Civilization In The United States: First And Last Impressions Of America.
Matthew Arnold
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6 chapters
Civilization In The United States: First And Last Impressions Of America.
Civilization In The United States: First And Last Impressions Of America.
Matthew Arnold...
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General Grant
General Grant
I have heard it said, I know not with what degree of truth, that while the sale in America of General Grant's Personal Memoirs has produced Three hundred thousand dollars for. the benefit of his widow and family, there have not in England been sold of the book Three hundred copies. Certainly the book has had no wide circulation here, it has not been much read or much discussed. There are obvious reasons for this. The book relates in great detail the military history of the American Civil War, so
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II: A word about America
II: A word about America
Mr. Lowell, in an interesting but rather tart essay, “On a certain Condescension in foreigners,” warns off Englishmen who may be disposed to write or speak about the United States of America. “I never blamed England for not wishing well to democracy,” he cries; “How should she?”But the criticisms and dealings of Englishmen, in regard to the object of their ill-will, are apt, Mr. Lowell declares, to make him impatient. “Let them give up trying to understand us, still more thinking that they do, a
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III: A Word More About America
III: A Word More About America
When I was at Chicago last year, I was asked whether Lord Coleridge would not write a book about America. I ventured to answer confidently for him that he would do nothing of the kind. Not at Chicago only, but almost wherever I went, I was asked whether I myself did not intend to write a book about America. For oneself One can answer yet more confidently than for One's friends, and I always replied that most assuredly I had no such intention. To write a book about America, on the strength of hav
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IV: Civilization In The United States
IV: Civilization In The United States
Two or Three years ago I spoke in this Review on the subject of America; and after considering the institutions and the social condition of the people of the United States, I said that what, in the jargon of the present day, is called “The political and social problem,” does seem to be solved there with remarkable success. I pointed out the contrast which in this respect the United States offer to our own country,— a contrast, in several ways, much to their advantage. But I added that the soluti
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Standard And Popular Books
Standard And Popular Books
*** In order to insure the correct delivery of the actual works, or particular Editions specified in this List, the name of the Publishers should be distinctly given. These books can be had from any local bookseller; but should any difficulty be experienced in procuring them, Messrs. De Wolfe, Fiske & Co., will be happy to forward them direct, postage paid, on receipt of cheque, stamps or Postal order for the amount, with a copy of their complete catalogue. New Editions of W. H. H. Murray's
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