The American Credo
H. L. (Henry Louis) Mencken
495 chapters
3 hour read
Selected Chapters
495 chapters
The superficial, no doubt, will mistake this little book for a somewhat laborious attempt at jocosity. Because, incidentally to its main purpose, it unveils occasional ideas of so inordinate an erroneousness that they verge upon the ludicrous, it will be set down a piece of spoofing, and perhaps denounced as in bad taste. But all the while that main purpose will remain clear enough to the judicious. It is, in brief, the purpose of clarifying the current exchange of rhetorical gas bombs upon the
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In the case of the American of the multitude that accumulation of errors is of astounding bulk and consequence. His ideas are not only grossly misapprehended by all foreigners; they are often misapprehended by his own countrymen of superior education, and even by himself. This last, at first blush, may seem a mere effort at paradox, but its literal truth becomes patent on brief inspection. Ask the average American what is the salient passion in his emotional armamentarium—what is the idea that l
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But what, then, is the character that actually marks the American—that is, in chief? If he is not the exalted monopolist of liberty that he thinks he is nor the noble altruist and idealist he slaps upon the chest when he is full of rhetoric, nor the degraded dollar-chaser of European legend, then what is he? We offer an answer in all humility, for the problem is complex and there is but little illumination of it in the literature; nevertheless, we offer it in the firm conviction, born of twenty
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It seems to us that the genuine characters of the normal American, the characters which set him off most saliently from the men of other nations, are the fruits of all this risk of and capacity for change in status that we have described, and of the dreads and hesitations that go therewith. The American is marked, in fact, by precisely the habits of mind and act that one would look for in a man insatiably ambitious and yet incurably fearful, to wit, the habits, on the one hand, of unpleasant ass
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It is necessary to repeat that we rehearse all these facts, not in indignation, nor indeed in any spirit of carping whatever, but in perfect serenity and simply as descriptive sociologists. This attitude of mind is but little comprehended in America, where the emotions dominate all human reactions, and even such dismal sciences as paleontology, pathology and comparative philology are gaudily coloured by patriotic and other passions. The typical American learned man suffers horribly from the nati
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The mob delight in melodramatic and cruel spectacles, thus constantly fed and fostered by the judicial arm in the United States, is also at the bottom of another familiar American phenomenon, to wit, lynching. A good part of the enormous literature of lynching is devoted to a discussion of its causes, but most of that discussion is ignorant and some of it is deliberately mendacious. The majority of Southern commentators argue that the motive of the lynchers is a laudable yearning to "protect Sou
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No doubt we should apologize for writing, even so, so long a preface to so succinct a book. The one excuse we can think of is that, having read it, one need not read the book. That book, as we have said, may strike the superficial as jocular, but in actual fact it is a very serious and even profound composition, not addressed to the casual reader, but to the scholar. Its preparation involved a great diligence, and its study is not to be undertaken lightly. What the psychologist will find to admi
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That the philoprogenitive instinct in rabbits is so intense that the alliance of two normally assiduous rabbits is productive of 265 offspring in one year....
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That there are hundreds of letters in the Dead Letter Office whose failure to arrive at their intended destinations was instrumental in separating as many lovers....
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That the Italian who sells bananas on a push-cart always takes the bananas home at night and sleeps with them under his bed....
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That a man's stability in the community and reliability in business may be measured by the number of children he has....
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That in Japan an American can buy a beautiful geisha for two dollars and that, upon being bought, she will promptly fall madly in love with him and will run his house for him in a scrupulously clean manner....
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That all sailors are gifted with an extraordinary propensity for amour, but that on their first night of shore leave they hang around the water-front saloons and are given knock-out drops....
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That when a comedian, just before the rise of the curtain, is handed a telegram announcing the death of his mother or only child, he goes out on the stage and gives a more comic performance than ever....
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That the lions in the cage which a lion-tamer enters are always sixty years old and have had all their teeth pulled....
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That the Siamese Twins were joined together by gutta percha moulded and painted to look like a shoulder blade....
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That if a woman about to become a mother plays the piano every day, her baby will be born a Victor Herbert....
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That all excursion boats are so old that if they ran into a drifting beer-keg they would sink....
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That a doctor knows so much about women that he can no longer fall in love with one of them....
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That when one takes one's best girl to see the monkeys in the zoo, the monkeys invariably do something that is very embarrassing....
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That firemen, awakened suddenly in the middle of the night, go to fires in their stocking feet....
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That something mysterious goes on in the rooms back of chop suey restaurants....
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That oil of pennyroyal will drive away mosquitoes....
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That the old ladies on summer hotel verandas devote themselves entirely to the discussion of scandals....
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That a bachelor, expecting a feminine visitor, by way of subtle preliminary strategy smells up his rooms with Japanese punk....
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That all one has to do to gather a large crowd in New York is to stand on the curb a few moments and gaze intently at the sky....
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That one can get an excellent bottle of wine in France for a franc....
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That it is dangerous to drink out of a garden hose, since if one does one is likely to swallow a snake....
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That all male negroes can sing....
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That when a girl enters a hospital as a nurse, her primary object is always to catch one of the doctors....
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That the postmasters in small towns read all the postcards....
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That a young girl ought to devote herself sedulously to her piano lessons since, when she is married, her playing will be a great comfort to her husband....
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That all theater box-office employés are very impolite and hate to sell a prospective patron a ticket....
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That all great men have illegible signatures....
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That all iron-moulders and steam-fitters, back in the days of freedom, used to get drunk every Saturday night....
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That if a man takes a cold bath regularly every morning of his life he will never be ill....
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That ginger snaps are made of the sweepings of the floor in the bakery....
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That every circus clown's heart is breaking for one reason or another....
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That a bull-fighter always has so many women in love with him that he doesn't know what to do....
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That George M. Cohan spends all his time hanging around Broadway cafés and street-corners making flip remarks....
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That one can never tell accurately what the public wants....
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That every time one sat upon an old-fashioned horse-hair sofa one of the protruding sharp hairs would stab one through the union suit....
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That when an ocean vessel collides with another vessel or hits an iceberg and starts to sink, the ship's band promptly rushes up to the top deck and begins playing "Nearer, My God, to Thee."...
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That in no town in America where it has played has "Uncle Tom's Cabin" ever failed to make money....
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That the tenement districts are the unhealthy places they are because the dwellers hang their bed-clothing out on the fire-escapes....
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That, in small town hotels, the tap marked "hot water" always gives forth cold water and that the tap marked "cold" always gives forth hot....
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That every lieutenant in the American army who went to France had an affair with a French comtesse....
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That when cousins marry, their children are born blind, deformed, or imbecile....
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That a cat falling from the twentieth story of the Singer Building will land upon the pavement below on its feet, uninjured and as frisky as ever....
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That the accumulation of great wealth always brings with it great unhappiness....
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That it is unlucky to count the carriages in a funeral....
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That the roulette wheel at Monte Carlo is controlled by a wire as thin as a hair which is controlled in turn by a button hidden beneath the rug near the operator's great toe....
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That Polish women are so little human that one of them can have a baby at 8 A.M. and cook her husband's dinner at noon....
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That Henry James never wrote a short sentence....
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That it is bad luck to kill a spider....
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That German peasants are possessed of a profound knowledge of music....
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That every coloured cook has a lover who never works, and that she feeds him by stealing the best part of every dish she cooks....
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That George Bernard Shaw doesn't really believe anything he writes....
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That the music of Richard Wagner is all played fortissimo , and by cornets....
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That the Masonic order goes back to the days of King Solomon....
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That swearing is forbidden by the Bible....
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That all newspaper reporters carry notebooks....
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That whiskey is good for snake-bite....
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That surgeons often kill patients for the sheer pleasure of it....
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That ten drops of camphor in half a glass of water will prevent a cold....
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That the first thing a country jake does when he comes to New York is to make a bee line for Grant's Tomb and the Aquarium....
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That if one's nose tickles it is a sign that one is going to meet a stranger or kiss a fool....
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That if one's right ear burns, it is a sign that some one is saying nice things about one....
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That if one's left ear burns, it is a sign that some one is saying mean things about one....
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That French women use great quantities of perfume in lieu of taking a bath....
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That a six-footer is invariably a virtuoso of amour superior to a man of, say, five feet seven....
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That a soubrette is always fifteen or twenty years older than she looks....
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That what impels most men to have their finger-nails manicured is a vanity for having manicured finger-nails....
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That water rots the hair and thus causes baldness....
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That when one twin dies, the other twin becomes exceedingly melancholy and soon also dies....
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That one may always successfully get a cinder out of the eye by not touching the eye, but by rolling it in an outward direction and simultaneously blowing the nose....
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That if one wears light weight underwear winter and summer the year 'round, one will never catch a cold....
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That a drunken man is invariably more bellicose than a sober man....
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That all prize-fighters and baseball players have their hair cut round in the back....
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That the work of a detective calls for exceptionally high sagacity and cunning....
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That on the first day of the season in the pleasure parks many persons, owing to insufficiently tested apparatus, are regularly killed on the roller-coasters....
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That a play, a novel, or a short story with a happy ending is necessarily a commercialized and inartistic piece of work....
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That a person who follows up a cucumber salad with a dish of ice-cream will inevitably be the victim of cholera morbus....
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That a Sunday School superintendent is always carrying on an intrigue with one of the girls in the choir....
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That it is one of the marks of a gentleman that he never speaks evil of a woman....
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That a member of the Masons cannot be hanged....
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That a policeman can eat gratis as much fruit and as many peanuts off the street-corner stands as he wants....
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That the real President of the United States is J. P. Morgan....
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That onion breath may be promptly removed by drinking a little milk....
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That onion breath may be promptly removed by eating a little parsley....
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That Catholic priests conduct their private conversations in Latin....
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That John Drew is a great society man....
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That all Swedes are stupid fellows, and have very thick skulls....
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That all the posthumously printed stories of David Graham Phillips and Jack London have been written by hacks hired by the magazine editors and publishers....
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That a man like Charles Schwab, who has made a great success of the steel business, could in the same way easily have become a great composer like Bach or Mozart had he been minded thus to devote his talents....
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That the man who doesn't hop promptly to his feet when the orchestra plays "The Star Spangled Banner" as an overture to Hurtig and Seamon's "Hurly-Burly Girlies" must have either rheumatism or pro-German sympathies....
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That every workman in Henry Ford's factory owns a pretty house in the suburbs and has a rose-garden in the back-yard....
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That all circus people are very pure and lead domestic lives....
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That if a spark hits a celluloid collar, the collar will explode....
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That when a bachelor who has hated children for twenty years gets married and discovers he is about to become a father, he is delighted....
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That drinking three drinks of whiskey a day will prevent pneumonia....
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That every negro who went to France with the army had a liaison with a white woman and won't look at a nigger wench any more....
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That all Russians have unpronounceable names....
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That awnings keep rooms cool....
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That it is very difficult to decipher a railroad time-table....
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That gamblers may always be identified by their habit of wearing large diamonds....
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That when a man embarks in a canoe with a girl, the chances are two to one that the girl will move around when the boat is in mid-stream and upset it....
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That German babies are brought up on beer in place of milk....
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That a man with two shots of cocaine in him could lick Jack Dempsey....
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That fully one half the repertoire of physical ailments is due to uric acid....
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That a woman, when buying a cravat for a man, always picks out one of green and purple with red polka-dots....
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That a negro's vote may always be readily bought for a dollar....
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That cripples always have very sunny dispositions....
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That if one drops a crust of bread into one's glass of champagne, one can drink indefinitely without getting drunk....
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That a brass band always makes one feel like marching....
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That, when shaving on a railway train, a man invariably cuts himself....
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That the male Spaniard is generally a handsome, flashing-eyed fellow, possessed of fiery temper....
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That after drinking a glass of absinthe one has peculiar hallucinations and nightmares....
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That since the Indians were never bald, baldness comes from wearing tight hats....
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That all wine-agents are very loose men....
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That the editor of a woman's magazine is always a lizzie....
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That what is contained in the pitcher on the speakers' platform is always ice-water....
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That all Senators from Texas wear sombreros, chew tobacco, expectorate profusely, and frequently employ the word "maverick."...
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That the meters on taxicabs are covertly manipulated by the chauffeurs by means of wires hidden under the latters' seats....
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That Lillian Russell is as beautiful today as she was thirty-five years ago....
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That if a young woman can hold a lighted match in her fingers until it completely burns up, it is a sign that her young man really loves her....
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That if a young woman accidentally puts on her lingerie wrong side out, it is a sign that she will be married before the end of the year....
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That if a bride wears an old garter with her new finery, she will have a happy married life....
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That a sudden chill is a sign that somebody is walking over one's grave....
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That some ignoble Italian is at the bottom of every Dorothy Arnold fugax ....
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That a tarantula will not crawl over a piece of rope....
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That millionaires always go to sleep at the opera....
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That Paderewski can get all the pianos he wants for nothing....
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That a bloodhound never makes a mistake....
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That celery is good for the nerves....
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That the jokes in Punch are never funny....
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That the Mohammedans are heathens....
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That a sudden shock may cause the hair to turn grey over night....
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That the farmer is an honest man, and greatly imposed upon....
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That all the antique furniture sold in America is made in Grand Rapids, Mich., and that the holes testifying to its age are made either with gimlets or by trained worms....
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That if a dog is fond of a man it is an infallible sign that the man is a good sort, and one to be trusted....
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That blondes are flightier than brunettes....
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That a nurse, however ugly, always looks beautiful to the sick man....
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That book-keepers are always round-shouldered....
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That if one touches a hop-toad, one will get warts....
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That a collar-button that drops to the floor when one is dressing invariably rolls into an obscure and inaccessible spot and eludes the explorations of its owner....
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That an American ambassador has the French, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian and Japanese languages at his finger tips, and is chummy with royalty....
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That the ready-made mail order blue serge suits for men are put together with mucilage, and turn green after they have been in the sunlight for a day or two....
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That if one has only three matches left, the first two will invariably go out, but that the third and last will remain lighted....
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That all Chinamen smoke opium....
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That every country girl who falls has been seduced by a man from the city....
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That an intelligent prize-fighter always triumphs over an ignorant prize-fighter, however superior the latter in agility and strength....
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That a doctor's family never gets sick....
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That nature designed a horse's tail primarily as a flicker-off of flies....
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That nicotine keeps the teeth in a sound condition....
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That when an Odd Fellow dies he is always given a magnificent funeral by his lodge, including a band and a parade....
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That the man who is elected president of the Senior Class in a college is always the most popular man in his class....
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That a minor actress in a theatrical company always considers the leading man a superb creature, and loves him at a distance....
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That a Southern levee is a gay place....
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That when a dog whines in the middle of the night, it is a sure sign that some one is going to die....
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That the stenographer in a business house is always coveted by her employer, who invites her to luncheon frequently, gradually worms his way into her confidence, keeps her after office hours one day, accomplishes her ruin, and then sets her up in a magnificently furnished apartment in Riverside Drive and appeases her old mother by paying the latter's expenses for a summer holiday with her daughter at the seashore....
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That the extinction of the Indian has been a deplorable thing....
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That everybody has a stomach-ache after Thanksgiving dinner....
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That, in summer, tan shoes are much cooler on the feet than black shoes....
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That every man who calls himself Redmond is a Jew whose real name is Rosenberg....
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That General Grant never directed a battle save with a cigar in his mouth....
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That there is something slightly peculiar about a man who wears spats....
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That the more modest a young girl is, the more innocent she is....
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That what a woman admires above everything else in a man is an upright character....
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That seafaring men drink nothing but rum....
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That no family in the slums has less than six children....
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That a piece of camphor worn on a string around the neck will ward off disease....
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That a saloon with a sign reading "Family Entrance" on its side door invariably has a bawdy house upstairs....
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That the wife of a rich man always wistfully looks back into the past and wishes she had married a poor man....
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That all persons prominent in smart society are very dull....
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That when ordering a drink of whiskey at a bar, a man always used to instruct the bartender as to the size of the drink he desired by saying "two fingers" or "three fingers."...
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That all the wine formerly served in Italian restaurants was made in the cellar, and was artificially coloured with some sort of dye that was very harmful to the stomach....
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That bootblacks whistle because they are so happy....
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That stokers on ocean liners are from long service so used to the heat of the furnaces that they don't notice it....
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That what draws men to horse races is love of the sport....
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That tarantulas often come from the tropics in bunches of bananas, and that when one of them stings a negro on the wharf he swells up, turns green and dies within three hours....
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That a man will do anything for the woman he loves....
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That the reason William Gillette, who has been acting for over forty years, always smokes cigars in the parts he plays is because he is very nervous when on the stage....
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That the doughnut is an exceptionally indigestible article....
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That one captive balloon in every two containing persons on pleasure bent breaks away from its moorings, and drifts out to sea....
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That a workingman always eats what is in his dinnerpail with great relish....
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That children were much better behaved twenty years ago than they are today....
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That the cashier of a restaurant in adding up a customer's cheque always adds a dollar which is subsequently split between himself and the waiter....
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That it is impossible to pronounce the word "statistics" without stuttering....
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That the profession of white slaving, in 1900 controlled exclusively by Chinamen, has since passed entirely under the control of Italians....
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That every person in the Riviera lives in a "villa."...
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That the chief form of headgear among the Swiss is the Alpine hat....
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That each year a man volunteers to take his children to the circus merely as a subterfuge to go himself....
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That all marriages with actresses turn out badly....
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That San Francisco is a very gay place, and full of opium joints....
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That an elevator operator never succeeds in stopping his car on a level with the floor....
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That they don't make any pianos today as good as the old square ones....
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That a man who habitually clears his throat before he speaks is generally a self-important hypocrite and a bluffer....
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That Maurice Maeterlinck, the Belgian Dr. Frank Crane, leads a monastic life....
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That whenever a vaudeville comedian quotes a familiar commercial slogan, such as "His Master's Voice," or "Eventually, why not now?", he is paid $50 a performance for doing so....
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That all Asiatic idols have large precious rubies in their foreheads....
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That when the foe beheld Joan of Arc leading the French army against them, a look of terror froze their features and that, casting their arms from them, they broke into a frenzied and precipitate flight....
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That the late King Edward VII as Prince of Wales easily got every girl he wanted....
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That the penitentiaries of the United States contain a great number of hapless prisoners possessed of a genuine gift for poetry....
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That if a cat gets into a room where a baby is sleeping, the cat will suck the baby's breath and kill it....
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That all men named Clarence, Claude or Percy are sissies....
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That a street car conductor steals every fifth nickel....
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That the security of a bank is to be estimated in proportion to the solidity of the bank building....
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That seventy-five per cent of all taxicab drivers have at one time or another been in Sing Sing....
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That one can buy a fine suit of clothes in London for twelve dollars....
4 minute read
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That the chicken salad served in restaurants is always made of veal....
3 minute read
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That a play without a bed in it never makes any money in Paris....
4 minute read
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That Conan Doyle would have made a wonderful detective....
3 minute read
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That an oyster-shucker every month or so discovers a pearl which he goes out and sells for five hundred dollars....
6 minute read
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That a napkin is always wrapped around a champagne bottle for the purpose of hiding the label, and that the quality of the champagne may be judged by the amount of noise the cork makes when it is popped....
11 minute read
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That because a married woman remains loyal to her husband she loves him....
4 minute read
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That every time one blows oneself to a particularly expensive cigar and leans back to enjoy oneself with a good smoke after a hearty and satisfying dinner, the cigar proceeds to burn down the side....
10 minute read
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That when a police captain goes on a holiday he always gets boilingly drunk....
4 minute read
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That an Italian puts garlic in everything he eats, including coffee....
3 minute read
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That if one hits a negro on the head with a cobblestone, the cobblestone will break....
4 minute read
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That all nuns have entered convents because of unfortunate love affairs....
3 minute read
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That, being surrounded by alcoholic beverages and believing the temptation would be irresistible once he began, a bartender in the old days never took a drink....
7 minute read
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That all millionaires are born in small ramshackle houses situated near railroad tracks....
3 minute read
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That farmers afford particularly easy prey for book-agents and are the largest purchasers of cheap sets of Guy de Maupassant, Rudyard Kipling and O. Henry....
7 minute read
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That George Washington never told a lie....
2 minute read
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Read Chapter
That a dark cigar is always a strong one....
3 minute read
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That the night air is poisonous....
2 minute read
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That a hair from a horse's tail, if put into a bottle of water, will turn into a snake....
5 minute read
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That champagne is the best of all wines....
2 minute read
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That it snowed every Christmas down to fifteen years ago....
3 minute read
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That if a young woman finds a piece of tea leaf floating around the top of her tea cup, it is a sign that she will be married before the end of the year....
9 minute read
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That if, after one lusty blow, a girl's birthday cake reveals nine candles still burning, it is a sign that it will be nine years before she gets married....
8 minute read
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That if, while promenading, a girl and her escort walk on either side of a water hydrant or other obstruction instead of both walking 'round it on the same side, they will have a misunderstanding before the month is over....
11 minute read
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That it is unlikely that a man and woman who enter a hotel without baggage after 10 P.M. and register are man and wife....
7 minute read
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That all country girls have clear, fresh, rosy complexions....
3 minute read
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That chorus girls spend the time during the entr'-actes sitting around naked in their dressing-rooms telling naughty stories....
5 minute read
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That many soldiers' lives have been saved in battle by bullets lodging in Bibles which they have carried in their breast pockets....
6 minute read
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That each year the Fourth of July exodus to the bathing beaches on the part of persons from the city establishes a new record....
7 minute read
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That women with red hair or wide nostrils are possessed of especially passionate natures....
4 minute read
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That three-fourths of the inhabitants of Denver are lungers who have gone there for the mountain air....
5 minute read
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That, when sojourning in Italy, one always feels very lazy....
3 minute read
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That the people of Johnstown, Pa., still talk of nothing but the flood....
4 minute read
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That there is no finer smell in the world than that of burning autumn leaves....
4 minute read
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That Jules Verne anticipated all the great modern inventions....
3 minute read
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That a man is always a much heartier eater than a woman....
3 minute read
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That all the girls in Mr. Ziegfeld's "Follies" are extraordinarily seductive, and that at least 40 head of bank cashiers are annually guilty of tapping the till in order to buy them diamonds and Russian sables....
10 minute read
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That a college sophomore is always a complete ignoramus....
3 minute read
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That rubbers in wet weather are a preventive of colds....
3 minute read
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That if one eats oysters in a month not containing an "r," one is certain to get ptomaine poisoning....
5 minute read
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That a woman with a 7½-C foot always tries to squeeze it into a 4½-A shoe....
4 minute read
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That no shop girl ever reads anything but Laura Jean Libbey and the cheap sex magazines....
4 minute read
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That there is something peculiar about a man who wears a red tie....
4 minute read
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That all Bolsheviki and Anarchists have whiskers....
2 minute read
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That all the millionaires of Pittsburgh are very loud fellows, and raise merry hell with the chorus girls every time they go to New York....
7 minute read
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That a man of fifty-five is always more experienced than a man of thirty-five....
4 minute read
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That new Bermuda potatoes come from Bermuda....
2 minute read
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That the boy who regularly stands at the foot of his class in school always turns out in later life to be very successful....
7 minute read
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That the ornamental daggers fashioned out of one hundred dollars' worth of Chinese coins strung together, which one buys in Pekin or Hong Kong for three dollars and a quarter, are fashioned out of one hundred dollars' worth of Chinese coins....
11 minute read
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That it is hard to find any one in Hoboken, N.J., who can speak English....
4 minute read
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That the head-waiter in a fashionable restaurant has better manners than any other man in the place....
5 minute read
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That a girl always likes best the man who is possessed of a cavalier politeness....
4 minute read
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That the most comfortable room conceivable is one containing a great big open fireplace....
4 minute read
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That brunettes are more likely to grow stout in later years than blondes....
3 minute read
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That a sepia photograph of the Coliseum, framed, is a work of art....
4 minute read
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That every time one crosses the English Channel one encounters rough weather and is very sea-sick....
4 minute read
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Read Chapter
That the Navajo blankets sold to trans-continental tourists by the Indians on the station platform at Albuquerque, New Mexico, are made by the Elite Novelty M'f'g. Co. of Passaic, N.J., and are bought by the Indians in lots of 1,000....
11 minute read
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That appendicitis is an ailment invented by surgeons twelve years ago for money-making purposes and that, in the century before that time, no one was ever troubled with it....
8 minute read
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That a theatrical matinée performance is always inferior to an evening performance, the star being always eager to hurry up the show in order to get a longer period for rest before the night performance....
10 minute read
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That John D. Rockefeller would give his whole fortune for a digestion good enough to digest a cruller....
5 minute read
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That a clergyman leads an easy and lazy life, and spends most of his time visiting women parishioners while their husbands are at work....
7 minute read
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That it is almost sure death to eat cucumbers and drink milk at the same meal....
4 minute read
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That all bank cashiers, soon or late, tap the till....
3 minute read
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That the members of fashionable church choirs, during the sermon, engage in kissing and hugging behind the pipe-organ....
5 minute read
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That women who are in society never pay any attention to their children, and wish that they would die....
5 minute read
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That if one gets one's feet wet, one is sure to catch cold....
4 minute read
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That all French women are very passionate, and will sacrifice everything to love....
3 minute read
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That when a drunken man falls he never hurts himself....
3 minute read
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That all Chinese laundrymen sprinkle their laundry by taking a mouthful of water and squirting it out at their wash in a fine spray; and that, whatever the cost of living to a white man, the Chinese laundryman always lives on eight cents a day....
12 minute read
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That if one fixes a savage beast with one's eye, the beast will remain rooted to the spot and presently slink away....
6 minute read
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That if one eats cucumbers and then goes in swimming, one will be seized with a cramp....
5 minute read
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That hiccoughs may be stopped by counting slowly up to one hundred....
3 minute read
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That newspaper reporters hear, every day, a great many thumping scandals that they fail to print, and that they refrain through considerations of honour....
6 minute read
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That the young East Side fellow who plays violin solos at the moving-picture theatre around the corner is so talented that, if he had the money to go to Europe to study, he would be a rival to Kreisler within three years....
12 minute read
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That Paderewski, during the piano-playing days, wore a wig, and was actually as bald as a coot....
5 minute read
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That lightning never strikes twice in the same place....
3 minute read
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That when a doctor finds there is nothing the matter with a man who has come to consult him, he never frankly tells the man there's nothing wrong with him, but always gives him bread pills....
10 minute read
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That, in a family crisis, the son always sticks to the mother and the daughter to the father....
5 minute read
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That beer is very fattening....
1 minute read
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That no man of first-rate mental attainments ever goes in for dancing....
3 minute read
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That a woman can't sharpen a lead pencil....
2 minute read
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That on every trans-Atlantic steamer there are two smooth gamblers who, the moment the ship docks, sneak over the side with the large sum of money they have won from the passengers....
9 minute read
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That if one gets out of bed on the left side in the morning, one has a mean disposition for the rest of the day....
7 minute read
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That a woman who has led a loose life is so grateful for the respect shown her by the man who asks her to marry him that she makes the best kind of wife....
9 minute read
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That fish is a brain food....
2 minute read
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That street-corner beggars have a great deal of money hidden away at home under the kitchen floor....
5 minute read
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That it is advisable for a young woman who takes gas when having a tooth pulled to be accompanied by some one, by way of precaution against the dentist....
8 minute read
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That all girls educated in convents turn out in later life to be hell-raisers....
4 minute read
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That a young girl may always safely be trusted with the kind of man who speaks of his mother....
5 minute read
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That a nine-year-old boy who likes to play with toy steam engines is probably a born mechanical genius and should be educated to be an engineer....
7 minute read
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That all celebrated professional humourists are in private life heavy and witless fellows....
3 minute read
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That when one stands close to the edge of a dizzy altitude, one is seized peculiarly with an impulse to jump off....
6 minute read
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That if one eats an apple every night before retiring, one will never be ill....
4 minute read
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Read Chapter
That all negroes born south of the Potomac can play the banjo and are excellent dancers....
4 minute read
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That whenever a negro is educated he refuses to work and becomes a criminal....
4 minute read
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That whenever an Italian begins to dress like an American and to drive a Dodge car, it is a sign he has taken to black-handing or has acquired an interest in the white-slave trust....
9 minute read
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That, in the days when there were breweries, the men who drove beer-wagons drank 65 glasses of beer a head a day, and that it didn't hurt them because it came direct from the wood....
10 minute read
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That, until the time of American intervention, the people of the Philippines were all cannibals, and displayed the heads of their fallen enemies on poles in front of their houses....
8 minute read
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That whenever a crowd of boys goes camping in summer two or three of them are drowned, and the rest come home suffering from poison ivy....
7 minute read
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That whenever a will case gets into the courts, the lawyers gobble all the money, and the heirs come out penniless....
6 minute read
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That every female moving-picture star carries on an intrigue with her leading man, and will marry him as soon as he can get rid of his poor first wife, who took in washing in order to pay for his education in the art of acting....
12 minute read
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That all theatrical managers are Jews, and that most of them can scarcely speak English....
4 minute read
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That a great many of women's serious diseases are due to high French heels....
4 minute read
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That if one does not scratch a mosquito bite, it will stop itching....
4 minute read
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That when a girl gives a man a pen-knife for a present, their friendship will come to an unhappy end unless he exercises the precaution to ward off bad luck by giving her a penny....
10 minute read
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That whenever one takes an umbrella with one, it doesn't rain....
3 minute read
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That the cloth used in suits made in England is so good that it never wears out....
5 minute read
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That cinnamon drops are coloured red with a dye-stuff manufactured out of the dried bodies of cochineal insects....
5 minute read
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That the missionaries in China and Africa make fortunes robbing the natives they are sent out to convert....
5 minute read
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That there is a revolution in Central America every morning before breakfast, and that the sole object of all the revolutionary chiefs is to seize the money in the public treasury and make off to Paris....
10 minute read
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That whenever there is a funeral in an Irish family the mourners all get drunk and proceed to assault one another with clubs....
6 minute read
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That all immigrants come to America in search of liberty, and that when they attempt to exercise it they should be immediately sent back....
7 minute read
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That whenever a rich American girl marries a foreign nobleman, he at once gets hold of all her money, then beats her and then runs away with an actress....
8 minute read
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That if one begins eating peanuts one cannot stop....
3 minute read
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That a bachelor never has any one to sew the buttons on his clothes....
4 minute read
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That whenever a dog wags his tail it is a sign that he is particularly happy....
4 minute read
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That an Italian street labourer can do a hard day's work on one large plate of spaghetti a day....
5 minute read
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That if one breaks a mirror one will have bad luck for seven years....
4 minute read
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That two men seldom agree that the same girl is good-looking....
3 minute read
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That in the infinitesimal space of time between the springing of the trap-door and his dropping through it, a hanged man sees his entire life pass in panorama before him....
8 minute read
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That when Washington crossed the Delaware, he stood up in the bow of the boat holding aloft a large American flag....
6 minute read
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That whereas a man always hopes his first child will be a boy, his wife always hopes that it will be a girl....
6 minute read
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That the first time a boy smokes a cigar he always becomes deathly sick....
4 minute read
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That a woman always makes a practice of being deliberately late in keeping an appointment with a man....
5 minute read
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Read Chapter
That if, encountering a savage beast in the jungle, one falls upon the ground, lies still and pretends that one is dead, the savage beast will promptly make off and not hurt one....
9 minute read
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That if one sits in front of the Café de la Paix, in Paris, one will soon or late see everybody in the world that one knows....
8 minute read
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That it is always twice as hard to get rid of a summer cold as to get rid of a winter cold....
6 minute read
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That a soft speaking voice is the invariable mark of a well-bred man....
4 minute read
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That the persons who most vociferously applaud the playing of "Dixie" in restaurants are all Northerners who have never been further South than Allentown, Pa....
7 minute read
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That the larger the dog, the safer he is for children....
3 minute read
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That Catholic priests never solicit money from their parishioners, but merely assess them so much a head, and make them pay up instantly....
6 minute read
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That nine times in ten when one is in pain, and a doctor assures one that he is squirting morphine into one's arm, what he is really squirting in is only warm water....
9 minute read
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That a German civilian, before the war, had to get off the sidewalk whenever an army lieutenant approached him on the street, and that, if he failed to do so instantly, the lieutenant was free to run him through with his sword....
12 minute read
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That while it may be possible, in every individual case of spiritualist communication with the dead, to prove fraud by the medium, the accumulated effect of such communications is to demonstrate the immortality of the soul....
10 minute read
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That an Italian who earns and saves $1,000 in America can take the money home, invest it in an estate, and live like a rich man thereafter....
8 minute read
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That all Mormons, despite the laws against it, still practise polygamy, and that they have agents all over the world recruiting cuties for their harems....
7 minute read
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That when a man goes to a photographer's to have his picture taken, the knowledge that he is having his picture taken always makes him very self-conscious, thus causing him to assume an expression which results in the photograph being an inaccurate likeness....
12 minute read
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That if the lower line on the palm of one's hand is a long one, it is a sign that one is going to live to a ripe old age....
9 minute read
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That Italian counts, before the war, always used to make their expenses when they came to America by acting as wine agents....
6 minute read
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That a Russian peasant, in the days of the czar, drank two quarts of vodka a day....
5 minute read
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That a German farmer can raise more produce on one acre of land than an American can raise on a hundred....
6 minute read
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That a boil on the neck purifies the blood and is worth $1,000....
4 minute read
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That whenever a Frenchman comes home unexpectedly, some friend of the family makes a quick sneak out of the back door....
6 minute read
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That every negro servant girl spends at least half of her wages on preparations for taking the kink out of her hair....
6 minute read
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That the licorice candy sold in cheap candy stores is made of old rubber boots....
4 minute read
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That if a boy is given all he wants to drink at home he will not drink when he is away from home....
6 minute read
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That the second-class passengers on a trans-Atlantic steamship always have more fun than the first-class passengers....
4 minute read
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That a drunken man always pronounces every "s" as "sh."...
3 minute read
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Read Chapter
That champagne will prevent seasickness....
1 minute read
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That thin wrists and slender ankles are unmistakable signs of aristocratic breeding....
3 minute read
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That when one asks a girl to go canoeing she always brings along a bright red or yellow sofa cushion....
6 minute read
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That when a woman buys cigars for a man she always judges the quality of the cigars by the magnificence of the cigar-bands....
6 minute read
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That candle light makes a woman forty-five years old look fifteen years younger....
3 minute read
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That the winters in the United States are a good deal less cold than they used to be, and that the change has been caused by the Gulf Stream....
8 minute read
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That the Thursday matinées given by Chauncey Olcott are attended only by Irish servant girls....
4 minute read
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That the reason the British authorities didn't lock up Bernard Shaw during the war was because they were afraid of his mind....
6 minute read
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That Professor Garner is able to carry on long and intimate conversations with monkeys in their own language....
5 minute read
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That oysters are a great aphrodisiac....
2 minute read
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That if one sleeps with one's head on a high pillow one will be round-shouldered....
4 minute read
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That coal miners get so dirty that they have to wash so often that they are the cleanest working-men in the world....
6 minute read
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That the average French housewife can make such a soup out of the contents of a garbage-can that the eater will think he is at the Ritz....
8 minute read
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That such authors as Dr. Frank Crane and Herbert Kaufman do not really believe what they write, but print it simply for the money that is in it....
8 minute read
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That the average newspaper cartoonist makes $100,000 a year....
3 minute read
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That when a play is given in an insane asylum the inmates always laugh at the tragic moments and cry at the humorous moments....
7 minute read
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That if a girl takes the last cake off a plate she will die an old maid....
5 minute read
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That men high in public affairs always read detective stories for diversion....
3 minute read
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That the wireless news bulletins posted daily on ocean liners are made up on board....
4 minute read
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That the Swiss, when they sing, always yodel....
2 minute read
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Read Chapter
That all German housewives are very frugal....
2 minute read
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That if one holds a buttercup under a person's chin and a yellow light is reflected upon that person's chin, it is a sign that he likes butter....
8 minute read
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That all penny-in-the-slot weighing machines make a fat woman lighter and a thin woman heavier....
4 minute read
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That in the period just before a woman's baby is born the woman's face takes on a peculiar spiritual and holy look....
6 minute read
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That when a Chinese laundryman hands one a slip for one's laundry, the Chinese letters which he writes on the slip have nothing to do with the laundry but are in reality a derogatory description of the owner....
11 minute read
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That an old woman with rheumatism in her leg can infallibly predict when it is going to rain....
5 minute read
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That Philadelphia is a very sleepy town....
2 minute read
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That it is impossible for a man to learn how to thread a needle....
4 minute read
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That there is something unmanly about a grown man playing the piano, save only when he plays it in a bordello....
6 minute read
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That a couple of quinine pills, with a chaser of rye whiskey, will cure a cold....
4 minute read
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That all Congressmen who voted for Prohibition are secret lushers and have heavy stocks of all sorts of liquors in their cellars....
6 minute read
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That a certain Exalted Personage in Washington is a gay dog with the ladies and used to cut up with a stock company actress....
7 minute read
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That all the best cooks are men....
2 minute read
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That all Japanese butlers are lieutenants in the Japanese Navy and that they read and copy all letters received by the folks they work for....
7 minute read
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That the best way to stop nose-bleed is to drop a door-key down the patient's back....
4 minute read
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That a thunder-storm will cause milk to turn sour....
3 minute read
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That if a man drinks three glasses of buttermilk every day he will never be ill....
4 minute read
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That whenever two Indians meet they greet each other with the word "How!"...
3 minute read
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That the Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States all chew tobacco while hearing cases, but that they are very serious men otherwise, and never laugh, or look at a pretty girl, or get tight....
10 minute read
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That all negro prize-fighters marry white women, and that they afterward beat them....
3 minute read
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That New Orleans is a very gay town and full of beautiful French creoles....
4 minute read
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That gin is good for the kidneys....
2 minute read
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That the English lower classes are so servile that they say "Thank you, sir," if one kicks them in the pantaloons....
6 minute read
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That the gipsies who go about the country are all horse-thieves, and that they will put a spell upon the cattle of any farmer who has them arrested for stealing his mare....
9 minute read
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That every bachelor of easy means has an illicit affair with a grass widow in a near-by city and is the father of several illegitimate children....
7 minute read
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That a country editor receives so many presents of potatoes, corn, rutabagas, asparagus, country ham, carrots, turnips, etc., that he never has to buy any food....
7 minute read
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That whenever news reached him of another Federal disaster Abraham Lincoln would laugh it off with a very funny and often somewhat smutty story, made up on the spot....
8 minute read
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That George Washington died of a heavy cold brought on by swimming the Potomac in the heart of winter to visit a yellow girl on the Maryland shore....
8 minute read
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That all negroes who show any intelligence whatever are actually two-thirds white, and the sons of United States Senators....
5 minute read
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That the late King Leopold of Belgium left 350 illegitimate children....
3 minute read
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That Senator Henry Cabot Lodge is a very brainy man, though somewhat stuck up....
4 minute read
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That if one eats ice-cream after lobster one will be doubled up by belly-ache....
4 minute read
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That Quakers, for all their religion, are always very sharp traders and have a great deal of money hidden away in banks....
6 minute read
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That old baseball players always take to booze, and so end their days either as panhandlers, as night watchmen or as janitors of Odd Fellows' halls....
7 minute read
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That the object of the players, in college football, is to gouge out one another's eyes and pull off one another's ears....
6 minute read
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That the sort of woman who carries around a Pomeranian dog, if she should ever have a child inadvertently, would give the midwife $500 to make away with it....
8 minute read
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That a woman likes to go to a bargain sale, fight her way to the counter, and have pins stuck into her and her feet mashed by other women....
8 minute read
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That, if one swallows an ounce of olive oil before going to a banquet, one will not get drunk....
5 minute read
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That a mud-turtle is so tenacious of life that if one cuts off his head a new one will grow in its place....
6 minute read
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That the only things farmers read are government documents and patent-medicine almanacs....
3 minute read
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That if one's ear itches it is a sign that some one is talking of one....
5 minute read
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That Italian children, immediately they leave the cradle, are sewed into their underclothes, and that they never get a bath thereafter until they are confirmed....
7 minute read
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That all Catholic priests are very hearty eaters, and have good wine cellars....
3 minute read
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That politics in America would be improved by turning all the public offices over to business men....
5 minute read
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That department store sales are always fakes, and that they mark down a few things to attract the women and then swindle them by lifting the prices on things they actually want....
9 minute read
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That 100,000 abortions are performed in Chicago every year....
3 minute read
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That John D. Rockefeller has a great mind, and would make a fine President if it were not for his craze for money....
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That all the Jews who were drafted during the late war were put into the Quartermaster's Department on account of their extraordinary business acumen....
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That a jury never convicts a pretty woman....
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That chorus girls in the old days got so tired of drinking champagne that the sound of a cork popping made them shudder....
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That the Massachusetts troops, after the first battle of Bull Run, didn't stop running until they reached Harrisburg, Pa....
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That General Grant was always soused during a battle, and that on the few occasions when he was sober he got licked....
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That the late King Edward used to carry on in Paris at such a gait that he shocked even the Parisians....
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That it takes an Englishman two days to see a joke, and that he always gets it backward even then....
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That headwaiters in fashionable hotels make $100 a day....
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That if a bat flies into a woman's hair, the hair must be cut off to get it out....
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That all the women in Chicago have very large feet....
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That on cold nights policemen always sneak into stables on their beats and go to sleep....
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That all the school-boys in Boston have bulged brows, wear large spectacles and can read Greek....
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That all dachshunds come from Germany....
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That nine out of every ten Frenchmen have syphilis....
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That the frankfurters sold at circuses and pleasure parks are made of dog meat....
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That all the cheaper brands of cigarettes are sophisticated with drugs, and in time cause those who smoke them to get softening of the brain....
7 minute read
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That rock-and-rye will cure a cold....
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That a country boy armed with a bent pin can catch more fish than a city angler with the latest and most expensive tackle....
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That red-haired girls are especially virulent....
2 minute read
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That all gamblers eventually go broke....
2 minute read
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That the worst actress in the company is always the manager's wife....
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That an elephant in a circus never forgets a person who gives him a chew of tobacco or a rotten peanut, but will single him out from a crowd years afterward and bash in his head with one colossal blow....
12 minute read
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That it is unlucky to put your hat on a bed....
3 minute read
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That an old sock makes the best wrapping for a sore throat....
3 minute read
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That lighting three cigarettes with one match will bring some terrible calamity upon one or other of the three smokers....
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That milking a cow is an operation demanding a special talent that is possessed only by yokels, and that a person born in a large city can never hope to acquire it....
9 minute read
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That whenever there is a rough-house during a strike, it is caused by foreign anarchists who are trying to knock out American idealism....
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That, whatever the demerits of Jews otherwise, they are always very kind to their old parents....
4 minute read
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That the Swiss army, though small, is so strong that not even the German army in its palmy days could have invaded Switzerland, and that it is strong because all Swiss are patriots to the death....
10 minute read
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That when two Frenchmen fight a duel, whether with pistols or with swords, neither of them is ever hurt half so much as he would have been had he fought an honest American wearing boxing-gloves....
10 minute read
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That whenever Prohibition is enforced in a region populated by negroes, they take to morphine, heroin and other powerful drugs, and begin murdering all of the white inhabitants....
8 minute read
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That all the great writers of the world now use typewriters....
3 minute read
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That all Presidents of the United States get many hot tips on the stock-market, but that they are too honourable to play them, and so turn them over to their wives, who make fortunes out of them....
10 minute read
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That Elihu Root is an intellectual giant, and that it is a pity the suspicion of him among farmers makes it impossible to elect him President....
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That no man not a sissy can ever learn to thread a needle or darn a sock....
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That all glass blowers soon or late die of consumption....
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That all women who go in bathing at the French seaside resorts affect very naughty one-piece bathing suits....
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That George M. Cohan and Irving Berlin can only play the piano with one finger....
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That farmers always go into gold mine swindles because of the magnificently embossed stock certificates....
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That the Germans eat six regular meals a day, and between times stave off their appetite with numerous Schweitzer cheese sandwiches, blutwurst and beer....
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That David Belasco teaches his actresses how to express emotion by knocking them down and pulling them around the stage by the hair....
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That only Americans travel in the first class carriages of foreign railway trains, and that fashionable Englishmen always travel third class....
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That the whiskey sold in blind pigs contains wood alcohol and causes those who drink it to go blind....
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That wealthy society women never wear their pearl necklaces in public, but always keep them at home in safes and wear indistinguishable imitations instead....
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That the late Charles Yerkes had no less than twenty girls, for each of whom he provided a Fifth Avenue mansion and a yearly income of $50,000....
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That when one goes to a railroad station to meet some one, the train is never on time....
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That the theatregoers in the Scandinavian countries care for nothing but Ibsen and Strindberg....
4 minute read
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That all doctors write prescriptions illegibly....
2 minute read
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That Englishwomen are very cold....
1 minute read
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That when the weather man predicts rain it always turns out fair, and that when he predicts fair it always rains....
6 minute read
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That lemon juice will remove freckles....
2 minute read
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That if a woman wears a string of amber beads she will never get a sore throat....
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That no well-bred person ever chews gum....
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That all actors sleep till noon, and spend the afternoon calling on women....
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That the men who make sauerkraut press it into barrels by jumping on it with their bare feet....
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That the moment a nigger gets eight dollars, he goes to a dentist and has one of his front teeth filled with gold....
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That one never sees a Frenchman drunk, all the souses whom one sees in Paris being Americans....
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That a daughter is always a much greater comfort to a mother in after life than a son....
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That a man with a weak, receding chin is always a nincompoop....
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That English butlers always look down on their American employers, and frequently have to leave the room to keep from laughing out loud....
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That the most faithful and loving of all dogs is the Newfoundland....
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That a man always dislikes his mother-in-law, and goes half-crazy every time she visits him....
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That if one doesn't scratch a mosquito bite it will stop itching....
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That all the men in the moving picture business were formerly cloak and suit merchants, and that they are now all millionaires....
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That the accumulation of money makes a man hard, and robs him of all his finer qualities....
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That, in an elevator, it is always a man who usurps the looking-glass....
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That it is very unlucky to wear an opal....
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That if a man's eyebrows meet, it is a sign that he has a very unpleasant nature....
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That a negro ball always ends up in a grand free-for-all fight, in which several coons are mortally slashed with razors....
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That if Houdini were locked up in Sing Sing, he would manage to make his get-away in less than half an hour's time....
6 minute read
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That Bob Ingersoll is in hell....
2 minute read
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