Klondyke Nuggets
Joseph Ladue
6 chapters
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6 chapters
A Brief Description of the Great Gold Regions in the Northwest Territories and Alaska Founder of Dawson City, N.W.T. Explorer, Miner and Prospector September, 1897 The extraordinary excitement arising from the reports of the discovery of Gold in the Klondyke region in the great Canadian Northwest is not surprising to one who, through personal residence and practical experience, is thoroughly conversant with the locality. Having recently returned for a temporary stay, after a somewhat successful
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Klondyke! The word and place that has startled the civilized world is to-day a series of thriving mining camps on the Yukon River and its tributaries in the Canadian Northwest Territories. Prior to August 24, 1896, this section of the country had never been heard of. It was on this day that a man named Henderson discovered the first gold. On the first day of the following month the writer commenced erecting the first house in this region and called the place Dawson City, now the central point of
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There is a great popular error in reference to the climate of the gold regions. Many reports have appeared in the newspapers which are misleading. It has been even stated that the cold is excessive almost throughout the year. This is entirely a mis-statement. I have found I have suffered more from winter cold in Northern New York than I ever did in Alaska or the Canadian Northwest. I have chopped wood in my shirt-sleeves in front of my door at Dawson City when the thermometer was 70 degrees belo
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Men who are thinking of going to the Klondyke regions and taking a trip of this character for the first time, will do well to carefully read the chapter on "Outfit for Miners." It is a great mistake to take anything except what is necessary; the trip is a long arduous one, and a man should not add one pound of baggage to his outfit that can be dispensed with. I have known men who have loaded themselves up with rifles, revolvers and shot-guns. This is entirely unnecessary. Revolvers will get you
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In giving any advice for outfits for miners, I should first state that it is a great mistake to purchase anything whatever before arriving at Juneau, Alaska. This has been a supply point for that region for upwards of ten years, and store-keepers and supply companies carry in stock exactly what is necessary for the miners. You will find that their prices are reasonable, considering the difference in cost of transportation at any point you might decide to purchase from in the United States; in fa
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The reports already received of the finds of gold seem beyond belief but the greater part of them are actual facts, and the following came under my personal observation:— Alexander McDonald, on Claim No. 30, Eldorado, on the Klondyke, started drifting on his claim with four men. The men agreed to work the claim on shares, the agreement being that they should work on shares by each receiving half of what they could get out. The five together took out $95,000.00 in twenty-eight days. The ground du
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