Women In White Raiment
John Lemley
12 chapters
7 hour read
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12 chapters
Women in White Raiment,
Women in White Raiment,
BY JOHN LEMLEY, EDITOR OF THE ZION’S WATCHMAN, AND AUTHOR OF “ The Christ Lifted Up ,” “ Land of Sacred Story ,” “ Wonders of Grace ,” “ Personal Recollections ,” Etc. “They shall walk with me in white; for they shall be worthy, ... and shall be clothed in white raiment.”— Rev. iii: 4, 5. THE FIRST EDITION. Albany, New York , 1899. “They shall walk with me in white; for they shall be worthy, ... and shall be clothed in white raiment.”— Rev. iii: 4, 5. THE FIRST EDITION. Albany, New York , 1899..
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It has long been in our mind to write this book, in which we seek to set forth the beautiful lives of representative women of the Bible. There has been much written about prophets, kings and priests, about our Lord and His Apostles, about scenes, of different types of character, customs and manners of Oriental life, but so far as we know, nothing has been written about the womanhood of the Bible. We believe a study of these lovely Princesses of God will be both profitable and instructive. That w
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CHAPTER I. The Paradise Home in Eden.
CHAPTER I. The Paradise Home in Eden.
Man’s First Home a Garden—Eve the Isha—The Scene of the Temptation—Hiding from God—Refusing to Confess, Judgment is Pronounced—The Sad Results of Sin—Eve Believed the Promise. Perhaps there never lived a woman who has been “talked about” so much as this first woman in White Raiment, for who has not said, If Eve had not been beguiled into a violation of the one commandment by partaking of the fruit of the forbidden tree, we would all be as happy and sinless as was she and her husband before that
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CHAPTER II. Womanhood in the Patriarchal Age.
CHAPTER II. Womanhood in the Patriarchal Age.
Sarah the Beautiful Princess—Her Faith Tested—The Mistake of Her Life—Her Lovely Character—Rebekah—An Oriental Wooing—Eliezer’s Prayer—The Bride’s Answer—Meeting Isaac—A Mother’s Love for Her Son—Jacob’s Flight—Rebekah, the Beautiful Shepherdess—Seven Years’ Service for Her—Laban’s Deception—Leah, the Tender-Eyed—Human Favorites—Divinely Honored—Rachel’s Tomb the First Monument to Human Love. From the prominence given to Eve in connection with the temptation and the overwhelming disasters which
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CHAPTER III. Womanhood During the Egyptian Bondage and in the Desert of Sinai.
CHAPTER III. Womanhood During the Egyptian Bondage and in the Desert of Sinai.
Jochebed—Her Remarkable Courage—Thonoris—Her Compassion—Heroic Labors Seemingly Unrewarded—Zipporah, the Midianite Shepherdess—Glorifying Daily Labor—At a Wayside Inn—Miriam—Her Song of Triumph at the Red Sea—Her Affliction at Hazeroth—An Eventful Life. The history of the human race runs on from the tomb of Rachel for over four hundred years without bringing to our notice any woman in White Raiment until Jochebed, the mother of Moses, is reached. In the meantime, the dreams of Joseph are told, h
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CHAPTER IV. Womanhood During the Conquest and the Theocracy, or Rule of the Judges.
CHAPTER IV. Womanhood During the Conquest and the Theocracy, or Rule of the Judges.
Rahab—Great Grace for Great Sinners—The Fall of Jericho—The Covenant Remembered—Deborah—Her Remarkable Courage—Sisera’s Iron Chariots Broken—The Daughter of Jephthah—Her Loving Devotion and Sacrifice—The Story of Naomi—Orpah’s Kiss—The Loving Ruth—Gleaning Among the Reapers—Her Rich Reward—Hannah—Her Consecration—Yearly Visits to Shiloh—Stitching Beautiful Thoughts into Samuel’s Coat—Her Beautiful Life. After the death of Miriam at Kadesh, on the borders of Zin, and the death of Aaron on Mount H
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CHAPTER V. Womanhood During the Reign of the Kings.
CHAPTER V. Womanhood During the Reign of the Kings.
Abigail—Churlish Nabal—Chivalrous Appreciation—David’s Messengers—Saul’s Daughters—His Treachery—Michal’s Stratagem—Rizpah—Her Heroic Endurance and Loving Fidelity—The Queen of Sheba—Her Visit to Jerusalem—The Glory and Wisdom of Solomon—The Half Not Told—The Queen’s Royal Gifts. Passing out from under the Theocracy, or rule of the Judges, the first woman in White Raiment that appears on the page of the Sacred Record is Abigail. She was the wife of Nabal, a wealthy owner of goats and sheep in Ca
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CHAPTER VI. Womanhood in the Time of the Prophets and During the Captivity.
CHAPTER VI. Womanhood in the Time of the Prophets and During the Captivity.
The Wicked Jezebel—The Widow of Sarepta—The Tishbite at the City Gate—His Strange Request—The Widow’s Unfaltering Obedience—An Appeal to Elisha—A Pot of Oil—The Widow’s Wonderful Faith—The Rich Woman of Shunem—Her Modest Life—Barley Harvest—A Ride to Carmel in the Glare of the Sun—Esther—Her Beautiful Traits of Character—Crowned as Queen—Pleading for the Life of Her People—Found Favor with the King. The glory of the united kingdom of Israel, described in the last chapter, in a few years departed
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CHAPTER VII. Womanhood in the Time of the Saviour’s Nativity.
CHAPTER VII. Womanhood in the Time of the Saviour’s Nativity.
An Angel by the Altar of Incense—His Message—An Israelitish Home—In the Spirit of Elijah—The Desert Teacher—The Annunciation—The Visit of Mary to Elizabeth—Mary’s Magnificat—Journey to Bethlehem—The Nativity—Home Life in Nazareth—After Scenes in Mary’s Life—Her Residence and Death at Ephesus—The Prophetess Anna—Her Waiting for Redemption in Jerusalem—The Lesson of Her Pure and Beautiful Life. Isaiah , looking adown the ages to the coming of Christ’s Kingdom, likened it to waters breaking out in
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CHAPTER VIII. Womanhood During our Lord’s Galilean Ministry.
CHAPTER VIII. Womanhood During our Lord’s Galilean Ministry.
Christ and Womanhood—Noontide at Jacob’s Well—The Lord’s Wonderful Tact—Fields White to the Harvest—An Uninvited Guest at Simon’s Feast—Cold Hospitality—A Concise Parable—Forgiving Sin—A Street Scene—Humble Confession—Most Gracious Words—Coast of Tyre and Sidon—Syro-Phœnician Woman—Strangely Tested—Her Humility—Went Away Blessed. We now come to the beautiful ministries of womanhood during our Lord’s earthly mission. No teacher had ever lived who sought to elevate women as did the Saviour. The mo
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CHAPTER IX. Womanhood During Our Lord’s Judean Ministry.
CHAPTER IX. Womanhood During Our Lord’s Judean Ministry.
The Sisters of Bethany—Their Characteristics—Not Good, But Best Gifts—The Extravagance of Love—Salome’s Strange Request—Her Fidelity—Joanna—The Poor Widow’s Gift—How Estimated—The Saviour’s Words of Peace. The sisters of Bethany, Martha and Mary, come to our view three times during our Lord’s Judean ministry. The first view we have of them is recorded in Luke x, 38-42, where these sisters entertain our Lord after a long, weary day’s teaching. The second is recorded in John xi, 1-46, and relates
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CHAPTER X. Womanhood During the Apostolic Ministry.
CHAPTER X. Womanhood During the Apostolic Ministry.
Tabitha—Glorified Her Needle—The Results of Little Acts—Lydia—Her Humility—Philip’s Four Daughters—Phœbe—Priscilla—Eunice—Lois—Eudia—Syntyche—Hulda—The Hebrew Maid—Tamar—Mothers of Great Men—The Author of the Bible Woman’s Best Friend. We now come to the blessed ministry of women during the Apostolic age. And the first of these is Tabitha. Her residence was at Joppa. She was a “disciple,” and Luke renders her name, Tabitha, out of the Aramaic into the Greek as Dorcas. We further read that she wa
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