The GnôSis Of The Light
F. Lamplugh
13 chapters
2 hour read
Selected Chapters
13 chapters
London John M. Watkins 21 Cecil Court, Charing Cross Road, W.C.2 1918
London John M. Watkins 21 Cecil Court, Charing Cross Road, W.C.2 1918
I have loved you, and have longed to give you Life. Blessed is he who crucifieth the World and hath not suffered the World to crucify him. Blessed is the man who knoweth these things, who hath brought Heaven down upon Earth and hath taken Earth and hath lifted it up unto Heaven, and hath so wrought that the Midst is a Nothing. The Book of the Gnoses of the Invisible God....
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This translation of the ancient Gnôstic work, called by Schmidt, the Untitled Apocalypse , is based chiefly on Amélineau's French version of the superior MS. of the Codex Brucianus, now in the Bodleian Library, Oxford. In making the rendering I have studied the context carefully, and have not neglected the Greek words interspersed with the Coptic; also I have availed myself of Mr Mead's translation of certain important passages from Schmidt's edition, for purposes of comparison. Anything that I
15 minute read
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The Gnôsis of the Light
The Gnôsis of the Light
[ 1 ]This is the Father of all Fathers, the God of all ... Gods, Lord of all Lords, Sonship of all Sons, Saviour of all Saviours, Invisible of all Invisibles, Infinity of all Infinities, Uncontainable of all Uncontainables, Beyond-the-Deep of all Beyond-the-Deeps, Space of all Spaces. This is the Spiritual Mind which existed before all Spiritual Minds, the Holy Place comprehending all Holy Places, the Good comprehending all Goods. This is the Seed of all good things. It is He who has brought the
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(1) The centre of the Universe, which is everywhere and nowhere; the ideal unity in diversity, from which all things flow out and into which all things return. Just as Jerusalem was held to be the centre of the earth, so was this "City" held to be the hidden centre of the Universe; hence it is often named "Jerusalem Above, who is the Mother of us all." It is the principle at once of universality and individuality, the real "ground" or centre of the soul. It is called the "House of the Father" be
31 minute read
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The Ladder of Reality.
The Ladder of Reality.
"A book with a message. It deals with those interior things of life that under the stress of life to-day are coming more and more into the outer world, fore-runners of a new grade of spiritual evolution which will lift us all by degrees out of the 'narrow schemings and unworthy cares' that have cramped us so painfully in the past."...
26 minute read
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The Path of the Eternal Wisdom.
The Path of the Eternal Wisdom.
A Mystical Commentary on the Way of the Cross....
12 minute read
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The Spiral Way.
The Spiral Way.
Being Meditations upon the Fifteen Mysteries of the Soul's Ascent....
11 minute read
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Early English Instructions and Devotions.
Early English Instructions and Devotions.
Rendered into Modern English by GERALDINE E. HODGSON, D. Litt., Lecturer in Education in the University of Bristol....
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A Handbook of Mystical Theology.
A Handbook of Mystical Theology.
Being an Abridgment of "Il Direttorio Mistico," by G. B. SCARAMELLI, S.J. CONTENTS.—Preface—Preliminary—Contemplation generally—Grades of Contemplation—Visions—Locutions and Revelations—Purgation....
13 minute read
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Being Studies in Christian Mysticism. By WALTER LESLIE WILMSHURST.
Being Studies in Christian Mysticism. By WALTER LESLIE WILMSHURST.
CONTENTS.—Concerning Thieves—On Crucifixion—The Tethered Ass—The Raising of the Dead—When Two shall be One—The New Priesthood—St. Winefride's Well and Legend—The Scientific Apprehension of the Super-Physical World....
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The Way to Christ.
The Way to Christ.
Described in the following treatises: Of True Repentance—Of True Resignation—Of the Super-Sensual Life—Of Regeneration....
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The Following of Christ.
The Following of Christ.
Done into English by J. R. MORELL....
16 minute read
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The Way to Christ:
The Way to Christ:
Of True Repentance. Of True Resignation. Of Regeneration. Of the Supersensual Life....
12 minute read
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