The Beginner's American History
D. H. (David Henry) Montgomery
12 chapters
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12 chapters
This little book is intended by the writer as an introduction to his larger work entitled The Leading Facts of American History . It is in no sense an abridgment of the larger history, but is practically an entirely new and distinct work. Its object is to present clearly and accurately those facts and principles in the lives of some of the chief founders and builders of America which would be of interest and value to pupils beginning the study of our history. Throughout the book great care has b
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NOTE.—In these maps it has been thought best to give the boundaries of the thirteen original states as they now exist; and to show the outlines of other states before they were organized and admitted....
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The paragraph headings, following the paragraph numbers, will be found useful for topical reference, and, if desired, as questions; by simply omitting these headings, the book may be used as a reader. Teachers who wish a regular set of questions on each section will find them at the end of the section. Difficult words are defined or pronounced at the end of the numbered paragraph where they first occur; reference to them will be found in the index. 1. Birth and boyhood of Columbus. —Christopher
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Within the first fifteen months after issue, the publishers were obliged to go to press with the...
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... 295,000th copy ...
... 295,000th copy ...
It was almost immediately adopted for exclusive use in the State of Indiana, and by such cities as Chicago, Ill., Philadelphia, Pa., Boston, Mass., Providence, R.I., Hartford, Conn., Columbus and Cleveland, O., Burlington, Vt., Nashua, N.H., Lynn, Mass., and numberless others....
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THE LEADING FACTS OF AMERICAN HISTORY. With numerous Illustrations, Maps, and Tables. Mailing Price, $1.10; Introduction Price, $1.00. THE LEADING FACTS OF ENGLISH HISTORY. (Revised Edition.) With numerous Maps and Tables. Mailing Price, $1.25; Introduction Price, $1.12. THE LEADING FACTS OF FRENCH HISTORY. With numerous Maps and Tables. Mailing Price, $1.25; Introduction Price, $1.12. BEGINNER'S AMERICAN HISTORY. With numerous Maps and Illustrations. Mailing Price, $.70; Introduction Price, $.6
21 minute read
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The Leading Facts of American History.
The Leading Facts of American History.
Few text-books have met with such immediate recognition as this. Though published late in the summer of 1890, it was, within a few months, adopted by such cities as Philadelphia, Chicago, Providence, R.I., Burlington, Vt., Lynn, Mass., by counties, and by numberless institutions. It seems to be regarded by the best judges as, on the whole, the best school history of the United States yet published. It was written and not simply compiled. The author did not take it for granted that a history of o
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The Beginner's American History.
The Beginner's American History.
This book tells the story of the nation in thirty biographies of its most representative men. It is entirely free from sectional or other bias, and its beautiful make-up renders it doubly attractive to its young students. (See Common School Catalogue .)...
23 minute read
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The Leading Facts of English History.
The Leading Facts of English History.
The former edition has been rewritten, as it had become evident that a work on the same plan, but more comprehensive, and better suited to prevailing courses and methods of class-work, would be still more heartily welcomed. Important events are treated with greater fulness, and the relation of English History to that of Europe and the world is carefully shown. References for further study are added. The text is in short paragraphs, each with a topical heading in bold type for the student's use.
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The Leading Facts of French History.
The Leading Facts of French History.
The object of this volume is to present, within the moderate compass of two hundred and ninety-two pages, the most important events of the history of France, selected, arranged, and treated according to the soundest principles of historical study, and set forth in a clear and attractive narrative. The respective influences of the Celtic race, and of the Roman and the German conquest and occupation of Gaul are clearly shown. Charlemagne's work and the subsequent growth of feudal institutions are
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Reference History of the United States.
Reference History of the United States.
This book, which is designed expressly for schools of advanced grade, high schools, academies, and seminaries, is an attempt to connect history teaching more closely in method and matter with the teaching and study of history in the college and the university. In the best institutions the study of history is no longer the study of a text-book. The library is the workshop, the best books that have been written are the tools; the teacher is the guide, and the pupil's mind must do the work. The obj
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Eastern Nations and Greece .—Introduction price, $1.00. With full maps, illustrations, and chronological summaries. "Far more interesting and useful than any other epitome of the kind which I have seen."— Professor Beckwith, Trinity College . Short History of the Roman People .—Introduction price, $1.00. With full maps, illustrations, and chronological synopsis. "An admirable piece of work."— Professor Bourne, Adelbert College . Ancient History for Schools and Colleges .—Introduction price, $1.5
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