Pleistocene Bats From San Josecito Cave, Nuevo Leon, Mexico
J. Knox Jones
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Pleistocene Bats from San Josecito Cave, Nuevo León, México
Pleistocene Bats from San Josecito Cave, Nuevo León, México
BY J. KNOX JONES, JR. University of Kansas Lawrence 1958 University of Kansas Publications, Museum of Natural History Editors: E. Raymond Hall, Chairman, Henry S. Fitch, Robert W. Wilson Volume 9, No. 14, pp. 389-396 Published December 19, 1958 University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas PRINTED IN THE STATE PRINTING PLANT TOPEKA, KANSAS 1958 27-5516 BY J. KNOX JONES, JR. Some of the Pleistocene mammals from San Josecito Cave, near Aramberri, Nuevo León, México, collected by field parties of the Calif
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Leptonycteris nivalis (Saussure)
Leptonycteris nivalis (Saussure)
Referred material. —Seventy crania, LACM (CIT) 2951-54, 2956-64, 3114-22, 3124-25, 3127, 3131-35, 3137-41, 3143-55, 3942, 21 unnumbered, of which 35 are nearly complete, lacking zygomatic arches, auditory bullae and some teeth; three rami, one right, LACM (CIT) 3126, and two left, unnumbered. Remarks. —The long-nosed bats from San Josecito Cave do not differ appreciably from Leptonycteris nivalis longala Stains, the largest Recent subspecies of the species, and the subspecies that occurs in the
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Desmodus stocki, new species
Desmodus stocki, new species
Holotype. —Cranium, lacking post-incisor dentition on the left side, zygomatic arches and auditory bullae; Los Angeles County Museum (CIT) No. 3129; from Pleistocene deposits of San Josecito Cave, near Aramberri, Nuevo León, México. Referred material. —Twelve additional partial crania, LACM (CIT) 2946-50, 3127-30, 3940-41, 2 unnumbered. Diagnosis. —Resembling the Recent Desmodus rotundus but differing from it as follows: Skull larger (see measurements and Figs. 1-2 ), heavier and more massive; r
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Eptesicus cf. grandis (Brown)
Eptesicus cf. grandis (Brown)
Referred material. —One rostrum, with P4-M3 on the right side and P4 only on the left, LACM (CIT) 2990. Remarks. —This specimen is referred provisionally to E. grandis . The dentition is larger and heavier, and the ridges and depressions on the dorsal surface of the rostrum are more pronounced than in Recent E. fuscus . The P4-M3 length is 6.1 (approximately 6.1 in the holotype of grandis , less in fuscus ); least interorbital constriction, 4.2 (4.3 in the holotype of grandis , more in fuscus );
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Lasiurus cinereus (Palisot de Beauvois)
Lasiurus cinereus (Palisot de Beauvois)
Referred material .—One cranium, lacking basioccipital, tympanic and mastoid regions, and most of the dentition, having only M3 on the right side and M2-M3 on the left, LACM (CIT) 3160. Remarks. —The cranium of No. 3160 is inseparable from those of 10 spring-taken specimens of L. c. cinereus from the San Gabriel Mts., Los Angeles Co., California (KU 49727, 49729-37). Measurements of No. 3160, followed by the average and extremes (in parentheses) of the Californian series, are: Condylobasal lengt
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Corynorhinus tetralophodon Handley
Corynorhinus tetralophodon Handley
A single cranium of a Corynorhinus LACM (CIT) 2989 was included in the original materials sent to Kansas by Professor Stock. Subsequently, this specimen was loaned to Charles O. Handley, Jr., who described it as a new species, C. tetralophodon . The latter is said to differ from all other plecotine bats by the retention of a well-developed fourth commissure (ridge extending posteroexternally from metacone) on the M3 (Handley, 1955:48)....
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Beer, J. R. 1954. A record of the hoary bat from a cave. Jour. Mamm., 35:116, February 10. Brown, B. 1908. The Conard Fissure, a Pleistocene bone deposit in northern Arkansas: with description of two new genera and twenty new species and subspecies of mammals. Mem. Amer. Mus. Nat., 9:155-208, pls. 14-25. Cushing, J. E., Jr. 1945. Quaternary rodents and lagomorphs of San Josecito Cave, Nuevo Leon, Mexico. Jour. Mamm., 26:182-185, July 19. Findley, J. S. 1953. Pleistocene Soricidae from San Joseci
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