Was Man Created?
Henry A. (Henry Augustus) Mott
3 chapters
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3 chapters
HENRY A. MOTT, Jr., E.M., Ph.D., Etc.,
HENRY A. MOTT, Jr., E.M., Ph.D., Etc.,
  Member of the American Chemical Society, Member of the Berlin Chemical Society, Member of the New York Academy of Sciences, Member of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Member of the American Pharmaceutical Association, Fellow of the Geographical Society, Etc., Etc. Author of the "Chemists' Manual," "Adulteration of Milk," "Artificial Butter," "Testing the Value of Rifles by Firing under Water," Etc., Etc....
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This work was originally written to be delivered as a lecture; but as its pages continued to multiply, it was suggested to the author by numerous friends that it ought to be published in book-form; this, at last, the author concluded to do. This work, therefore, does not claim to be an exhaustive discussion of the various departments of which it treats; but rather it has been the aim of the author to present the more interesting observations in each department in as concise a form as possible. T
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"The object of science is not to find out what we like or what we dislike—the object of science is Truth." In the discussion of the subject, " Was Man Created? " our object will be—not to study the many ways God might have created him, but the way he actually did create him, for all ways would be alike easy to an Omnipotent Being. Let us look at man and ask the question: What is there about him which would need an independent act of creation any more than about the "mountain of granite or the at
21 minute read
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