The Proportions Of Truth
Edward Hoare
3 chapters
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BY THE REV. EDWARD HOARE, M.A. Vicar of Trinity Church , Tunbridge Wells , and Honorary Canon of Canterbury . LONDON: WILLIAM HUNT AND COMPANY, HOLLES STREET, CAVENDISH SQUARE; AND ALDINE CHAMBERS, PATERNOSTER ROW. PRICE THREEPENCE. The Proportions of Truth . BY THE REV. EDWARD HOARE, M.A., Vicar of Trinity Church , Tunbridge Wells , and Honorary Canon of Canterbury ....
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The Proportions of Truth.
The Proportions of Truth.
Among the many wise sayings of Paschal there is one that deserves our most attentive study: viz., that few heresies have their origin in simple error, but that all that have ever attained to power have originated in the exaggeration of truth.  Without that element of truth there would be no power in the error.  This principle is in perfect harmony with all we see around us.  In everything there are certain proportions, and nothing can compensate for their loss. In art the painter may mix his col
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Arrangements for the following Serial Papers ARE MADE FOR EVENING HOURS , 1872, Edited by the Rev. E. H. BICKERSTETH , M.A. IN MONTHLY PARTS.  SIXPENCE. TRUE TO THE END. (A New Serial Tale, commencing January.)  By the Rev. Dr. Edersheim, Author of “Miriam Bosenham.” NEW ZEALAND RECREATIONS. By Lady Barker, Author of “Station Life In New Zealand.”  With Author’s Illustrations. NOTES ON THE TRACK OF ISRAEL.  By Francis Gell, B.A. LIFE AND CHARACTER IN IRELAND. By W. Steuart Trench, Esq., Author o
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