A Vindication Of The Presbyteriall-Government And Ministry
Ministers and Elders of the London Provinciall Assembly
3 chapters
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3 chapters
A VINDICATION OF THE Presbyteriall-Government, AND MINISTRY:
A VINDICATION OF THE Presbyteriall-Government, AND MINISTRY:
TOGETHER, With an Exhortation, to all the Ministers, Elders, and People, within the Bounds of the Province of London , whether joyning with Us, or separating from Us. Published, By the Ministers, and Elders, met together in a Provinciall Assembly , Novemb. 2 d . 1649. Wherein, amongst other things, these ensuing particulars are contained: Licensed, Entred, and Printed according to Order. London , Printed for C. Meredith , at the Crane in Pauls Church-yard, 1650. IT hath been the chief stratagem
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THE externall Government and Discipline of Christ , (though it be not necessary to the being, yet it) is absolutely necessary to the well-being of a Church: So necessary, as that we cannot but be deeply affected with grief and sorrow, when we consider how long the through setling of it hath been delayed, (notwithstanding the Covenant we have taken, with hands lifted up to heaven, to endeavor a reformation in point of Discipline) and cannot but conceive it to be one chief reason of all the miseri
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HAving thus in few words, vindicated both our Government and our Persons, we conceive it necessary to subjoyn an Exhortation unto all the Ministers, and Elders, and people, that are within the Province; which we shall branch into these ensuing particulars: 1. We shall direct our speech unto the Ministers and Ruling Elders, that have accepted of, and do act according to the Rules of the Presbyterian Government, as they are conjoyned in one and the same Presbytery . 2. Unto those of our respective
54 minute read
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