A Letter To American Workingmen
Vladimir Il'ich Lenin
3 chapters
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3 chapters
From the Socialist Soviet Republic of Russia By N. LENIN Reprinted from THE CLASS STRUGGLE December, 1918 Price—5 Cents NEW YORK THE SOCIALIST PUBLICATION SOCIETY 431 PULASKI ST., BROOKLYN, N. Y. December, 1918...
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A Letter to American Workingmen
A Letter to American Workingmen
By N. Lenin. Moscow, August 20, 1918. Comrades: A Russian Bolshevik who participated in the Revolution of 1905 and for many years afterwards lived in your country has offered to transmit this letter to you. I have grasped this opportunity joyfully for the revolutionary proletariat of America—insofar as it is the enemy of American imperialism—is destined to perform an important task at this time. The history of modern civilized America opens with one of those really revolutionary wars of liberati
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The Class Struggle Devoted to International Socialism
The Class Struggle Devoted to International Socialism
EDITED BY LOUIS C. FRAINA and LUDWIG LORE Articles have been contributed by Lenin, Trotzky, Litvinoff, Katayama, Franz Mehring, Friedrich Adler, Karl Liebknecht, Rosa Luxemburg, Santeri Nuorteva, and others. $1.50 per year; 25 cents a copy. We have also on hand the following pamphlets, some of which are reprints from The Class Struggle: Special Rates to Agents and Socialist Locals The Socialist Publication Society 431 PULASKI ST., BROOKLYN, N. Y. The Co Operative Press, 15 Spruce St., New York..
29 minute read
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