European Fungus Flora: Agaricaceae
George Massee
7 chapters
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7 chapters
Amanita . Volva and ring present. Gills usually free, rarely adnexed or adnate. (Volva sometimes not evident round base of stem, but loose patches on pileus prove its presence.) Amanitopsis . Volva present, ring absent; gills free. Lepiota . Ring present, volva absent; gills free. (In some sp. the ring is imperfect, and in a few the gills are slightly attached.) Hiatula . Gills free; volva and ring absent. Armillaria . Ring present, volva absent; gills attached. Tricholoma . Gills sinuate; stem
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Chlorospora . Gills free; veil appendiculate; volva and ring absent. [ Chlorophyllum . Gills free; veil forming a persistent ring on the stem, volva absent. Not European.] Eyrei , Mass. (= Schulzeria Eyrei , Mass.) P. 2-4 cm. campan. then exp. and umb. even, glabrous, pale tan, edge appendiculate; g. free, clear pale green then deep bluish-green; s. 4-5 cm. equal, slightly wavy, pallid; sp. green, 4-5 × 3. The only known European representative of the Chlorosporae....
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Volvaria . Volva present; ring absent. Annularia . Volva absent; ring present, often falling away. Pluteus . Volva and ring both absent. Entoloma . Gills sinuate behind; edge of pileus incurved when young; stem fibrous or fleshy. Nolanea . Stem cartilaginous; pileus campanulate, edge straight and adpressed to stem when young. Leptonia . Stem cartilaginous; pileus convexo-plane, edge incurved at first; gills soon separating from stem. Clitopilus . Stem central, fibrous; edge of p. incurved at fir
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Paxillus . Margin of pileus persistently involute; gills decurrent or adnato-decurrent. Locellina . Volva and ring both present. Pholiota . Ring alone present. Pluteolus . Gills free. Bolbitius . Pileus membranaceous; gills deliquescent at maturity. Inocybe . Stem fleshy, fibrous externally; pileus fibrillose or scaly; gills sinuato-adnexed. Hebeloma . Stem fleshy, fibrous externally; pileus glabrous, viscid; gills sinuato-adnexed. Naucoria . Stem cartilaginous externally; edge of pileus incurve
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Chitonia . Volva present, ring absent. Agaricus . (= Psalliota , Fr.) Ring present, volva absent. Pilosace . Volva and ring both absent. Stropharia . Gills adnate dark brown or purplish. Anellaria . Gills adnexed, grey and clouded with the black spores. Gomphidius . Gills subgelatinous. Hypholoma . Gills sinuate, dark brown or blackish-purple; veil often hanging in fragments from edge of pileus. Panaeolus . Edge of pileus extending beyond the gills, pileus not striate. Psathyrella . Pileus sulca
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Armillaria focalis , Fr. (p. 14 ), should be placed in the genus Lepiota , following L. naucina , Fr., p. 11 . Cortinarius subsimilis , Fr. (p. 183 ), should be placed under the section " Gills olive or smoky ," p. 183 . Cortinarius Karstenii , Sacc. and Syd. This name should replace Cort. olivascens , Karsten, p. 191 . There is an earlier Cort. olivascens , Fries, p. 183 ....
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The following short list of comparatively recent works indicates where more detailed descriptions and illustrations of European Agarics may be consulted. General Works, containing descriptions of the Agarics of more than one country. Hymenomycetes Europaei, sive Epicriseos Systematis Mycologici; Elias Fries. Ed. II. Upsala, 1876. (Although not of recent date, this work cannot be omitted, inasmuch as it embodies the experience of over fifty years of continuous observation on the part of the autho
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