The Fall Of The Moghul Empire Of Hindustan
H. G. (Henry George) Keene
11 chapters
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11 chapters
Two editions of this book having been absorbed, it has been thought that the time was come for its reproduction in a form more adapted to the use of students. Opportunity has been taken to introduce considerable additions and emendations. The rise and meridian of the Moghul Empire have been related in Elphinstone's " History of India: the Hindu and Mahometan Period; " and a Special Study of the subject will Also be found in the " Sketch of the History of Hindustan" published by the present write
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Vigour of Mirza Najaf Zabita rebels Emperor takes the Field, and the Rebellion is suppressed Sumroo's Jaigir Abdul Ahid takes the Field Unsuccessful Campaign against the Sikhs Dehli threatened, but relieved by Najaf Mirza's arrangements Popham takes Gwalior Begum Sumroo Death of Mirza Najaf Consequent Transactions Afrasyab Khan becomes Premier Mirza Shaffi returns to Dehli Is it Peace? Murder of Shaffi Action of Mr. Hastings Flight of Shahzada Madhoji Sindhia goes to Agra Afrasyab's Death Tribut
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Gholam Kadir Pillars of the State Siege of Raghogarh British policy Measures of Sindhia Rajput Confederacy Battle of Lalsaut Muhammad Beg's death Defection of Ismail Beg Greatness of Sindhia Gholam Kadir enters Dehli Is checked by Begam Sumroo and Najaf Kuli Khan Gholam Kadir pardoned; joins Ismail Beg Battle of Chaksana Rajput Embassy Emperor takes the field Shahzada writes to George III. Najaf Kuli rebels Death of Shahzada Emperor's return Battle of Firozabad Confederates at Dehli Their diffic
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Sindhia as Mayor of Palace British Policy Augmentation of Army under General de Boigne Ismail Beg joins the Rajput rising  Battle of Patan Sindhia at Mathra Siege of Ajmir Jodhpur Rajah Battle of Mirta Rivals alarmed French Officers Progress to Puna Holkar advances Ismail Beg taken Battle of Lakhairi Sindhia rebuked Power of Sindhia Rise of George Thomas Thomas quits Begam Sindhia at Puna - Death and character of Madhoji Sindhia Koil in the last Century. FROM the time of the revolution of 1788 e
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Daulat Rao Sindhia Thomas adopted by Appa Khandi Rao Revolution at Sardhana Begam Sumroo attacked but delivered Begam Sumroo becomes a wiser Woman Movements of Afghans De Boigne retires General Perron Musalman intrigues Afghans checked Succession in Audh War of "The Bais" Afghans and British Rising of Shimbunath Thomas independent Revolt of Lakwa Dada Holkar's defeat at Indor Power of Perron. 1794. THE powers and dignities of the old Patel were peaceably assumed by Daulat Rao, the son of the dec
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Feuds of the Mahrattas Perron attacks Thomas End of Thomas Treaty of Bassein Lord Wellesley Treaty of Lucknow Wellesley supported Fear of the French Sindhia threatened Influence of Perron - Plans of the French The First Consul Wellesley's Views War declared Lake's Force Sindhia's European Officers, English and French Anti-English Feelings and Fall of Perron Battle of Dehli Lake enters the Capital Emperor's Petition No Treaty made. 1801. THE end was now indeed approaching. Had the Mahrattas been
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Effects of climate Early immigrants French and English Mohammedan power not overthrown by British Perron's administration Changes since then The Talukdars - Lake's friendly intentions Talukdars' misconduct Their power curbed No protection for life, property, or traffic Such things still dependent on foreign aid Conclusion. AFTER many blunderings and much labour, the judgment of history appears to have formed the final conclusion that the physical conditions of a given country will always be the
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IN the foregoing pages I have endeavoured to steer a middle path between obliterating all trace of my materials and encumbering the margin with references that appeared superfluous. Wherever I have decided a disputed point, I have endeavoured to indicate the chief sources of information at least throughout the portions which form the actual history and to give my reasons for following one authority rather than another. Besides the authorities English and Persian which have been thus cited, the f
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REFERENCE has been made in the text, p. 130, to the tomb of Sumroo, in Padretola, or Padresanto, at Agra. This is one of the most ancient Christian cemeteries in Eastern Asia, consisting of a piece of land situated to the north of the Courts of Justice, and forming part of the original area attached to the neighbouring township of Lashkarpur. The estate was conferred upon the Roman Catholic Mission by the Emperor Akbar, or early in the reign of his son and successor. It contains many tombs, with
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LOVERS of detail may like the following view of Begam Sumroo's fief, as it appeared when it lapsed on her death. The facts and figures are from the report furnished to the Revenue Board in 1840, by the officer deputed to make the necessary fiscal settlement. This gentleman begins by saying that the assessments on the land were annual, but their average rates about one-third higher than those which prevailed on the neighbouring British district. In those days, the British took two-thirds of the n
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Note to page 209. SINCE printing the following indication has been found of the possible original of name printed "Du Drenec." In the "Familles Francaises" of Count Regis de l'Estourbeillon (Names, 1886) is a list of extinct Breton families. One of these is given as "Du Drenec-Keroulas, fondue dans Keroulas." This was, most likely, the true orthography of the Indian adventurer's name....
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