Humanitarian Philosophy, 4th Edition
Emil Edward Kusel
14 chapters
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14 chapters
Humanitarian Philosophy
Humanitarian Philosophy
By EMIL EDWARD KUSEL Extracts From His Letters Fourth Edition Thou shalt not kill.—Bible. The individuality created by God is not carnivorous.—Mary Baker G. Eddy. Kill not but have regard for life.—Buddha. Los Angeles, California 1912 Copyright 1912 by Emil Edward Kusel. All rights reserved. Table of Contents NOTE. KIND WORDS. COMPLIMENTARY. A NOBLE WOMAN. THE HERMIT. Humanitarian Philosophy QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS IN AND BETWEEN THE LINES A DEVOUT (?) ADMONITION. A REPLY. FROM THE W. A. T. L. THE
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When one meets with adversity and all the world seems bitterly against him or when one realizes the short duration of life and hopes for a splendid immortality, no doubt it is a consolation for many to read the inspired and lofty sentiments of the Bible. Therefore in writing the following epigrams condemning inhumanity, I felt confident that kindly people would see that it is far from my motive to cast reflection upon any individual inclined to accept the comforting and humane passages of either
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"Humanitarian Philosophy" has taught me that God and conscience are in unison. I would have liked to condemn the writer for opening my eyes to the truth, but the Lord is on his side. "Humanitarian Philosophy" is an eye opener for the true religionist who never before thought on the wickedness of killing. "Humanitarian Philosophy" is a blessing for those who wish to live the Christ life, although it will not appeal to the religionist who is inhumanly self-righteous. Since digesting "Humanitarian
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Have always been very much interested in the subjects of our able ministers, but since receiving a copy of Mr. Kusel's philosophy against flesh eating I am a convert to the doctrine that neither minister nor congregation can be "a child of God" until they are vegetarians. It is impossible for me to now believe otherwise on account of the tremendous cruelty and horror of taking the life of animals. I never thought of the truth as Mr. Kusel puts it forth, and I am surprised to think preachers neve
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Mr. Emil Edward Kusel,     Los Angeles, Cal. Dear Mr. Kusel:—I have been wonderfully guided and blessed by reading "Humanitarian Philosophy" as it is truly an inspired work that should be thought upon by all religious people. The beauty of your blessed reasoning is that you cast all biblical chaff to the four winds and look to God in the true light of love and mercy. Yes indeed, you show the inconsistency of a religion that gives us an evil right to kill things while every last one of us, withou
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In religion, what damned error but some sober brow will bless it and approve it with a text, hiding the grossness with fair ornament. —Shakespeare.     The untold suffering the human family sanctions through a wrong conception of what is right, should make every Christian heart ache. —Platt.     When men go hunting (to kill) they call it sport but when the hunted animal (perhaps wounded) turns to fight for its life, they call that ferocity.—Shaw. Let all creatures live, as we desire to live. —To
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(An Idea from "Light of Asia.") By Emil Edward Kusel No doubt some of the conscience-stricken readers will brand the author of the sentiments herein as an extremist rather than a humane enthusiast, but bethink yourself it is far better to be "an extremist" on a logical, noble basis than to be inconsistent under false pretense. The author is presenting truths from an absolutely rational standpoint standing firmly on a real philosophical basis that cannot be overthrown by a cyclone of protests fro
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Q. Are you not a little bit radical on the subject of Humanitarianism? A. To you I may be "a little bit radical" because I oppose all religions (yours inclusive) which make mankind selfish and unfeeling. Q. If the Bible teaches me to slay and eat have I not a right to eat flesh? A. Yes, a legal right and your Bible right, but not a moral right. Q. Do not some people believe it is right to slay and eat lower animals? A. Yes, from their palate, but all honorable conscientious men see a wrong in ta
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E. E. Kusel,     Los Angeles, Cal. Sir: I read your "Humanitarian Philosophy" booklet and I take it as a mass of devil talk. It is not in favor of the Holy Bible and it says it is wrong to kill animals. This is crossing God's word. You say it says swine meat is forbidden. That is the only true statement in your book but that is the law for the Jews only. You say it says thou shalt not kill; of course it does, and that has references to the human family only. You say the religious man that does n
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Mr. N. S. W.,     Birmingham, Ala. My dear sir: In reply to your letter of Jan. 30th, concerning my "Humanitarian Philosophy," I wish to candidly tell you that I am not at all afraid of your sort of god. The God I worship is not very likely to materialize in a selfish fanatical subject, but always comes to the surface in the heart and soul of honorable, conscientious thinking men—men who either profess nothing and live according to custom or in men who profess religion and uphold their God as ki
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The tobacco smoking on street cars has been very much discussed in your valuable paper recently. Now, I will suggest that all persons who object to the poisonous effects of tobacco register a protest every chance they get and spend some good money, as I am doing, to back up their argument against the most deadly plant used by human beings. There is no traffic so degrading in its influence and effect as tobacco. It goes hand in hand with liquor, and when we stop the youth of the land from using t
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The church element construe the Bible to blend into their own desires and appetites and then in the name of their god (little g) they commit every iniquity under the sun, the most abominable of which is the eating of "a beef which has been battered in the head by the blow of an ax or mutton which has had its throat cut from ear to ear." Get yourself in touch with the Infinite and you will see that the taking of animal life for food is a greater sin than smoking, drinking or satisfying animal des
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What queer and wild notions religious faddists get into their heads. T. J. W. wants us to quit killing cattle and hogs, etc., in fact all kinds of animals and birds because God has put them on earth. I would like Mr W. to tell us what would become of us if we followed his advice. Why, the animals would crowd man off the earth in a short while. The farmer could not raise any crops. Cattle, deer, hares and sheep would eat his grain, the coyotes his chickens and the lions would eat him. C. V. Pasad
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If you please, Mr. V., I am not a "religious faddist." I am not religious at all. I am a firm believer in the Golden Rule, applying it to man and beast. In reply to your query, Mr. V. I will answer briefly: Self-preservation is the first law of nature, so protect yourself against the presumed invasion of tame and wild beasts, birds, etc., but do not presume we have the right to take life of anything which endures pain or runs away from impending danger unless occasion calls for it. My letter to
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