The Orchid Album
Thomas Moore
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The great advances which have been made within the last few years in the introduction and the cultivation of Exotic Orchids, have suggested the desirability of devoting a monthly publication to the illustration of the best forms of these singular and captivating aristocratic plants, and also to the explanation of the most successful methods of growing them, its object being to supply such information concerning them as the Orchid Grower may be likely to find useful in directing his purchases, an
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LÆLIA ELEGANS PRASIATA. [Plate 97.] Native of Brazil.
LÆLIA ELEGANS PRASIATA. [Plate 97.] Native of Brazil.
Epiphytal. Stems erect, clustered, terete, clavate, jointed, about one and a half foot high. Leaves in pairs at the top of the stems, linear-oblong, obtuse, coriaceous, deep green. Racemes short, erect, six to eight-flowered, issuing from an oblong purplish compressed bract, the peduncles and pedicels green. Flowers large and showy, five inches across; sepals about three inches long, oblanceolate, the edges revolute and the tips recurved, of a light magenta-rose, paler towards the base, having a
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ONCIDIUM CONCOLOR. [Plate 1.] Native of the Organ Mountains of Brazil.
ONCIDIUM CONCOLOR. [Plate 1.] Native of the Organ Mountains of Brazil.
Epiphytal. Pseudobulbs small, tufted, ovate or ovate-oblong, compressed, somewhat furrowed, two-leaved. Leaves subcoriaceous, oblong-linear or ligulate, acute, bright green. Scape radical, springing from the base of the young pseudobulbs, drooping, furnished with small bracts. Flowers yellow, racemose; sepals (dorsal) ovate-lanceolate or obovate, acute, the lateral ones smaller, lance-shaped, and united behind the lip for about half their length; petals obovate, acute, somewhat undulated, about
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CORYANTHES MACULATA PUNCTATA. [Plate 98.] Native of Demerara.
CORYANTHES MACULATA PUNCTATA. [Plate 98.] Native of Demerara.
Epiphytal. Pseudobulbs ovate or sometimes narrowed and elongate, furrowed, two to three inches long, tapering upwards, clustered. Leaves two, from the apex of each pseudobulb, broadly lanceolate, plicate, submembranaceous, light green, about a foot long. Scape radical, pendent, one and a half foot long, brownish purple, bearing a raceme of several flowers. Bracts large, membranaceous, ovate-lanceolate, two or three sheathing ones on the scape, and one at the base of each pedicel. Flowers large,
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DENDROBIUM FARMERII AUREUM. [Plate 99.] Native of India: Moulmein.
DENDROBIUM FARMERII AUREUM. [Plate 99.] Native of India: Moulmein.
Epiphytal. Stems short, clavate, with a thickened bulbiform base, jointed, deeply furrowed, the internodes almost wholly covered by membranaceous sheaths, bearing leaves at the apex. Leaves two or four, lanceolate, ovate, coriaceous, dark shining green. Racemes many-flowered, drooping, lateral, proceeding from near the top of the stem, just beneath the leaves, the pale green pedicels with a small concave ovate bract at their base. Flowers bright golden yellow, showy; sepals oblong-ovate, bluntis
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LÆLIA SCHRÖDERII. [Plate 2.] Native of Bahia.
LÆLIA SCHRÖDERII. [Plate 2.] Native of Bahia.
Epiphytal. Stems (or pseudobulbs) club-shaped, about a foot and a half high, monophyllous, furrowed when mature. Leaves coriaceous, oblong, acute, broad to the base, light green. Scape three to four-flowered, issuing from a terminal oblong compressed bract, an inch wide and five inches long. Flowers large, subhorizontal, about seven inches across, delicately coloured, with a prettily veined lip; sepals lanceolate, reflexed, three-fourths of an inch wide, white; petals convex, ovate, narrowed to
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LYCASTE HARRISONIÆ EBURNEA. [Plate 100.] Native of Brazil.
LYCASTE HARRISONIÆ EBURNEA. [Plate 100.] Native of Brazil.
Epiphytal. Pseudobulbs ovate, tetragonal, furrowed, monophyllous, the young ones sheathed with brown membranaceous bracts. Leaves broadly lanceolate acute, narrowed to the base, strongly ribbed or plicate, rigid, dark green. Raceme two-flowered, radical, erect, shorter than the leaves, the peduncle furnished with appressed bracts. Flowers large end attractive, nearly three inches across; sepals ivory-white, waxy in texture; dorsal one oblong, obtuse, broader upwards, somewhat incurved, the later
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CATTLEYA MENDELII GRANDIFLORA. [Plate 3.] Native of the United States of Columbia.
CATTLEYA MENDELII GRANDIFLORA. [Plate 3.] Native of the United States of Columbia.
Epiphytal. Stems oblong, club-shaped, furrowed when mature, twelve to eighteen inches high. Leaves solitary coriaceous, ligulate-oblong, acute, dark green above, paler beneath. Scape three to four-flowered, issuing from a terminal oblong compressed bract, which is three to four inches long, and an inch broad. Flowers very large and exceedingly handsome, measuring eight inches across; sepals an inch wide, lanceolate, recurved, white; petals spreading, clawed, broadly ovate, measuring nearly three
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EPIDENDRUM VITELLINUM MAJUS. [Plate 4.] Native of Mexico.
EPIDENDRUM VITELLINUM MAJUS. [Plate 4.] Native of Mexico.
Epiphytal. Pseudobulbs ovate, clustered, two-leaved. Leaves oblong-ligulate, acute, sheathing at the base. Scape erect, six to nine inches high, racemose, many-flowered, longer than the leaves. Flowers brilliant orange-scarlet, nearly two inches across, much larger than the typical form; sepals spreading; petals flat, elliptic, somewhat broader than the sepals, spreading, lanceolate, acute; lip clawed, linear, abruptly acute, with a bifoveate (two-holed) callosity below the middle, deep yellow p
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ODONTOGLOSSUM LEEANUM. [Plate 101.] Native of New Grenada.
ODONTOGLOSSUM LEEANUM. [Plate 101.] Native of New Grenada.
Epiphytal. Pseudobulbs ovate obtuse, nearly two inches long, pea-green, compressed, diphyllous. Leaves oblong-ligulate, acute, channelled towards the base. Scape radical, produced in the axil of a leaf investing the base of the pseudobulb, and terminating in an erect many-flowered raceme, furnished with small ovate bracts at the base of the pedicels, and having a few more elongated bracts below. Flowers stellate, about three and a half inches across, handsomely spotted; sepals slightly wavy, lan
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MASDEVALLIA SHUTTLEWORTHII. [Plate 5.] Native of the United States of Colombia.
MASDEVALLIA SHUTTLEWORTHII. [Plate 5.] Native of the United States of Colombia.
Epiphytal. Rhizome slender, slowly creeping. Leaves crowded, petiolate, the petiole with a sheathing scale at the base, the blade about equalling the petiole, two to three inches long, elliptic-oblong, acute, pale green, obscurely three to five-nerved. Scapes numerous, slender, as long as or longer than the petioles, green, with an ovate acuminate appressed bract at the top. Flowers yellowish, tinted with rose, rather large for the size of the plant; the perianth tube very short and swollen at t
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PLEIONE HUMILIS TRICOLOR. [Plate 102.] Native of the Indian Alps.
PLEIONE HUMILIS TRICOLOR. [Plate 102.] Native of the Indian Alps.
Epiphytal. Pseudobulbs lagæniform or bottle-shaped, that is, ovate with the neck narrowed, at the flowering period leafless. Leaves produced subsequently to the flowers, oblong-oblanceolate, five-nerved, membranaceo-herbaceous, of a dark green colour, paler beneath, the base enclosed in a tubular sheath. Peduncles short, one-flowered, furnished with sheathing bracts, the upper of which is oblong-lanceolate, petaloid, longer than the ovary, and becoming at length contracted, leaving the peduncle
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DENDROBIUM DRACONIS. [Plate 103.] Native of Moulmein, Siam, and Cochin China.
DENDROBIUM DRACONIS. [Plate 103.] Native of Moulmein, Siam, and Cochin China.
Epiphytal. Stems robust, jointed, the internodes nearly covered by the sheathing base of the leaves, striate, nigro-hirsute, about a foot in height. Leaves leathery, dark green, oblong-lanceolate, about three inches long, obliquely notched at the apex. Flowers in short three to five-flowered racemes, terminal or borne in the axils of the upper leaves, conspicuous from their fine ivory-white colour and distinct eye; sepals lanceolate, acute, entire, spreading, the dorsal one erect; petals also pu
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CATTLEYA MORGANÆ. [Plate 6.] Native of the United States of Colombia.
CATTLEYA MORGANÆ. [Plate 6.] Native of the United States of Colombia.
Epiphytal. Stems short, oblong or somewhat clavate, furrowed when mature, attaining with the leaves about eighteen inches in height. Leaves solitary, coriaceous, ligulate-oblong, acute, of a light green colour. Scape three to four-flowered, issuing from a terminal oblong compressed bract, which is about two and a half inches long. Flowers large and pleasing on account of their delicate colouring, about six inches across when expanded; sepals lanceolate, entire, three-fourths of an inch broad and
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PROMENÆA CITRINA. [Plate 7.] Native of Brazil.
PROMENÆA CITRINA. [Plate 7.] Native of Brazil.
Epiphytal. Pseudobulbs small, ovate, tetragonal. Leaves three to four inches in length, oblong-ligulate, acute, tapering below into a narrow petiole, growing two together at the apex of the pseudobulb, of a pale green colour. Scapes two to three inches long, bearing largish ovate bracts in the upper part, and smaller bracts below, and terminated by a solitary deep yellow showy flower, measuring about an inch and a half across; sepals obovate, acute, concave or curving forwards at the tip, bright
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ONCIDIUM FORBESII. [Plate 104.] Native of Brazil.
ONCIDIUM FORBESII. [Plate 104.] Native of Brazil.
Epiphytal. Pseudobulbs oblong obtuse, compressed, sulcate, two inches long, of a dull brownish green, each bearing one leaf from the apex. Leaves lanceolate acute, leathery, eight to ten inches long. Scape radical, bearing a many-flowered panicle. Flowers large, numerous, very showy, measuring about two and a half inches in both directions, handsomely marked; sepals obovate, recurved, about an inch long, deep chestnut brown, with indistinct transverse bands and marginal indications of yellow, th
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Epiphytal. Stems slender, short, tufted. Leaves persistent, leathery in texture, with a nerveless elongate oblong-spathulate obtuse or somewhat acute blade, which is channelled at the base, keeled behind, of a dark green colour, narrowed downwards into a short petiole, three to four inches long, grooved in front, and invested at the base by long membranous brownish sheaths. Scape erect, about a foot high, striately pencilled with purple, furnished with a few appressed sheathing bracts, bearing a
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CYPRIPEDIUM STONEI. [Plate 8.] Native of Borneo.
CYPRIPEDIUM STONEI. [Plate 8.] Native of Borneo.
Terrestrial. Stem wanting, the short erect crowns each furnished with numerous radical evergreen leaves, and emitting stout fleshy roots. Leaves distichous (two-ranked), a foot or more in length, leathery or somewhat fleshy, oblong, obtuse, with a short recurved mucro, dark green above, of a paler green beneath. Scape dark purple, issuing from the centre of the leaves and furnished with a sheathing bract at its base, about two feet in height, three to four-flowered, the pedicels subtended by gre
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LÆLIA PURPURATA WILLIAMSII. [Plates 9-10.] Native of St. Catherine’s, Brazil.
LÆLIA PURPURATA WILLIAMSII. [Plates 9-10.] Native of St. Catherine’s, Brazil.
Epiphytal. Stems (or pseudobulbs) clavate-oblong, monophyllous, two feet or more in height, somewhat furrowed when mature. Leaves coriaceous, evergreen, narrowly oblong, emarginate, dark green. Scape three to four-flowered, issuing from a stout sheathing oblong bract or spathe, four to five inches long. Flowers large, and very handsome; measuring eight inches across, of a delicate rose colour, with a purple-crimson lip; sepals linear-lanceolate, acute, of a pale rosy tint, pencilled with simple
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MAXILLARIA LUTEO-ALBA. [Plate 106.] Native of Colombia.
MAXILLARIA LUTEO-ALBA. [Plate 106.] Native of Colombia.
Epiphytal. Pseudobulbs large, about two and a half inches high, ovate obtuse, compressed, clustered, bearing at the apex a solitary leaf. Leaves stalked by the folding of the basal portion, oblong obtuse, a foot long or more, of a dark green colour. Peduncles radical, about half the length of the leaves, invested throughout with green sheathing bracts. Flowers large and peculiar in form, triangular in outline, and measuring about six inches from the top of the dorsal to the top of the lateral se
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SACCOLABIUM CURVIFOLIUM. [Plate 107.] Native of India (Nepal and Birmah) and Ceylon.
SACCOLABIUM CURVIFOLIUM. [Plate 107.] Native of India (Nepal and Birmah) and Ceylon.
Epiphytal. Stem dwarf, erect, densely leafy. Leaves crowded, distichous, linear, obliquely præmorse, with an acute apex, deflexed, channelled towards the base, pale green. Racemes erect from the upper axils, six inches long, densely flowered, the peduncles pale green, bracteate, the pedicels red, six-angled, with a small ovate bracteole at the base. Flowers bright cinnabar-red, about an inch across, somewhat concave; dorsal sepal obovate, with a claw-like base, entire; lateral sepals somewhat br
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PHALÆNOPSIS AMABILIS DAYANA. [Plate 11.] Native of the Eastern Archipelago.
PHALÆNOPSIS AMABILIS DAYANA. [Plate 11.] Native of the Eastern Archipelago.
Epiphytal. Stem none, or consisting of a short crown furnished with rigid fleshy leaves, and emitting succulent roots, which latter are flattened, and cling to any congenial object with which they come in contact. Leaves large, thick and coriaceous, distichous, oblong, obliquely retuse, dark green above, purple beneath. Scape long, drooping, issuing from the base of the plant, or the leaf axils, and bearing the large moth-like flowers in a two-ranked raceme. Flowers large, pure opaque white, spr
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CATTLEYA TRIANÆ FORMOSA. [Plate 108.] Native of Colombia.
CATTLEYA TRIANÆ FORMOSA. [Plate 108.] Native of Colombia.
Epiphytal. Stems oblong, club-shaped, furrowed, the lower parts enveloped in whitish membranaceous sheaths. Leaves solitary, coriaceous, ligulate-oblong, obtuse, emarginate, deep green. Scape two to three-flowered, proceeding from a terminal oblong compressed bract or sheath. Flowers large, six inches in depth and seven inches in breadth, richly coloured; sepals lanceolate, acute, about three-fourths of an inch broad, blush or very dilute rosy-purple; petals much broader—two and a half inches, h
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ONCIDIUM GARDNERI. [Plate 12.] Native of the Organ Mountains of Brazil.
ONCIDIUM GARDNERI. [Plate 12.] Native of the Organ Mountains of Brazil.
Epiphytal. Pseudobulbs oblong-ovate, furrowed, about two inches in height, dark green, purplish beneath. Leaves oblong-lanceolate, acute, coriaceous, about six inches long, growing two together from the apex of the pseudobulbs. Scape one and a half foot high, including the panicle of handsome flowers, lateral, that is, springing from the base of the pseudobulbs. Flowers showy, of medium size, deliciously fragrant; sepals oblong, acute, the lateral ones semi-connate; petals twice as large as the
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Epiphytal. Acaulescent. Leaves distichous, coriaceous, oblong-lanceolate, acute, of a pale dull green colour, chequered with coarse elongate reticulations of a darker green. Scape (peduncle) greenish, clothed with purple hairs, having near the apex a short acuminate hairy bract, which is strongly ciliated. Flowers medium-sized, of a rather showy character, solitary; dorsal sepal broad ovate-acuminate, an inch and a half long, white flushed with purple towards the base, distinctly marked with gre
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DENDROBIUM SUAVISSIMUM. [Plate 13.] Native of Burmah.
DENDROBIUM SUAVISSIMUM. [Plate 13.] Native of Burmah.
Epiphytal. Stems (or pseudobulbs) about a foot long, cuneately-fusiform, tapering below into a longish stalk-like base, bluntly angulate, bearing one or two pairs of leaves at the top, and invested below with close ovate membranaceous bracts. Leaves somewhat coriaceous, oblong-ligulate, cuneate at the base and acute at the apex. Flower-spikes ten to twelve inches long, bracteate at the base, terminal or nearly terminal, produced freely on the two-year-old stems. Flowers large, showy, numerous, o
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MASDEVALLIA HARRYANA MINIATA. [Plate 110.] Native of New Grenada.
MASDEVALLIA HARRYANA MINIATA. [Plate 110.] Native of New Grenada.
Epiphytal. Stems short, tufted, slender. Leaves persistent, of leathery texture, the blade spathulate, channelled at the base, keeled behind, tapering down into the petiole, which is invested by whitish brown membranaceous sheathing bracts. Scape issuing from the bract, investing the leaf base, radical, about a foot high, stiff, pale green, thickly striate-blotched with purple, with one or two distant sheathing bracts, and surmounted by the curved six-ribbed ovary, which is dotted with purple. F
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TRICHOPILIA SUAVIS ALBA. [Plate 14.] Native of Central America.
TRICHOPILIA SUAVIS ALBA. [Plate 14.] Native of Central America.
Epiphytal, Pseudobulbs roundish-oblong or obcordate, thin, i.e. , very much compressed, clustered, monophyllous. Leaves broadly oblong, acute, leathery in texture, almost sessile, of a pale green colour. Scapes radical, two to four-flowered, pendent. Flowers large, showy, and fragrant, each emerging from the axil of a thin ovate bract. Sepals linear-lanceolate, acute, somewhat undulated, spreading, and, as well as the similarly-formed petals , of a pure white colour; lip large, rolled up closely
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ODONTOGLOSSUM ELEGANS. [Plate 111.] Native of Ecuador.
ODONTOGLOSSUM ELEGANS. [Plate 111.] Native of Ecuador.
Epiphytal. Pseudobulbs oblong, somewhat furrowed, three inches long, diphyllous. Leaves ligulate, acute, tapered and channelled towards the base, of a pale green colour. Scape radical, slender, arching. Flowers racemed or panicled, stellate, three inches in breadth, highly coloured, and showy in character, the yellow centre being very conspicuous; sepals lanceolate, attenuately not suddenly acuminate, recurved and wavy at the edge, the dorsal two inches, the lateral ones about an inch and three
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VANDA PARISHII. [Plate 15.] Native of Moulmein.
VANDA PARISHII. [Plate 15.] Native of Moulmein.
Epiphytal. Plant evergreen, dwarf. Stem a span high, stout-growing, densely leafy. Leaves distichous, broadly ligulate-obtuse, with an unequal bilobed apex, very stout and fleshy in texture. Scape stiff, erect, bearing a spike of several showy blossoms. Flowers large, distinct in character, prettily spotted; sepals and petals cuneate-oblong, acute, somewhat undulated, of a greenish-yellow colour, decorated with numerous round reddish-brown spots, white inside at the base; lip furnished with line
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CATTLEYA GUTTATA LEOPOLDII. [Plate 16.] Native of the Island of St. Catherine, Brazil.
CATTLEYA GUTTATA LEOPOLDII. [Plate 16.] Native of the Island of St. Catherine, Brazil.
Epiphytal. Stems (or pseudobulbs) elongate, fusiform, many-jointed, two to two and a half feet in height, bearing a pair of leaves at the apex. Leaves broadly-oblong obtuse, dark green, coriaceous. Scape terminal, issuing from a short ovate acute ancipitous spathe developed between the leaves on the more vigorous stems, and bearing a many-flowered raceme, with small lance-shaped bracts. Flowers fleshy, in dense racemes, “sometimes as large as a man’s head;” sepals cuneate-oblong acute, the later
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CATTLEYA SKINNERI ALBA. [Plate 112.] Native of Costa Rica.
CATTLEYA SKINNERI ALBA. [Plate 112.] Native of Costa Rica.
Epiphytal. Stems obovate-oblong, compressed, furrowed, attenuated below into a terete jointed stalk. Leaves two, palish green, spreading, leathery, oblong-obtuse, sub-emarginate. Scape six to eight-flowered, issuing from a short oblong spathe. Flowers exceedingly chaste and elegant, pure white in colour, measuring four inches in depth and breadth; sepals plane, lanceolate, acute, recurved at the extreme tip, half an inch in breadth, pure white; petals ovate-obtuse, one and a quarter inch in brea
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DENDROBIUM WARDIANUM GIGANTEUM. [Plate 113.] Native of Burmah.
DENDROBIUM WARDIANUM GIGANTEUM. [Plate 113.] Native of Burmah.
Epiphytal. Stems stout, pendulous, deciduous, attaining three feet in length, knotty at the nodes. Leaves oblong-lanceolate, attenuate at the apex. Racemes two or three flowered, issuing from the nodes of the matured stems. Flowers large and conspicuous from their striking colours; sepals oblong-lanceolate, bluntish, white tipped with magenta-rose, the margins reflexed; petals oblong-ovate, obtuse, white more deeply tipped than the sepals; lip cucullate, the base folded over the column, the ante
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PESCATOREA KLABOCHORUM. [Plate 17.] Native of Ecuador.
PESCATOREA KLABOCHORUM. [Plate 17.] Native of Ecuador.
Epiphytal. Stems none or consisting of a short crown or growing point from which the leaves and stout fibrous roots proceed. Leaves tufted, numerous, imbricated at the base, erect or spreading, lanceolate, acute, twelve to fifteen inches long, and about two inches wide, deep green above, paler beneath, thin but firm in texture. Flowers large and showy, measuring about three inches in diameter, the peduncles springing from the axils of the lower leaves; dorsal sepal obovate-oblong, acute, about a
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TRICHOSMA SUAVIS. [Plate 114.] Native of the Khasya Mountains.
TRICHOSMA SUAVIS. [Plate 114.] Native of the Khasya Mountains.
Epiphytal. Stems thin, terete, tufted, from a short rhizome, with a few sheathing verrucose scales at the base, the apex diphyllous. Leaves somewhat fleshy, broadly lanceolate acuminate, obsoletely three-nerved, the base contracted into a sheathing petiole. Flowers in short terminal racemes, fragrant; sepals lanceolate, spreading, the dorsal one free, the lateral ones somewhat broader, adnate at the base with the foot of the column, so as to form a short chin, creamy white; petals erect, lanceol
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BURLINGTONIA CANDIDA. [Plate 18.] Native of Demerara.
BURLINGTONIA CANDIDA. [Plate 18.] Native of Demerara.
Epiphytal. Pseudobulbs elliptic-oblong, compressed, monophyllous. Leaves evergreen, broadish oblong, acute, somewhat channelled. Racemes pendulous, issuing from the base of the pseudobulbs, three to five-flowered. Flowers two and a half inches long, white, semitransparent, with a delightful violet-like fragrance; sepals projected forwards in the plane of the lip, the dorsal one obovate-oblong, emarginate, the anterior one bifid, linear-oblong, about half the length of the lip, curved sharply for
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ANGULOA RUCKERII SANGUINEA. [Plate 19.] Native of Colombia.
ANGULOA RUCKERII SANGUINEA. [Plate 19.] Native of Colombia.
Epiphytal. Pseudobulbs large, ovate-oblong, four to six inches high, furrowed when mature. Leaves several, growing from the apex of the younger pseudobulbs, broadly lanceolate, acute, two to two and a half feet long and four to six inches broad, strongly ribbed and plaited. Flower-scapes radical, one-flowered, shorter than the leaves, clothed below with imbricated sheathing bracts. Flowers large, fleshy, nearly erect; sepals roundish with an apiculus, strongly convex, conniving into a semi-globu
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CATTLEYA WHITEI. [Plate 115.] Native of Brazil.
CATTLEYA WHITEI. [Plate 115.] Native of Brazil.
Epiphytal. Stems clavate, furrowed, monophyllous. Leaves short, ovate-oblong, coriaceous. Racemes three-flowered, issuing from a pair of oblong-obtuse compressed sheathing bracts. Flowers medium-sized, very handsomely coloured; sepals ligulate-oblong, entire, recurved at the edge, of a deep rosy tint with a flush of olive green, which is more evident on the outer surface and at the tips, about as long as the lip, the dorsal one longer, the lateral ones falcately deflexed, all acute with the tips
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Epiphytal. Stems (pseudobulbs) clustered, elongate, spreading, terete, stoutish above, tapering to the base, jointed, the surface furrowed between the joints. Leaves distichous, linear-oblong, acute, three-fourths of an inch broad, sheathing the stems at the base, the sheaths remaining as a membranous investment. Peduncles proceeding from the joints of the stem, slender, two to three-flowered, the pedicels with small ovate bracts at their base. Flowers showy, white, with rich amaranth-crimson bl
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AËRIDES VANDARUM. [Plate 116.] Native of India.
AËRIDES VANDARUM. [Plate 116.] Native of India.
Epiphytal. Stems terete, flexuose, rooting, clothed with the sheathing bases of the leaves, growing two feet or more in height, of it purplish brown colour. Leaves distant, harsh in texture, four to six inches long, as thick as the stem, subulate, terete narrowed to an acute point, with a narrow furrow on the upper side, evergreen. Peduncle lateral, opposite the leaves, one or two flowered. Flowers rather large, delicate but durable, white; sepals spreading, the dorsal one ligulate with a stalk-
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LÆLIA HARPOPHYLLA. [Plate 117.] Native of Brazil.
LÆLIA HARPOPHYLLA. [Plate 117.] Native of Brazil.
Epiphytal. Stems slender, terete, six inches to a foot high, invested with sheathing bracts, monophyllous. Leaves ligulate, acuminate, about an inch in breadth, dark green. Peduncle issuing from a longish terete sheath, and having raceme about six inches long. Flowers four to seven in a raceme, rather small in size, but highly coloured, and very attractive; sepals lanceolate, acute, one and three-quarter inch in length, and of a bright orange-vermilion; petals similar in size, form, and colour;
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AËRIDES LOBBII. [Plate 21.] Native of Moulmein.
AËRIDES LOBBII. [Plate 21.] Native of Moulmein.
Epiphytal. Stems erect, densely foliose, producing the stout aërial roots from between the leaf bases. Leaves evergreen, close set, distichous, leathery in texture, loriform, channelled, obliquely bilobed at the apex, of a deep green colour, obsoletely spotted with purple, paler on the under surface. Racemes axillary, many-flowered, long, branched, cylindrical, pendulous. Flowers very numerous, medium-sized, fragrant, the sepals and petals white, flushed with rosy purple and spotted with deeper
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ODONTOGLOSSUM ALEXANDRÆ COOKSONII. [Plate 118.] Native of New Grenada.
ODONTOGLOSSUM ALEXANDRÆ COOKSONII. [Plate 118.] Native of New Grenada.
Epiphytal. Pseudobulbs oblong-ovate, compressed, diphyllous. Leaves ligulate-oblong, acute, channelled and narrowed towards the stalk-like base, of a cheerful green colour. Scape radical, supporting a many-flowered raceme exceeding the leaves, and having small acute bracts at the base of the pedicels. Flowers large and beautifully spotted; sepals ovate acuminate, the dorsal one rounded at the base into a short broadish claw, the margins revolute and undulate, white, with a few bold irregular blo
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CYPRIPEDIUM LAWRENCEANUM. [Plate 22.] Native of Borneo.
CYPRIPEDIUM LAWRENCEANUM. [Plate 22.] Native of Borneo.
Epiphytal. Stem almost none, the leaves springing from the crown of stout roots. Leaves radical, distichous, coriaceous, broadly oblong, acute, channelled, a foot long, the upper surface marbled with a dark green mosaic pattern on a whitish-green ground colour. Scapes solitary in the leaf-axils, stout, pubescent, with an oblong-ovate acute sheathing bract near the top, from which the flower or flowers emerge. Flowers very large, in the way of those of C. barbatum majus ; dorsal sepal sub-rotund
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CYPRIPEDIUM SPICERIANUM. [Plate 119.] Native of Assam.
CYPRIPEDIUM SPICERIANUM. [Plate 119.] Native of Assam.
Epiphytal. Stemless , with spreading distichous evergreen foliage. Leaves few, oblong-ligulate, sub-acute, heeled beneath, and there purple-spotted towards the base, six to eight inches long or more, thick and leathery in texture, of a dull glossy green colour. Peduncles erect, issuing from an oblong compressed basal sheath, dark reddish-purple, puberulous, eight to ten inches high, the flower emerging from an ancipitous linear-oblong obtuse bract shorter than the purplish three-ribbed ovary. Fl
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LÆLIA XANTHINA. [Plate 23.] Native of Brazil.
LÆLIA XANTHINA. [Plate 23.] Native of Brazil.
Epiphytal. Pseudobulbs clavate fusiform, the narrowed base closely invested by imbricating bracts, monophyllous. Leaves oblong-lorate, bluntish, coriaceous, longer than the pseudobulbs, and with them reaching to about a foot in height. Scape four to six flowered, issuing from a terminal linear-oblong acute compressed bract or spathe, three-fourths of an inch wide and about four inches long, and of a pale green colour. Flowers leathery in texture, three to four inches across, very distinct in asp
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MASDEVALLIA HARRYANA CŒRULESCENS. [Plate 24.] Native of New Grenada.
MASDEVALLIA HARRYANA CŒRULESCENS. [Plate 24.] Native of New Grenada.
Epiphytal. Stems slender, tufted. Leaves evergreen, coriaceous, ten to twelve inches long, with a nerveless elongate oblong-spathulate blade, obtuse or somewhat acute at the apex, channelled at the base, keeled behind, of a very dark green colour, narrowed downwards into the stout petiole, which is three to four inches long, deeply grooved in front, and invested at the base by long membranous brownish sheaths. Scape a foot long or more, brown, covered below with three or four bluntish sheaths, t
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DENDROBIUM DEAREI. [Plate 120.] Native of Mindanao, Philippine Islands.
DENDROBIUM DEAREI. [Plate 120.] Native of Mindanao, Philippine Islands.
Epiphytal. Stems stoutish, many-leaved, two to three feet high, marked by numerous furrows, and invested by the sheathing leaf bases. Leaves densely placed, oblong-ligulate, emarginate at the apex, leathery in texture, two inches or more in length, sub-deciduous. Racemes numerous (six to nine) on one stem, issuing from the uppermost joints, each bearing from ten to eighteen flowers, terminal or sub-terminal. Flowers three inches across, pure white, exceedingly chaste and delicate, attached by th
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CYMBIDIUM PARISHII. [Plate 25.] Native of Moulmein.
CYMBIDIUM PARISHII. [Plate 25.] Native of Moulmein.
Epiphytal. Stems fusiform, three to four inches long, annulately marked with the remains of the leaf-bases. Leaves evergreen, distichous, ligulate-linear, keeled behind, bifid with acute lobes, from one to two feet long, of a rich green colour. Racemes springing from the axils of the outer leaves, three to seven-flowered, the scapes furnished with lanceolate, falcate, acuminate, scariose sheaths. Flowers large, sweet-scented, ivory-white, with an orange disk and crimson-purple spots on the lip;
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CATTLEYA LABIATA PALLIDA. [Plate 121.] Native of Brazil.
CATTLEYA LABIATA PALLIDA. [Plate 121.] Native of Brazil.
Epiphytal. Stems (pseudobulbs) erect, club-shaped, furrowed in age, eight to ten inches high, monophyllous, evergreen. Leaves oblong obtuse, leathery in texture, about ten inches long, of a lively green colour. Scape two-flowered, issuing from a short oblong bluntish sheath. Flowers large, six to seven inches deep, and six inches broad, superbly coloured; sepals lanceolate, three and a half inches in length, plane, recurved at the tip, of a delicate magenta blush, the lateral ones slightly small
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CYPRIPEDIUM CURTISII. [Plate 122.] Native of the Sunda Isles, Asiatic Archipelago.
CYPRIPEDIUM CURTISII. [Plate 122.] Native of the Sunda Isles, Asiatic Archipelago.
Epiphytal. Acaulescent. Leaves distichous, coriaceous, oblong acute, recurved, channelled and equitant at the base, of a dull green, the upper surface boldly chequered with oblong markings of darker green, the under side keeled with the surface paler and unspotted. Scape (peduncle) pubescent, dull wine-purple, with a short compressed ovate bract just below the ovary, which is green striped with brown. Flowers solitary, remarkable for the small dorsal sepal and large pouch; dorsal sepal short, ov
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CATTLEYA VELUTINA. [Plate 26.] Native of Brazil.
CATTLEYA VELUTINA. [Plate 26.] Native of Brazil.
Epiphytal. Stems slender, terete, from twelve to eighteen inches high, supporting the evergreen foliage, and furnished at intervals with short ovate appressed bracts. Leaves in pairs, oblong, acute, widest near the base, leathery, about eight inches long, and an inch and a half broad, of a dark green colour. Scape two-flowered, issuing from a terminal compressed sheath or bract. Flowers of medium size, stout in texture, tawny orange, the lip white marked with purplish spots arranged in radiating
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LÆLIA GRANDIS. [Plate 123.] Native of Bahia, Brazil.
LÆLIA GRANDIS. [Plate 123.] Native of Bahia, Brazil.
Epiphytal. Stems (pseudobulbs) club-shaped, furrowed in age, about eight to ten inches in height, monophyllous. Leaves oblong-ligulate acute, leathery and rigid in texture, dark green, growing to about ten inches in length. Scape emerging from an oblong pale green compressed bluntish bract or spathe, about four-flowered, the racemes erect. Flowers rather large, measuring upwards of four inches in each direction without being spread out; sepals lanceolate, reflexed and much twisted, of a pleasing
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ODONTOGLOSSUM BREVIFOLIUM. [Plate 27.] Native of the Cordillera of Peru.
ODONTOGLOSSUM BREVIFOLIUM. [Plate 27.] Native of the Cordillera of Peru.
Epiphytal. Pseudobulbs ovate-oblong, compressed, monophyllous. Leaves short, oblong, two inches broad, and sometimes not much exceeding that in length, spreading. Scape simple, radical, bearing at the apex a many-flowered erect raceme, the membranaceous bracts of which are oblong acute, and as long as the pedicels. Flowers nearly or quite two inches in diameter, of a rich chestnut brown on the inner, and olive-green on the outer surface; sepals roundish-ovate, somewhat undulated, narrowed at the
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VANDA SANDERIANA. [Plate 124.] Native of Mindanao, Philippine Islands.
VANDA SANDERIANA. [Plate 124.] Native of Mindanao, Philippine Islands.
Epiphytal. Stems short, tufted, densely leafy. Leaves distichous, recurved, rigid and leathery in texture, broadly ligulate, channelled, obliquely cut away at the acute apex, evergreen. Racemes axillary, many-flowered. Flowers huge (fully four and a half inches across), and from the parts lying in one plane having a primâ facie resemblance to those of Odontoglossum vexillarium ; dorsal sepal roundish, obovate (one and three-quarter inches by two inches), of a delicate rosy blush on both surfaces
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ZYGOPETALUM GAUTIERI. [Plate 28.] Native of St. Catherine’s, Brazil.
ZYGOPETALUM GAUTIERI. [Plate 28.] Native of St. Catherine’s, Brazil.
Epiphytal. Pseudobulbs oblong, deeply furrowed, the younger ones ancipitous, attached to a branched creeping rhizome. Leaves fascicled, distichous, the outer ones shorter, the central ones narrowly elongate-oblong, plicate with a strongly developed costa, ten to twelve inches long, bright green. Scape issuing from the centre of the leaf-tufts, and terminating in a drooping raceme of three to six flowers, furnished with elongate-oblong amplexicaul bracts, those subtending the flowers being nearly
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CATTLEYA MOSSIÆ HARDYANA. [Plate 125.] Native of La Guayra.
CATTLEYA MOSSIÆ HARDYANA. [Plate 125.] Native of La Guayra.
Epiphytal. Stems oblong, club-shaped, furrowed in age, and invested in the lower part by whitish membranaceous sheaths. Leaves leathery, ligulate-oblong obtuse, recurved at the tip, deep green. Scape about two-flowered, issuing from the broad compressed leafy sheath, both scape and pedicels tinted with reddish purple. Flowers large, exceedingly attractive from their peculiar striate coloration, the colours very irregularly distributed, no two corresponding parts being alike in marking; sepals la
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CŒLOGYNE MASSANGEANA. [Plate 29.] Native of Assam.
CŒLOGYNE MASSANGEANA. [Plate 29.] Native of Assam.
Epiphytal. Pseudobulbs pyriform, three to four inches in height, smooth, bearing two leaves at the apex. Leaves persistent, cuneate-oblong, acute, stalked, somewhat plicate, a foot and a half high including the stalk, and four inches broad. Peduncle pendulous, produced from the base of the pseudobulbs, one and a half to two feet long, nigro-asperate; bracts cuneate-oblong obtuse, much shorter than the pedicels. Flowers showy, in loose racemes of two dozen or more, yellow with a brown lip; sepals
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LÆLIA ELEGANS ALBA. [Plate 30.] Native of Brazil.
LÆLIA ELEGANS ALBA. [Plate 30.] Native of Brazil.
Epiphytal. Stems terete, somewhat club-shaped, about eighteen inches in height, the weaker ones bearing one, the stronger two, leaves at the apex. Leaves solitary or in pairs, ligulate-oblong, from six inches to a foot in length, very thick and leathery in texture, of a bright green colour. Scape two to three-flowered, issuing from a terminal oblong compressed bract, about three inches in length. Flowers white and crimson-purple, large and very handsome, about six inches in expansion; sepals obl
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Epiphytal. Stemless , ebulbous, producing only a tuft of leaves and flowers from the crown of the roots. Leaves cuneate, oblong-ligulate, acute, somewhat plicate, broad and channelled below, amplectant at the base, of a light green colour. Scapes solitary, issuing from the leaf axils, about half as long as the leaves, and furnished in the upper part with a two-valved bluntish spathe, which is rather shorter than the united ovary and pedicel. Flowers moderately large, measuring from four to five
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CALANTHE VEITCHII. [Plate 31.] A Garden Hybrid.
CALANTHE VEITCHII. [Plate 31.] A Garden Hybrid.
Terrestrial. Pseudobulbs fleshy, conical, bluntly angular, four to six inches in height. Leaves deciduous, about two from the apex of each pseudobulb, lanceolate, narrowed both towards the base and apex, plicate or plaited, of a bright green, produced before the flowers. Scapes radical, downy, invested in the lower part with sheathing bracts, and each supporting a tall showy raceme of flowers, sometimes reaching three to four feet long. Flowers abundant, each subtended by an ovate bract, of a ve
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ODONTOGLOSSUM ALEXANDRÆ STEVENSII. [Plate 127.] Native of New Grenada.
ODONTOGLOSSUM ALEXANDRÆ STEVENSII. [Plate 127.] Native of New Grenada.
Epiphytal. Pseudobulbs ovate-oblong, compressed, generally in age becoming tinged with purple, diphyllous. Leaves ligulate-oblong acute, channelled towards the base, of a bright light green colour, often with one or two accessory ones from the base of the pseudobulbs. Scapes radical, issuing from the axils of the accessory leaves, and supporting a many-flowered raceme, or, in very vigorous plants, a panicle of flowers, having small acute bracts at the base of the pedicels. Flowers large, and han
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PILUMNA NOBILIS. [Plate 128.] Native of Colombia.
PILUMNA NOBILIS. [Plate 128.] Native of Colombia.
Epiphytal. Pseudobulbs elongate-oblong, compressed, narrowed to the top, three to four inches or more in length, clustered, monophyllous. Leaves broadly oblong, acute, narrowed to a cuneate base, keeled. Scape radical, from four to six inches high, about four-flowered, with two or three oblong acute scarious bracts below the raceme. Flowers half expanded, white, with two orange-coloured spots in the centre, the club-shaped furrowed ovary decurved; sepals linear-lanceolate acuminate, undulated, n
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ONCIDIUM HÆMATOCHILUM. [Plate 32.] Native of New Grenada.
ONCIDIUM HÆMATOCHILUM. [Plate 32.] Native of New Grenada.
Epiphytal. Pseudobulbs none or obsolete, the leaves and flower-scapes springing directly from the axils of the scaly bracts which surround the crown. Leaves solitary, flat, oblong, acute, leathery in texture, dull green spotted with reddish brown, nine to twelve inches long. Scape radical, deep red, supporting a dense panicle of green spotted crimson-lipped flowers. Flowers about an inch and a half across, showy on account of their rich colouring and markings; sepals oval-oblong, yellowish green
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ONCIDIUM LANCEANUM LOUVREXIANUM. [Plate 129.] Native of Dutch Guiana.
ONCIDIUM LANCEANUM LOUVREXIANUM. [Plate 129.] Native of Dutch Guiana.
Epiphytal. Stems forming a very short woody annulated rootstock (ebulbous), from which are protruded the thick greenish roots. Leaves elliptic-oblong acute, leathery, slightly keeled, somewhat recurved at the point, a foot to a foot and a half in length, dull deep green speckled with purple, the speckling most strongly marked on the under surface and on the younger parts. Panicles rigid, short-branched, on green peduncles, which spring from the base of the leaf, and are blotched with purple, and
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CATTLEYA SUPERBA SPLENDENS. [Plate 33.] Native of Brazil in the region of the Rio Negro.
CATTLEYA SUPERBA SPLENDENS. [Plate 33.] Native of Brazil in the region of the Rio Negro.
Epiphytal. Stems slender, subterete, furrowed, with distant nodes, nearly a foot in height. Leaves in pairs, ovate or ovate-oblong, obtuse, barely four inches in length, of a deep bluish green colour and stout coriaceous texture. Scape four to five-flowered, issuing from a terminal oblong obtuse compressed sheathing bract, of a pale brown colour, which is about two inches long and three-quarters of an inch broad. Flowers richly coloured, nearly six inches in breadth; sepals elliptic-lanceolate,
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THUNIA MARSHALLIANA. [Plate 130.] Native of Moulmein.
THUNIA MARSHALLIANA. [Plate 130.] Native of Moulmein.
Terrestrial. Stems reed-like, erect, glabrous, cylindrical, about two and a half feet high, becoming smaller upwards, swelling into roundish tuberous knobs beneath the soil, clothed above with distichous leaves, and terminating in a dense raceme of flowers. Leaves oblong-lanceolate, acuminate, semi-amplectant, about six inches long, five to seven nerved, of a pale green colour, glaucous beneath. Racemes terminal, nodding, dense, and many-flowered, the bracts large ovate-lanceolate, acute, concav
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PAPHINIA CRISTATA. [Plate 34.] Native of Trinidad and Guiana.
PAPHINIA CRISTATA. [Plate 34.] Native of Trinidad and Guiana.
Epiphytal. Pseudobulbs small, clustered, oblong-ovate, compressed, somewhat furrowed, bearing one to three leaves at the apex, and leaf-like scales at the base. Leaves oblong-lanceolate, plicate, submembranaceous, spreading, about eight inches in height. Scapes proceeding from the base of the pseudobulbs, pendent, two or three-flowered, clothed with loose brown membranaceous bracts. Flowers smooth, spreading, whitish on the outside, beautifully marked with purple lines within, about three and a
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ODONTOGLOSSUM ANDERSONIANUM. [Plate 35.] Native of New Grenada.
ODONTOGLOSSUM ANDERSONIANUM. [Plate 35.] Native of New Grenada.
Epiphytal. Pseudobulbs ligulate-pyriform, costate, two or three inches high. Leaves broadly linear, acute, about a foot long, of a light green colour, two from the top of each pseudobulb, with occasionally another from its base. Scape radical, spreading, more or less drooping, supporting a branching raceme about two feet long. Flowers resembling those of Odontoglossum Alexandræ , but smaller, prettily spotted; sepals ovate-oblong, acute, slightly crispy, creamy white, heavily and irregularly blo
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ODONTOGLOSSUM NEVADENSE. [Plate 131.] Native of New Grenada.
ODONTOGLOSSUM NEVADENSE. [Plate 131.] Native of New Grenada.
Epiphytal. Pseudobulbs large, oblong-ovate, compressed, about three inches high and two inches broad, diphyllous. Leaves lorate-lanceolate, keeled, very much narrowed to the base, of a dark green. Scapes radical, bearing drooping racemes of from twelve to fifteen blossoms. Flowers large and pleasingly coloured; sepals spreading in a narrow triangle, lanceolate, slightly grooved in the centre, clear bright chestnut, with a narrow even edge of yellow; petals smaller, lanceolate, spreading, an inch
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CYPRIPEDIUM POLITUM. [Plate 36.] Garden Hybrid.
CYPRIPEDIUM POLITUM. [Plate 36.] Garden Hybrid.
Epiphytal. Acaulescent. Leaves radical, distichous, coriaceous, oblong, acute, palish green thickly chequered with dark bottle-green markings, the under side dull reddish purple. Scapes solitary in the leaf axils, pubescent, purplish, terminating in a lanceolate sharply keeled bract, from which the solitary blossom emerges. Flowers medium-sized, peculiar in form, rather showy; dorsal sepals ovate-acute, ciliate, the inner surface polished, suffused with reddish purple in the lower part, whitish
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LÆLIA DAYANA. [Plate 132.] Native of Brazil.
LÆLIA DAYANA. [Plate 132.] Native of Brazil.
Epiphytal. Stems short, clustered, oblong, somewhat clavate, invested by dry membranous pale brown scales, the stronger and younger flowering stems with two or three blunter sheaths of a pale green colour. Leaves elliptic-oblong, acute, three inches long, fleshy coriaceous, solitary. Scape terminal, one-flowered, issuing from a leafy spathe. Flowers nearly four inches across, showy, on account of the rich and strongly contrasted colouring of the lip; sepals lanceolate acute, entire, recurved at
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ANGULOA EBURNEA. [Plate 133.] Native of Colombia.
ANGULOA EBURNEA. [Plate 133.] Native of Colombia.
Epiphytal. Pseudobulbs oblong attenuated at the apex, four inches high, furrowed, dark green, sheathed while young with large leafy scales, which gradually pass into the true leaves, becoming leafless in age. Leaves broadly elliptic-lanceolate acute, strongly ribbed and of thin herbaceous texture. Scape stout, springing from the base of the pseudobulbs, eight to ten inches high, with one or two distinct sheathing ovate acuminate pale green bracts. Flowers large, solitary at the top of the erect
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CYPRIPEDIUM CHLORONEURUM. [Plate 37.] Garden Hybrid.
CYPRIPEDIUM CHLORONEURUM. [Plate 37.] Garden Hybrid.
Epiphytal. Acaulescent. Leaves radical, distichous, coriaceous, oblong acute, closely tessellated with dark hieroglyphic markings on a light green ground, the under surface reddish purple. Scapes solitary in the central leaf-axils, pubescent, reddish purple, one-flowered, with a very short ovate bract. Flowers large, with expanded petals, rather attractive in colour; dorsal sepal broadly ovate, bright yellow-green with white margin, and a narrow purple central stripe, on each side of which are a
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CALANTHE VESTITA WILLIAMSII. [Plate 134.] Native of Eastern Asia.
CALANTHE VESTITA WILLIAMSII. [Plate 134.] Native of Eastern Asia.
Terrestrial. Pseudobulbs broadly ovate or ovate-oblong, often five to eight inches long with a constriction above the middle, bluntly angular, in age furrowed, pale grey or ash colour, partially sheathed with membranaceous scales, and terminating in the remains of the previous set of leaves. Leaves large, broadly lanceolate acuminate, a foot long, of herbaceous texture, and a pale green colour, nervosely striate, deciduous, appearing after the decay of the flowers, two or more from each bulb. Sc
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DENDROBIUM BIGIBBUM. [Plate 38.] Native of Tropical North-east Australia.
DENDROBIUM BIGIBBUM. [Plate 38.] Native of Tropical North-east Australia.
Epiphytal. Pseudobulbs long, slender, erect, fusiform, one to two feet in length, closely invested between the nodes with dry light brown sheaths, the older ones swollen at the very base. Leaves oblong-lanceolate, sub-acuminate, five ribbed, of a deep green colour, and a somewhat coriaceous texture, a few only (five or six) being developed towards the extremities of the stems. Racemes erect or curving, six to twelve flowered, nearly a foot in length, usually produced from the upper nodes of the
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PHALÆNOPSIS STUARTIANA NOBILIS. [Plate 39.] Native of the East.
PHALÆNOPSIS STUARTIANA NOBILIS. [Plate 39.] Native of the East.
Epiphytal. Acaulescent, the plants clinging to their supports by stout flattened roots. Leaves coriaceous, distichous, ligulate-oblong, acute, channelled, equitant at the base, the upper surface marbled with transverse grey blotches which disappear with age, the under surface purplish red, similar in size to those of Phalænopsis Schilleriana . Scape radical, bearing a many-flowered (120 or more) branching panicle of very handsomely and peculiarly spotted blossoms. Flowers nearly three inches acr
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LÆLIA AMANDA. [Plate 135.] Native of Brazil.
LÆLIA AMANDA. [Plate 135.] Native of Brazil.
Epiphytal. Stems thin, fusiform, a foot to a foot and a half in height, diphyllous, invested by a sheathing mucronulate scale. Leaves cuneate ligulate, bluntly acute, six to nine inches long, coriaceous, of a light green. Peduncles two flowered issuing from a small narrow spathe. Flowers five to six inches across, delicately coloured; sepals ligulate-oblong acute, entire, of a flesh-colour or pinkish blush with purple veins, the dorsal one three inches long and three-fourths of an inch wide, the
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CYPRIPEDIUM CALURUM. [Plate 136.] A Garden Hybrid.
CYPRIPEDIUM CALURUM. [Plate 136.] A Garden Hybrid.
Epiphytal. Acaulescent. Leaves spreading, tufted, ensiform, channelled especially towards the base, tapered to the apex, one and a quarter inch wide, green. Scape of a brownish-red colour, tall, branched, bearing several flowers, with longish ovate-lanceolate boat-shaped bracts at the ramifications. Flowers large and handsome, five inches in lateral, three and a half inches in vertical expansion; dorsal sepal oblong ovate bluntish, pale watery green with several longitudinal purplish and darker
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ODONTOGLOSSUM KRAMERI. [Plate 40.] Native of Costa Rica.
ODONTOGLOSSUM KRAMERI. [Plate 40.] Native of Costa Rica.
Epiphytal. Pseudobulbs nearly orbicular, much compressed, ancipitous or sharply two-edged, one and a-half inch in diameter, pale green. Leaves solitary, oblong-lanceolate, acute, keeled, six to eight inches long, one and a-half to two inches broad, light green, with a smooth even surface. Scapes radical, four to six inches long, shorter than the leaves, three to five flowered, drooping or ascending, flexuous, pale green, with small appressed bracts and longish peduncles. Flowers one and a-half i
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ANGRÆCUM EBURNEUM. [Plate 41.] Native of Madagascar and Bourbon.
ANGRÆCUM EBURNEUM. [Plate 41.] Native of Madagascar and Bourbon.
Epiphytal. Stem erect, leafy, producing roots from the lower part and from between the bases of the lower leaves. Leaves distichous, ligulate, very oblique at the apex, coriaceous, of a shining green colour, striated, about two inches broad, carinate below and overlapping each other at the base. Peduncles axillary, furnished with dark sheathing scales, and bearing an erect spike of numerous large flowers of peculiar form and appearance, all pointing in one direction and placed alternately back t
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ONCIDIUM TIGRINUM. [Plate 137.] Native of Mexico.
ONCIDIUM TIGRINUM. [Plate 137.] Native of Mexico.
Epiphytal. Pseudobulbs ovate, compressed, blunt-edged, two or three-leaved, three inches in length. Leaves oblong-lanceolate acute, leathery in texture, folded and sheathing at the base. Scape radical, two feet long, bearing a panicle of numerous showy blossoms. Flowers distinct in character from the marked contrast presented between the small tiger-striped sepals and petals, and the ample bright yellow lip, having a delicious odour of violets; sepals linear-oblong acute, wavy and revolute at th
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LÆLIA ALBIDA. [Plate 138.] Native of Mexico.
LÆLIA ALBIDA. [Plate 138.] Native of Mexico.
Epiphytal. Pseudobulbs ovate, clustered, about the size of pigeon’s eggs, becoming furrowed in age, marked about the middle by a transverse ring or scar, diphyllous. Leaves narrow lanceolate acute, somewhat leathery, of a deep green colour. Scape terminal, slender, two or three times as long as the leaves, bearing a raceme of five to eight flowers, and furnished with rigid sessile ovate bracts. Flowers white, powerfully sweet-scented, with an odour resembling that of the glandular leaves of the
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DENDROBIUM SUPERBUM [MACROPHYLLUM]. [Plate 42.] Native of the Philippine Islands.
DENDROBIUM SUPERBUM [MACROPHYLLUM]. [Plate 42.] Native of the Philippine Islands.
Epiphytal. Stems (pseudobulbs) stout, cylindrical, striated, the nodes of the flowering ones marked by the persistent scarious sheathing bases of the fallen leaves, drooping, and often attaining considerable length. Leaves alternate elliptic-oblong, acute or obtuse, subcordate at the base, nervose, thin in texture, two-ribbed. Flowers very numerous, usually in pairs from the joints of the stems, which form long floral wreaths; sepals lanceolate, plane, the lateral ones produced at the base, of a
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ARUNDINA BAMBUSÆFOLIA. [Plate 139.] Native of India: Nepal, Sylhet, Burmah, etc.
ARUNDINA BAMBUSÆFOLIA. [Plate 139.] Native of India: Nepal, Sylhet, Burmah, etc.
Terrestrial. Stems erect, terete, striate, with the habit of a small bamboo, three to five feet high, as thick as a stout quill or one’s little finger, polyphyllous. Leaves a span to a foot in length, distant, distichous, ensiform, with the base sheathing the stem, and the apex attenuated, erect and spreading, the upper ones on the flowering stems reduced to sheathing bracts, which are numerous, short, ovate acute, spreading at the tips, so that the peduncles are ochreate, of a whitish green, an
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Epiphytal. Pseudobulbs ovate, compressed, one or two leaved. Leaves elongate, oblong-lanceolate, acute, of a bright green colour. Scape radical, supporting a many-flowered raceme (or panicle) of showy flowers, each subtended by a small ovate-oblong acute bract. Flowers large, differing from other known forms of the species by their yellow colour, about three inches across; sepals ovate-lanceolate, acute, slightly wavy at the edges, pale sulphur-yellow; petals ovate, much undulated at the margins
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CYMBIDIUM AFFINE. [Plate 140.] Native of Assam and Khasya.
CYMBIDIUM AFFINE. [Plate 140.] Native of Assam and Khasya.
Epiphytal. Acaulescent , with thick fleshy roots, forming a short rootstock, from which dense tufts of graceful erectly spreading foliage is produced. Leaves distichous, erecto-patent, elongate, linear lorate, acute, channeled, three-fourths of an inch broad, dark green. Scape stout, green, having just beneath the inflorescence two or three loosely sheathing leafy bracts; raceme six to eight-flowered, decurved, terminal, each flower having a short ovate acute bract at the base of its pale green
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LÆLIA ANCEPS DAWSONI. [Plate 44.] Native of Juquila in Mexico.
LÆLIA ANCEPS DAWSONI. [Plate 44.] Native of Juquila in Mexico.
Epiphytal. Pseudobulbs oblong-ovate, four to five inches long, compressed and two-edged, with prominent angles on the flattened sides so as to render them tetraquetrous, clothed with large membranaceous scales. Leaves one or two from each pseudobulb, oblong-lanceolate acute, coriaceous, smooth and glossy on the surface, of a rich deep green colour. Scape rising from between the leaves at the apex of the pseudobulb, two to three feet long, ancipitous, clothed with carinate bracts, and bearing abo
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CATTLEYA TRIANÆ. [Plate 45.] Native of Colombia.
CATTLEYA TRIANÆ. [Plate 45.] Native of Colombia.
Epiphytal. Stems oblong, club-shaped, furrowed, about a foot in height, clothed with whitish membranaceous sheaths. Leaves solitary, coriaceous, ligulate-oblong, recurved at the tip, of a deep green colour, six to eight inches long. Scape two or three-flowered, proceeding from a terminal oblong compressed brownish bract or sheath, about two inches long. Flowers large, variable in colour, from white to a dilute delicate tint of rosy purple in the typical form, the lip being of a rich magenta; sep
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DENDROBIUM LINAWIANUM. [Plate 141.] Native of China.
DENDROBIUM LINAWIANUM. [Plate 141.] Native of China.
Epiphytal. Stems erect, club shaped, somewhat flattened, light green, one to two feet high, retaining the leaves for two years, when mature becoming deeply furrowed and swollen below the nodes, the internodes partially sheathed by the withered bases of the leaves: it is these tumid internodes which give the appearance of a necklace, whence the name moniliforme came to be applied, though erroneously, to the plant. Leaves distichous, oblong obtuse, obliquely emarginate, pea-green. Peduncles from t
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MILTONIA CUNEATA. [Plate 46.] Native of Brazil.
MILTONIA CUNEATA. [Plate 46.] Native of Brazil.
Epiphytal. Pseudobulbs ovate-oblong, compressed, light green, diphyllous. Leaves ligulate-oblong, striate, somewhat carinate beneath, of a cheerful green colour. Scape radical, erect, bearing a five to eight flowered raceme, each of the pedicels having at its base a whitish glumaceous triangular bract about half as long as the ovary. Flowers large and showy, with a broad flat white lip; sepals oblong-lanceolate, narrowed to the base, of a deep chocolate-purple with a yellowish green tip on which
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ZYGOPETALUM BURKEI. [Plate 142.] Native of Demerara.
ZYGOPETALUM BURKEI. [Plate 142.] Native of Demerara.
Epiphytal. Pseudobulbs clustered, narrow oblong, over two inches long, erect, shining, tetragonal, the surface furrowed, diphyllous. Leaves elongate-lanceolate acuminate, nervose, somewhat leathery in consistence. Scape radical, pale green, bearing a raceme of four or five flowers, furnished with ovate pale green bracts at the base of the pedicels. Flowers about two inches across, of a peculiar and distinctive character; sepals ovate-lanceolate, the lateral ones deflexed, bright green, with abou
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CŒLOGYNE BARBATA. [Plate 143.] Native of India: Bhothan, Khasya, &c.
CŒLOGYNE BARBATA. [Plate 143.] Native of India: Bhothan, Khasya, &c.
Epiphytal. Pseudobulbs roundish-ovate, plump, two-leaved, with brownish lanceolate bracts at their base. Leaves narrowed below into a petiole, elliptic-oblong, with a stout costa, plicate, leathery, one and a half-inch wide, and from six inches to a foot long including the petiole, of a lively green. Peduncles erect, rigid, springing from between the leaves, terete, terminating in a dense raceme of flowers, below which are several pairs of abortive imbricated pale brown bracts. Flowers large, wh
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ODONTOGLOSSUM ALEXANDRÆ. [Plate 47.] Native of Bogota, New Grenada.
ODONTOGLOSSUM ALEXANDRÆ. [Plate 47.] Native of Bogota, New Grenada.
Epiphytal. Pseudobulbs oblong-ovate, compressed, often stained brownish purple, two-leaved. Leaves ligulate-oblong, acute, channelled toward the base, of a pleasing light green colour. Scape radical, supporting a many-flowered raceme, or in the more vigorous plants a panicle equalling or exceeding the leaves, and having small acute bracts at the base of the pedicels. Flowers exquisitely chaste and beautiful, white, tinted with rose, and variously spotted, fully three inches across; sepals ovate-
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VANDA CŒRULESCENS. [Plate 48.] Native of Burmah.
VANDA CŒRULESCENS. [Plate 48.] Native of Burmah.
Epiphytal. Stem one to two feet high or more, producing long stout flexuous roots from the leaf bases. Leaves close set, distichous, linear-ligulate, truncately-bilobed, coriaceous, channelled, five to seven inches long, of a deep green colour, carinate, the keel forming an angular projection at the tip. Scapes or Peduncles slender, distantly vaginate, with small appressed sheaths, axillary, erect, bearing a ten to twenty flowered raceme longer than the leaves. Flowers neat and very pleasing, pa
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CATTLEYA LABIATA PERCIVALIANA. [Plate 144.] Native of Brazil.
CATTLEYA LABIATA PERCIVALIANA. [Plate 144.] Native of Brazil.
Epiphytal. Stems erect, club-shaped, becoming furrowed in age, nearly a foot in height, monophyllous, evergreen. Leaves oblong-obtuse, leathery, dark green. Scape two-flowered, issuing from an oblong sheath. Flowers about five inches across, exceedingly handsome, the lip being very richly coloured; sepals linear-lanceolate, entire, the dorsal one recurved, of a soft pale magenta-rose; petals much larger and longer, broadly ovate-obtuse, the margin slightly wavy, scarcely denticulate, about two a
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LÆLIA AUTUMNALIS ATRORUBENS. [Plate 49.] Native of Mexico.
LÆLIA AUTUMNALIS ATRORUBENS. [Plate 49.] Native of Mexico.
Epiphytal. Pseudobulbs oblong-ovate, terete, furrowed, bearing two or three leaves at the attenuated apex, and sheathed at the base with large brown imbricated scales. Leaves oblong-linear, spreading, smooth, leathery in texture. Scape terete, issuing from between the leaves, and much longer than them, bearing five or six flowers at the apex, jointed, with sheathing scales at the joints. Flowers large and richly-coloured, much more so than in the typical form, sweet-scented; sepals lanceolate ac
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ZYGOPETALUM CLAYII. [Plate 50.] A Garden Hybrid.
ZYGOPETALUM CLAYII. [Plate 50.] A Garden Hybrid.
Epiphytal. Pseudobulbs oblong, furrowed, two to three inches long. Leaves lorate-lanceolate, narrowed towards the base, nervose, persistent, about a foot and a half in length when mature. Scape radical, many-flowered, as long as the leaves. Flowers large and very showy; sepals oblong, lanceolate, acute, the lateral ones spreading, purplish brown with green margin and indistinct transverse bands, forming broad blotches, which are often obscurely defined; petals narrower, lanceolate acute, directe
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CŒLIA BELLA. [Plate 51.] Native of Guatemala.
CŒLIA BELLA. [Plate 51.] Native of Guatemala.
Epiphytal. Pseudobulbs roundish-ovate, sub-compressed, pale green, the older ones oblong-ovate. Leaves of a light green colour, about ten inches in height, three or four from the top of the pseudobulb, narrow ensiform acuminate, plicate, five-ribbed, convolutely sheathing at the base. Scape radical, short, clothed with bifarious sheathing bracts, four to seven-flowered. Flowers of moderate size, tricoloured, emitting a very sweet odour, the perianth tubular below, funnel-shaped above, the bracte
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ODONTOGLOSSUM MACULATUM. [Plate 52.] Native of Mexico.
ODONTOGLOSSUM MACULATUM. [Plate 52.] Native of Mexico.
Epiphytal. Pseudobulbs oblong, compressed, usually bearing a solitary leaf, other leaves with equitant articulated petioles investing the bulb. Leaves oblong, acute, five to seven nerved, of a parchment-like texture, and a bright green colour. Scape radical, bearing a many-flowered pendulous or semi-erect raceme, furnished with boat-shaped brownish herbaceous bracts shorter than the ovaries. Flowers prettily spotted, about two and a half inches in breadth, and upwards of three inches in depth; s
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ADA AURANTIACA [Plate 53.] Native of New Grenada.
ADA AURANTIACA [Plate 53.] Native of New Grenada.
Epiphytal. Pseudobulbs sub-cylindrical, tapering upwards, three to four inches long, sheathed with reddish scales at their base. Leaves terminal, channelled, broadly linear, four to six inches long, one to three in number. Scape terminal, longer than the leaves, bisquamate, bearing a drooping spike of from ten to fourteen rather distichously placed flowers, which have each a scariose lanceolate-subulate bract at its base. Flowers brightly coloured, the perianth closed below, and only opening in
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CŒLOGYNE CRISTATA ALBA. [Plate 54.] Native of India.
CŒLOGYNE CRISTATA ALBA. [Plate 54.] Native of India.
Epiphytal. Pseudobulbs oblong, becoming somewhat angulate, growing from a thick scaly rhizome, diphyllous. Leaves linear-lanceolate, somewhat flaccid. Scape radical, erect, bearing a drooping raceme of three to five flowers, furnished at the base with dry brown imbricated scales; bracts oblong, persistent, sheathing the stalked ovaries. Flowers large, fragrant, about four inches in diameter; sepals oblong-lanceolate, acuminate, undulate, white; petals similar to the sepals in form and colour; li
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SCUTICARIA STEELII. [Plate 55.] Native of British Guiana.
SCUTICARIA STEELII. [Plate 55.] Native of British Guiana.
Epiphytal. Rhizome short, articulated, branched, ebulbous, the branches monophyllous. Leaves flagelliform, as thick as a swan’s quill, channelled, subulate at the apex, two to four feet long, drooping. Scape radical, short, one to three flowered. Flower large, fragrant, with the perianth connivent; sepals oblong, the lateral ones produced at the base into a blunt chin, pale primrose-yellow, blotched with deep reddish brown; petals of the same form and colour as the sepals; lip three-lobed, pale
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SACCOLABIUM GIGANTEUM. [Plate 56.] Native of Burmah.
SACCOLABIUM GIGANTEUM. [Plate 56.] Native of Burmah.
Epiphytal. Stem short, producing from the basal portion thick fleshy roots. Leaves subsecund, leathery, broadly lorate with the apex oblique and bilobed, about a foot long and two inches broad, channelled, the surface streaked. Racemes densely flowered, drooping, about equalling the leaves in length, axillary. Flowers very numerous, handsomely spotted, and remarkably fragrant, with broad, short, membraneous bracts at their base; sepals oblong or cuneate-ovate, obtuse, white, with a few amethyst
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PESCATOREA LEHMANNI. [Plate 57.] Native of the Andes of Ecuador.
PESCATOREA LEHMANNI. [Plate 57.] Native of the Andes of Ecuador.
Epiphytal. Stems none, or consisting of a short crown or growing point, from which the leaves, with their narrowed overlapping bases and the stout fibrous roots proceed. Leaves lorate-lanceolate acute, upwards of a foot long, and from an inch to an inch and a half wide, of thin, firm texture, ribbed. Scapes radical, much shorter than the leaves, bracteate, one-flowered. Flowers large, upwards of three inches across, showy, white striped with purple; sepals and petals broadly cuneate oblong, obtu
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ODONTOGLOSSUM TRIUMPHANS. [Plate 58.] Native of New Grenada.
ODONTOGLOSSUM TRIUMPHANS. [Plate 58.] Native of New Grenada.
Epiphytal. Pseudobulbs ovate oblong, two to three inches in length, furrowed when old, diphyllous. Leaves oblong-lanceolate, acuminate, narrowed to the base. Scape arising from the base of the pseudobulbs, elongate, the inflorescence racemose, the flowers having longish internodes between them, and the pedicels each furnished with a small triangular bract at its base. Flowers large, handsomely spotted; sepals oblong acute, narrowed to the base, deep golden yellow, marked for three-fourths of the
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VANDA ROXBURGHII. [Plate 59.] Native of India.
VANDA ROXBURGHII. [Plate 59.] Native of India.
Epiphytal. Stems dwarf, stout, erect, leafy, with aërial roots from the lower portion. Leaves two-ranked, evergreen, leathery, light green, ligulate, channelled, obliquely tridentate at the apex. Flowers six to twelve, in erect axillary racemes longer than the leaves, tessellated; sepals and petals oblong-obovate, obtuse, undulated, white on the exterior surface, the inner side pale green, marked with olive-brown in chequered lines; lip three-lobed, projected backwards near the middle to form a
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LÆLIA PERRINII. [Plate 60.] Native of Brazil.
LÆLIA PERRINII. [Plate 60.] Native of Brazil.
Epiphytal. Pseudobulbs (stems) club-shaped, under a foot in height, becoming furrowed when old. Leaves solitary, oblong-obtuse, about as long as the stems, coriaceous, of a dark green colour. Spathes oblong, compressed, green, often tinged with purple. Scape two-flowered, purplish. Flowers large, about six inches in expansion, richly coloured; sepals linear-oblong, bluntish, the lateral ones falcate, of a diluted magenta-rose; petals broader, oblong-lanceolate, of the same colour as the sepals;
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VANDA PARISHII MARRIOTTIANA. [Plate 61.] Native of Moulmein.
VANDA PARISHII MARRIOTTIANA. [Plate 61.] Native of Moulmein.
Epiphytal. Plant dwarf, compact, evergreen, the stem short, with closely-set leaves, and thick aërial roots. Leaves distichous, ligulate-obtuse, with an unequal bilobed apex, stout and fleshy in texture, narrower, less drooping, and more densely set than in the type. Scape axillary, the spike erect, bearing several (about six) flowers. Flowers large, scentless, but remarkable for their beautiful colouring; sepals roundish-obovate, the outer surface pale mauve, with darker mauve blotches, and a w
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MASDEVALLIA IGNEA. [Plate 62.] Native of New Grenada.
MASDEVALLIA IGNEA. [Plate 62.] Native of New Grenada.
Epiphytal. Stems slender, erect, tufted. Leaves evergreen, coriaceous, six to eight inches long, the blade deep green, elliptic-oblong, blunt or notched at the apex, keeled behind, and narrowed below into a long slender channelled petiole, which is invested at the base by one or two membranous sheaths. Scapes slender, radical, ten to twelve inches long, invested at the base by sheaths, and having a sheathing bract beneath the blossom like those of the leaves. Flowers remarkable in form, and bril
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CŒLOGYNE PANDURATA. [Plate 63.] Native of Borneo.
CŒLOGYNE PANDURATA. [Plate 63.] Native of Borneo.
Epiphytal, Pseudobulbs large, somewhat compressed, oblong ovate, bearing about two leaves at the summit. Leaves large, broadly-lanceolate, plaited, eighteen inches long, many-nerved. Scape radical, produced with the young growth, supporting a pendulous raceme somewhat longer than the leaves. Flowers numerous, rather distant, large, four inches across when fully expanded, fragrant, each one issuing from the axil of a brown cucullate deciduous bract as long as the pedicel; sepals and petals linear
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ODONTOGLOSSUM ROEZLII. [Plate 64.] Native of Colombia.
ODONTOGLOSSUM ROEZLII. [Plate 64.] Native of Colombia.
Epiphytal. Pseudobulbs narrowly ovate, two inches long, compressed, with acute margins. Leaves elongately linear-lanceolate, acuminate, nearly or quite a foot in length, keeled behind, and there marked with nine nervose striæ, the colour a clear pale green. Scapes short, slender, terete, three to six-flowered (according to Rchb.), erect, with subulate pale green bracts shorter than the pedicels, which pass gradually into the slender grooved ovary. Flowers three to four inches across, flat, excee
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COMPARETTIA MACROPLECTRON. [Plate 65.] Native of New Grenada.
COMPARETTIA MACROPLECTRON. [Plate 65.] Native of New Grenada.
Epiphytal. Pseudobulbs small, oblong, truncate, compressed or flattish, with the angles rounded, of a pinkish colour, monophyllous or sometimes a second leaf sheathing the bulb. Leaves oblong ligulate, acute, keeled, bright green, shining. Peduncles slender, drooping, lateral, sheathed at the base by ovate-lanceolate bracts, and bearing a secund raceme of flowers having minute scale-like bracts at the base of their inch-long pedicels. Flowers large, of a delicate rose colour, prettily spotted; d
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ODONTOGLOSSUM CRISTATELLUM. [Plate 66.] Native of the United States of Columbia.
ODONTOGLOSSUM CRISTATELLUM. [Plate 66.] Native of the United States of Columbia.
Epiphytal. Pseudobulbs ovate, one and a half to two inches long, pale green. Leaves one or two from each pseudobulb, ligulate-oblong, acute, narrowed to the base, keeled. Peduncles radical, terminating in a showy raceme of flowers, and furnished below with lanceolate pale brown bracts, smaller triangular bracts being produced at the base of the pedicels. Flowers two and a half inches across, attractive in colour and marking; sepals and petals subhastate, broadish oblong-ovate above, acuminate, y
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THUNIA BENSONIÆ. [Plate 67.] Native of India—Rangoon.
THUNIA BENSONIÆ. [Plate 67.] Native of India—Rangoon.
Terrestrial. Stems deciduous, terete, one and a half to two feet high, swelling into tuberous knobs at the base, the lower part clothed with suborbicular green reflexed leafy sheaths, which, as they advance upwards, gradually pass into the leaves. Leaves sheathing, membranous, subdistichous, linear-lanceolate acuminate, glaucous beneath, six to eight or ten inches long. Flowers large and very showy, terminal, growing in short nodding racemes of ten to fifteen together, each emerging from a pale
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Epiphytal. Pseudobulbs roundish or bluntly ovate, slightly-ribbed, about an inch high, diphyllous. Leaves strap-shaped or lorate-oblong, narrowed both to the base and apex, six inches long, of a deep green colour. Peduncle springing from the base of the pseudobulb, a foot in height in the only specimen which has yet flowered, bearing a raceme of about half-a-dozen flowers rather closely placed back to back at its upper end, with minute bracts at the base of their pedicels. Flowers two and a half
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CATTLEYA ACLANDIÆ. [Plate 69.] Native of Bahia.
CATTLEYA ACLANDIÆ. [Plate 69.] Native of Bahia.
Epiphytal. Stems (pseudobulbs) clavate, slightly furrowed, jointed, four to five inches long, sheathed at the joints with membranaceous spathes. Leaves terminal, two in number, elliptic, obtuse, thick and fleshy in texture, dark green. Scape terminal, bearing about two flowers and issuing from between the leaves. Flowers large, about three inches across, and strikingly beautiful from the boldly contrasted colours; sepals and petals nearly equal, somewhat fleshy, obovate-lanceolate, yellowish gre
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CYPRIPEDIUM FAIRRIEANUM. [Plate 70.] Native of Assam.
CYPRIPEDIUM FAIRRIEANUM. [Plate 70.] Native of Assam.
Epiphytal, Acaulescent. Leaves green, radical, leathery in texture, distichous, loriform, obliquely apiculate, the base carinate and equitant. Scapes solitary in the axils, longer than the leaves, green, pilose, terminating in a short sheathing woolly bract from which the blossom emerges. Flowers medium-sized, elegantly venose; dorsal sepal large, oblong-cordiform, ciliated, concave, the apex recurved, blunt, greenish white flushed with carmine and beautifully veined with bright crimson-purple;
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ODONTOGLOSSUM MADRENSE. [Plate 71.] Native of the Sierra Madre of Mexico.
ODONTOGLOSSUM MADRENSE. [Plate 71.] Native of the Sierra Madre of Mexico.
Epiphytal. Pseudobulbs ligulate or narrowly-oblong, ancipital, three inches or more in length, pale green. Leaves lorate or linear-lanceolate acute, nervose, keeled, usually two but sometimes one only from the apex of each pseudobulb, sometimes with a leaf sheathing the base. Scapes lateral, twelve to eighteen inches long, bearing an inclined raceme of from six to eight flowers from the axils of brown membranaceous triangular acuminate bracts. Flowers fragrant, white blotched with reddish purple
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MILTONIA REGNELLI PURPUREA. [Plate 72.] Native of Brazil.
MILTONIA REGNELLI PURPUREA. [Plate 72.] Native of Brazil.
Epiphytal. Pseudobulbs ovate, obtuse, compressed, diphyllous. Leaves lorate, acute, narrowed to the base, pale green, about a foot long. Scapes bearing three or four large showy flowers, each with a small bract at the base of its pedicel. Flowers showy, larger than in the type, being nearly three inches across; sepals lanceolate, about an inch and one-fourth in length, of a delicate shade of rosy pink, paler almost white at the edges, and with a darker median line; petals oblong, somewhat broade
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VANDA HOOKERIANA. [Plate 73.] Native of Borneo.
VANDA HOOKERIANA. [Plate 73.] Native of Borneo.
Epiphytal. Stems elongate, rigid, terete, pale green, producing aërial roots from the joints, resembling in habit and character those of its near ally, Vanda teres . Leaves erect, terete, tapered to a subulate mucronate point, channelled on the upper side, two and a half to three inches long, of a pale green colour. Peduncles from near the top of the stem, opposite, and longer than the leaves, erect, bearing a two to five-flowered raceme (two-flowered in the examples bloomed in this country). Fl
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EPIDENDRUM WALLISII. [Plate 74.] Native of New Grenada.
EPIDENDRUM WALLISII. [Plate 74.] Native of New Grenada.
Epiphytal. Stems erect, three to four feet high, reed-like, as thick as a raven’s quill, leafy throughout, the sheaths, which nearly cover the spaces between the leaves, rugose and spotted with brownish-purple. Leaves distichous, oblong-lanceolate, acute, about five inches long, and an inch or rather more in breadth. Inflorescence racemose, the racemes many-flowered, with sheathing scales at the base, and furnished above with triangular-ovate bracts much shorter than the pedicels; the racemes ar
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LÆLIA ANCEPS. [Plate 75.] Native of Mexico.
LÆLIA ANCEPS. [Plate 75.] Native of Mexico.
Epiphytal. Pseudobulbs narrowly ovate-oblong, compressed and two-edged, with prominent angles on the flattened sides, thus tetragonal, four to six inches long, clothed while young with large membranous scales. Leaves oblong-lanceolate, bluntish, two, or more rarely one, from each pseudobulb, five to eight inches long, leathery in texture, dark green. Scape terminal on the pseudobulbs, erect, often two feet long, terminating in a spike of three to five flowers, jointed, clothed with carinate brac
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MASDEVALLIA DAVISII. [Plate 76.] Native of Peru.
MASDEVALLIA DAVISII. [Plate 76.] Native of Peru.
Epiphytal. Stems slender, densely cæspitose. Leaves erect, dark green, leathery in texture, evergreen, six to eight inches long, narrowly ligulate-oblong, acute, carinate, narrowed downwards into the shortish petiole, which is invested at the base by a pale green sheath, an inch long, and having a shorter one at its base. Scapes slender, longer than the leaves, sheathed at the base, and furnished also with a sheathing oblong bract about their centre, and another just below the flower. Flowers ne
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VANDA TRICOLOR. [Plate 77.] Native of Java.
VANDA TRICOLOR. [Plate 77.] Native of Java.
Epiphytal. Stems tall, erect, leafy, producing stout aërial roots. Leaves distichous, broadly lorate, channelled, longer than the inflorescence, overlapping at the base, obliquely bilobed and somewhat erose at the apex. Racemes few-flowered. Flowers handsome, sweet-scented, roundish in outline, but longer than broad, their depth being about two and a half inches, beautifully spotted, the pedicels white, striately furrowed; sepals oblong-obovate obtuse, the edges rolled back, unguiculate, fully a
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ZYGOPETALUM ROSTRATUM. [Plate 78.] Native of Demerara.
ZYGOPETALUM ROSTRATUM. [Plate 78.] Native of Demerara.
Epiphytal. Pseudobulbs oblong-ovate, subcompressed, furrowed, enveloped at the base by pale brown membranaceous bracts. Scapes on the young growth, one to two flowered, issuing from the axil of the bracts which invest the immature pseudobulbs. Leaves lanceolate acute, plaited, about six inches long. Flowers large, six inches in depth, the dorsal sepal with the two petals directed backwards, the lateral sepals standing right and left behind the lip; sepals linear-lanceolate, three inches long, ha
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ODONTOGLOSSUM GRANDE. [Plate 79.] Native of Guatemala.
ODONTOGLOSSUM GRANDE. [Plate 79.] Native of Guatemala.
Epiphytal. Pseudobulbs ovate-oblong, compressed, ancipitous, about three inches high, diphyllous, sheathed with large membranaceous brown scales at the base. Leaves broadly lanceolate, striated, wavy, dark green above, dotted beneath with numerous minute dark brown dots. Scape radical, two to five flowered, furnished at intervals and beneath each flower with a lanceolate membranaceous bract. Flowers very large and very handsome, seven inches across and nearly eight inches in depth, yellow, with
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PHALÆNOPSIS MARIÆ. [Plate 80.] Native of the Eastern Archipelago.
PHALÆNOPSIS MARIÆ. [Plate 80.] Native of the Eastern Archipelago.
Epiphytal. Plant stemless, with flat aërial clinging roots. Leaves deflexed, distichous, oblong or ligulate, acute, somewhat channelled, two inches or more in width, stoutish in texture, dark green, glossy, obscurely striate. Scape radical, bearing a many-flowered drooping raceme, shorter than the leaves, and proceeding from their axils. Flowers of medium size, elegantly coloured; sepals narrowly-oblong, bluntish, about an inch long, the lateral ones slightly falcate, white, with about six bold
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CATTLEYA CRISPA BUCHANANIANA. [Plate 81.] Native of Brazil.
CATTLEYA CRISPA BUCHANANIANA. [Plate 81.] Native of Brazil.
Epiphytal. Stems clavate, eight to ten inches long, furrowed, monophyllous. Leaves evergreen, coriaceous, about a foot long, oblong-lanceolate, obtuse, emarginate. Scape emerging from a large oblong compressed leafy spathe, which is obliquely acute at the apex, and bearing a four to seven-flowered raceme. Flowers large and very handsome, with a beautifully crisp-edged and veined lip; sepals lanceolate-obovate, that is, broadest upwards, the margins revolute at the base, the tips recurved, of a v
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Epiphytal. Pseudobulbs oblong-ovate, two and a half inches long, glaucous green, becoming furrowed when old. Leaves deciduous, ligulate acute, channelled towards the base, of a light green colour. Scape three to six feet long, arching, bearing at the upper end a many-flowered raceme. Flowers showy, with a large conspicuous bright yellow lip; sepals oblong, apiculate, concave, narrowed at the base into a short claw, slightly wavy at the edge, pale yellow, transversely barred with short oblong blo
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CATASETUM CHRISTYANUM. [Plate 83.] Native of the Amazon Country.
CATASETUM CHRISTYANUM. [Plate 83.] Native of the Amazon Country.
Epiphytal. Stems stoutish, fusiform, jointed, six to eight inches long, and clothed with whitish membraneous sheaths. Leaves several from the apex of the younger stems, lanceolate-lorate, acuminate, plaited, the basal part channelled and sheathing the upper part of the stems. Scape radical, bearing an erect six to seven flowered raceme, with distinct sheathing scales below. Flowers remarkable in form, large, spreading, brown and green, each with a narrow bract at its base; sepals lanceolate-acum
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CATTLEYA DOWIANA AUREA. [Plate 84.] Native of Colombia.
CATTLEYA DOWIANA AUREA. [Plate 84.] Native of Colombia.
Epiphytal. Stems stout, clavate, furrowed, eight to ten inches high, monophyllous. Leaves evergreen, broadly oblong, obtuse, coriaceous, nearly a foot long. Scape terminal, about four-flowered, emerging from a compressed bluntish leafy spathe. Flowers very large, about six inches across and seven inches deep, with a superbly-coloured lip; sepals linear-lanceolate, plane, recurved at the tip, four inches long and about three-fourths of an inch wide, the dorsal one somewhat shorter and broader, al
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Epiphytal. Pseudobulbs elongate-ovate, compressed, upwards of two inches in height, pale green, brownish in age. Leaves , one or two springing from the apex of the pseudobulb, and frequently with a smaller one from its base, ligulate-oblong acute, nine inches to a foot in length, bright green. Scape supporting a dense elongated raceme of elegant flowers, radical, that is springing from the base of the pseudobulb. Flowers large, upwards of three inches in breadth and depth, the ground colour at f
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CYPRIPEDIUM PARISHII. [Plate 86.] Native of Moulmein.
CYPRIPEDIUM PARISHII. [Plate 86.] Native of Moulmein.
Epiphytal. Stem short, erect, leafy. Leaves coriaceous, loriform, eight to ten inches long, and two inches broad, channelled and equitant at the base, obliquely obtuse and bifid at the apex, distichous, deep full green. Scape stout, erect, densely hairy, green, two feet long or upwards, five to six-flowered, each flower issuing from a semi-amplexicaul boat-shaped green, ovate, acute, glabrous bract, ciliated at the tip, the lower ones larger. Flowers singular in their conformation, not brilliant
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VANDA TRICOLOR PLANILABRIS. [Plate 87.] Native of Java.
VANDA TRICOLOR PLANILABRIS. [Plate 87.] Native of Java.
Epiphytal. Stem erect, leafy, as in the type. Leaves distichous, ligulate, oblique at the apex, of a very dark green colour. Scapes lateral, erect, green, bearing a dense raceme of eight to twelve flowers, of which the pedicels are white. Flowers very stout in texture, and beautifully coloured, white exteriorly; sepals leathery, roundish-obovate, clawed or cuneately narrowed at the base, citron-yellow, with crowded reddish-brown spots, longitudinally arranged, especially in the median parts, mor
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CATTLEYA LABIATA. [Plate 88.] Native of Brazil.
CATTLEYA LABIATA. [Plate 88.] Native of Brazil.
Epiphytal. Stems (pseudobulbs) short, club-shaped, furrowed when old, invested by greyish membraneous sheaths, one-leaved. Leaves coriaceous, oblong obtuse, of a dark green. Scape issuing from an elongate oblong compressed double sheath, of a paler green than the leaves. Flowers two to five—usually about three—on each spike, large though not equalling in size many of the forms of C. Mossiæ , the lip very richly coloured; sepals lanceolate, acute, plane and entire at the margin, recurved at the a
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EULOPHIA GUINEENSIS PURPURATA. [Plate 89.] Native of West Tropical Africa.
EULOPHIA GUINEENSIS PURPURATA. [Plate 89.] Native of West Tropical Africa.
Terrestrial. Pseudobulbs short, roundish-ovate, marked near the apex with one or two annulate scars, indicating the bases of former leaves. Leaves with an oblong-oblanceolate acuminate blade six inches long, narrowed below into a petiole of about half the length, somewhat plicate. Scape arising from the base of the pseudobulb, twelve to fifteen inches high, including the raceme of seven to ten flowers, furnished at intervals with pale brown sheathing bracts, which become smaller upwards. Flowers
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ODONTOGLOSSUM CORADINEI. [Plate 90.] Native of New Grenada.
ODONTOGLOSSUM CORADINEI. [Plate 90.] Native of New Grenada.
Epiphytal. Pseudobulbs elongate-ovate, compressed, somewhat ribbed, usually diphyllous. Leaves narrow, ligulate, or ligulate-oblong, acuminate, of a deep green colour, an extra one or more sometimes sheathing the base of the pseudobulbs. Scape radical, with small triangular bracts supporting a slender spreading raceme of nine to ten flowers, which forms a neat spike of about a foot in length. Flowers stellate, somewhat over three inches in breadth and length; sepals lanceolate, tapered to a long
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PHAIUS TUBERCULOSUS. [Plate 91.] Native of Madagascar.
PHAIUS TUBERCULOSUS. [Plate 91.] Native of Madagascar.
Epiphytal. Stems (pseudobulbs) fusiform or sub-clavate jointed, dark green, annularly marked by the pallid bases of the leaf-sheaths. Leaves oblong-acuminate, about a foot long, plicate, narrowed below, the base again enlarged so as to clasp the stems. Scape produced with the young growth, green, below bearing lanceolate imbricated bracts, and terminating in an erect raceme of six or more flowers. Flowers spreading, two and a half inches across, of singular form; sepals ovate-acuminate, stoutish
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DENDROBIUM FINDLEYANUM. [Plate 92.] Native of Moulmein.
DENDROBIUM FINDLEYANUM. [Plate 92.] Native of Moulmein.
Epiphytal, Stems jointed, the joints oblong-pyriform, complanate, two inches long or more, the lower part of each internode slender, stalk-like, and invested by the leaf sheath, the upper end much thickened, and at length becoming more or less furrowed. Leaves linear oblong acute, three inches long, soon falling. Peduncles lateral, two-flowered, with small appressed bracts. Flowers rather large, three inches across, showy, the colours being clear and attractive; sepals lanceolate, recurved, the
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CATTLEYA SCHOFIELDIANA. [Plate 93.] Native of Brazil.
CATTLEYA SCHOFIELDIANA. [Plate 93.] Native of Brazil.
Epiphytal. Stems (pseudobulbs) from one to one and a half foot long, slender, terete, slightly thickened near the top, jointed, the internodes nearly covered by whitish membranous sheaths, diphyllous. Leaves oblong obtuse, about six inches long and two inches wide, of a deep glossy green, shortly stalked, the stalks spotted behind with dull dark red. Flowers about two, large, six inches broad, and about the same in depth, very handsome, in the way of those of Cattleya granulosa ; sepals ligulate
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ODONTOGLOSSUM ALEXANDRÆ GUTTATUM. [Plate 94.] Native of New Grenada.
ODONTOGLOSSUM ALEXANDRÆ GUTTATUM. [Plate 94.] Native of New Grenada.
Epiphytal. Pseudobulbs ovate-oblong, compressed, green while young, becoming tinged with purple as they grow older, diphyllous, with one or two accessory ones from the base of the pseudobulbs, bright green. Racemes proceeding from the axils of the accessory leaves, drooping. Flowers crowded, white, beautifully spotted with bright chocolate-red, nearly four inches across; sepals lanceolate, crispy, white, with a few bold spots and blotches of chocolate-red about the middle part; petals broader an
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CYPRIPEDIUM MEIRAX. [Plate 95.] Garden hybrid.
CYPRIPEDIUM MEIRAX. [Plate 95.] Garden hybrid.
Epiphytal. Acaulescent. Leaves distichous, coriaceous, oblong-lanceolate, acute, the upper surface of a dull dark green, faintly mottled with transverse markings, the underside of a dull wine purple. Scape (peduncle) densely hairy, dark purple, with a short boat-shaped purplish-green bract at the base of the six-ribbed ovary. Flowers medium-sized, solitary on the peduncle; sepals hairy externally, glabrous and glossy within; the dorsal one broad ovate, about an inch in breadth, ciliate at the ba
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ONCIDIUM PHALÆNOPSIS. [Plate 96.] Native of Ecuador.
ONCIDIUM PHALÆNOPSIS. [Plate 96.] Native of Ecuador.
Epiphytal. Pseudobulbs oblong, furrowed, about two inches long, of a dark green colour, with abortive leaves at their base. Leaves ligulate, broadest upwards, acute, somewhat narrowed and channelled towards the base, six to eight inches long or more, pale green. Racemes from the axils of the abortive leaves at the base of the bulbs, the flowers seated on longish pedicels having small appressed bracts at their base. Flowers narrow-oblong in outline, an inch and a half or more in length, and a lit
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