Isaac Newton
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The Fourth Edition, corrected.
The Fourth Edition, corrected.
LONDON: Printed for William Innys at the West-End of St. Paul's . Mdccxxx . TITLE PAGE OF THE 1730 EDITION...
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Part of the ensuing Discourse about Light was written at the Desire of some Gentlemen of the Royal-Society, in the Year 1675, and then sent to their Secretary, and read at their Meetings, and the rest was added about twelve Years after to complete the Theory; except the third Book, and the last Proposition of the Second, which were since put together out of scatter'd Papers. To avoid being engaged in Disputes about these Matters, I have hitherto delayed the printing, and should still have delaye
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In this Second Edition of these Opticks I have omitted the Mathematical Tracts publish'd at the End of the former Edition, as not belonging to the Subject. And at the End of the Third Book I have added some Questions. And to shew that I do not take Gravity for an essential Property of Bodies, I have added one Question concerning its Cause, chusing to propose it by way of a Question, because I am not yet satisfied about it for want of Experiments. July 16, 1717....
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This new Edition of Sir Isaac Newton's Opticks is carefully printed from the Third Edition, as it was corrected by the Author's own Hand, and left before his Death with the Bookseller. Since Sir Isaac's Lectiones Opticæ, which he publickly read in the University of Cambridge in the Years 1669, 1670, and 1671, are lately printed, it has been thought proper to make at the bottom of the Pages several Citations from thence, where may be found the Demonstrations, which the Author omitted in these Opt
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My Design in this Book is not to explain the Properties of Light by Hypotheses, but to propose and prove them by Reason and Experiments: In order to which I shall premise the following Definitions and Axioms....
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By the Rays of Light I understand its least Parts, and those as well Successive in the same Lines, as Contemporary in several Lines. For it is manifest that Light consists of Parts, both Successive and Contemporary; because in the same place you may stop that which comes one moment, and let pass that which comes presently after; and in the same time you may stop it in any one place, and let it pass in any other. For that part of Light which is stopp'd cannot be the same with that which is let pa
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Refrangibility of the Rays of Light, is their Disposition to be refracted or turned out of their Way in passing out of one transparent Body or Medium into another. And a greater or less Refrangibility of Rays, is their Disposition to be turned more or less out of their Way in like Incidences on the same Medium. Mathematicians usually consider the Rays of Light to be Lines reaching from the luminous Body to the Body illuminated, and the refraction of those Rays to be the bending or breaking of th
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Reflexibility of Rays, is their Disposition to be reflected or turned back into the same Medium from any other Medium upon whose Surface they fall. And Rays are more or less reflexible, which are turned back more or less easily. As if Light pass out of a Glass into Air, and by being inclined more and more to the common Surface of the Glass and Air, begins at length to be totally reflected by that Surface; those sorts of Rays which at like Incidences are reflected most copiously, or by inclining
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The Angle of Incidence is that Angle, which the Line described by the incident Ray contains with the Perpendicular to the reflecting or refracting Surface at the Point of Incidence....
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The Angle of Reflexion or Refraction, is the Angle which the line described by the reflected or refracted Ray containeth with the Perpendicular to the reflecting or refracting Surface at the Point of Incidence....
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The Sines of Incidence, Reflexion, and Refraction, are the Sines of the Angles of Incidence, Reflexion, and Refraction....
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The Light whose Rays are all alike Refrangible, I call Simple, Homogeneal and Similar; and that whose Rays are some more Refrangible than others, I call Compound, Heterogeneal and Dissimilar. The former Light I call Homogeneal, not because I would affirm it so in all respects, but because the Rays which agree in Refrangibility, agree at least in all those their other Properties which I consider in the following Discourse....
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The Colours of Homogeneal Lights, I call Primary, Homogeneal and Simple; and those of Heterogeneal Lights, Heterogeneal and Compound. For these are always compounded of the colours of Homogeneal Lights; as will appear in the following Discourse....
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AX. I.
AX. I.
The Angles of Reflexion and Refraction, lie in one and the same Plane with the Angle of Incidence....
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The Angle of Reflexion is equal to the Angle of Incidence....
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If the refracted Ray be returned directly back to the Point of Incidence, it shall be refracted into the Line before described by the incident Ray....
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Refraction out of the rarer Medium into the denser, is made towards the Perpendicular; that is, so that the Angle of Refraction be less than the Angle of Incidence....
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AX. V.
AX. V.
The Sine of Incidence is either accurately or very nearly in a given Ratio to the Sine of Refraction. Whence if that Proportion be known in any one Inclination of the incident Ray, 'tis known in all the Inclinations, and thereby the Refraction in all cases of Incidence on the same refracting Body may be determined. Thus if the Refraction be made out of Air into Water, the Sine of Incidence of the red Light is to the Sine of its Refraction as 4 to 3. If out of Air into Glass, the Sines are as 17
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Homogeneal Rays which flow from several Points of any Object, and fall perpendicularly or almost perpendicularly on any reflecting or refracting Plane or spherical Surface, shall afterwards diverge from so many other Points, or be parallel to so many other Lines, or converge to so many other Points, either accurately or without any sensible Error. And the same thing will happen, if the Rays be reflected or refracted successively by two or three or more Plane or Spherical Surfaces. The Point from
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Wherever the Rays which come from all the Points of any Object meet again in so many Points after they have been made to converge by Reflection or Refraction, there they will make a Picture of the Object upon any white Body on which they fall. So if PR [in Fig. 3.] represent any Object without Doors, and AB be a Lens placed at a hole in the Window-shut of a dark Chamber, whereby the Rays that come from any Point Q of that Object are made to converge and meet again in the Point q ; and if a Sheet
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An Object seen by Reflexion or Refraction, appears in that place from whence the Rays after their last Reflexion or Refraction diverge in falling on the Spectator's Eye. If the Object A [in Fig. 9. ] be seen by Reflexion of a Looking-glass mn , it shall appear, not in its proper place A, but behind the Glass at a , from whence any Rays AB, AC, AD, which flow from one and the same Point of the Object, do after their Reflexion made in the Points B, C, D, diverge in going from the Glass to E, F, G,
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PROP. I. Theor. I.
PROP. I. Theor. I.
Lights which differ in Colour, differ also in Degrees of Refrangibility. The Proof by Experiments. Exper. 1. I took a black oblong stiff Paper terminated by Parallel Sides, and with a Perpendicular right Line drawn cross from one Side to the other, distinguished it into two equal Parts. One of these parts I painted with a red colour and the other with a blue. The Paper was very black, and the Colours intense and thickly laid on, that the Phænomenon might be more conspicuous. This Paper I view'd
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PROP. II. Theor. II.
PROP. II. Theor. II.
The Light of the Sun consists of Rays differently Refrangible. The Proof by Experiments. Exper. 3. In a very dark Chamber, at a round Hole, about one third Part of an Inch broad, made in the Shut of a Window, I placed a Glass Prism, whereby the Beam of the Sun's Light, which came in at that Hole, might be refracted upwards toward the opposite Wall of the Chamber, and there form a colour'd Image of the Sun. The Axis of the Prism (that is, the Line passing through the middle of the Prism from one
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PROP. III. Theor. III.
PROP. III. Theor. III.
The Sun's Light consists of Rays differing in Reflexibility, and those Rays are more reflexible than others which are more refrangible. This is manifest by the ninth and tenth Experiments: For in the ninth Experiment, by turning the Prism about its Axis, until the Rays within it which in going out into the Air were refracted by its Base, became so oblique to that Base, as to begin to be totally reflected thereby; those Rays became first of all totally reflected, which before at equal Incidences
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PROP. IV. Prob. I.
PROP. IV. Prob. I.
To separate from one another the heterogeneous Rays of compound Light. The heterogeneous Rays are in some measure separated from one another by the Refraction of the Prism in the third Experiment, and in the fifth Experiment, by taking away the Penumbra from the rectilinear sides of the coloured Image, that Separation in those very rectilinear sides or straight edges of the Image becomes perfect. But in all places between those rectilinear edges, those innumerable Circles there described, which
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PROP. V. Theor. IV.
PROP. V. Theor. IV.
Homogeneal Light is refracted regularly without any Dilatation splitting or shattering of the Rays, and the confused Vision of Objects seen through refracting Bodies by heterogeneal Light arises from the different Refrangibility of several sorts of Rays. The first Part of this Proposition has been already sufficiently proved in the fifth Experiment, and will farther appear by the Experiments which follow. Exper. 12. In the middle of a black Paper I made a round Hole about a fifth or sixth Part o
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PROP. VI. Theor. V.
PROP. VI. Theor. V.
The Sine of Incidence of every Ray considered apart, is to its Sine of Refraction in a given Ratio. That every Ray consider'd apart, is constant to it self in some degree of Refrangibility, is sufficiently manifest out of what has been said. Those Rays, which in the first Refraction, are at equal Incidences most refracted, are also in the following Refractions at equal Incidences most refracted; and so of the least refrangible, and the rest which have any mean Degree of Refrangibility, as is man
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PROP. VII. Theor. VI.
PROP. VII. Theor. VI.
The Perfection of Telescopes is impeded by the different Refrangibility of the Rays of Light. The Imperfection of Telescopes is vulgarly attributed to the spherical Figures of the Glasses, and therefore Mathematicians have propounded to figure them by the conical Sections. To shew that they are mistaken, I have inserted this Proposition; the truth of which will appear by the measure of the Refractions of the several sorts of Rays; and these measures I thus determine. In the third Experiment of t
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To shorten Telescopes. Let ABCD [in Fig. 29.] represent a Glass spherically concave on the foreside AB, and as much convex on the backside CD, so that it be every where of an equal thickness. Let it not be thicker on one side than on the other, lest it make Objects appear colour'd and indistinct, and let it be very truly wrought and quick-silver'd over on the backside; and set in the Tube VXYZ which must be very black within. Let EFG represent a Prism of Glass or Crystal placed near the other en
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PROP. I. Theor. I.
PROP. I. Theor. I.
The Phænomena of Colours in refracted or reflected Light are not caused by new Modifications of the Light variously impress'd, according to the various Terminations of the Light and Shadow . The Proof by Experiments. Exper. 1. For if the Sun shine into a very dark Chamber through an oblong hole F, [in Fig. 1.] whose breadth is the sixth or eighth part of an Inch, or something less; and his beam FH do afterwards pass first through a very large Prism ABC, distant about 20 Feet from the hole, and p
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PROP. II. Theor. II.
PROP. II. Theor. II.
All homogeneal Light has its proper Colour answering to its Degree of Refrangibility, and that Colour cannot be changed by Reflexions and Refractions. In the Experiments of the fourth Proposition of the first Part of this first Book, when I had separated the heterogeneous Rays from one another, the Spectrum pt formed by the separated Rays, did in the Progress from its End p , on which the most refrangible Rays fell, unto its other End t , on which the least refrangible Rays fell, appear tinged w
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The homogeneal Light and Rays which appear red, or rather make Objects appear so, I call Rubrifick or Red-making; those which make Objects appear yellow, green, blue, and violet, I call Yellow-making, Green-making, Blue-making, Violet-making, and so of the rest. And if at any time I speak of Light and Rays as coloured or endued with Colours, I would be understood to speak not philosophically and properly, but grossly, and accordingly to such Conceptions as vulgar People in seeing all these Exper
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PROP. III. Prob. I.
PROP. III. Prob. I.
To define the Refrangibility of the several sorts of homogeneal Light answering to the several Colours. For determining this Problem I made the following Experiment. [J] Exper. 7. When I had caused the Rectilinear Sides AF, GM, [in Fig. 4.] of the Spectrum of Colours made by the Prism to be distinctly defined, as in the fifth Experiment of the first Part of this Book is described, there were found in it all the homogeneal Colours in the same Order and Situation one among another as in the Spectr
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PROP. IV. Theor. III.
PROP. IV. Theor. III.
Colours may be produced by Composition which shall be like to the Colours of homogeneal Light as to the Appearance of Colour, but not as to the Immutability of Colour and Constitution of Light. And those Colours by how much they are more compounded by so much are they less full and intense, and by too much Composition they maybe diluted and weaken'd till they cease, and the Mixture becomes white or grey. There may be also Colours produced by Composition, which are not fully like any of the Colou
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PROP. V. Theor. IV.
PROP. V. Theor. IV.
Whiteness and all grey Colours between white and black, may be compounded of Colours, and the whiteness of the Sun's Light is compounded of all the primary Colours mix'd in a due Proportion. The Proof by Experiments. Exper. 9. The Sun shining into a dark Chamber through a little round hole in the Window-shut, and his Light being there refracted by a Prism to cast his coloured Image PT [in Fig. 5.] upon the opposite Wall: I held a white Paper V to that image in such manner that it might be illumi
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PROP. VI. Prob. II.
PROP. VI. Prob. II.
In a mixture of Primary Colours, the Quantity and Quality of each being given, to know the Colour of the Compound. With the Center O [in Fig. 11.] and Radius OD describe a Circle ADF, and distinguish its Circumference into seven Parts DE, EF, FG, GA, AB, BC, CD, proportional to the seven Musical Tones or Intervals of the eight Sounds, Sol , la , fa , sol , la , mi , fa , sol , contained in an eight, that is, proportional to the Number 1/9, 1/16, 1/10, 1/9, 1/16, 1/16, 1/9. Let the first Part DE
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PROP. VII. Theor. V.
PROP. VII. Theor. V.
All the Colours in the Universe which are made by Light, and depend not on the Power of Imagination, are either the Colours of homogeneal Lights, or compounded of these, and that either accurately or very nearly, according to the Rule of the foregoing Problem. For it has been proved (in Prop. 1. Part 2. ) that the changes of Colours made by Refractions do not arise from any new Modifications of the Rays impress'd by those Refractions, and by the various Terminations of Light and Shadow, as has b
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By the discovered Properties of Light to explain the Colours made by Prisms. Let ABC [in Fig. 12.] represent a Prism refracting the Light of the Sun, which comes into a dark Chamber through a hole Fφ almost as broad as the Prism, and let MN represent a white Paper on which the refracted Light is cast, and suppose the most refrangible or deepest violet-making Rays fall upon the Space Pπ, the least refrangible or deepest red-making Rays upon the Space Tτ, the middle sort between the indigo-making
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PROP. IX. Prob. IV.
PROP. IX. Prob. IV.
By the discovered Properties of Light to explain the Colours of the Rain-bow. This Bow never appears, but where it rains in the Sun-shine, and may be made artificially by spouting up Water which may break aloft, and scatter into Drops, and fall down like Rain. For the Sun shining upon these Drops certainly causes the Bow to appear to a Spectator standing in a due Position to the Rain and Sun. And hence it is now agreed upon, that this Bow is made by Refraction of the Sun's Light in drops of fall
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PROP. X. Prob. V.
PROP. X. Prob. V.
By the discovered Properties of Light to explain the permanent Colours of Natural Bodies. These Colours arise from hence, that some natural Bodies reflect some sorts of Rays, others other sorts more copiously than the rest. Minium reflects the least refrangible or red-making Rays most copiously, and thence appears red. Violets reflect the most refrangible most copiously, and thence have their Colour, and so of other Bodies. Every Body reflects the Rays of its own Colour more copiously than the r
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PROP. XI. Prob. VI.
PROP. XI. Prob. VI.
By mixing colour'd Lights to compound a beam of Light of the same Colour and Nature with a beam of the Sun's direct Light, and therein to experience the Truth of the foregoing Propositions. Let ABC abc [in Fig. 16.] represent a Prism, by which the Sun's Light let into a dark Chamber through the Hole F, may be refracted towards the Lens MN, and paint upon it at p , q , r , s , and t , the usual Colours violet, blue, green, yellow, and red, and let the diverging Rays by the Refraction of this Lens
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Observations concerning the Reflexions, Refractions, and Colours of thin transparent Bodies.
Observations concerning the Reflexions, Refractions, and Colours of thin transparent Bodies.
It has been observed by others, that transparent Substances, as Glass, Water, Air, &c. when made very thin by being blown into Bubbles, or otherwise formed into Plates, do exhibit various Colours according to their various thinness, altho' at a greater thickness they appear very clear and colourless. In the former Book I forbore to treat of these Colours, because they seemed of a more difficult Consideration, and were not necessary for establishing the Properties of Light there discourse
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Remarks upon the foregoing Observations.
Remarks upon the foregoing Observations.
Having given my Observations of these Colours, before I make use of them to unfold the Causes of the Colours of natural Bodies, it is convenient that by the simplest of them, such as are the 2d, 3d, 4th, 9th, 12th, 18th, 20th, and 24th, I first explain the more compounded. And first to shew how the Colours in the fourth and eighteenth Observations are produced, let there be taken in any Right Line from the Point Y, [in Fig. 6.] the Lengths YA, YB, YC, YD, YE, YF, YG, YH, in proportion to one ano
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The thickness of colour'd Plates and Particles of
The thickness of colour'd Plates and Particles of
There are also other Uses of this Table: For by its assistance the thickness of the Bubble in the 19th Observation was determin'd by the Colours which it exhibited. And so the bigness of the parts of natural Bodies may be conjectured by their Colours, as shall be hereafter shewn. Also, if two or more very thin Plates be laid one upon another, so as to compose one Plate equalling them all in thickness, the resulting Colour may be hereby determin'd. For instance, Mr. Hook observed, as is mentioned
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I am now come to another part of this Design, which is to consider how the Phænomena of thin transparent Plates stand related to those of all other natural Bodies. Of these Bodies I have already told you that they appear of divers Colours, accordingly as they are disposed to reflect most copiously the Rays originally endued with those Colours. But their Constitutions, whereby they reflect some Rays more copiously than others, remain to be discover'd; and these I shall endeavour to manifest in th
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Prop. I.
Prop. I.
Those Superficies of transparent Bodies reflect the greatest quantity of Light, which have the greatest refracting Power; that is, which intercede Mediums that differ most in their refractive Densities. And in the Confines of equally refracting Mediums there is no Reflexion. The Analogy between Reflexion and Refraction will appear by considering, that when Light passeth obliquely out of one Medium into another which refracts from the perpendicular, the greater is the difference of their refracti
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Prop. II.
Prop. II.
The least parts of almost all natural Bodies are in some measure transparent: And the Opacity of those Bodies ariseth from the multitude of Reflexions caused in their internal Parts. That this is so has been observed by others, and will easily be granted by them that have been conversant with Microscopes. And it may be also tried by applying any substance to a hole through which some Light is immitted into a dark Room. For how opake soever that Substance may seem in the open Air, it will by that
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Prop. III.
Prop. III.
Between the parts of opake and colour'd Bodies are many Spaces, either empty, or replenish'd with Mediums of other Densities; as Water between the tinging Corpuscles wherewith any Liquor is impregnated, Air between the aqueous Globules that constitute Clouds or Mists; and for the most part Spaces void of both Air and Water, but yet perhaps not wholly void of all Substance, between the parts of hard Bodies. The truth of this is evinced by the two precedent Propositions: For by the second Proposit
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Prop. IV.
Prop. IV.
The Parts of Bodies and their Interstices must not be less than of some definite bigness, to render them opake and colour'd. For the opakest Bodies, if their parts be subtilly divided, (as Metals, by being dissolved in acid Menstruums, &c.) become perfectly transparent. And you may also remember, that in the eighth Observation there was no sensible reflexion at the Superficies of the Object-glasses, where they were very near one another, though they did not absolutely touch. And in the 1
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Prop. V.
Prop. V.
The transparent parts of Bodies, according to their several sizes, reflect Rays of one Colour, and transmit those of another, on the same grounds that thin Plates or Bubbles do reflect or transmit those Rays. And this I take to be the ground of all their Colours. For if a thinn'd or plated Body, which being of an even thickness, appears all over of one uniform Colour, should be slit into Threads, or broken into Fragments, of the same thickness with the Plate; I see no reason why every Thread or
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Prop. VI.
Prop. VI.
The parts of Bodies on which their Colours depend, are denser than the Medium which pervades their Interstices. This will appear by considering, that the Colour of a Body depends not only on the Rays which are incident perpendicularly on its parts, but on those also which are incident at all other Angles. And that according to the 7th Observation, a very little variation of obliquity will change the reflected Colour, where the thin Body or small Particles is rarer than the ambient Medium, insomu
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Prop. VII.
Prop. VII.
The bigness of the component parts of natural Bodies may be conjectured by their Colours. For since the parts of these Bodies, by Prop. 5. do most probably exhibit the same Colours with a Plate of equal thickness, provided they have the same refractive density; and since their parts seem for the most part to have much the same density with Water or Glass, as by many circumstances is obvious to collect; to determine the sizes of those parts, you need only have recourse to the precedent Tables, in
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Prop. VIII.
Prop. VIII.
The Cause of Reflexion is not the impinging of Light on the solid or impervious parts of Bodies, as is commonly believed. This will appear by the following Considerations. First, That in the passage of Light out of Glass into Air there is a Reflexion as strong as in its passage out of Air into Glass, or rather a little stronger, and by many degrees stronger than in its passage out of Glass into Water. And it seems not probable that Air should have more strongly reflecting parts than Water or Gla
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Prop. IX.
Prop. IX.
Bodies reflect and refract Light by one and the same power, variously exercised in various Circumstances. This appears by several Considerations. First, Because when Light goes out of Glass into Air, as obliquely as it can possibly do. If its Incidence be made still more oblique, it becomes totally reflected. For the power of the Glass after it has refracted the Light as obliquely as is possible, if the Incidence be still made more oblique, becomes too strong to let any of its Rays go through, a
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Prop. X.
Prop. X.
If Light be swifter in Bodies than in Vacuo, in the proportion of the Sines which measure the Refraction of the Bodies, the Forces of the Bodies to reflect and refract Light, are very nearly proportional to the densities of the same Bodies; excepting that unctuous and sulphureous Bodies refract more than others of this same density. Let AB represent the refracting plane Surface of any Body, and IC a Ray incident very obliquely upon the Body in C, so that the Angle ACI may be infinitely little, a
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Prop. XI.
Prop. XI.
Light is propagated from luminous Bodies in time, and spends about seven or eight Minutes of an Hour in passing from the Sun to the Earth. This was observed first by Roemer , and then by others, by means of the Eclipses of the Satellites of Jupiter . For these Eclipses, when the Earth is between the Sun and Jupiter , happen about seven or eight Minutes sooner than they ought to do by the Tables, and when the Earth is beyond the Sun they happen about seven or eight Minutes later than they ought t
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Prop. XII.
Prop. XII.
Every Ray of Light in its passage through any refracting Surface is put into a certain transient Constitution or State, which in the progress of the Ray returns at equal Intervals, and disposes the Ray at every return to be easily transmitted through the next refracting Surface, and between the returns to be easily reflected by it. This is manifest by the 5th, 9th, 12th, and 15th Observations. For by those Observations it appears, that one and the same sort of Rays at equal Angles of Incidence o
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The returns of the disposition of any Ray to be reflected I will call its Fits of easy Reflexion, and those of its disposition to be transmitted its Fits of easy Transmission, and the space it passes between every return and the next return, the Interval of its Fits....
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Prop. XIII.
Prop. XIII.
The reason why the Surfaces of all thick transparent Bodies reflect part of the Light incident on them, and refract the rest, is, that some Rays at their Incidence are in Fits of easy Reflexion, and others in Fits of easy Transmission. This may be gather'd from the 24th Observation, where the Light reflected by thin Plates of Air and Glass, which to the naked Eye appear'd evenly white all over the Plate, did through a Prism appear waved with many Successions of Light and Darkness made by alterna
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Prop. XIV.
Prop. XIV.
Those Surfaces of transparent Bodies, which if the Ray be in a Fit of Refraction do refract it most strongly, if the Ray be in a Fit of Reflexion do reflect it most easily. For we shewed above, in Prop. 8. that the cause of Reflexion is not the impinging of Light on the solid impervious parts of Bodies, but some other power by which those solid parts act on Light at a distance. We shewed also in Prop. 9. that Bodies reflect and refract Light by one and the same power, variously exercised in vari
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Prop. XV.
Prop. XV.
In any one and the same sort of Rays, emerging in any Angle out of any refracting Surface into one and the same Medium, the Interval of the following Fits of easy Reflexion and Transmission are either accurately or very nearly, as the Rectangle of the Secant of the Angle of Refraction, and of the Secant of another Angle, whose Sine is the first of 106 arithmetical mean Proportionals, between the Sines of Incidence and Refraction, counted from the Sine of Refraction. This is manifest by the 7th a
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Prop. XVI.
Prop. XVI.
In several sorts of Rays emerging in equal Angles out of any refracting Surface into the same Medium, the Intervals of the following Fits of easy Reflexion and easy Transmission are either accurately, or very nearly, as the Cube-Roots of the Squares of the lengths of a Chord, which found the Notes in an Eight , sol, la, fa, sol, la, mi, fa, sol, with all their intermediate degrees answering to the Colours of those Rays, according to the Analogy described in the seventh Experiment of the second P
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Prop. XVII.
Prop. XVII.
If Rays of any sort pass perpendicularly into several Mediums, the Intervals of the Fits of easy Reflexion and Transmission in any one Medium, are to those Intervals in any other, as the Sine of Incidence to the Sine of Refraction, when the Rays pass out of the first of those two Mediums into the second. This is manifest by the 10th Observation....
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Prop. XVIII.
Prop. XVIII.
If the Rays which paint the Colour in the Confine of yellow and orange pass perpendicularly out of any Medium into Air, the Intervals of their Fits of easy Reflexion are the 1/89000th part of an Inch. And of the same length are the Intervals of their Fits of easy Transmission. This is manifest by the 6th Observation. From these Propositions it is easy to collect the Intervals of the Fits of easy Reflexion and easy Transmission of any sort of Rays refracted in any angle into any Medium; and thenc
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Prop. XIX.
Prop. XIX.
If any sort of Rays falling on the polite Surface of any pellucid Medium be reflected back, the Fits of easy Reflexion, which they have at the point of Reflexion, shall still continue to return; and the Returns shall be at distances from the point of Reflexion in the arithmetical progression of the Numbers 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, &c. and between these Fits the Rays shall be in Fits of easy Transmission. For since the Fits of easy Reflexion and easy Transmission are of a returning nature, the
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Prop. XX.
Prop. XX.
The Intervals of the Fits of easy Reflexion and easy Transmission, propagated from points of Reflexion into any Medium, are equal to the Intervals of the like Fits, which the same Rays would have, if refracted into the same Medium in Angles of Refraction equal to their Angles of Reflexion. For when Light is reflected by the second Surface of thin Plates, it goes out afterwards freely at the first Surface to make the Rings of Colours which appear by Reflexion; and, by the freedom of its egress, m
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Observations concerning the Reflexions and Colours of thick transparent polish'd Plates. There is no Glass or Speculum how well soever polished, but, besides the Light which it refracts or reflects regularly, scatters every way irregularly a faint Light, by means of which the polish'd Surface, when illuminated in a dark room by a beam of the Sun's Light, may be easily seen in all positions of the Eye. There are certain Phænomena of this scatter'd Light, which when I first observed them, seem'd v
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Observations concerning the Inflexions of the Rays of Light, and the Colours made thereby. Grimaldo has inform'd us, that if a beam of the Sun's Light be let into a dark Room through a very small hole, the Shadows of things in this Light will be larger than they ought to be if the Rays went on by the Bodies in straight Lines, and that these Shadows have three parallel Fringes, Bands or Ranks of colour'd Light adjacent to them. But if the Hole be enlarged the Fringes grow broad and run into one a
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