Synopsis Of Some Genera Of The Large Pyrenomycetes
C. G. (Curtis Gates) Lloyd
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The receipt of a nice specimen of Camillea Cyclops from Rev. Torrend, Brazil, has induced us to work over the similar species in our collection. On our last visit to Europe we photographed the various specimens we found in the museums, but did not study them as to structure. However, they make such characteristic photographs that we believe the known species can be determined from our figures. We are all familiar with the common Hypoxylons that form little globose, black balls, usually on dead l
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CAMILLEA LEPRIEURII (Fig. 826).—Carbonous, black, cylindrical, 2-3 cm. long, 3-4 mm. thick. Apex truncate, excavate. Perithecia linear, near apex of stroma. Asci (teste Montagne) linear, 8 spored. Spores (pale) spindle shape, dark, 6-7 × 25-35 mic. A most peculiar and apparently a rare species. All the specimens I have noted came to Montagne from Leprieur, French Guiana. Berkeley records it from Brazil, Spruce, but I think it has not been collected in recent years. Our figure 826 is from specime
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This might be made a genus, corresponding to Hypoxylon as to stroma, but having the stroma hollow and filled with a pulverulent mass. In reality, I think it is a better Camillea, the perithecia arranged the same way, not permanent, but broken up at an early stage. Of course, it is only an inference. Léveillé states that it has the spores borne on hyphae (acrogenous), but I do not place much value on Léveillé's statements. Patouillard, after admitting that he saw nothing but this powdery mass, ad
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The scanty knowledge we have of the real structure of this group of plants leaves much to speculation. They are all evidently closely related plants, and I think best classified under one general head, or genus, Camillea. They are quite different from the Hypoxylons of the temperate region, although we do not question that the tropical species are included in Saccardo mostly under Hypoxylon. When we come to compare what little we know of the species we find several differences on which "genera"
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The following plants are compiled in the section Thamnomyces in Saccardo. None of them are true Thamnomyces, and most of them could go into Fries' genera Rhizomorpha. I do not believe, however, it is possible to keep Rhizomorpha separate from Xylaria. The type species Xylaria setosa is quite different from the normal type of Xylarias in having entirely carbonous, filiform stems and superficial perithecia, but both of these features merge into Xylaria through so many intermediate species that the
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