Lincoln's Last Hours
Charles Augustus Leale
2 chapters
31 minute read
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2 chapters
President Abraham Lincoln
President Abraham Lincoln
Commander and Companions of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States: At the historic pageant in Washington, when the remains of President Lincoln were being taken from the White House to the Capitol, a carriage immediately preceding the catafalque was assigned to me. Outside were the crowds, the martial music, but inside the carriage I was plunged in deep self-communion, until aroused by a gentle tap at the window of my carriage door. An officer of high rank put his head insi
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Lincoln's Last Hours
Lincoln's Last Hours
One of the most cruel wars in the history of the world had nearly closed. The people of the United States were rejoicing at the prospect of peace and returning happiness. President Lincoln, after the surrender of General Robert E. Lee, visited Richmond, Virginia, exposing himself to great danger, and on his return delivered an address from the balcony of the White House. I was then a Commissioned Officer in the Medical Department of the United States Army, having been appointed from my native St
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