5 chapters
3 hour read
Selected Chapters
5 chapters
One man may have “zeal without knowledge,” while another may have knowledge without zeal. If I could have only the one, I believe I should choose the first; but, with an open Bible, no one need be without knowledge of God’s will and purpose; and the object of this book is to help others to know the source of true power, that both their zeal and their knowledge may be of increased service in the Master’s work. Paul says, “all Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable;” but I bel
54 minute read
POWER—ITS SOURCE In vain do the inhabitants of London go to their conduits for supply unless the man who has the master-key turns the water on; and in vain do we think to quench our thirst at ordinances, unless God communicates the living water of His Spirit.— Anon . It was the custom of the Roman emperors, at their triumphal entrance, to cast new coins among the multitudes; so doth Christ, in His triumphal ascension into heaven, throw the greatest gifts for the good of men that were ever given.
29 minute read
POWER “IN” AND “UPON.” You remember that strange, half-involuntary “forty years” of Moses in the “wilderness” of Midian, when he had fled from Egypt. You remember, too, the almost equally strange years of retirement in “Arabia” by Paul, when, if ever, humanly speaking, instant action was needed. And pre-eminently you remember the amazing charge of the ascending Lord to the disciples, “Tarry at Jerusalem.” Speaking after the manner of men, one could not have wondered if out-spoken Peter, or fervi
31 minute read
WITNESSING IN POWER. A man may as well hew marble without tools, or paint without colors or instruments, or build without materials, as perform any acceptable service without the graces of the Spirit, which are both the materials and the instruments in the work.— Alleine . If we do not have the Spirit of God, it were better to shut the churches, to nail up the doors, to put a black cross on them, and say, “God have mercy on us!” If you ministers have not the Spirit of God, you had better not pre
28 minute read
POWER IN OPERATION. “Ye are not your own.” “Your bodies are the temples of the Holy Ghost.” Is that an unmeaning metaphor, or an over-worded expression? When the Holy Spirit enters the soul, heaven enters with Him. The heart is compared to a temple. God never enters without His attendants; repentance cleanses the house; faith provides for the house; watchfulness , like the porter, takes care of it; prayer is a lively messenger, learns what is wanted, and then goes for it; faith tells him where t
33 minute read