Vestiges Of The Mayas
Augustus Le Plongeon
14 chapters
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14 chapters
OR, Facts tending to prove that Communications and Intimate Relations must have existed, in very remote times, between the inhabitants of MAYAB AND THOSE OF ASIA AND AFRICA. BY AUGUSTUS Le PLONGEON, M. D. , Member of the American Antiquarian Society of Worcester, Mass., of the California Academy of Sciences, and several other Scientific Societies. Author of various Essays and Scientific Works. NEW YORK: JOHN POLHEMUS, PRINTER AND STATIONER, 102 NASSAU STREET. 1881. To MR. PIERRE LORILLARD. Who d
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The learned author places ‘ Ra ’ at the head of the Pantheon, stating that the meaning of the word is simply God , or the God emphatically. We know that Ra was the Sun among the Egyptians, and that the hieroglyph, a circle, representation of that God was the same in Babylon as in Egypt. It formed an element in the native name of Babylon. Which was ka-ra . Now the Mayas called LA , that which has existed for ever, the truth par excellence . As to the native name of Babylon it would simply be the
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Ana, like Ra, is thought to have signified God in the highest sense. Its etymology seems to be problematic. His epithets mark priority and antiquity; the original chief , the father of the gods , the lord of darkness or death . The Maya gives us A , thy ; NA , mother . At times he was called Dis , and was the patron god of Erech , the great city of the dead, the necropolis of Lower Babylonia. Tix , Maya is a cavity formed in the earth. It seems to have given its name to the city of Niffer , call
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the supposed wife of Ana, has no peculiar characteristics. Her name is only, says our author, the feminine form of the masculine, Ana. But the Maya designates her as the companion of Ana; TA , with; Anata with Ana ....
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seems to mean merely Lord. It is usually followed by a qualificative adjunct, possessing great interest, Nipru . To that name, which recalls that of Nebroth or Nimrod , the author gives a Syriac etymology; napar (make to flee). His epithets are the supreme , the father of the gods , the procreator . The Maya gives us Bil , or Bel ; the way, the road; hence the origin , the father, the procreator. Also ENA , who is before; again the father, the procreator. As to the qualificative adjunct nipru .
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is the wife of Bel-nipru . But she is more than his mere female power. She is a separate and important deity. Her common title is the Great Goddess . In Chaldea her name was Mulita or Enuta , both words signifying the lady. Her favorite title was the mother of the gods , the origin of the gods. In Maya BEL is the road, the way; and TE means here . Belté or Beltis would be I am the way, the origin. Mulita would correspond to MUL-TE , many here, many in me . I am the mother of many. Her other name
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The God Fish, the mystic animal, half man, half fish, which came up from the Persian gulf to teach astronomy and letters to the first settlers on the Euphrates and Tigris. According to Berosus the civilization was brought to Mesopotamia by Oannes and six other beings, who, like himself, were half man, half fish, and that they came from the Indian Ocean. We have already seen that the Mayas of India were not only architects, but also astronomers; and the symbolic figure of a being half man and hal
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Is the wife of Hoa , and her name is thought to signify the chief lady. But the Maya again gives us another meaning that seems to me more appropriate. Tab-kin would be the rays of the sun : the rays of the light brought with civilization by her husband to benighted inhabitants of Mesopotamia....
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is the name of the moon deity; the etymology of it is quite uncertain. Its titles, as Rawlison remarks, are somewhat vague. Yet it is particularly designated as “ the bright , the shining ” the lord of the month. Zin in Maya has also many significations. Zin is to stretch, to extend. Zinil is the extension of the whole of the universe. Hurki would be the Maya Hulkin —sun-stroked; he who receives directly the rays of the sun. Hurki is also the god presiding over buildings and architecture; in thi
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the Sun God, the lord of fire , the ruler of the day . He who illumines the expanse of heaven and earth . Zamal (Maya) is the morning, the dawn of the day, and his symbols are the same on the temples of Yucatan as on those of Chaldea, India and Egypt....
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the prince of the powers of the air, the lord of the whirlwind and the tempest, the wielder of the thunderbolt, the lord of the air, he who makes the tempest to rage. Hiba in Maya is to rub, to scour, to chafe as does the tempest. As Vul he is represented with a flaming sword in his hand. Hul (Maya) an arrow. He is then the god of the atmosphere, who gives rain....
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the Chaldean Venus, of the etymology of whose name no satisfactory account can be given, says the learned author, whose list I am following and description quoting. The Maya language, however, affords a very natural etymology. Her name seems composed of ix , the feminine article, she ; and of tac , or tal , a verb that signifies to have a desire to satisfy a corporal want or inclination. Ixtal would, therefore, be she who desires to satisfy a corporal inclination. As to her other name, Nana , it
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The first king of the Chaldees was a great architect. To him are ascribed the most archaic monuments of the plains of Lower Mesopotamia. He is said to have conceived the plans of the Babylonian Temple. He constructed his edifices of mud and bricks, with rectangular bases, their angles fronting the cardinal points; receding stages, exterior staircases, with shrines crowning the whole structure. In this description of the primitive constructions of the Chaldeans, no one can fail to recognize the M
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The etymology of the name of that country, as well as that of Asshur, the supreme god of the Assyrians, who never pronounced his name without adding “Asshur is my lord,” is still an undecided matter amongst the learned philologists of our days. Some contend that the country was named after the god Asshur; others that the god Asshur received his name from the place where he was worshiped. None agree, however, as to the significative meaning of the name Asshur. In Assyrian and Hebrew languages the
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