The Art Of Confectionary
Edward Lambert
82 chapters
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82 chapters
SHEWING THE VARIOUS METHODS OF PRESERVING all Sorts of FRUITS, Dry and Liquid ; viz. FLOWERS and HERBS; As Violets, Angelica, Orange-Flowers, &c. Also how to make all Sorts of Biscakes, Maspins, Sugar-Works, and Candies . With the best Methods of Clarifying , and the different Ways of boiling Sugar . By the late Ingenious Mr. EDWARD LAMBERT, Confectioner , in Pall-Mall . L   O   N   D   O   N: Printed for T. Payne , in Castle-Street, near the Mews-Gate, 1761. [Price One Shilling.] SHEWIN
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To Clarify Sugar.
To Clarify Sugar.
Break into your preserving Pan the White of one Egg, put in four Quarts of Water, beat it up to a Froth with a Whisk, then put in twelve Pounds of Sugar, mixed together, and set it over the Fire; when it boils up, put in a little cold Water, which will cause it to sink; let it rise again, then put in a little more Water; so do for four or five times, till the Scum appears thick on the Top; then remove it from the Fire and let it settle; then take off the Scum, and pass it through your straining
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The boiling Sugar to the Degree called Smooth.
The boiling Sugar to the Degree called Smooth.
When your Sugar is thus clarified, put what Quantity you shall have Occasion for over the Fire, to boil smooth, the which you will prove by dipping your Scummer into the Sugar; and then touching it with your Fore-finger and Thumb, in opening them a little you will see a small Thread drawn betwixt, which immediately breaks, and remains in a Drop on your Thumb; thus it is a little smooth; then boiling it more, it will draw into a larger String; then it is become very smooth....
27 minute read
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The Blown Sugar.
The Blown Sugar.
Boil your Sugar yet longer than the former, and try it thus, viz. Dip in your Scummer, and take it out, shaking off what Sugar you can into the Pan, and then blow with your Mouth strongly through the Holes, and if certain Bubbles or Bladders blow through, it is boiled to the Degree called Blown....
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The Feathered Sugar,
The Feathered Sugar,
Is a higher Degree of boiling Sugar, which is to be proved by dipping the Scummer when it hath boiled somewhat longer; shake it first over the Pan, then giving it a sudden Flurt behind you; if it be enough, the Sugar will fly off like Feathers....
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The Crackled Boiling,
The Crackled Boiling,
Is proved by letting it boil somewhat longer; and then dipping a Stick into the Sugar, which immediately remove into a Pot of cold Water standing by you for that Purpose, drawing off the Sugar that cleaves to the Stick, and if it becomes hard, and will snap in the Water, it is enough; if not, you must boil it till it comes to that Degree. Note , Your Water must be always very cold, or it will deceive you....
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The Carmel Sugar,
The Carmel Sugar,
Is known by boiling yet longer, and is proved by dipping a Stick, as aforesaid, first in the Sugar, and then in the Water: But this you must observe, when it comes to the Carmel Height, it will snap like Glass the Moment it touches the cold Water, which is the highest and last Degree of boiling Sugar. Note , There is this to be observed, that your Fire be not very fierce when you boil this, lest flaming up the Sides of your Pan, it should occasion the Sugar to burn, and so discolour it....
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To preserve Seville-Oranges Liquid.
To preserve Seville-Oranges Liquid.
Take the best Seville-Oranges, and pare them very neatly, put them into Salt and Water for about two Hours; then boil them very tender till a Pin will easily go into them; then drain them well from the Water, and put them into your preserving Pan, putting as much clarified Sugar to them as will cover them, laying some Trencher or Plate on them to keep them down; then set them over a Fire, and by Degrees heat them till they boil; then let them have a quick boil till the Sugar comes all over them
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To draw a Jelly from Pippins.
To draw a Jelly from Pippins.
Take the fairest and firmest Pippins, pour them into fair Water, as much as will cover them; set them over a quick Fire, and boil them to Mash; then put them on a Sieve over an earthen Pan, and press out all the Jelly, which Jelly strain through a Bag, and use as directed in the Oranges before mentioned, and such others as shall be hereafter described....
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To make Orange Marmalade.
To make Orange Marmalade.
Take six Oranges, grate two of the Rinds of them upon a Grater, then cut them all, and pick out the Flesh from the Skins and Seeds; put to it the grated Rind, and about half a Pint of Pippin Jelly; take the same Weight of Sugar as you have of this Meat so mingled; boil your Sugar till it blows very strong; then put in the Meat, and boil all very quick till it becomes a Jelly, which you will find by dipping the Scummer, and holding it up to drain; if it be a Jelly, it will break from the Scummer
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To preserve Oranges with a Marmalade in them.
To preserve Oranges with a Marmalade in them.
Pare your Oranges as before, make a round Hole in the Bottom, where the Stalk grew, the Bigness of a Shilling; take out the Meat, and put them into Salt and Water for two or three Hours; then boil them very tender, then put them into clarified Sugar, give them a boil the next Day, drain the Syrup and boil it till it becomes smooth; put in your Oranges and give them a good boil. When a little cool, drain them and fill them with a Marmalade made as before directed, putting in the round Piece you c
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To make a Compote of Oranges.
To make a Compote of Oranges.
Cut the Rind off your Oranges into Ribs, leaving part of the Rind on; cut them into eight Quarters, throw them into boiling Water; when a Pin will easily go through the Rind, drain and put them into boiling Water, when a Pin will easily go through the Rind, drain and put them into as much Sugar boiled, till it becomes smooth, as will cover them, give all a Boil together, adding some Juice of Oranges to what Sharpness you please; you may put a little Pippin Jelly into the Boiling, if you please;
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To make Orange-Rings and Faggots.
To make Orange-Rings and Faggots.
Pare your Oranges as thin, and as narrow as you can, put the Parings into Water, whilst you prepare the Rings, which are done by cutting the Oranges so pared into as many Rings as you please; then cut out the Meat from the Inside; then put the Rings and Faggots into boiling Water; boil them till tender; then put them into clarified Sugar, as much as will cover them; set them by till next Day; then boil all together, and set them by till the Day after; then drain the Syrup, and boil it till very
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To candy Orange, Lemon, and Citron.
To candy Orange, Lemon, and Citron.
Drain what Quantity you will candy clean from the Syrup, and wash it in luke-warm Water, and lay it on a Sieve to drain; then take as much clarified Sugar as you think will cover what you will candy, boil it till it blows very strong, then put in your Rings, and boil them till it blows again; then take it from the Fire, and let it cool a little; then with the back of a Spoon rub the Sugar against the Inside of your Pan till you see the Sugar becomes white; then with a Fork take out the Rings one
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To make Orange-Cakes.
To make Orange-Cakes.
Take six Sevil-Oranges, grate the Rinds of two of them, and then cut off the Rinds of all six to the very Juice; boil them in Water till very tender; then squeeze out all the Water you can, and beat them to a Paste in a Marble-Morter; then rub it through a Sieve of Hair; what will not easily rub through must be beat again till all is got through; then cut to Pieces the Insides of the Oranges, and rub as much of that through as you possibly can; then boil about six or eight Pippins in as much Wat
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Take six thick-rinded Lemons, grate two of them, then pare off all the yellow Peal, and strip the White to the Juice, which White boil till tender, and make a Paste exactly as above....
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To preserve White-Citrons.
To preserve White-Citrons.
Cut your White-Citrons into what sized Pieces you please; put them into Water and Salt for four or five Hours; then wash them in fair Water, and boil them till tender; then drain them, and put them into as much clarified Sugar as will cover them, and set them by till next Day; then drain the Syrup, and boil it a little smooth; when cool, put it on your Citrons; the next Day boil your Syrup quite smooth, and pour on your Citrons; the Day after boil all together and put into a Pot to be candied, o
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To preserve Golden-Pippins in Jelly.
To preserve Golden-Pippins in Jelly.
Pare your Pippins from all Spots, and with a narrow-pointed Knife make a Hole quite through them, then boil them in fair Water about a Quarter of an Hour; then drain them, and take as much Sugar as will cover them; boil it till it blows very strong, then put in your Pippins, and give them a good Boil; let them cool a little, then give them another Boil; then if you have, for example a Dozen of Pippins, take a Pound of Sugar, and boil it till it blows very strong; then put in Half a Pint of Pippi
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To dry Golden-Pippins.
To dry Golden-Pippins.
Pare your Pippins, and make a Hole in them, as above, then weigh them, and boil them till tender; then take them out of the Water, and to every Pound of Pippins take a Pound and a Half of Loaf-Sugar, and boil it till it blows very strong; then put in the Fruit, and boil it very quick, till the Sugar flies all over the Pan; then let them settle, and cool them, scum them, and set them by till the next Day, then drain them, and lay them out to dry, dusting them with fine Sugar before you put them i
38 minute read
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To make Orange Clear-Cakes.
To make Orange Clear-Cakes.
Take the best Pippins, pare them into as much Water as will cover them; boil them to a Mash; then press out the Jelly upon a Sieve, and strain it through a Bag, adding Juice of Oranges to give it an agreeable Taste: To every Pound of Jelly take one Pound and a Quarter of Loaf Sugar, boil it till it cracks, then put in the Jelly and the Rind of a grated Orange or two, stir it up gently over a slow Fire, till all is incorporated together; then take it off, and fill your Clear-cake Glasses, what Sc
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To make Pomegranate Clear-Cakes.
To make Pomegranate Clear-Cakes.
Draw your Jelly as for the Orange Clear-Cakes, then boil into it the Juice of two or three Pomegranate-seeds, and all with the Juice of an Orange and a Lemon, the Rind of each grated in, then strain it through a Bag, and to every Pound of Jelly put one Pound and a Quarter boiled till it cracks to help the Colour to a fine Red; put in a Spoonful of Cocheneal, prepared as hereafter directed; then fill your Glasses, and order them as your Orange....
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To Prepare Cocheneal.
To Prepare Cocheneal.
Take one Ounce of Cocheneal, and beat it to a fine Powder, then boil it in three Quarters of a Pint of Water to the Consumption of one Half, then beat Half an Ounce of Roach Allum, and Half an Ounce of Cream of Tartar very fine, and put them to the Cocheneal, boil them all together a little while, and strain it through a fine Bag, which put into a Phial, and keep for Use. Note , If an Ounce of Loaf-sugar be boiled in with it, it will keep from moulding what you do not immediately use....
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To make Pippin-Knots.
To make Pippin-Knots.
Pare your Pippins, and weigh them, then put them into your preserving Pan; to every Pound put four Ounces of Sugar, and as much Water as will scarce cover them; boil them to a Pulp, and then pulp them through a Sieve; then to every Pound of the Apples you weighed, take one Pound of Sugar clarified, boil it till it almost cracks, then put in the Paste, and mix it well over a slow Fire, then take it off and pour it on flat Pewter-plates or the Bottoms of Dishes, to the Thickness of two Crowns; set
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To prepare a Green Colour.
To prepare a Green Colour.
Take Gumbouge one Quarter of an Ounce, of Indico and Blue the same Quantity; beat them very fine in a Brass Mortar, and mix with it a Spoonful of Water, so will you have a fine Green; a few Drops are sufficient....
13 minute read
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To make a Compote of Boonchretien Pears.
To make a Compote of Boonchretien Pears.
Pare your Fruit, and cut them into Slices, scald them a little, squeezing some Juice of Lemon on them in the scalding to keep them white; then drain them, and put as much clarified Sugar as will just cover them, give them a Boil, and then squeeze the Juice of an Orange or Lemon, which you best approve of, and serve them, to Table when cold....
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Compote of Baked Wardens.
Compote of Baked Wardens.
Bake your Wardens in an earthen Pot, with a little Claret, some Spice, Lemon-peal, and Sugar; when you will use them peal off the Skin and dress them in Plates, either Whole or in Halfs; then make a Jelly of Pippins, sharpened well with the Juice of Lemons, and pour it upon them, and when cold, break the Jelly with a Spoon, so will it look very agreeable upon the red Pears....
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Zest of China-Oranges.
Zest of China-Oranges.
Pare off the outward Rind of the Oranges very thin, and only strew it with fine Powder-Sugar, as much as their own Moisture will take, dry them in a hot Stove....
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To Rock Candy-Violets.
To Rock Candy-Violets.
Pick the Leaves off the Violets, then boil some of the finest Loaf-sugar till it blows very strong, which pour into your Candying-Pan, being made of Tin, in the Form of a Dripping-Pan, about three Inches deep; then strew the Leaves of the Flowers as thick on the Top as you can; then put it into a hot Stove for eight or ten Days; when you see it is hard candied, break a Hole in one Corner of it, and drain all the Syrup that will run from it, then break it out, and lay it on Heaps on Plates to dry
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To candy Violets whole.
To candy Violets whole.
Take the double Violets, and pick off the green Stalk, then boil some Sugar till it blows very strong; throw in the Violets, and boil it till it blows again, then with a Spoon rub the Sugar against the Side of the Pan till white, then stir all till the Sugar leaves them; then sift them and dry them. Note , Junquils are done the same Way....
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To preserve Angelico in Knots.
To preserve Angelico in Knots.
Take young and thick Stalks of Angelico, cut them into Lengths of about a Quarter of a Yard, then scald them; next put them into cold Water, then strip off the Skins, and cut them into narrow Slips; then lay them on your preserving Pan, then put to them a thin Sugar, that is, to one Part Sugar as clarified, and one Part Water; then set it over the Fire and let it boil, and set it by till next Day, then turn it in the Pan, and give it another Boil; the Day after drain it and boil the Sugar till i
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To dry it out.
To dry it out.
Drain what Quantity you will from the Syrup, and boil as much Sugar as will cover it till it blows, put in your Angelico, and give it a Boil till it blows again; when cold, drain it, and tie it in Knots and put it into a warm Stove to dry, first dusting it a little; when dry on one Side turn it, and dry the other, then pack it up....
21 minute read
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To preserve Angelico in Sticks.
To preserve Angelico in Sticks.
Take Angelico, not altogether so young as the other, cut it into short Pieces about half a Quarter of a Yard, or less, scale it a little, then drain it and put it into a thin Sugar as before; boil it a little, the next Day turn it in the Pan the Bottom upwards, and boil it, so finish it as the other for Knots. Note , When you will candy it, you must drain it from the Syrup, wash it and candy it as the Orange and Lemon....
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Take the youngest and most pithy Angelico you can get, boil it very tender, then drain it, and press out all the Water you possibly can, then beat it in a Mortar to as fine a Paste as may be, then rub it through a Sieve; next Day dry it over a Fire, and to every Pound of this Paste take one Pound of fine Sugar in fine Powder; when your Paste is hot, put in the Sugar, stirring it over a gentle Fire till it is well incorporated; when so done, drop it on Plates long or round, as you shall judge pro
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To preserve Apricots Green.
To preserve Apricots Green.
Take the Apricots when about to stone, before it becomes too hard for a Pin easily to press through; pare them in Ribs very neatly because every Stroke of the Knife will be seen; then put them into fair Water as you pare them, then boil them till tender enough to slip easily from your Pin, then drain them, and put them into a thin Sugar, that is to say, one Part Sugar clarified, and one Part Water; boil them a little, then set them by till next Day, then give them another Boil; the Day after dra
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To put them up in Jelly.
To put them up in Jelly.
You must keep them in the Syrup so preserved till Codlins are pretty well grown; take Care to visit them sometimes that they do not sour, which if they do, the Syrup will be lost; by reason it will become muddy, and then you will be obliged to make your Jelly with all fresh Sugar, which will be too sweet; but when Codlins are of an indifferent Bigness, draw a Jelly from them as from Pippins, as you are directed in p. 8 ; then drain the Apricots from the Syrup, boil it and strain it through your
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To preserve Green Almonds.
To preserve Green Almonds.
Take the Almonds when pretty well grown, and make a Lye with Wood or Charcoal-Ashes, and Water; boil the Lye till it feels very smooth, strain it through a Sieve and let it settle till clear, then pour off the Clear into another Pan, then set it on the Fire in order to blanch off the Down that is on the Almonds, which you must do in this Manner, viz. when the Lye is scalding hot throw in two or three Almonds, and try, when they have been in some Time, if they will blanch; if they will, put in th
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To preserve Goosberries green.
To preserve Goosberries green.
Take the long Sort of Goosberries the latter End of May or the Beginning of June , before the green Colour has left them; set some Water over the Fire, and when it is ready to boil, throw in the Goosberries, and let them have a Scald, then take them out and carefully remove them into cold Water, and set them over a very slow Fire to green, cover them very close so that none of the Steam can get out; when you have obtained their green Colour, which will perhaps be four or five Hours, then drain t
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To preserve Goosberries white.
To preserve Goosberries white.
Take the large Dutch Goosberries when full grown, but before they are quite ripe; pare them into fair Water, and stone them; then put them into boiling Water, and let them boil very tender, then put them into clarified Sugar in an earthen Pan, and put as many in one Pan as will cover the Bottom; then set them by till next Day, and boil the Syrup a little, and pour it on them; the Day after boil it till smooth, and pour it on them; the third Day give them a gentle Boil round, by setting the Side
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To dry Goosberries.
To dry Goosberries.
TO every Pound of Goosberries, when stoned, put two Pounds of Sugar, but boil the Sugar till it blows very strong; then strew in the Goosberries, and give them a thorough Boil, till the Sugar comes all over them, let them settle a Quarter of an Hour, then give them another good Boil, then scum them, and set them by till the next Day; then drain them, and lay them out on Sieves to dry, dusting them very much, and put a good brisk Fire into the Stove; when dry on one Side, turn them and dust them
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To make Goosberry-Paste.
To make Goosberry-Paste.
Take the Goosberries when full grown, wash them, and put them into your preserving Pan, with as much Spring-water as will almost cover them, and boil them very quick all to a Pommish; then strew them on a Hair-sieve over an earthen Pot or Pan, and press out all the Juice; then to every Pound of this Paste, take one Pound and two Ounces of Sugar, and boil it till it cracks; then take it from the Fire and put in your Paste, and mix it well over a slow Fire till the Sugar is very well incorporated
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Goosberry Clear-Cakes.
Goosberry Clear-Cakes.
Goosberry Clear-Cakes are made after the same Manner as the Paste, with this Difference only, that you strain the Jelly through the Bag before you weigh it for Use....
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To dry Cherries.
To dry Cherries.
Stone your Cherries and weigh them, to eight Pounds of Cherries put two Pounds of Sugar, boil it till it blows very strong: put the Cherries to the Sugar, and heat them by Degrees till the Sugar is thoroughly melted, for when the Cherries come in, it will so cool the Sugar that it will seem like Glew, and should you put it on a quick Fire at first, it will endanger the Burning; when you find the Sugar is all melted, then boil them as quick as possible till the Sugar flies all over them, then scu
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To preserve Cherries Liquid.
To preserve Cherries Liquid.
Take the best Morello Cherries when ripe, either stone them or clip their Stalks; and to every Pound take a Pound of Sugar, and boil it till it blows very strong, then put in the Cherries, and by Degrees, bring them to boil as fast as you can, that the Sugar may come all over them, scum them and set them by; the next Day boil some more Sugar to the same Degree, and put some Jelly of Currants, drawn as hereafter directed; For Example, if you boil one Pound of Sugar, take one Pint of Jelly, put in
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To draw Jelly of Currants.
To draw Jelly of Currants.
Wash well your Currants, put them into your Pan, and mash them; then put in a little Water and boil them to a Pommish; then strew it on a Sieve, and press out all your Juice, of which you make the Jelly for all the wet Sweet-meats that are red. Note , Where white Currant-Jelly is prescribed, it is to be drawn after the same Manner; but observe you strain it first....
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To make Cherry-Paste.
To make Cherry-Paste.
Take two Pounds of Morello Cherries, stone them and press the Juice out; dry them in a Pan and mash them over the Fire; then weigh them, and take their Weight in Sugar beaten very fine; heat them over the Fire till the Sugar is well mixed, then dress them on Plates or Glasses, dust them when cold, and put them into the Stove to dry....
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To dry Currants in Bunches.
To dry Currants in Bunches.
Stone your Currants and tie them up in little Bunches, and to every Pound of Currants you must boil two Pounds of Sugar, till it blows very strong, then slip in the Currants, and let them boil very fast, till the Sugar flies all over them; let them settle a Quarter of an Hour, then boil them again till the Sugar rises almost to the Top of the Pan, then let them settle, scum them, and set them by till next Day; then you must drain them, and lay them out, taking Care to spread the Sprigs that they
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To preserve Currants in Jelly.
To preserve Currants in Jelly.
Stone your Currants, and clip off the black Tops, and strip them from the Stalks, and to every Pound boil two Pounds of Sugar till it blows very strong, then slip in the Currants, and give them a quick Boil, then take them from the Fire and let them settle a little; then give them another Boil, and put in a Pint of Currant-Jelly, drawn as directed in p. 33 ; boil all well together, till you see the Jelly will flake from the Scummer; then remove it from the Fire, and let it settle a little; then
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To preserve Violet-Plumbs.
To preserve Violet-Plumbs.
Violet Plumbs are a long Time Yellow, and are ripe in the Month of June , which are preserved as follows; put them into clarified Sugar, just enough to cover them, and boil them pretty quick; the next Day boil them again as before; the Day after drain them again, and take away their Skins, which you will find all flown off, then put them into a Sugar, boil it till it blows a little, give them a Boil; the Day following boil some more Sugar till it blows a little, give them a Boil; the next Day bo
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To preserve Orange-Flowers.
To preserve Orange-Flowers.
Take the Orange-Flowers just as they begin to open, put them into boiling Water, and let them boil very quick till they are tender, putting in a little Juice of Lemons as they boil, to keep them white; then drain them and dry them carefully between two Napkins; then put them into a clarified Sugar, as much as will cover them; the next Day drain the Syrup, and boil it a little smooth; when almost cold, pour it on the Flowers; the Day after you may drain them and lay them out to dry, dusting them
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To put them in Jelly.
To put them in Jelly.
After they are preserved, as before directed, you must clarify a little more Sugar, with Orange-Flower-Water, and make a Jelly of Codlins, which, when ready, put in the Flowers Syrup and all; give them a Boil, scum them, and put them into your Glasses or Pots. Note , When you boil the Syrup, you must add Sugar if it wants, as well in the Working the foregoing Fruits, as these....
21 minute read
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To make Orange-Flower-Cakes.
To make Orange-Flower-Cakes.
Take four Ounces of the Leaves of Orange-Flowers, put them into fair Water for about an Hour, then drain them and put them between two Napkins, and with a Rolling-pin roll them till they are bruised; then have ready boiled one Pound of Double-refined-sugar to a bloom Degree; put in the Flowers, and boil it till it comes to the same Degree again, then remove it from the Fire, and let it cool a little; then with a Spoon grind the Sugar to the Bottom or Sides of the Pan, and when it becomes white,
36 minute read
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To make Orange-Flower-Paste.
To make Orange-Flower-Paste.
Boil one Pound of the Leaves of Orange-Flowers very tender; then take two Pounds and two Ounces of double-refined Sugar in fine Powder; and when you have bruised the Flowers to a Pulp, stir in the Sugar by Degrees over a slow Fire till all is in and well melted; then make little Drops and dry them....
16 minute read
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To preserve Apricots whole.
To preserve Apricots whole.
Take the Apricots when full grown, pare them, and take out their Stones; then have ready a Pan of boiling Water, throw them into it, and scald them till they rise to the Top of the Water; then take them out carefully with your Scummer, and lay them on a Sieve to drain; then lay them in your preserving Pan, and put over them as much Sugar boiled to blow as will cover them, give them a Boil round, by setting the Pan half on the Fire, and turning it about as it boils; then set it full on the Fire,
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To preserve Apricot-Chips.
To preserve Apricot-Chips.
Split the Apricots, and take out the Stones, then pare them, and turn them into a circular form with your Knife; then put them into your Pan without scalding, and put as much Sugar boiled very smooth as will cover them, then manage them on the Fire as the whole Apricots, scum them, and set them in the Stove; the next Day boil some more Sugar, to boil very strong, then drain the Syrup from the Apricots, and boil it very smooth; then put it to the fresh Sugar, and give it a Boil; then put in the A
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To preserve Apricots in Jelly.
To preserve Apricots in Jelly.
Pare and stone your Apricots, then scald them a little, and lay them in your Pan, and put as much clarified Sugar to them as will cover them; the next Day drain the Syrup, and boil it smooth, then slip in your Apricots, and boil as before; the next Day make a Jelly with Codlins, boiling some Apricots amongst them, to give a better Taste; when you have boiled the Jelly to its proper Height, put in the Apricots with their Syrup, and boil all together; when enough, scum them very well, and put them
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To make Apricot-Paste.
To make Apricot-Paste.
Boil some Apricots that are full ripe to a Pulp, and rub the Fine of it thro' a Sieve; and to every Pound of Pulp take one Pound and two Ounces of fine Sugar, beaten to a very fine Powder; heat well your Paste, and then, by Degrees, put in your Sugar; when all is in, give it a thorough Heat over the Fire, but take Care not to let it boil; then take it off and scrape it all to one Side of the Pan, let it cool a little, then with a Spoon lay it out on Plates in what Form you please, then dust them
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To make Apricot Clear-Cakes.
To make Apricot Clear-Cakes.
First, draw a Jelly from Codlins, then boil in that Jelly some very ripe Apricots, which press upon a Sieve over an earthen Pan, then strain it through your Jelly-bag; and to every Pound of Jelly take the like Quantity of fine Loaf-sugar, which clarify, and boil till it cracks; then put in the Jelly, and mix it well, then give it a Heat on the Fire, scum it and fill your Glasses; in the Drying, order them as has been already directed in p. 16 ....
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To make Jam of Apricots.
To make Jam of Apricots.
Pare the Apricots, and take out the Stones, break them, and take out the Kernels, and blanch them; then to every Pound of Apricots boil one pound of Sugar till it blows very strong, then put in the Apricots, and boil them very brisk till they are all broke, then take them off, and bruise them well, put in the Kernels and stir them all together over the Fire, then fill your Pots or Glasses with them. Note , If you find it too sweet, you may put in a little White-Currant-Jelly to sharpen it to you
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To preserve Rasberries Liquid.
To preserve Rasberries Liquid.
Take the largest and fairest Rasberries you can get, and to every Pound of Rasberries take one Pound and a Half of Sugar, clarify it, and boil it till it blows very strong; then put in the Rasberries, and let them boil as fast as possible, strewing a little fine beaten Sugar on them as they boil; when they have had a good Boil, that the Sugar rises all over them, take them from the Fire, and let them settle a little, then give them another Boil, and put to every Pound of Rasberries half a Pint o
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To make Rasberry-Cakes.
To make Rasberry-Cakes.
Pick all the Grubs and spotted Rasberries away; then bruise the rest, and put them on a Hair-sieve over an earthen Pan, putting on them a Board and Weight to press out all the Water you can; then put the Paste into your preserving Pan, and dry it over the Fire, till you perceive no Moisture left in it, that is, no Juice that will run from it, stirring it all the Time it is on the Fire to keep it from burning; then weigh it, and to every Pound take one Pound and two Ounces of Sugar, beat to a fin
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To make Rasberry Clear-Cakes.
To make Rasberry Clear-Cakes.
Take two Quarts of ripe Goosberries, or white Currants, and one Quart of red Rasberries, put them into a Stone-Jug and stop them close; then put it into a Pot of cold Water, as much as will cover the Neck of the Jug; then boil them in that Water till all comes to a Paste, then turn them out in a Hair-sieve, placed over a Pan, press out all the Jelly and strain it thro' the Jelly-bag; to every Pound of Jelly take twenty Ounces of Double-refined Sugar, and boil it till it will crack in the Water;
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To make Rasberry Clear-Paste.
To make Rasberry Clear-Paste.
Take two Quarts of Goosberries, and two Quarts of red Rasberries, put them in a Pan, with about a Pint and an Half of Water; boil them over a very quick Fire to a Pommish, then throw them upon an earthen Pan, and press out all the Juice; then take that Juice and boil in it another Quart of Rasberries, then throw them on a Sieve, and rub all through the Sieve that you can; then put in the Seeds and weigh the Paste, and to every Pound take twenty Ounces of fine Loaf-sugar, boiled, when clarified,
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To make Rasberry-Biscakes.
To make Rasberry-Biscakes.
Press out the Juice, and dry the Paste a little over the Fire, then rub all the Pulp through a Sieve; then weigh, and to every Pound take eighteen Ounces of Sugar, sifted very fine, and the Whites of four Eggs, put all in the Pan together, and with a Whisp beat till it is very stiff, so that you may lay it in pretty high Drops; and when it is so beaten, drop it in what Form you please on the back Sides of Cards, (Paper being too thin, it will be difficult to get it off;) dust them a little with
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To make Currant-Paste.
To make Currant-Paste.
Wash well your Currants and put them into your preserving Pan, bruise them, and with a little Water, boil them to a Pulp, press out the Juice, and to every Pound take twenty Ounces of Loaf-sugar, boil it to crack; then take it from the Fire, and put in the Paste; then heat it over the Fire, take off the Scum, and put it into your Paste-pots or Glasses, then dry and manage them as other Pastes....
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To make Rasberry-Jam.
To make Rasberry-Jam.
Press out the Water from the Rasberries; then to every Pound of Rasberries take one Pound of Sugar, first dry the Rasberries in a Pan over the Fire, but keep them stirring, lest they burn; put in your Sugar, and incorporate them well together, and fill your Glasses or Pots, covering them with thin white Paper close to the Jam, whilst it is hot; and when cold, tie them over with other Paper....
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To preserve Peaches whole.
To preserve Peaches whole.
Take the Newington Peach, when full ripe, split it, and take out the Stone, then have ready a Pan of boiling Water, drop in the Peaches, and let them have a few Moments scalding; then take them out, and put them into as much Sugar, only clarified, as will cover them, give them a Boil round, then scum them and set them by till the next Day; then boil some more Sugar to blow very strong, which Sugar put to the Peaches, and give them a good Boil, scum them, and set them by till the Day following; t
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To preserve Peach-Chips.
To preserve Peach-Chips.
Pare your Peaches, and take out the Stones, then cut them into very thin Slices, not thicker than the Blade of a Knife; then to every Pound of Chips take one Pound and an Half of Sugar, boiled to blow very strong, then throw in the Chips, and give them a good Boil, then let them settle a little, take off the Scum, and let them stand a Quarter of an Hour, then give them another good Boil, and let them settle as before; then take off the Scum, cover them, and set them by; the next Day drain them,
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To put them in Jelly.
To put them in Jelly.
Draw a Jelly from Codlins, and when they are boiled enough, take as much Jelly as Sugar, boil the Sugar to blow very strong, then put in the Jelly, give it a Boil and put it to the Chips; give all a Boil and scum them, then put them into your Glasses....
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To preserve Walnuts White.
To preserve Walnuts White.
Take the largest French Walnuts, when full grown, but before they are hard, pare off the green Shell to the White, and put them into fair Water; then throw them into boiling Water, and boil them till very tender; then drain them and put them into a clarified Sugar, give them a gentle Heat; the next Day boil some more Sugar to blow, and put it to them, giving them a Boil; the next Day boil some more Sugar to blow very strong, put it to the Walnuts, give them a Boil, scum them, and put them by, th
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To preserve Walnuts Black.
To preserve Walnuts Black.
Take of the smaller Sort of Walnuts, when full grown, and not shelled; boil them in Water till very tender, but not to break, so they will become black; then drain them, and stick a Clove in every one, and put them into your preserving Pan, and if you have any Peach Syrup, or of that of the white Walnuts, it will be as well or better than Sugar; put as much Syrup as will cover the Walnuts, boil them very well, then scum them and set them by; the next Day boil the Syrup till it becomes smooth, th
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To preserve Nectarines.
To preserve Nectarines.
Split the Nectarines, and take out the Stones, then put them into a clarified Sugar; boil them round, till they have well taken Sugar; then take off the Scum, cover them with a Paper and set them by; the next Day boil a little more Sugar till it blows very strong, and put it to the Nectarines, and give them a good Boil; take off the Scum, cover them, and put them into the Stove; the next Day drain them and lay them out to dry, first dusting them a little, then put them into the Stove....
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To preserve green Amber-Plumbs.
To preserve green Amber-Plumbs.
Take the green Amber-Plumbs, when full grown, prick them in two or three Places, and put them into cold Water; then set them over the Fire to scald, in which you must be very careful not to let the Water become too hot, lest you hurt them; when they are very tender, put them into a very thin Sugar, that is to say, one Part Sugar, and two Parts Water; give them a little Warm in this Sugar, and cover them over; the next Day give them a Warm again; the third Day drain them and boil the Syrup, addin
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To preserve Green Orange-Plumbs.
To preserve Green Orange-Plumbs.
Take the green Orange-Plumbs, when full grown, before they turn, prick them with a fine Bodkin, as thick all over as possible you can; put them into cold Water as you prick them, when all are done, set them over a very slow Fire, and scald them with the utmost Care you can, nothing being so subject to break, for if the Skin flies they are worth nothing; when they are very tender, take them off the Fire and set them by in the same Water for two or three Days; when they become sour, and begin to f
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To preserve the green Mogul-Plumb.
To preserve the green Mogul-Plumb.
Take this Plumb when just upon the turning ripe, prick with a Pen-knife to the very Stone on that Side where the Cleft is, put them into cold Water as you do them, then set them over a very slow Fire to scald; when they are become very tender, take them carefully out of the Water and put them into a thin Sugar, that is, half Sugar, and half Water, warm them gently, then cover them, and set them by; the next Day give them another Warm and set them by; the Day following drain their Syrup and boil
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To preserve the Green Admirable-Plumb.
To preserve the Green Admirable-Plumb.
This is a little round Plumb, about the Size of a Damson; it leaves the Stone, when ripe, is somewhat inclining to a Yellow in Colour, and very well deserves its Name, being of the finest Green when done, and with the tenth Part of the Trouble and Charge, as you will find by the Receipt. Take this Plumb, when full grown, and just upon the Turn, prick them with a Pen-knife in two or three Places, and scald them, by Degrees, till the Water becomes very hot, for they will even bear boiling; continu
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To preserve yellow Amber-Plumbs.
To preserve yellow Amber-Plumbs.
Take these Plumbs, when full ripe, put them into your preserving Pan, and put to them as much Sugar as will cover them, and give them a very good Boil; then let them settle a little, and give them another Boil three or four Times round the Fire, scum them, and the next Day drain them from the Syrup, and return them again into the Pan, and boil as much fresh Sugar as will cover them to blow; give them a thorough Boiling, and scum them, and set them in the Stove twenty-four Hours; then drain them,
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To put Plumbs in Jelly.
To put Plumbs in Jelly.
Any of these Sorts of Plumbs are very agreeable in Jelly, and the same Method will do for all as for one: I might make some Difference which would only help to confound the Practitioner, and thereby swell this Treatise in many Places; but, as I have promised, so I will endeavour to lay down the easiest Method I can to avoid Prolixity, and proceed as above, viz. [Plumbs in Jelly.] When your Plumbs are preserved in their first Sugar, and you have drained them in order to put them in a second, they
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To preserve green Figs.
To preserve green Figs.
Take the small green Figs, slit them on the Top, and put them in Salt and Water for ten Days, and make your Pickle as follows. Put in as much Salt into the Water as will make it bear an Egg, then let it settle, take the Scum off, and put the clear Brine to the Figs, and keep them in Water for ten Days; then put them into fresh Water, and boil them till a Pin will easily pass into them; then drain them and put them into other fresh Water, shifting them every Day for four Days; then drain them, an
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To preserve ripe Figs.
To preserve ripe Figs.
Take the white Figs, when ripe, slit them in the Top, and put them into a clarified Sugar, and give them a good Boil; then scum them, and set them by; the next Day boil some more Sugar till it blows, and pour it upon them, and boil them again very well, scum them and set them in the Stove; the Day after drain them and lay them out to dry, first dusting them very well....
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To preserve green Oranges.
To preserve green Oranges.
Take the green Oranges and slit them on one Side, and put them into a Brine of Salt and Water, as strong as will bear an Egg, in which you must soak them at least fifteen Days; then drain them and put them into fresh Water, and boil them tender; then put them into fresh Water, again, shifting them every Day for five Days together; then give them another Scald, and put them into a clarified Sugar; then give them a Boil, and set them by till next Day, then boil them again; the next Day add some mo
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To preserve green Grapes.
To preserve green Grapes.
Take the largest and best Grapes before they are thorough ripe, stone them and scald them, but let them lie two Days in the Water they were scalded in; then drain them and put them into a thin Syrup, and give them a Heat over a slow Fire; the next Day turn the Grapes in the Pan and warm them again; the Day after drain them and put them into a clarified Sugar, give them a good Boil, and scum them, and set them by; the following Day boil some more Sugar to blow, and put it to the Grapes, and give
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To preserve Bell-Grapes in Jelly.
To preserve Bell-Grapes in Jelly.
Take the long, large Bell, or Rouson-Grapes, and pick them from the Stalks, then Stone them and put them in boiling Water, and give them a thorough Scald; then take them from the Fire and cover them close down, so that no Steam can come out; then set them upon a very gentle Fire, so as not to boil for two or three Hours; then take them out, and put them into a clarified Sugar boiled, till it blows very strong, as much Sugar as will a little more than cover them; then give them a good Boil and le
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