Heroes In Peace
John Haynes Holmes
2 chapters
34 minute read
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2 chapters
The William Penn Lectures HEROES IN PEACE
The William Penn Lectures HEROES IN PEACE
WALTER H. JENKINS, PRINTER PHILADELPHIA This is the sixth of the series of lectures known as the WILLIAM PENN LECTURES. They are supported by the Young Friends' Movement of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting, which was organized on Fifth month 13th, 1916, at Race Street Meeting House in Philadelphia, for the purpose of closer fellowship, for the strengthening of such association and the interchange of experience, of loyalty to the ideals of the Society of Friends, and for the preparation by such common
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Heroes in Peace
Heroes in Peace
In an essay published some years ago on Thomas Carlyle's famous book, Heroes and Hero Worship , Prof. MacMechan, a well-known student of literature in England, makes the following observation: "In 1840, 'hero' meant, most probably, to nine Englishmen out of every ten, a general officer who had served in the Peninsula, or taken part in the last great fight with Napoleon, and who dined year after year with the Duke at Apsley House on the anniversary of Waterloo. To most people 'hero' means simply
33 minute read
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