A Little Catechism; With Little Verses And Little Sayings For Little Children
John Mason
4 chapters
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4 chapters
LONDON , Printed for John Lawrence at the Angel in the Poultrey , 1692. A Catalogue of Books , &c. Husband Mr. Joseph Rowlandson , &c. Remarks on the Affairs of Trade of England and Ireland , &c. Officium Cleri Desiderium Populi , or Canonical Obedience asserted and proved to be the Duty of Gospel Ministers, and the Desire of all good Hearers. Books in Octavo. The Catechizing of Families, a Teacher of Householders how to teach their Households; useful also to School-maste
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A CATECHISM For Little Children to Learn.
A CATECHISM For Little Children to Learn.
Question. Who made you? Answer. GOD. Quest. Who Redeemed you? Answ. Jesus Christ. Quest. Who Sanctifieth and preserves you? Answ. The Holy Ghost. Quest. Wherefore did God make you? Answ. To Serve him. Quest. How must he be served? Answ. In Spirit and in Truth. Quest. What is it to serve God? Answ. To keep his Commandements. Quest. How many Commandments be there? Answ. Ten. Quest. Which be they? Answ. The same which God spoke in the twentieth Chapter of Exodus , saying, I am the Lord thy God, who
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VERSES, For little Children to Learn.
VERSES, For little Children to Learn.
I Must Pray Both Night and Day. Before I Eat, I must entreat That God would Bless to me my Meat. I must not play On the Sabbath-day: But I must hear God's Word in Fear. I must not SWEAR. I must not Lye, I must not Feign, I must not take God's Name in vain. I must not Rail. I must not Steal. It is a Sin To steal a Pin, Much more to steal a greater thing. It's better for me to be poor, And beg my Bread from door to door, Than to steal my Neighbour's Store. I must Work, and I must Pray, And God wil
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SAYINGS, For little Children to Learn.
SAYINGS, For little Children to Learn.
Remember thy Creator in the dayes of thy Youth; and thy Creator will remember thee in the dayes of thy Old Age. Praying Is better than Playing. Grace is better than Gold. Singing of Psalms Is better than Ringing of Bells. Mothers love young Children, And Christ loves young Saints. It is better not to live in the World, Than to live without God in the World. One day in God's Courts, Is better than a thousand elsewhere. God's Presence makes Heaven, and God's Absence makes Hell. If I draw nigh to G
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