Let's Cook Meat: Recipes You'll Like
National Live Stock and Meat Board
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Let’s cook MEAT Recipes you’ll like
Let’s cook MEAT Recipes you’ll like
Holiday Greetings from PHIL’S THRIFTWAY MARKET 118 N. Killingsworth Portland, Oregon YOUR RECIPES and where to find them Published by National Live Stock and Meat Board Home Economics Department 407 S. Dearborn St., Chicago 5, Ill. 1953-54 Printed In U.S.A. Roasts may be seasoned before, during or after cooking, since salt penetrates only to about ½ inch. • Boned and rolled roasts require approximately 10 minutes per pound more cooking time than roasts with the bone left in. Pot-roasts, Swiss st
1 minute read
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1. Season with salt and pepper. 2. Place meat fat side up on rack in open roasting pan. 3. Insert meat thermometer. 4. Do not add water. Do not cover. Do not baste. 5. Roast in a slow oven (300° F. for beef, veal, lamb, and smoked pork; 350° F. for fresh pork). 6. Roast to desired degree of doneness....
21 minute read
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1. Set oven regulator for broiling. 2. Place meat 2 to 3 inches from heat. 3. Broil until top of meat is brown. 4. Season with salt and pepper. 5. Turn meat and cook until done. 6. Season and serve at once....
16 minute read
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1. Place meat in heavy frying-pan. 2. Do not add fat. Do not add water. Do not cover. 3. Cook slowly, turning occasionally. 4. Pour fat from pan as it accumulates. 5. Brown meat on both sides. 6. Season. Serve at once....
16 minute read
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1. Brown meat on all sides in fat in heavy utensil. 2. Season with salt and pepper. 3. Add small amount of liquid, if necessary. 4. Cover tightly. 5. Cook at low temperature until tender....
13 minute read
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TO COOK IN LIQUID Stews—Large Cuts
TO COOK IN LIQUID Stews—Large Cuts
1. Brown meat on all sides in own fat or lard, when desirable. 2. Season with salt and pepper. 3. Cover with liquid, cover kettle, cook below boiling point until tender. 4. Add vegetables just long enough before serving to be cooked....
16 minute read
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1. Brown meat on both sides in small amount of fat. 2. Season with salt and pepper. 3. Do not cover. 4. Cook at moderate temperature until done, turning occasionally. 5. Remove from pan and serve at once. Pot-roasts, other braised dishes and stews may be conveniently cooked in a moderate oven (300° F. to 350° F.) • Meat cubes are browned for a brown stew; browning is omitted if a light stew is preferred. A roast meat thermometer is inserted so the bulb reaches the center of the largest muscle bu
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Beef Cuts and Cooking Methods
Beef Cuts and Cooking Methods
Beef Blade Pot-Roast ROAST: Standing ribs; rolled ribs; rump (high quality) and loaf. BROIL: Rib, club, tenderloin (filet mignon), T-bone, porterhouse, sirloin and top round steaks and patties. PANBROIL: The same cuts as prepared by broiling. Cuts cooked by this method are cut thinner than those cooked by broiling. PANFRY: Thin rib, club, tenderloin (filet mignon), T-bone, porterhouse and sirloin steaks; patties and brains. BRAISE: Pot-roasts—arm, blade, rump (bone in and boneless); arm, blade,
32 minute read
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Other Facts About Beef
Other Facts About Beef
The quality and tenderness of beef cuts are the two factors which determine the cooking method used in their preparation. Tender cuts cooked by roasting, broiling and panbroiling may be served rare, medium or well done. Less tender cuts cooked by braising, panfrying or in liquid should be cooked well done. Some beef is marketed as corned beef and some as dried beef to provide flavor variety. Frozen beef cuts may be stored at 0° F. or lower, 6 to 12 months....
26 minute read
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Standing Ribs of Beef
Standing Ribs of Beef
Standing ribs MENU IDEA Fruit Cup Standing Ribs of Beef Baked Potatoes Asparagus Tossed Green Salad Hot Rolls Butter or Margarine Apple Pie Beverage 2 to 3-rib beef standing rib roast Salt Pepper Have the market man remove the chine bone to make carving easier. Season. Place fat side up on rack in open roasting pan. Insert meat thermometer so the bulb reaches the center of the thickest part, being sure that the bulb does not rest in fat or on bone. Do not add water. Do not cover. Roast in slow o
39 minute read
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Corned Beef and Cabbage
Corned Beef and Cabbage
Corned beef MENU IDEA Corned Beef and Cabbage Parsleyed Potatoes Carrot-Raisin Salad Rye Rolls Butter or Margarine Gingerbread Beverage 3 to 4 pounds corned beef Water to cover 1 large head cabbage, cut in wedges Cover corned beef with water. Cover closely and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to simmer and cook slowly until tender, allowing about 1 hour per pound. Fifteen minutes before meat is done add cabbage wedges and continue cooking until meat and cabbage are done. 6 to 8 servings....
28 minute read
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Broiled Porterhouse or Sirloin Steak
Broiled Porterhouse or Sirloin Steak
Porterhouse steak MENU IDEA Broiled Porterhouse Steak French Fried Potatoes Green Beans Tomato-Onion Salad Garlic French Bread Butter or Margarine Angel Food Cake Beverage Beef porterhouse or sirloin steak, cut 1 to 2 inches thick Salt Pepper Set regulator to broil. Place steak on broiler rack. Insert broiler pan and rack so the top of 1-inch steak is 2 inches from the heat and 2-inch steak is 3 inches from the heat. When one side is browned, season, turn and finish cooking on the second side. S
51 minute read
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Baked Beef and Rice
Baked Beef and Rice
Ground beef MENU IDEA Baked Beef and Rice Harvard Beets Peas Perfection Salad Hot Muffins Butter or Margarine Southern Marble Cake Beverage 1 pound ground beef 1 cup rice 1 small onion, chopped 2 tablespoons lard or drippings 1 teaspoon salt ½ teaspoon pepper 1 teaspoon paprika 1 small bottle olives, sliced 2 cups tomato juice 1½ cups boiling water ½ cup grated cheese ½ cup grated cheese Cook ground beef, rice and chopped onion in drippings until lightly browned. Season. Add sliced olives, tomat
41 minute read
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Chinese Pepper Steak with Rice
Chinese Pepper Steak with Rice
Blade steak MENU IDEA Chinese Pepper Steak Rice Broccoli Jellied Pineapple Salad Butterhorns Butter or Margarine Boston Cream Pie Beverage Beef arm steak, cut 1 inch thick 2 tablespoons lard or drippings 2 tablespoons minced onion 1 clove garlic, minced 2 large green peppers, cut into strips ½ cup celery, sliced crosswise 2 tablespoons chopped pimiento, if desired ½ cup consomme or stock Salt Pepper 2 teaspoons cornstarch 2 tablespoons water 1 teaspoon soy sauce 3 cups boiled rice 2 teaspoons co
50 minute read
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Deviled Steak
Deviled Steak
Arm steak MENU IDEA Deviled Steak Scalloped Potatoes Asparagus Orange-Avocado Salad Hot Biscuits Butter or Margarine Chocolate Chiffon Pie Beverage Beef Arm steak, cut 1 inch thick ¼ cup flour 2 tablespoons lard or drippings 1 large onion, sliced 1 teaspoon dry mustard ⅛ teaspoon paprika 1 teaspoon salt ⅛ teaspoon pepper 3 tablespoons vinegar 1 cup hot water Cut steak into individual servings. Dredge steak with flour and brown both sides in lard or drippings. Place sliced onion over meat. Add se
37 minute read
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Onion ’Burgers
Onion ’Burgers
Ground beef MENU IDEA Onion ’Burgers Potato Chips Baked Beans Sliced Tomatoes Buns Assorted Fresh Fruit Cookies Beverage 1½ pounds ground beef 1 teaspoon salt ¼ teaspoon pepper 1½ cups chopped onion 2 tablespoons butter or margarine 2 teaspoons prepared horseradish 2 teaspoons prepared mustard ½ teaspoon salt 6 split buns Combine ground beef, salt and pepper. Shape into 12 thin patties. Brown chopped onion lightly in butter or margarine, add horseradish, mustard and salt. Spread onion mixture ov
42 minute read
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Beef Short Ribs—Raisin Sauce
Beef Short Ribs—Raisin Sauce
Short ribs MENU IDEA Beef Short Ribs Baked Potatoes Lima Beans Tomato-Onion Salad Hot Biscuits Butter or Margarine Peach Crumb Pie Beverage 3 pounds beef short ribs 3 tablespoons lard or drippings Salt Pepper 1 onion, quartered ½ cup brown sugar 1 teaspoon dry mustard 1 tablespoon flour 2 tablespoons vinegar 2 tablespoons lemon juice ¼ teaspoon grated lemon rind 1 bay leaf 1½ cups water ½ cup raisins ¼ teaspoon grated lemon rind 1 bay leaf 1½ cups water ½ cup raisins Cut ribs into serving pieces
49 minute read
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Beef Put-Together
Beef Put-Together
Beef cubes MENU IDEA Beef Put-Together Steamed Rice Head Lettuce Salad Hard Rolls Butter or Margarine Rhubarb Pie Beverage 1 pound boneless beef for stew, cut in 1-inch cubes 3 tablespoons lard or drippings 1 medium onion, sliced 1 green pepper, sliced 1 cup diced celery 1 cup diced carrots 1 can condensed tomato soup 1½ teaspoons salt ⅛ teaspoon pepper ½ cup cooked peas 2 cups hot, cooked rice 2 cups hot, cooked rice Brown meat in lard or drippings. Add onion and green pepper and cook 5 minutes
41 minute read
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Beef Chili Patties
Beef Chili Patties
Ground beef patties MENU IDEA Beef Chili Patties Whipped Potatoes Lima Beans Tossed Green Salad Rye Bread Butter or Margarine Apple Dumplings Beverage 1 pound ground beef 1 teaspoon salt ⅛ teaspoon pepper 1 egg, beaten 2 tablespoons lard or drippings 2 tablespoons chopped onion 2 tablespoons chopped green pepper 1 No. 303 can tomatoes, drained 1 cup cooked corn 1 teaspoon chili powder 2 teaspoons salt 2 teaspoons salt Combine ground beef, salt, pepper and egg. Shape into 8 small patties and plac
42 minute read
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Beef Pot-Roast
Beef Pot-Roast
Arm pot-roast MENU IDEA Beef Pot-Roast Noodles Peas Spinach-Radish Salad Hard Rolls Butter or Margarine Pineapple Upside-Down Cake Beverage 3 to 4-pound beef arm or blade pot-roast 2 tablespoons flour 2 teaspoons salt ¼ teaspoon pepper 3 tablespoons lard or drippings ¼ cup water 3 cups seasoned cooked noodles 1 12-ounce package frozen peas, cooked or 1 No. 303 can peas 2 tablespoons butter or margarine Dredge pot-roast with seasoned flour and brown in lard or drippings. Add water, cover and simm
41 minute read
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Family Meat Loaf
Family Meat Loaf
Ground beef and pork MENU IDEA Family Meat Loaf Mashed Potatoes Green Beans Tomato-Cucumber Salad Hot Rolls Butter or Margarine Lemon Sherbet Cookies Beverage 2 pounds ground beef 1 pound ground pork 1 cup fine dry bread crumbs 1 cup milk 1½ tablespoons chopped onion 1 tablespoon minced parsley 1 egg, slightly beaten 1 teaspoon salt ½ teaspoon celery salt ¼ teaspoon pepper ¼ teaspoon ground cloves ¼ teaspoon nutmeg 1 tablespoon lemon juice 1 teaspoon grated lemon rind ¼ teaspoon ground cloves ¼
48 minute read
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2 cups ground cooked beef 1 teaspoon salt ⅛ teaspoon pepper 2 tablespoons chopped parsley ½ cup mayonnaise 8 slices bread Butter or margarine, softened 3 eggs, slightly beaten 2 cups milk ¼ teaspoon salt ¼ teaspoon sage ¼ teaspoon sage Combine meat, salt, pepper, parsley and mayonnaise. Spread 4 slices bread with butter or margarine, cover with meat mixture and top with slice of bread. Place sandwiches in greased shallow casserole dish. Combine eggs, milk, salt and sage and mix well. Pour over s
37 minute read
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Leftover Treat
Leftover Treat
2½ cups diced cooked beef 1 tablespoon minced onion 1 tablespoon minced green pepper I tablespoon lard or drippings 1 cup gravy or medium white sauce 1 teaspoon salt ⅛ teaspoon pepper ¼ teaspoon chili powder 1 tablespoon chili sauce 1½ cups cooked rice 3 tablespoons grated sharp cheddar cheese 1 egg, slightly beaten ½ cup crushed corn flakes 3 tablespoons grated sharp cheddar cheese 1 egg, slightly beaten ½ cup crushed corn flakes Cook meat, onion and green pepper in lard or drippings until ligh
43 minute read
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Veal Cuts and Cooking Methods
Veal Cuts and Cooking Methods
Veal Cutlets ROAST: Ribs; arm and blade roasts; rolled and cushion-style shoulder; crown roast; loin; rump; leg; breast and loaf. BROIL: Liver; kidneys; sweetbreads and brains. Veal steaks, chops and patties are best cooked by braising or panfrying since these two methods supply fat which is lacking in veal because it comes from a young animal. PANBROIL: Veal steaks, chops and patties are not panbroiled for the same reason that they are not broiled. PANFRY: Arm and blade steaks; rib and loin cho
42 minute read
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Other Facts About Veal
Other Facts About Veal
The mild appealing flavor of veal is brought out by proper cookery. Since veal comes from a young animal and, consequently, lacks fat, it is often desirable to place bacon or salt pork slices over veal roasts before cooking. All veal is cooked well done. Frozen veal cuts may be stored at 0° F. or lower, 6 to 9 months....
21 minute read
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Veal Shoulder Roll
Veal Shoulder Roll
Rolled shoulder roast MENU IDEA Veal Shoulder Roll Whipped Potatoes Harvard Beets Orange-Grapefruit Salad Corn Bread Butter or Margarine Butterscotch Pie Beverage 3 to 4-pound veal shoulder roll Salt Pepper 4 to 6 slices bacon, if desired Season the roast with salt and pepper. Place on rack in open roasting pan. Insert a meat thermometer so the bulb reaches the center of the roast. Place bacon slices on roast. Do not add water. Do not cover. Roast in slow oven (300° F.) until the meat thermomete
33 minute read
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Sour Cream Veal Loaf
Sour Cream Veal Loaf
Ground veal and pork MENU IDEA Sour Cream Veal Loaf Au Gratin Potatoes Broccoli Orange-Carrot Salad Parkerhouse Rolls Butter or Margarine Cherry Cobbler Beverage 1½ pounds ground veal ½ pound ground pork 2 tablespoons minced onion 2 carrots, ground 1½ teaspoons salt ⅛ teaspoon pepper ½ cup sour cream Flour Combine all ingredients and mix thoroughly. Pack into a 5 × 9-inch loaf pan and bake in a moderate oven (350° F.) 1½ hours. Thicken drippings for gravy, allowing 2 tablespoons flour for each c
32 minute read
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Pineapple Stuffed Veal Birds
Pineapple Stuffed Veal Birds
Round steak cut for Birds MENU IDEA Veal Birds Parsleyed Potatoes Asparagus Apricot-Cheese Salad Muffins Butter or Margarine Lemon Cream Pie Beverage 2 veal round steaks, cut ½ inch thick ½ cup crushed pineapple ¼ cup melted butter or margarine 1 teaspoon salt ½ teaspoon sage 2 cups soft bread crumbs 3 tablespoons lard or drippings Salt Pepper ¼ cup water Remove bone from steaks and cut as shown in illustration. Drain the crushed pineapple thoroughly. Add the pineapple, melted butter or margarin
45 minute read
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Paprika Veal
Paprika Veal
Shoulder cubes MENU IDEA Paprika Veal Baked Potatoes Brussels Sprouts Cabbage Salad French Bread Butter or Margarine Cherry Torte Beverage 1½ pounds veal shoulder, cut into 1½ inch cubes 3 tablespoons lard or bacon drippings 1 teaspoon salt ¼ teaspoon pepper ½ teaspoon paprika ¼ cup water Paprika Sauce Brown veal cubes in lard or drippings. Season. Add water, cover closely and cook slowly 30 minutes. Cover with Paprika Sauce and continue cooking slowly 30 minutes more or until meat is tender. 4
44 minute read
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4 cups diced cooked veal 1 cup salted almonds 1 No. 303 can pineapple chunks 2 cups diced celery 2 hard-cooked eggs, diced Mayonnaise Lettuce Cups Cut almonds lengthwise into quarters. Drain pineapple. Combine veal, pineapple, celery and eggs. Chill thoroughly. Just before serving add almonds and enough mayonnaise to moisten ingredients. Mix lightly and serve in lettuce cups. 8 servings....
21 minute read
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Veal Croquettes
Veal Croquettes
2 cups ground cooked veal 1 cup mashed cooked peas ½ teaspoon salt ⅛ teaspoon pepper 2 teaspoons grated onion ½ cup fine dry bread crumbs 1 egg, slightly beaten Lard for deep fat frying Combine ground veal, peas, salt, pepper and onion. Shape into croquettes. Roll in bread crumbs, dip in egg and again in bread crumbs. Fry in deep hot lard (360° F.) 1½ to 2 minutes or until brown. Drain. 6 servings....
24 minute read
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Meat-Potato-Tomato Cakes
Meat-Potato-Tomato Cakes
2 cups ground, cooked beef, veal, pork or lamb 2 cups mashed potatoes 2 eggs 2 tablespoons minced onion 2 tablespoons finely chopped celery ½ cup tomato juice 1 teaspoon salt ¼ teaspoon pepper 8 slices tomato, cut ½ inch thick 2 tablespoons melted butter or margarine Combine ground meat, mashed potatoes, eggs, onion, celery, tomato juice and seasonings. Mix well and shape into 8 patties. Place patties in greased baking pan. Top each pattie with a tomato slice. Brush tomato slices with melted but
33 minute read
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Pork Cuts and Cooking Methods
Pork Cuts and Cooking Methods
Baked Half Ham ROAST: Rolled and cushion-style shoulder; crown roast; blade loin; loin (center cut); sirloin (bone in); boneless sirloin; Boston butt; fresh or smoked picnic; fresh or smoked ham; smoked shoulder butt; tenderloin; spareribs; pork loaf and ham loaf. BROIL: Smoked ham slices; bacon and Canadian-style bacon. Chops, steaks, patties and Frenched tenderloin are best cooked by braising or panfrying, since these methods assure meat that is well done, tender and juicy throughout by the ti
43 minute read
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Other Facts About Pork
Other Facts About Pork
For tenderness and appetite appeal, all pork should be cooked well done. Cuts marketed as cured meats are hams, bacon, Canadian-style bacon, shoulder butts and hocks. Frozen fresh pork may be stored at 0° F. or lower, 3 to 6 months; freezing is not recommended for smoked pork....
17 minute read
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Pork Loin Roast
Pork Loin Roast
Loin roast MENU IDEA Pork Loin Roast Oven Browned Potatoes Broccoli Molded Cranberry Salad Corn Sticks Butter or Margarine Pumpkin-Pecan Pie Beverage 3 to 5-pound pork loin roast Salt and pepper Have backbone removed from loin. Season. Place fat side up on rack in open roasting pan. Insert meat thermometer so bulb reaches center of thickest part. Be careful that thermometer does not rest in fat or on bone. Do not add water. Do not cover. Roast in moderate oven (350° F.) until meat thermometer re
31 minute read
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Golden Filled Pork Rolls
Golden Filled Pork Rolls
Arm steak MENU IDEA Golden Filled Pork Rolls Acorn Squash Green Beans Waldorf Salad Cloverleaf Rolls Butter or Margarine Spice Layer Cake Beverage 8 pork arm steaks, cut ½ inch thick Salt Pepper 1 No. 303 can cream-style corn 1½ teaspoons salt 2 eggs, beaten 3 tablespoons melted butter or margarine ¼ cup chopped green pepper 2 tablespoons chopped onion 4 cups soft bread crumbs ½ teaspoon dry basil ½ teaspoon sage ½ teaspoon dry basil ½ teaspoon sage Remove bones from pork steaks. Season with sal
45 minute read
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Pork Chop-Potato Scallop
Pork Chop-Potato Scallop
Loin chops MENU IDEA Pork Chop-Potato Scallop Corn on the Cob Spinach-Radish Salad Hard Rolls Butter or Margarine Blueberry Pie Beverage 6 pork rib, loin or shoulder chops, cut ¾ to 1 inch thick Salt and pepper 2 cups coarsely grated peeled potatoes 2 tablespoons grated onion 2 tablespoons flour 1½ teaspoons salt ¼ teaspoon pepper 1½ cups milk Brown chops in frying-pan. Season with salt and pepper. Combine remaining ingredients in order given and arrange in a shallow baking dish. Place chops on
34 minute read
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Baked Smoked Ham—Buffet Glaze
Baked Smoked Ham—Buffet Glaze
Smoked ham MENU IDEA Baked Ham-Buffet Glaze Corn Pudding Green Beans Jellied Fruit Salad Assorted Hot Rolls Butter or Margarine Banana Cake Beverage 12-14 pound smoked ham Buffet Glaze Place ham, fat side up, on rack in open roasting pan. Insert meat thermometer so the bulb reaches the center of the thickest part. Be careful that the bulb does not rest in fat or on bone. Do not add water. Do not cover. Roast in a slow oven (300° F.) until the meat thermometer registers 160° F. Allow 18 to 20 min
1 minute read
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Pork Tenderloin Supreme
Pork Tenderloin Supreme
Tenderloin—patties (center) MENU IDEA Pork Tenderloin Supreme Mashed Potatoes Green Beans Cabbage Salad Hard Rolls Butter or Margarine Apple Pie Beverage 12 slices bacon 6 pork tenderloin patties Salt Pepper 6 slices tomato, cut ½ inch thick 6 slices onion, cut ¼ inch thick Prepare each serving as follows: Cross 2 slices bacon, place tenderloin pattie on the center, sprinkle with salt and pepper. Place a slice of tomato on the pattie, season, and top with a slice of onion. Season. Bring bacon en
39 minute read
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Candied Ham Loaf
Candied Ham Loaf
Ground ham and beef MENU IDEA Candied Ham Loaf Mashed Sweet Potatoes Peas Cinnamon Apple Salad Cloverleaf Rolls Butter or Margarine Lemon Fluff Pie Beverage 2 pounds ground ham 1 pound ground beef 2 cups whole wheat bread crumbs 1 cup milk 2 eggs, slightly beaten 1 teaspoon dry mustard ½ teaspoon salt ½ cup brown sugar ½ teaspoon ground cloves Soak bread crumbs in milk. Add eggs. Combine ground ham, ground beef, mustard, salt and bread mixture. Mix well. Mix together brown sugar and cloves and s
2 minute read
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Barbecued Pork Chops
Barbecued Pork Chops
Rib Chops MENU IDEA Barbecued Pork Chops Buttered Rice Broccoli Cucumber Salad Corn Meal Muffins Butter or Margarine Jelly Roll Beverage 6 pork rib or loin chops, cut 1 inch thick 1 teaspoon salt ½ teaspoon pepper 2 tablespoons flour 2 tablespoons prepared mustard ¼ cup chopped onion ½ teaspoon ground cloves 2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce 1 cup juice from apple, peach, bread and butter or sweet pickles 1 cup catchup Brown chops in frying-pan. Season with salt and pepper. Mix flour and mustar
37 minute read
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Smoked Ham Slice—Apricot Glaze
Smoked Ham Slice—Apricot Glaze
Smoked ham slice MENU IDEA Ham Slice-Apricot Glaze Mashed Potatoes Asparagus Lettuce-Tomato Salad Hot Biscuits Butter or Margarine Ice Cream Brownies Beverage Smoked ham slice, cut 1 inch thick 1 No. 303 can apricot halves ½ teaspoon ground cloves ¼ teaspoon allspice ½ teaspoon cinnamon Drain apricots and save juice. Set regulator to broil. Place ham slice on broiler rack and insert broiler rack and pan so the top surface of the meat is 2 to 3 inches from the heat. Sprinkle with spices and broil
48 minute read
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RECIPES FOR PORK LEFTOVERS Ham-Noodle-Mushroom Casserole
RECIPES FOR PORK LEFTOVERS Ham-Noodle-Mushroom Casserole
2 cups cubed cooked ham 1 8-ounce package broad noodles Water 1 3-ounce can mushrooms 3 tablespoons butter or margarine ¼ cup enriched flour 2 cups milk (or milk and mushroom liquid) ½ teaspoon salt ½ teaspoon pepper 1 tablespoon chopped pimiento 1 tablespoon chopped parsley, if desired 1 tablespoon chopped parsley, if desired Cook noodles in boiling salted water until tender. Drain. Cook mushrooms in butter or margarine until lightly browned. Remove mushrooms, add flour and mix well. Add milk g
41 minute read
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Swiss Salad
Swiss Salad
2 cups cubed cooked pork 1 cup cooked peas ½ cup French dressing ½ cup diced celery ½ cup walnut meats, broken 6 lettuce leaves Paprika Mayonnaise 2 hard-cooked eggs 6 stuffed olives Marinate meat and peas in French dressing and chill. Add celery and nuts and arrange on lettuce leaves. Sprinkle with paprika and dot with mayonnaise. Cut each egg into 6 slices. Remove egg yolk from egg slices. Arrange the white rings around the salad. Cut each olive into 4 slices. Overlap 2 olive slices inside eac
34 minute read
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Lamb Cuts and Cooking Methods
Lamb Cuts and Cooking Methods
Lamb Shoulder Chops ROAST: Rolled and cushion-style shoulder; crown roast; loin roast; boneless sirloin; leg; breast and loaf. BROIL: Shoulder, rib, loin and English chops; steaks; patties; liver and kidneys. PANBROIL: The same cuts as prepared by broiling. Cuts cooked by this method are cut thinner than those cooked by broiling. PANFRY: Shoulder chops; rib and loin chops; steaks; patties; liver and kidneys. BRAISE: Shoulder chops; breast; riblets; steaks; neck slices; shanks and cubes. COOK IN
24 minute read
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Other Facts About Lamb
Other Facts About Lamb
Lamb comes from a young animal and practically all cuts may be cooked by roasting, broiling or panbroiling. These cuts may be served medium or well done. Lamb neck, shanks and breasts should be braised or cooked in liquid until well done. The “fell” or paper-like covering, should not be removed from the leg of lamb because the leg, with “fell” on, will roast in less time, hold its shape better and be juicier; the “fell” is removed from chops and steaks. Lamb, at its best, should be served hot or
34 minute read
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Broiled Lamb Chops
Broiled Lamb Chops
Loin chops MENU IDEA Broiled Lamb Chops O’Brien Potatoes Minted Carrots Fruit Salad Fan Tan Rolls Butter or Margarine Cherry Pie Beverage 6 lamb rib, loin or shoulder chops, cut 1 to 2 inches thick Salt Pepper Set regulator to broil. Place chops on broiler rack. Insert broiler pan and rack so the top of 1-inch chops is 2 inches from the heat and 2-inch chops is 3 inches from the heat. When one side is browned, season, turn and finish cooking on the second side. Season. Chops cut 1 inch thick req
34 minute read
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Braised Boiled Lamb Shoulder
Braised Boiled Lamb Shoulder
Rolled shoulder MENU IDEA Braised Lamb Shoulder Parsleyed Potatoes Creamed Peas Perfection Salad Parkerhouse Rolls Butter or Margarine Orange-Nut Cake Beverage 3 to 4-pound rolled lamb shoulder 1 teaspoon ground ginger 1 teaspoon dry mustard ½ teaspoon ground cloves 1½ teaspoons salt 3 tablespoons flour 2 tablespoons melted lard or drippings ¼ cup water Combine ginger, dry mustard, cloves, salt and flour. Dredge lamb shoulder with seasoned flour, saving remaining mixture. Brown slowly on all sid
37 minute read
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Lamb Kabobs
Lamb Kabobs
Lamb cubes MENU IDEA Lamb Kabobs Vegetables En Brochette Mashed Potatoes Perfection Salad Hard Rolls Butter or Margarine Deep Dish Apple Pie Beverage 2 pounds boneless lamb shoulder, cut in 1½ inch cubes ½ cup salad oil 2 tablespoons vinegar 2 tablespoons lemon juice 1 teaspoon dry mustard ⅛ teaspoon thyme ½ teaspoon salt ⅛ teaspoon pepper ½ cup chopped onion 4 tomatoes 2 medium green peppers 1 can small whole onions 2 medium green peppers 1 can small whole onions Blend salad oil, vinegar, lemon
57 minute read
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Leg of Lamb—Puffy Mint Pears
Leg of Lamb—Puffy Mint Pears
Frenched leg MENU Leg of Lamb Browned Potatoes Peas Puffy Mint Pears Spinach-Radish Salad Corn Sticks Butter or Margarine Lemon Refrigerator Cake Beverage 5 to 6-pound leg of lamb Salt and pepper Puffy Mint Pears Do not have the fell removed from the leg of lamb. Season. Place skin side down on rack in open roasting pan. Insert meat thermometer so the bulb reaches the center of the thickest part of the leg, being sure the bulb does not rest in fat or on bone. Do not add water. Do not cover. Roas
1 minute read
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Fruited Lamb Chops
Fruited Lamb Chops
Chops (arm and blade) MENU IDEA Fruited Lamb Chops Au Gratin Potatoes Lima Beans Molded Lime Salad Butter or Margarine Cream Puffs Beverage 4 lamb arm or blade chops, cut ¾ to 1 inch thick 2 tablespoons flour 1 teaspoon salt ⅛ teaspoon pepper 2 tablespoons lard or drippings 1 cup dried apricots 1 cup pitted prunes ¼ cup water Dredge lamb chops with seasoned flour and brown in lard or drippings. Add apricots, prunes and water. Cover closely and cook slowly 45 minutes to 1 hour or until chops are
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Oriental Lamb Stew
Oriental Lamb Stew
Lamb for stew MENU IDEA Oriental Lamb Stew Green Beans Boiled Onions Orange-Prune Salad Hard Rolls Butter or Margarine Almond Cookies Beverage 2 pounds boneless lamb for stew, cut in 1½-inch cubes 2 tablespoons lard or drippings 2 tablespoons chopped onion 1 No. 2½ can tomatoes 1 tablespoon curry or chili powder 3 tablespoons flour ½ cup water 8 ripe or green olives ⅛ teaspoon lemon juice Salt 3 cups cooked rice 3 cups cooked rice Brown lamb in lard or drippings. Pour off drippings. Add onion, t
45 minute read
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2 cups diced cooked lamb 1 cup chopped celery 1 No. 303 can kidney beans 1 cup diced cooked carrots 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce ½ teaspoon salt 1½ cups thin gravy, or 1½ cups water and 1 bouillon cube 3 cups well-seasoned mashed potatoes Combine cooked lamb, celery, kidney beans, carrots, Worcestershire sauce, salt and gravy or water to which bouillon cube has been added. Pour into a l½-quart casserole. Spoon mashed potatoes to form a border on meat mixture. Bake in a moderate oven (350° F.)
33 minute read
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Lamb Pie with Catchup Biscuits
Lamb Pie with Catchup Biscuits
2 cups chopped cooked lamb 2 tablespoons lard or drippings 2 tablespoons grated onion ½ cup canned tomatoes 1 teaspoon salt ¼ teaspoon pepper 1 No. 303 can lima beans, drained 2 tablespoons butter or margarine, melted 1 Recipe Biscuits (see p. 40 ) ¼ cup catchup Brown lamb lightly in lard or drippings. Add onion, tomatoes, seasonings, lima beans and butter or margarine. Pour into 1-quart casserole. Make biscuit dough. Roll dough ½-inch thick, spread with catchup and roll as jelly roll. Cut into
37 minute read
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Lamb Croquettes
Lamb Croquettes
2 cups ground cooked lamb ½ cup chopped walnuts ½ cup mashed cooked carrots 1 teaspoon onion juice 1 teaspoon lemon juice ⅛ teaspoon cayenne pepper 1½ teaspoons salt 1 cup thick white sauce 1 egg, slightly beaten 2 tablespoons milk ½ cup fine bread crumbs Lard for deep-fat frying ½ cup fine bread crumbs Lard for deep-fat frying Combine lamb, walnuts, carrots, onion and lemon juice, cayenne pepper, salt and white sauce. Shape into croquettes and chill. Combine beaten egg and milk. Roll croquettes
44 minute read
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Sausage Links In Batter Pudding
Sausage Links In Batter Pudding
Sausage Links In Batter Pudding MENU IDEA Fruit Juice Sausage Links in Batter Pudding Green Beans Stuffed Tomato Salad Strawberry Sundae Angel Food Cake Beverage 1 pound sausage links 2 cups milk 1 teaspoon salt ½ cup corn meal 4 eggs Heat milk in double boiler. Add salt and corn meal. Stir constantly and cook 10 to 15 minutes, or until thickened. Cool slightly. Beat eggs and add to mixture. Pour mixture into a well-greased 2-quart baking dish, and place sausage links on top. Bake in a moderate
33 minute read
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Frankfurter and Sauerkraut Pie
Frankfurter and Sauerkraut Pie
Frankfurter and Sauerkraut Pie MENU Frankfurter and Sauerkraut Pie Tomato-Onion Salad Hard Rolls Butter or Margarine Baked Custard Beverage 8 frankfurters, cut in half crosswise 3 cups seasoned mashed potatoes 2 teaspoons minced onion 1 No. 2 can sauerkraut ½ teaspoon dill seed Combine seasoned mashed potatoes and onion and line bottom and sides of a greased baking dish with mixture. Fill center with sauerkraut and sprinkle with dill seed. Arrange frankfurters in pinwheel fashion on top of sauer
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Chipped Beef Potato Dumplings
Chipped Beef Potato Dumplings
Chipped Beef Potato Dumplings MENU Chipped Beef Potato Dumplings Broccoli Perfection Salad Hard Rolls Butter or Margarine Daffodil Cake Beverage ½ pound chipped beef ¼ cup lard or drippings ¼ cup flour 1 13-ounce can evaporated milk 1½ cups potato water ¼ teaspoon Worcestershire sauce Pepper Potato Dumplings Brown chipped beef lightly in lard or drippings. Blend in flour and gradually stir in evaporated milk, potato water and Worcestershire sauce. Cook until thickened, stirring constantly. Seaso
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Southern Sausage Breakfast
Southern Sausage Breakfast
Southern Sausage Breakfast MENU Orange Juice Southern Sausage Breakfast Scrambled Eggs Hot Biscuits Butter or Margarine Honey or Syrup Beverage 1 pound bulk pork sausage ½ cup currants 3 cups boiling water ¾ teaspoon salt ½ cup corn meal Flour Add currants to boiling water. Cook 5 minutes. Add salt and corn meal, stirring constantly. Cook until thickened. Pour mush into greased 5 × 9-inch loaf pan. Chill. Shape sausage into 6 patties. Brown patties slowly. Pour off drippings. Cover, continue coo
33 minute read
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Summer Salad Bowl
Summer Salad Bowl
Summer Salad Bowl MENU IDEA Celery Soup Summer Salad Bowl Potato Chips Relishes French Bread Butter or Margarine Chocolate Cake Beverage ¼ pound summer sausage, cut in strips ¼ pound bologna, cut in strips 1 medium-size head lettuce 1 tablespoon chopped onion 2 tablespoons crumbled blue cheese 5 slices bacon, chopped ½ cup bacon drippings ¼ cup vinegar ½ teaspoon Worcestershire sauce Break lettuce into pieces. Add summer sausage, bologna, onion and blue cheese. Cook bacon until crisp, drain and
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Fruited Ham Rolls
Fruited Ham Rolls
Fruited Ham Rolls MENU Fruited Ham Rolls Potato Balls Asparagus Carrot-Raisin Salad Hard Rolls Butter or Margarine Chocolate Pudding Beverage 8 slices “boiled” ham, cut ⅛ inch thick 1 cup chopped, dried apricots 3 tablespoons butter or margarine 3 tablespoons flour 1 cup milk 1½ cups cooked rice ¼ teaspoon nutmeg Soak apricots until soft. Make a cream sauce as follows: melt butter or margarine, add flour, stirring until blended. Add milk, cook, stirring constantly, until thickened. Add apricots,
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Smoky Sausage Spaghetti Sauce
Smoky Sausage Spaghetti Sauce
Smoky Sausage Spaghetti Sauce Menu Smoky Sausage Spaghetti Sauce Mixed Vegetable Salad Garlic French Bread Butter or Margarine Ice Cream Beverage 1 pound smoked sausage links 3 tablespoons lard or drippings ½ cup minced onion 1 green pepper, cut in thin strips ½ pound fresh mushrooms or 1 small can mushrooms 12 stuffed olives, sliced ¼ teaspoon garlic salt 1 8-ounce can tomato sauce 1 No. 2½ can tomatoes 1 8-ounce package spaghetti Grated Parmesan cheese, if desired 1 8-ounce package spaghetti G
49 minute read
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Cherry Meat Muffins
Cherry Meat Muffins
Cherry Meat Muffins MENU IDEA Cherry Meat Muffins Baked Potatoes Asparagus Head Lettuce Salad Hard Rolls Butter or Margarine Lemon Chiffon Cake Beverage 1 12-ounce can luncheon meat, ground 1 cup soft bread crumbs 1 egg, well beaten 2 tablespoons brown sugar 1 teaspoon prepared mustard Combine ingredients in order given, mix thoroughly. Pack mixture into medium-size muffin pans, filling each ⅔ full. Bake in slow oven (300° F.) for 30 to 45 minutes. Serve with Cherry Sauce. 3 to 4 servings....
28 minute read
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Cherry Sauce
Cherry Sauce
1 tablespoon cornstarch ¼ cup sugar 1 cup cherry juice 1 cup pitted red cherries Combine cornstarch, sugar and cherry juice. Cook over low heat, stirring constantly until thick and clear. Add cherries and serve hot over meat muffins....
16 minute read
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Heart Andalouse
Heart Andalouse
Heart Andalouse MENU IDEA Heart Andalouse Rice and Peas Tossed Green Salad Salt Sticks Butter or Margarine Lemon Chiffon Pie Beverage 1 pound beef or veal heart 1 cup water 1 teaspoon salt 1 No. 1 can condensed tomato soup ¼ pound cheddar cheese, grated 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce ¼ cup flour ½ cup milk 2 cups hot cooked rice 1 No. 303 can or 1 12-ounce package frozen peas, cooked Wash heart and remove hard parts. Cut in ¾-inch cubes. Add water and salt. Cover closely, cook slowly 1½ hours
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Liver Rolls
Liver Rolls
Liver Rolls MENU IDEA Liver Rolls Fried Potatoes and Onions Stuffed Tomato Salad French Bread Butter or Margarine Pineapple-Mint Sundae Chocolate Brownies Beverage 6 slices beef or pork liver, cut ¼-inch thick 1 teaspoon salt ½ teaspoon pepper ⅛ teaspoon thyme 6 pork sausage links 1 tablespoon lard 1 cup tomato sauce Trim membrane from liver, sprinkle with seasonings. Roll each slice with a sausage link in center; fasten with a wooden pick. Brown slowly in lard, pour off drippings. Add tomato sa
32 minute read
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Smoked Tongue Rarebit
Smoked Tongue Rarebit
Smoked Tongue Rarebit MENU IDEA Smoked Tongue Rarebit Boiled Rice Buttered Peas Cucumber-Onion Salad Hard Rolls Butter or Margarine Southern Marble Cake Beverage 10 to 12 slices cooked smoked tongue or 1 9-ounce can smoked tongue 2 tablespoons butter or margarine 2 tablespoons flour ¼ teaspoon paprika ¼ teaspoon dry mustard 1 cup milk 1 cup grated cheddar cheese ½ teaspoon Worcestershire sauce Cut tongue into thin strips, about 3 inches long. Melt butter or margarine. Stir in flour, paprika and
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Sweetbreads—Canadian-Style Bacon—Pineapple Grill
Sweetbreads—Canadian-Style Bacon—Pineapple Grill
Sweetbread Grill MENU IDEA Sweetbread Grill Mashed Potatoes Green Beans Tomato-Cucumber Salad Cloverleaf Rolls Butter or Margarine Chocolate Fudge Cake Beverage 1 pound sweetbreads 1 quart water 1 teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon vinegar or lemon juice 6 slices Canadian-style bacon cut ¼-inch thick 6 pineapple slices 2 tablespoons butter or margarine, melted Wash sweetbreads. Add water, salt and vinegar or lemon juice. Simmer 20 minutes. Drain. Remove membrane and divide sweetbreads into 6 servings. P
45 minute read
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Pumpkin Pecan Pie
Pumpkin Pecan Pie
1 unbaked 9-inch pie crust ( See recipe below. ) 3 tablespoons sugar ½ teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon cinnamon ½ teaspoon ground ginger ½ teaspoon nutmeg 1 No. 303 can or 2 cups canned pumpkin ⅔ cup brown sugar 2 eggs, beaten 1 cup evaporated milk ½ cup water ½ cup water Mix sugar, salt and spices well. Combine pumpkin, brown sugar, eggs and spice mixture. Scald evaporated milk and water. Add scalded milk, stirring until evenly blended. Pour into unbaked pie crust and bake in a hot oven (425° F.) 40 m
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Single Pie Crust
Single Pie Crust
( 8 or 9-inch Single Pie Crust ) 1 cup sifted enriched flour ¾ teaspoon salt 4 to 6 tablespoons lard 2 to 4 tablespoons cold water Add salt to flour. Cut lard into flour until crumbs are about size of small peas. Add cold water, a little at a time, mixing quickly and evenly through flour with a fork until dough just holds in a ball. Use as little water as possible. Roll to about ⅛ inch in thickness. Line pie pan. Bake according to directions in recipe. For baked crust prick bottom of shell with
34 minute read
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Orange-Nut Cake
Orange-Nut Cake
1 cup raisins 1 large orange 1¾ cups sifted enriched flour 1 teaspoon baking soda ¼ teaspoon salt ½ cup lard 1 cup sugar 2 eggs ¾ cup sour milk ½ cup chopped walnuts Line two 8-inch cake pans with waxed paper. Grind raisins and seeded orange with fine blade of food grinder. Sift flour, baking soda and salt together. Cream lard with sugar until light and fluffy. Add eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition. Add flour mixture alternately with sour milk, mixing thoroughly after each ad
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Date-Nut Drops
Date-Nut Drops
1½ cups sifted enriched flour ½ teaspoon baking soda ¾ teaspoon baking powder ½ teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon cinnamon ½ teaspoon ground cloves ½ cup lard 1 cup brown sugar ¼ cup milk 1 egg ¼ pound pitted dates, chopped ½ cup chopped walnuts ¼ pound pitted dates, chopped ½ cup chopped walnuts Sift together 1¼ cups flour, baking soda, baking powder, salt, cinnamon and cloves. Mix remaining ¼ cup flour with chopped dates. Cream lard with brown sugar until light and fluffy. Add egg and mix well. Add sif
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2 cups sifted enriched flour 1 tablespoon baking powder ¾ teaspoon salt 4 to 6 tablespoons lard ⅓ to ½ cup milk Sift together flour, baking powder and salt. Cut in lard until mixture has fine even crumb. Add enough milk to make a soft dough. Turn onto a lightly floured surface and knead gently for ½ minute. Pat or roll ½ inch thick and cut with a medium-sized biscuit cutter, dipped in flour. Place on baking sheet and bake in a hot oven (450° F.) for 12 to 15 minutes. Yield: 10 to 12 biscuits....
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Homemade Pastry Mix
Homemade Pastry Mix
7 cups sifted enriched flour 4 teaspoons salt 1¾ cups lard for soft wheat flour or 2 cups for hard wheat flour Add salt to flour. Cut lard into flour and salt with a fork or pastry blender until the crumbs are about the size of small peas. Cover, store in refrigerator until ready to use. Mixture will keep at least a month in refrigerator. Yield: 8 single pie crusts. For single pie crust, add 2 to 4 tablespoons cold water to 1½ cups Homemade Pastry Mix, and for double pie crust 4 to 6 tablespoons
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Southern Marble Cake
Southern Marble Cake
2 cups sifted enriched flour 2 teaspoons baking powder ¼ teaspoon salt ½ cup lard 1 cup sugar 2 eggs, beaten ½ cup milk 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 teaspoon cinnamon ¼ teaspoon cloves ½ teaspoon nutmeg 2 tablespoons molasses ½ teaspoon nutmeg 2 tablespoons molasses Sift flour, baking powder and salt together. Cream lard with sugar until light and fluffy. Add beaten eggs. Add sifted dry ingredients alternately with milk. Add vanilla. Divide batter into 2 parts, adding spices and molasses to 1 part. Spoo
36 minute read
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