The Pulpit Of The Reformation, Nos. 1, 2, 3 And 4.
John Knox
6 chapters
5 hour read
Selected Chapters
6 chapters
The Last Judgment.By The Rev. John Welch, A. D. 1570-1622.
The Last Judgment.By The Rev. John Welch, A. D. 1570-1622.
The security of all flesh is wonderous great, for there is a fearful sleep fallen both upon the good and the evil. The foolish virgins are sound asleep, and the wise are asleep also. And suppose the Lord be at the door, and the hour of judgment at hand, and the seventh angel ready to blow the last trumpet, when time shall be no more; yet it is scarcely one of a thousand, yea, one of ten thousand, is to be found that is prepared, and busying themselves to meet the Lord, who is making speed to com
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The Day Of Judgment. Extracted From A Sermon By Hugh Latimer, Bishop Of Worcester, And Martyr, 1555.1
The Day Of Judgment. Extracted From A Sermon By Hugh Latimer, Bishop Of Worcester, And Martyr, 1555.1
As we die so we shall rise again. If we die in the state of damnation, we shall rise in that same state. Again, if we die in the state of salvation, we shall rise again in that state, and come to everlasting felicity, both of soul and body. For if we die now in the state of salvation, then at the last general day of judgment we shall hear this joyful sentence, proceeding out of the mouth of our Saviour Christ, when he will say, “Come, ye blessed of my Father, possess that kingdom which is prepar
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The Parable Of The Householder. A Sermon, By Bishop Latimer.
The Parable Of The Householder. A Sermon, By Bishop Latimer.
Now to the principal cause, and to which our Saviour had respect in this parable, and that is, he teaches us hereby that all Christian people are equal in all things appertaining to the kingdom of Christ. So that we have one Christ, one Redeemer, one baptism, and one gospel, one Supper of the Lord, and one kingdom of heaven. So that the poorest man and most miserable that is in the world, may call God his Father, and Christ his Redeemer, as well as the greatest king or emperor in the world. And
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The Parable Of The Tares, By Bishop Latimer, Preached On The 7th Of February, 1553.
The Parable Of The Tares, By Bishop Latimer, Preached On The 7th Of February, 1553.
But before we come unto the matter, you shall first learn to understand what this word parable, which is a Greek word, and used in the Latin and English tongue, means; that is to say, “A parable is a comparison of two things that are unlike outwardly;” while in effect they signify but one thing, for they appertain to one end; as in this place, Christ compared the word of God unto seed: which two things are unlike, but yet they teach one thing; for like as the seed is sown in the earth, so is the
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A Sermon On Isaiah XXVI.By John Knox.
A Sermon On Isaiah XXVI.By John Knox.
“If any will ask, To what purpose this sermon is set forth? I answer, To let such as satan has not altogether blinded, see upon how small occasions great offence is now conceived. This sermon is it, for which, from my bed, I was called before the council; and after long reasoning, I was by some forbidden to preach in Edinburgh, so long as the king and queen were in town. This sermon is it, that so offends such as would please the court, and will not appear to be enemies to the truth; yet they da
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“It Is I, Be Not Afraid.” Extracted From Knox's Admonition To England.
“It Is I, Be Not Afraid.” Extracted From Knox's Admonition To England.
The same we find of Isaac, who flying from the place of his accustomed habitation, compelled thereto by hunger, got no other comfort nor conduct but this promise only, “I will be with thee.” In all the journeys and temptations of Jacob the same is to be espied; as when he fled from his father's house for fear of his brother Esau; when he returned from Laban; and when he feared the inhabitants of the region of the Canaanites and Perizzites for the slaughter of the Shechemites committed by his son
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