs on top of the pork, season with a little pepper, and bake in oven for three minutes. Dariole Duchesse. Mix one ounce of flour and three ounces of sugar with two whole eggs and five yolks. Then add one pint of milk to which has been added six crushed macaroons. Line about a dozen dariole moulds, or small timbales, with tartelette dough, or puff paste parings. (Paste left over when maki
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Cantaloupe and watermelon, surprise. Cut out with a round Parisian spoon equal parts of cantaloupe and watermelon. Mix, and serve in grapefruit suprême glasses. Serve salt, pepper and powdered sugar separate. Eggs, Caroli. Place in a buttered shirred egg dish one slice of smoked beef tongue, break two eggs on top, season with salt and pepper, sprinkle with grated cheese, put small bits of butter on top, and bake in oven until brown. Consommé brunoise and vermicelli. One quart of consommé brunois
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Baked oysters, Gruyère. Season one dozen oysters on the half shell with salt and pepper, lay on each a very thin slice of Swiss cheese, put a small bit of butter on top, and bake in a very hot oven for six minutes. Serve in the shells, on a platter, garnished with quartered lemons. Mirlitons au rhum. Beat until very light, six eggs, six ounces of powdered sugar, and six ounces of almonds chopped very fine. Then add two tablespoonfuls of rum, one ounce of flour, and four ounces of melted butter.
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Eggs Mollet, Auben. Make four croustades, lay an egg Mollet in each, and pour a little sauce Italienne over them. Lamb hash, Sam Ward. Put two ounces of butter and one chopped onion in a casserole and simmer until yellow. Then add one pound of raw potatoes cut in small squares, and two pounds of left-over lamb cut in the same manner; season with salt and pepper, add one cup of bouillon, cover, and simmer for nearly an hour. Then dish up and sprinkle with chopped parsley. Escaloped tomatoes. Drai
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Eggs, Jockey Club. Shirred eggs garnished with veal kidneys sauté au Madère. String bean and tomato salad. Equal parts of fresh-boiled cold string beans and peeled and quartered tomatoes. Put the beans around the edge of a salad bowl and the tomatoes in the center. Serve with French dressing and fresh-chopped parsley. Macaroni soup with leeks. Slice six stalks of leek very thin, and put in casserole with three ounces of butter. Simmer until the leeks are cooked; then add two quarts of bouillon,
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Herring salad, Moscovite. Soak half a dozen salted herrings in cold water for two hours. Then skin them, remove the bones, slice very thin, and place on a china platter. Chop two pickled beets, and place around the herring. Chop separately the whites and yolks of two hard-boiled eggs, and place on top of the herring. Pour the following dressing over all: Put in a bowl two spoonfuls of fresh-grated horseradish, a little salt and fresh-ground black pepper, one spoonful of tarragon vinegar, two spo
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Omelette Célestine. Prepare an omelet, and before turning on platter fill with a little currant jelly. Sprinkle with powdered sugar, and burn with a hot iron. Cut some lady fingers in two, mix with a little sweetened whipped cream, and place at one end of the omelet. At the other end place some macaroons mixed with sweetened whipped cream. Mutton soup, Kitchener. Put in a casserole three pounds of shin of beef, and a rack of lamb consisting of about six chops. Cover with about a gallon of water,
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Poached eggs, Florentine. Cut a can of pimentos in strips their full length and about one-quarter inch wide. Heat in a sauté pan with a little butter, and seasoned with salt and pepper. Lay them on a platter, crosswise, and place six poached eggs on top. Pour Madeira sauce around them. Tripe étuvé, bonne femme. Cut two pounds of cooked tripe in strips about one-half inch wide and three inches long. Put two ounces of butter and two chopped onions in a casserole, and simmer until done. Then add sp
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Eggs Chambery. Make a purée of chestnuts, spread on four pieces of buttered toast, lay a poached egg on each, and cover with brown sauce (sauce Madère). Cream of farina, lié. Bring to a boil one pint of chicken broth, then let one-half pound of farina run into it; and cook for about thirty minutes. Then add one pint of boiling milk, season with salt and pepper; and boil again. Then pass through a sieve, put back in the casserole, and bind with the yolks of two eggs mixed with a large cup of crea
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Eggs Molière. Cut off the tops from four medium tomatoes, scoop out the insides, season with salt and pepper, lay an egg Mollet in each, and fill to the top with cream sauce to which has been added a few slices of mushrooms and truffles. Sprinkle with bread crumbs, and bake in hot oven until brown on top. Frogs' legs, Greenway. Heat two ounces of butter in a sauté pan; then add two dozen hind legs of frogs, cut in two and seasoned with salt and pepper. Toss for two minutes in the pan over the fi
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Egg salad. Boil one dozen eggs eight minutes, remove the shells, and cut the eggs in half. Place on a platter on lettuce leaves, season with salt and fresh-ground blackpepper, sprinkle with two spoonfuls of vinegar, three of olive oil, and some chopped chervil and parsley. Royal cake. Bake a French sponge cake (see Oct. 2 ), cut into four layers, and fill between with royal butter. Glace the whole with orange icing, and form on top a crown, using a pastry bag and some royal butter. Decorate arou
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Scrambled eggs, Nantaise. Split some sardines and lay on four pieces of buttered toast. Cook the scrambled eggs, and pour over the sardines. Deviled ham. Slice some boiled or raw ham, spread with French and English mustard mixed, roll in fresh bread crumbs, and broil. Then place on platter, and serve with sauce diable, tomato sauce, or sauce Colbert. Garnish the platter with watercress and quartered lemons. York potatoes. Add some boiled ham cut in small squares to Duchesse potatoes. Consommé Na
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Stuffed eggs, Epicure. Boil six eggs until hard, remove the shells, and cut in two lengthwise. Mix the yolks with one spoonful of purée de foie gras, and the chopped breast of a boiled chicken. Season with salt and pepper, pass through a fine sieve, put in bowl, add two ounces of sweet butter, mix well, and fill the eggs. Serve on lettuce leaves. Salisbury steak, Stanley. Pass two pounds of raw beef through a fine meat grinder, season with salt and pepper and add a cup of thick cream. Make four,
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Omelette Bayonnaise. For four persons, take the bottoms of two boiled artichokes and cut in squares. Add one-half can of French mushrooms, sliced. Mix with a very little tomato sauce. Make the omelet, and before turning over on the platter fill with the above preparation. Make four fillets of anchovies on top of the omelet, and pour Béarnaise sauce around it. Pulled bread. Take a large loaf of fresh bread and remove the inside, pulling it into large flakes. Put the flakes on a baking pan and bak
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Broiled oysters with bacon. Drain the juice from two dozen large oysters, season with salt and pepper, roll in melted butter, then in fresh bread crumbs, place in a thin-wired special oyster broiler, sprinkle with olive oil, and broil. When done, place on four pieces of buttered toast, put a spoonful of maître d'hôtel butter on top, and two strips of broiled bacon on top of all. Serve with lemons cut in half, and parsley in branches. Pig's knuckles and sauerkraut. If fresh pig's knuckles are use
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Poached eggs, Dauphine. Lay some poached eggs on toast and garnish with asparagus tips. Pour over the eggs some sauce Madère, to which has been added some sliced French mushrooms. Lorenzo salad. Cut some pears in squares, and add equal parts of watercress and lettuce. Season with French dressing to which has been added two spoonfuls of chutney sauce. Kalte Schahle. This is a German summer drink, and is made as follows: Put in a pitcher a large piece of ice, and then add three large glasses of be
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Baked bananas. Peel six bananas and cut them in half, lengthwise. Lay in a pan close together. Mix a little powdered cinnamon with some sugar, and spread over the bananas. Put some small bits of butter on top, and bake for twenty minutes. While baking, baste a couple of times with a little syrup. Serve with its own juice. Orange soufflé glacé, St. Francis. Take six nice oranges and cut off the tops. Take out the insides. Put some sliced fruit, such as apples, oranges, pineapple, grapefruit, etc.
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Stewed pears with claret. Peel a dozen nice pears, put them in an earthen pot, add one pint of water, one-half pint of claret, one-half pound of sugar, and a piece of cinnamon stick. Cover the pot, and cook in oven for about two hours. Serve cold. Shrimp salad, Anastine. Six shallots, one-half stalk of celery, one-half can of pimentos, and some parsley. Chop all very fine, and put in salad bowl with two pounds of picked shrimps. Mix, and add one-half teaspoonful of salt, some fresh-ground black
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Eggs, Derby. Cut a can of goose liver au natural in slices one-half inch thick, season with salt and pepper, roll in flour, and fry in butter. Place on a platter, put a poached egg on top of each slice, and pour sauce Madère, to which has been added sliced mushrooms, over the eggs. Cold chicken, Isabella. Boil a fat chicken. When cold, slice the breast very thin. Make a pint of mayonnaise, and add a spoonful of paprika to it. Mix a cup of cold boiled rice with one spoonful of the mayonnaise, sea
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Bean and cabbage soup. Soak two pounds of white beans in water over night. Put in a vessel two pounds of salt pork, three pounds of shin of beef, two gallons of cold water, and a tablespoonful of salt. Bring slowly to a boil, and skim well. Add the beans, and boil for an hour. Then add a small head of cabbage that has been cut in one-inch squares, one onion, one carrot, a bouquet garni, and one mashed clove of garlic. Boil slowly for two hours, then remove the pork, beef, carrot, onion and bouqu
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Consommé Trianon. Cut some green, red, and natural royal in triangle shapes, and serve in hot consommé. Consommé with green royal. Mix four eggs with one pint of warm consommé, add green coloring, strain, put in buttered timbale moulds, and cook in bain-marie. Cut in any shape, and serve in hot consommé. Consommé with red royal. Obtain some red coloring from a fancy grocer. Mix the yolks of four eggs with one pint of warm consommé, add some coloring, strain, and cook in bain-marie. Cut in any sh
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Eggs Belley. Slice some smoked beef very fine, parboil, and add to plain scrambled eggs, with a little chopped chives. Chicken broth, San Remo. Make two quarts of plain chicken broth, add to it one-half cup of sliced soft-boiled carrots, and one cup of boiled rice. Serve grated cheese separate. Oysters, Victor Hugo. Season two dozen oysters on the half shell with salt and pepper. Put in a bowl one cupful of fresh-grated horse radish, a little chopped parsley, one-half cup of fresh bread crumbs,
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Poached eggs, Mexicaine. Slice one green pepper, and simmer in butter. Slice one-half can of cèpes, and toss in olive oil over fire. Slice two pimentos; and mix all together with one cup of tomato sauce. Season well, pour on a platter, and lay six poached eggs on top. Roast Muscovy duck. Clean a Muscovy duck, season with salt and pepper, and stuff with a piece of celery and two shallots chopped very fine. Put the duck in a roasting pan with a sliced onion and carrot, add a little water, and put
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Oysters, Louis. Season two dozen oysters on the half shell with salt and pepper, sprinkle with one dozen shallots chopped fine. Put one-half teaspoonful of bread crumbs, mixed with a little paprika, on each oyster. Put a small bit of butter on top of each, and bake in oven for about ten minutes. Serve in the shells, with one-half lemon to each person. Spring lamb Irish stew with dumplings. Make an Irish stew (see Nov. 2 ), and cook some dumplings in the broth, as given below. Dumplings, for stew
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Pimentos Suédoise. Spread the contents of a can of pimentos flat on the table, lay a fillet of anchovies in oil on each pimento, and roll up in the form of a sausage with the anchovy in the center. Lay them on a ravier dish, season with salt and pepper, one-third of vinegar and two-thirds olive oil, and sprinkle with chopped parsley. Fried loin of lamb chops. Have your butcher cut six nice loin chops about one and one-quarter inch thick, and well trimmed. Season with salt and pepper, roll in flo
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Eggs Bennett. Boil six eggs until hard, remove the shells, and cut in two lengthwise. Remove the yolks, chop fine, and mix with one ounce of butter, and twelve anchovies in oil cut in small squares. Fill the whites of the eggs with this mixture, place on a buttered baking dish, cover with a well-seasoned cream sauce, sprinkle with grated cheese, put small bits of butter on top, and bake in the oven until brown. Broiled quail on toast. Split the quail, season with salt and pepper, roll in oil, an
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Scrambled eggs, Norwegian. Make four pieces of anchovy toast, put some plain scrambled eggs on top, and lay some fillets of anchovies crosswise over the eggs. Honeycomb tripe sauté, aux fines herbes. Cut three pounds of boiled tripe in strips, put in a sauté pan with four ounces of butter, season with salt and pepper, and cook over a quick fire. When nearly crisp add parsley, chives and chervil, all chopped fine; and serve in a deep dish. Serve quartered lemons on a platter, on a napkin, separat
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Omelet with peas. Mix a cup of boiled peas with two spoonfuls of cream sauce, and season with salt and a little sugar. Make an omelet with twelve eggs, and before turning over on platter fill with the peas. Pour a thin cream sauce around the omelet. Sirloin steak, Saxonne. Season two sirloin steaks with salt and pepper, roll in oil, and broil. When done place on a platter, and garnish with four stuffed tomatoes with rice, and four stuffed cucumbers (see index ). Pour a little sauce Madère over t
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Shirred eggs, Brunswick. Butter a shirred egg dish, lay a slice of raw tomato about one-half inch thick in the bottom, heat through, turn it over, and break two eggs on top. Season with salt and pepper, and finish cooking. Potage Schorestène. Chop fine, one pound of sirloin, or top sirloin, of beef. Put in a casserole with three quarts of consommé and boil slowly for one hour. Then strain through a coarse sieve. The meat must be all forced through the sieve, and served in the soup. Small tenderl
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Eggs Castro. Cook four artichokes, clean the bottoms, lay a poached egg on each, and cover with the following sauce: Mix half a cup of cream sauce with three-quarters of a cup of Hollandaise sauce, add a few sliced canned mushrooms, and season with salt and a little Spanish or Cayenne pepper. Strawberry whipped cream. Crush one-half pint of strawberries with one-quarter of a pound of sugar. Whip one pint of cream until stiff, then add the crushed strawberries, mix well, and serve in saucers. Ras
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Lamb chops, Beau-sejour. Make a risotto, and put in small buttered timbale moulds. Use one timbale to garnish each two broiled lamb chops. Pour some tomato sauce over the chops. French sponge cake (Génoise legère). Put six eggs and four yolks into a basin with half a pound of sugar, and whip over a slow fire for about fifteen minutes, but do not let it become too hot. Then take off the fire, and continue beating until cold. Then mix in lightly half a pound of sifted flour, a quarter of a pound o
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Canapé Eldorado. Spread a leaf of lettuce with some mayonnaise sauce, lay a boiled artichoke bottom on top, and three small Mexican tomatoes stuffed with anchovies on top of the artichoke. Decorate with anchovy butter. Poached eggs, Taft. Fry four slices of egg plant, lay a slice of boiled Virginia ham on top of each, a poached egg on top of each slice of ham, and cover with Hollandaise sauce. Cut a "T" out of a truffle and lay on top of the sauce. Beef steak, Jusienne. Season four small steaks
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Scrambled eggs, Bullit. Peel six heads of fresh mushrooms, slice very thin, and put in a sauce pan with one ounce of butter. Simmer until done, then add twelve beaten eggs, one cup of cream, two ounces of sweet butter, and a little salt and pepper. Scramble the eggs, and dish up on a platter on top of four slices of fried egg plant. Sweetbreads, Liencourt. Braise some sweetbreads (see index ), place on a platter with their own gravy, and garnish with fresh bottoms of artichokes filled with purée
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Poached eggs, Velour. Split two English muffins, toast and butter them, lay a slice of broiled ham on top of each, a poached egg on top of the ham, and cover with Béarnaise sauce. Filet mignon, Monegasque. Broil some small tenderloin steaks, place on a platter, lay a slice of broiled tomato on top of each, and garnish with the bottoms of fresh artichokes filled with Parisian potatoes. Pour sauce Madère, to which has been added some sliced green olives, over the steaks. Hare soup, Uncle Sam. Cut
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Eggs, Sarah Bernhardt. Soak half a pound of salt codfish in water over night, then boil for ten minutes, and shred it. Put twelve beaten eggs in a casserole, season with a little salt and pepper, add two chopped truffles, the shredded codfish, and half a cup of thick cream; and then scramble. When done dish up in a deep china dish and lay sliced truffles heated in butter, on top. Consommé with noodles. Boil one-half pound of noodles in salted water. When done add them to two quarts of hot consom
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Fresh artichokes à la Russe. Boil the bottoms of four artichokes in salted water, and allow them to become cold. Then fill them with fresh caviar, place on a platter on a folded napkin, and garnish with two lemons cut in half and parsley in branches. Eggs bonne femme. Fry eight slices of bacon on both sides, in a frying pan, then add eight eggs, season with a little pepper, and cook in oven for three minutes. Serve on a platter, with mixed chopped parsley, chervil and chives sprinkled over the e
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Eggs, Boston style. Make four codfish cakes, put a poached egg on top of each, and cover with cream sauce. Lamb or mutton chops, Bignon. Broil the chops, place on a platter, and garnish with one tomato stuffed with rice Créole to each person, one dozen green olives, and a small can of French mushrooms. Cut the mushrooms in small squares, put them in a sauté pan with one-half glass of sherry wine and cook until nearly dry. Then add two cups of brown sauce (sauce Madère), and pour over the chops.
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Broiled smoked Alaska black cod. Get a kippered Alaska black cod, roll in oil and broil. Serve with maître d'hôtel butter, and garnish with lemons cut in half, and parsley in branches. This fish is excellent prepared in the same manner as finnan haddie or smoked salmon, or served raw as a hors d'oeuvre. Eggs Argenteuil. Scoop out the centers from four English muffins, toast them, and place a poached egg in each, cover with sauce Hollandaise, and lay two slices of truffle heated in butter on top
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Eggs Andalouse. Make a risotto, place it on a platter, lay a poached egg on top, and cover with sauce Hollandaise. Pour tomato sauce around the rice to cover the bottom of the platter. Cream of summer squash. Put three ounces of butter in a casserole, add two pounds of peeled summer squash cut in small pieces, and simmer for fifteen minutes. Then sprinkle with two small spoonfuls of flour, heat the flour through, and then add two quarts of chicken or other clear white broth. Boil for ten minutes
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Hungarian soup. Sauté half a pound of lean beef that has been cut into small cubes. Add six onions, thoroughly minced, and when slightly brown add four tablespoonfuls of flour. Mix well. Add three quarts of stock and a quart of tomatoes that have been strained through a sieve. Simmer slowly for one hour. Then add a teaspoonful of caraway seeds, half as much marjoram, and a large crushed garlic clove. Cook for another half hour or longer, very slowly. The stock should be made with a knuckle of ve
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Eggs Conté. Butter a shirred egg dish. Place a spoonful of cooked lentils in center of dish, cover with two strips of fried bacon, break two eggs on top, season with salt and pepper, and bake in oven till eggs are done. Veal Sauté, Catalane. Cut five pounds of breast and shoulder of veal in pieces two inches square. Put three spoonfuls of olive oil in a sauté pan and set on the stove until hot, then add the veal, season with salt and pepper, and toss over a quick fire until golden brown. Then sp
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Scrambled eggs, Magda. In a casserole put two ounces of butter, twelve beaten eggs, one-half cup of cream, season with salt and pepper, and then scramble. When nearly done add one tablespoonful of grated Swiss cheese, one-half teaspoonful of mustard flour, and one tablespoonful of mixed, chopped parsley, chervil and chives. Chicken sauté, Josephine. Cut two spring chickens in quarters, and season with salt and pepper. In a sauté pan put two ounces of butter and a spoonful of olive oil. Set on th
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Eggs Nantaise. Split and toast two English muffins. Lay a few boiled asparagus tips on each half. Put a poached egg on top and cover with cream sauce. Pompano sauté, d'Orsay. Season the pompano with salt and pepper, roll in flour and fry with melted butter. Then place the fried fish on a platter, and sprinkle with plenty of chopped parsley and lemon juice. In a hot pan put two ounces of butter, and when brown pour over the fish. Apple snow. Peel, core and slice three large apples. Preferably sou
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Herring, Livonienne. Soak two salted herrings in cold water for two hours. Then skin and bone them, and cut in half inch squares. Add one sliced boiled potato, and a peeled apple cut in small squares. Salt a little if necessary, season with pepper, one spoonful of olive oil and the juice of two lemons. Serve on a celery dish, sprinkled with chopped tarragon and parsley. Eggs en cocotte, Ribeaucourt. Butter four cocotte dishes and break an egg in each. Cut in small squares, two slices of tongue,
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Eggs Mollet, à l'aurore. Place four eggs Mollet on four pieces of buttered toast. Cover with well seasoned tomato sauce. Sweetbreads, Saint Mondé. Prepare braised sweetbreads as described elsewhere. Place on a platter and garnish with artichoke bottoms filled with asparagus tips with a little Hollandaise sauce on top; and others filled with French peas in butter with Madeira sauce. Potage grenade. Cut in thin slices, the size of a silver quarter, two turnips, one stalk of leeks, one-half stalk o
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Mortadella. This is an Italian sausage, very highly seasoned, and comes in cans already sliced. Serve on a platter garnished with chopped meat, jelly and parsley in branches. Poached eggs, Zurlo. Form some flat potato croquettes, and fry. Place a poached egg on top of each, and cover with cream sauce. Consommé Leopold. Slice very fine one handful of sorrel and a head of lettuce. Wash well, and boil in two quarts of chicken broth for about thirty minutes. Serve with chervil. Broiled Smelts, à l'A
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Omelette Cherbourg. Mix a cup of picked shrimps with two spoonfuls of cream sauce. Heat well, and season with salt and pepper. Make the omelette in the usual manner, and before turning over on platter fill with the prepared shrimps. Pour a thick cream sauce around the omelette. Lorette salad. One-third field salad, one-third boiled celery root, and one-third pickled beets. Season with French dressing. Alhambra ice cream. Half vanilla and half strawberry ice cream served in any fancy form. Cream
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Shirred eggs, Metternich. Place two eggs in a buttered shirred egg dish with six canned mushrooms sliced very fine. Season with salt and pepper, sprinkle with grated cheese, place a small piece of butter on top, and bake. Pears, mayonnaise. Use whole fresh pears cooked in syrup, or canned ones. Place the pears on lettuce leaves and cover with thick mayonnaise. On slices of toast place small pieces of American dairy cheese. Bake in the oven, and serve separate. Cheese toast. Spread any such chees
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Hard boiled eggs, vinaigrette. Remove the shells from six hard boiled eggs, and cut in two. Place them on a china platter, sprinkle with salt, pepper, chopped parsley, a little chopped chervil, one spoonful of vinegar and two of olive oil. Potage bouquetière. Consommé, tapioca and printanier mixed. Fresh herring, à l'Egyptienne. Clean four fresh herring, season with salt and pepper, and fry in hot olive oil. Remove the fish to a platter, and add to the frying pan one sliced onion, and fry until
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Consommé Diane. Take any game bird, such as grouse, partridge, quail, pheasant or guinea hen, and roast just enough to give a color. Then put in soup stock and boil until soft. Clarify the broth with chopped beef, and strain. Cut the breast out of the bird, cut in small squares, and serve in the consommé. Add some dry sherry wine and a little Cayenne pepper before serving. Sole Déjazet. Remove the skin from a good sized sole, wash well, and dry in a napkin. Season with salt and pepper, dip in mi
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Potage Livonien. In a casserole put one onion chopped fine, and three ounces of butter. Simmer until yellow. Then add one-quarter of a pound of sliced sorrel and one-half pound of sliced spinach. Simmer again for ten minutes. Then add one quart of chicken broth and one large cup of cream sauce. Boil one-half hour. Season well, and serve. Smoked Alaska black cod in cream. Remove the skin from two pounds of smoked Alaska black cod. Cut in pieces two inches square, lay in a sauté pan, add one pint
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War griddle cakes. Soak stale bread in sour milk. Add enough flour or corn meal to make a batter. To a gallon add three eggs, baking powder, and salt. Cook in the same manner as wheat cakes. Orange and grapefruit, St. Francis. Sliced oranges and grapefruit, in equal parts. Sprinkle with powdered sugar, and moisten with Dubonnet. Serve in double suprême glasses with a few fresh strawberries on top. Prunes Victor. Put two pounds of dry prunes in an earthen pot, add two quarts of water, the rind of
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Canapé P. P. I. E. (Panama-Pacific International Exposition). Make some pieces of buttered toast. Put fresh caviar in the center and anchovies around the edge. Serve on napkins with quartered lemons and parsley in branches. Oysters Bellevue. In a lighted chafing dish put four pats of table butter, one-half teaspoonful of English mustard, a little salt, pepper and celery salt. Stir until the butter melts. Then add a teacupful of very finely chopped celery, and stir well until the celery is nearly
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Baked prunes. Select large prunes, place them in a baking pan side by side so they hardly touch, cover with water and cook in a moderate oven for an hour. Then pour off three-quarters of the juice, which may be kept for a beverage, and to the prunes add a little sugar, a stick of cinnamon, and the rind of a lemon. Cover the pan tightly, place back in a moderate oven and bake for at least one hour. Corn bread (II). Put in a pan one egg beaten light, one cup of milk, one tablespoonful of sugar, on
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Brioche. Dissolve one ounce of yeast in one gill of tepid water and add about one-third of a pound of flour, to make a medium firm sponge. Cover with a cloth and set in a warm place to raise. Then work into a smooth paste two-thirds of a pound of flour, three-quarters of a pound of butter, one ounce of sugar, a little salt, and six eggs. Beat the eggs in gradually. Then spread the sponge over the top and mix into the paste. Cover with a cloth and allow to raise until double in size. Then work to
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Oatmeal. To one quart of water, boiling, add eight ounces of cracked wheat. Boil for one-half hour. Salt. Consommé. Mix one-half pound of beef, chopped fine, with one white of an egg. Add slowly one quart of stock and let boil for half hour. Strain through napkin or fine cheese cloth. Loin of pork. Place pork in roasting pan and pepper and salt well. Add one sliced onion, carrot, bay leaf, clove, a little celery and one teaspoonful of whole black peppers. Put in moderate oven and roast for about
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Hominy. To one quart of boiling water add eight ounces of hominy. Cook twenty minutes. Salt to taste. Serve cream separate. Scrambled eggs plain. Beat six eggs, add two ounces of butter, spoonful of cream and a little salt and pepper. Stir on fire with a wooden spoon until cooked. Scrambled eggs with smoked beef. Slice the beef very thin. Boil in water for a few minutes, add the eggs and serve on toast. Canapé of caviar. Spread caviar, which has been kept on ice, on thin toast. Sprinkle thick wi
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Pettijohns. To one quart of boiling water add eight ounces of Pettijohns. Cook ten minutes. Salt. Serve cream separate. Fried ham. Thin slices of raw ham fried in butter. If fried too much ham will get hard. Fried eggs. Use strictly fresh eggs and fry in hot butter. Salt and pepper. Ham and eggs. Put ham in frying pan and fry one side. Turn, and crack eggs on top and fry. Chicken broth. Put to boil in cold water two fat soup hens. Skim well, add one-half onion, a little celery, salt to taste, an
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Sliced oranges. Peel and slice the oranges and put on compote dish. Serve powdered sugar separate. Force and cream. Serve raw with powdered sugar and cream separate. Poached eggs. Break the eggs in boiling water, to which may be added a soupspoonful of vinegar if desired. Add plenty of salt to the water to take away the vinegar taste. Serve on toast and garnish with parsley in branches. Canapé Hambourgeoise. Place on toast one sliced gherkin with a slice of smoked salmon on top, and a little anc
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Bananas and cream. Peel and slice the bananas. Serve cream and powdered sugar separate. Buckwheat cakes. One-quarter pound of buckwheat flour, one-quarter pound of white flour, one tablespoonful of baking powder, one ounce of sugar, one ounce of molasses, one egg and just enough milk to make a thin dough. Mix well and cook on hot iron plate rubbed with a piece of raw lard. Serve with strained honey or syrup, separate. Mayonnaise sauce. Put in bowl three yolks of eggs, a pinch of salt, a little C
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Fresh figs in cream. Peel and slice the figs, and cool on ice before serving. Powdered sugar and cream separate. Milk toast. Put in soup tureen the toast, in small pieces, and cover with boiling milk. Smoked salmon. Slice the salmon very thin, serve on lettuce leaves, with quartered lemon and parsley in branches on the side. Broiled veal sweetbreads. Soak the sweetbreads in cold water for two hours. Parboil and cool in cold water, and dry with a napkin. Split, salt and pepper, dip in oil and bro
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Boiled salt mackerel. Soak the mackerel in water over night. Boil in plenty of water and serve on napkin with lemon and parsley. Canapé of anchovies. Lay split anchovies on thin buttered toast with chopped eggs around the edges. Serve on napkin, with lemon and parsley in branches. Omelette du Czar. Pour horseradish sauce in cream, around the edge of a plain omelet. Spring lamb Irish stew. Take four pounds of neck, shoulder and breast of lamb and cut in pieces two inches square. Put in vessel wit
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Tea biscuits. Three pounds of flour, one-half pound of butter, one quart of milk, three ounces of baking powder, three ounces of sugar, and a little salt. Sift the sugar, salt and baking powder with the flour; add the butter and milk, and make a dough on the table about one-half inch thick. Cut with a round cutter about the size of a dollar, place in a buttered pan, moisten the top with milk, and bake in a hot oven for about fifteen minutes. Boiled beef with vegetables. The meat should be juicy,
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Lyon sausage. An imported sausage. Slice thin and garnish with chopped meat jelly and parsley in branches. Pompano sauté, meunière. Prepare the same as sand dabs, meunière. Sprinkle with chopped salted almonds over top. Broiled veal chops. Salt and pepper the chops and dip in olive oil. Broil over slow charcoal broiler. Serve with maître d'hôtel sauce and watercress. St. Francis potatoes. Peel three cold baked potatoes, chop very fine, put in sauté pan with one-half pint of cream, three ounces o
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Bacon and eggs. See ham and eggs . Fried bacon. Thin slices of bacon fried slowly in pan in own fat. Should be crisp. Waffles. One-half pound of flour, one-half teaspoonful of baking powder, two eggs, two ounces of sugar, two ounces of butter, a little mace and a little milk. Make a batter a little stiffer than for wheatcakes. Bake in waffle iron, but do not have the iron too hot. Potage Lamballe. One-half purée of peas and one-half consommé with tapioca, mixed. Boiled salmon, mousseline. Boil s
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Scrambled eggs with ham. Boiled ham cut in small dices and one small piece of butter. Put in vessel and add scrambled eggs. See plain scrambled eggs . Canapé of sardines. Skin and split the sardines. Place on buttered toast, garnished with chopped eggs around the edges, and serve on napkin with quartered lemon and parsley in branches. Fried smelts. Season the smelts, roll in flour, then in beaten eggs, and finally in bread crumbs. Fry in swimming fat and serve on napkin with fried parsley and le
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Shirred eggs, plain. Put eggs on buttered shirred egg dish and cook slowly. Salt and pepper. Potato and leek soup. Simmer in butter one chopped onion and four stalks of leeks cut in small dices. When golden yellow add one tablespoonful of flour, mix, add one pound of potatoes cut in dices one-quarter inch square, one quart of stock or bouillon, and a bouquet garni. Boil until potatoes are done. Season with salt, pepper, a little grated nutmeg and chopped parsley. Bouquet garni. Tie in a bundle a
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Force and cream. Serve raw force on a compote dish, with cream and powdered sugar separate. Cream of potato soup. Simmer a little sliced onion, leeks, celery, one bay leaf, a clove and a piece of pig skin, or a raw ham bone, in butter. Then add one cup of flour and simmer again. Pour in two quarts of boiling milk and two pounds of sliced raw potatoes and boil until the potatoes are soft. Season with salt and a little Cayenne pepper, and strain through a fine sieve. Before serving add the yolk of
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Orange juice. Strain the juice of peeled oranges through a napkin, and serve in glass surrounded with fine ice. Eggs au beurre noir. Use soft-fried or shirred eggs. Put a piece of butter in hot frying pan and when nearly black and smoking add a dash of vinegar, and pour over the eggs. Drop a few capers and chopped parsley on top, and salt and pepper. Hamburg steak. To one and one-half pounds of trimmed beef, add four ounces of beef marrow, and pass through meat chopper, medium fine. Simmer some
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Shredded wheat biscuits. Put the biscuit in a deep dish. A little boiling water poured over it will enable you to economize on cream. Philadelphia pepper pot. Simmer in kettle four large onions chopped fine, one piece of celery, two leeks, one green pepper cut in very small squares, and one-quarter pound of butter. When done add two soupspoonsful of flour, and simmer again; add two quarts of stock, two pounds of tripe and one pound of potatoes cut in small squares, a bouquet garni and salt. Cook
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Pearl grits with cream. See hominy in cream . Potato salad. Slice three boiled potatoes while hot. Add one small onion chopped fine, some chopped parsley, salt and pepper, two spoonsful of olive oil, and one each of boiling bouillon, or boiling water, and vinegar. Mix carefully so as not to break the potatoes, and serve in salad bowl with lettuce garnishing. Chicken à la King. Take the breast of a boiled chicken or hen (fowl), and cut in very thin, diamond-shape pieces. Put in pan and add three-
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Postum cereal. A prepared breakfast food obtainable from all grocers. Follow directions on package. Oyster soup, family style. Boil two dozen oysters with their juice. In a separate vessel boil one quart of milk and one pint of cream. Put both together and add two ounces of sweet butter, and salt and pepper. Before serving stir in some fine cut chives and one-half cup of broken crackers. Au gratin potatoes. Fill a shallow buttered dish with hashed in cream potatoes. Sprinkle with grated Parmesan
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Pickled oysters. Parboil one carrot and one celery root cut in strips, and one onion sliced fine. Pour off water and finish cooking in one glassful each of white wine, and white wine vinegar, with a spoonful of pepper berries tied in cheese cloth. When done remove the peppers, add three dozen oysters and bring to a boil. Serve cold with parsley. Broiled bluefish. Split the bluefish, remove the bones, season with salt and pepper, dip in oil and broil. Serve maître d'hôtel sauce on top, and quarte
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Puff paste crescents. Two pounds of flour, one pound of butter, one pint of milk, one ounce of salt, one and one-half ounces of sugar and two ounces of yeast dissolved in warm water. Mix one-half pound of the flour with one-half pint of water and the dissolved yeast. Stand in warm place for about twenty minutes. Put the remainder of flour on board and mix in the yeast paste; when sufficiently risen, add salt, sugar and milk, make a stiff dough and allow to stand for a few minutes. Roll out, put
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Stewed rhubarb. Peel one pound of rhubarb, cut in two inch pieces, and place in shallow pan. Put on top one-quarter pound of sugar, a small piece of cinnamon, and one-half pint of water. Cover and put in oven for about twenty minutes. Remove, take out the cinnamon, and serve cold in its own juice. Cream and powdered sugar separate. Grape-nuts with cream. Serve as prepared in package. Cream and powdered sugar separate. Yarmouth bloater. Imported in cans. Put on broiler and heat through. Serve wit
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Stewed prunes. Wash well one pound of prunes, and soak in cold water for two hours. Put on fire in same water, add a small piece of cinnamon stick, the peel of a quarter of a lemon, and two ounces of sugar, and cook on slow fire until soft. It will require about one hour. If an earthern pot with cover is used, put in bake oven for about two hours. The flavor will be better. Malta Vita. Serve with powdered sugar, and cream, separate. Hors d'oeuvres variés. (Appetisers assorted). Hors d'oeuvres ar
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Grapefruit with cherries. Cut the grapefruit in two pieces. Split some maraschino cherries and decorate. Pour a little maraschino on top. Steak and kidney pie. Use individual pie dishes. A slice of raw sirloin steak one-half inch thick, cut in two. Two lamb kidneys cut in two. Salt, pepper, and roll in flour, put in pie dish and cover with a little cold water. Cover with piecrust dough and bake in oven for about eighteen minutes. Serve in the dishes in which they were baked, on napkins. Butterba
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Mariniert herring. Soak six salt herrings in water for twelve hours. Then put in pot with one sliced onion, some whole parsley, a spoonful of whole black pepper berries, three bay leaves and six cloves. Mix one teaspoonful of English mustard with a cup of vinegar and pour over herring. Cover all with thick cream, shake well to thoroughly mix, and let stand for two days before serving. Serve with thin slices of one lemon on top, or, if desired, the lemon may be put with the herring for a day. Cal
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Canapé Riga. One-half tuna fish (thon mariné) and one-half caviar mixed. Spread on thin toast, buttered. Decorate around the edges with chopped eggs, quartered lemon and parsley in branches. Planked smelts, en bordure. Split some large smelts down the back and remove the bones. Place on a buttered plank with salt, pepper and a little butter on top. Put some potato, prepared as for potato croquettes, into a pastry bag with a star tube, and press out a border around the fish about an inch high. Pu
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Eggs Marigny. Put in a buttered cocotte dish a very thin, small, slice of ham, with two parboiled oysters on top. Break an egg over all, salt, pepper, cover with cream sauce and a little grated cheese, and bake in oven until done. Consommé Cialdini. Cut some carrots, turnips and potatoes, with a fancy cutting spoon, to the size of a large pea. Cook each separate in salt water. When done put in consommé and add the boiled white meat of chicken cut in small squares, a few boiled or canned peas, an
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Stuffed eggs with crab meat. Cut in two some hard-boiled eggs and remove the yolks. Fill the whites with fine-chopped crab meat mixed with a very thick mayonnaise. Chop the yolks and mix with a little chopped parsley, and sprinkle over the eggs. Serve very cold. Broiled salmon steak. Cut a slice of salmon about one inch thick, salt, pepper, dip in oil and broil. Serve on platter with maître d'hôtel sauce, and garnish with quartered lemons and parsley in branches. Or serve with anchovy butter or
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Germea and cream. Powdered sugar and cream separate. Scrambled eggs, Morocquaine. Cut cèpes in small squares, fry in butter and place in middle of scrambled eggs. Tomato sauce around the edge. Lamb trotters, poulette. Cook lambs' feet in stock or water with salt, and one carrot, an onion and a bouquet garni. When done pour poulette sauce over all. Sauce poulette. Simmer three shallots in butter, but do not brown. Add one-half glass of white wine and reduce till almost dry. Then add chives sliced
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Stuffed tomatoes, Noyer. Cut the tops off two nice tomatoes, scoop them out and season with salt and pepper. Mix fresh bread crumbs and chopped English walnuts in equal parts and fill the tomatoes with same. Put a piece of butter on top and bake in moderate oven for ten minutes. Baked apples. Wash and core the apples. With a sharp knife cut a circle through the skin, around the apple, above the center, to prevent the apples from bursting. Place on a pan and fill the hole in each with sugar mixed
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Eggs Bercy. Fry some small breakfast sausages and cut in pieces one inch long. Make some shirred eggs. When half cooked add the sausages and a very little tomato sauce. Season with salt and pepper and finish cooking. Broiled pig's feet, special. Take some boiled pig's feet, split, and remove the upper bones. Season with salt, pepper and olive oil, roll in fresh bread crumbs, and broil. See sauce below. Sauce special. Two-thirds tomato ketchup, one-third tomato sauce, a little paprika, a little W
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Wheat cakes. Sift together into a bowl one-half pound of flour and one teaspoonful of baking powder. Add one ounce of sugar, one ounce of melted butter, one egg and a little milk. Mix all into a medium thick batter. Bake on a hot griddle iron. Serve honey or maple syrup, and sweet butter separate. Breakfast rolls. Three pounds of flour, one ounce of salt, one ounce of sugar and two ounces of yeast. Scald the milk and pour it over the sugar, salt and butter. Melt the yeast in luke-warm water, mix
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Stuffed eggs, Nantua. Cut four hard-boiled eggs in two, lengthwise, and remove the yolks. Mix a piece of butter, the size of an egg, with a little anchovy paste, a very little salt, pepper, paprika, chopped parsley, and the yolks strained through a coarse sieve. Dress or fill the eggs through a pastry bag, put a slice of pimento on top of each, and serve very cold. Mutton chops, grilled. Salt and pepper the chops, roll in oil and broil. Garnish with watercress. Saratoga chip potatoes. Round the
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Mignonnette sauce. Take one-half cup of whole white peppers and crush with a bottle on a hard table or marble slab, but not too fine. Mix with four finely chopped shallots, a little chives, one spoonful of salt and one-half pint of white wine or tarragon vinegar. Serve in a green pepper, or a small glass, in center of plate surrounded with oysters or clams. Planked striped bass. Split the bass, remove the bones, place on buttered plank, season with salt, pepper and a little melted butter over al
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Stewed lamb kidneys. Split six kidneys, remove the skin, and cut in thin slices. Have a pan ready with hot butter and fry on a quick fire for a few seconds. Take kidneys from pan, and add one soupspoonful of flour to the sauce and let simmer until brown. Add one cup of stock or hot water, salt and pepper, and reduce one-half. Return the kidneys to the sauce, but do not let them boil or they will become hard. Before serving add a little sherry wine or chopped parsley. Turkey hash on toast. Cut tu
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Scrambled eggs with anchovies. Put some fillets of salted anchovies in oil and leave for a few days; or use anchovies in oil. Salt the scrambled eggs lightly and lay the anchovies crosswise over the top. Écrevisses with mayonnaise. Prepare the écrevisses en buisson. When cold remove the tails from the shells and serve on platter with lemons and parsley. Mayonnaise separate. Lamb chops sauté, aux cèpes. Fry the chops in sauté pan, in oil. When done put on platter. Slice some cèpes, (a specie of m
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Stuffed tomatoes, Nana. Put four nice medium sized tomatoes in boiling water for fifteen seconds. Then dip in cold water and peel. Cut off the tops, scoop out and fill with the following: One-half of the breast of a boiled chicken, chopped very fine, some chopped walnuts, a little mayonnaise sauce, a little whipped cream, and salt and pepper. Mix well. After filling place the tomatoes on lettuce leaves and cover with thin mayonnaise. Serve very cold. Calf's liver and bacon. Slice the liver about
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Cold fillet of sole, Raven. Cook four fillets of sole in white wine and place on a platter. Simmer two spoonsful of finely chopped shallots in butter, add a few chopped fresh mushrooms, one chopped tomato and the wine used for cooking the fish. Reduce until it becomes thick, cool off, add some chives and chervil chopped fine, and a little mayonnaise. Spread over the fillets, and cover with a mayonnaise rose. Decorate to taste with fancy-cut truffles, pickles, etc. Serve very cold. Consommé Sévig
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Eggs, Tivoli. Cut a piece of homemade bread into a cube and fry in butter. Open one side with a sharp knife and scoop out the center. Place in the cavity a poached egg, cover with cream sauce, sprinkle a little grated cheese on top, and bake until brown. Miroton of beef, en bordure. Use left over boiled or braised beef, and cut in thin slices. Put into sauce pan one sliced onion with a piece of butter, and simmer until nice and brown. Then add one gill of vinegar, and a spoonful of French mustar
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Corn Muffins. One-half pound of corn meal, one-half pound of flour, two ounces of melted butter, four eggs, one pint of sour milk, one-half cup of molasses, one teaspoonful of soda and one teaspoonful of salt. Sift together the corn meal, flour and salt. Dissolve the soda in the sour milk, add the eggs, well beaten, the molasses, the butter and the sifted ingredients. Beat well and bake in a well-greased muffin pan. Eggs en Cocotte, Italienne. Put in buttered cocotte dish one raw egg, cover with
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Eggs aromatic. Fry the eggs in oil or poach. Place on toast, cover with tomato sauce, and put a few leaves of fresh mint on top before serving. English lamb chops, XX Century Club. Broil the chops, garnish with pimentos stuffed with purée of sweet potatoes. Serve with sauce Madère. Pistache Éclairs. Same as chocolate éclairs. Cover with pistache icing. Pistache icing. To white icing add some pistache essence, or orange flower extract, and a little green coloring. Fillet of bass, shrimp sauce. Pl
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Clam broth. Take hard or soft clams and wash well. Put in vessel with just water enough to cover, a little salt and a small piece of raw celery. Boil for fifteen minutes, and strain through cheese cloth. Clam broth, Chantilly. Serve whipped cream separate, or on top of each cup. Consommé en Bellevue. Half chicken broth and half clam broth mixed. Serve in cups with whipped cream on top. Clam chowder. Chop two onions, one leek, a piece of celery and one green onion in small pieces, also cut one-ha
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Oysters poulette. Open three dozen oysters, put in vessel with their own juice and bring to a boil. Drain off the broth, cover oysters with a pint of poulette sauce, and serve in chafing dish. Carrots, Vichy. Slice some tender carrots very fine, place in buttered sauce pan, season with salt and a little pepper, and simmer over a slow fire. Then add a little chicken broth or soup stock and cook until soft. Mix one teaspoonful of flour with three ounces of butter, add to the carrots and simmer for
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Corn bread. One-half pound of yellow corn meal, one-half pound of flour, one teaspoonful of baking powder, three eggs, one ounce of melted butter, one teaspoonful of salt, one pint of milk and one-half cup of boiling water. Pour the boiling water over the corn meal and allow it to become cold. Beat the yolks of the eggs and add to the corn meal, then add the milk, flour and the baking powder, salt and melted butter. Mix and then add the whites of the eggs beaten very stiff. Pour into a shallow w
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Scrambled eggs with asparagus tips. Put some asparagus tips in butter, season with salt and pepper, simmer till hot, and add to the eggs. Eggs Boremis. Put an egg in a well-buttered cocotte dish, season with salt and pepper, put plenty of grated cheese and a piece of butter on top of all, and bake in oven. Cocoa. Put two tablespoonsful of cocoa in a pot with one-half cup of water and boil for a minute. Add two cups of milk, bring to a boil, and strain. Serve powdered sugar separate. May also be
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Grapefruit en suprême. Serve in a long-stemmed double grapefruit glass, put shaved ice in large glass around the smaller one. In small glass put sliced grapefruit mixed with powdered sugar. Tie a ribbon, with neat bow, around the glass. Eggs Benedict. Split an English muffin, toast on the inside, place on each half a small slice of broiled ham, on the ham a poached egg, cover with Hollandaise sauce, and place a piece of truffle on top. Layer cake. Eight eggs, one-half pound of sugar, one-half po
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Eggs Coquelicot. Line a timbale mould with a whole red pepper, (canned pimento) and break an egg into it, season with salt and pepper, and put timbale in a pan in boiling water, and place in oven until egg is cooked. Put some chicken hash in cream on a platter and turn egg and pepper on top to look like a little red cap. Serve with cream sauce around the hash. Tripe and oysters in cream. Simmer six chopped shallots in butter, but do not allow them to color. Add two pounds of tripe cut in strips,
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Omelet with ham. Cut a slice of cooked ham in small squares, put in omelet pan with a small piece of butter. When hot add three beaten eggs and follow directions for plain omelet, but use a little less salt. Canapé Martha. Cut a round piece of toast and put some lobster croquette farcé on top in the shape of a pyramid. Put a thin slice of Swiss cheese on top and bake in oven. Garnish with lemon and parsley. Cherry tartelette. Line tartelette moulds and follow directions as for pear tartelettes,
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Codfish balls. Soak one pound of salt codfish in cold water over night. Then boil in fresh water for ten minutes. Boil two potatoes in salt water and strain through colander or sieve. Shred the codfish very fine and mix with the potato and the yolks of three eggs working well together. Allow to become cool, form into balls, roll in flour and fry in melted butter until nice and golden yellow. Serve on napkins with quartered lemons and parsley in branches. Bouillabaisse Marseillaise. (Fish stew).
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Breakfast sausages. Small pork sausages fried in pan with a small piece of butter. Serve on platter with their own fat. Consommé Ditalini. Boil some Ditalini (a species of Italian paste), in salt water, drain off and serve in consommé. Grated cheese separate. Eggs Créole. Put in buttered shirred egg dish one spoonful of Créole sauce, break two eggs in center, and bake in oven. Créole sauce. Put in sauce pan three ounces of butter, one sliced onion, and three sliced green peppers. Simmer for ten
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Chickens' livers sauté, au Madère. Cut the livers in three, salt and pepper and fry in sauté pan in butter. Drain off and add a cup of sauce Madère. Do not let them boil in the sauce. Purée of Lima beans. Take a can of Lima beans, or a quart of fresh beans, put in vessel, cover with chicken broth or bouillon and boil till done. Then strain through fine sieve, put back in vessel, add two ounces of sweet butter, and season to taste. Serve with small squares of bread fried in butter. Louisiana gumb
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Livermore salad. Broil three country sausages, allow to cool and slice thin. Mix with one peeled tomato cut in small squares, one-half cup of string beans, chives, chervil, salt and pepper, and one-third of white wine vinegar to two-thirds of olive oil. Fillet of halibut, Mornay. Place the halibut fillets in buttered pan, season with salt and pepper, cover with fish stock or water, and boil. When nearly done remove from pan and put on buttered platter, cover with Mornay sauce, sprinkle with grat
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Omelette Lorraine. Serve the omelette with small sausages, broiled bacon and Madeira sauce. Salade Américaine. Parboil one-half cup of okra cut in pieces one inch long. Peel a tomato and a boiled potato and cut in strips. Put in bowl with the okra, which has been allowed to cool, and garnish the top with very finely chopped Virginia ham over one half, and with chopped green peppers over the other half. Serve with French dressing. Pancakes. For two persons take three-fourths of a cup of flour, th
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Consommé Rivoli. Consommé garnished with carrots cut in half moon shape and boiled in consommé, small chicken dumplings and royal custard also cut in half moon shape. Kingfish, meunière. Wash and dry the fish and season with salt and pepper. Roll in flour and sauté in pan with butter. When done put on platter and cover with sauce meunière. Garnish with quartered lemons and parsley. See sauce below. Sauce meunière. This is a butter sauce and is principally used for fish. Place the fish or meat on
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Omelette du Czar. Grate a horseradish root and place in pan with piece of butter. When hot add one-half cup of cream sauce and mix well. Make the omelet, and before turning on the platter put the horseradish in the center. Serve with cream sauce around the edge. Pickled ham. Take a fresh leg of pork, rub with salt and pepper and put in earthern jar. Cover with red or white wine, or water mixed with wine, as you prefer; one onion, one carrot, a piece of celery, parsley in branches, a few pepper b
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Picked-up codfish in cream. Soak one pound of codfish in cold water over night. Cut two fresh-boiled potatoes in small squares. Put the codfish in cold water and boil for ten minutes, drain, and shred the fish in small pieces. Put in pot with the potatoes, add two cups of cream sauce, salt and a little Cayenne pepper, and simmer for ten minutes. Poached eggs, à l'Indienne. Lay hot poached eggs on plain boiled rice and cover with curry sauce. Curry sauce. Simmer one onion, one leek, a small piece
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Consommé Orleans. Boiled barley well-washed so it will not discolor the soup, small chicken dumplings, peas, one peeled tomato cut in very small squares, and some chopped chervil. Put in consommé just before dishing up. Poached eggs, Diane. Line a tartelette mould with paste and fill with raw white beans to support the walls, and bake in oven. Then throw out the beans and fill with tomatoes sauté in butter, place a poached egg on top, cover with Hollandaise sauce, and put in hot oven for a secon
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Sweet-and-sour bananas. Put six ounces of brown sugar and some pepper berries tied in cheese cloth, in one quart of vinegar and bring to the boiling point. Then add three sliced green peppers and boil for two minutes, add six sliced pimentos and remove the pepper berries. Peel one dozen bananas and put them in an earthern jar and pour the boiling vinegar and peppers over them. Let stand for twelve hours and serve cold. Consommé Massenet. Garnish the consommé with boiled carrots cut in half-moon
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Scrambled eggs with fine herbs. Add to the eggs some fine cut chives, parsley and chervil. Croustade Cancalaise. Drain off the juice from pickled oysters and fill the croustades with them. Cover with sauce Tyrolienne and garnish with chopped hard-boiled eggs. Consommé Fleury. Sliced sorrel boiled in water for a second, boiled rice, small asparagus tips and peas, in equal parts. Serve in consommé. Ragout à la Deutsch. One-half pound of sliced raw tenderloin of beef, and three lamb kidneys, season
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German pancakes. Two eggs, one-half cup of milk, one-half cup of flour, a pinch of salt, a little nutmeg and one teaspoonful of sugar. Mix well. Have a large frying pan ready with hot butter. Be sure and have the butter run all over the inside of the pan so the pancake will not stick to the sides when it rises. Pour in the batter and place in oven. When nearly done, powder with sugar and put back in oven to brown. Serve with lemon and powdered sugar. Potage Mathilda. Cream of cucumbers with smal
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Petite marmite. Put in a vessel with cold water to cover, five pounds of short ribs of beef and a soup hen. Season with a spoonful of salt, and bring to a boil, and skim carefully so the broth will be clear. Then add two large carrots, three turnips, a piece of cabbage, one stalk of celery and four leeks, all tied in a cheese cloth; one bouquet garni, and a large marrow bone. When beef and fowl are well done remove, take off the skin and fat and cut the meat in pieces one inch square. Remove the
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Eggs ministerielle. Cut sandwich bread in slices about two inches thick. With a round cutter about three inches in diameter cut out the white of the bread. With another cutter about an inch and a half in diameter cut out the center of the round slices, leaving a ring of bread. Soak these rings in thick cream for a second, put on buttered dish, break an egg in the center of each, salt and pepper, cover with a light cream sauce, sprinkle with grated cheese, and bake in oven for about eight minutes
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Potage bonne femme. Purée of white beans with Julienne of vegetables. Fillet of sole, Florentine. Put the fillet of one sole in a buttered pan, salt, add one-half glass of water mixed with white wine, and boil until done. In the center of a buttered platter put a cup of purée of spinach and place the boiled fillet on top, cover with Mornay sauce, with grated cheese and small bits of butter on top of the sauce. Bake in oven until brown. Roast ruddy duck. Roast for twelve minutes, in the same mann
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Stewed tripe, Blanchard. Simmer a chopped onion in three ounces of butter, add one pint of bouillon, or stock, or chicken broth, one spoonful of flour, one pound of tripe cut in strips, one cupful of raw round potatoes cut out with a small-size "Parisian" spoon, one bouquet garni and one gill of white wine. Cover and cook for one hour, or until potatoes are very soft. Before serving remove bouquet garni and sprinkle with fresh-chopped parsley. Potage Flamande. Potato soup mixed with brunoise. Fr
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Broiled Finnan haddie. (Smoked haddock). Remove the bones, roll in oil and put on iron to broil. When done on both sides place on platter, cover with maître d'hôtel sauce or plain melted butter, garnish with parsley in branches and quartered lemons. Cream of rice. Melt in sauce pan two ounces of butter, add one-quarter pound of rice flour, and when hot, one and one-half pints of chicken broth. Boil for ten minutes and strain. Season with salt and Cayenne pepper, and add one-half pint of hot crea
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Canapé Monte Carlo. Purée of foie gras lightly mixed with a little stiff mayonnaise and spread on thin toast. Garnish around the edge with chopped yolks of hard-boiled eggs, and serve on napkins with parsley in branches. Eggs Persanne. Place hot poached eggs on a round toast, cover with tomato sauce and sprinkle with fine chopped ham and parsley. Tosca salad. Cut in fine strips about one inch long some boiled ham, tongue, cooked potatoes and buttons of artichokes. Arrange in salad bowl with some
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Fried fillet of sole. Clean and trim the fillets, season with salt and pepper, roll in flour, then in beaten eggs, then in bread crumbs, and fry in swimming hot lard for five minutes. Remove and serve on napkin with quartered lemons and fried parsley. Sauce separate. Rémoulade sauce. Take a handful of spinach, one of watercress and one of parsley and mash fine in a mortar. Put in a cloth and press out the juice. Mix the juice with a pint and a half of mayonnaise, add four chopped gherkins and so
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Poached eggs, Zingara. Poached eggs on toast. Cover with tomato sauce and small strips of tongue. Potage Américaine. Put in a pot one onion, one leek, and a little celery, and simmer in three ounces of butter until soft. Then add two spoonsful of flour and simmer again. Now add one peeled and cut up squash, a bouquet garni and two quarts of stock, and boil till well done. Remove the bouquet garni and strain the remainder through a fine sieve. Season with salt and pepper. Before serving add one c
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Selections from The Hotel St. Francis Menu Files
Selections from The Hotel St. Francis Menu Files
Hotel St. Francis, Oriental Dinner , May 15 1917: Fruit Salad, Oriental Cream of Chicken, Sam Yong Mixed Chinese Nuts Halibut, Veronica Chop Suey Roast Duckling, Apple Sauce Noodles Cold Artichoke Mikados Glacée Mignardises Demi Tasse Hotel St. Francis, Californian Dinner , March 31, 1917: California Oysters Clear Green Turtle, Sherry Salted Almonds Sand Dabs, Meunière Sweetbreads Braise, with Peas Broiled San Francisco Jumbo Squab Château Potatoes Cold Fresh Asparagus, Mustard Sauce Café Parfai
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