The Jesuits
Edward Hoare
3 chapters
26 minute read
Selected Chapters
3 chapters
A CORRESPONDENCE RELATIVE TO A LECTURE SO ENTITLED, RECENTLY DELIVERED BEFORE THE ISLINGTON PROTESTANT INSTITUTE, BY THE REV. EDWARD HOARE, M.A., Incumbent of Christ Church , Ramsgate . “Thus men go wrong with an ingenious skill, Bend the straight rule to their own crooked will, And with a clear and shining lamp supplied, First put it out, then take it for their guide.” Cowper’s Progress of Error . LONDON: BURNS AND LAMBERT, 17 PORTMAN STREET, PORTMAN SQUARE. 1852. W. Davy and Son, Printers, 8,
27 minute read
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In a Lecture on the Jesuits, recently delivered before the Islington Protestant Institute by the Rev. Edward Hoare , M.A., Incumbent of Christ Church, Ramsgate, and since published, there occurs the following passage with the note subjoined:—“It would not be fair to attach to the Order the opinions of the individual, unless these can be proved to be fully borne out and sanctioned by the fixed and authoritative documents of the Society.  Nothing, however, can be clearer, than that the sentiments
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12, Manor Road, Upper Holloway, Feast of the Immaculate Conception, 1851. My dear Sir, I will not make an acquaintance so slight as ours with each other my excuse for this letter, but rather hope that my object in writing it—viz., the removal of a very great misapprehension—will, of itself, prevent your regarding it as an intrusion.  A friend of mine, a protestant, was present at the lecture which you recently delivered in Islington on the Jesuits, and I learn from him that you stated, that, by
19 minute read
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