Hampstead And Marylebone
G. E. (Geraldine Edith) Mitton
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Cloth, price 1s. 6d. net; leather, price 2s. net, each. THE STRAND DISTRICT. By Sir Walter Besant and G. E. Mitton . WESTMINSTER. HAMPSTEAD AND MARYLEBONE. By G. E. Mitton . Edited by Sir Walter Besant . CHELSEA. KENSINGTON. HOLBORN AND BLOOMSBURY....
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The Fascination of London
The Fascination of London
BY G. E. MITTON EDITED BY SIR WALTER BESANT LONDON ADAM & CHARLES BLACK 1902 Published August, 1902 Reprinted February, 1903...
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A survey of London, a record of the greatest of all cities, that should preserve her history, her historical and literary associations, her mighty buildings, past and present, a book that should comprise all that Londoners love, all that they ought to know of their heritage from the past—this was the work on which Sir Walter Besant was engaged when he died. As he himself said of it: "This work fascinates me more than anything else I've ever done. Nothing at all like it has ever been attempted be
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The name of this borough is clearly derived from "ham," or "hame," a home; and "steede," a place, and has consequently the same meaning as homestead. Park, in a note in his book on Hampstead, says that the "p" is a modern interpolation, scarcely found before the seventeenth century, and not in general use until the eighteenth. Lysons says that the Manor of Hampstead was given in 986 A.D. by King Ethelred to the church at Westminster, and that this gift was confirmed by Edward the Confessor; but
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The derivation of this name is simple. Lysons says: "The name of this place was anciently called Tiburn, from its situation near a small bourn or rivulet formerly called Aye-brook or Eye-brook, and now Tybourn Brook. When the site of the church was altered to another spot, near the same brook, it became St. Mary at the Bourne, now corrupted to St. Mary le bone or Marybone." There is a possibility that the "bourne" did not indicate the brook, but the boundary of the parish, in which case Marybone
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