Lola; Or, The Thought And Speech Of Animals
Henny Kindermann
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2 chapters
PREFACE It is hoped that this little work may assist in the search along the dark path upon which many a poet and—in later times—many an investigator has set his feet. It would not be worthy of us, whom science and technical ability has raised to so high an intellectual position as explorers of Nature in every field—should we neglect anything however trivial, deeming it as beneath our notice. We know so much about all that lies around us: the manner in which the cells build our bodies; how the j
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A Critical Discussion of Developments from 1914 to 1919 BY DR. WILLIAM MACKENZIE OF GENOA [Translated from the Italian with the omission of III. THE HYPOTHESIS OF INTELLIGENCE IN ANIMALS Assuming, as I have done, and as I think I must do, that we have not here to do with a trick or fraud, we seem to be dreaming, or to be reading the account of a dream. Those poor horses of Elberfeld, so greatly extolled and so much discussed in their day, are not in the same field with Lola. And yet I am convinc
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