The Christian Faith Under Modern Searchlights
William Hallock Johnson
16 chapters
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16 chapters
The Christian Faith Under Modern Searchlights
The Christian Faith Under Modern Searchlights
The L. P. Stone Lectures Delivered at Princeton Theological Seminary...
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The Christian Faith Under Modern Searchlights
The Christian Faith Under Modern Searchlights
By WILLIAM HALLOCK JOHNSON, Ph. D., D.D. Professor of Greek and New Testament Literature in Lincoln University, Pennsylvania With an Introduction by FRANCIS LANDEY PATTON, D.D., LL.D. President Emeritus of Princeton Theological Seminary New York   Chicago   Toronto Fleming H. Revell Company London and Edinburgh Copyright, 1916, by FLEMING H. REVELL COMPANY New York: 158 Fifth Avenue Chicago: 17 North Wabash Ave. Toronto: 25 Richmond Street, W. London: 21 Paternoster Square Edinburgh: 100 Princes
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It was my good fortune to hear the lectures contained in this volume when they were given in the Miller Chapel of Princeton Theological Seminary. The high estimate I then formed of them has since been enhanced by the reading of the proof-sheets. Professor Johnson is a well-trained student of philosophy and for some years has been professionally engaged in the teaching of New Testament criticism. He may therefore be trusted as a competent judge of the issues that are raised by anti-Christian thou
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A deep unsettlement of belief is characteristic of our age. We prize the doubt that low kinds and simpler ages existed without; an interrogation point is held to be the badge of mental superiority. While this unsettlement is to be deplored when it leads, as it does in so many cases, to the shipwreck of faith and even of morals, there is yet a certain exhilaration in living in a critical age. The challenge to faith, meeting us at every point, rouses from dogmatic slumber and dead orthodoxy. We re
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What Is the Christian Faith?
What Is the Christian Faith?
If every rational discussion, as Cicero has said, should begin with a definition, it would be well at the outset to try to answer the question which forms the title of this lecture. Of the definitions which may be given of the Christian Faith two may be selected as typical: (1) it is the faith in the providence and love of God which Jesus exercised and exemplified; or (2) it is the faith of which Jesus Himself is the object. In the one case the essence of Christianity will be found in the simple
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The Christian Faith and Modern Science
The Christian Faith and Modern Science
A discussion of the present relations between science and the Christian Faith must be very largely a discussion of the theory of evolution. Our age has been called evolution-mad; we can scarcely speak or even think except in biological terms and under biological categories. The evolution theory has influenced every department of thought and even the science of thought itself, and it is often assumed that everything pre-Darwinian must be thrown to the intellectual scrap-heap. Half a century ago t
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The Christian Faith and Psychology
The Christian Faith and Psychology
The Psychology of Religion as a branch of scientific study was "made in America," and is not yet twenty years old. Its virtual founder and popularizer was William James, who furnished the introduction to Starbuck's "Psychology of Religion" (1900) and published his "Varieties of Religious Experience," the quarry in which all subsequent writers have mined, in 1903. An earlier American philosopher, Jonathan Edwards, gained the right to be called the precursor of the science by his treatise on the R
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The Christian Faith and Recent Philosophy
The Christian Faith and Recent Philosophy
The two systems of philosophy which were dominant at the turn of the century were unfriendly to theistic and Christian belief. Naturalism on the one hand and Absolutism on the other could find no place for a positive faith in God, freedom and immortality. The opening years of the century witnessed a revolt against these two systems; and the leading characteristic of twentieth century thought, over against an agnostic naturalism and a pantheistic or impersonal absolutism, has been its reaffirmati
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The Christian Faith and Other Religions
The Christian Faith and Other Religions
Four universals were contained in the last commands of the Risen Christ: "All authority has been given unto me. Go, disciple all the nations, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you: and lo, I am with you all the days." If the marching orders of the Church were to be obeyed, the Christian Faith must be brought into contact and into conflict not only with Judaism but with all the ethnic faiths. If its program is to be carried out successfully, Christianity must supersede all
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The Christian Faith and Biblical Criticism
The Christian Faith and Biblical Criticism
We are living at a time when territory formerly deemed sacred is being traversed by hosts of forbidding aspect under the banners of natural science, of philosophy, and of the psychology and history of religion. The greatest foe of all, it has been thought by some, has arisen within the household of faith in the form of Biblical Criticism. An eloquent American preacher, Dr. Richard S. Storrs, has said that when Luther translated the Bible into the vernacular, "the peasant's roof was lifted to a l
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For Chapter I
For Chapter I
Aus Wissenschaft und Leben, 2 vols., 1911....
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For Chapter IV
For Chapter IV
Können wir noch Christen sein? 1911; Can We Still Be Christians? 1914. The Problem of Christianity, 2 vols., 1913....
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For Chapter V
For Chapter V
Der Einfluss der Mysterienreligionen auf das älteste Christentum, 1913. Die Hellenistische Mysterienreligionen, 1910. Religionsgeschtliche Volksbücher, begun in 1904....
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For Chapter VI
For Chapter VI
The Criticism of the Fourth Gospel, 1905. Printed in the United States of America...
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JAMES L. GORDON, D.D. All's Love Yet All's Law 12mo, cloth, net $1.25. "Discloses the secret of Dr. Gordon's eloquence—fresh, and intimate presentations of truth which always keep close to reality. Dr. Gordon also seems to have the world's literature at his command. A few of the titles will give an idea of the scope of his preaching. 'The Law of Truth: The Science of Universal Relationships'; 'The Law of Inspiration: The Vitalizing Power of Truth'; 'The Law of Vibration'; 'The Law of Beauty: The
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A. T. ROBERTSON, D.D., LL.D. Studies in the New Testament A Handbook for Bible Classes in Sunday Schools, for Teacher Training Work, for use in Secondary Schools and Colleges. 12mo, cloth, net 50c. In it are no references to books of any kind outside the Bible. With the help of the maps and a New Testament one can study this work with no other books in hand . REV. JOSEPH T. GIBSON, D.D. Jesus Christ : The Unique Revealer of God 8vo, cloth, $1.50. The author has sought to see, and aid others in s
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