Baltimore Catechism, No. 4
Thomas L. Kinkead
5 chapters
4 hour read
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5 chapters
His Eminence Cardinal Gibbons: "I thank you for the copy of The Explanation of the Baltimore Catechism which has just reached me. A Religious spoke to me in very high terms of your book. I regard the opinion as of great value." Most Rev. M. A. Corrigan, D.D., Archbishop of New York: "I congratulate you on the good which it is likely to do." Most Rev. William Henry Elder, D.D., Archbishop of Cincinnati: "I think the work will be a very serviceable one. I hope it will meet with great success." Mos
7 minute read
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The Lord's Prayer The Angelical Salutation The Apostles' Creed The Confiteor An Act of Faith An Act of Hope An Act of Love An Act of Contrition The Blessing before Meals Grace after Meals The Manner in Which a Lay Person Is to Baptize in Case of Necessity Lesson 1—On the End of Man Lesson 2—On God and His Perfections Lesson 3—On the Unity and Trinity of God Lesson 4—On Creation Lesson 5—On Our First Parents and the Fall Lesson 6—On Sin and Its Kinds Lesson 7—On the Incarnation and Redemption Les
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Our Father, Who art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen. This is the most beautiful and best of all prayers, because Our Lord Himself made it. (Matt. 6:9; Luke 11:2). One day when He was praying and explaining to His Apostles the great advantages of prayer, one of
42 minute read
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Questions marked * are not in No. 1 Catechism. A catechism is any book made up in question and answer form, no matter what it treats of. We have catechisms of history, of geography, etc. Our Catechism is a book in the same form treating of religion. It is a little compendium of the truths of our religion, of all we must believe and do. It contains, in the simplest form, all that a priest learns during his many years of study. The theology he learns is only a deeper and fuller explanation of the
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Lesson 1 113. What is a catechism? 114. What does our Catechism contain? 115. Why should we learn the Catechism? 116. What do we mean by the "end of man"? 117. For what end was man created? 118. In what respect are all men equal? 119. What is "woman"? 120. In the first question, what does "world" mean? 121. What is a creature? 122. Is every invisible thing a spirit? 123. Of what use is reason to us? 124. What makes man different from all other animals? 125. Have any brute animals reason? 126. Ho
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