Il Nipotismo DI Roma, Or, The History Of The Popes Nephews
Gregorio Leti
10 chapters
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10 chapters
Il Nipotismo di Roma:
Il Nipotismo di Roma:
OR, THE HISTORY OF THE POPES NEPHEWS From the time of Sixtus the IV. to the Death of the last Pope ALEXANDER the VII. In two Parts. Written Originally in Italian , in the year 1667. and Englished by W. A. LONDON , Printed for John Starkey , at the Miter near Temple-Bar in Fleet-street , 1669....
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The Author to the READER.
The Author to the READER.
Kind Reader, I should have much to say to thee , and not a few Ceremonies to Complement thee withall , if two Considerations did not make me resolve to hold my peace , and abstain from that courtship , which would become a Preface .  The first is , because I will not ( as the Proverb sayes ) reckon without mine Hoste, and fill thy ears with excuses , before I know whether thy intention be to hear them or no .  Secondly, because I think it will not be amiss to forbear Ceremonies in the presence o
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In which is treated , of the difference that there is between the ancient and New Rome.  Of the manner of Governing of the ancient Romans.  And of the manner of the Popes governing .  Of the murmurs of the Gentiles , Hereticks , and Catholicks , against the Church of Rome and the Popes .  How to come to the knowledge of present state of Rome by the said murmurs .  Of the time in which people began to talk ill of the Popes, and of the cause of this their libertie .  Of the Popes first bringing th
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In which is discoursed , of the first bringing the Nipotismo into Rome, which happened under Sixtus the fourth , too much inclined to favour his kindred .  Of the lascivious life , and of the death of Cardinal Peter his Nephew .  Of the government of the Church transferred to Jerom Peter’s brother .  Of the number of Sixtus his Nephews .  Of the selling of many Jewels .  Of the murmurs of the Romans against this Pope .  Of the succession of Innocent the eighth to the Popedome .  How he was natur
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In which is treated , of the election of Urban the eighth to the Popedome .  Of the creation and disposition of Cardinal Barbarino a Capucin.  Of the Places and Offices given to Don Tadeo.  Of the promotion of the two Brothers , Francesco and Antonio Barbarini, to be Cardinals .  Of their avidity in getting money .  Of some Prelates offended and moved to indignation , to see that their services were so little recompenced by the Pope .  Of the Cardinal Filomarini, made Arch-Bishop of Naples.  Of
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To satisfie the curiosity of an infinite number of Persons , who , having seen scarce any thing else of the Nipotismo besides the Title , do enquire after the Book with much earnestness , I have made hast to Print this Second Part , that so you might have it compleat ; and I doubt not but you will be infinitely pleased with it .  It is true , my intention was , in conformity to the Authors , to have waited yet a little longer ; because that Affairs in Rome seem inclinable to a change : But it wa
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In which is treated , of the mischief which the Popedome brings upon the Popes.  Of two particular Examples about that .  Of two Protestant Gentlemen that went to Rome to see the Court , and the Church-mens way of living , and what came of it .  Of the scandal which the Hereticks receive from the Popes Kindred .  Of the particular reasons which move the Popes to the advancement of their Kindred : which are the love they bear to their own Bloud , the conservation of their Persons , and the Policy
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In which is discoursed , of all the good and ill that the Pope’s Nephews have done the Church ever since Sixtus the Fourth .  Of the Church of Christ , compared to a Field .  Of those that first bestowed Riches upon the Church .  Of the insatiability of the Nipotismo in general .  Of the Princes that murmur against the mischiefs caused by the Pope’s Nephews in Christendom.  Of the honour that Princes receive in bestowing Revenues upon the Church .  How the Scandal was first introduced in the Chu
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Of the difficulty which the Ministers of Princes meet with in treating with the Nephews of the Pope.  Of those things that prevail most in the Nipotismo.  Of the policy of the Church-men .  Of the way the Court of Rome useth to make others to conform to their designs .  What Graces are hard to be found in Rome.  Of what they ought to be provided of , that would dispatch their business well with the Pope.  Of the Roman Climate , subject to variation .  Of the causes why some Ministers lose themse
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THE SUCCESSION OF THE POPES Mentioned in this Book.
THE SUCCESSION OF THE POPES Mentioned in this Book.
Sixtus IV. began his Papacy, Anno 1471 Innocent VIII. 1484 Alexander VI. 1492 Pius III. 1503 Julius II. 1504 Leo X. 1514 Adrian VI. 1522 Clement VII. 1524 Paul III. 1534 Julius III. 1550 Marcellus II. 1557 Paul IV. 1558 Pius IV. 1562 Pius V. 1568 Gregory XIII. 1574 Sixtus V. 1587 Urban VII. 1592 Gregory XIIII. 1593 Innocent IX. 1594 Clement VIII. 1596 Leo XI. 1607 Paul V. Gregory XV. 1623 Urban VIII. 1625 Innocent X. 1644 Alexander VII. 1655 FINIS....
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