An Account Of The Expedition To Carthagena With Explanatory Notes And Observations
Charles Knowles
5 chapters
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5 chapters
See the Plan of the City and Harbour of Carthagena , published in the LONDON MAGAZINE for April 1740; which will serve to give the Readers of this Pamphlet a clearer Idea of its Contents....
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Ubi per socordiam vires, tempus, ingenium defluxere, naturæ infirmitas accusatur: suam quique culpam actores ad negotia transferunt. Sallust....
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I t having been resolved in a general Council of War, held at Spanish Town, to prevent, if possible, the French Fleet joining the Enemy before any Expedition should be undertaken by Land: the Wolf Sloop, Captain Dandridge , was dispatched up to Port Louis , to observe if the Fleet was in that Port: And on the 22d of January , which was the soonest the Fleet could be got ready for the Sea, Sir Chaloner Ogle and his Division sailed out of Port Royal Harbour; and two Days after Mr. Lestock and his
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I n order more fully and clearly to form a Judgment of the foregoing Expedition, it may not be improper to subjoin this Narrative of the Enemy's Situation, Strength, and Disposition at Carthagena , as the Fleet and Forces found them on their Arrival there: And in order to carry it on agreeable to the Advances that were made, begin with a Disposition of Punta Canoa Bay, where the Fleet first anchored. This Bay is about five Miles to the North West of the City of Carthagena , but not an extraordin
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  [ A ] When Captain Dandridge , of the Wolf , came into the Fleet, he acquainted the Admiral, that the Marquis D'Antin and twelve Ships of War were then in Port Louis , which was the Reason the Admiral pursued his Course up to the Isle of Vache , where when the Fleet arrived, a French Officer coming on board the Weymouth , told, the Marquis D'Antin was gone Home: Upon the Admiral's being informed of this, he sent Captain Knowles up in the Spence Sloop to reconnoitre, who returned with Answer, t
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