90 chapters
2 hour read
Selected Chapters
90 chapters
This lesson-book was prepared in order to meet a need realized in my own work as a pastor; a need which is felt by many pastors and workers among the young. In the Home, Sunday-School and Church are children of all ages, from six to sixteen. It is found impracticable to give to all this varied company the same teaching. The lessons that are admirably adapted for boys and girls between ten and fifteen are utterly unsuited to the children between six and ten. Moreover after looking carefully, I ha
2 minute read
1. Let the teacher in advance read over the questions and answers of the lesson, note their relation to the story as told in "The Story of the Bible," and to some extent fit the story to the lesson which is to be taught. 2. Tell the story (or stories) of the day's lesson to the children, following the plan given in the book. Use very simple words and avoid all that are in any sense technical, or above the mind of a child. 3. After telling the story for the day, the children may be divided into c
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Lesson I. The Beautiful Garden.
Lesson I. The Beautiful Garden.
Under the title of each lesson throughout these pages will be seen instructions to tell certain lessons, with numbers. These numbered lessons and parts correspond with the numbered lessons and parts in "Hurlbut's Story of the Bible." Let the teacher begin by asking, "Who can tell us what is the first verse of the Bible?" When hands are raised, call on three or four children to repeat the verse in turn; then let all the class repeat it in concert. Explain what the verse means, that God made the w
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Lesson II. The Earliest People.
Lesson II. The Earliest People.
1. In the story of Cāin and Ā´bĕl, explain carefully what is meant by "an altar"; and how in early times people came to God in prayer. With little children, use the word "praying," rather than "worship," and "gift to God" or "offering," rather than "sacrifice." 2. In the story of "The Great Ship," explain what "an ark" was, properly a chest or box; in this story, a great ship, built not to sail fast, but to float on the water, and to hold a great amount. Perhaps it was made so large, not only to
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Lesson III. Abram.
Lesson III. Abram.
1. What was the name of the first large city built after the great flood? Bā´bel, afterward called Băb´y̆-lon. 2. What happened to the people who were building a great tower in this city? They could not understand each other's speech. 3. What did these people of different languages do? They went away to different lands. 4. Who was Ā´brăm? A good man, who prayed to God. 5. To what did all the other people of Ā´brăm's time pray? To gods of wood and stone. 6. What did God tell Ā´brăm to do? To go t
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Lesson IV. Abram and Lot.
Lesson IV. Abram and Lot.
1. Who was Lŏt? He was Ā´brăm's nephew, who at first lived with Ā´brăm. 2. Where did Lŏt live, after he left his uncle Ā´brăm? Near the wicked city of Sŏd´om. 3. What happened to Lŏt and his family at Sŏd´om? They were carried away by enemies in war. 4. How was Lŏt saved from those enemies and brought back to his home? By Ā´brăm, who drove the enemies away. 5. What new name did God give to Ā´brăm? The name of Ā´bră-hăm. 6. Who came to visit Ā´bră-hăm in his tent? Angels from God. 7. What good ne
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Lesson V. Isaac and his Sons.
Lesson V. Isaac and his Sons.
1. What was the name of Ā´bră-hăm's son? Ī´s̝aac. 2. What was done with Ī´s̝aac when he was a boy? He was laid on an altar. 3. For what purpose was Ī´s̝aac laid on the altar? To be given to God. 4. When Ī´s̝aac grew up, who became his wife? Re̍̄-bĕk´ah. 5. What kind of a man was Ī´s̝aac? He was a good man, who loved peace. 6. Who were the two sons of Ī´s̝aac and Re̍̄-bĕk´ah? Ē´sa̤u and Jā´cob. 7. To whom did Ē´sa̤u sell his right as the older son? To his brother Jā´cob. 8. For what price did Ē´s
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Lesson VI. Jacob.
Lesson VI. Jacob.
1. Who was Jā´cob? The younger son of Ī´s̝aac. 2. What did Jā´cob see in a dream at night, when he was going far from his home? A ladder from earth to heaven with angels on it. 3. Whom did Jā´cob see standing at the top of the ladder? The Lord God. 4. What did God say to Jā´cob at that time? "I am with thee and will keep thee." 5. What promise did Jā´cob make after he saw the heavenly ladder and heard the voice of God? "The Lord shall be my God." 6. What other name was given to Jā´cob many years
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Lesson VII. Joseph in Egypt.
Lesson VII. Joseph in Egypt.
1. Who was Jō´s̝eph? One of the younger sous of Jā´cob. 2. How did Jā´cob feel toward Jō´s̝eph? He loved Jō´s̝eph more than his older sons. 3. How did Jō´s̝eph's older brothers feel toward him? They hated him. 4. How did Jō´s̝eph's brothers treat Jō´s̝eph? They sold him for a slave. 5. To what land was Jō´s̝eph taken and sold? To the land of Ē´ġy̆pt. 6. How was Jō´s̝eph treated as a slave in Ē´ġy̆pt? He was put in prison. 7. What is told of Jō´s̝eph in the prison? "The Lord was with Jō´s̝eph." 8
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Lesson VIII. Joseph and his Brothers.
Lesson VIII. Joseph and his Brothers.
1. What did Jō´s̝eph do after he became ruler of Ē´ġy̆pt, during the seven years of plenty? He saved up all the food. 2. What was done with the food that was saved up by Jō´s̝eph? The people of Ē´ġy̆pt were fed in the years of need. 3. Where were Jā´cob and his other sons, the brothers of Jō´s̝eph, living at this time? In the land of Cā´năan. 4. What did Jō´s̝eph's brothers do to get food in the time of need? They went down to Ē´ġy̆pt. 5. How did Jō´s̝eph treat his brothers when they came to him
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Lesson IX. The Youth of Moses.
Lesson IX. The Youth of Moses.
1. How long did the Ĭs̝´ra-el-ītes stay in Ē´ġy̆pt? More than four hundred years. 2. How did the Ē´ġy̆pt-ians̝ treat the Ĭs̝´ra-el-ītes while Jō´s̝eph lived, and for a time afterward? They were kind to the Ĭs̝´ra-el-ītes. 3. What became of the Ĭs̝´ra-el-ītes in Ē´ġy̆pt? They grew into a great people. 4. How did the King of Ē´ġy̆pt who ruled many years after Jō´s̝eph's time treat the Ĭs̝´ra-el-ītes? He was very cruel to them. 5. How did the King treat the Ĭs̝´ra-el-ītes cruelly? He made them work
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Lesson X. The Israelites Leaving Egypt.
Lesson X. The Israelites Leaving Egypt.
1. How long was Mō´s̝es̝ in the land of Mĭd´ĭ-an? Forty years. 2. What was Mō´s̝es̝ at that time? A shepherd. 3. On what mountain did Mō´s̝es̝ see a wonderful sight? On Mount Hō´reb, called also Mount Sī´nāi. 4. What did Mō´s̝es̝ see on this mountain? A bush on fire, yet not burned up. 5. What spoke to Mō´s̝es̝ from the burning bush? The Lord God of Ĭs̝´ra-el. 6. What did God tell Mō´s̝es̝ to do? To bring his people out of Ē´ġy̆pt. 7. Who helped Mō´s̝es̝ in this work? His brother Aâr´on. 8. Who
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Lesson XI. The Israelites in the Wilderness.
Lesson XI. The Israelites in the Wilderness.
1. Through what sea did God lead the Ĭs̝´ra-el-ītes when they came out of Ē´ġy̆pt? Through the Red Sea. 2. Into what land did they go from Ē´ġy̆pt? Into the wilderness on the south of Cā´năan. 3. What kind of a land was this wilderness? A land without food or water. 4. What did God give to the people for food while they were in the wilderness? Bread from heaven. 5. How did God give water to the people? From a rock. 6. Where did God speak to the people? From Mount Sī´nāi....
38 minute read
Lesson XV. How Jericho was Taken.
Lesson XV. How Jericho was Taken.
1. Who became the ruler of the Ĭs̝´ra-el-ītes after Mō´s̝es̝ died? Jŏsh´u-ȧ. 2. What did God say to Jŏsh´u-ȧ when he took charge of the Ĭs̝´ra-el-ītes? "Be strong and of a good courage." 3. Where was the camp of the Ĭs̝´ra-el-ītes at that time? Beside the river Jôr´dan. 4. What land was in front of them across the river? The land of Cā´năan. 5. What city of Cā´năan was near to the river? The city of Jĕr´ĭ-chō. 6. Whom did Jŏsh´u-ȧ send to look at the city of Jĕr´ĭ-chō? Two spies. 7. What woman h
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Lesson XVI. How the Land of Canaan was Won.
Lesson XVI. How the Land of Canaan was Won.
1. To what place did Jŏsh´u-ȧ lead the Ĭs̝´ra-el-ītes after Jĕr´ĭ-chō had been taken? To Shē´chem, in the middle of the land. 2. What did Jŏsh´u-ȧ do near Shē´chem? He read God's law to the people. 3. Where was the great battle fought between Jŏsh´u-ȧ and the Cā´năan-ītes? At Bĕth=hō´rŏn. 4. What is told about this battle? The sun and moon stood still. 5. What did Jŏsh´u-ȧ and the Ĭs̝´ra-el-ītes do in this war? They took the land from the Cā´năan-ītes. 6. What was the land of Cā´năan called afte
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Lesson XVII. The Earlier Judges.
Lesson XVII. The Earlier Judges.
1. Did the Ĭs̝´ra-el-ītes keep the promise which they had made to serve the Lord only? No, they forgot God, and served idols. 2. What came upon them because of their sins? They fell under the power of their enemies. 3. Who many times brought the people back to God, and set them free from their enemies? Rulers who were called Judges. 4. How many of these "judges" in turn ruled over the Ĭs̝´ra-el-ītes? Fifteen. 5. Who was the first of the judges? Ŏth´nĭ-el. 6. What one of the judges was a woman? D
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Lesson XVIII. The Later judges.
Lesson XVIII. The Later judges.
1. What enemies gave to the Ĭs̝´ra-el-ītes the greatest trouble in the time of the judges? The Phĭ-lĭs´tĭnes̝. 2. Who began to set Ĭs̝´ra-el free from the Phĭ-lĭs´tĭnes̝? Săm´son. 3. For what was Săm´son famed? For his great strength. 4. What did Săm´son once carry away from a city? The gates of Gā´za. 5. What did the Phĭ-lĭs´tĭnes̝ do to Săm´son when they made him prisoner? They put out his eyes. 6. What did Săm´son do to the Phĭ-lĭs´tĭnes̝ afterward? He pulled down a temple upon them. 7. What
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Lesson XIX. The Last of the Judges.
Lesson XIX. The Last of the Judges.
1. Who was the fourteenth of the fifteen judges in Ĭs̝´ra-el? Ē´lī, who was also priest. 2. What woman brought her little child to Ē´lī in the house of God? Hăn´nah. 3. What was her little boy's name? Săm´u-el. 4. Where did Săm´u-el grow up? In the house of the Lord. 5. What came to Săm´u-el while he was a child? The voice of the Lord. 6. What did Săm´u-el answer when the Lord spoke to him? "Speak, for thy servant heareth." 7. What was Săm´u-el when he became a man? The last of the judges in Ĭs̝
57 minute read
Lesson XX. The First King of Israel.
Lesson XX. The First King of Israel.
1. When Săm´u-el grew old, what did the people ask him to do? To give them a king. 2. Why did the Ĭs̝´ra-el-ītes wish for a king? To be like the others around them. 3. Why was Săm´u-el not pleased at this? Because he wished God to be the king of Ĭs̝´ra-el. 4. What did God tell Săm´u-el to do? To let the people have a king. 5. Whom did God choose as the first king of Ĭs̝´ra-el? A young man named Sa̤ul. 6. How did Sa̤ul look when he was made king? He was the tallest man of all the people. 7. What
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Lesson XXI. Review of Bible People, from Joshua to Saul.
Lesson XXI. Review of Bible People, from Joshua to Saul.
1. Who was the ruler of the Ĭs̝´ra-el-ītes after Mō´s̝es̝ died? Jŏsh´u-ȧ. 2. What woman hid the spies and was saved by the Ĭs̝´ra-el-ītes when her city was taken? Rā´hăb. 3. Who ruled the Ĭs̝´ra-el-ītes in turn after Jŏsh´u-ȧ? Fifteen judges. 4. Who was the first judge? Ŏth´nĭ-el. 5. Who was the woman judge? Dĕb´o-rah. 6. Who was the greatest of the judges? Ḡĭd´e-on. 7. What judge offered up his daughter? Jĕph´thah. 8. What judge was a very strong man? Săm´son. 9. What old man was at the same ti
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Lesson XXII. Review of Bible Places in Part Second.
Lesson XXII. Review of Bible Places in Part Second.
1. What land was won by Jŏsh´u-ȧ and the Ĭs̝´ra-el-ītes in war? The land of Cā´năan. 2. What river stopped flowing while the Ĭs̝´ra-el-ītes walked across its bed? The Jôr´dan river. 3. What city was taken by the Ĭs̝´ra-el-ītes when its walls fell down? Jĕr´ĭ-chō. 4. Near what place did Jŏsh´u-ȧ read the law of God to the Ĭs̝´ra-el-ītes? Near the city of Shē'chem. 5. At what battle do we read that the sun and moon stood still? The battle of Bĕth=hō´rŏn. 6. What name was given to the land of Cā´nă
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Lesson XXIII. Saul as King.
Lesson XXIII. Saul as King.
1. How did Sa̤ul begin his rule as king of Ĭs̝´ra-el? He began by doing brave deeds. 2. What good things did Sa̤ul do soon after he became king? He drove away the enemies of Ĭs̝´ra-el. 3. Who helped Sa̤ul in his wars? His brave son Jŏn´a-than. 4. Over what enemies did Jŏn´a-than win a great victory? Over the Phĭ-lĭs´tĭnes̝. 5. Who spoke to Sa̤ul the word of the Lord? Săm´u-el, the prophet. 6. What is a prophet? A man who speaks God's word. 7. What did Sa̤ul do that was wrong? He disobeyed God's
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Lesson XXIV. The Boy David.
Lesson XXIV. The Boy David.
1. To what place did God send Săm´u-el to find a king in the place of Sa̤ul? To Bĕth´=lĕ-hĕm. 2. Whom did God show to Săm´u-el at Bĕth´=lĕ-hĕm, as the one whom he had chosen? A boy named Dā´vid. 3. Whose son was Dā´vid? The son of an old man named Jĕs´se. 4. What was Dā´vid at this time? He was a shepherd. 5. What did Săm´u-el do, to show that Dā´vid was to be king? He poured oil on his head. 6. What did Dā´vid do while caring for his sheep? He made music on his harp. 7. Who sent for Dā´vid to p
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Lesson XXV. David and Saul.
Lesson XXV. David and Saul.
1. What did Sa̤ul do with Dā´vid after Dā´vid had killed the Phĭ-lĭs´tĭne giant? He made Dā´vid an officer in his army. 2. Whom did Dā´vid marry after this? A daughter of King Sa̤ul. 3. How did King Sa̤ul feel toward Dā´vid? He was very jealous. 4. How did Sa̤ul show that he was jealous? He tried to kill Dā´vid. 5. Who loved Dā´vid greatly? Sa̤ul's son Jŏn´a-than. 6. What promise did Dā´vid make to Jŏn´a-than? To be true to him and kind to his children. 7. What did Dā´vid do on account of Sa̤ul'
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Lesson XXVI. The End of Saul's Reign.
Lesson XXVI. The End of Saul's Reign.
1. What is said of Sa̤ul, in the latter part of his reign? The Lord had left Sa̤ul. 2. Why did the Lord leave Sa̤ul? Because Sa̤ul would not obey the Lord. 3. What showed that the Lord had left Sa̤ul? There was no one to help him in his need. 4. What people were at war with the Ĭs̝´ra-el-ītes nearly all the time that Sa̤ul was king? The Phĭ-lĭs-tĭnes̝. 5. Where was fought the last battle of Sa̤ul's reign? On Mount Ḡĭl-bō´ȧ. 6. Which side was beaten in the battle of Mount Ḡĭl-bō´ȧ? Sa̤ul and the
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Lesson XXVII. David, King of Israel.
Lesson XXVII. David, King of Israel.
1. How long did Dā´vid reign as king over the tribe of Jū´dah only? Seven years. 2. What did the people of the land do seven years after Sa̤ul was killed? They made Dā´vid king over all Ĭs̝´ra-el. 3. How did Dā´vid find the land when he became king? It was weak and in the power of enemies. 4. What great city did Dā´vid take from his enemies? The city of Je̍̄-rṳ´sa̍̄-lĕm. 5. On what mountain was the city of Je̍̄-rṳ´sa̍̄-lĕm? On Mount Zī´ŏn. 6. What did Dā´vid do with Je̍̄-rṳ´sa̍̄-lĕm after he had
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Lesson XXVIII. David and Absalom.
Lesson XXVIII. David and Absalom.
1. What wicked thing did King Dā´vid do? He caused one of his brave soldiers to be killed. 2. For what purpose was this done? So that Dā´vid might marry the soldier's wife. 3. Who came to Dā´vid and told him that he had done wickedly? The prophet Nā´than. 4. In what story did Nā´than show the king how wickedly he had acted? In the story of a little lamb. 5. What did Dā´vid say when Nā´than spoke to him? "I have sinned against the Lord." 6. What did Nā´than say should come to Dā´vid because of hi
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Lesson XXIX. Solomon.
Lesson XXIX. Solomon.
1. What did Dā´vid wish to do while he was king? To build a temple to the Lord. 2. Why would not God allow Dā´vid to build the temple? Because he had been a man of war. 3. What did God promise to Dā´vid? That his son should build the temple. 4. How long did Dā´vid reign? Forty years, seven over Jū´dah and thirty-three over Ĭs̝´ra-el. 5. What does the Bible say of Dā´vid as king? He was the greatest and best of all the kings of Ĭs̝´ra-el. 6. Whom did Dā´vid make king before he died? His son Sŏl´o
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Lesson XXX. The Temple.
Lesson XXX. The Temple.
1. What was the greatest work in the reign of Sŏl´o-mon? The building of the temple. 2. For what purpose was the temple built? For the house of God. 3. Where was the temple built? On Mount Mo̍̄-rī´ah. 4. Of what older building was it a copy in its plan? The Tabernacle. 5. What stood in front of the temple? An open court. 6. What were the two rooms of the building? The holy place, and the holy of holies. 7. What was kept in the holy of holies? The ark of the covenant. 8. What was in the ark of th
48 minute read
Lesson XXXI. Review of Part Third.
Lesson XXXI. Review of Part Third.
1. Who was the first king of Ĭs̝´ra-el? Sa̤ul. 2. Where did Sa̤ul live as king? At Ḡĭb´e-ah. 3. What was the name of Sa̤ul's brave son? Jŏn´a-than. 4. Who spoke to Sa̤ul the word of the Lord? Săm´u-el. 5. Why was the kingdom taken from Sa̤ul? Because he disobeyed God. 6. Whom did God choose for king in place of Sa̤ul? Dā´vid. 7. Where did Dā´vid live as a boy? At Bĕth´=lĕ-hĕm. 8. What was the name of the giant whom Dā´vid killed? Go̍̄-lī´ath. 9. Where did Dā´vid hide from Sa̤ul? In the wildernes
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Lesson XXXII. The Two Kingdoms.
Lesson XXXII. The Two Kingdoms.
1. What took place after King Sŏl´o-mon died? The kingdom was divided. 2. What was the larger part called? The kingdom of Ĭs̝´ra-el. 3. How many of the tribes were in the kingdom of Ĭs̝´ra-el? Ten of the twelve tribes. 4. Who was the first king of the Ten Tribes of Ĭs̝´ra-el? Jĕr-o-bō´am. 5. What was the smaller part called? The kingdom of Jū´dah. 6. What tribes were in the kingdom of Jū´dah? Jū´dah and Bĕn´ja-mĭn. 7. Who was the first king of Jū´dah? Rē-ho-bō´am the son of Sŏl´o-mon. 8. What wi
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Lesson XXXIII. Elijah.
Lesson XXXIII. Elijah.
1. Who was the most wicked of all the kings of Ĭs̝´ra-el? Ā´hăb. 2. What was the name of Ā´hăb's wife, who led him to wickedness? Jĕz´e-bĕl. 3. At what city did the kings of Ĭs̝´ra-el live? At Sa̍̄-mā´rĭ-ȧ. 4. What great prophet came at the time while Ā´hăb was king? E̍̄-lī´jah. 5. What did E̍̄-lī´jah tell King Ā´hăb? That no rain should come upon the land. 6. Where did E̍̄-lī´jah hide from King Ā´hăb? By the brook Chē´rĭth. 7. Who brought him food while he was by the brook? Wild birds called ra
47 minute read
Lesson XXXIV. Elijah on Carmel and Horeb.
Lesson XXXIV. Elijah on Carmel and Horeb.
1. For how long did no rain fall on the land of Ĭs̝´ra-el? For more than three years. 2. At what place did E̍̄-lī´jah call for all the people to meet him after three years? On Mount Cär´mel. 3. What did E̍̄-lī´jah tell them to build on Mount Cär´mel? Two altars. 4. For whom were these altars? One for God, and the other for the idol called Bā´al. 5. What came upon God's altar when E̍̄-lī´jah prayed? Fire from heaven. 6. What also came in answer to E̍̄-lī´jah's prayer? A great rain. 7. Who tried t
55 minute read
Lesson XXXV. The Prophet Elisha.
Lesson XXXV. The Prophet Elisha.
1. How was the prophet E̍̄-lī´jah taken to heaven? In a chariot of fire. 2. Who took E̍̄-lī´jah's place as prophet? E̍̄-lī´shȧ. 3. How did E̍̄-lī´shȧ make the bitter water of a spring sweet? By pouring in salt. 4. How did E̍̄-lī´shȧ help a poor woman to pay a debt? By a vessel of oil. 5. What lady built a room in her house for E̍̄-lī´shȧ? The woman of Shṳ´nem. 6. What did E̍̄-lī´shȧ do for this woman? He raised her son to life. 7. What Sy̆r´ĭ-an general came to E̍̄-lī´shȧ? Nā´a-man. 8. What dise
52 minute read
Lesson XXXVI. Elisha and Jonah.
Lesson XXXVI. Elisha and Jonah.
1. With what land was Ĭs̝´ra-el often at war in the time of the Kings? With Sy̆r´ĭ-ȧ. 2. Who greatly helped the king of Ĭs̝´ra-el by his power as a prophet? E̍̄-lī´shȧ. 3. At what place did the Sy̆r´ĭ-ans̝ send an army to make E̍̄-lī´shȧ their prisoner? At Dō´than. 4. What did the servant of E̍̄-lī´shȧ see around E̍̄-lī´shȧ to keep him safe from the Sy̆r´ĭ-ans̝? Chariots and horses of fire. 5. Who came to visit E̍̄-lī´shȧ when he was dying? Jō´ăsh the King of Ĭs̝´ra-el. 6. What did the dying E̍̄
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Lesson XXXVII. The Ten Tribes Lost; with Review of Part Fourth.
Lesson XXXVII. The Ten Tribes Lost; with Review of Part Fourth.
1. How many tribes were in the kingdom of Ĭs̝´ra-el? Ten. 2. Who was the first king of the Ten Tribes? Jĕr-o-bō´am. 3. How many kings ruled over Ĭs̝´ra-el or the Ten Tribes? Nineteen. 4. What is said of these kings? Nearly all of them were wicked. 5. Who was the most wicked of all the kings of Ĭs̝´ra-el? Ā´hăb. 6. Who was Ā´hăb's wife? Queen Jĕz´e-bĕl. 7. What was the chief city in the kingdom of Ĭs̝´ra-el? Sa̍̄-mā´rĭ-ȧ. 8. What great prophet lived in the times of Ā´hăb and Jĕz´e-bĕl? E̍̄-lī´jah
1 minute read
Lesson XXXVIII. The Early Kings of Judah.
Lesson XXXVIII. The Early Kings of Judah.
1. Where was the kingdom of Jū´dah? West of the Dead Sea. 2. What was its chief city? Je̍̄-rṳ´sa̍̄-lĕm. 3. How many kings reigned over the kingdom of Jū´dah? Nineteen kings and one queen. 4. To what family did all these kings belong? To the family of Dā´vid. 5. Who was the first king of Jū´dah? Rē-ho-bō´am. 6. Who was the greatest and strongest of the kings of Jū´dah? Je̍̄-hŏsh´a-phăt . 7. What wicked woman made herself queen and ruled the land? Ăth-a-lī´ah. 8. What little boy was crowned king a
45 minute read
Lesson XXXIX. The Later Kings of Judah.
Lesson XXXIX. The Later Kings of Judah.
1. Who was the best of all the kings of Jū´dah? Hĕz-e-kī´ah. 2. From what enemies did the Lord save the city of Je̍̄-rṳ´sa̍̄-lĕm in the time of Hĕz-e-kī´ah? From the Ăs-sy̆r´ĭ-ans̝. 3. What bad king became good after being put into prison? Ma̍̄-năs´seh. 4. What king while he was young chose the Lord and followed him? Jo̍̄-sī´ah. 6. Who was the last king of Jū´dah? Zĕd-e-kī´ah. 7. What prophet warned the people by Jū´dah of evils that were coming? Jĕr-e-mī´ah. 8. What great king over many lands c
45 minute read
Lesson XL. The Jews in Babylon.
Lesson XL. The Jews in Babylon.
1. By what name were the people of Jū´dah called, after they were taken to Băb´y̆-lon? By the name Jews̝. 2. What prophet among them saw a vision? E̍̄-zē´kĭ-el. 3. What prophet lived in the palace of King Nĕb-u-chad-nĕz´zar? Dăn´iel. 4. What did Dăn´iel and his Jew´ĭsh friends in the palace refuse to eat? The meat and wine of the king. 5. What did God help Dăn´iel to do for King Nĕb-u-chad-nĕz´zar? To tell him the meaning of his dreams. 6. What did three friends of Dăn´iel refuse to do? To bow d
50 minute read
Lesson XLI. Daniel.
Lesson XLI. Daniel.
1. What came upon King Nĕb-u-chad-nĕz´zar? He lost his mind for seven years. 2. What became of the Băb-y̆-lō´nĭ-an kingdom when Nĕb-u-chad-nĕz´zar died? It lost its power. 3. Who was the last king in Băb´y̆-lon? Bĕl-shăz´zar. 4. What did Bĕl-shăz´zar see one night in his palace? A hand writing on the wall. 5. Who read the writing to the king? Dăn´iel. 6. What did the writing mean? That his kingdom was ended. 7. How was the kingdom ended? The city was taken and Bĕl-shăz´zar was killed. 9. What wa
42 minute read
Lesson XLII. The Return from Babylon.
Lesson XLII. The Return from Babylon.
2. How did Çȳ´rus, the new king, treat the Jews̝ who were in Băb´y̆-lon? He was kind to them. 3. What did Çȳ´rus allow the Jews̝ to do? To go back to their own land. 4. How long had the Jews̝ been in the land of Băb´y̆-lon? Seventy years. 5. What happy journey did the Jews̝ take? To the land of Jū-dē´ȧ. 6. What city did they begin to build again? The city of Je̍̄-rṳ´sa̍̄-lĕm. 7. What house did they build? The temple of God. 8. Who led the Jews̝ in their journey and their building? Ze̍̄-rŭb´ba-bĕ
41 minute read
Lesson XLIII. Queen Esther.
Lesson XLIII. Queen Esther.
1. In what city did the king of Pẽr´s̝iȧ live? In the city of Shṳ´shan. 2. What beautiful Jew´ĭsh girl lived in Shṳ´shan? Ĕs´thẽr. 4. Who was the king of Pẽr´s̝iȧ at that time? A̍̄-hăs̝-ū-ē´rŭs. 6. Who stood next to the king in power? A man named Hā´man. 7. What law did Hā´man cause king A̍̄-hăs̝-ū-ē´rŭs to make? That all the Jews̝ should be killed. 8. What did Queen Ĕs´thẽr do when she heard that this law had been made? She went to the king in his palace. 9. What did she ask the king to do? To
42 minute read
Lesson XLIV. The end of the Old Testament.
Lesson XLIV. The end of the Old Testament.
1. What good man came to Je̍̄-rṳ´sa̍̄-lĕm soon after the time of Queen Ĕs´thẽr? Ĕz´rȧ the scribe. 2. What was a scribe among the Jews̝? One who wrote copies of God's laws. 3. What great work did Ĕz´rȧ do? He brought together the books of the Old Testament. 4. What did Ĕz´rȧ do at Je̍̄-rṳ´sa̍̄-lĕm? He taught the people to obey God's law. 5. What other good man came while Ĕz´rȧ was at Je̍̄-rṳ´sa̍̄-lĕm? Nē-he-mī´ah. 6. What did Nē-he-mī´ah do? He helped the people to build a wall around the city. 7
50 minute read
Lesson XLV. Review of Jewish People.
Lesson XLV. Review of Jewish People.
1. How many kings reigned over Jū´dah? Nineteen kings and one queen. 2. Who was the first king of Jū´dah? Rē-ho-bō´am. 3. Who was the greatest king? Je̍̄-hŏsh´a-phăt. 4. Who was the youngest when he became king? Jō´ăsh. 5. Who was the best of the kings? Hĕz-e-kī´ah. 6. What prophet saw the Lord in the temple? Ī-s̝ā´iah. 7. What young king chose the Lord and followed him? Jo̍̄-sī´ah. 8. Who was the last king of Jū´dah? Zĕd-e-kī´ah. 9. To what land were the people of Jū´dah carried as captives? To
1 minute read
Lesson I. The Angel by the Altar and in Nazareth.
Lesson I. The Angel by the Altar and in Nazareth.
In beginning the lesson the teacher should state the subject of the lesson for the day, and ask one or two questions about it, to get the children interested at the outset. Then, the teacher should tell the story from "Hurlbut's Story of the Bible," explaining how God sent his Angel Gā´brĭ-el to Zăch-a-rī´as, the old priest in the temple, to tell him that his wife E̍̄-lĭs̝´a-bĕth should have a son, and that the name of the son should be Jŏhn. Explain that Jŏhn was to be sent into the world to pr
2 minute read
Lesson II. The Stable and Shepherds.
Lesson II. The Stable and Shepherds.
Let the teacher ask, "Who can tell the name of the husband of Mā´ry̆, the young woman in Năz´a-rĕth to whom God sent his angel?" And after receiving an answer ask What place Jō´s̝eph and Mā´ry̆ went to and where Mā´ry̆'s child was born? After the answers have been given, tell the story of the lesson and teach the children the answers to the questions on the lesson. The subject should be reviewed in class until each child is able to answer the questions intelligently, and to be able to tell a con
1 minute read
Lesson III. The Wise Men and the Star.
Lesson III. The Wise Men and the Star.
1. What men from a distant land came to see Jē´s̝us? Wise men from the east. 2. What led them on their journey to the land where Jē´s̝us was born? A star in the sky. 3. What question did the wise men ask? "Where is he that is born King of the Jews̝?" 4. Of whom did they ask this question? Of Hĕr´od the king. 5. To which place did Hĕr´od send them? To Bĕth´lĕ-hĕm. 6. What did they find in Bĕth´lĕ-hĕm? The little child and his mother. 7. What did they do when they saw the child? They gave him rich
55 minute read
Lesson IV. The Boy Jesus.
Lesson IV. The Boy Jesus.
1. Where did Jē´s̝us live while he was a boy? In Năz´a-rĕth. 2. To what city was he taken when twelve years old? To Je̍̄-rṳ´sa̍̄-lĕm. 3. What place did the boy Jē´s̝us visit in Je̍̄-rṳ´sa̍̄-lĕm? The Temple. 4. What did Jē´s̝us do when Jō´s̝eph and Mā´ry̆ left Je̍̄-rṳ´sa̍̄-lĕm to go home to Nazareth? He stayed in Je̍̄-rṳ´sa̍̄-lĕm. 5. How long was it before Mā´ry̆ and Jō´s̝eph found the boy Jē´s̝us? Three days. 6. Where did they find him? In the Temple. 7. What was Jē´s̝us doing in the Temple? Tal
50 minute read
Lesson V. John the Baptist.
Lesson V. John the Baptist.
1. When Jē´s̝us was a young man in Năz´a-rĕth who began to preach? Jŏhn the son of Zăch-a-rī´as. 2. Where did Jŏhn preach? In the desert near the river Jôr´dan. 3. Who went to hear Jŏhn preach? All the people of the land. 4. What did Jŏhn tell the people to do? To turn from sin and serve God. 5. Who did Jŏhn say was soon to come? One greater than himself. 6. What did Jŏhn do to those who were willing to serve God? He baptized them in the river Jôr´dan. 7. By what name was Jŏhn called? Jŏhn the B
54 minute read
Lesson VI. Jesus in the Desert and by the River.
Lesson VI. Jesus in the Desert and by the River.
1. To what place did Jē´s̝us go after he was baptized? To a desert place. 2. What happened to Jē´s̝us at that place? He was forty days without any food. 3. Who came to Jē´s̝us at that time? Sā´tan, the evil spirit. 4. What did Sā´tan, the evil spirit try to persuade Jē´s̝us to do? To live a selfish life. 5. What did Jē´s̝us say to the evil spirit? "Leave me, Sā´tan, thou evil spirit." 6. Where did Jē´s̝us go after being tempted in the desert? To Bĕth=ăb´a-rȧ, the place of his baptism. 8. What di
49 minute read
Lesson VII. The Water Turned to Wine.
Lesson VII. The Water Turned to Wine.
1. To what place did Jē´s̝us and his first disciples go from Bĕth=ăb´a-rȧ? To Cā´nȧ in Găl´ĭ-lee. 2. What took place at Cā´nȧ? A wedding. 3. Who came to Jē´s̝us at the wedding feast? His mother Mā´ry̆. 4. What did she say to Jē´s̝us? "They have no wine." 5. What did Jē´s̝us do? He turned water into wine. 6. What do we call such a work as this, which no one but God can do? A miracle. 7. Where did Jē´s̝us and his disciples go from Cā´nȧ? To Je̍̄-rṳ´sa̍̄-lĕm. 8. What did Jē´s̝us find in the temple
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Lesson VIII. Jesus at Jacob's Well.
Lesson VIII. Jesus at Jacob's Well.
2. Who put Jŏhn the Băp´tĭst in prison? Hĕ´rod, the wicked king. 3. To what part of the land did Jē´s̝us go after this? To Găl´ĭ-lee. 4. Where was Găl´ĭ-lee? In the north of the land. 5. What part of the land did Jē´s̝us go through on his way to Găl´ĭ-lee? Through Sa̍̄-mā´rĭ-ȧ. 6. What were the people called who lived in that country? Sa̍̄-măr´ĭ-tans̝. 7. At what place in Sa̍̄-mā´rĭ-ȧ did Jē´s̝us rest on his journey? At Jā´cob's Well. 8. With whom did Jē´s̝us talk at Jā´cob's Well? With a Sa̍̄-m
44 minute read
Lesson IX. Jesus at Cana and Nazareth.
Lesson IX. Jesus at Cana and Nazareth.
1. Where did Jē´s̝us go after his visit to Sa̍̄-mā´rĭ-ȧ? To Cā´nȧ where he had made the water wine. 2. Who came to see Jē´s̝us at Cā´nȧ? A man of high rank. 3. What did this man wish Jē´s̝us to do? To cure his son, who was sick. 4. At what place was his son lying sick? At Ca̍̄-pẽr´na-ŭm. 5. What did Jē´s̝us say to this man? "Go home; your son will live." 6. What did the man find when he came to his home? His son was getting well. 7. To what place did Jē´s̝us go soon after this miracle? To Năz´a-
53 minute read
Lesson X. Many Mighty Works.
Lesson X. Many Mighty Works.
1. To what place did Jē´s̝us go from Năz´a-rĕth? To Ca̍̄-pẽr´na-ŭm by the sea. 2. From what did Jē´s̝us preach beside the sea? From a boat. 3. After preaching, what did Jē´s̝us help his followers to do? To catch many fishes. 4. What four fishermen became disciples of Jē´s̝us? Pē´tẽr and Ăn-drew, Jāmes̝ and Jŏhn. 5. Whom did Jē´s̝us cure from a great fever? The mother of Pē´tẽr's Wife. 6. Whom did Jē´s̝us heal by a touch? A leper. 7. How did they bring a sick man to Jē´s̝us? Through the roof. 8.
44 minute read
Lesson XI.
Lesson XI.
1. What place did Jē´s̝us visit in Je̍̄-rṳ´sa̍̄-lĕm? The pool of Be̍̄-thĕs̝´dȧ. 2. Whom did Jē´s̝us find there, beside the pool? A man who could not walk. 3. What did Jē´s̝us say to this man? "Take up your bed and walk." 4. On what day did Jē´s̝us make this man well? On the sabbath day. 5. How did the Jews̝ of Je̍̄-rṳ´sa̍̄-lĕm feel toward Jē´s̝us, when he made the man well on the sabbath day? They were angry at Jē´s̝us. 6. What did Jē´s̝us say to them? "My Father works and I work." 7. What other
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Lesson XII. The Captain's Servant and the Widow's Son.
Lesson XII. The Captain's Servant and the Widow's Son.
1. Who sent to Jē´s̝us, asking him to cure his servant who was sick? A Centurion. 2. What was a centurion? A captain in the Rō´man army. 3. How did the centurion say that his servant could be cured without having Jē´s̝us come to his house? By Jē´s̝us speaking a word where he was. 4. What did Jē´s̝us praise in this man? His faith. 5. To what place did Jē´s̝us go at one time with his disciples? To Nā´in. 6. What did Jē´s̝us meet at the gate of the city of Nā´in? The funeral of a young man. 7. What
50 minute read
Lesson XIII. The Parables, the Storm and the Wild Man.
Lesson XIII. The Parables, the Storm and the Wild Man.
1. How did Jē´s̝us teach the people by the Sea of Găl´ĭ-lee? In parables. 2. What is a parable? A story showing some truth. 3. What was the first parable given by Jē´s̝us? The parable of the Sower. 4. What was the next parable that Jē´s̝us gave? The parable of the Wheat and the Tares. 5. After teaching some parables, where did Jē´s̝us and his disciples go? Across the sea in a boat. 6. What came while they were sailing across the sea? A great storm. 7. What did Jē´s̝us say to the winds and the wa
57 minute read
Lesson XIV. The Little Girl Raised to Life.
Lesson XIV. The Little Girl Raised to Life.
1. After his visit to the other side of the sea, where did Jē´s̝us go with his disciples? To Ca̍̄-pẽr´na-ŭm again. 2. Who came to meet Jē´s̝us at the shore of the sea? A man named Ja̍̄-ī´rus. 3. What did Ja̍̄-ī´rus ask Jē´s̝us to do? To cure his sick daughter. 4. Who met Jē´s̝us on his way to the house of Ja̍̄-ī´rus? A sick woman. 5. What did this woman do? She touched his robe. 6. What came to the woman after touching Jē´s̝us' robe? She was made well. 7. What happened while Jē´s̝us was going to
49 minute read
Lesson XV. The Death of John the Baptist.
Lesson XV. The Death of John the Baptist.
1. Where was Jŏhn the Băp´tĭst, while Jē´s̝us was preaching in Găl´ĭ-lee? In prison. 2. Who put Jŏhn the Băp´tĭst in prison? The wicked King Hĕr´od. 3. What did Jē´s̝us say of Jŏhn the Băp´tĭst while he was in prison? "No greater man than Jŏhn has lived." 4. What other wicked deed was done by King Hĕr´od? He put to death Jŏhn the Băp´tĭst. 5. Where did Jē´s̝us go with his disciples, when he heard that Jŏhn the Băp´tĭst was dead? To a quiet place by the Sea of Găl´ĭ-lee. 6. Near what city was thi
57 minute read
Lesson XVI. The Mother's Prayer, and the Four Thousand Fed.
Lesson XVI. The Mother's Prayer, and the Four Thousand Fed.
1. To what land did Jē´s̝us go with his disciples after feeding the five thousand? To the land of Tȳre and Sī´dŏn. 2. Why did Jē´s̝us go to that country? To be alone with his disciples. 3. Who came to Jē´s̝us at that place? A woman praying for her daughter. 4. What did this woman ask Jē´s̝us to do for her daughter? To set her free from an evil spirit. 5. What did Jē´s̝us say to this woman when he cured her daughter? "O woman, your faith is great." 6. To what country did Jē´s̝us and his disciples
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Lesson XVII. The Glory of Jesus on the Mountain.
Lesson XVII. The Glory of Jesus on the Mountain.
1. What question did Jē´s̝us ask his disciples? "Who do you say that I am?" 2. Who answered Jē´s̝us' question for all the disciples? Pē´tẽr. 3. What did Pē´tẽr say in answer to Jē´s̝us? "You are Chrīst, the Son of God." 4. What does the word "Chrīst" mean? The Anointed One, the King. 5. On what mountain did Jē´s̝us go with three of his disciples? On Mount Hẽr´mon. 6. What change came upon Jē´s̝us while he was praying on the mountain? He shone as bright as the sun. 7. What two men of the past wer
54 minute read
Lesson XVIII. The Little Child, the Ten Lepers, and the Two Sisters.
Lesson XVIII. The Little Child, the Ten Lepers, and the Two Sisters.
1. Whom did Jē´s̝us take in his arms and hold up before his disciples? A little child. 2. What did Jē´s̝us say to his disciples at that time? "Be like little children." 4. How did Jē´s̝us say we should treat those who have been unkind to us? We should forgive them many times. 5. Through what country did Jē´s̝us go on his way from Găl´ĭ-lee to Je̍̄-rṳ´sa̍̄-lĕm? Through Sa̍̄-mā´rĭ-ȧ. 6. Who met Jē´s̝us while he was in that country? Ten men that were lepers. 7. What did Jē´s̝us do to these men? He
51 minute read
Lesson XIX. The Man with Clay on his Face.
Lesson XIX. The Man with Clay on his Face.
1. Whom did Jē´s̝us and his disciples meet in Je̍̄-rṳ´sa̍̄-lĕm one day? A man who had been born blind. 2. What did Jē´s̝us do to the blind man? He put clay on his eyes. 3. What did Jē´s̝us tell the blind man to do? To wash in the pool of Sĭ-lō´am. 4. What change came to the blind man after he had washed in the pool of Sĭ-lō´am? He could see. 5. On what day was this blind man made to see? On the sabbath day. 6. How did the Jews̝ feel toward Jē´s̝us when they found that he had done this on the sab
1 minute read
Lesson XX. The Good Shepherd and the Good Samaritan.
Lesson XX. The Good Shepherd and the Good Samaritan.
1. What parable or story did Jē´s̝us tell while he was in Je̍̄-rṳ´sa̍̄-lĕm? "The Good Shepherd." 2. How did Jē´s̝us say the true shepherd goes into the sheepfold? By the door. 3. What did Jē´s̝us say of himself? "I am the door." 4. What else did Jē´s̝us say of himself? "I am the good shepherd." 5. What did Jē´s̝us say the good shepherd does for his sheep? He gives his life for them. 6. To what part of the country did Jē´s̝us go from Je̍̄-rṳ´sa̍̄-lĕm? To Pe̍̄-rē´a. 7. Where was Pe̍̄-rē´a? East of
51 minute read
Lesson XXI. Lazarus Raised to Life.
Lesson XXI. Lazarus Raised to Life.
1. Who sent for Jē´s̝us very suddenly, asking him to come to them? Mär´thȧ and Mā´ry̆. 2. To what place did they ask Jē´s̝us to come? To Bĕth´a-ny̆ near Je̍̄-rṳ´sa̍̄-lĕm. 3. Why did Mär´thȧ and Mā´ry̆ send for Jē´s̝us to come to Bĕth´a-ny̆? Because their brother was very sick. 4. What was the name of their brother? Lăz´a-rŭs. 5. What took place before Jē´s̝us went to Bĕth´a-ny̆? Lăz´a-rŭs died. 6. How long had Lăz´a-rŭs been buried when Jē´s̝us came to Bĕth´a-ny̆? Four days. 7. What is told of J
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Lesson XXII. Some Parables in Perea.
Lesson XXII. Some Parables in Perea.
1. To what country did Jē´s̝us go, soon after he brought Lăz´a-rŭs to life? To Pe̍̄-rē´a east of the river Jôr´dan. 2. What did Jē´s̝us do in Pe̍̄-rē´a? He went through the land teaching. 3. What was one of the parables or stories that Jē´s̝us told in Pe̍̄-rē´a? The Lost Sheep. 4. What did the shepherd do for the sheep that was lost? He went after it and found it. 5. Who seeks after us when we are lost from God? Jē´s̝us the good shepherd. 6. Of whom did Jē´s̝us tell in another parable or story?
58 minute read
Lesson XXIII. Jesus and the Little Children.
Lesson XXIII. Jesus and the Little Children.
1. What parable or story did Jē´s̝us give about prayer? He told of two men who prayed. 2. Where did these two men pray? In the temple. 3. How did one of these two men pray to God? He told God how good he was. 4. What did the other man say? "God be merciful to me a sinner." 5. Which of these two men did God bless? The one who asked for mercy. 6. Who were brought to Jē´s̝us? Little children. 7. What did Jē´s̝us say of the children? Of such is the kingdom of heaven. 8. What did Jē´s̝us do to the ch
1 minute read
Lesson XXIV. Jesus at Jericho.
Lesson XXIV. Jesus at Jericho.
2. Whom did Jē´s̝us meet at the gate of Jĕr´ĭ-chō? A blind man. 3. What was this blind man's name? Bär-ti-mæ´us. 4. What did Bär-ti-mæ´us cry out as Jē´s̝us came near? "Have mercy on me." 5. What did Jē´s̝us do to blind Bär-ti-mæ´us? He gave to him sight . 6. With what rich man did Jē´s̝us stay while he was in Jĕr´ĭ-chō? With Zăc-chæ´us. 7. What did the people think that Zăc-chæ´us was? A sinner. 8. For what purpose did Jē´s̝us say that he came? To seek and to save the lost. 9. What parable did
45 minute read
Lesson XXV. Palm Sunday.
Lesson XXV. Palm Sunday.
1. To what place did Jē´s̝us go from Jĕr´ĭ-chō? To Bĕth´a-ny̆, near Je̍̄-rṳ´sa̍̄-lĕm. 2. What was made for Jē´s̝us in Bĕth´a-ny̆? A supper. 3. Who came to Jē´s̝us at this supper? Mā´ry̆, the sister of Lăz´a-rŭs. 4. What did Mā´ry̆ do to Jē´s̝us? She poured costly perfume on him. 5. What did Jē´s̝us say of Mā´ry̆? "She has done a good work." 6. Which of Jē´s̝us' disciples agreed to sell him to his enemies? Jū´das. 7. What did the enemies of Jē´s̝us promise to give Jū´das, if he would give Jē´s̝us
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Lesson XXVI. The Last Visits to the Temple.
Lesson XXVI. The Last Visits to the Temple.
1. Where did Jē´s̝us go on the morning after he rode over the Mount of Ŏl´ĭves̝? To the temple in Je̍̄-rṳ´sa̍̄-lĕm. 2. What did he do in the temple? He drove out the people who were buying and selling. 3. What did Jē´s̝us say of the temple? "My house shall be called a house of prayer." 4. Who came to hear Jē´s̝us as he was teaching in the temple? The common people. 5. Where did Jē´s̝us stay at night, during those days while he was teaching in the temple? At Bĕth´a-ny̆. 6. What parable did Jē´s̝u
58 minute read
Lesson XXVII. On the Mount of Olives.
Lesson XXVII. On the Mount of Olives.
1. To what place did Jē´s̝us go with his disciples from the temple? To the Mount of Ŏl´ĭves̝. 2. Of what did Jē´s̝us tell his disciples on the Mount? Of things to come. 3. What parable did he give to them at that time? "The Ten Young Women." 4. To what were these young women going? To a wedding at night. 5. What did Jē´s̝us say of these women? Five were wise and five were foolish. 6. Wherein were the five young women foolish? In not taking oil for their lamps. 7. Of what time to come did Jē´s̝us
57 minute read
Lesson XXVIII. At the Supper and in the Garden.
Lesson XXVIII. At the Supper and in the Garden.
1. What meal did Jē´s̝us take with his disciples one night? The last supper. 2. What did Jē´s̝us say at the supper as he gave his disciples the bread? "This is my body." 3. What did he say as he gave them the cup of wine? "This is my blood." 4. What did Jē´s̝us do after the supper? He washed the disciples' feet. 5. Where did he go with the disciples on that night? To a garden. 6. What did Jē´s̝us do in the garden? He prayed to God. 7. Who came to the garden to find Jē´s̝us? Jū´das and the enemie
52 minute read
Lesson XXIX. The Trial of Jesus.
Lesson XXIX. The Trial of Jesus.
1. Before whom was Jē´s̝us brought for trial? Before the high-priest Cā´ia-phăs. 2. What did the high-priest ask Jē´s̝us? "Are you the Chrīst, the Son of God?" 3. How did Jē´s̝us answer the high-priest? "I am." 4. What was agreed by the rulers of the Jews̝? That Jē´s̝us should be put to death. 5. Before whom did they bring Jē´s̝us for another trial? Before Pī´late the governor. 6. What did Pī´late say to the Jews̝ after he had talked with Jē´s̝us? "I find no evil in this man." 7. To whom did Pī´
51 minute read
Lesson XXX. Jesus on the Cross.
Lesson XXX. Jesus on the Cross.
1. To what place was Jē´s̝us led to be put to death? To Căl´va-ry̆. 2. What did they try to make Jē´s̝us carry? His cross. 3. What was done with Jē´s̝us at Căl´va-ry̆? He was fastened to the cross. 4. What writing was put upon the cross above the head of Jē´s̝us? "This is Jē´s̝us, the King of the Jews̝." 5. How long did Jē´s̝us live on the cross? Six hours. 6. How many times did he speak from the cross? Seven times. 7. What were the last words of Jē´s̝us before he died? "Father, into thy hands I
51 minute read
Lesson XXXI. The First Easter Day.
Lesson XXXI. The First Easter Day.
1. What took place two days after Jē´s̝us died on the cross? He became alive and came out of his tomb. 2. Who brought the news that Jē´s̝us had risen from the dead? Angels at his tomb. 3. Who first saw Jē´s̝us after he rose from the dead? Mā´ry̆ Măg-da-lē´ne̍̄. 4. Who saw the risen Jē´s̝us soon after Mā´ry̆ had seen him? Some other women. 5. Who met the risen Jē´s̝us and walked with him on that morning? Two of his followers. 6. To whom did Jē´s̝us show himself next on that day? To Pē´tẽr. 7. How
54 minute read
Lesson XXXII. Jesus on the Shore and on the Mountain.
Lesson XXXII. Jesus on the Shore and on the Mountain.
1. After the first Easter day, when did the risen Jē´s̝us show himself again to his disciples? On Sunday, a week later. 2. Which of the disciples saw Jē´s̝us then for the first time? Thŏm´as. 3. Where did the disciples of Jē´s̝us go to meet him? To Găl´ĭ-lee. 4. Where was the risen Chrīst first seen in Găl´ĭ-lee? At the shore of the Sea of Găl´ĭ-lee. 5. What did Jē´s̝us say to Pē´tẽr at that time? "Feed my lambs." 6. Where was the risen Jē´s̝us seen again by many of his followers? On a mountain
1 minute read
Lesson XXXIII. Review of People in the Gospel Story.
Lesson XXXIII. Review of People in the Gospel Story.
1. What great prophet was born a few months before Jē´s̝us? Jŏhn the Băp´tĭst. 2. Who was the father of Jŏhn the Băp´tĭst? Zăch-a-rī´as. 3. Who was the mother of Jŏhn the Băp´tĭst? E̍̄-lĭs̝´a-bĕth. 4. Who brought the news that Chrīst would soon come? The angel Gā´brĭ-el. 5. Who was the mother of Jē´s̝us? Mā´ry̆. 6. Who heard the first news that Jē´s̝us Chrīst was born? Shepherds. 7. Who came from a far country and brought gifts to the child Jē´s̝us? Wise men. 8. Who took up the child Jē´s̝us in
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Lesson XXXIV. Review of Places in the Gospel Story.
Lesson XXXIV. Review of Places in the Gospel Story.
1. Where was Jē´s̝us born? At Bĕth´lĕ-hĕm. 2. To what land was he taken, that his life might be saved from King Hĕr´od? To Ē´ġy̆pt. 3. Where did Jē´s̝us live as a boy? In Năz´a-rĕth. 4. In what place was he found when twelve years old? In the temple. 5. In what river was he baptized? In the river Jôr´dan. 6. Where was he tempted by Sā´tan? In the wilderness. 7. Where was his first miracle? At Cā´nȧ in Găl´ĭ-lee. 8. In what land did Jē´s̝us preach during the first year of his teaching? In Jū-dē´ȧ
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Lesson XXXV. The First Days.
Lesson XXXV. The First Days.
1. Where did the followers of Chrīst meet after Jē´s̝us went away to heaven? In Je̍̄-rṳ´sa̍̄-lĕm. 2. What day came ten days after Jē´s̝us left the earth? The Day of Pĕn´te-cŏst. 3. What seemed to fall from heaven on all the followers of Chrīst on the day of Pĕn´te-cŏst? Tongues of fire. 4. What power came upon them all? Power from God. 5. What did they all begin to speak? The wonderful words of God. 6. Who preached to the people on that day? Pē´tẽr. 7. What new name was given to Pē´tẽr and the o
51 minute read
Lesson XXXVI. The Beautiful Gate, and the Apostles in Prison.
Lesson XXXVI. The Beautiful Gate, and the Apostles in Prison.
1. Whom did Pē´tẽr and Jŏhn meet at the Beautiful Gate of the temple? A lame man. 2. What did Pē´tẽr say to the lame man? "In the name of Jē´s̝us Chrīst, walk." 3. What did the lame man do? He walked and leaped and praised God. 4. Who did Pē´tẽr say had given to this man power to walk? Jē´s̝us Chrīst. 5. What did the rulers of the city tell Pē´tẽr and Jŏhn? That they must not preach Chrīst. 6. How did Pē´tẽr and Jŏhn answer the rulers? "We must speak of what we know." 7. What good man gave his m
55 minute read
Lesson XXXVII. Stephen and Philip.
Lesson XXXVII. Stephen and Philip.
1. What good man preached in Je̍̄-rṳ´sa̍̄-lĕm? Stē´phen. 2. What is told of Stē´phen? His face shone like an angel's. 3. What did the Jews̝ do to Stē´phen? They stoned him to death. 4. What young man helped in the stoning of Stē´phen? A young man named Sa̤ul. 5. What did Sa̤ul do to the followers of Chrīst? He beat them and put them in prison. 6. What worker for Chrīst was driven out of Je̍̄-rṳ´sa̍̄-lĕm by Sa̤ul? Phĭl´ĭp. 7. To what place did Phĭl´ĭp go preaching the gospel? To Sa̍̄-mā´rĭ-ȧ. 8.
48 minute read
Lesson XXXVIII. The Voice that Spoke to Saul.
Lesson XXXVIII. The Voice that Spoke to Saul.
1. To what place did Sa̤ul go, that he might break up the church there? To Da̍̄-măs´cus. 2. What took place when Sa̤ul was near Da̍̄-măs´cus? A light shone from heaven. 3. Who spoke to Sa̤ul from out of the light? The Lord Jē´s̝us Chrīst. 4. What did the bright light do to Sa̤ul? It made him blind. 5. Who brought sight to Sa̤ul in Da̍̄-măs´cus? A follower of Chrīst named Ăn-a-nī´as. 6. What else did Ăn-a-nī´as do to Sa̤ul? He taught him how to be saved. 7. What did Sa̤ul do at once when he becam
57 minute read
Lesson XXXIX. About the Apostle Peter.
Lesson XXXIX. About the Apostle Peter.
1. To what place did the Apostle Pē´tẽr go? To Jŏp´pȧ, by the Great Sea. 2. What did Pē´tẽr do by a prayer at Jŏp´pȧ? He raised a woman to life. 3. Who was this woman whom Pē´tẽr raised to life? A good woman named Dôr´cas. 4. What did God teach Pē´tẽr in a dream at Jŏp´pȧ? That people of every land and nation might be saved. 5. What did the Jews̝ call the people of every nation except themselves? Ġĕn´tīles̝. 6. To what Ġĕn´tīle did God send Pē´tẽr to preach the gospel? To Côr-nē´-lĭ-us a Rō´man
50 minute read
Lesson XL. The First Missionaries.
Lesson XL. The First Missionaries.
1. Where did a great church of Chrīst grow up? At Ăn´tĭ-och in Sy̆r´ĭ-ȧ. 2. Who preached and taught in the church at Ăn´tĭ-och? Bär´na-băs and Sa̤ul. 3. For what work were Bär´na-băs and Sa̤ul sent out from Ăn´tĭ-och? To preach the gospel in other lands. 4. What are those who go out to other lands to preach the gospel called? Missionaries. 5. To what island did the missionaries and Bär´na-băs first go preaching the gospel? To the island of Çȳ´prus. 6. By what name was Saṳl called after this time
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Lesson XLI. Paul's Second Journey.
Lesson XLI. Paul's Second Journey.
1. Who went with Pa̤ul on his second missionary journey? Sī´las and Tĭm´o-thy̆. 2. What great land did they visit on this journey? Europe. 3. In what city of Europe did they begin preaching the gospel? In Phĭ-lĭp´pī. 4. What was done to Pa̤ul and Sī´las at Phĭ-lĭp´pī? They were beaten and put in prison. 5. How were they set free from the prison at Phĭ-lĭp´pī? By an earthquake. 6. What did the jailor of the prison at Phĭ-lĭp´pī ask Pa̤ul and Sī´las when the earthquake came? "What must I do to be
53 minute read
Lesson XLII. Paul's Third journey.
Lesson XLII. Paul's Third journey.
1. In what great city of Ā´s̝iȧ Mī´nor did Pa̤ul preach on his third missionary journey? In Ĕph´e-sŭs. 2. What did Pa̤ul do in Ĕph´e-sŭs? Many great works of healing. 3. How long did Pa̤ul stay in Ĕph´e-sŭs preaching? Three years. 4. What arose in Ĕph´e-sŭs a little before Pa̤ul left the city? A great uproar against Pa̤ul. 5. To what places in Europe where Pa̤ul had preached before, did he go after leaving Ĕph´e-sŭs? To Phĭ-lĭp´pī and Cŏr´inth. 6. Where did Pa̤ul make a young man well, after he
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Lesson XLIII. Paul a Prisoner.
Lesson XLIII. Paul a Prisoner.
1. What happened to Pa̤ul while he was worshipping God in the temple at Je̍̄-rṳ´sa̍̄-lĕm? He was taken by his enemies. 2. What did these enemies of Pa̤ul try to do? To kill him. 3. Who took Pa̤ul out of the hands of his enemies? Rō´man soldiers. 4. Where was Pa̤ul taken to be kept from his enemies? Into the castle. 5. What did the Lord Jē´s̝us say to Pa̤ul at night while he was in the castle? "Be of good cheer, Pa̤ul!" 6. To what place was Pa̤ul sent to be safe from the Jews̝? To Çæ̆s-a-rē´ȧ. 7.
54 minute read
Lesson XLIV. Paul in the Storm.
Lesson XLIV. Paul in the Storm.
1. To what place was Pa̤ul while a prisoner sent for another trial? To Rōme. 2. How did Pa̤ul and many other prisoners leave Çæ̆s-a-rē´ȧ to go to Rōme? On board a ship. 3. What did Pa̤ul tell those on the ship that they would meet in the voyage? Great trouble and danger. 4. How did the trouble and danger come to those that were in the ship? From a great storm. 5. How long did the storm last? Two weeks. 6. What did an angel say to Pa̤ul in the night while the storm was raging? That all on the shi
51 minute read
Lesson XLV. Paul at Rome.
Lesson XLV. Paul at Rome.
1. What happened to Pa̤ul on the shore at the island of Mĕl´ĭ-tȧ? He was bitten by a poisonous snake. 2. What did Pa̤ul do, when the snake bit him? He shook it off and was not harmed. 3. What did the people of the island think when they saw no harm come to Pa̤ul? They thought that he was a god. 4. Who treated Pa̤ul and his friends kindly at Mĕl´ĭ-tȧ? Pŭb´lĭ-ŭs, the ruler of the island. 5. What did Pa̤ul do for the ruler Pŭb´lĭ-ŭs? He made his sick father well. 6. To what land did they sail from
57 minute read
Lesson XLVI. Review on the Early Church.
Lesson XLVI. Review on the Early Church.
1. In what city were the followers of Chrīst after Jē´s̝us went to heaven? Je̍̄-rṳ´sa̍̄-lĕm. 2. On what day did the Holy Spirit come upon the disciples? The day of Pĕn´te-cŏst. 3. Who was the leader of the church in its early days? The Apostle Pē´tẽr. 4. Who died because they told a lie? Ăn-a-nī´as and Săp-phī´rȧ. 5. What good man was stoned to death? Stē´phen. 6. What young man helped in the stoning of Stē´phen? Sa̤ul. 7. Who preached in Sa̍̄-mā´rĭ-ȧ after Stē´phen was killed? Phĭl´ĭp. 8. Where
2 minute read