A Synopsis Of The British Mosses
Charles C. P. (Charles Codrington Pressick) Hobkirk
92 chapters
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92 chapters
It is not my desire that this little volume should be looked upon as anything more than what is expressed in the title, simply “ A Synopsis of the British Mosses ,” and as a kind of vade-mecum to the working Bryologist, as well as a guide to beginners. It is not altogether an original work, nor yet is it a mere compilation, for nearly every species has been carefully examined under the microscope before being described, and then the diagnoses compared with other works, principally that great tex
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It is my intention, as soon as sufficient material can be accumulated, to publish “A Geographical Distribution of the British Mosses,” and, in furtherance of this object, I should esteem it a great favor if all collectors throughout the kingdom would kindly be at the trouble of forwarding to me, as early as convenient, complete lists of the Mosses found by themselves or their friends, in their several districts, with any notes they may think desirable respecting them, and, where possible, the ra
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1. ANDREÆA. Ehr.
1. ANDREÆA. Ehr.
1. A. petrophila. Ehr. ( A. rupestris Hedw.) St. ¼ inch loosely tufted, with fastigiate branches; l. erect imbricate, with a sheathing base, generally secund, ovate or ovate-subulate, tapering above, and rather obtuse; papillose, areolæ dotted; per. l. larger; all reddish brown. Sub-alpine rocks, frequent. V. VI. 2. A. alpestris. Schimp. St. taller, densely tufted, with slender branches; l. crowded, very small, patent on all sides when moist, ovate, or ovate-lanceolate, obtuse, areolæ quadrate a
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2. SPHAGNUM. Dill.
2. SPHAGNUM. Dill.
[Dr. Braithwaite is at present publishing in the “Monthly Microscopical Journal” a Monograph of this genus, but as he has only got some three or four species described, I regret that I cannot avail myself of his valuable researches, and can only publish such species as are known to me. His division of species is as follows:— 10. S. cymbifolium. Ehr. St. 3–12 inches robust tufted solid, covered with a cortical web. Stem l. lingulate-spathulate with a rounded apex; br. l. imbricate broadly ovate c
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3. ARCHIDIUM. Bridel.
3. ARCHIDIUM. Bridel.
22. A. phascoides Brid. St. ¼in., second year branched sometimes 1in.; fertile branches short, barren ones longer, slender, and with more distant leaves; l. lanceolate pointed, upper ones longest, entire, nerved nearly to or beyond apex; p.l. ovate-lanceolate, toothed near the apex, nerve excurrent. Moist clayey or chalky banks, &c. III. IV....
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4. PHASCUM. Linn.
4. PHASCUM. Linn.
23. P. serratum. Schreb. “Stemless, leaves lanceolate, nerveless (?) serrated, connivent; capsule large roundish ovate, sub-sessile.” (Wils.) Sandy banks or fallows. Spring or Autumn. 24. P. cohærens. Hed. Stemless, very minute; l. ovate-lanceolate, keeled, erect, nerved to apex, and serrated about half way from summit; capsule immersed sub-sessile. On the ground. Winter. 25. P. tenerum. Bruch. Inconspicuous; l. broad ovate-lanceolate, slightly denticulate at apex, very flaccid; caps. small, pal
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42. G. tenue. Schrad. St. tufted; l. lingulate, sub-erect, upper ones longest entire, nerved nearly to apex; caps. pale brown, lid obtuse. Sandstone rocks and walls. VII. VIII. 43. G. rupestre. Schw. St. ½in. densely tufted, slender, dichotomous; l. linear-lanceolate, spreading obtuse keeled, nerved nearly to apex; capsule erect oval, lid flattish, suddenly rising to a longish scarcely bent beak. Wet alpine rocks. Autumn. 44. G. curvirostrum. Hedw. St. ½–1in. cæspitose branches fastigiate; l. li
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6. WEISSIA. Hedw.
6. WEISSIA. Hedw.
48. W. controversa. Hedw. St. ⅛–¼in. branched; l. lower lanceolate, upper linear-lanceolate, margin incurved, with a slightly excurrent nerve; caps. oval, erect, lid conical, beak half-length of capsule; barren fl. gemmiform. Frequent. Spring. 49. W. mucronata. B. & S. Smaller than last; l. linear-lanceolate, with plane margins, the nerve slightly excurrent and forming a mucro; caps. oblong, scarcely striated; teeth of per. short truncate, perforated, lid with a longish beak; barren fl.
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56. R. fugax. B. & S. St. ¼–½in. tufted; l. linear-lanceolate, acute, toothed near apex, margins plane; caps. ovate, somewhat striated; teeth of per. subulate, fugacious; lid with an oblique beak longer than capsule. Sub-alpine rocks, in crevices. VI. VII. 57. R. denticulata. B. & S. St. longer than last, loosely tufted; l. lingulate or linear-lanceolate, strongly toothed half way from apex; caps. more distinctly striated when dry, teeth of per. lanceolate, persistent. Alpine and
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58. C. saxicola. B. & S. Minute; l. elongate, linear-lanceolate, crowded entire, twisted, nerved nearly to summit; caps. elliptical drooping, on a geniculate pedicel, annulus double, calyptra 5–cleft. at base. Sandstone rocks, rare. XI....
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9. BRACHYODUS. Nees. & H.
9. BRACHYODUS. Nees. & H.
59. B. trichodes. N. & H. Very minute; l. lanceolate-subulate, almost setaceous; erect, with an excurrent nerve forming half the leaf; caps. erect, furrowed; per. very short, annulus large, lid flattish with a long beak. Sub-alpine sandstone rocks. Spring....
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10. SELIGERIA. Bruch & S.
10. SELIGERIA. Bruch & S.
60. S. pusilla. Bruch. & S. Minute, ⅛in. stems loosely tufted, simple or dichotomous; l. lanceolate-subulate, very narrow, thinly nerved nearly to apex; per. with teeth distantly barred; caps. on an upright pedicel, turbinate when dry, with a flattish beaked lid. Shady limestone rocks. IV. V. 61. S. tristicha. Brid. Densely cæspitose, rigid; l. exactly tristichous, crowded, rigid, narrowly lanceolate, muticous, base whitish; caps. yellowish brown sub-spherical, with a tumid neck, lid lar
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11. ANODUS. Bruch. & S.
11. ANODUS. Bruch. & S.
66. A. Donianus. B. & S. St. minute, ⅛in. gregarious; l. almost setaceous, lanceolate-subulate, very minutely toothed; per. l. bluntish and rather shorter; caps. cup-shaped or turbinate, mouth wide; Cal. dimidiate; perist. none, lid with a short beak. Sandstone rocks, rare. IX....
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67. S. cæspiticium. B. & S. St. ¼–½in. densely tufted; branches fastigiate; l. somewhat falcate and secund, ovate-lanceolate, acuminate; per. l. larger with a sheathing base entire, nerve predominant; caps. roundish-pyriform glossy; lid obliquely beaked, adherent to columella. Alpine rocks, in crevices. VII....
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13. BLINDIA. Wils.
13. BLINDIA. Wils.
68. B. acuta. B. & S. St. ½–3in. tufted; l. subulate or lanceolate-setaceous, rigid, glossy, sub-secund, nerve thick; per. l. sheathing; caps. roundish-pyriform, on a short reddish pedicel; lid with a longish beak. Moist alpine or sub-alpine rocks. Summer....
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14. ARCTOA. Bruch. & S.
14. ARCTOA. Bruch. & S.
69. A. fulvella. B. & S. St. ½–2in. densely tufted; l. somewhat secund, often falcate, subulate-setaceous dull green, sometimes slightly toothed at apex, nerve predominant, per. l. large sheathing; caps. ovate, sometimes gibbous, 8–furrowed, lid obliquely beaked; barren fl. gemmiform: monoicous. Fissures of alpine rocks. VII. VIII....
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15. CYNODONTIUM. Bruch. & S.
15. CYNODONTIUM. Bruch. & S.
70. C. Bruntoni. B. & S. St. ½–1in. tufted, branches fastigiate; l. linear-lanceolate or lanc-subulate, keeled, sometimes minutely denticulate at apex, margin reflexed, twisted when dry, nerved almost or quite to apex; per. l. sheathing; caps. erect obovate or elliptical; lid with a long oblique beak. Sub-alpine rocks. VI....
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16. DICRANUM. Hedw.
16. DICRANUM. Hedw.
71. D. polycarpum. Ehr. L. bent, flexuose, often recurved, lanceolate-subulate or linear-lanceolate, keeled, margin recurved, somewhat papillose, denticulate at apex, nerve excurrent; caps. erect, symmetrical, striated, with a tumid neck. Alpine rocks. VII. VIII. 72. D. virens. Hedw. St. 1–3in. branched; l. erect ovate-lanceolate at base, sheathing, running to a long sub-denticulate, almost setaceous prolongation, margins recurved, nerve thick sub-excurrent; caps. cernuous strumose smooth oblong
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17. LEUCOBRYUM. Hampe.
17. LEUCOBRYUM. Hampe.
99. L. glaucum. Hampe. St. 1–6in. or more, dichotomous fragile, fastigiate; l. subulate from an ovate-lanceolate base, erect, rather obtuse, and apiculate; caps, cernuous, strumose, furrowed when dry. Moist heaths, woods, rare in fr....
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18. CERATODON. Brid.
18. CERATODON. Brid.
100. C. purpureus. Brid, St. ¼–2in. cæspitose, branched; l. oblong-lanceolate, margin recurved, nerve excurrent; caps. elliptic-oblong, irregular, purple, angular when dry on a purplish red seta; lid conical. Banks, &c., common. IV. V. 101. C. cylindricus. B. & S. St. ¼in. gregarious; l. subulate from a dilated ovate amplexicaul base, flexuose, minutely toothed above, nerve predominant; caps. cylindrical, smooth, erect or slightly curved, on a pale slender seta; lid conical. Sand
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102. D. longirostre. B. & S. St. 1–3in. blackish; l. falcato-secund, subulato-setaceous from an ovate sheathing base, denticulate above on predominant nerve; caps. elliptic-oblong, smooth, on a thick curved or flexuose seta. Mountainous woods, rare. X....
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103. C. atrovirens. De Not. ( C. longipilus. Brid. pro parte: Wils. Bry. Brit.; et Schimp. Musc. Eur. Nov.) Dense tufts 1–3in. high, above yellowish green, below brownish, at base black. Stem erect, dichotomous, with few radicles at base; l. lower, lax, shorter, the rest densely crowded, erecto-patent, lanceolate, very longly subulato-setaceous, channelled below, auricled; nerve excurrent into a hoary hispid arista, channelled at back, one-third width of leaf base; cells of auricles dilated, cas
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21. POTTIA. Ehrh.
21. POTTIA. Ehrh.
116. P. pusilla. Hedw. ( P. cavifolia. Ehr.) St. very short and simple or branched; l. erecto-patent concave, obovate or elliptical; caps. oval, on a short seta; lid obliquely rostrate. Banks and mud walls. III. 117. P. minutula. B. & S. Very minute, l. carinate, spreading, ovate-lanceolate, with recurved margins; caps. small, ovate-truncate; lid flattish conical, not beaked. Fallow fields. Winter and Spring. 118. P. truncatula. L. St. ⅛in., l. spreading obovate-acuminate or oblong-lance
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125. A. Starkeana. N. & H. Minute, gregarious; l. spreading ovate-lanceolate, entire, margin recurved; nerve excurrent; caps. small oval brown; lid convexo-conical; per. teeth obtuse perforate. Banks and fields. I. II. 126. A. cæspitosa. Bruch. Minute cæspitose; l. oblong-lanceolate or ovate, concave, plane, nerve excurrent; caps. ovate yellowish brown, lid with a long beak; per. teeth perforate. Woolsonbury Hill, Sussex (chalk). III. 127. A. lanceolata. Röhl. St. ¼–½in. cæspitose; l. sp
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[23. DESMATODON. Brid.—Vide “Tortula.”] 24. DISTICHIUM. B. & S.
[23. DESMATODON. Brid.—Vide “Tortula.”] 24. DISTICHIUM. B. & S.
129. D. capillaceum. B. & S. St. 1–2in. cæspitose; l. subulate-setaceous, spreading; caps. erect, ovate-oblong or almost cylindrical, reddish brown; per. teeth, narrow, articulate, bi- or tri-fid. Scotch and Welsh mountains. Summer. 130. D. inclinatum. B. & S. St. shorter than last, and less cæspitose; leaves same, per. l. 1, 2, or 3 together; caps. oval, olive-brown, inclined or cernuous; per. teeth larger lanceolate, articulate, entire or perforate, bi-trifid. Irish and Scotch
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25. DIDYMODON. Br. & S.
25. DIDYMODON. Br. & S.
131. D. rubellus. B. & S. St. ¼–1in. cæspitose, lower leaves reddish, upper dull green, all oblong-lanceolate, spreading, margin recurved, keeled, nerved nearly to apex; caps. pale brown, cylindrical; lid with a short oblique beak; antheridia naked in axils of per. l. Shady walls, rocks, &c. X. 132. D. Jenneri. Schp. St. 1–1½in. cæspitose, brownish black below; br. fastigiate; l. spreading cirrhate linear-lanceolate concave, keeled, serrate, nerved to apex; areolæ minute rectangu
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137. T. tophaceum. Brid. St. ¼–1in. densely cæspitose, branches fasciculate; l. lanceolate (the upper ones obtuse), concave keeled, margins recurved; nerve not reaching to apex; caps. sub-cylindrical erect, regular; lid with an oblique beak; per. teeth variable, sometimes only 16, somewhat fugacious. Moist places and rocks. XI. 138. T. brachydontium. Bruch. ( T. mutabile. olim.) L. broader, lanceolate or ligulate, crisped, not cucullate, margin slightly undulate, nerve excurrent into a prominent
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27. TORTULA. Schreb.
27. TORTULA. Schreb.
148. T. stellata. Schreb. 1771. ( T. rigida. Schultz,) St. minute, loosely cæspitose; l. spreading from an upright base oblong obtuse, margin inflexed membranaceous; caps. erect elliptical; lid with a long oblique beak; calyp. half as large as capsule; per. teeth long, and much twisted; dioicous. Limestone walls. XI. XII. 149. T. ambigua. Br. & S. (larger in all its parts than last.) L. ligulate lanceolate, apex cucullate, margin incurved; caps. erect cylindrical; lid rostrate; calyp. ve
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[ C. riparius. Walker Arnott. Acrocarpous; branches fasciculate; “l. spreading oblong-lanceolate, obtuse, with thickened margins, very shortly mucronate, nerve excurrent; caps. exserted on a short thick pedicel, elliptic-oblong; lid obliquely conico-rostrate; perist. with numerous subdivisions.”] Bry. Brit. 138. Not found in Britain, but IV. 184. C. fontinaloides. P. Beauv. Cladocarpous; st. 2–5in., in long straggling tufts, generally floating; l. crowded, spreading, flexuose, lanceolate, acute,
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29. ENCALYPTA. Schreb.
29. ENCALYPTA. Schreb.
185. E. commutata. N. & H. Stems about 1in. branched radiculose; l. squarrose, from an erect ovate base lanceolate, concave, acute, nerve excurrent; caps. smooth cylindrical, with a long beaked lid; calyp. jagged but not fringed at base. Alpine summits. Scotland. VII. VIII. 186. E. vulgaris. Hedw. St. about ½in. branched, radiculose; l. spreading, elliptic-lanceolate, oblong, acute or obtuse, nerve sometimes excurrent; margin plane; caps. smooth cylindrical; base of calyptra entire; peri
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30. HEDWIGIA. Ehr.
30. HEDWIGIA. Ehr.
190. H. ciliata. Hedw. Monoicous; dichotomously branched, rooting at base only; l. crowded, spreading, sometimes secund, ovate-lanceolate, concave, margin recurved below, apex diaphanous, prolonged to a blunt point and strongly toothed on each side; per. l. with apex laciniate; caps. immersed globose; lid convex with a short beak; calyp. conical, sometimes hairy. Rocks in mountainous districts. N. Wales, Arthur’s Seat, &c. III. Bry. Brit, gives as varieties—...
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191. H. imberbe. B. & S. St. 1–3in. irregularly, not dichotomously branched, flagelliferous; l. ovate-lanceolate, acuminate, imbricate when dry, margin recurved, apex not diaphanous, but slightly crenate; caps. exserted on a short seta, spherical or obovate; lid with a blunt slightly oblique beak; calyptra cucullate, reddish. Rocks. Wales and Ireland. X. XI....
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32. GRIMMIA. Ehr. B. & S.
32. GRIMMIA. Ehr. B. & S.
192. G. confertum. B. & S. Cæspitose; intense green above, blackish below; l. ovate-lanceolate, tapering in the upper ones to a short hair point; margins slightly recurved and thickened, nerve strong, deeply channelled on its upper side; caps. small ovate, with a rostellate lid, almost pellucid; per. teeth much perforated, pale or orange-red. Rocks, Scotland. II. III. 193. G. apocarpum. B. & S. Loosely cæspitose; l. spreading lanceolate acuminate from an ovate erect base, upper o
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218. R. (Dryptodon) patens. Bridel. Bry. Univ., I. , 192. ( Grimmia patens. Bry. Brit., p. 158.) In dark green or fuscous tufts; st. 2–4in. branched, decumbent and naked below; l. spreading or slightly secund, oblong-lanceolate, gradually tapering to a blunt apex, margin recurved below, nerve strong two-winged at back; per. l. shorter; caps. almost obovate smooth, furrowed when dry, on a pale flexuose seta; annulus large; cal. five-lobed: dioicous. Moist alpine rocks. S. I. W. IV. V. 219. R. ell
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228. G. Daviesii. Schwg. St. ½in. cæspitose; l. linear-lanceolate spreading entire, margin thickened and reflexed below, strongly nerved to apex, areolæ minute, larger at base; caps. erect, almost globose, with a reddish mouth and long rostrate lid; per. teeth converging when moist, reflexed when dry; calyp. large, laciniate at base. Clefts of rocks. VI. VII. Giant’s Causeway; Llanberis; Glenarbuck, May, 1863 (W. Galt and McCartney); New Kilpatrick, Killin (McKinlay); Ardtun Mull (Dr. Black); Sk
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229. P. polyphyllum. B. & S. St. ½in. tufted; l. linear-lanceolate from a broadish base, spreading, nerved to the dentate acute apex; caps. elliptical on a long twisted seta; calyp. plicate; lid long subulate. Mountainous rocks and walls. III. IV....
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230. O. cupulatum. Hoffm. St. under 1in.; l. spreading lanceolate keeled, lower brownish, nerve distinct; caps. obovate, urceolate when dry, with a shortly beaked lid; calyp. hairy; perist. simple, of 16 free equidistant teeth, spreading when dry. Rocks and walls. IV. V. 231. O. Sturmii. Hop. & Hornsch. In loose cushions; st. short and erect, or longer and prostrate; l. patent and recurved when moist, incumbent when dry; margin subrevolute, acutely costato-carinate; caps. generally immer
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37. ZYGODON. Hook. & T.
37. ZYGODON. Hook. & T.
259. Z. Lapponicus. B. & S. St. ½in. cæspitose radiculose; l. spreading, linear-lanceolate keeled, contorted when dry, nerve ceasing near apex; per. l. ovate-lanceolate; caps. scarcely exserted turbinate, deeply eight-striate, urceolate when dry; lid with a short oblique beak: monoicous. Crevices of alpine rocks. S. W. Summer. 260. Z. Mougeottii. B. & S. St. more than 1 inch cæspitose, scarcely radiculose; l. fasciculate recurved, narrowly linear-lanceolate, margin reflexed below
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38. TETRAPHIS. Hedw.
38. TETRAPHIS. Hedw.
265. T. pellucida. Hed. St. ½–1in.; l. lower, ovate-acuminate, nerved, reddish, upper larger ovate-lanceolate entire, nerve ceasing below apex, margins plane; stems bearing gemmiferous cups, l. of which are obcordate; caps. (fruit not found in England) elliptical, with a red border at mouth, on a long reddish seta. Decaying stumps and roots of trees, common. VIII. IX....
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266. T. Brownianum. Schwg. St. almost none, with long linear radical leaves or ramuli; per. l. ovate-acuminate, entire, shortly and faintly nerved; caps. oval-oblong, lid with an acute oblique beak. Sandstone rocks. III. IV. (Wilson says VII. )...
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40. BUXBAUMIA. Haller.
40. BUXBAUMIA. Haller.
267. B. aphylla. Hall. “Stem almost none, buried; l. lower roundish, deeply toothed, upper fringed with long ciliary processes; caps. plano-convex, roundish ovate, reddish; outer perist. irregularly sub-divided, thick and cellular.” [Wilson.] Scotland, Yorkshire, &c.; rare. V. 268. B. indusiata. Brid. “Resembling the last, but caps. more erect, not flattened on the upper surface, of uniform texture and yellowish green colour, covered with a soft membrane, which ruptures on the upper surf
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269. D. foliosum. W. & M. St. almost none; l. long narrow linear, flexuose, with an obscure nerve, margin plane, sometimes toothed near apex; per. l. with a pale thin blade, nerve excurrent into a long rough bristle, and the innermost divided at apex into long jointed cilia; caps. immersed, ovate, oblique, gibbous; lid conical pointed; per. teeth white. Shady mountainous rocks. VIII....
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42. ATRICHUM. P. Beauv.
42. ATRICHUM. P. Beauv.
270. A. undulatum. P. Beauv. St. 1–2in. l. ligulate, margin undulate, thickened, with bi cuspid spinulose teeth, which also occur on back near apex, where lamellate nerve ceases; caps. cylindrical curved; lid with a long curved beak. Grassy places, common. X. XI. 271. A. angustatum. Brid. St. shorter, l. narrower, densely reticulate, serrate at apex only , less hispid beneath, with numerous lamellæ on nerve; caps. sub-erect cylindrical straight or curved, lid dark purple, shortly rostrate. [Schp
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274. O. hercynicum. De C. St. ½–1in; l. rigid erecto-patent, lanceolate, sheathing, margins indexed, lamellæ of nerve undulate, and spinulose at back; caps. erect cylindrical, plicate and oblique when dry; lid conical pointed. Alpine and sub-alpine barren soil. VI. VII. Scotland; Todmorden (Nowell)....
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44. POGONATUM. P. Beauv.
44. POGONATUM. P. Beauv.
275. P. nanum. Brid. St. short, not branched at apex; l. rigid spreading, lanceolate obtuse, sheathing, serrulate above; caps. almost globose, erect or inclined, lid with a curved or oblique beak; columella not winged. Moist shady sandy banks. X. XI. 276. P. aloides. Brid. St. less than 1–in., branched at apex; l. rigid spreading, lanceolate, sheathing, serrate on margin and back; caps. erect, somewhat ovate-urceolate or cylindrical; lid conical beaked; columella with four wings; hairs of calyp.
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279. P. sexangulare. Hoppe. Barren st. 2–6in., fertile shorter; l. short incurved rigid, linear-lanceolate from a broader base, margins plane, incurved, almost cucullate at serrulate apex; caps. short, at first upright, afterwards cernuous, sometimes six, sometimes only four or five-angled; lid rostrate; calyp. short, and shortly villous. Summits of Scotch mountains. VIII. IX. Ben Lawers; Cairngorm, &c. 280. P. gracile. Menzies. St. about ½in. densely tufted; l. lanceolate from a broad s
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46. TIMMIA. Hedw.
46. TIMMIA. Hedw.
286. T. austriaca. Hedw. St. 2–3in.; l. linear-lanceolate from a reddish brown sheathing dilated base, margins strongly serrate; caps. ovate pyriform, inclined, striate when dry, on a seta 2in. long; lid rounded mammillate; per. teeth inner smooth entire. Rocks, very rare. Forfarshire. Summer. 287. T. megapolitana. Hedw. St. loosely cæspitose, brownish below; l. from a whitish sheathing base, spreading and recurved, linear-lanceolate concave opaque serrate, cirrhate when dry; per. l. internal ov
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288. A. palustre. Schw. St. 2–4in. branched, beset with reddish radicles; l. oblong-lanceolate, denticulate at apex, flexuose undulate, crisped when dry, papillose on both sides; caps. ovate-oblong, gibbous, cernuous, curved; lid conical, with a blunt beak; barren fl. discoid: dioicous. Turfy bogs and marshes. V. VI. 289. A. androgynum. Schw. St. less than 1in., nearly simple; l. lower lanceolate, upper longer, all denticulate at apex, not flexuose nor crisped when dry, papillose, margin recurve
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290. O. gracile. Schw. St. ½in. slender, tufted; l. long linear setaceous, carinate, flexuose, entire, faintly nerved nearly to apex; caps. obovate-clavate, gradually tapering at base into the seta, inclined; lid long, beaked; calyp. very small. Sandstone rocks. Yorkshire and Cheshire. III....
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291. L. pyriforme. Wils. St. scarcely ½in.; l. lower lanceolate entire, upper linear-setaceous, flexuose, serrate at summit, nerve sometimes reaching apex; caps. pyriform pendulous, on a slender flexuose seta; lid convex mammillate. Rocks. Cheshire. V. VI....
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50. BRYUM. H. & T.
50. BRYUM. H. & T.
292. (1) B. acuminatum. B. & S. St. ½–1in., simple or branched; l. rigid, lower ovate-lanceolate, upper linear-lanceolate larger, margins recurved, nerved to serrulate apex, sometimes secund; caps. almost horizontal, narrowly clavate, tapering at base; lid sharply conical. (There are many varieties.) Crevices of rocks and mountainous districts. VIII. 293. (2) B. polymorphum. B. & S. St. ¼–½in., seldom branched; l. lower ovate-lanceolate, small, scattered, upper oblong-lanceolate
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51. MNIUM. B. & S.
51. MNIUM. B. & S.
338. M. affine. Bland. St. 1–3in. simple, erect, radiculose; barren shoots procumbent; l. lower oval-lanceolate, decurrent, scattered, upper much larger, crowded, oblong-elliptic pointed, border narrow, simply spinuloso-serrate, nerved nearly or quite to apex; those of barren stems roundish two-ranked; caps. ovate-oblong pendulous; lid convex, pointed: dioicous. Shady woods, banks, walls. IV. V. 339. M. cuspidatum. Hedw. St. ½–1in. tufted, erect, radiculose, barren shoots procumbent; l. lower ov
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52. CINCLIDIUM. Swartz.
52. CINCLIDIUM. Swartz.
351. C. stygium. Sw. St. 1–4in. tufted, erect, with purplish radicles; l. roundish obovate, obtuse, pointed, rigid, very narrow at base, border cartilaginous, nerved to or beyond apex; caps. obovate or pyriform, pendulous, on a long seta, lid convex obtuse, sometimes pointed; synoicous. Bogs. Malham Tarn (Nowell, Wilson). VI. VII....
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352. M. nitida. Horn. “L. erecto-patent, larger and more crowded above, ovate-lanceolate, serrated at apex; caps. sub-erect pyriform; lid conical, very short.” Type not British; var. β. only found at head of Glen Callater, 1830 (Dr. Greville); again in same locality, 1868 (Fergusson and Roy); Ingleby, Yorkshire, 1862 (Mudd.)...
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353. P. squarrosa. Brid. St. 2–6in. radiculose; l. obovate-lanceolate, pointed, recurved above the middle, squarrose, nerved to and serrulate at apex, margins recurved below; caps. elliptic-oblong gibbous, with a short thick neck, inclined; lid mammillate. Boggy places. No fr. found in Britain. Summer....
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55. MEESIA. Hedw.
55. MEESIA. Hedw.
354. M. uliginosa. Hedw. St. ½–1in. radiculose, br. fastigiate; l. lanceolate or linear obtuse (upper longer), entire, margin recurved, scarcely nerved to apex; caps. pyriform, with a long tapering neck, incurved, inclined; lid conical truncate; seta very long. Wet and boggy places. VII. VIII. [It is very questionable whether M. longiseta has ever been found in the British Islands.]...
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56. AMBLYODON. P. Beauv.
56. AMBLYODON. P. Beauv.
355. A. dealbatus. P. B. St. ½–1in.; l. lanceolate broad, acute, margins plane, slightly serrulate at apex, below which the strong nerve ceases; caps. clavate or pyriform, incurved, inclined, mouth oblique, lid conical, seta very long. Wet mountainous places. S. I. VI. VII....
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57. FUNARIA. Schreb.
57. FUNARIA. Schreb.
356. F. Hibernica. Hook. St. ¼–½in.; l. oblong-oval, gradually tapering to an acutely serrate point, nerved nearly to apex; caps. pyriform, longer than in next species, on a seta twisting to left its whole length when dry; lid concave. Chalky soil. Cork, Matlock, Conway. IV. V. 357. F. Muhlenbergii. Schw. St. shorter than last; l. ovate-lanceolate, suddenly tapering to a long bluntly serrate point, nerved nearly to apex; caps. pyriform, on a seta when dry twisted at base to left, above to right;
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360. E. Templetoni. Schw. St. about ¼in.; l. lower distant ovate-acuminate, upper in a rosaceous tuft, obovate, acuminate, not nerved to apex, scarcely serrulate; caps. clavate-pyriform, upright, neck tapering, lid plano-convex. Crevices of rocks and shady places. E. S. I. W. VII. 361. E. minimum. Hunt. (Mem. Lit. and Sci. Soc., Manchester, vol. V. , p. 100, 1871–2.) St. ⅛–¼in. erect, gregarious; l. lower obovate, margin reflexed, nerve thin, not reaching apex; upper oblong, sub-erect, sub-canal
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362. P. ericetorum. De Not. St. ¼in.; l. lower, distant, small, upper in a tuft, larger, obovate-lanceolate, with a thickened distantly serrate margin, not nerved to apex; caps. small, pyriform, erect, lid almost flat. Heaths, banks, stream sides, &c. III. IV. 363. P. fasciculare. B. & S. St. about ½in. tufted; l. ovate-oblong or lanceolate, pointed serrate, not bordered; caps. obovate or pyriform, tapering at base; lid convex. Fallow fields. IV. 364. P. pyriforme. B. & S
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366. B. Wilsoni. B. & S. St. about ¼in. branched; l. ovate-lanceolate, acuminate, somewhat secund, nerved nearly to or beyond apex, serrulate above; caps. globoso-pyriform, generally pendulous, not striate; lid convex or conical. Turfy soil on mountains. S. W. I. X....
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61. BARTRAMIA. Hedw.
61. BARTRAMIA. Hedw.
367. B. stricta. Brid. St. loosely tufted, glaucous green; l. erecto-patent, rigid when dry, lanceolate-subulate, nerve excurrent into a serrate arista; caps. ovate-globose furrowed when dry, seta four-sided at summit, twisted to right when dry; lid convex or mammillate. [Bry. Eur., IV. , t. 316. Schp. Syn., 417.] On the ground and stones. Early summer. Maresfield, Sussex (Mitten), 1862. 368. B. rigida. Bals. & Not. St. ¼–½in.; br. erect or recurved; l. erecto-patent, straight, rigid, la
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62. CONOSTOMUM. Swartz.
62. CONOSTOMUM. Swartz.
379. C. boreale. Swartz. St. ½–2in. tufted, radiculose; l. imbricate lanceolate acuminate, keeled, serrate, nerve excurrent into a mucro; caps. globose, gibbous, cernuous; lid large beaked. Summits of Scotch mountains. VIII. IX....
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380. C. nigritum. Brid. St. 1in. or more (Wilson says 2–6in. or more), radiculose; l. lanceolate acute, margin reflexed entire, nerved nearly to apex; upper ones largest; caps. small globose, dark-coloured or black, cernuous; lid small conical. Moist alpine rocks, &c. Wilson says “fruits March (?)” My specimen from Fife is August....
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64. DISCELIUM. Brid.
64. DISCELIUM. Brid.
381. D. nudum. Brid. Stemless; l. few, ovate-lanceolate, entire, concave, round the base of the seta, generally buried; seta ½–1in.; caps. sub-globose reddish, cernuous, small; lid conical acute. Clay banks and beds. II.–IV. Near Manchester (Cayley); Todmorden (Hobkirk)....
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65. SPLACHNUM. B. & S.
65. SPLACHNUM. B. & S.
382. S. vasculosum. L. Stem ¼–1in. radiculose; l. roundish ovate, obtuse, or ovate-acuminate, entire, narrow at base, not nerved to apex, areolæ lax; caps. small cylindrical on a large globular apophysis; lid convex: dioicous. Elevated wet places. VII. 383. S. ampullaceum. L. St. about 1in.; l. lower lanceolate, upper larger obovate or oblong-lanceolate, all serrate or sometimes entire, acuminate, nerved nearly to apex; areolæ lax; seta dilated above into a turbinate apophysis, bearing the small
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385. T. mnioides. B. & S. St. ½–3in. tufted; l. sub-erect obovate or nearly elliptical, suddenly narrowed into a long piliferous point, concave, entire, nerved to apex; caps. elliptical on a large obovate apophysis of about same width; lid conical obtuse. Moist mountainous situations, on dung, &c. V. 386. T. angustatus. B. & S. St. ½–2in. tufted; l. sub-erect, ovate-lanceolate concave, narrowed into long tapering points, serrate; caps. ovate on an obconical apophysis; lid
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67. TAYLORIA. Hooker.
67. TAYLORIA. Hooker.
387. T. serrata. B. & S. St. scarcely 1in.; l. erecto-patent, recurved above, oblong-obovate, lower ovate-lanceolate acuminate, serrate above, not nerved to apex; caps. oval on a long tapering apophysis; lid convex obtuse. Normal form not found in Britain—only var. γ on turfy soil on Scotch mountains. VII. VIII....
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68. DISSODON. Grev.
68. DISSODON. Grev.
388. D. Froelichianus. Grev. “St. cæspitose or scattered; l. ovate-oblong obtuse, nerve ceasing below apex; caps. (with apophysis) clavato-pyriform; lid conical; teeth of perist. in pairs.” [Wils. Bry. Brit., 296.] Doubtful native; said to have been found on Ben High, Aberdeen, by Mr. Dickson, but the specimen in Herb. Turner is not certain. 389. D. splachnoides. Grev. St. 1–4in. radiculose; l. erecto-patent, oval-oblong or lingulate obtuse, margin plane, not nerved to apex; caps. obovate with a
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69. ŒDIPODIUM. Schw.
69. ŒDIPODIUM. Schw.
390. Œ. Griffithianum. Schw. St. ¼–½in, tufted; barren often much longer; l. obovate-roundish, obtuse, fringed below, not nerved to apex; caps. obovate or pyriform, neck tapering into a thick succulent seta; lid convex obtuse. Crevices of mountainous rocks. VII. VIII....
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391. S. osmundacea. W. & M. St. ¼–½in.; l. bifarious, insertion vertical, lanceolate, pale green; caps. small, sub-globose, mouth large; lid convex; young plant, when growing in caves, emitting a beautiful golden green light. Sandstone caves and banks, not rare. III....
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71. FISSIDENS. Hedw.
71. FISSIDENS. Hedw.
392. F. exilis. Hedw. St. ⅛in. simple; l. few, lower small ovate, upper lanceolate-oblong oblique, acute, margin not bordered, serrulate, nerved to apex, dorsal wing not reaching to base of leaf; caps. elliptic-oblong, erect, lid conical obliquely rostrate. Shady banks and woods, not frequent. E. S. I. I.—III. 393. F. viridulus. L. St. ¼in. about; l. lanceolate acute, entire, bordered, crisped when dry, dorsal wing not reaching to base, nerved nearly to apex; caps. oval-oblong erect; lid conical
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73. LEUCODON. Schw.
73. LEUCODON. Schw.
406. L sciuroides. Schw. St. or branches 1in. from a creeping rhizome; l. imbricate, ovate, entire, tapering to a point, plicate, somewhat secund; per. l. longer, all nerveless; caps. long elliptical erect; lid conical beaked. Trees, walls, rocks, &c. IX. 407. L. Lagurus. Hook. St. ½–1in., tomentous; l. ovate, suddenly contracted to a piliferous point, concave, serrulate near apex, nerved half way; caps. cylindrical; lid with a short curved beak. Trees and rocks....
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408. A. curtipendula. Brid. St. 3–8in. straggling, pinnately branched; l. ovate, concave, sharply curved to a roughly toothed point, which ends in a double hook in the younger ones, nerved half way, margins recurved; caps. roundish elliptical drooping; lid with an oblique beak. Rocks and trees. IV....
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75. LEPTODON. Brid.
75. LEPTODON. Brid.
409. L. Smithii. Brid. St. 1–3in. creeping, branches pinnate or bipinnate; l. ovate, rounded and obtuse at apex, entire, margin recurved below, nerved more than half way; per. l. erect ovate-subulate; caps. elliptical horizontal on a short curved seta; lid with an oblique beak. Trees. Devon, &c. IV....
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76. ANOMODON. H. & T.
76. ANOMODON. H. & T.
410. A. viticulosus. H. & T. St. 1–2in. from a creeping rhizome rigid; l. more or less secund or spreading from an ovate base lingulate or subulate, obtuse, entire, nerve pellucid, almost reaching apex; caps. almost cylindrical erect, on a yellowish seta; lid large conical rostrate. Shady limestone rocks, trees. XI. 411. A. attenuatus. Hueb. ( Hypnum , Schreb. Leskea , Hedwig.) St. 1–2in. procumbent with incurved branches; l. imbricate, sometimes secund, ovate-lanceolate from a narrow ba
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77. HABRODON. Schp.
77. HABRODON. Schp.
413. H. Notarisii. Schpr. ( Pterogonium perpusillum , De Not.) St. creeping, irregularly branched; l. spreading squarrose opaque, imbricate and shining when dry, from an ovate base longly acuminate, nerveless, entire; per. l. internal with erose margins; caps. oval-oblong erect, slightly striate, and contracted at mouth when dry; lid conical erose. [Supp. Bry. Eur. fasc. III. IV. ] Trunks of elm and white thorn. Spring. Windermere and Devon (J. Nowell); Killin, Perthshire (A. McKinlay), July, 18
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78. PTEROGONIUM. Swartz.
78. PTEROGONIUM. Swartz.
414. Pt. filiforme. Hedw. St. creeping, with incurved fasciculate branches; l. imbricate or secund, elliptical, concave, papillose at back, serrulate at pointed apex, margin recurved; nerved half way, or shortly two-nerved at base; caps. elliptical erect; lid conical, obliquely rostrate. Mountainous rocks and tree trunks. S. I. Spring. 415. Pt. gracile. Sw. Rhizome creeping, with arcuate stems, and incurved fasciculate branches; l. spreading, (appressed when dry) ovate, concave, acute, serrate n
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416. I. myurum. Dill. St. 1–2in. from a creeping stoloniferous rhizome, with fasciculate branches; l. elliptical concave, not tapering but serrulate at apex, nerved half way, singly or forked; per. l. erect; caps. ovate, erect, with a long rostrate lid: dioicous. Trees and rocks. X....
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80. CLIMACIUM. W. & M.
80. CLIMACIUM. W. & M.
417. C. dendroides. W. & M. St. 1–3in. erect, with long spreading branches; l. ovate-lanceolate, serrulate at apex: st. l. acute, br. l. obtuse, nerved nearly to apex; per. l. nerveless, entire; caps. erect ovate-oblong, with a pointed beak. Boggy places. X.–I....
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418. C. Montagnei. Bry. Eur. Müller. St. 1–2in., branches pinnate, recurved, cuspidate; l. elliptical acute entire, rather obtuse, faintly two-nerved at base, margin recurved below; marginal basal cells large and pellucid; caps. cylindrical, erect, on a long seta, and with a blunt lid: dioicous. Limestone hills. S. E. Autumn....
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82. LESKEA. Hed.
82. LESKEA. Hed.
419. L. moniliformis. Wahl. St. ½in. slender tufted, branched; l. imbricate, nearly round, obtuse, very concave, nerveless, denticulate at base; per. l. ovate-lanceolate; caps. almost erect, small, oval-oblong, with a short beak. Alpine rocks. E. S. I. Summer. 420. L. apiculata. Hueb. [ Myurella. ] Loosely cæspitose, soft and fragile; l. loosely imbricate or patent, ovate, very concave, often with a recurved apiculus, opaque; perist. pale, small. [Bryol. Eur., v. t. 560.] Moist rocky ground. Ben
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83. HYPNUM. Dill.
83. HYPNUM. Dill.
428. H. (Thuyidium.) abietinum. Dill. St. 2–4in. rigid, reddish, not always erect; br. slightly drooping crowded; l. imbricate, erecto-patent, more or less secund; st. l. ovate or cordate acuminate, serrulate near apex, plicate; br. l. narrower, less plicate; all papillose on back and keel, nerved nearly to apex; areolæ dot-like; caps. oblong-cylindrical, arcuate, cernuous; lid conical: dioicous. Alpine rocks, chalk hills, &c. Spring. 429. H. (Thuyidium) Blandovii. W. & M. St. 3i
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84. OMALIA. Brid.
84. OMALIA. Brid.
546. O. trichomanoides. Dill. St. about 1in. irregularly pinnate; l. crowded, sub-secund, complanate, oval, serrulate at obtuse rounded apex, faintly nerved half way; caps. small sub-cylindrical, sub-erect, lid with an oblique beak. Trunks of trees and shady rocks. X. XI....
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85. NECKERA. Hedwig.
85. NECKERA. Hedwig.
547. N. complanata. Bry. Eur. St. 1–2in. pinnate; br. short crowded attenuate; l. complanate, not undulate, obliquely ovate-oblong, suddenly apiculate from broadish apex, faintly and shortly two-nerved; caps. roundish elliptical, tapering below, erect; lid large, obliquely rostrate: dioicous. Trunks of trees, walls, &c. X.—XII. 548. N. crispa. Dill. St. 4–6in. pinnate, from a creeping rhizome; l. complanate, undulate, ovate-oblong or ovate-ligulate, somewhat obtuse and pointed, serrulate
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86. HOOKERIA. Smith.
86. HOOKERIA. Smith.
552. H. lucens. Dill. St. 1–3in. procumbent, with irregular complanate branches; l. complanate, large roundish ovate, obtuse, entire, nerveless; areolæ large, hexagonal, pellucid; caps. roundish elliptical, almost pendulous; lid conical, suddenly tapering into a long straight beak: monoicous. Moist banks, stones in streams, &c. XI. XII. 553. H. lætevirens. H. & T. St. shorter and more slender, procumbent, sub-pinnate; l. complanate, loosely imbricate, smaller, ovate, suddenly and
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87. DALTONIA. Hooker & Taylor.
87. DALTONIA. Hooker & Taylor.
554. D. splachnoides. H. & T. St. ¼in. tufted, erect, br. fastigiate; l. crowded, sub-erect, linear-lanceolate, acuminate, slightly keeled, entire, nerve vanishing below apex; per. l. small ovate; caps. small oval-oblong, sub-erect, lid large, with a long straight beak. Sub-alpine moist shady rocks and trees, rare. X. XI....
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88. CRYPHÆA. Mohr.
88. CRYPHÆA. Mohr.
555. C. heteromalla. Dill. St. 1in. decumbent, sparingly branched, sub-pinnate; l. spreading, imbricate, slightly recurved, broadly ovate, pointed, concave, thickly nerved nearly to apex; per. l. elliptic, with an excurrent nerve; caps. oblong immersed, appearing secund; lid conical, pointed: synoicous. Trunks of trees....
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556. F. antipyretica. L. St. very long, often 1ft., with long spreading branches; l. ovate-lanceolate, very concave, keeled, nerveless, all on each branch with one margin reflexed on the same side, the other plane, sometimes serrulate near apex; caps. oval or ovate, immersed; lid long conical acute. Streams and stagnant water. VI. VII. 557. F. squarrosa. L. St. shorter, but elongate; br. numerous, crowded fasciculate, not spreading; l. lanceolate or oblong-lanceolate, concave, not keeled, margin
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90. DICHELYMA. Myrin.
90. DICHELYMA. Myrin.
558. D. capillaceum. Dicks. St. 3–6in. slender, brittle, with a few distichous spreading branches; l. erecto-patent, secund, subulate-setaceous, keeled, with a long excurrent nerve; per. l. long convolute, nerveless; caps. short oval, almost immersed; lid large conical, beaked. Alpine rivulets. Summer....
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Sphagnum laricinum. Spruce. ( S. neglectum , Angst.) St. 4–6in. solid, the bark pale, of 2–3 layers of cells. Br. fascicles more or less crowded, of 3–4 br., of which one or two are divergent, the others pendent, but not appressed nor acute. St. l. small ovate, cucullate at apex, at last minutely fimbriate, patent or reflexed; basal cells hyaline utricular, the middle and lateral very narrow, the apical rhomboid, with scarcely any fibres or pores; br. l. sub-secund, recurved at point, ovate, sho
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No. 54. W. truncicola De Not. = Dicranum montanum. Hedw. “Having shown the specimen to Prof. Lindberg during his recent visit, he informed me that he was under the impression that Juratzka had referred it to Dic. montanum ; and on comparing the two I find they are truly identical. The species is, however, none the less an addition to our flora.... its place will be next to D. strictum. ” [Dr. Braithwaite, in Grevillea i., p. 75.] No. 71. Dicranum polycarpum. β. strumiferum = Oncophorus strumifer
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